KLEEN's Machine gets Torqued Up with EndoSurge! A BPS Sponsored Log



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Man my appetite has soared recently I am easily hitting 1800-2000 every burn day. Although I think I am gaining weight by doing this now. However not really gaining fat. I feel like I am close to 200 again but looking pretty lean. Some of it may be glyco but as a whole I just feel bigger right now.
That's always a good feeling.


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Had a great workout this morning. I was surprised because I was sore from the last workout which was obviously higher volume than what I have been doing at least for the chest and back. The squats had taken their toll on my hamstrings and adductors also. So I was not expecting much but had a great lifte nonetheless. We did not do any extra arm work just the compound lifts for upper body. However it was just what the doctor ordered for my elbows as I had not hint of pain during the lift.

Incline Barbell Bench 45 degree - 135x10, 185x10, 215x9 > 165x6 > 115x6 - I am not complaining about this my pecs were sore as a mofo and this was the first time I have done incline bench with the barbell in a little while especially at a 45 degree angle.

HS Seated Rows weight per side- 45x10, 70x10, 115x10 > 70x10 > 45x8 not bad here I have not used this machine in quite a while either so not much to reference.

HS Shoulder Press weights per side - 90x12, 115x10 > 70x10 > 45x8 - Shoulders felt great awesome pump.

Hack Squats weight per side - 1p x20, 2p x20, 3p x15 > 2p x12

Seated Leg Curls - 135x12 > 95x8 > 55x12

All in all a great workout.

General Info - I weighed myself this morning and after a burn day I am up to 198 right now. Not trying to gain weight so this is a nice finding. I am not sure all is muscle, some glyco and water maybe but as I said before I FEEL BIGGER and my abs are no worse off so that is a good sign.

I started taking an 7 Day full body cleanse system yesterday, I like to do that once or twice a year. On top of the obvious reasons, like detoxing the body and what not it cleanses the intestines so that they can better absorb the nutrients in my food as well as better intake of the supplements. So I kind of doubt that I will weigh in at 198 for too long. LOL However, I will feel much better and be healthier. I am sure a little thinner as well…

That's always a good feeling.
Volc what up baby! Running any logs? Pop a link in here so we can follow along. Back is looking wicked in that avi brother!


Had a great workout this morning. I was surprised because I was sore from the last workout which was obviously higher volume than what I have been doing at least for the chest and back. The squats had taken their toll on my hamstrings and adductors also. So I was not expecting much but had a great lifte nonetheless. We did not do any extra arm work just the compound lifts for upper body. However it was just what the doctor ordered for my elbows as I had not hint of pain during the lift.

Incline Barbell Bench 45 degree - 135x10, 185x10, 215x9 > 165x6 > 115x6 - I am not complaining about this my pecs were sore as a mofo and this was the first time I have done incline bench with the barbell in a little while especially at a 45 degree angle.

HS Seated Rows weight per side- 45x10, 70x10, 115x10 > 70x10 > 45x8 not bad here I have not used this machine in quite a while either so not much to reference.

HS Shoulder Press - 90x12, 115x10 > 70x10 > 45x8 - Shoulders felt great awesome pump.

Hack Squats weight per side - 1p x20, 2p x20, 3p x15 > 2p x12

Seated Leg Curls - 135x12 > 95x8 > 55x12

All in all a great workout.

General Info - I weighed myself this morning and after a burn day I am up to 198 right now. Not trying to gain weight so this is a nice finding. I am not sure all is muscle, some glyco and water maybe but as I said before I FEEL BIGGER and my abs are no worse off so that is a good sign.

I started taking an 7 Day full body cleanse system yesterday, I like to do that once or twice a year. On top of the obvious reasons, like detoxing the body and what not it cleanses the intestines so that they can better absorb the nutrients in my food as well as better intake of the supplements. So I kind of doubt that I will weigh in at 198 for too long. LOL However, I will feel much better and be healthier. I am sure a little thinner as well…



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That's always a good feeling.
Lookie who it is!!

Brother Sam, you're looking wide in the lats in that avi shot.......and your delts look as big as bowling balls.
The training has been going good, I take it?


