It begins: Morry vs Schwellington, time for a summer cutter



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Haha he's got ya there morry
That he did, but I understand why soma's are illegal. I'm still stumped why gear is......then again, my moral compass is all kinds of focked up. :)

You are a bad mofo if you can do 100 sets of stairs AFTER 24 sets of Morry!

You are absolutely killing it in here!! :saw:
I have to be to keep up with the likes of you. Wait, who am I kidding? Keep up? I'm catching up and I'm afraid I'll never quite catch you.....


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My focking back hurts today. Chest and Abs is all I have on my agenda plus cardio. I'm hoping this starts to get better. It isn't hurt nearly as bad as last year. I can sleep comfortable, but honestly the bucket seats in my car are quite uncomfortable right now. I have at least 2 hours in the car a day. I may have to get one of the gay ass focking seat insert thing-a-mo-bobs.....


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Hahahahahahaha seat inserts grandpa lol


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My focking back hurts today. Chest and Abs is all I have on my agenda plus cardio. I'm hoping this starts to get better. It isn't hurt nearly as bad as last year. I can sleep comfortable, but honestly the bucket seats in my car are quite uncomfortable right now. I have at least 2 hours in the car a day. I may have to get one of the gay ass focking seat insert thing-a-mo-bobs.....

toughen up- you already work behind a desk all day


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Day 15

weight 214 (+2) no complex carbs today. I modified my diet and replaced them with just protein. Lethargy was a bit of an issue, but I drank some green tea and some coffee. Worked like a charm

Chest / Abs

I kept reps high and weights light. I'll prob do this on a lot of exercises this week. I've been going 15 days straight now and a slight deload couldn't hurt and will prob help my back recover faster. Al was nice enough to come take pics for the contest and he adjusted my back while he was there. It worked wonders. Truly a gifted dude right there.
I got another comment from a BB in the gym today. I didn't realize things are getting that obvious, but he didn't say anything about gear, just commented I looked bigger and leaner.
Cardio before for warmup and stairs after. The stairs almost killed me again. I'm not sure how I'm getting through those, but let's just say I got a good mix of motivating music on.

Diet was perfect. Enough said there.
I did have turkey bacon in my salad tonight. A bit high in sodium I imagine, but I took the pics before and I'll have a week to get the water back off. The water will probably help for now.

Pinned the blend. Still haven't added the prop back in so the tren/masteron/test ratio right now is 1:1:1

Took Var
Took Adex

Tomorrow is Legs / Arms. Not sure if I'll free squat at all, we'll see how the back feels.

No pin tomorrow.





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^ Trapzilla


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I am going to take a wild guess and say a camera was used for that pic. Camera phones just dont do you justice bro.

Edit: Oh and thanks to having to wait for vehicle registration I caught up on this thread finally.

Good luck with the injury. Hopefully it doesnt end your ability to do deadlifts.


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I am going to take a wild guess and say a camera was used for that pic. Camera phones just dont do you justice bro.

Edit: Oh and thanks to having to wait for vehicle registration I caught up on this thread finally.

Good luck with the injury. Hopefully it doesnt end your ability to do deadlifts.
Si si. Taken with a camera phone. Hopefully I'll be able to keep the lighting and what not the same from now on.

Thanks for catching up. My injury is healing quickly. Scotty Doc is a chiro and I've been going to see him in order to crush my back. Quite painful for a split second, but honestly it is like night and day when he is finished. I'm going to try and get adjusted at least once if not twice more this week.



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Day 16

weight 214 (+2) and same as yesterday. This was actually very surprising. I expected it to be WAY up. At least to 216-218, but I checked twice. Reason being is I broke my diet for a bit today. I was sitting at work and I started getting jittery, then cold sweats, light headed ness, anxiety too. Hypoglycemia was setting in quickly and a bad bout of it. Luckily we keep all sorts of sweets and sh1t around the office so in a matter of about 30 minutes I at a half of large oatmeal cookie, 4-5 bite sized chocolates, 5-8 bite sized laffy taffy, 2 scoops whey with a greek yougurt, .5lbs turkey with fat free ranch, WPI shake (2 more scoops) and a sh1t ton of water. I figured the workout to day would be easy because the carbs and my weight would be up. The workout wasn't hard, but the weight was the same.....tren?

