Bezoe need abs!! 12 week cutting extravaganza



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I bless you anabolic minders who have not yet gotten a chance to witness pure epic greatness... sorry bezoe buddy i lovez you! :lol:
dammit he got me lol
And uh... About the keto 3 days on 3 days off? Why? It's not worth it big guy your body takes a bit to go into keto as it is, 3 days on wont be enough. I could understand 5/2 but not 3/3... Seems like too much fluctuation, and your fat intake from the keto is supposed to be high if you're not in keto it's pushing it IMO.... Why not just ramp your carbs up and down? Maybe I missed your reasoning bro I just dont know if its a good idea. Fill me in, cabron!
well ive done CKD 5/2, the 2 being the 36 hour carb up/refeed. I used to get into keto pretty quickly in just over a day. I figure im low carbing right now (i only get about 80 grams a day), so if i did 3 low carb days and went into keto the next 3 i could burn any glycogen i am storing and convert to ketogenesis fairly quickly.

IDK, im just not losing much fat it seems. I need to augment this with at least one new component.. maybe a thermogenic? T3 isnt supposed to be for another month or so and im getting ancy.

Just to note, i fugging hate keto... 80 grams a day is good but no carbs for 2 or more days sucks for me. Id rather avoid it but im weighing my options.. any OTC fatburners anybody highly reccomends???

I could also throw some ECA in the mix.. i already have the ingredients on hand.

Day 20
Weight 232!! :bigeyes:

DB Rows 130x10/10, 10/10, 140x8/8, 120x10/10

Seated rows 220x10, 10, 10

Reverse iso pull 2 platesx12, 12

Preacher curls 125x8, 95x10, 10

Shrugs 3 platesx12,12, 12

Machine bicep curls 2x15

30 min cardio incline treadmill @3mph

I felt VERY strong, the weigh felt very light... after the rows lol

Not sure whats up.. i know bodyweight is a very ambiguous measurement. Doesnt tell me a damn thing about fat loss at all.

I gotta alter the plan somehow.. thinking of starting the ECA tomorow. Yes i will start it tomorow and we'll assess things from there.

Also was thinking of running clen instead of t3.. im a little wary of playing with anymore hormones that i am already and i fare very well with stims.. any objections/suggestions???



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Make sure you get plenty of vitamins when you're on keto. And if you feel lethargic past the first transition into it, then you are not taking in enough fat. I can guarantee that.

CLA/EGCG works good bro. Would be good to add to your ECA stack. If you want something with a real kick in the pants, try NTBM's Adderllin.. I still won't take a whole serving (2 pills) because of how strong it is. If you ever need to kill your appetite that's your gold right there...

You can run clen for two weeks on, two weeks off if you want to run straight clen. Then in the two weeks that you're off of it, take benadryl to clear your receptors. Helps you get the most out of your clen. Speaking of clen....I'm gonna be starting my helios this weekend. Im waiting til the weekend when I can be home if it kicks my ass lol.

Oh and I got some more t3.. I got like 150 tabs of it coming lol, should last me the rest of my cut, after a two week break.

Nice workout bro.... ;)


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OK, I will warn you, if you do 3 days of no carbs, you really only want to do 1 day of carbs following, it works incredible, the fat will fly off, but it is extreme, so you may lose some muscle with it, that is why I stayed so heavy on the anabolics while I was cutting, also, it is something you really only do at the very end to lose those last few lbs (break the fat loss plateau) and get completely shredded right before a contest.

Maybe try a variation of it, like 1st day no carbs, 2nd day only 1 meal (meal 1) with carbs, 3rd day 2 meals (meals 1 & 2) with carbs, 4th day 3 meals with carbs (meals 1, 2, & 3) (keep all your carbs on all 3 days of carbs at least 6 hrs before you go to bed, as in no carbs in late afternoon and night) then 5th day No carbs again (repeating cycle).

This way you are constantly shocking the body, yet not complete starving it or depriving it of carbs = energy = growth, but keeping your metabolism very high. This will also help keep you feeling good, because when I went with 3 days no carbs and then 1 day of carbs, I felt like ****, was looking great, but was weak and felt very depleted!


