A Legend Returns...an epic Morry Log NPP/Masteron/TNE/Test/Tren Xtreme



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Looking good Morry, I think you may have leaned up from last pics which is impressive considering you are heavier again. Hard to tell with the new lighting it could be more flattering to you but either way the weight coming back up and looking as lean or leaner is fuggin awesome! zI like how you act as if 275 isn;t much on bench for reps, so nonchalant. Eh I think I will bust out 295 next week... BEAST!
Thx brotha. I'm doing what I can with the pics, but I think I'm leaning up a bit. We'll see....

I wanna get back to 360 max bench if my shoulder can take it. Strength in the chest is returning with a quickness . Love me some NPP


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Looking great Morry! No homo, but seriously good progress :thumbsup:
Thanks man. I'll keep plugging and chugging this bitch. Good to be getting back to before injury status.


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Last time I ran Tren I injected 400mgs of Tren E on Sunday, then 100mgs Tren Suspension five days a week. I got winded just thinking about tying my shoe, but strength was awesome... I hear you about the androgen high, but be careful of the E2 and especially DHT. You need E2 to a certain level, but when you're on a gram or two of gear, no one knows what the proper level of E2 should be. I would err on the side of caution and keep it normal, at around 35. But it was the DHT that closed my prostrate. Everyone is worried about gyno but ignore the prostrate. The androgens cause the bad sides, just make sure you guys keep the E2 and DHT in check as you cycle.
Yeah man, I saw ur thread on that. Scared me sh1tless honestly. Thanks for the advice man.


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I keep E2 in the normal range. I never advocate crushing estrogen......there's simply too many benefits of keeping estro in the normal ranges. First of all, you'll grow more if you allow some estrogen to remain and circulate.
I use very low doses of Arimidex.....and by low I mean .5 mg E3D. Just a little over a mg per week.......very low.

As far as DHT it concerned, let her roll!!! I don't have any prostate issues. And I have naturally high DHT anyway. I went bald in my early 20's and my body hair is like a friggin' sasquatch. lol
I don't think with Aromasin ill have a problem. My nip is still sensitive and a very tiny mass is under it but I know its the frontload of test going it. Masteron should fix things and if not, letro will although I'm avoiding it at just about any cost.

I got a full, thick head of hair . We'll how it treats me in that respect.

Tren suspension may be a no go. I'm having a problem sourcing it. I'll let u guys know.

Yesterday I took off to spend some time with friends. Today is back and shoulders. My chest is still fried from Monday though.

I'll still make an entry for yesterday to make the log uniform.


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Killing it Morry, Awesome Bro, Killer workouts Bro!


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Man morry, your a beast. I just got to Hawaii for my vacation and am glad your not here to make me feel inferior!!


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Morry... I wanted to publicly thank you for your great advice, is really helping me a lot! THANK YOU!

We gotta hook up and workout together one of these days!


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Looking ripped morry

Keep it up bro, can't wait for the final results


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Day 23

weight not recorded

I went to the Baseball game tonight. Never got home till late. I didn't completely break my diet, but let's just say I didn't eat paleo.

Pinned 100mg NPP, took T3, 50mcg, and Exemstane. No workout today means no Xtreme was taken.

I can definitely tell from how oily my sking was that I pinned 1.5 grams of test c yesterday. I just washed my face more often, no zits or anything.

My chest was completely focked from yesterday's workout. This is the most sore it has been this whole cycle. I musy have got it good.

Tommorow is Back / Shoulders


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Day 24

weight 217 (+20) but same as two days ago

Back Shoulders

Kept DLs decent light 225x10, 315x10, 315x8, 315x6. I was only able to get in 38 sets this workout. I had to be out in an hour and 15 minutes which I was able to do. I felt insane while I worked out, my endurance was noticeably different. I'm not sure why bc the test c had only been raised a couple days ago.

Took T3, 50 mcgs, Xtreme 150mg 1.5 hours to workout

The lethargy on the Xtreme comes and goes. Some days I get it bad and other I don't. I'm not sure what effects this as my diet doesn't vary before my workouts.

Right nip is still sensitive and a tiny bump, nothing that won't go away. Masteron to the rescue? I'm still taking b/t 20-25 mg of Aromasin a day. I think the surge of test contributed to this a bit, maybe I should have taken 50mg of Aromasin the day of and the day after the front load. Too late now.

