A Legend Returns...an epic Morry Log NPP/Masteron/TNE/Test/Tren Xtreme



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Sounds perfect.
They do that in Africa with cocaine and gunpowder, no?
According to the movie "The Lord of War" they do...

Personally... snorting sulphur, charcoal and potassium nitrate seems pretty retarded to me, but to each his/her own I guess!


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Day 40

weight 214 (+17) and same as yesterday

Took Letro, caber, T3. Pinned 150 mg NPP. Pinned 50mg Tren Suspension about 4 hours before workoiut

Legs / Arms

I was a little rushed on time, but here is what I was able to complete in just under 1.5 hours

Squat 135x10, 225x30x25x25x25
Dips BWx30x30x30x30
BB Curls 45x10, 95x8x9x9x10

Hammer Pullups BWx20x16x14x14
Calf Raises 195x14x14x12x12
Tricep Extensions 15lbDBx15x15x15x15

Cable Curls 110x20, 140x15x15x15
Tricep Cable Pull downs 140x15x14x14x12
Quad Extensions 205x15x15x15x15

Tricep Cable Extensions 110x20, 140x12x12x12
Hamstring Curls 140x12x12x12x12
Hammer Squat 2pps (drive heels with an extended out stance)x25x25x25x25

This was a hell of a volume workout. Tren was def kicking for me. I didn't feel all that much more powerful strength wise, but my muscles just weren't getting tired. I get winded after a 225x25 set of squats and for some reason I could walk over and start curls without that much of a problem. I don't think anything really slowed me down besides the sheer volume. My body had to get oxygen to those muscles. I was very, very happy with this workout.

So far, from the first two days here is what I would say about Tren. I don't think it makes you any more winded than anything else. I do think it helps you push heavy forever. Being winded and out of breath is a side effect of that aspect, not the Tren directly. To me, it felt like I was sprinting honestly. That is how bad my chest hurt as I went through the workout. I've ran long and very hard many, many times and I train in circuits religiously. Needless to say, being out of breath didn't slow me down. When I completed the workout I felt like I had just ran 10 miles while I was carrying a boulder. It was a good feeling.

Focking lumps are still there. Right almost gone. Left I'm not sure will go away while I'm on such a high dose of test. I'm dosing the SH1t of out letro and it doesn't seem to want to get much smaller. There is still estro tho bc my libido is raging. I focked 3 times b/t last night and this morning. I'm not complaining tho and I don't think she is either. Tren/Masteron/Test=great focking libido.

I have noticed a few zits here and there. I'm changing the soap I use for my back and shoulders as that is where they are popping up. They aren't bad and nobody has really noticed them. I'll switch the soap and see what happens. No hair loss at all tho and no other "sides" beside a raging libido.

Tommorow is back and shoulders. Problem is my right shoulder focking hurts. It ached after the dips I did today. I'm not sure if I'm just over working it or if I have micro tore something. I may need to keep to light weight/ hammer strength for a bit and let NPP work more of it's magic.



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just a quick note. I just pinned 200 mg of masteron and about an hour ago 75mg tren suspension. That lump in my left quad is still there a bit, but I think it is actually oil. I've pinned a sh1t ton in that leg. It doesn't really hurt all that bad, but the size is noticeably different. I'm going to focus on pinning the right quad for a bit and see if the lump goes down. It isn't a bump, it is literally like a large lump on top of the muscle. It doesn't look infected or any different than any other part of my skin. I don't feel sick either. That's why I'm thinking it is just oil.

I can't wait for this 75mg of tren suspension to start kicking. I hope I don't go crazy to injur myself in the gym....ha ha


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just a quick note. I just pinned 200 mg of masteron and about an hour ago 75mg tren suspension. That lump in my left quad is still there a bit, but I think it is actually oil. I've pinned a sh1t ton in that leg. It doesn't really hurt all that bad, but the size is noticeably different. I'm going to focus on pinning the right quad for a bit and see if the lump goes down. It isn't a bump, it is literally like a large lump on top of the muscle. It doesn't look infected or any different than any other part of my skin. I don't feel sick either. That's why I'm thinking it is just oil.