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Lookie who it is!!

Brother Sam, you're looking wide in the lats in that avi shot.......and your delts look as big as bowling balls.
The training has been going good, I take it?
Thanks TG, my workouts have been of Kleen/TG standards or close as one can get.


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7 day, I saw those but seems kind harsh and I opted for the 30 day plan can't really clean right out in 7 days....This is fast enough for me anyhow any more severe an it would be hard to train.


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7 day, I saw those but seems kind harsh and I opted for the 30 day plan can't really clean right out in 7 days....This is fast enough for me anyhow any more severe an it would be hard to train.
Is that you avi at 247lbs DW? I mean, damn.


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Is that you avi at 247lbs DW? I mean, damn.
I'm certain that weight is from a while back. He's no where near that bodyweight now.


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Thanks Kleen. I like the Franco Columbo'esque striations you got going on in your pecs there. You could trip over that pec major/minor separation.


The log is half way through though. Good seeing everybody.
I am there now. Thanks for the compliment I loved Franco's chest and was crazy excited the first time I saw I had that separation!
7 day, I saw those but seems kind harsh and I opted for the 30 day plan can't really clean right out in 7 days....This is fast enough for me anyhow any more severe an it would be hard to train.
Yeah if it seems harsh i will just take less pills at a time and extend it a bit.

Is that you avi at 247lbs DW? I mean, damn.
I'm certain that weight is from a while back. He's no where near that bodyweight now.
I think he was about 204 in that particular pic. He just took some I think at 201-202 that we are waiting for him to get from the photographer and get posted.

Holy cow that was a lot of reading to catch up lol. Great log Kleen you are a beast
Thanks BP, really enjoying the run if you can't tell.


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Wow, I'm out 2 days and I got dome reading to do....

Damn, good to see u around Volcom.


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Day 26 Cardio

I got up and did my cardio this morning taking my 2 Endosurge and one Formadrol with my 1 scoop of NO Ignite for energy. I was already dragging a good bit of ass from being up later than normal from my son having a football game out in Humble and I had to pick him up later than normal at school. I decided I really didn't feel like killing myself for that extra 100 calories considering I was tired and my hamstrings are still a bit sore. So I just walked at a nice comfortable 3.0 MPH pace on cross country hill setting and burned 475 cals in 45 minutes.

Did 2 sets or decline crunches to failure, 2 sets of decline side twisting crunches to failure then 2 sets of 20 side bends for each side holding a 50 lb dumbell.

Since I was tired I decided today would be a good day to try out the sample of Pro Xanthine 500 that I got and I took it about an hour ago. As of right now I have plenty of energy and we shall see here shortly how it does on the appetite suppression. I am curious is I will notice any issue with urine flow due to it. If not I will take it again and see if there is.

I wanted to try BPS Combustion but it has a good amount of Yohimbine in it and I know that causes me some issue with my prostate, especially the Alpha version... Damn to be young again I can't beleive I notice this stuff now. Oh well I will be 39 in 4 more months I guess it is inevitable.


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I would be curious about urine flow also. I can say for me no problems at all. When I take the pro xanthine 500 at around 7 am. I have energy all day no need for a second pill. I have noticed I do tend to get a tad thirsty after taking it.


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I got up and did my cardio this morning taking my 2 Endosurge and one Formadrol with my 1 scoop of NO Ignite for energy. I was already dragging a good bit of ass from being up later than normal from my son having a football game out in Humble and I had to pick him up later than normal at school. I decided I really didn't feel like killing myself for that extra 100 calories considering I was tired and my hamstrings are still a bit sore. So I just walked at a nice comfortable 3.0 MPH pace on cross country hill setting and burned 475 cals in 45 minutes.

Did 2 sets or decline crunches to failure, 2 sets of decline side twisting crunches to failure then 2 sets of 20 side bends for each side holding a 50 lb dumbell.

Since I was tired I decided today would be a good day to try out the sample of Pro Xanthine 500 that I got and I took it about an hour ago. As of right now I have plenty of energy and we shall see here shortly how it does on the appetite suppression. I am curious is I will notice any issue with urine flow due to it. If not I will take it again and see if there is.