I pinned 500mg Test c and 100mg NPP Tomorrow


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and TG hits a home run again! dude, we are on the same page about everything. LOL. Great minds think alike.
Morry, listen to this dude. wait, you already are.
That is one smart cat. I always get something from his post....always

Killing it Morry, Awesome Bro, Killer workouts Bro!
Thanks man

Man morry, your a beast. I just got to Hawaii for my vacation and am glad your not here to make me feel inferior!!
Um, you are in Hawaii. I am in Georgia. I'm the inferior one :lol:

Killer workouts mate! Your a machine!
Thanks man and welcome.

classic status bro
Classic? Legendary. Ha ha. Not till the end. We'll do a pole at the end

Morry... I wanted to publicly thank you for your great advice, is really helping me a lot! THANK YOU!

We gotta hook up and workout together one of these days!
Anytime brotha. Give me a shout. We'll get around to making some weights cry. Maybe a Sat or Sun

Looking ripped morry

Keep it up bro, can't wait for the final results
Hey CM, I really appreciate that. I can't wait till the end either, but I gotta. Sux!!!


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Day 25

weight 216 (+19) and down one from yesterday

Legs / Arms

Pinned 500mg Test c, 100mg NPP, took 25 mg Aromasin, 50mcg T3 and 150mg Xtreme (same time I normally take it). I had to stop by the vitamin store to get taurine and while I was there I got one of those Redline type drinks and downed half on the drive home. No lethargy on the way to the gym. Now I wonder if I'll sleep.....god I hope so.

52 sets today.

Squats 135x10, 225x10, 315x8, 405x3, 365x5
Curls Ez bar 90x10x10x9x7
Skull Crushers 90x10x10x10x9
Close Grip Ez 90x10x10x9x9

Dips BW+45x10x9x10
Lunges BW+80x12x12x12
Hammer curls 40DBx6x6x5

Tricep pulldowns 110x10x10x8x8
Tricep Extensions 110x8x6x6x4
Cable Curls 140x6x6x6x5
Calf Raises 150x12x12x12
Smith Extended Squat focus on quads with light bands on each side from the bar to the 3rd peg anchored at the bottom peg (not counting whatever the bar is) 100x10x12x12

Hammer Squats pushing up with the calfs for a large ROM 3ppsx15x15x15
Hammer Pull ups BWx16x10x11
Ham curls 150x10x10x10

All in all, great workout. I was exhausted and dripping sweat. My hams were screaming, my face red and my stomach growling. I hit up a protein shake went to the house, made a huge salad, then made 4 tilapia filets put in fresh cut onions, jalopenos, green pepers a little low fat cheese, some ranch and spicy mustard. There was a half potato in the mix too. :) I may eat a greek yougurt with why in it before I go to bed, I haven't decided. At work I at .5lb of turkey, 2 greek yogurts and a banana. For breakfast I ate 2 eggs, .5 lb turkey with peppers and spicy southwest mustard. This was kind of a light day on food. My post workout shake is only 40-50 grams of whey only mixed in water.

No pin tommorrow.

Nip is less sensitive today. Skin is a bit oily but managable. I don't feel incredibly alpha male all day, but I do in the gym. I can't wait to go workout everyday. Today I spent some extra time just enjoying frying each muscle group. I better be limping tomorrow with that leg workout.

Looks like Tren suspension is a go. I'll add it in around week 6 giving me at least 5 and a half or 6 solid weeks to mess around with should I choose to use it that long. If things don't go right, I'll cut that out of the equation.

We are just days away from adding masteron. The front load is 900mg the first day, 250mg EOD for two more pins, then it settles on 200mg EOD. I bet it'll kick in quick.

I feel like I'm about where I wanted to be as far as how lean I needed to be to really appreciate masteron. I guess I could be a little leaner, but with all the strength and endurance increases, I'm not complaining. I'm betting I'll shred right now, but I've been wrong before. We'll see.



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Day 25

weight 216 (+19) and down one from yesterday

Legs / Arms

Pinned 500mg Test c, 100mg NPP, took 25 mg Aromasin, 50mcg T3 and 150mg Xtreme (same time I normally take it). I had to stop by the vitamin store to get taurine and while I was there I got one of those Redline type drinks and downed half on the drive home. No lethargy on the way to the gym. Now I wonder if I'll sleep.....god I hope so.

52 sets today.