I can't wait for this 75mg of tren suspension to start kicking. I hope I don't go crazy to injur myself in the gym....ha ha
Damn Bro... You are an ANABOLIC MACHINE!!!


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Morry toss some of that oil in your glutes bro. You can dump a ****ton of oil in the glutes and not feel a thing.

BTW thats what I did with the prop and no longer having any issues :D


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Morry toss some of that oil in your glutes bro. You can dump a ****ton of oil in the glutes and not feel a thing.

BTW thats what I did with the prop and no longer having any issues :D

Gotcha! Good to hear about the prop. Maybe I'll give the glutes a try. I've never pinned in the glutes tho. I don't get any pain in the quads most of the time. I pinned the tren suspension in the delts the past couple of times. Do you pin it yourself or does somebody pin it for you? If you do it yourself, can you describe how you do it?


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Day 41

weight 215 (+18) and up one from yesterday. A little bit of carbs last night for dinner....

Back / Shoulders

Pinned 200mg masteron. Pinned 75mg of tren suspension. Took Letro and T3.

It was suggested to me that I do DLs last. So I gave it a whirl...

Hammer Rows, hammer grip 270x20x16x14x13
Close Grip Cable rows 165x14x12x10x10
Reverse Cable flies cross over 50x12x10x7, 45x8

DB Shrugs 200x20x18x16x14
Wide Grip Pull ups BWx12x6, Lat Pull down 135x12x12
Close grip lat pull down 135x10x8x7x6

Full Clean and Press (not half, but FULL!!) 135x4x5x5x5
Bent over Rows 80dbx12x12x10x10
Machine lateral raises 110x15x15x15x15

DL 225x15x15x15x15
BB Military 95x20x20x20x20
Face Pulls Kettle 28kgx12x12x12x12

Mostly high volume reps. Workout went by pretty quick. About 1.5 hours I think. I really didn't notice much of a difference b/t 50 and 75 mg of Tren suspension. I was still able to lift like crazy. Tren suspension is great, but in a different way than TNE. I love the tren so far, I'm not complaining, just putting it in here for the purposes of the log.

I stayed light on some of the shoulders to let my right shoulder have a break.

I liked having the DLs at the end, but I think I'll rotate them back and forth. I think if I'd have started with DL I could have gotten a set of 315 for some serious reps. Then again, I needed to give my CNS a serious break from this past week so lighter was probably better. Funny enough, I didn't sweat today as much as I normally do. Weird IMO. I eventually ended up soaked, but I was well into my 3rd circuit. Maybe it is bc I moved the major movement to the end. I was also pretty stoked I did the full clean and press this time instead of starting from where you would pin press from.

Chest / Abs tomorrow. I'll probably keep the reps high and the weight low. Active recovery.



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dam those DLs give me a pump just reading that workout


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Gotcha! Good to hear about the prop. Maybe I'll give the glutes a try. I've never pinned in the glutes tho. I don't get any pain in the quads most of the time. I pinned the tren suspension in the delts the past couple of times. Do you pin it yourself or does somebody pin it for you? If you do it yourself, can you describe how you do it?
I do it myself bro.... You pin off to the side, more towards the top of of the glutes anyways.

This picture is the best way to explain it i guess.



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I do it myself bro.... You pin off to the side, more towards the top of of the glutes anyways.

This picture is the best way to explain it i guess.


How do you keep from tensing a muscle as you turn? As dumb as it sounds, I'm not sure I'm comfortable enough to try this. I can't end up with a big bruise on the top of my a$$ right now. It would create questions I don't want to answer....ha ha.


