A Legend Returns...an epic Morry Log NPP/Masteron/TNE/Test/Tren Xtreme



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Agreed on Mr. Morry's arms... They . . EXPLODED!

Also morry i agree on the Whey protein. I only use it post w/o now. The rest of my 6 meals are from whole foods. Seen drastic changes since as well.


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Morry I had a feeling you were probably running Caber and since it hasn't been mentioned as much or maybe I just overlooked it in your posts due to the fact I honestly don't always pay as much attention to everything you are taking every time because well... It makes me say damn, it's just not fair. I love to read your workouts, comments and all of the educational stuff but sometimes glaze over looking at the list of things you are taking since I know I can't have any of them... Please forgive that transgression Good Sir!

I was kind of thinking that those were combined weights on the DB shrugs. However 130dbs on shrugs are still beast! Especially if you got a good range of motion.
No worries.

Mmmmmmm, brownies. TRT brownies..


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Agreed on Mr. Morry's arms... They . . EXPLODED!

Also morry i agree on the Whey protein. I only use it post w/o now. The rest of my 6 meals are from whole foods. Seen drastic changes since as well.
Why the fock must I spread more reputation around? WTF? :lol:


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Day 45

weight 219 (+22) same as yesterday

Rest day.

Pinned 200 mg masteron, took letro and caber. No pin of Tren suspension as it was a rest day.

Libido good! :lol:


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Day 46

weight 219 (+22) and same as yesterday

Chest / Abs

Pinned 150 mg NPP. 250 iu HCG, 50mg tren suspension. Took the last of my letro :( Also took a bit of Aromasin....

Workout went smoothly. 48 sets. I don't have time to detail this day out, but I used hammer strength on almost everything to give the shoulders a rest.

Still getting stronger and working out longer with volume and weights.

No hair loss. No aggression. Nips still a little sore, but the letro is holding it off. I need more!!!



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Day 47

weight 218 (+21) and down one from yesterday

Pinned 200mg masteron, 500mg test c, took 50mg of Aromasin (this crap is underdosed....), and pinned 70mg of tren suspension

Legs / Arms

Squats 135x10, 225x25x25x25x25
Ez Bar Preacher curls 45x10, 95x8x7x6x5
Dips BWx10, BW+45x17x15x17x15

Tricep Extensions Cable 110x8x8x7x7
Tricep Pulldowns 110x12x12x10x10
Calf Raises 195x14, 205x12x10x10
Traveling Lungers 90x10x10x10x10

Smith Squat Extended stance with medium bands 1ppsx20x20x20x20
Hammer pullups BW+45x8x6x6x5
Dips of a bench with 45lb in my lapx25x25x25x25

Hammer Squat rotating back on heels 3ppsx25x25x25x25
Cable Curls 130x15x15x15x15
Ham Curls 140x10x10x10x9

I thought this workout might kill me. I was drenched and exhausted at the end. I was slaving at this one for about 2 hours. I couldn't even move after I sat down in the locker room. So I stretched until I could stand, made a protein shake and went about my way. This was an epic workout :)

Tren suspension is def doing its thing. I'm very happy with the stamina it gives me. The only side I get from it is terrible heart burn. I got some tums and an OTC 24 hour thing for heart burn and all good.

No other sides besides the focking esto making my nips sensitive. I can't wait for the Letro to get here. I'm going to blast the sh1t out of my estro. It may cost me a week of gains, but do you have any idea how much it sucks to eat decently clean, slave in the gym and still have a small lump and some puffiness? Hmmmm....ok, maybe I do have some aggression. Ha ha.

Nothing else to report. Tomorrow is back and shoulders, volume day.

Sunday is Disc gold with big Al and chest and abs with my brother.