Squats 135x10, 225x10, 315x8, 405x3, 365x5
Curls Ez bar 90x10x10x9x7
Skull Crushers 90x10x10x10x9
Close Grip Ez 90x10x10x9x9

Dips BW+45x10x9x10
Lunges BW+80x12x12x12
Hammer curls 40DBx6x6x5

Tricep pulldowns 110x10x10x8x8
Tricep Extensions 110x8x6x6x4
Cable Curls 140x6x6x6x5
Calf Raises 150x12x12x12
Smith Extended Squat focus on quads with light bands on each side from the bar to the 3rd peg anchored at the bottom peg (not counting whatever the bar is) 100x10x12x12

Hammer Squats pushing up with the calfs for a large ROM 3ppsx15x15x15
Hammer Pull ups BWx16x10x11
Ham curls 150x10x10x10

All in all, great workout. I was exhausted and dripping sweat. My hams were screaming, my face red and my stomach growling. I hit up a protein shake went to the house, made a huge salad, then made 4 tilapia filets put in fresh cut onions, jalopenos, green pepers a little low fat cheese, some ranch and spicy mustard. There was a half potato in the mix too. :) I may eat a greek yougurt with why in it before I go to bed, I haven't decided. At work I at .5lb of turkey, 2 greek yogurts and a banana. For breakfast I ate 2 eggs, .5 lb turkey with peppers and spicy southwest mustard. This was kind of a light day on food. My post workout shake is only 40-50 grams of whey only mixed in water.

No pin tommorrow.

Nip is less sensitive today. Skin is a bit oily but managable. I don't feel incredibly alpha male all day, but I do in the gym. I can't wait to go workout everyday. Today I spent some extra time just enjoying frying each muscle group. I better be limping tomorrow with that leg workout.

Looks like Tren suspension is a go. I'll add it in around week 6 giving me at least 5 and a half or 6 solid weeks to mess around with should I choose to use it that long. If things don't go right, I'll cut that out of the equation.

We are just days away from adding masteron. The front load is 900mg the first day, 250mg EOD for two more pins, then it settles on 200mg EOD. I bet it'll kick in quick.

I feel like I'm about where I wanted to be as far as how lean I needed to be to really appreciate masteron. I guess I could be a little leaner, but with all the strength and endurance increases, I'm not complaining. I'm betting I'll shred right now, but I've been wrong before. We'll see.

Oh snap Morry is going Full-Retard for this cycle :D

Sick warkout man


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I have a strong suspicion that Xtreme is causing the nipple sensitivity. call me dumb but watch what happens when you drop it...
I think it is def a possibility and you know you're far from dumb. You're right though, only way to figure it out is upon is cessation.

It actually even better today but I'm half through my bottle of Aromasin already. I was planning to order more anyhow, I just didn't think id use it that fast. FOCK it, still better than letro.


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Great workouts Morry! Of course I expect nothing less from you. Glad to hear you relaxed for your ball game with the bros.


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Anytime brotha. Give me a shout. We'll get around to making some weights cry. Maybe a Sat or Sun
Any Sunday Morning as long as we are done by 12:30pm we are good to go!!!

Cry little weights cry....!!!


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Great workouts Morry! Of course I expect nothing less from you. Glad to hear you relaxed for your ball game with the bros.
I've been doing what I can. I'm glad I've earned that status with Chris.

It was a good evening. Much needed needless to say.

Any Sunday Morning as long as we are done by 12:30pm we are good to go!!!

Cry little weights cry....!!!
What you doing this Sunday? I'm down, Back / Shoulders?

If I was in the area...
That makes two of us.


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What you doing this Sunday? I'm down, Back / Shoulders?
What time and where is good for you, remember I need to be done by around 12:00 noon, I get my daughter after church on Sundays! Sunday is usually my day off, but I'll hit it with you and just take a day off later in my workout week, so I'm all about it! I just texted you, text me back and let's do this!


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Day 26

weight 216 (+19) and same as yesterday

Weight is staying stable, looks like I'm in a recomp for the time being.

Chest Abs

Took T3, Aromasin, and Xtreme. No pin

40 sets today (flat bench are drop sets back to back, when the weight is identical, that indicates a new set, so I count them as one set of 6 reps)

Flat Bench 295x3,275x3,275x3,255x3,255x3,235x3,235x3,225x3
I was really pushing it on these. A few I needed a breath or two at the top to complete the press
Incline Bench wide grip (just plates) 90x10x10x10x10
Weighted Crunches 110x16x14x13x13

Incline DB 75x4, 70x5, 65x7, 60x8
WOD assisted x10x10x10x10
Oblique side crunch with 24k Kettlex16x16x16x16
Left lifts with 25DB b/t quadsx16x16x16x15

Cable Flies 50x18x15x16x15
Decline Cable Press 40x20x18x18x16
Grapple Obliques Swings BB+25x10x10x8x8

Nip is still a little sensitive, but not getting any worse. No other real sides. This workout was a little too easy. I was pleased I got 295x3 but all in all I wasn't all that tired when I was finished. I didn't have time to toss in a 4th circuit though, so I did what I could. Tomorrow is legs and arms volume. I think I'll save sunday to do some heavy DLs. My back doesn't ache at all and isn't sore. I figured it might be after the heavy squats, but no problem at all. My recovery is happening very, very quickly. I did have an extra day of rest this week b/t chest workouts, but I was still able to lift decently heavy both days without my shoulders being prohibitive during the lifts.