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Day 42

weight not recorded yet

Pinned 150mg NPP, 500mg Test c. Took Letro and T3. Also pinned 50 mg tren suspension 4 hours before workout

Chest / Abs

Flat Bench 95x10, 135x5, 225x19x15x12x10
Reverse Grip Bench 135x15x15x15x15
Draw Bridges 50x50x50x50

Incline 145x8x7x7x7
Weighted Oblique crunch 45x16x16x16x16
Lying leg raises w/8lb medicine ballx25x25x25x25

Cable Ab pull downs 190x30x30x30x30
Clap Push ups BWx10x10x10x10
Incline Pushups x12x10x10x10

Cable Flies 50x20, 80x15x15x15
Decline Cable Flies 50x12x12x12x12
Cable Oblique Crunch 50x16x16x16x16

I think I had too much sodium in my diet yesterday. I'm holding onto some water. I'm not sure how much, but I will once I weigh myself.

Workout went by slow, but I was working out with my brother. He is getting back into the workout game; we used to be two ripped mofos.

No sides to speak of besides the damn estro getting back into line. I think it is under control, I just have to reverse some of the other effects. I was in a crappy mood today, but I slept like garbage so I'm not sure if it had anything to do with the gear. I've also had some wiked heartburn the past few day. This is pretty weird bc I never really have hearburn so having it two days in a row is a little strange.

Tomorrow is Legs / Arms AND pics



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heartburn most likely tren, pin in gluteus minimus no bruise and fine flexed.
sorry, typing with one hand


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Great googly moogly! You are rocking it Morry! I can't wait to see the next pics. Does anyone else thing 30 mg of Epi every workout would take care of the estro from DHEA??? Just a thought. LOL Damn it Morry thou doth tempt me sooo.


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Great googly moogly! You are rocking it Morry! I can't wait to see the next pics. Does anyone else thing 30 mg of Epi every workout would take care of the estro from DHEA??? Just a thought. LOL Damn it Morry thou doth tempt me sooo.
My workouts have been treating me well. :)

The EPI is def worth a shot. Depends on how much estro is floating around. 30mg should do it if it will at all IMO.


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Squat 135x10, 225x30x25x25x25

Hammer Rows, hammer grip 270x20x16x14x13
DB Shrugs 200x20x18x16x14

Flat Bench 95x10, 135x5, 225x19x15x12x10

I just had to highlight a few of your most recent accomplishments and commend you for your dedication and persistence. Your drive and determination are taking you to new heights and realms.



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Does anyone else thing 30 mg of Epi every workout would take care of the estro from DHEA??? Just a thought. LOL
Damn it Morry thou doth tempt me sooo.
First of all, I think you're only joking, hence the "lol" after your enquiry.

But I wouldn't recommend the Epi even at low anti-estrogenic dosages (10mg daily), brother Kleen. You are into a PCT mode and the Epi will defintely increase shutdown.
Stick with the T-911 protocol that we already discussed. You can take one tab of T-911 in the mornings and 1 cap of Formadrol at night. This combo should be sufficient in lowing your estro and getting the water bloat down.


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First of all, I think you're only joking, hence the "lol" after your enquiry.

But I wouldn't recommend the Epi even at low anti-estrogenic dosages (10mg daily), brother Kleen. You are into a PCT mode and the Epi will defintely increase shutdown.
Stick with the T-911 protocol that we already discussed. You can take one tab of T-911 in the mornings and 1 cap of Formadrol at night. This combo should be sufficient in lowing your estro and getting the water bloat down.
About half joking. I should have been pretty well recovered by now, almost 2 months out of PCT now. However I beleive it is time to force the issue of TRT.


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How do you keep from tensing a muscle as you turn? As dumb as it sounds, I'm not sure I'm comfortable enough to try this. I can't end up with a big bruise on the top of my a$$ right now. It would create questions I don't want to answer....ha ha.

Actually pretty damn easy bro.


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Two day update by midnight.
I didn't forget pics, just haven't been home.