Legs / Arms

I did free squat today as my back felt great. I kept it light, 225 for reps and TUT. Still grabbed some dips with 2 chains, 3 sets, 20 a piece. I did my regular warm-up and ended with 100 flights of stairs. I figured the stairs would be getting easier, but they aren't. I'm not sure if it was due to it being leg day or not. Def not easier tho.
Taurine is still keeping back pumps at bay. I'm taking it about an hour before workout and it seems to be doing the trick.

Diet was fine besides my mid day sugar crisis. I'm going to have to get some complex carbs in the morning and I think I'm going to start breaking my fast before 1030. Typically, I eat around 10pm, sleep and don't eat again until 1030 the next day. That's when I start eating small portions, eggs, turkey, greek yogurt, protein, whatever else I may have packed. I eat it until it is gone and that is normally by 2 or so. I usually don't have anything else to eat until after I workout around 6-7.

No pin today.

Took Var
Took Adex

I start HcG this week too. I'll be doing 250ius twice a week.



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Si si. Taken with a camera phone. Hopefully I'll be able to keep the lighting and what not the same from now on.

Thanks for catching up. My injury is healing quickly. Scotty Doc is a chiro and I've been going to see him in order to crush my back. Quite painful for a split second, but honestly it is like night and day when he is finished. I'm going to try and get adjusted at least once if not twice more this week.

That will be great for comparison sake.

It was good to be able to catch up. Ya glad to hear u r being proactive about the injury. I have learned first hand of the benefit of a chiropractor. Wish I could visit one regularly.

Honestly it was a shorter wait than I expected. Was probably waiting 25 minutes. DMV is so much worse!


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Thanks for catching up. My injury is healing quickly. Scotty Doc is a chiro and I've been going to see him in order to crush my back. Quite painful for a split second, but honestly it is like night and day when he is finished. I'm going to try and get adjusted at least once if not twice more this week.
Must be nice having your own personal Chiropractor on hand... Kind of like a good SERM, ya don't always need them, but always smart to have one on hand just in case, better safe than sorry!!!


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Must be nice having your own personal Chiropractor on hand... Kind of like a good SERM, ya don't always need them, but always smart to have one on hand just in case, better safe than sorry!!!
That looks about right, but if it works, it works, right?


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Day 17

weight 215 (+3). Starting to creep back up there but I did include some carbs today. I also had a couple of cookies. Still was up only a pound and I don't think I'm getting fatter

Back Shoulders

No dead lift today. I worked on my other lifts and tried to go as heavy as I could. I pulled 245 on the lat pull down for 8 on my last set. Shrugged with 315 for 3 sets (BB), close grip rowed with 195 and hammer rowed with 4pps. I forgot to take taurine before the workout, so I took it in the middle. It took about 20 min to even start working, but it did the trick for the back pumps.
I got another compliment today. The guy basically just told me to keep doing whatever it was I was doing. He also helped me toss up some heavy DB Military, 90sx12, and 100sx8, last few were forced reps. It felt good to go heavy and not too bad considering this was done as my second to last exercise.

Diet was broken with 2 cookies and some complex carbs. No problem with hypoglycemia today. I also had a lot more protein throughout the day. Cals are def increasing quite a bit, but weight not so fast, so I'm hoping I'm still recomping.

Pinned the blend today, still no prop.
Took Var
Took Adex
Took Caber

Chest / Abs tomorrow, no pin



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Day 18

weight 213 (+1) didn't get my second lunch, but I honestly didn't feel like eating it. I was busy at work anyhow.

Chest / Abs

I grabbed 275x8 on flat bench which isn't too bad considering this is my second split and day 18 straight of training. I have an event coming up I need to be in decent cardio condition, after that I'll slow down a bit. Workout moved along great. I feel like I'm getting stared at a lot more in the gym. Not sure if it is the alpha male or the busting out veins, but either way it is starting to weird me out....ha ha. Fock it. Warm up completed no problem. 100 flights (103 to be exact which is 2.18 miles or so) completed at the end. The stairs are still killing me in the end. My shins are on fire and I'm dripping sweat. I just picture my entire workout led up to that moment, so no use in stopping and somehow that gets me through it.

No pin today
Switched to Letro
Still took Adex (should be last day, maybe a little tomorrow to ease the transition into the letro)
Took Caber which will now be dosed at .5 mg EOD, I'll move it to E3d if I can, but not now

Diet was perfect, just not enough food. I left a half a pound of turkey in the fridge at work. I'll eat that sh1t tomorrow. I'm guessing that is why my weight was down a bit.

Tomorrow is Legs / Arms. I'm thinking box squats again. If my back can handle 315, that's what I'll use.

Pin the blend tomorrow too.