Peace, love and making weights my bitch,



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dude you are insane.... bout to do my very first epi cycle haha hoping i can make my way up to the more intense **** as time goes on and as long as my body allows it:)


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Day 49

weight 218 (+21) and down one from yesterday

Pinned 200mg masteron, 500mg test c, took 50mg of Aromasin (this crap is underdosed....), and pinned 70mg of tren suspension

Legs / Arms

Squats 135x10, 225x25x25x25x25
Ez Bar Preacher curls 45x10, 95x8x7x6x5
Dips BWx10, BW+45x17x15x17x15

Tricep Extensions Cable 110x8x8x7x7
Tricep Pulldowns 110x12x12x10x10
Calf Raises 195x14, 205x12x10x10
Traveling Lungers 90x10x10x10x10

Smith Squat Extended stance with medium bands 1ppsx20x20x20x20
Hammer pullups BW+45x8x6x6x5
Dips of a bench with 45lb in my lapx25x25x25x25

Hammer Squat rotating back on heels 3ppsx25x25x25x25
Cable Curls 130x15x15x15x15
Ham Curls 140x10x10x10x9

I thought this workout might kill me. I was drenched and exhausted at the end. I was slaving at this one for about 2 hours. I couldn't even move after I sat down in the locker room. So I stretched until I could stand, made a protein shake and went about my way. This was an epic workout :)

Tren suspension is def doing its thing. I'm very happy with the stamina it gives me. The only side I get from it is terrible heart burn. I got some tums and an OTC 24 hour thing for heart burn and all good.

No other sides besides the focking esto making my nips sensitive. I can't wait for the Letro to get here. I'm going to blast the sh1t out of my estro. It may cost me a week of gains, but do you have any idea how much it sucks to eat decently clean, slave in the gym and still have a small lump and some puffiness? Hmmmm....ok, maybe I do have some aggression. Ha ha.

Nothing else to report. Tomorrow is back and shoulders, volume day.

Sunday is Disc gold with big Al and chest and abs with my brother.

Peace, love and making weights my bitch,

Hell yeah man that's a sick workout glad to see you killin it every single workout!

Got a quick question for you, TG or anybody else willing to chime in. My friend is having super soreness in his injection site (glute) in which he pinned 1cc of a test/sust blend. Do you think it could be attributed to him being relatively new to pinning or is this something else he should be concerned with? Thanks for any replies guys!


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Nips still a little sore, but the letro is holding it off. I need more!!!

The thundergod hath heard thine plea and shall answer anon!!


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Got a quick question for you, TG or anybody else willing to chime in. My friend is having super soreness in his injection site (glute) in which he pinned 1cc of a test/sust blend. Do you think it could be attributed to him being relatively new to pinning or is this something else he should be concerned with? Thanks for any replies guys!
I think most likely it is just him being new to pinning and it's virgin reactions. Every virgin's first time hurts. LOL Seriously, he will be fine. His body will adjust to the injections very soon and he won't be in pain from his injects.

Also, have him to make sure he's injecting properly:
1.) Heat the injection site with a hot wash cloth and then alcohol swab the site.
2.) Hold the barrel of the syringe under some hot running water for a full minute to thin the oil.
3.) Inject the oil SLOWLY!! I must emphasize this. People think that you just haul off and squirt that shizz in there. No way. Take a full minute to inject the oil into the site.
4.) Massage the site after the inject.

These tips will definitely help.


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I think most likely it is just him being new to pinning and it's virgin reactions. Every virgin's first time hurts. LOL Seriously, he will be fine. His body will adjust to the injections very soon and he won't be in pain from his injects.

Also, have him to make sure he's injecting properly:
1.) Heat the injection site with a hot wash cloth and then alcohol swab the site.
2.) Hold the barrel of the syringe under some hot running water for a full minute to thin the oil.
3.) Inject the oil SLOWLY!! I must emphasize this. People think that you just haul off and squirt that shizz in there. No way. Take a full minute to inject the oil into the site.
4.) Massage the site after the inject.

These tips will definitely help.

TG i can't thank you enough he was getting worried so this will give him peace of mind. Not sure if he's done those tips but i'm definitely telling him! :notworthy:


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TG i can't thank you enough he was getting worried so this will give him peace of mind. Not sure if he's done those tips but i'm definitely telling him! :notworthy:
TG is right on. Ur body has to get used to the oil. Pinning slowly is imperative.