Again I have to give major props to this thread! We all have our own strengths when it comes to knowledge and I feel like every time I log in to keep up not only am I learning more but becoming even more motivated. Keep killing it Morry! As far as that lump is concerned, if you did decide against the epi, another option that you could go with would be Trans Resveratrol due to its natural SERM properties. I'm prone to gyno and every cycle I use a high quality Tran Res twice a day to help prevent the issue. Hopefully I don't get flagged for throwing that out there but there are a decent amount of studies, not to mention it also offers other benefits as an on cycle support supplement with its ability to help prevent Tren lethargy with it's antioxidant properties. Also, in two months I was planning on running test cyp, Tren E, and Var. I was afraid of the libido issues so when I read your comments on the perks to having Masteron in your cycle I couldn't be more interested. If having that and var would be overkill I'll just drop the var, but I'm definitely going to continue to research more.


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About half joking. I should have been pretty well recovered by now, almost 2 months out of PCT now. However I beleive it is time to force the issue of TRT.
Come to the dark side Luke. Feel the power.....


Actually pretty damn easy bro.
Hmmmm.....I'm getting used to the lumps of oil in my quads :lol: Fock it. Fill them quads with oil!!

Again I have to give major props to this thread! We all have our own strengths when it comes to knowledge and I feel like every time I log in to keep up not only am I learning more but becoming even more motivated. Keep killing it Morry! As far as that lump is concerned, if you did decide against the epi, another option that you could go with would be Trans Resveratrol due to its natural SERM properties. I'm prone to gyno and every cycle I use a high quality Tran Res twice a day to help prevent the issue. Hopefully I don't get flagged for throwing that out there but there are a decent amount of studies, not to mention it also offers other benefits as an on cycle support supplement with its ability to help prevent Tren lethargy with it's antioxidant properties. Also, in two months I was planning on running test cyp, Tren E, and Var. I was afraid of the libido issues so when I read your comments on the perks to having Masteron in your cycle I couldn't be more interested. If having that and var would be overkill I'll just drop the var, but I'm definitely going to continue to research more.
Problem is I let it get to far bc I was trying to stay away from Letro. Nothing OTC is going to drive estro in the ground like Letro. I'm in an ideal spot to do this too. Tren will keep IGF levels up. NPP will help the joints. Tren and Masteron is keeping Libido up. I'm not missing the estro for now. I'm going to dose the fock out of Letro till I get the results I want. I'm about to run out, but I have a sh1t load more on the way. I'm not sure why aromasin didn't keep things in check besides maybe it was underdosed. Either way, good suggestion, but I am too far gone my friend. Tren Lethargy? I don't even have a problem sleeping on the stuff. No worries as of right now bro. NONE.

Your cycle looks wiked, but why not run a long estered masteron with it? Kick start that SOB with something crazy like superdrol for 4 weeks and pin test c, tren e and masteron e!!! I've never taken tren e but from everything I've read, unless you are going to run that stuff longer than 8 weeks, go with a shorter ester. Just a suggestion. No matter what, tho, that combo is going to make you fock everything. Or one thing over and over. ha ha.


Haha I was definitely planning on running some sort of kicker. I have a half a bottle of beastdrol I can run. And yes, I was planning on running tren e for 10-12 weeks. I always wondered how Masteron E would help the cycle, so I think in a couple months I'll find out for myself. Thanks for your suggestions Morry. I'll continue to follow your log as you keep killing it! When's the next set of update pics? Also keep us updated on how the higher letro treats you. I've always read that its the best, though I myself have never had to have to use it. Best of luck for a speedy recovery on that!


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Day 43

weight 219 (+22) and up 4 from two days ago. Never took weight yesterday

Pinned 200 mg masteron, 250 iu hcg, 50mg tren suspension, took letro

Legs / Arms

This was a short session. I didn't have much time

Squats 135x10, 225x15, 315x10, 405x4, 365x8
BB Curls 45x10, 95x9x8x8x7
Dips BWx10x30x30x30x30

Hammer Pull ups BWx16x14x12
Calf Raises 205x14x14x16
Tricep Extensions DB 15lbx15x15x15

Cable Curls 105x16, 160x8x6
Tricep Pull down cable 60x12, 80x10x8
Quad Extensions 225x20x20x20

Only 33 sets, but I got finished in under an hour. Tren was kicking and I was felt great throughout the workout. These days are really, really challenging because the circuits are so taxing. Another good workout with Tren suspension.
No sides from the masteron of the tren. I sleep fine. I may sweat a little more, but I'm not all that sure. No aggression. Just insane workouts.