No night sweating. I have been more aggressive in the gym but not anywhere else. I notice I lose my patience a little faster, but nothing I don't get a hold of before it becomes apparent. I'm just staying aware. I still have ALL my hair. Acne is controllable but I'm anal about it. Nothing else to report. I still get lethargy mid day, but I'm expecting it and already drinking coffee at that point which seems to do the trick.



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Day 19

weight 215 (+3)

Legs / Arms

I hit 20 sets and a warmup and got out of there. Did box squats with 315 for 3 sets. I got lighted headed while on cardio, but I grabbed a bar and a drink from the from and was able to get thru about half my normal routine. My body is feeling battered. I don't want to take a day off, but the next few days I may take very, very light. I've been going 19 days straight now.

Diet was ok, but I could have eaten more. I had a lunch meeting where I barely ate, I just talked more so that didn't help a bit.

Tomorrow I pin the blend.

Took Var
Took Letro

Back and Shoulders tomorrow.



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Keep killing it Morry! 19 days straight is killer for sure; maybe you should listen to your body and take a day off... or you might awake tomorrow feeling better.


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Day 20

weight , not taken

Off day. Nothing. Resting :)

My body is battered, my tendons hurt, but I'm cutting up nicely. I can't complain. No way to get there without battling the toughest enemy of all: yourself.

I did have a bit of hypoglycemia hit me again. Nothing some oats and protein couldn't fix. So far I've eaten a pound of ground turkey with veggies, some greek yogurt, a couple scoops of whey and sunflower butter. I may be going out to get a bite to eat later, but I'll keep it clean if I do.
I did have some crackers last night. Nothing big, but I'm surprised I'm having to throw carbs in to keep things balanced. I'm thinking the Tren is keeping cortisol at bay letting insulin run my blood sugar down to nothing. That is all I can figure out at this point.

Pinned the blend
Took Letro
Took Caber

Tomorrow I'm moving some things around for hours on end. So I won't be working out that day, but I'll burn the hell out of some calories.

I'll start back with Chest / Abs on monday. I'll also be dead lifting next week. I'll start slow.



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Day 20

weight , not taken

Off day. Nothing. Resting :)

My body is battered, my tendons hurt, but I'm cutting up nicely. I can't complain. No way to get there without battling the toughest enemy of all: yourself.

I did have a bit of hypoglycemia hit me again. Nothing some oats and protein couldn't fix. So far I've eaten a pound of ground turkey with veggies, some greek yogurt, a couple scoops of whey and sunflower butter. I may be going out to get a bite to eat later, but I'll keep it clean if I do.
I did have some crackers last night. Nothing big, but I'm surprised I'm having to throw carbs in to keep things balanced. I'm thinking the Tren is keeping cortisol at bay letting insulin run my blood sugar down to nothing. That is all I can figure out at this point.

Pinned the blend
Took Letro
Took Caber

Tomorrow I'm moving some things around for hours on end. So I won't be working out that day, but I'll burn the hell out of some calories.

I'll start back with Chest / Abs on monday. I'll also be dead lifting next week. I'll start slow.

Take a much needed rest and get back to killing it Monday man!


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Keep killing it Morry! 19 days straight is killer for sure; maybe you should listen to your body and take a day off... or you might awake tomorrow feeling better.
I did so. You are right. Tons of sleep and some rest did me great!

Agreed. Take a day off. Central nervous system could use it.
Nothing on Saturday and just a round of disc golf and moving some sh1t around on Sunday. I'm rested. I did goof off and hit 300x5 on flat bench, but that was all the heavy weight I lifted

Take a much needed rest and get back to killing it Monday man!

And I shall. Tomorrow I can't wait till I get to the gym. My muscles are dying to tear some sh1t up. Thanks for the encouragement!!


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Day 21

weight 215 (+3)

I stayed active today but wasn't in the gym. I had to help move some different things around for a few hours. I also played disc golf with Al in the AM.
My back was a little challenged b/t back pumps and the injury, but nothing I couldn't manage. I did take taurine in the morning. Maybe I should've taken more half day, but I didn't

Diet has been on point. Very little complex carbs, but the hypoglycemia is hitting me more often. Hit me twice today, both times I was able to get food in me quick enough. The last time I just had 6oz of grape fruit juice and that did the trick. This is weird, I've never had it hit me this many times so quickly. I was probably a little high in sodium today bc I ate lunch meat, but I also had good portions of Whey with greek yogurt and some chicken. Hopefully, whatever water I am keeping on, I'll get rid of tomorrow in the gym b/t warmup, the workout and the stairs. We'll see.