A relaxed muscle to pin is key IMO. Don't jab with the pin, it will cause that muscle to flex. Slowly push the needle in the muscle, slowing empty the barrel, let the pin sit for 5 secs or so and remove. I never massage it but u can.
I used to heat the oil but I'm so used to it I don't. Also, if he is having a problem sticking the needle in slow, use ice instead of a warm cloth. Take a peice of ice and press it on a good area to pun until the skin is numb, then wipe with a towel and rub with alcohol. Then he can slowly put the needle in with zero pain.
I did thus until I outgrew my vagina and it worked like a charm. Now I just draw, swab, pin slowly and I'm good.
I also rest my leg in a chair as it makes the muscle relax. Even with a foot on the floor, ur quad is still tense.
This method has treated me well. I'm only sore when I get in a hurry and pin 3cc in a min or something. Ha ha.

Tell ur buddy welcome to the dark side.


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A relaxed muscle to pin is key IMO. Don't jab with the pin, it will cause that muscle to flex.
LOL... i remember japping the pin into my quad once and my muscle automatically flexed... f*ckin worst pain lmao


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Day 48

weight 218 (+21)

Took caber, 50mg of Aromasin (the new batch), Pinned 150 mg NPP. Also pinned 112.5 mg of Tren suspension :saevil: I was loading my slins for the week and said fock it and went ahead and pinned 1.5ml with a 25g pin. I pinned in a real dense part of my quad....oops. It took forever for me to slide the pin in there with some decent force. I'm sure I'll pay for that in the coming days.

I decided to switch the day up bc my brother wanted to do something besides Chest and Abs tomorrow. So I did them today and I'll hit shoulders and back tomorrow with him. That will mean I'll do shoulders and back, then legs and arms, then shoulders and back again. I'll prob stay light bc that is a lot for my lower back. On the bright side of things tho, it gives my chest an extra day of recovery before I hit it again.

Chest / Abs

Flat Bench 135x5, 225x3, 315x4> 295x1, 295x1> 275x2, 275x1> 225x4, 225x3>135x8
Incline Hammer 2ppsx10x10x8x6
Weighted crunch entire machine's stack 140x14x14x12x12

Incline 135x8x10x12x14
WOD assistedx12x12x12x12
Oblique Crunch 24kg Kettle x16x16x16x16
Leg raises with 40lbDB bt quadsx12x12x12x12 (maybe 11.5 I almost dropped the focking DB)

Cable Ab pull downs entire stack 190x33x30x30
Decline Perfect Pushup (gym has a set) 1ft off the ground x 17x17x17
Incline Pushupx12x10x10

Cable Flies 50x12x12x12x12
Side Grapple with BB+25x10x10x10x10
Cable Decline 35x12x12x12x12

I was beat up after this one too. I'm still recovering. I'm planning on cooking and relaxing for the evening. I'm focking shot. Honestly, I didn't feel a big difference having pinned more Tren.....hmmmm......

Still no other sides. I did confirm I will have a sh1t ton of letro here in a bit. I'll be dosing it very, very high for the first few days at the least to get estro and sides under control. I'm interested to see how much I can drive it into the ground without killing my joints and gains considering everything I'm on. Bottom line tho, I'm shifting gears guys. I will not slow my workouts down or my diet, but if my gains slow, I'm ok with that. Having a small lump, which I have had before, is pretty unsightly IMO and really hurts the contours of a chest I spend way too much effort to chisel out. So when I get the sh1t ton of letro, that is priority one for now.

That being said, my theo on bench is over 350 now and I still have 5 weeks to go. Plus all this leaning out talk, the last two weeks I won't be pinning test c so my levels will be declining, but masteron, npp and tren will still be there. All don't aromatize (well nandro does, but at something like 5%) so I think the last two weeks, I'll really lean the fock out, but without as much test maybe my mood will be sh1t. We'll see.

I do want to comment tho that one thing I'm thinking is the reason I don't have all those crazy sides from all this stuff is my test dose. It keeps my in a great mood and I don't really get aggressive off of it. It makes my very calm honestly. I'm not saying I don't get aggravated bc I do, but not enough for me to change my actions. If I don't drive estro in the ground here shortly, however, I doubt I'll ever run test this high again. Time will tell.



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How tall are you bro?...