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Make sure you get plenty of vitamins when you're on keto. And if you feel lethargic past the first transition into it, then you are not taking in enough fat. I can guarantee that.

CLA/EGCG works good bro. Would be good to add to your ECA stack. If you want something with a real kick in the pants, try NTBM's Adderllin.. I still won't take a whole serving (2 pills) because of how strong it is. If you ever need to kill your appetite that's your gold right there...

You can run clen for two weeks on, two weeks off if you want to run straight clen. Then in the two weeks that you're off of it, take benadryl to clear your receptors. Helps you get the most out of your clen. Speaking of clen....I'm gonna be starting my helios this weekend. Im waiting til the weekend when I can be home if it kicks my ass lol.

Oh and I got some more t3.. I got like 150 tabs of it coming lol, should last me the rest of my cut, after a two week break.

Nice workout bro.... ;)
Thanks bro.. yea benadryl also cleans beta 2 receptors from ephedrine. I used it before and i think im gonna start the stack tonight before legs workout

OK, I will warn you, if you do 3 days of no carbs, you really only want to do 1 day of carbs following, it works incredible, the fat will fly off, but it is extreme, so you may lose some muscle with it, that is why I stayed so heavy on the anabolics while I was cutting, also, it is something you really only do at the very end to lose those last few lbs (break the fat loss plateau) and get completely shredded right before a contest.

Maybe try a variation of it, like 1st day no carbs, 2nd day only 1 meal (meal 1) with carbs, 3rd day 2 meals (meals 1 & 2) with carbs, 4th day 3 meals with carbs (meals 1, 2, & 3) (keep all your carbs on all 3 days of carbs at least 6 hrs before you go to bed, as in no carbs in late afternoon and night) then 5th day No carbs again (repeating cycle).

This way you are constantly shocking the body, yet not complete starving it or depriving it of carbs = energy = growth, but keeping your metabolism very high. This will also help keep you feeling good, because when I went with 3 days no carbs and then 1 day of carbs, I felt like ****, was looking great, but was weak and felt very depleted!
The way i see it, im at a plateau right now. I need to adjust SOMETHING. Like i said i am VERY familiar with the diet and its variations.. have plenty of anabolics to preserve muscle and plenty of stims to keep energy up.

The method you just described sounds effective. I doubt i would even go up to 3 meals- probably do 2 max.

I appreciate everybody's advice and ill let you guys know what the plan is. Bezoe is taking action to get ****ing ripped by the end of this!!!

1 scoop of jacked, 1 mdrol, and 1ml test and im off to hit LEGSSSSS!!!!


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KTS bez!!

Hey bro did you sign up for a free N2KTS tub? Would like to hear your feedback on it since you like jack3d.


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Well Brotha-Man, if you are confident you are taking enough anabolics to hold on to lean muscle, then do the 3day-no carb with 1day-carb, repeat cycle! That got me shredded the absolute fastest, within 2 cycles of that = 8 days total I lost 2% body fat, remember though, I was doing an hour of post workout cardio 5 days a week as well! I almost said good luck, but we both know better than that... It's all SKILLS!!!! & we both know you gottem!


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KTS bez!!

Hey bro did you sign up for a free N2KTS tub? Would like to hear your feedback on it since you like jack3d.
Absolutely Beast!! where do i sign up???
Well Brotha-Man, if you are confident you are taking enough anabolics to hold on to lean muscle, then do the 3day-no carb with 1day-carb, repeat cycle! That got me shredded the absolute fastest, within 2 cycles of that = 8 days total I lost 2% body fat, remember though, I was doing an hour of post workout cardio 5 days a week as well! I almost said good luck, but we both know better than that... It's all SKILLS!!!! & we both know you gottem!
I think im gonna take the plunge!! lol Im tired of everybody saying yea i know a big guy like you about your size.. he lifts weights too. **** that!! cause i know the "big guy" theyre talking about has a fat ass gut too! I wanna be able to pull my shirt up and be like, "yea but does that guy have a six pack???" I wanna be BIG and CUT!! (thats what bodybuilders are if any of yall werent aware..)