No pin today
Took Var
Took Letro

Chest and Abs tomorrow

On a funny note, I did have what might be a "tren dream". So I've read of these being pretty wacky, but this is all I got. My phone has been being a little b1tch for about a week or so. In my dream I focking raged on my phone, broke the fock out of it, got a new one and broke that sh1t too. That's it. That was all the rage......I guess I'm lucky :lol:

Pics tomorrow



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Looking forward to those next pics Morry. Your last pics really looked incredible on progress. I am in awe at how fast you are leaning and your vascularity is starting to look sick!


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Looking forward to those next pics Morry. Your last pics really looked incredible on progress. I am in awe at how fast you are leaning and your vascularity is starting to look sick!

Yeah tren tends to do that to you.

Morry how is the cardio man? I've never ran tren, but followed some logs, and I know its killer on cardio.


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Looking forward to those next pics Morry. Your last pics really looked incredible on progress. I am in awe at how fast you are leaning and your vascularity is starting to look sick!
Thanks brotha. Hopefully I won't disappoint.

Yeah tren tends to do that to you.

Morry how is the cardio man? I've never ran tren, but followed some logs, and I know its killer on cardio.
I'm decently vascular even when not on Tren. For me it has a lot more to do with BF%. Once I drop close to single digits, I got veins EVERYWHERE!!! If the Tren is helping, though, I'll take it :)

Cardio is good. I've never had a problem with it. My warmup consist of a mile at a 5.0 incline starting at 3.5 pace and moving up to a 5.5 pace on and off. Remember, I wear vibrams, so my stride is shorter than most people my height, but the burn is still there. I finish each workout with 20 min on the stairs at 9.0 for 15 min, then 11-13 for 3 min and a short cool down. This yields around 105 floors of stairs. I am pushing hard during the stair run, but nothing I can't handle. So I'd have to say that Tren doesn't really effect my cardio a bit. Then again, I don't have problems sleeping on it nor do I get night go figure.


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Day 22

weight 214 (+2)

Chest / Abs

Grabbed 315x4 on flat bench. I worked out at a different gym and I'm considering switching bc of my drive. It allowed for a lot more variation, but also new focks messing with my setup on the weights. I had two ppl fock with sh1t that I was using while I was in the middle of a circuit. I know, I know, it is hard for them to wrap around their one-sided brains that while they are resting their fat asses on the bench, they could be supersetting or tri setting......eureka! Anyhow, great workout. Finished up with a little over 100 flights of stairs.

Diet was just about perfect. I'm thinking I will break my fast earlier than I have been. I seem to feel like sh1t until I eat and at my job that just doesn't fly. I gotta be in a good mood so I may start grabbing some oats and protein in the morning.

Pinned the blend
Took Var
Took Caber
Took Letro

Pics below. Comments welcome.



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Sick progress, bro. Amazing work.


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Awesome progress morry. Loving the train track vascularity in the shoulders!


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Holy sh¡t that's a transformation already! Subbed for the rest of this...


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Sick progress, bro. Amazing work.
Thanks brotha. It's good to see you poking your head in here :)

Awesome progress morry. Loving the train track vascularity in the shoulders!
Much appreciated. I've always thought it was weird how veiny my shoulders get....I dunno why. I have weird ones that crawl on my back too. I'm not complaining, just weird, ya know?

I am hijacking your thread to give props to my boy SuperFly. He is new on here and just getting started. He needs rep points so everyone spread the love! Anabolic Minds for the win!
Any friend of HC is a friend of mine. I'll rep him in the contest log fo sho.

Holy sh¡t that's a transformation already! Subbed for the rest of this...
Welcome aboard man. 3 weeks in out of 10. I'm pushing hard on this one. My last log was cut short due to some fractured ribs....not happening this time!


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Day 23

weight 214 (+2) this is odd bc I have started to increase cals and protein intake, but I'm maintaining a steady weight for a few days. I'm leaning up, so I can only assume it is muscle. I keep sodium and complex carbs low to eliminate bloat.

Legs / Arms

I was able to go heavy on squats for some reps. Only 375, but I was able to get 10 pretty comfortably. I was rushed off by some ppl waiting on the rack, which I didn't understand seeing as how there was an empty one next to me....
Started off with a mile warmup as normal and finished up with a little over 100 flights of stairs. 39 sets total for legs and arms. I focused on some TUT isolation curls and had my biceps really burning. I'm still having to go light on some of the arm exercises bc that tendon in my forearm just aches.
The stairs aren't getting any easier either. The leaner I get, the harder they get. I like it tho. I def felt like my heart was going to blow up and I was going to throw up while I did a 3 min stint at 12 to get over the 100 flight hump...