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Herr Morry,
I'd be lying if I said that my very first pin of tren-suspension turned me into the Incredible Hulk or something. Even though it has no ester attached, it still took around my 3rd pin to really feel the stuff kicking ass and taking names. And you're taking a very small dose too so that has to be taken into account. I pin 112 to 150mg when I stick it. And I always take it at least 2 hours before crushing the iron.

Give it time........it will come.

The only compounds that I have felt immediately are Oral Trenbolone (methyl-trienolone) and Milberone (Cheque Drops). They kick QUICK!!
sound advice here.


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Man, this is gonna piss a lot of short dudes off, but sometimes I wish I wasn't 6'4 cause 10 lbs weight gain to me is like only 1 lb gain for shorter dudes... I gotta slab on 30 before anyone notices anything...

You look huge bro, no homo, well maybe a little...j/j


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Man, this is gonna piss a lot of short dudes off, but sometimes I wish I wasn't 6'4 cause 10 lbs weight gain to me is like only 1 lb gain for shorter dudes... I gotta slab on 30 before anyone notices anything...

You look huge bro, no homo, well maybe a little...j/j
Ehhh oh well I am 5'7" and 250 lmao.


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Man, this is gonna piss a lot of short dudes off, but sometimes I wish I wasn't 6'4 cause 10 lbs weight gain to me is like only 1 lb gain for shorter dudes... I gotta slab on 30 before anyone notices anything...

You look huge bro, no homo, well maybe a little...j/j
That was supposed to say 10 lbs to me is 20 to shorter guys... Stupid smart phone!


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6 feet.

I've been measure at 6 feet and a half so I've rounded up, but to be safe, 6 feet.

If you ask Al, I'm 5'9"

ha ha
Noooo, I said 5'10" because my buddy Matt was 5'11" and I thought he was about an inch taller than you, but yeah, if I'm standing in a hole and you are up on a hill then I'm still 2" taller than you, LoL!


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TG is right on. Ur body has to get used to the oil. Pinning slowly is imperative.

A relaxed muscle to pin is key IMO. Don't jab with the pin, it will cause that muscle to flex. Slowly push the needle in the muscle, slowing empty the barrel, let the pin sit for 5 secs or so and remove. I never massage it but u can.
I used to heat the oil but I'm so used to it I don't. Also, if he is having a problem sticking the needle in slow, use ice instead of a warm cloth. Take a peice of ice and press it on a good area to pun until the skin is numb, then wipe with a towel and rub with alcohol. Then he can slowly put the needle in with zero pain.
I did thus until I outgrew my vagina and it worked like a charm. Now I just draw, swab, pin slowly and I'm good.
I also rest my leg in a chair as it makes the muscle relax. Even with a foot on the floor, ur quad is still tense.
This method has treated me well. I'm only sore when I get in a hurry and pin 3cc in a min or something. Ha ha.

Tell ur buddy welcome to the dark side.
Real MEN leave the syringe outside for a day or two so some rust can form on the needle then they jab it in and always flex your muscle as you are pulling the pin out so you can make sure all the rust stays inside the muscle, that way it keeps your immune system working at full force, Tetanus is for the WEAK!


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That was supposed to say 10 lbs to me is 20 to shorter guys... Stupid smart phone!
I'm 6'2", I like being tall, hell I wish I was taller, but I do feel your pain I mean my legs have a nice shape to them, but will never have the mass of a shorter guy, doesn't mean I won't continue to try and grow them til the day I die, but it is just one of those things I have learned to accept! Just remember though, short guys wanna be taller, I mean look at Morry, he wants to be 6 feet tall sooooo bad! :lol:


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I'm 6'2", I like being tall, hell I wish I was taller, but I do feel your pain I mean my legs have a nice shape to them, but will never have the mass of a shorter guy, doesn't mean I won't continue to try and grow them til the day I die, but it is just one of those things I have learned to accept! Just remember though, short guys wanna be taller, I mean look at Morry, he wants to be 6 feet tall sooooo bad! :lol:

Hate u
Ha ha


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Hate u
Ha ha
All honesty... Morry is my Boy... "You my Boy Blue!" Old School! I honestly did not think he was 6ft tall when I met him, but let me explain, it is because he is so stocky & thickly built, it is deceiving, because most of the guys I meet that are built like that are shorter and the only thing I can really tell is that I was taller! Well we really did discuss this like two weeks ago and he was like, "AL, I'm 6ft Bro" and so I literally stood right up next to him and sure enough, he is all of 6ft tall even with his cute little Vibrams on (Granola eating... Tree Huggin... Free Chipotle getting...)!