I wanted to try BPS Combustion but it has a good amount of Yohimbine in it and I know that causes me some issue with my prostate, especially the Alpha version... Damn to be young again I can't beleive I notice this stuff now. Oh well I will be 39 in 4 more months I guess it is inevitable.
I remember when I was 18 and hearing the 30 some year olds worn me about joint pains, of course I laughed it off then cause that would never happen to me. Now my knee's hurt when I JOG! Damn aging, where's some HGH to reverse this ish.....


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I would be curious about urine flow also. I can say for me no problems at all. When I take the pro xanthine 500 at around 7 am. I have energy all day no need for a second pill. I have noticed I do tend to get a tad thirsty after taking it.
I think a lot of stims tend to get you thirsty. It's a particularly good idea to stay hydrated when taking nice stims.


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I remember when I was 18 and hearing the 30 some year olds worn me about joint pains, of course I laughed it off then cause that would never happen to me. Now my knee's hurt when I JOG! Damn aging, where's some HGH to reverse this ish.....
Chondroitin, MSM, Glucosamine, Vit. C, & Omega 3-6-9... all are excellent for joint health and a good number of other things, all a part of my staple daily vitamin and nutrient regiment!


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Chondroitin, MSM, Glucosamine, Vit. C, & Omega 3-6-9... all are excellent for joint health and a good number of other things, all a part of my staple daily vitamin and nutrient regiment!
I have the fish oil, but I do need toget on the Chondrotin/MSM/Glucosamine combo. Vitamin C for joint health huh? I never knew that.


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I have the fish oil, but I do need toget on the Chondrotin/MSM/Glucosamine combo. Vitamin C for joint health huh? I never knew that.
Hmm. Anti inflammatory? And maybe just some free radical protection from the joint inflammation's immune system effects.


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Hmm. Anti inflammatory? And maybe just some free radical protection from the joint inflammation's immune system effects.
.... Nail on the Head! Honestly the more I read and learn about Vit. C it is like the "Wonder Vitamin" Check this $hit out...



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.... Nail on the Head! Honestly the more I read and learn about Vit. C it is like the "Wonder Vitamin" Check this $hit out...

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfJLpPs1gTQ">YouTube Link</a>
I seriously think almost all of our degenerative diseases we suffer from can be corrected with vitamins and minerals.
They just have to come from the right sources. I.e. Be absorbed correctly.


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.... Nail on the Head! Honestly the more I read and learn about Vit. C it is like the "Wonder Vitamin" Check this $hit out...

Got-Dam that's a lot of Vitamin C! I thougt Vit C was toxic at 2,000mg? Guess not.


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I take 2 grams daily.......no problem.
I swear I am not saying this to one-up you, but I have been taking 3g/day for the past 3 months with no problem! I just take a 1g cap 3x's a day!

Also according to that youtube video at those extremely high doses it is only toxic to one thing... Cancer cells!!!


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Sounds like by the looks of things vitamin C is just kickass all around, i need to up my dose i usually only have like 1.5g a day :S


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Sounds like by the looks of things vitamin C is just kickass all around, i need to up my dose i usually only have like 1.5g a day :S
From what I have always read and learned from all the professionals in the Health Care industry is that you pretty much cannot take too much Vit. C, I don't think they are 100% clear/aware of how much of it gets used/wasted (defecated out), but taking too much for your body won't hurt you! I used to only take 1g/day in the morning until I saw that video, after that I started to up my dose, figuring if extremely high amounts can cure cancer, then why not take moderate amounts regularly to prevent, my thinking may be incorrect, but again everything I have ever read pretty much says it is good for just about every aspect of health in way or another!


Pro Virili Parte
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Look'n lean Kleen :)
Wow, I haven't seen you around these parts in forever now!