Mood great. Libido still good. Masteron starts very, very soon. Frontload of test completed this week. I pinned 2 grams this week and for the remaining portion of the cycle, I'll pin 1 gram a week. The first week of masteron I'll pin 1.4 grams for the front load, then down to 600-800 mg a week.

Pin 100 mg NPP tomorrow

I get comments all the time about being much bigger. I'm not even sure what to say anymore, I just thank them. I had a friend flex his biceps in front of a couple chics and ask me what I think (he had been drinking), I laughed and said "Not bad, but I'll show you what a man's arm looks like" (which I thought was funny at the time), he responded "Well I don't take focking steroids" at which point I just shrugged it off. Funny thing is this friend and I have never had a discussion about my workout routine and he's thought I've been on them for years (at least 4 years) which isn't the case. It is just the first time he has said something like that and I actually was, so I kind of wanted to laugh, but I would have been the only one that got the joke so I held me tongue. I took it as a compliment.



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Day 27

weight 217 (+20)

Legs / Arms

Pinned 100mg NPP, took aromasin, and Xtreme.

Squats 135x10, 225x26, 225x22, 225x21
Curls Ez bar 100x8x6x6
Skull Crushers 100x10x10
Close Grip Bench 100x8x8

And that's it. I didn't know the gym closed at focking 6 today and mr banana fock came over to inform me of such.

So I went and grabbed some groceries and headed to the condo.

Pounded the pavement for about 2.5 miles. Pretty quick pace for my size. I just had all that Xtreme going and I was pumped, so a run seemed like best alternative. I mean my squats were crazy and I was really looking forward to a 2 hour 54 set session. Whatever though, Scotty is meeting me at the gym tomorrow morning. We are hitting Shoulders and Back.

I pin 900mg of Masteron Prop tomorrow. Because of some of the days I took off, I still have enough Xtreme to run it into the middle of next week.

I'll also be increasing the NPP dose to 150 EOD with 250mg administered the first dose change, then back to 150 EOD for the remainder of the cycle.

Things are about to get very, very interesting.



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LOL my friends are the same way morry. One in particular, always saying how I got so big and huge, blah blah.. Always joking about juicing and ****. I love it.... lmao

Either way, KILL this sh!t morry! sorry I haven't been stopping in much recently but I be catching up.


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I get that all the time too. I say thanks but don't you think I would have gotten much bigger by now? I mean have been hovering at my size for 3-4 years just getting more refined...


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Well it is official... Sunday - 09/18/2011 - the weights of BodyPlex in Buford gym were crying for dear life by the time Morry & I left!

Morry... Thank you kind sir for the KILLER workout and awesome company, there will be a sequel, oh yes, there will!!!!


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LOL my friends are the same way morry. One in particular, always saying how I got so big and huge, blah blah.. Always joking about juicing and ****. I love it.... lmao

Either way, KILL this sh!t morry! sorry I haven't been stopping in much recently but I be catching up.
I did try the whole, "Um it just a small shirt" thing and that didn't work. :lol: Fock em'

No worries, bro, I'm just glad you are stopping by at all!

I get that all the time too. I say thanks but don't you think I would have gotten much bigger by now? I mean have been hovering at my size for 3-4 years just getting more refined...
That's good, I think I'll use it. Kleen, I'll pop over to your log here in a bit, but those pics DAYUMMM!!!! Ripped mutherfocker

Well it is official... Sunday - 09/18/2011 - the weights of BodyPlex in Buford gym were crying for dear life by the time Morry & I left!

Morry... Thank you kind sir for the KILLER workout and awesome company, there will be a sequel, oh yes, there will!!!!