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First of all, big props and heaps of congratulations are in order for you, herr morry. You've done an outstanding job with this cycle. And there's still lots to come!

Funny we should be discussing Tren-Enanthate.........I just started my cycle which includes some of it.
Here's the way it goes down:



Test-Cyp@500mg weekly
Tren-Enanthate@400mg weekly
Test-Prop@150mg EOD (first 6 weeks)
Tren-Ace@150mg EOD (first 6 weeks)


D-bol@100mg (pulsed 3 X weekly before my 3 heavy workouts)

It's gunna be so much mad fun!!:sasmokin:
almost a gram of tren- you sir are insane


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sorry i haven;t had time to catch up man- looking good! Real good!


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almost a gram of tren- you sir are insane
In a week I'm on a gram of test c, 450 mg npp, 800 mg of masteron, and ~ 300-350 mg Tren no ester.

Great minds do what now?

I did kill back and shoulders today, will post up workout ASAP.


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I've just about convinced myself I need to give an injectable cycle a run in the future. Just to see what I think...

Doing incredible Morry! You are becoming more beastly by the day


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I've just about convinced myself I need to give an injectable cycle a run in the future. Just to see what I think...

Doing incredible Morry! You are becoming more beastly by the day
once you go dark side you never go back ;)


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I would have to have someone walk me through every step every day just to make sure I did not jack myself up and to make sure that I got the most out of it.


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I've just about convinced myself I need to give an injectable cycle a run in the future. Just to see what I think...

Doing incredible Morry! You are becoming more beastly by the day
Yes bro.. You won't ever wanna use DS again :saevil:


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Day 49

weight 218

pinned 200 mg masteron, took aromasin, 50mg tren suspension

Back shoulders

worked out with my brother. 48 sets. Took about 3 hours, but there was two of us. Could have gotten it done in 2 but no worries. I think my body appreciated the slower pace. I won't record the entire workout, but DLs were murderous

DL, 135x10, 255x15x15x15x15, just to show off I let the tren monster come out and I was pulling this up to my chest for 3 or 4 reps on set 3 :)

Still waiting on Letro to get here.

Everything else is going perfectly. I think I'm starting to lean out a bit.

I did feel achy tonight and the night sweats were pretty crazy. I guess the 112mg of tren I took on Sat helped some sides pop up. I still didn't have a problem sleeping. If anything, feeling achy made me sleep better. It felt like I was sick honestly. I have read of guys getting flu like symptoms from Tren so I wasn't all that worried. I haven't been sick in over 2 years. Well, really sick. Sniffle here, little cough there, but nothing like a head cold or anything. By the morning tho, I was feeling fine and actually felt great. I did wake up at 2 to piss and it took a little to go back to sleep but it was bc I got distracted and started reading. When I decided to go back to bed, it was really quite quick.

Legs and arms tomorrow. Pics too



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I've just about convinced myself I need to give an injectable cycle a run in the future. Just to see what I think...

Doing incredible Morry! You are becoming more beastly by the day
I'll be the first to sub a dub.

I'm still trying to get as lean as you focker!!! ha ha

I would want to kill every person i run into, unless shes got some nice T&A
Tren=fock lots when there is T&A
Tren=look like you will kill everything when there is sausage

Tren only did that to me on a cut. On a bulk it just made me feel good.
Do you think that had anything to do with test levels? When you were on a cut were you on the same dose and ester of test?

once you go dark side you never go back ;)
Damn Mike, it's once you go black you never go.....

wait, aren't you

Fock, tricked again.

its true lol..
that's def what she said

I would have to have someone walk me through every step every day just to make sure I did not jack myself up and to make sure that I got the most out of it.
that's what pms are for....