How are things bud & welcome back to the board :)

I have the fish oil, but I do need toget on the Chondrotin/MSM/Glucosamine combo. Vitamin C for joint health huh? I never knew that.
FYI Osteosport contains those (Chondrotin/MSM/Glucosamine/VitC) along with Bromelain, Cissus Quadrangularis, curcumin, and Cetyl Myristoleate. PM me for a discount on it ;)


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Wow, I haven't seen you around these parts in forever now!

How are things bud & welcome back to the board :)

FYI Osteosport contains those (Chondrotin/MSM/Glucosamine/VitC) along with Bromelain, Cissus Quadrangularis, curcumin, and Cetyl Myristoleate. PM me for a discount on it ;)

What kind of discount is there on that? The retail is pretty destructive on my wallet :(


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I got up and did my cardio this morning taking my 2 Endosurge and one Formadrol with my 1 scoop of NO Ignite for energy. I was already dragging a good bit of ass from being up later than normal from my son having a football game out in Humble and I had to pick him up later than normal at school. I decided I really didn't feel like killing myself for that extra 100 calories considering I was tired and my hamstrings are still a bit sore. So I just walked at a nice comfortable 3.0 MPH pace on cross country hill setting and burned 475 cals in 45 minutes.

Did 2 sets or decline crunches to failure, 2 sets of decline side twisting crunches to failure then 2 sets of 20 side bends for each side holding a 50 lb dumbell.

Since I was tired I decided today would be a good day to try out the sample of Pro Xanthine 500 that I got and I took it about an hour ago. As of right now I have plenty of energy and we shall see here shortly how it does on the appetite suppression. I am curious is I will notice any issue with urine flow due to it. If not I will take it again and see if there is.

I wanted to try BPS Combustion but it has a good amount of Yohimbine in it and I know that causes me some issue with my prostate, especially the Alpha version... Damn to be young again I can't beleive I notice this stuff now. Oh well I will be 39 in 4 more months I guess it is inevitable.
you needing a walker sunny... ;-P jk, love you babe. You always kill it at the gym, and I am so glad to be your partner.. So jealous you got to do deads, and I got stuck on leg press. :(


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Day 28 Rest Day- Yesterdays workout for Day 27, and Progress Pics

Okay I will start with the workout from yesterday. It went well, since we had done some shifting around I didn't expect a ton of weight to be moved but I was very happy with the workout nonetheless. I will get right into the workout.

Push Press - 105x8, 145x8, 170x8>145x6>95x5 - Well I'll be damn'd if I didn't go up 4 lbs on my heavy set and it felt like I could have hit another one without to much issue. I also got an extra rep at 145 and 2 on 95 in the drops. VERY NICE!!!

Straight Arm Pull Downs - 75x15, 90x15, 95x15>75x5>50x5 - Went up 15 lbs for both warm up and first work set, up 5 on my heavy set, but lost 2 reps on 50 lbs portion of the drop. Once again kick ass! As much overall volume as was added to the beginning 450 lbs I won't complain over losing 2 reps at the end considering that is only 100 lbs of the total volume so still up in volume by 350 lbs.

Life Fitness Chest Press - 190x12, 200x12>175x3>145x3 - WOW this thing was harder than regular benching. Pretty awesome and was a bitch to lock out my chest was about to explode. I fought for that 12 reps on 200 so hard I was just toast before I even started dropping the weight.

Cybex Arm Curl (Preacher) - 110x12>70x10 - I knew I had deads coming up and wanted to save my grip so machine it was.

DB Overhead Triceps Ext. - 100x12>70x9 - My triceps were toast from everything before even the straight arm pull downs had them burning. I had a MASSIVE Pump in them.

Dead Lift - 225x8, 315x8, 365x8, 375x5>315x5 - Yeah I know I know a drop set on deads WTF? So I lost a rep here on 375 by not doing it first but I gained 2 on 365 from last workout by having it first. I also was not resting as long this time as I did the last time I did my deads. We were running out of time so instead of doing another full rest and hitting 315 for 8 I decided to do a drop set. So I was not unhappy with 315 at all. As a matter of fact with the shorter rest periods I am very happy with this dead lift portion of my lift.