That we did. Guys, I'm def not stroking an ego here and if you knew Al you would know that his kind of personality doesn't really care what other people think anyways. That being said, this man is a focking machine. He is THE FIRST person I've ever worked out with that not only kept up with me, he offered suggestions and helped me modify my routine a bit, lifted heavier on some exercises and more volume on just about all of them, AND gave me a chiro adjust when I pulled a back muscle doing Military's. I thought he was about to break my neck bc I've never had anybody crack my neck like that and adjust me on the fly, but most assuredly he did not and I was ready to keep rocking and rolling when he was finished.
We ended up getting along well enough that I joined him and a friend and his family to a game of disc golf. And he covered my rentals. You couldn't meet a nicer, more sincere guy. Toss on that he is a genius in exercise, has a great attitude, and is just friendly to everybody and you will see why he does well with Fina.

We'll def be hitting the gym together again soon. I'm not sure my back wants me to workout with him again, but I def do. :lol:


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Day 28

weight 217 (+20)

Back Shoulders

Pinned 900 mg masteron. took aromasin, t3 and caber. Also took 150mg extreme. I was ready to hit the weights.

Trained fasted

DL 135x10,225x10,315x10,405x4, 315x10
Military, 90BBx10, then DB, 100x3, 80x5, 75x5, 70x6
Face Pulls Kettle 15kx12, 24kx12x12x12x12

Hammer Rows 270x12x10x9x8
Close grip cable rows 165x10x8x8x6
Front and lateral raises 25x6x5x5, 20x5

DB Shrugs 90x10,85x10, 90x8, 90x8
Wide Grip Pullups, BWx8, BWx1, then Lat pull down (I think Al said we were doing 165)x10x8x6
Close grip pull up x 5 then close grip pull down 165x8x6x4

Half Clean and Press 95x5x5x5x5 (it was a clean and press to 5, then after 5 I stop the half clean and press to failure)
Bent over Rows 100x6, then modified to hammer pulls 60x12,60x10, 60x8
Spider style reverse flies (or whatever they are called) 20dbx10,10, then reverse cable flies 35x10x10

52 sets in about 2.5 hours. We could have done it faster, but we spent some time chit chatting about goals, styles of working out, different exercises, and other stuff.

Both nips are sore now. Little lump behind each. They haven't been there long and I know the test c frontload is prob doing it. Masteron should kick in anytime. If it hasn't gotten things under control in a week or so, I'll be forced to dose letro. The less time those little lumps are there, the easier they are to get rid of. I have done it a couple time before.
No other sides at all. No back pain, not a damn thing. Everything is going very smoothly. I'll keep an eye on my hair to see if the masteron is going to cause me problems like that. Var didn't, but I never took 900mg of Var at once, plus MG for MG, no way to really accurately compare bc one is oral, other is IM.

Pin 500 mg Test C and 250 NPP tomorrow.

Also pics tomorrow.

How's everybody enjoying the ride? Any constructive criticisms for me to think about?



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How's everybody enjoying the ride? Any constructive criticisms for me to think about?

Freakin' Mc'Luvin' this ride!!

No criticisms from this corner.............


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Nice work. Wish I could have been with you all fir that ride. I am no volume monster but enjoy pushing myself like that.


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Nice work. Wish I could have been with you all fir that ride. I am no volume monster but enjoy pushing myself like that.
When I am ON i go volume and hard. prolly 15-18 more sets than a non cycled workout. I just dont tire out really


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Looks like Tren suspension is a go. I'll add it in around week 6 giving me at least 5 and a half or 6 solid weeks to mess around with should I choose to use it that long. If things don't go right, I'll cut that out of the equation.
Hey Morry, I'm curious to see if you can still keep up this high volume workout on Tren. Tren is the bomb but it will wind you faster than anything I know. If it does, you may want to increase your weight and decrease your sets and reps. You'll have the strength for sure and you should pack on some more muscle. Then again, you seem to power through it all so Tren may not slow you down. Good luck, you're on a roll...


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Freakin' Mc'Luvin' this ride!!

No criticisms from this corner.............
Thanks brotha

Nice work. Wish I could have been with you all fir that ride. I am no volume monster but enjoy pushing myself like that.
It'd been nice to hit the weight Chris

When I am ON i go volume and hard. prolly 15-18 more sets than a non cycled workout. I just dont tire out really
I gravitated to 4 circuits when I was on my first cycle. It started as super sets and then just evolved into a more complicated routine. Now I cut out the cardio and added sets. We'll see how it treats me.

hey morry why your carbs so low?

I eat Primal when I can bro. It works very, very, very well for me.