Yes bro.. You won't ever wanna use DS again :saevil:



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Day 50

weight 217

Pinned 150 mg NPP, 500 mg Test C, took aromasin and letro (taking aromasin for 3 days while on letro to account for the half life of letro), pinned 50mg tren suspension

Legs / Arms

For some reason this one about killed me. I was so light headed. I didn't eat much throughout the day. I may be getting to lean to center my calories around my workout. I'll eat a little more tomorrow and see if that helps.

Box Squats 135x10, 225x20x16x15x15
Dips BWx10x20x20x20x20
Curls BB 65x10, 95x9x8x8x7

Hammer Pullups BWx12x12x12x12
Tricep Extensions 20lbDBx12x12x12x12
Calf Raises 205x12x12x12x12

Tricep extension cable 110x10x10x10
Tricep Pull down cable 110x8x8x8
Hamstring Curl 140x15x12
Bicep Curl Cable 140x12x12

I had to stop bc I felt so lighted headed I was going to pass out. This is the most sick I have gotten working out this cycle. Fock it tho. I'm making good progress. I'm thinking it was the food or lack thereof. I really felt like I was going to just fall over. I had to stop and sit down between some of my last sets.

Nips are getting better, but I'm focking sick and tired of logging about them. They are the only part of my physique that isn't coming around yet. I know in the past, my chest is one of the last places to loose fat so I know I just need to be patient. Pics below.

Tomorrow is Back and Shoulder again. Haven't decided heavy or not :p



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Day 51

Pinned 200mg masteron, 250 iu hcg, took aromasin 50 mg and 2.5 mg letro. One more day of both ai's and ill go to just letro (long half life of letro)

I did pin Tren suspension but only so I didn't go 2 days without pinning bc tomorrow has been a normall rest day.

Decided to rest today. My body is battered.

May rest tomorrow too.



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Your shoulders look like you are having a fugging allergic reaction to something deadly!!!



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Looking thick and lean, homey. No need to get all drastic and drop calories too much. That was the reason for the light-headedness. So keep those clean cals up and running.

You're looking awesome, herr morry!!


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Who is that RIPPED BEAST? Looking Good Bro, Real Good, Keep it up, you just better not let me get leaner than you by Halloween, I mean I don't wanna make ya look Bad Bro... heheheh! I still think you got me by about 1-2%, but I'm dropping fast... I mean you could always dress up like Loki, Thor's wimpy little brother! :lol:


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morr ay proud of ya!


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Who is that RIPPED BEAST? Looking Good Bro, Real Good, Keep it up, you just better not let me get leaner than you by Halloween, I mean I don't wanna make ya look Bad Bro... heheheh! I still think you got me by about 1-2%, but I'm dropping fast... I mean you could always dress up like Loki, Thor's wimpy little brother! :lol:

Morry, you are such a beast Brother, vascular, getting nice and lean, chest is looking like granite, shoulders like boulders, just on bad ass mofo. Even though you are complaining about the gyno and it is frustrating you, it is obviously going down quite a bit. Trust me I understand the frustration in that area.

You look friggin HUGE, and your workouts have been nothing less than bad ass! Those 4 sets of 225x25 on squats the other day almost made me puke just reading the log. How about 315x4 on bench, big numbers man. I can't wait to see the changes in the next couple weeks.