I'm still dosing letro to keep estro under control. I'm about to run that sh1t into the ground to finish that side off.

Nothing else to report.

Pics Below.


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Haha I was definitely planning on running some sort of kicker. I have a half a bottle of beastdrol I can run. And yes, I was planning on running tren e for 10-12 weeks. I always wondered how Masteron E would help the cycle, so I think in a couple months I'll find out for myself. Thanks for your suggestions Morry. I'll continue to follow your log as you keep killing it! When's the next set of update pics? Also keep us updated on how the higher letro treats you. I've always read that its the best, though I myself have never had to have to use it. Best of luck for a speedy recovery on that!
Pics above bro. Ask and ye shall receive.


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Looking like a fuggin beast Morry! Wow man! The difference in size is huge on your arms and traps. Some nice vascularity going on too. Your logs are making it hard for me to stay on the "legal side":sgrin:


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Day 44

weight 219 (+22) and same as yesterday. This is curious bc my diet has been a bit short on cals recently. Next week is going to be interesting bc I feel like I'm getting leaner but I'm not getting any lighter.

Pinned 150 mg NPP, 75mg tren suspension about 4 hours before workout. Took Letro. Killed weights!!!

Back Shoulders

DL 135x10, 225x15, 315x10, 405x5, 365x8
Military BB 95x10, 145x12x12x12x12
Kettle Face Pulls 12kgx12, 24kgx12x12x12x16 :)

Wide Grip Hammer Rows 270x16x14x12x10
Close Grip Cable Rows 160x12x12x12x10
Cross over reverse flies 45x12x10x9x7

DB Shrugs 260(you read it right)x12x10, 200x12x10
Lat Pull down 135x12x12x10x10
Close Grip Pull down 120x10x8x7x6

Half Clean and press 135x5x5x5x3
Hammer grip bent over DB rows 65x10x10x8x8
Delt machine 110x15x15x15x15

My left bicep was screaming after the shrugs. I think I'm pulling too much on that muscle. That is why I only did 3 on the last set of the half cleans and presses. Other than that, great workout.

The only problem I can see with Tren is the serious propensity to overtrain and overtax the tendons. I'm hoping the NPP is enough to counter act some of this, but honestly I stopped at 3 on that last set of half cleans and presses bc I was certain I could rip a muscle or tendon if I continued. Not worth it. I'm only half way done with this cycle. I need to keep my tendons in good order.

Tomorrow is an off day. I'll reevaluate on Thursday. I'm doing a pretty good job of keeping most of my body sore most of the time, but the changes I'm seeing are worth every drop of sweat.

The heartburn didn't go away. I went to the store and got a 24 hour OTC and some tums. Problem solved. As it was suggestion here, Tren was probably the culprit but the problem was easily solved. The beauty of running a log? So many minds collaborating. I've said it before, I got the easy job. Pin, eat, sleep, train like god himself. You guys have to give me all the feedback. I can't thank each of you enough for your input. This heartburn sucked a fock c0ck and within a day I had an answer through my log. NICE.

I'm obviously not prone to hair loss. Acne is well under control, I just switched soaps and no problem. I'm not overly aggressive, if anything I'm very calm. I fock like a 16 year old. I couldn't ask for much more. What you guys think so far??? Will I hit single digit BF again? I only have 6 weeks left.....



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Looking like a fuggin beast Morry! Wow man! The difference in size is huge on your arms and traps. Some nice vascularity going on too. Your logs are making it hard for me to stay on the "legal side":sgrin:
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm def putting in the time at the gym.