Leg Ext - 170x10, 170x10>110x10>70x5 - I decided to start with lower weight here since knees have been a little tight. I also did an extra set here without about a 30 second rest period just to increase volume and intensity a bit since using a lower weight.

Okay after this beating I went to my ART guy, he worked on my hip some more. My Rectus Femorus tendon seems to be squared away up by the hip, but he found a knot lower in the muscle belly he had to work out. It almost made me come off the table. I told him Whoah thats a new spot. He says okay let me find it again. When he did I wished I had kept my mouth shut. I am pretty tough, very high pain threshold, so I just laid there and took it. Then to my surprise a tear rolled down my cheek. I thought to myself WTF? Am I really crying here? LMFAO! I don't know what happened but my tough guy in my mind who had all but blocked out the pain and my tear ducts apparently we not communicating.

Anyway he said he thinks he got the hip issue cleared up and felt the knot in my muscle belly release, I think it was a trigger point from what I saw in the trigger point book I downloaded. So I am free and clear to start increasing weights on squats again slowly as well as my log press too. I will go back in a month for him to check on things but I am sure it will all be good.

These will more than likely serve as my final progress pics considering this is a month long run, or until my bottle runs out I think I forgot a dose here and there and may have an extra day or so worth of EndoSurge left by the end of day 30. I don't foresee many changes in my physiquie between yesterday morning and day 30.

I woke up and weighed myself and was 198-198.5 really nice considering if my memory serves me I was 195 when I started this venture. I will let the pics speak for themselves.

ScottyDoc, You will notice I did the pose you requested in here as well.

Progress 9-17-11 post.jpg

Oh yeah I put in some leg shots just to show I am not leg deficient and they are definitely my leanest feature. The pics are a little washed out on my legs because I just stuck my web cam under the computer desk and took the pics so there was low light under there and the iris was wide upon then with the light from the window coming in it just made the legs really washed out but you can see them plenty good.
Legs 9-17-11 198 lbs smaller.jpg



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you needing a walker sunny... ;-P jk, love you babe. You always kill it at the gym, and I am so glad to be your partner.. So jealous you got to do deads, and I got stuck on leg press. :(
My love, you always Rock out with your Uhm... Okay let's try that again...

You are always balls out in the gym, nope can't use that one either!!!!

You always kill that sh*t when you are in the gym. As hardcore as anyone I have lifted with. I LOVE working out with you babe!

No worries we will get this thing figured out and you will be dead lifting more than your body weight for reps again. You can still make progress while working around an issue my love just look at all the crap I have to modify all the time and I still look like a champ! Don't let this bother you, you are still the ISH to me!


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PICS are Amazing!

You are killing that ****e!

Funny truth: My wife just looked at the screen and thought I was looking at man porn. WTF!!!!