Anyway, thank you Doc! I would be in excellent shape if I had your fortitude lol.. im gonna try though!

Heres tonights workout summary:

SQUATS 225x8, 315x8, 405x5, 315x8, 225x12 P ****ing R baby!!

Leg Press 14 platesx10, 10, 10, 10 (legs were about to explode after these)

leg ext. 75x15, 15, 15

Leg curls 80x12, 12, 12

Forearm curls


30 min cardio incline treadmill @3mph

Weight 231

I thought my leg workout was KILLER tonight and anybody who disagrees can suck my short, fat, vascular ****


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nice workout bez..

LOL @ the last part :lmao:


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Day 24

Added ephedrine 12.5mg, caffiene 200mg, and baby aspirin. Tommorow i will double the E dosage, its just been awhile and didnt know how id feel


Smith military press- 225x10, 225x9, 205x9, 185x10

Lateral raises- 40'sx10, 10, 35'sx10, 30'sx10

Rear Delts raises- 40'sx12, 12, 12

DB flys- 55x10, 55x10, 45x10

Pec Dec- 220x10, 10, 10

30min cardio incline treadmill @3mph

Nice little cute thing on treadmill running in front of me tonight.. i was horny the whole 30 min, mouth watering


id say this thread is quite "e" dig!?


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love the bunnies when I'm doing cardio, keep doing your thing.


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Oh yeah always a good thing when you got some fine ass to look at when doing your cardio ;)


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bouncin booty is always good motivation


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Man im so horny lol

Besides the libido update..

Did back last night and KTS!!!
Only got a few hours sleep the night before and didnt think i was gonna feel too great but its funny how that **** works out..

DL- 225x10, 315x8, 405x4, 315x8

Pulldowns- 240x10, 260 (whole stack- felt light)x10, 260x10

Reverse grip iso pulls- 3platesx7, 2+25x10, 2x10

Shrugs- 3platesx14, 12, 10

Seated hammer curls- 60'sx12, 50'sx12, 12

Incline Db curls- 35x12, 12

40 min cardio incline treadmill @3mph

Im feelin good.. been getting HUGE cravings for sweets. Ate like 4 pop tarts the other night on impulse lol.. i just broke down and did it but i feel like im gonna see some real progress soon with the ECA added and increase in cardio. I will be victorious over this 3-4% bf im battling!

Bout to go hit some chest ;)


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pop tarts huh?? LOL

come on bro you could have done better then a pop tart!

like some oreos


or a sundae

technically braums frozen yogurt has less fat in it then their ice cream lol


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pop tarts huh?? LOL

come on bro you could have done better then a pop tart!

like some oreos


or a sundae

technically braums frozen yogurt has less fat in it then their ice cream lol
haha comeon SC.. it was the chocalate fudge kind! plus its not like i went out and bought it, the chick had it at her apartment and i got a sweet tooth after smashing :sad3:

oreos are some good **** too! You and I shouldnt be talking about this stuff tho.. ****ing Beast gets to eat whatever he wants, ******* :lol:


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Ok here it is mother****ers!!! Ppppppp ****ing Rrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Incline Bench Press- 135x10, 225x10, 315x3, 275x8, 225x10

Flat DB Press- 100'sx10, 100'sx7, 85'sx10, 85'sx10

Iso Press- 1+25x12, 2x10, 2+25x9

Pushdowns- stack x 10, 10 , 10

Abs- check!

40 min cardio incline treadmill @3mph..... Exhausted!

ECA is going good.. im up to 50mg E, about 4-500mg C a day so it should be doing its job lol

Heres a little something i want to bless you all with (im on a 'i miss dimebag' phase right now)



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Ok here it is mother****ers!!! Ppppppp ****ing Rrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Incline Bench Press- 135x10, 225x10, 315x3, 275x8, 225x10

Flat DB Press- 100'sx10, 100'sx7, 85'sx10, 85'sx10

Iso Press- 1+25x12, 2x10, 2+25x9

Pushdowns- stack x 10, 10 , 10

Abs- check!