Hey Ripped, look at it this way, it isn't really illegal if you don't get caught......:lol:


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Damn man seeing a big difference in your arms/shoulders/chest/traps and that's all we can see LOL Keep up the great work man!


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First of all, big props and heaps of congratulations are in order for you, herr morry. You've done an outstanding job with this cycle. And there's still lots to come!

Funny we should be discussing Tren-Enanthate.........I just started my cycle which includes some of it.
Here's the way it goes down:



Test-Cyp@500mg weekly
Tren-Enanthate@400mg weekly
Test-Prop@150mg EOD (first 6 weeks)
Tren-Ace@150mg EOD (first 6 weeks)


D-bol@100mg (pulsed 3 X weekly before my 3 heavy workouts)

It's gunna be so much mad fun!!:sasmokin:


I think the term "beast" would be an understatement :sasmokin:
And holy bat flaps Thundergod! Nice looking cycle! Are you going to log it as well? Since I wont be starting for awhile I would be more than willing to follow.


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First of all, big props and heaps of congratulations are in order for you, herr morry. You've done an outstanding job with this cycle. And there's still lots to come!

Funny we should be discussing Tren-Enanthate.........I just started my cycle which includes some of it.
Here's the way it goes down:



Test-Cyp@500mg weekly
Tren-Enanthate@400mg weekly
Test-Prop@150mg EOD (first 6 weeks)
Tren-Ace@150mg EOD (first 6 weeks)


D-bol@100mg (pulsed 3 X weekly before my 3 heavy workouts)

It's gunna be so much mad fun!!:sasmokin:
Wowsers TG you are running a lot of Tren there buddy and holy crap that is A LOT of D-Bol, you are going to be beast status for sure!

Morry, you are tearing it up in the gym man, makes me want to do a cycle right now just reading your log. How the heck did you do a 260 DB for shrugs exactly? I thought the 200 pounders we have a Metroflex are the biggest and baddest, never even heard of a 260 DB before.


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Definitely working well for you. Your gains are GINORMOUS!!! Keep killing it.


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Morry you are a friggin BEAST! Up 22 lbs and leaner than the beginning. I have a feeling you were holding a little water in this pic as well considering a 4 lbs gain from a few days before so you must actually look pretty fuggin sick without it because you have leaned up even more than before. I do see the slight lump you were mentioning now that the picture is a little closer up, and understand the desire to curb it. I did the same thing with mine, have you thought that maybe you need some Caber, and it is not from the estro but prolactin due to the tren extreme and now regular Tren? Just a thought. That would definitely explain why the Arimidex did not do the trick. As far as getting into the single digits, it isn't a long trip just depends on if it really becomes your focus or not.

I think the term "beast" would be an understatement :sasmokin:
And holy bat flaps Thundergod! Nice looking cycle! Are you going to log it as well? Since I wont be starting for awhile I would be more than willing to follow.
Unfortunately Brother Thunder is retired from logging. He pops in and tells us how his runs are going in others logs and gives his words of wisdom and encouragement, but him logging is a thing we all just wish for now...


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Morry what grip are you using on your deads, if an over under and the bicep that hurt is the one that is typically supinated you will want to be very careful there. That is how most biceps tears occur. If just dead lifting to do the weight then you might want to think of using Versa Gripps and going with an overhand grip with both hands. At least for a little bit anyway.


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Looking like a fuggin beast Morry! Wow man! The difference in size is huge on your arms and traps. Some nice vascularity going on too. Your logs are making it hard for me to stay on the "legal side":sgrin:
Not the only one finding it hard to stay legal


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Morry what grip are you using on your deads, if an over under and the bicep that hurt is the one that is typically supinated you will want to be very careful there. That is how most biceps tears occur. If just dead lifting to do the weight then you might want to think of using Versa Gripps and going with an overhand grip with both hands. At least for a little bit anyway.
We do think alike, brother Kleen. I told him the same thing about the supinated deadlift grip on the phone just the other day.