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Okay I will start with the workout from yesterday. It went well, since we had done some shifting around I didn't expect a ton of weight to be moved but I was very happy with the workout nonetheless. I will get right into the workout. Push Press - 105x8, 145x8, 170x8>145x6>95x5 - Well I'll be damn'd if I didn't go up 4 lbs on my heavy set and it felt like I could have hit another one without to much issue. I also got an extra rep at 145 and 2 on 95 in the drops. VERY NICE!!!Straight Arm Pull Downs - 75x15, 90x15, 95x15>75x5>50x5 - Went up 15 lbs for both warm up and first work set, up 5 on my heavy set, but lost 2 reps on 50 lbs portion of the drop. Once again kick ass! As much overall volume as was added to the beginning 450 lbs I won't complain over losing 2 reps at the end considering that is only 100 lbs of the total volume so still up in volume by 350 lbs.Life Fitness Chest Press - 190x12, 200x12>175x3>145x3 - WOW this thing was harder than regular benching. Pretty awesome and was a bitch to lock out my chest was about to explode. I fought for that 12 reps on 200 so hard I was just toast before I even started dropping the weight.Cybex Arm Curl (Preacher) - 110x12>70x10 - I knew I had deads coming up and wanted to save my grip so machine it was. DB Overhead Triceps Ext. - 100x12>70x9 - My triceps were toast from everything before even the straight arm pull downs had them burning. I had a MASSIVE Pump in them.Dead Lift - 225x8, 315x8, 365x8, 375x5>315x5 - Yeah I know I know a drop set on deads WTF? So I lost a rep here on 375 by not doing it first but I gained 2 on 365 from last workout by having it first. I also was not resting as long this time as I did the last time I did my deads. We were running out of time so instead of doing another full rest and hitting 315 for 8 I decided to do a drop set. So I was not unhappy with 315 at all. As a matter of fact with the shorter rest periods I am very happy with this dead lift portion of my lift.Leg Ext - 170x10, 170x10>110x10>70x5 - I decided to start with lower weight here since knees have been a little tight. I also did an extra set here without about a 30 second rest period just to increase volume and intensity a bit since using a lower weight.Okay after this beating I went to my ART guy, he worked on my hip some more. My Rectus Femorus tendon seems to be squared away up by the hip, but he found a knot lower in the muscle belly he had to work out. It almost made me come off the table. I told him Whoah thats a new spot. He says okay let me find it again. When he did I wished I had kept my mouth shut. I am pretty tough, very high pain threshold, so I just laid there and took it. Then to my surprise a tear rolled down my cheek. I thought to myself WTF? Am I really crying here? LMFAO! I don't know what happened but my tough guy in my mind who had all but blocked out the pain and my tear ducts apparently we not communicating. Anyway he said he thinks he got the hip issue cleared up and felt the knot in my muscle belly release, I think it was a trigger point from what I saw in the trigger point book I downloaded. So I am free and clear to start increasing weights on squats again slowly as well as my log press too. I will go back in a month for him to check on things but I am sure it will all be good. These will more than likely serve as my final progress pics considering this is a month long run, or until my bottle runs out I think I forgot a dose here and there and may have an extra day or so worth of EndoSurge left by the end of day 30. I don't foresee many changes in my physiquie between yesterday morning and day 30. I woke up and weighed myself and was 198-198.5 really nice considering if my memory serves me I was 195 when I started this venture. I will let the pics speak for themselves. ScottyDoc, You will notice I did the pose you requested in here as well.
View attachment 44176Oh yeah I put in some leg shots just to show I am not leg deficient and they are definitely my leanest feature. The pics are a little washed out on my legs because I just stuck my web cam under the computer desk and took the pics so there was low light under there and the iris was wide upon then with the light from the window coming in it just made the legs really washed out but you can see them plenty good. View attachment 44177
Not only am I now sick, I am freaking jealous. Lol. Hell of a job brother.


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Okay I will start with the workout from yesterday. It went well, since we had done some shifting around I didn't expect a ton of weight to be moved but I was very happy with the workout nonetheless. I will get right into the workout.

Push Press - 105x8, 145x8, 170x8>145x6>95x5 - Well I'll be damn'd if I didn't go up 4 lbs on my heavy set and it felt like I could have hit another one without to much issue. I also got an extra rep at 145 and 2 on 95 in the drops. VERY NICE!!!

Straight Arm Pull Downs - 75x15, 90x15, 95x15>75x5>50x5 - Went up 15 lbs for both warm up and first work set, up 5 on my heavy set, but lost 2 reps on 50 lbs portion of the drop. Once again kick ass! As much overall volume as was added to the beginning 450 lbs I won't complain over losing 2 reps at the end considering that is only 100 lbs of the total volume so still up in volume by 350 lbs.

Life Fitness Chest Press - 190x12, 200x12>175x3>145x3 - WOW this thing was harder than regular benching. Pretty awesome and was a bitch to lock out my chest was about to explode. I fought for that 12 reps on 200 so hard I was just toast before I even started dropping the weight.

Cybex Arm Curl (Preacher) - 110x12>70x10 - I knew I had deads coming up and wanted to save my grip so machine it was.

DB Overhead Triceps Ext. - 100x12>70x9 - My triceps were toast from everything before even the straight arm pull downs had them burning. I had a MASSIVE Pump in them.