40 min cardio incline treadmill @3mph..... Exhausted!

ECA is going good.. im up to 50mg E, about 4-500mg C a day so it should be doing its job lol

Heres a little something i want to bless you all with (im on a 'i miss dimebag' phase right now)

solid fckin work out bro!!! you killed it pretty hard!!! keep it up! :You_Rock_Emoticon:


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solid fckin work out bro!!! you killed it pretty hard!!! keep it up! :You_Rock_Emoticon:
thanks bro.. dont forget to watch the video! it really sets the tone :sgrin:


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Hell ya those r some incline bb numbers I can work with. Atleast when I was on cycle lol.


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Great #'s on incline BEZ!!!!!! Killed it..

Also great song bro.... RIP Dime....

Oh yeah and yes Beast does get to eat whatever he wants... :food:


dam bro u got me beat by ten pounds and two reps on those inclines lol. great work!

sugar free jello is the **** when u get tht post smash sweet tooth...

hey you still on T3 bro?


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Hell ya those r some incline bb numbers I can work with. Atleast when I was on cycle lol.
Cant wait to see my numbers when i bulk.. I actually havent done barbell anything in over a year so that goes to show just using dumbbells can make the bench numbers shoot up

Great #'s on incline BEZ!!!!!! Killed it..

Also great song bro.... RIP Dime....

Oh yeah and yes Beast does get to eat whatever he wants... :food:
Amen bro... and yea damn you for that, ass**** you had to rub it in lol

dam bro u got me beat by ten pounds and two reps on those inclines lol. great work!

sugar free jello is the **** when u get tht post smash sweet tooth...

hey you still on T3 bro?
Thats not too much bro! you are def beastin! Sugar free jello was my breakfast along with a shake when i did keto! Man i havent started T3 yet and im not sure if im going to.. i think i actually want to try some clen instead.. what do you think???


do them both big bro! best combo, im actually on helios and t3 now im on day 11 and down 9lbs...just dont go over 75mcg on the t3 tho once you start orals again you could get away with 100mcg...just remember the gear is adding lean mass so dont get frustrated with the numbers on the're just recomping. check your pms bro :D


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Bezoe... How's the carb cycling treating you Brotha? Coming off fast or what? When do we get to see new picture updates? Did you get your N.O. Ignite in mail yet?

AL - ScottyDoc


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do them both big bro! best combo, im actually on helios and t3 now im on day 11 and down 9lbs...just dont go over 75mcg on the t3 tho once you start orals again you could get away with 100mcg...just remember the gear is adding lean mass so dont get frustrated with the numbers on the're just recomping. check your pms bro :D
Ok i will take it into consideration.. i tried to check it and said administrator has disabled private messaging.. hmmmm

Bezoe... How's the carb cycling treating you Brotha? Coming off fast or what? When do we get to see new picture updates? Did you get your N.O. Ignite in mail yet?

AL - ScottyDoc
well im still doing 80 grams a day- first 2 meals. No overall weight loss even with ECA added and post workout cardio bumped to 40 minutes. I gotta pick it up at the post office still.. thank you sir!!


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Ok so the storytelling continues.. I will warn you guys to read this at your own risk..

So i wanted to tap something last night. I called up the chick who flipped on me a few weeks ago in my parking lot. I knew she would still be down to **** if i came around so we went out and got something to eat cause i was hungry (cheat meal night :)) Anyway so we go to this korean barbecue place where you cook your own food in the middle of your table its cool as ****. We both pig out and we go back to her crib. Shes been drinking wine and smoking weed all ****ing night so we go straight to the bedroom and a get a 5 minute quickie in and bust all over her face. So were laying there (not cuddling dont try to play bezoe) and im in mid sentence about something and the broad jumps up and spews all over the place!! I ****ing jump up and Im like GODAMMMNNNNN BIIIYAAAATCHHH!!! She runs to the bathroom and stays in there for a few minutes yacking her brains out... The whole time im outside the door ****ing laughing and saying what the fukkkkkkkkk!!!!! Thats Fukkkked UpppppPP!! She changes clothes and brushes her teeth and im telling her shed better swallow some of that mother****ing toothepaste lololol I was real mean about it lol. So i ****ing leave her house in pure utter disgust! The **** gavvvveee me the willies! I burned my outfit and showered for like an hour then damn near brushed the enamel off my teeth last night lolol I wanted to cut off my **** after that ****... I took a **** in her toilet before i left and didnt flush it.. the nasty ass ho lol


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Great #'s on incline BEZ!!!!!! Killed it..