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Your shoulders look like you are having a fugging allergic reaction to something deadly!!!AWESOME!!!!!
I am! The best allergic reaction there is!!! ha haThx bro!
Looking thick and lean, homey. No need to get all drastic and drop calories too much. That was the reason for the light-headedness. So keep those clean cals up and running. You're looking awesome, herr morry!!
I appreciate that TG.I'm not lowering cals homie. I have changed the timing of them. I center most of them around by post workout meal. This is the most efficient way for me to recomp. I'm eating the same amount of cals, maybe more, just at a different time. Honestly tho, I may need to divide the cals up if I'm getting tired as fock during my workouts. I'll just feel this one out.I'm not worried about a fast tho bc I doubt me going catabolic is much of an issue.
Who is that RIPPED BEAST? Looking Good Bro, Real Good, Keep it up, you just better not let me get leaner than you by Halloween, I mean I don't wanna make ya look Bad Bro... heheheh! I still think you got me by about 1-2%, but I'm dropping fast... I mean you could always dress up like Loki, Thor's wimpy little brother! :lol:
Thx man, but I'm with you. It is hard to tell b/t us bc we hold fat in dif areas. Loki? Fock that!
morr ay proud of ya!
Thanks brotha
LMAO Al!Morry, you are such a beast Brother, vascular, getting nice and lean, chest is looking like granite, shoulders like boulders, just on bad ass mofo. Even though you are complaining about the gyno and it is frustrating you, it is obviously going down quite a bit. Trust me I understand the frustration in that area. You look friggin HUGE, and your workouts have been nothing less than bad ass! Those 4 sets of 225x25 on squats the other day almost made me puke just reading the log. How about 315x4 on bench, big numbers man. I can't wait to see the changes in the next couple weeks.
Kleen, always a pleasure to hear from you and thank you for the kind words. Getting back to my ripped up self does feel good, but you and I both know how much having that side can effect the mental and aesthetic outlook on progress. Things are looking up tho. Aromasin has been treating me well at 50mg and I'm going over to solely Letro as long as I have access to it tonight.My workouts feel like war brother. I look forward to them everyday and think at least a few times throughout each that I should stop and give up, but NEVER. I can't wait to see where I slide in these last few weeks! Thanks for continuing to follow. You start your HCGenerate yet?


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I appreciate that TG.I'm not lowering cals homie. I have changed the timing of them. I center most of them around by post workout meal. This is the most efficient way for me to recomp. I'm eating the same amount of cals, maybe more, just at a different time. Honestly tho, I may need to divide the cals up if I'm getting tired as fock during my workouts. I'll just feel this one out.I'm not worried about a fast tho bc I doubt me going catabolic is much of an issue.
Some quick-burning carbs in the way of fruit wil help you power through those workouts. And you won't have to worry about adding bodyfat. The fruit will burn off quickly. I like bananas, apples, and peaches. Some blueberries or strawberries would be good to.


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Day 52
Pinned 150 mg NPP. Took Aromasin and Letro. If I have more letro, I'll be switching to a low dose of letro only. I want to save the aromasin and being on Tren, I'm not that worried about IGF levels. Maybe lipids, but it is only 4 weeks....

weight 217 (+20)

Back / Shoulders
DL 135x10, 225x5, 315x3, 405x1, 495x1 (!!!!), 515xfail 315x8
Military, 135x10, 185x5x4x3
Face Pulls 28k Kettlex12x12x12x12
Hammer Rows 4ppsx10x9x8x8
Close grip cable 180x12x12x12x12
Reverse Cross over flies 50x10x8, 40x12x10
DB Shrugs 200lbsx12x10x10x10
Lat Pull down 180x12x12x10x10
Close Grip pull down 135x8x9x8x8
Snatch and Press (fulls) 135x5x5x5x5
One armed Hammer rows 2platesx14x12x12x12
Delt Machine 140x10x10x10x10

495 on DL def felt good, so good I thought I could pull 515 right after. No go! Next time I'll got from 405 up to maybe 515. I'm not sure if that is too big of a jump, but my back didn't feel too horrible after the lift.

Estro is back under control. Just a few more days and I think the last lump will be gone. It split this morning and the other nip is just sensitive now. All in all, very good things.No other sides. No extra hair. No hair loss. No real aggression to speak of and believe me if I was going to explode, I would have done it tonight. My neighbor was blasting music till past 2 am and I calmly asked him to stop.

I was going to take the day off, but I had the time, felt focking great and said fock it. It turned out to be a great workout. I did spread some calories out a little more and I felt much better during the workout.

Only 6 or 7 more pins of test c. Right now I'm pinning 17 times a week. Twice for test c. ED for Masteron or NPP whichever day it is. 6 times a week for tren suspension. Twice a week for HCG. Out of those 9 of the are with a 25g, the other with a slin.

Tomorrow is chest and abs.



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Progress is looking solid bro...
Your a human pin cushion! How long is this cycle?

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