Hey Morry, I'm curious to see if you can still keep up this high volume workout on Tren. Tren is the bomb but it will wind you faster than anything I know. If it does, you may want to increase your weight and decrease your sets and reps. You'll have the strength for sure and you should pack on some more muscle. Then again, you seem to power through it all so Tren may not slow you down. Good luck, you're on a roll...
Man, I was thinking the same thing. I've never been on Tren so I don't know. I know if there is a way to push through it, I'll find it. I've always been able to harness a great deal of discipline and enjoy the pain and suffering that goes along with a slaughtering workout. I honestly love it. I didn't use to, but once you get down to that perfect size and see the machine you can build, it is all the motivation I need.
Hopefully, I'll be able to answer you here in the next few weeks.

Good point and thanks for bringing it up bc I was thinking that very thing. Great minds? Ha ha


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Day 29

weight 219 (+22) and up 2 from yesterday

Chest / Abs

I though I was going to go light bc the workout yesterday but my shoulders felt ok and my body was begging for me to drop some weight on it.

Flat Bench 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 295x2, 295x2, 275x2, 275x2, 255x3, 255x2, 235x3, 235x2
Hammer Incline 1ppsx 12. 2pps x12,10x8x6
Weight Crunch 60x10, 100x16x14x13x13

Incline BB 135x4, 95x5x8x10 (I took some rest to get these numbers back up, my back delts where dying from yesterday)
WOD assisted x10x10x10x10
Oblique Crunch 24kx18x18x18x18
Leg lift with 25lbDB b/t quadsx18x16x16x16

Ab pulldowns, full stack (195 I think)x22x18x16x14
Clap Pushupsx10x10x9x9
Incline Pushupsx12x12x12x10

Cable Flies 50x12x12x12x12
Decline Bench cable 35x12x12x12x12
Oblique Grapple with 25lb and a barx12x10x12x9

54 sets or so. Took just over 1.5 hours.

Pinned 250mg NPP, 500mg Test C, Took 150mg Xtreme, 25 mg Aromasin, 50mcg T3

I'm not sure if the frontload yesterday morning could already be lowering estrogen, but my nips were not as sensitive. Maybe it is a placebo effect. Either way, i was happy about it. I had a bit more aggression in the gym, but this could be to a variety of things. I think the Masteron will start to kick here in the next few days. I pin 250mg tomorrow making 1150mg pinned in 2 days. Should start doing something.

I did have a body builder that works out there say something to me today. He didn't workout there when I was much leaner and lifting heavy. He started working out around the same time as me around the time of my injury. That being said, he hasn't really ever seen me very lean or vascular. Normally he just say hi, how's it going. I walked past him today and he yells to me and says "There you go" I turned around and he smiled and said "looking damn good man". Never though a compliment from a guy would mean sh1t, but this guy is ripped and huge. Not bulky at all, just very well proportioned. Good to know I'm heading the right direction. I still have some leaning out to do and some strength to gain before I'll really start patting myself on the back. Still encouraging.

Pics Below.


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Day 29

weight 219 (+22) and up 2 from yesterday

Chest / Abs

I though I was going to go light bc the workout yesterday but my shoulders felt ok and my body was begging for me to drop some weight on it.

Flat Bench 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 295x2, 295x2, 275x2, 275x2, 255x3, 255x2, 235x3, 235x2
Hammer Incline 1ppsx 12. 2pps x12,10x8x6
Weight Crunch 60x10, 100x16x14x13x13

Incline BB 135x4, 95x5x8x10 (I took some rest to get these numbers back up, my back delts where dying from yesterday)
WOD assisted x10x10x10x10
Oblique Crunch 24kx18x18x18x18
Leg lift with 25lbDB b/t quadsx18x16x16x16

Ab pulldowns, full stack (195 I think)x22x18x16x14
Clap Pushupsx10x10x9x9
Incline Pushupsx12x12x12x10

Cable Flies 50x12x12x12x12
Decline Bench cable 35x12x12x12x12
Oblique Grapple with 25lb and a barx12x10x12x9

54 sets or so. Took just over 1.5 hours.

Pinned 250mg NPP, 500mg Test C, Took 150mg Xtreme, 25 mg Aromasin, 50mcg T3

I'm not sure if the frontload yesterday morning could already be lowering estrogen, but my nips were not as sensitive. Maybe it is a placebo effect. Either way, i was happy about it. I had a bit more aggression in the gym, but this could be to a variety of things. I think the Masteron will start to kick here in the next few days. I pin 250mg tomorrow making 1150mg pinned in 2 days. Should start doing something.