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Damn man seeing a big difference in your arms/shoulders/chest/traps and that's all we can see LOL Keep up the great work man!
Thanks brotha, I just wish i was getting leaner faster.....
First of all, big props and heaps of congratulations are in order for you, herr morry. You've done an outstanding job with this cycle. And there's still lots to come!
Funny we should be discussing Tren-Enanthate.........I just started my cycle which includes some of it.
Here's the way it goes down:
Test-Cyp@500mg weekly
Tren-Enanthate@400mg weekly
Test-Prop@150mg EOD (first 6 weeks)
Tren-Ace@150mg EOD (first 6 weeks)
D-bol@100mg (pulsed 3 X weekly before my 3 heavy workouts)
It's gunna be so much mad fun!!:sasmokin:
Thanks TG. You're crazy BTW, but you know this. Deca ran at 150mg a week I'm guessing too?

I think the term "beast" would be an understatement :sasmokin:
And holy bat flaps Thundergod! Nice looking cycle! Are you going to log it as well? Since I wont be starting for awhile I would be more than willing to follow.

Nah, TG no loggy loggy, but he will update us if you ask him to,

Wowsers TG you are running a lot of Tren there buddy and holy crap that is A LOT of D-Bol, you are going to be beast status for sure!

Morry, you are tearing it up in the gym man, makes me want to do a cycle right now just reading your log. How the heck did you do a 260 DB for shrugs exactly? I thought the 200 pounders we have a Metroflex are the biggest and baddest, never even heard of a 260 DB before.
The dark side brother.....come one over.
LMFAO. 130eaDB. Dude, I can't shrug 520lbs man. I'd DL around 800 or something if I could. Sorry about that. Normally if it is EA, I'll denote it. That was a combined weight.
Definitely working well for you. Your gains are GINORMOUS!!! Keep killing it.
I hope they keep coming. Thanks man.
Morry you are a friggin BEAST! Up 22 lbs and leaner than the beginning. I have a feeling you were holding a little water in this pic as well considering a 4 lbs gain from a few days before so you must actually look pretty fuggin sick without it because you have leaned up even more than before. I do see the slight lump you were mentioning now that the picture is a little closer up, and understand the desire to curb it. I did the same thing with mine, have you thought that maybe you need some Caber, and it is not from the estro but prolactin due to the tren extreme and now regular Tren? Just a thought. That would definitely explain why the Arimidex did not do the trick. As far as getting into the single digits, it isn't a long trip just depends on if it really becomes your focus or not.
Unfortunately Brother Thunder is retired from logging. He pops in and tells us how his runs are going in others logs and gives his words of wisdom and encouragement, but him logging is a thing we all just wish for now...
I think you are right. A little water, but I need that last little bit of fat from the love handles, chest and belly button to vanish.
Caber? .5mg E3D. I'm all over it. Been on it since the beginning.
Aromasin was what I was using and I'm almost certain it was underdosed. Never used Arimidex. It is def estro and I'll hit it hard to get rid of it.
I think staying on a recomp is going to be best. I don't want to lose too much muscle bc of a cut. I'm not sure I could with everything I'm on right now, honestly. I'm just impatient. I ran my macros last night just to verify some things and the biggest difference bt this cycle and last is I'm getting almost all of my protein from whole food sources and not WPI. Last cycle it was over half from WPI. My cals are actually a bit lower, but protein is hovering around the low to mid 200's . I'm getting stronger and slimming down, just not as fast as I want. I'm hoping tho, the gains are more solid and more keepable this time. I ended up around 193 weeks after my PCT last time time. Down from 206 I think. I want to stay well about 200 this time, but I love being leaning and having that strong V.

