New member
I really hope this is the right place for this, and I know I'm gonna get flak (because I'm going to be talking about doing SARMs), but please, bare with me.
I know real steroid users look at SARMs users as bitches (IMO), but I don't want to fully get into all the super strong stuff that most people are using. I've been doing a lot of research and I thought I'd ask around some forums and go straight to the source where people have done their PCT and all their gear and stuff..
Anyway, I plan on running a RAD 140 + Ostarine MK2866 for my cycle (I want it to be as short as possible. I'm not trying to get jacked as ****, I just want results. Maybe like a 10% to 20% increase in strength/muscle mass). Then for my PCT I was planning on taking HCG + Tamofixen + Enclomiphene.... I don't know the dosages I'm going to be doing on any of them yet, I'm waiting to do my blood work first.
But can anyone here help me and tell me if what I've got planned out will work on SOME LEVEL? Again, I know, SARMs suck ass compared to the stuff you guys are using, but does ANYONE have experience with SARMs or ANYONE that has actually DONE SARMs before?
Thanks everybody for any help you can offer me. I appreciate it a lot.
Oh, btw, I know it doesn't do **** but I'm on 40mgs ED of Androgel. I know, it sucks ass. I'm only getting it cause it's free.
Thank you everyone!!
I know real steroid users look at SARMs users as bitches (IMO), but I don't want to fully get into all the super strong stuff that most people are using. I've been doing a lot of research and I thought I'd ask around some forums and go straight to the source where people have done their PCT and all their gear and stuff..
Anyway, I plan on running a RAD 140 + Ostarine MK2866 for my cycle (I want it to be as short as possible. I'm not trying to get jacked as ****, I just want results. Maybe like a 10% to 20% increase in strength/muscle mass). Then for my PCT I was planning on taking HCG + Tamofixen + Enclomiphene.... I don't know the dosages I'm going to be doing on any of them yet, I'm waiting to do my blood work first.
But can anyone here help me and tell me if what I've got planned out will work on SOME LEVEL? Again, I know, SARMs suck ass compared to the stuff you guys are using, but does ANYONE have experience with SARMs or ANYONE that has actually DONE SARMs before?
Thanks everybody for any help you can offer me. I appreciate it a lot.
Oh, btw, I know it doesn't do **** but I'm on 40mgs ED of Androgel. I know, it sucks ass. I'm only getting it cause it's free.
Thank you everyone!!