Dead Lift - 225x8, 315x8, 365x8, 375x5>315x5 - Yeah I know I know a drop set on deads WTF? So I lost a rep here on 375 by not doing it first but I gained 2 on 365 from last workout by having it first. I also was not resting as long this time as I did the last time I did my deads. We were running out of time so instead of doing another full rest and hitting 315 for 8 I decided to do a drop set. So I was not unhappy with 315 at all. As a matter of fact with the shorter rest periods I am very happy with this dead lift portion of my lift.

Leg Ext - 170x10, 170x10>110x10>70x5 - I decided to start with lower weight here since knees have been a little tight. I also did an extra set here without about a 30 second rest period just to increase volume and intensity a bit since using a lower weight.

Okay after this beating I went to my ART guy, he worked on my hip some more. My Rectus Femorus tendon seems to be squared away up by the hip, but he found a knot lower in the muscle belly he had to work out. It almost made me come off the table. I told him Whoah thats a new spot. He says okay let me find it again. When he did I wished I had kept my mouth shut. I am pretty tough, very high pain threshold, so I just laid there and took it. Then to my surprise a tear rolled down my cheek. I thought to myself WTF? Am I really crying here? LMFAO! I don't know what happened but my tough guy in my mind who had all but blocked out the pain and my tear ducts apparently we not communicating.

Anyway he said he thinks he got the hip issue cleared up and felt the knot in my muscle belly release, I think it was a trigger point from what I saw in the trigger point book I downloaded. So I am free and clear to start increasing weights on squats again slowly as well as my log press too. I will go back in a month for him to check on things but I am sure it will all be good.

These will more than likely serve as my final progress pics considering this is a month long run, or until my bottle runs out I think I forgot a dose here and there and may have an extra day or so worth of EndoSurge left by the end of day 30. I don't foresee many changes in my physiquie between yesterday morning and day 30.

I woke up and weighed myself and was 198-198.5 really nice considering if my memory serves me I was 195 when I started this venture. I will let the pics speak for themselves.

ScottyDoc, You will notice I did the pose you requested in here as well.

View attachment 44176

Oh yeah I put in some leg shots just to show I am not leg deficient and they are definitely my leanest feature. The pics are a little washed out on my legs because I just stuck my web cam under the computer desk and took the pics so there was low light under there and the iris was wide upon then with the light from the window coming in it just made the legs really washed out but you can see them plenty good.
View attachment 44177

Dude.. your wheels are just flat-out SICK, I literally skimmed through some pages of your log to try to find out what exercise you do for calves and i didn't find anything! You should hit a side chest so we can see your hammys! GREAT work looking awesome.


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PICS are Amazing!

You are killing that ****e!

Funny truth: My wife just looked at the screen and thought I was looking at man porn. WTF!!!!
Not only am I now sick, I am freaking jealous. Lol. Hell of a job brother.
Dude.. your wheels are just flat-out SICK, I literally skimmed through some pages of your log to try to find out what exercise you do for calves and i didn't find anything! You should hit a side chest so we can see your hammys! GREAT work looking awesome.
Thanks Guys!

Tiny, I walk on them all day, my jump rope and sprints. Years of biking and 5-6 years of soccer as a kid, an obsession with Mike Matarazzo's calves when I was really obsessed with lifting got them much bigger than they are now but mostly genetics are what make them look like that. I do not actively work them at all because they grow to easily and begin to look freakish. Yeah I may bust out a side chest or triceps during my next progress pics. I don't know I don't have anything to show them off with. My posing trunks are gone and don't have any boy shorts or anything. My hamstrings pretty much follow suit with or are better than my quads though.


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Thanks Guys!

Tiny, I walk on them all day, my jump rope and sprints. Years of biking and 5-6 years of soccer as a kid, an obsession with Mike Matarazzo's calves when I was really obsessed with lifting got them much bigger than they are now but mostly genetics are what make them look like that. I do not actively work them at all because they grow to easily and begin to look freakish. Yeah I may bust out a side chest or triceps during my next progress pics. I don't know I don't have anything to show them off with. My posing trunks are gone and don't have any boy shorts or anything. My hamstrings pretty much follow suit with or are better than my quads though.
That makes perfectly good sense they must have looked crazy when you trained them, Mike Matarazzo's just looks freaky everywhere! Thanks for the reply I've been trying to figure out what i should do to make them grow and increased frequency should do the trick now :)

Dude that's awesome, most guys you see have good quads/so so hams (me :() Keep up the good work Kleen!! Inspirational to say the least.