Diet was on point. I'm switching some things around. I tried a shake this morning with WPI, water and 1/4 cup oats. It didn't make it where I wasn't hungry early on, but I was overall in a better mood. I still started in on some yogurt by 9 oclock (I get up at 6am). I had 2 large chicken breast, some salad with caesar dressing, a few croutons, some broccoli/carrots/cauliflower mix, cottage cheese made into ranch, 5 scoops of whey or so all day, some sunflower butter and maybe a few other things here and there. If I get light headed like I'm going hypoglycemic, I'll get a bite sized candy and that seems to settle it down. I'm probably not drinking enough water, but I do drink coffee and hot tea a lot. Some diet sodas too, which I need to just stop altogether and just switch back to water. I prob drink close to a half gallon of water while I'm at the gym tho.

No pin today
Took Letro
Took Caber

Tomorrow is Back and Shoulders. I think I'll dead lift too. I don't think heavy, but we'll see. Maybe stick around 315 to stay safe. I cannot throw my back out bc I have sh1t to do this weekend, but we'll see.....

I pin the blend tomorrow.

Thank you guys for the support. It really makes logs worth the while.



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sick pics btw..... no homo... ok maybe a lil homo

def got those traps poppin... my focking genetics dont allow traps to pop like that... you got traps like that dude from warrior


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sick pics btw..... no homo... ok maybe a lil homo

def got those traps poppin... my focking genetics dont allow traps to pop like that... you got traps like that dude from warrior
Agreed deadlift basically because my bitch ass cant move weight anymore haha.

And ya those were some crazy looking traps. Morry's traps are definitely up there too.


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sick pics btw..... no homo... ok maybe a lil homo

def got those traps poppin... my focking genetics dont allow traps to pop like that... you got traps like that dude from warrior
FOCK YOU!!! Ha ha. I just pulled my back a little over a week and have been getting adjusted. I don't think pulling really heavy is a good idea yet. I have 5k to run on Saturday. After that, I'll pull heavy.

You know I love to lift, but then again I know you love to give me sh1t.

It's good to see you in here man and I hope all is well.

You still deadlifting a gizzlion lbs??? And when the fock are you cycling again you homo!!

IGF-LR3 and Genetics are to thank for those traps :) Thanks for the compliment. I want to see that movie, I just haven't had time bc I'm sitting behind a desk all day or pu$$y deadlifing and sh1t :lol:

Agreed deadlift basically because my bitch ass cant move weight anymore haha.

And ya those were some crazy looking traps. Morry's traps are definitely up there too.
You will get back there, no doubt about that. And come backs are always relentless!!

Thanks for the compliment. I hope I can get them to blow up bigger!!! I don't think I'll ever catch that dude tho, his are SICK.


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I won't be court monitored starting in may.... so there's a decent chance of me doubling in size from then on....

I still haven't run test! It's going to be a nice cycle for me....



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I won't be court monitored starting in may.... so there's a decent chance of me doubling in size from then on....

I still haven't run test! It's going to be a nice cycle for me....


Jesus, you get in as much trouble as I do!

I hope you log it, you know I'll follow.


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Day 24

weight 215 (+3) and up one from yesterday

Back and Shoulders

Deadlifted for the first time since I pulled my back today. I grabbed 3 sets of 315x12 pretty easily. I wanted to keep it light and use my other movements to overload the back. By the 39th set of back and shoulders I was exhausted and feeling like I needed to throw the fock up. I went ahead and got 10 min on the stairs and 50 flights, but I did cut it short. I still sort of feel like crap even now as I'm typing, but I'll get over it. I think I'm getting lean enough that these workouts are doing a number on the amount of energy I have. Maybe I'll try some oats tomorrow before my workout or a gatorade.....something with some fuel in it besides protein or fats. I loaded up on protein on the way bc I stopped by the store to see Al and picked up a few things. Mostly just a preworkout and some other stuff. Maybe that is what over did it, but whatever it was, I had to fight off throwing up. I did my normal warm up tho.

Diet was on point. I did have a 6 inch flat bread turkey sub from subway today as my second lunch. About 10 oz of chicken, lots of greek yogurt, WPI, oats, veggies and some other stuff. I'm increasing cals and my weight is inching up ever so slightly. I think I look leaner so I'm not worried I'm adding too many at this point.