Morry what grip are you using on your deads, if an over under and the bicep that hurt is the one that is typically supinated you will want to be very careful there. That is how most biceps tears occur. If just dead lifting to do the weight then you might want to think of using Versa Gripps and going with an overhand grip with both hands. At least for a little bit anyway.
Bingo. The bicep is from the alternate gripp. I switched after I talked to TG. I believe it is still healing.
I don't lift without my Versa brother. I'm married to them and won't workout without them. Having a shattered wrist at 17, I have to wear them to go heavy on many lifts. Otherwise my wrist gives the fock out.
Smart man Kleen, very very smart. Thanks for the suggestions!
Not the only one finding it hard to stay legal
:lol: I'm such a bad influence.
We do think alike, brother Kleen. I told him the same thing about the supinated deadlift grip on the phone just the other day.
Great minds do think a lot. And speaking of phone. You available later today? I got a couple ideas to bounce off of you. Hit me up in my email


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First of all, big props and heaps of congratulations are in order for you, herr morry. You've done an outstanding job with this cycle. And there's still lots to come!

Funny we should be discussing Tren-Enanthate.........I just started my cycle which includes some of it.
Here's the way it goes down:



Test-Cyp@500mg weekly
Tren-Enanthate@400mg weekly
Test-Prop@150mg EOD (first 6 weeks)
Tren-Ace@150mg EOD (first 6 weeks)


D-bol@100mg (pulsed 3 X weekly before my 3 heavy workouts)

It's gunna be so much mad fun!!:sasmokin:
I've had the best luck using Tren E and Tren Ace. I didn't like Tren Suspension. Tren E, 500mgs a week and Tren A every other day is a killer combo. I like your use of test too...


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Thanks TG. You're crazy BTW, but you know this. Deca ran at 150mg a week I'm guessing too?

Great minds do think a lot. And speaking of phone. You available later today? I got a couple ideas to bounce off of you. Hit me up in my email
Deca remains constant at 150 to 200mg weekly year round for joint-support purposes. And it works.

I'm chillin' like a villian right now. Call away, herr morry!!


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I've had the best luck using Tren E and Tren Ace. I didn't like Tren Suspension. Tren E, 500mgs a week and Tren A every other day is a killer combo. I like your use of test too...
Thanks, bro. It's under way now. I started dosing the Tren-Enanthate yesterday along with a nice helping of Test.
I've actually been "front-loading" or more rather "playing" with Tren-Ace for the last 2 weeks just to get it revved up and kicking.

Been doing 150mg EOD and it's kicking like a 3-legged ninja...........on meth!! :laugh:

But the whole thing's in swing now. Let the good times roll and let insane strength flourish!!


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Thanks, bro. It's under way now. I started dosing the Tren-Enanthate yesterday along with a nice helping of Test.
I've actually been "front-loading" or more rather "playing" with Tren-Ace for the last 2 weeks just to get it revved up and kicking.

Been doing 150mg EOD and it's kicking like a 3-legged ninja...........on meth!! :laugh:

But the whole thing's in swing now. Let the good times roll and let insane strength flourish!!
Thunder you have to be a beast by now man, are you still sitting at 260?


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Dayumm your arms exploded in thickness, good for you man! ****'s crazy, in so little time too! Makes me think about the darkside :evil:


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Morry I had a feeling you were probably running Caber and since it hasn't been mentioned as much or maybe I just overlooked it in your posts due to the fact I honestly don't always pay as much attention to everything you are taking every time because well... It makes me say damn, it's just not fair. I love to read your workouts, comments and all of the educational stuff but sometimes glaze over looking at the list of things you are taking since I know I can't have any of them... Please forgive that transgression Good Sir!

I was kind of thinking that those were combined weights on the DB shrugs. However 130dbs on shrugs are still beast! Especially if you got a good range of motion.


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Thunder you have to be a beast by now man, are you still sitting at 260?
Down to 257lbs right now.........recomping. :laugh:


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I love to read your workouts, comments and all of the educational stuff but sometimes glaze over looking at the list of things you are taking since I know I can't have any of them...
You can have them as easily as the rest of us.

Come to the dark side..........we have brownies. :sasmokin:

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