I did have a body builder that works out there say something to me today. He didn't workout there when I was much leaner and lifting heavy. He started working out around the same time as me around the time of my injury. That being said, he hasn't really ever seen me very lean or vascular. Normally he just say hi, how's it going. I walked past him today and he yells to me and says "There you go" I turned around and he smiled and said "looking damn good man". Never though a compliment from a guy would mean sh1t, but this guy is ripped and huge. Not bulky at all, just very well proportioned. Good to know I'm heading the right direction. I still have some leaning out to do and some strength to gain before I'll really start patting myself on the back. Still encouraging.

Pics Below.
Dude sick workout and even more sick pic progress.

Chest definitely is bigger all around, shoulders/arms/traps/forearms all look bigger. Vascularity looks a ton better too. Looks like your holding a little bit of water but damn man that's some sick progress!

Inspiring/motivating. Brb eating another 500 cals for today :D


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Looking good you just made me order up some NPP for my upcoming cycle.


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Hey Morry, I'm curious to see if you can still keep up this high volume workout on Tren. Tren is the bomb but it will wind you faster than anything I know. If it does, you may want to increase your weight and decrease your sets and reps. You'll have the strength for sure and you should pack on some more muscle. Then again, you seem to power through it all so Tren may not slow you down. Good luck, you're on a roll...
I've had quite a few experiences with tren-suspension and now I'm on Tren-Ace and I've never had any really bad issues with being short of breath. I only notice it slightly and I fight like all Hel to break through it.
There's NO friggin' way I'm gonna be like those guys who just go ahead and forego cardio because they're on Tren!! NO WAY!! That's just being weak.

And then again, I'm pretty much a "side-free" sumbeech who gets away with lots that mere mortals can't expect to.

And by what chemical method does Tren make one short of breath anyway??!!


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Dude sick workout and even more sick pic progress.

Chest definitely is bigger all around, shoulders/arms/traps/forearms all look bigger. Vascularity looks a ton better too. Looks like your holding a little bit of water but damn man that's some sick progress!

Inspiring/motivating. Brb eating another 500 cals for today :D
I might have been a slight bloat from the front load. Perhaps the pose as well. I'm pissed my pics are varying but I can't help I had to switch where I was taking them.

Looking good you just made me order up some NPP for my upcoming cycle.
Dude, you're going to love NPP!!!

You're starting to look very full bro
Thanks brotha, I can't wait for the masteron to dry me out and start showing some of the muscles under there.

I've had quite a few experiences with tren-suspension and now I'm on Tren-Ace and I've never had any really bad issues with being short of breath. I only notice it slightly and I fight like all Hel to break through it.
There's NO friggin' way I'm gonna be like those guys who just go ahead and forego cardio because they're on Tren!! NO WAY!! That's just being weak.

And then again, I'm pretty much a "side-free" sumbeech who gets away with lots that mere mortals can't expect to.

And by what chemical method does Tren make one short of breath anyway??!!
Good question. I heard the same thing and have read it over and over. I don't think there is enough research done on human use of it though. Can anybody chime in?

HC, you got any ideas?

Everyone luvs da NPP! I just started growing again. thats only because my deca kicked in! yuh! I have been watching your lifts bro, numbers are going up very nicely! Im impressed. you make hcc proud. And dude, I can't believe someone kept up with you in gym! props to him for sure. your workouts are freaking insane! keep up the progress.
Thanks bro, but I'm not to 395x9 yet. I may be in 5 or 6 weeks tho. Let's see how the tren treats me.


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Day 30

weight 219 (+22) but same as yesterday.

Pinned 250 mg Masteron. Took Aromasin and T3. I also took the last of Xtreme I had. it was low enough in the bottle that I couldn't get it all out of the bottle. I was trying to get it with the oral syringe with no luck. My last bottle I just married the two. So I said fock it and just turned it up and downed the rest. I don't think this was a good idea. I had actually eaten some more carbs this morning bc somebody brought in some bagels and I knew today would be volume, so I had one bagel thinking the carbs would be a good thing today. I was a bit lethargic at work, but nothing coffee couldn't take care of. The drive to the gym though? STUPID!!! I was falling asleep in the car. It sucked. I made it to the gym thinking I would wake up. NOPE. This was the hardest workout I had to do this whole cycle thus far. One of the hardest I can remember. I felt zapped after the first circuit. I could barely keep my eyes open and I almost quit 3 or 4 times. I'm not sure how much Xtreme it took to do this, but I doubt is was over 200mg, but that is still pretty high. I pushed through it, 2 hours by myself. Sucked