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If you have been trying other things try hitting it with some 5 rep sets as heavy as you can go with a 5 second stretch at the bottom of each rep for 5 sets. You will be surprised at what that can do for them. It is the exact opposite stimulus they get regularly and shocks the crap out of them.


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If you have been trying other things try hitting it with some 5 rep sets as heavy as you can go with a 5 second stretch at the bottom of each rep for 5 sets. You will be surprised at what that can do for them. It is the exact opposite stimulus they get regularly and shocks the crap out of them.
Giving that a shot! Thanks for that maybe i can build myself some freaky calves :D


PICS are Amazing!

You are killing that ****e!

Funny truth: My wife just looked at the screen and thought I was looking at man porn. WTF!!!!

hahahahah, thats so freakin funny!! I thought that a time or two, before i really got into working out.


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looking awesome Kleen. Legs look frieakin ridiculous man. Nice work!


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Dude, first off... you are way lean, I can see the muscles in your low bad for God's sake Bro... 2nd, your legs... deficient, whatever... they are Fugging AMAZING, your legs and calves look like I want mine to look, dead serious bro, you have the body I am working to achieve, no lie, homo, no homo, I don't give a Fug, you look awesome Bro!!!


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Goddamn kleen you are lean and huge!!

I wanna be that lean and still be killing it with undying motivation in the gym!!
I'll send you some reps once I get back to the comp!


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Quad-fricken-zilla Kleen and great calves too. Amazing work.


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Dude, first off... you are way lean, I can see the muscles in your low bad for God's sake Bro... 2nd, your legs... deficient, whatever... they are Fugging AMAZING, your legs and calves look like I want mine to look, dead serious bro, you have the body I am working to achieve, no lie, homo, no homo, I don't give a Fug, you look awesome Bro!!!
Thanks Al! I was very pleased with the pics myself knowing I gained weight was a little worried I might be softer. I think that the endo picked up perfectly where the pct black left off making use of ny recovered hpta. Yeah my legs are one of my better attribute ices. I just ha e to work to keep size on them they stay so damn lean. They never go below 23 anymore but keeping them at or above 25 inches is a lot of effort. They look great for having gone light due to my hip issues though. Thanks for the compliment man. Means a lot I have seen where you have been so calling me a goal holds A LOT OF WEIGHT as a compliment. Hoping to continue the trend of recompense and lean gains until I am magazine ready. I am getting there just a little leaner...


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Thanks Al! I was very pleased with the pics myself knowing I gained weight was a little worried I might be softer. I think that the endo picked up perfectly where the pct black left off making use of ny recovered hpta. Yeah my legs are one of my better attribute ices. I just ha e to work to keep size on them they stay so damn lean. They never go below 23 anymore but keeping them at or above 25 inches is a lot of effort. They look great for having gone light due to my hip issues though. Thanks for the compliment man. Means a lot I have seen where you have been so calling me a goal holds A LOT OF WEIGHT as a compliment. Hoping to continue the trend of recompense and lean gains until I am magazine ready. I am getting there just a little leaner...
Honestly... you might not be magazine ready according to your standards, but from what I've seen in your pictures and what I've seen in magazines... you are more than magazine ready, I mean if you just spent like one week carb-cycling and dehydrating you would look as good if not better than any other man in that entire issue as far as lean quality body mass goes, honest opinion Brotha! Another thing, I appreciate the props bro, but I have never had legs even close to that and I always thought I had good calves, but yours blow mine away, so upper body with the same body fat maybe we are close, but lower body... not even, you blow me away, no worries though gives me something to work/strive for, gotta have a goal right, thank you for the continued motivation my friend!


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Yeah no joke there. He has some wheels on him. I have always had strong legs just not big defined legs. I would love to have just partial of what he has.

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