Also great song bro.... RIP Dime....

Oh yeah and yes Beast does get to eat whatever he wants... :food:
beast is also a major bish for rubbing this in :(


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Ok so the storytelling continues.. I will warn you guys to read this at your own risk..

So i wanted to tap something last night. I called up the chick who flipped on me a few weeks ago in my parking lot. I knew she would still be down to **** if i came around so we went out and got something to eat cause i was hungry (cheat meal night :)) Anyway so we go to this korean barbecue place where you cook your own food in the middle of your table its cool as ****. We both pig out and we go back to her crib. Shes been drinking wine and smoking weed all ****ing night so we go straight to the bedroom and a get a 5 minute quickie in and bust all over her face. So were laying there (not cuddling dont try to play bezoe) and im in mid sentence about something and the broad jumps up and spews all over the place!! I ****ing jump up and Im like GODAMMMNNNNN BIIIYAAAATCHHH!!! She runs to the bathroom and stays in there for a few minutes yacking her brains out... The whole time im outside the door ****ing laughing and saying what the fukkkkkkkkk!!!!! Thats Fukkkked UpppppPP!! She changes clothes and brushes her teeth and im telling her shed better swallow some of that mother****ing toothepaste lololol I was real mean about it lol. So i ****ing leave her house in pure utter disgust! The **** gavvvveee me the willies! I burned my outfit and showered for like an hour then damn near brushed the enamel off my teeth last night lolol I wanted to cut off my **** after that ****... I took a **** in her toilet before i left and didnt flush it.. the nasty ass ho lol


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75mcg PHARM GRADE TABS t3 (not RC... could be under or overdosed) + 1ml HELIOS ED FTW!!!!!!!!!!!


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75mcg PHARM GRADE TABS t3 (not RC... could be under or overdosed) + 1ml HELIOS ED FTW!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF is this lol

Ok peeps im off SD.. bout to order either clen or T3.. what shall i get??

been doing the ECA stack and right now im taking a few days off lifting. Started feeling extremely lethargic during the day last week and im pretty sure its from overtraining. So just cardio tonight and tomorrow..


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i said stack the two.. i was trying to draw attention to my post guess it didnt work...


injectible clen and t3 = win


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But, isn't t3 catabolic and Clen is anti-catabolic? If so, I would be always weary of running t3, but you are on test :D


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the combination is amazing. t3 bumped up my hunger and the clen reduces it, so its like i have no change in appetite.


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gotta go pick up some needles.. well see how this goes lol. T3 and helio combination sounds good im gonna order real soon.

Did legs the other day.. nothing special, about the same it has been. Just cardio last night and will hit strictly cardio tonight. Im letting my CNS recover i think its a little burnt out from training relatively every day on SD lol


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Ok so the storytelling continues.. I will warn you guys to read this at your own risk..