Squats, 135x10, 225x22, 225x16, 225x14, 225x14
Ez curls 40x10, 80x10x10x9x10
Skull Crusher 40x10, 80x10x10x10x10
Close grip bench 80x10x10x8x8

Dips BWx22x20x20x20
Hammer Curls DB 30eax10x10x10x8
Traveling Lunges 80x10x10x10x10
Calf Raises 165x15x15x15x15

Tricep Pull downs 110x10x10x8x7
Tricep Extensions 110x10x8x6x6
Cable Curls 130x8x10x9x7
Extended Smith Squats with light bands and 100lbx12x10x10x10

Hammer Squats explosive to get calves too 3ppsx20x20x20
Hammer Pullups BWx10x10x10x8
Leg Extensions 210x14x14x14x12

Through a lot of these I had to slow down and breath, then complete the set. I pushed the last few reps out of just about every exercise. I honestly felt sick as fock when I got done. I was light headed and felt horrible. I made a protein shake and had to run by the store. I went over to the BP machine and checked just to make sure my BP wasn't effed and it was about normal. Pulse high of course, but Diastolic a little high and Systolic well within normal range. So i stopped worrying about dying right then and there and decided it had to be a continuation of low blood sugar. I grabbed one of those choc mint things and ate it in the car. I started to feel a little better but I wasn't sure if it was just bc I was off my feet. Then when I got home, I couldn't even cook. I grabbed a banana, ate it, and watched TV for 40 minutes or so. After that I pretty much started to fell normal. So I cooked and came to log. That was the worse I have ever felt while on cycle. It was probably bc I pushed myself even though my body was screaming for rest and more food. I won't be making that mistake again.

And even more bad news. The left quad looks a little swollen and is def sore. This is the first I have had a sore pin area too. Now in all fairness, the right one is a little sore as well, just not swollen. Maybe swollen is the wrong word bc it doesn't look aggravated, so maybe puffy? It just looks like the left quad in one area is holding onto some water. Funny thing is that it isn't right where the pin spot is. It is actually slightly lower. I don't think it is an infection. I use one pin to draw, one to pin and alcohol. I just think I may have shoved enough different oils in the leg that I have aggravated it or maybe a stray large molecule. I don't know tho bc 6cc of the masteron went into the right quad, not left. We'll see over the next few days. This did get me thinking and I'd love if somebody could chime in if they know. We metabolize the oil that the gear is suspended in right? So is that added to my caloric intake? Generally it would be negligible but this week, with the frontload, I'm pinning about 24-25 cc of gear. That a lot. It's at least a table spoon a day, right? Maybe more? Where is all that oil going? I know it is the carrier, but is it actually used as fat in the body? I don't care diet wise, I'm just curious. If I had to guess with the painful pin is I must have gotten a piece of gear that wasn't micronized all the way down. Is that possible? A larger particle has caused some irritation? I mean it isn't red or anything. Just slightly puffy.

Both nips are still pretty sensitive, but the little lumps are about gone. I'm not sure if the masteron could do it that fast or if the frontload of test c from last week has finally leveled off enough that aromasin is doing its thing.

No other sides.

I pin 150mg NPP tomorrow. No more Xtreme.....at this point that makes me happy. The tale end of today was hell.....



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whats npp and tne?

...its been a while but im subd man good luck. btw why cyp over E


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The Pics definitely show that you have been putting in the work. Keep it up!

Your leg is probably just irritated. Keep an eye on it, but I would not worry too much at this point.


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Generally it would be negligible but this week, with the frontload, I'm pinning about 24-25 cc of gear.
LOL best quote right here

I think I've hit 14cc's of gear in one week as the highest i've gone

some big numbers for me to beat right here :D


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Both nips are still pretty sensitive, but the little lumps are about gone.

Stop playing with your nipples, you sadistic little bugger.:saevilw:

Go spank your monkey or something. lol


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Looking very big and full Morry. Yoouve literally blown up since your first pics and looking much more vascular too. Well done bro! :bigok:


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fast acting deca...boy that sounds fun. u lucky bish


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Morry - All I can say is JUST WOW! If ever just witnessing a run has made me want to jump to the dark side again this is the one. Your added size while leaning up is just fuggin sickening! Your last pics are so beast man! Makes me envious of what is happening with your body. Just friggin phenomenal man!

Al was telling me how big you looked and I was thinking to myself from the pics I saw last week you looked big but not quite how he explained it. I see why he thought you might be around 230 now. You look like a fuggin animal!

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