Pinned the blend
Took Var
Took Letro

Tomorrow is Chest / Abs

No pin tomorrow.



New member
As always I'm late as fock to join in on the action but glad to see you back and somewhat healthy. Haven't seen schwellys log yet but hope he's workin that a## off bc you have made serious improvement from week one to now. Single digit body weight is more than within your grasp. Just started my new cycle Test p/test e/mast p and hope I can come close to your transformation no homo. Well in it to the end good luck to schwell.


Active member
As always I'm late as fock to join in on the action but glad to see you back and somewhat healthy. Haven't seen schwellys log yet but hope he's workin that a## off bc you have made serious improvement from week one to now. Single digit body weight is more than within your grasp. Just started my new cycle Test p/test e/mast p and hope I can come close to your transformation no homo. Well in it to the end good luck to schwell.
Single digit body weight might be kind of unhealthy...


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I gotta say Morry....them traps are sick bro! Your vascularity is getting pretty wicked too. Can't wait to see where you are in a couple weeks. At the rate you are going you will be shredded in no time!


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As always I'm late as fock to join in on the action but glad to see you back and somewhat healthy. Haven't seen schwellys log yet but hope he's workin that a## off bc you have made serious improvement from week one to now. Single digit body weight is more than within your grasp. Just started my new cycle Test p/test e/mast p and hope I can come close to your transformation no homo. Well in it to the end good luck to schwell.
Welcome back bro! Good to see you. No worries on being late. These logs don't get interesting until at least a few weeks in. Schwelly is working his ass off, I can assure you of that. We are both making some great progress and transforming.
Kick starting with a short ester! I love it and just my style. Good luck and happy lifting. Stick around, let's see where this log goes. It was a long road back to recovery, but I made it :)

Single digit body weight might be kind of unhealthy...
I think he meant body fat not weight....

I gotta say Morry....them traps are sick bro! Your vascularity is getting pretty wicked too. Can't wait to see where you are in a couple weeks. At the rate you are going you will be shredded in no time!
Thanks Rick. You and I both can't wait. Now if I could just figure out how to just fast forward a few weeks so I don't remember the torture on the stairs daily.....


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Day 25

weight 215 (+3) and same as yesterday

Chest / Abs

I used a hollow fat bar to bench with today. I warmed up, put 3 plates on each side and grabbed a spotter. I got 9 unassisted and a 10th with the help of a finger. I'm not sure how much these bar weigh. We guessed 25, but I looked at some online and they said 35, so I'm not sure. I guess I'll need to weight the thing myself just to be sure. I'll do that before I recalculate my theo max. If it is above 360, I'll prob try to max out next week. Everything else went by smoothly. Warmup for a mile. 100+ flights of stairs after. The workouts are starting to get longer bc I'm lifting so heavy, my body is requiring more rest between sets. Also, stairs STILL aren't getting easier. It is like the leaner I get, the harder they get.....fock
I didn't get sick at the gym today and I trained more intensely cardio vascular wise, but admittedly recruits muscles to bench is a little different than DL or squat. I didn't take any of that preworkout stuff either so that might be why I didn't feel so sick too.

Diet was perfect. I am eating a lot throughout the day and cutting out a little at night, but all in all I'm still adding cals. Lots of greek yogurt, eggs, WPI, chicken, chicken, and more chicken, salad, a little carbs (oats and very little bread) and some other things.

I pin the blend tomorrow.
Took Var
Took Letro

I'm not sure what tomorrow will be in the gym. I have a 5k on Saturday so I'm toying with the idea of just resting, but knowing me I'll go in and do something after I get out of work. We'll see...



New member
Definitely meant single digit FAT. Pretty sure no one on here is aiming at single digit body weight if so I am certain they took a wrong turn at the water cooler and need to turn around and go down three doors and hang a left. If you see a short guy in a poncho you have went too far!


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Definitely meant single digit FAT. Pretty sure no one on here is aiming at single digit body weight if so I am certain they took a wrong turn at the water cooler and need to turn around and go down three doors and hang a left. If you see a short guy in a poncho you have went too far!
Well that isn't funny at all, I prefer to leave it as us thinking you want him to get to 9 lbs....


Well-known member
  • RockStar
  • Established
Well that isn't funny at all, I prefer to leave it as us thinking you want him to get to 9 lbs....
Only Benjamin Button can do

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