So i wanted to tap something last night. I called up the chick who flipped on me a few weeks ago in my parking lot. I knew she would still be down to **** if i came around so we went out and got something to eat cause i was hungry (cheat meal night :)) Anyway so we go to this korean barbecue place where you cook your own food in the middle of your table its cool as ****. We both pig out and we go back to her crib. Shes been drinking wine and smoking weed all ****ing night so we go straight to the bedroom and a get a 5 minute quickie in and bust all over her face. So were laying there (not cuddling dont try to play bezoe) and im in mid sentence about something and the broad jumps up and spews all over the place!! I ****ing jump up and Im like GODAMMMNNNNN BIIIYAAAATCHHH!!! She runs to the bathroom and stays in there for a few minutes yacking her brains out... The whole time im outside the door ****ing laughing and saying what the fukkkkkkkkk!!!!! Thats Fukkkked UpppppPP!! She changes clothes and brushes her teeth and im telling her shed better swallow some of that mother****ing toothepaste lololol I was real mean about it lol. So i ****ing leave her house in pure utter disgust! The **** gavvvveee me the willies! I burned my outfit and showered for like an hour then damn near brushed the enamel off my teeth last night lolol I wanted to cut off my **** after that ****... I took a **** in her toilet before i left and didnt flush it.. the nasty ass ho lol
LMFAO!!!!! You, sir, are an *******! I LOVE IT! Reminds me of this one time I was smashing this girl, pulled out and shot all over her. A little bit got her in the eye, and my insensitive ass remarked, "Thanks for watching my kids!" After she cursed me out, she ended up laughing her ass off.


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LMFAO!!!!! You, sir, are an *******! I LOVE IT! Reminds me of this one time I was smashing this girl, pulled out and shot all over her. A little bit got her in the eye, and my insensitive ass remarked, "Thanks for watching my kids!" After she cursed me out, she ended up laughing her ass off.
HAHAHA very nice bro!!! I apologized later to her lol but that night she came out of the bathroom and i was like "man i bet you feel like **** now.." she was like "nah im ready to go OUT NOW!!!" She ****ing layed down 5 minutes later all pale with a blanket over her. I was texting my boy :)lol:) and she was like "oh i see.. youre setting up your next rondavu arent you??" haha i was like nah, but i had to tell my boy about this one :lol:


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LMAO at that story bez....

sorry been gone for a bit, looks as i need some catching up to do in here. :D


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Lol that is def a story u have to tell a bro right away so u dont forget any of the "juicy" details :lmao:


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Tom, I like that Avi bro.. is that the new walking dead show? Ive been trying to keep up with it.. seen 2 episodes and they were pretty dramatic. I love zombie apocalypse ****!

Ok bros.. gonna order some helios and T3 real soon. I know ive been saying that but its coming i promise. The 2 week break on just test is about to end and ill be jumping on Tren, T3, and Helios (as well as test still at 500/week)

Ok story update. This doesnt involve ***** but its worthy of being told:
I was doing my internship this morning and just felt tired.. almost like if you dont get enough sleep.. So im sluggish feeling and I get real hot all of a sudden. Kept on working thinking it would pass but i just broke out in a sweat.. starting sweating profusely, all over my patient and everything lol.. i excused myself and went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. I mean i had sweat running down my ****ing chest and back like i was taking a shower lol.. I informed my supervisor and they got me some loritabs? Anyway its chewable tabs of glucose for diabetics. I gobbled down a sandwich and my yogurt id brought for lunch. Got my blood glucose checked and it read 70, which i was told is kind of low. This **** was scary bros.. i got dizzy and everything! I dont know what exactly happened because my diet was as it usually is.. only did cardio last night so hmmm..

Anyway I was told that chronically HIGH blood glucose is something to worry about and this type of thing has only happened 4 or 5 times in my life.. but it still concerns me. My mom is a type II so i really have to watch out.

Bout to go hit some LEGS!!


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Damn Bez.. Glad you're alright bro.

Go kill that **** brudda!


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Yup that little zombie girl is enough for me to say fack having kids lol.

Glad u r alright man.


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Thanx bros..

Ok quick update:

Last i checked my weight was 227 (down 3 pounds since i dropped superdrol). Shoulders workout was fantastic last night and i finally reuped on creatine.. even on cycle i can tell a difference in muscle stamina during a set if im not using it.

I think im gonna drop back to a 3 day split now that im off superdrol.. im just not able to work out every single day like i was. Im only getting 8 hours of sleep tops now so im sure that also contributes. So im doing a new 3 day split which should allow me to hit the same muscle group at least twice a week..

Ill post my back workout when I get back! Oh and my girl commented on how i look "skinnier" lol.. she meant "leaner" im sure ;)


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Sup my bro, haven't checked in for a while. How are the abs coming in?

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