A Legend Returns...an epic Morry Log NPP/Masteron/TNE/Test/Tren Xtreme



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:lol: Thx brotha.
Widow makers....much respect.
Dude.....those are INTENSE, i used to do 20 rep squats and they literally would feel like HELL on earth. Breathing and more breathing :rofl:


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high rep squats- best thing ever for burning fat- srs


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Ah sh1t, 50 just rolled up in this bitch.

Welcome my friend. Stop working so much. You still liking the new job? Smaller town, right?
Yeah Im still enjoying it. It's a job lol hope I can catch up in here


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All in all, what I'm saying is, Morry's back and this is going to get stupid fun here in the next 4 weeks or so. Thank you all for following thus far and I'm certain I can make this promise, I'm not disappointing anybody. Stay on this crazy train and I'll carve this bitch the fock out.

Def alpha male kicking in, eh? Not just my post, but in the Gym. Guys that have been to the dark side know what I'm talking about. Everybody in the gym annoys you, they are doing "stupid" exercises and making faces when they are lifting peanuts. On the bright side, I have noticed this really hot Hispanic chic staring at me several time during a couple of my sets. I can't tell if she is there with her brother or bf tho....they never make any sort of contact with one another. I wonder if she'd be down to fock in the shower there.....only one way to find out. LIBIDO CHECK. HA HA HA.

In for the stupid fun that is surely to ensue.

And I can tell from this post that your Test is kicking now........lol.


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In for the stupid fun that is surely to ensue.

And I can tell from this post that your Test is kicking now........lol.
LOL, good thing he isn't adding tren in to the mix...


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please dont use tren lol


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not an advocate of that steroid- at all


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How funny how the beast mode took over once the test kicked in. I got that way just running Super-DMZ. I was just ready to bitch slap the tar out of people for getting on the elevator with me after smoking and not washing their hands, or use running children at walmart as make shift bowling balls and their inconsiderate parents as the pins. Me simply witnessing any pet peeve was of mine seemed like a personal attack on me. However I kept it all inside and used the weights to get it out. I must have looked like a d1ck and sounded like a leaky tire though with all the "psshhhh" noises I made at the smallest annoyances.


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How funny how the beast mode took over once the test kicked in. I got that way just running Super-DMZ. I was just ready to bitch slap the tar out of people for getting on the elevator with me after smoking and not washing their hands, or use running children at walmart as make shift bowling balls and their inconsiderate parents as the pins. Me simply witnessing any pet peeve was of mine seemed like a personal attack on me. However I kept it all inside and used the weights to get it out. I must have looked like a d1ck and sounded like a leaky tire though with all the "psshhhh" noises I made at the smallest annoyances.
I have definitely had a few times where on this cycle I just snapped. I mean it could have been a lot worse but it was over nothing. Only good thing was nothing was said that couldnt be forgiven. But seriously it is like a monster has been awoken!


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this thread wins so hard.
If it wasn't for all you crazy focks it wouldn't. I'd just be logging. Ha ha, you guys rock

Morry........U so crazy. :toofunny:

SC............welcome back to the scene of the crime. :cop:
I said 5 focking 0 TG, run and hide the tren....NOW

In for the stupid fun that is surely to ensue.

And I can tell from this post that your Test is kicking now........lol.
Test def kicking bro. Def.

LOL no doubt.. Morry fock that b1tch!!!!!!
Working on it....

LOL, good thing he isn't adding tren in to the mix...
Hmmmm.....now that's an idea

don't tempt him... LOL
You know me too well HC

please dont use tren lol
Plenty of guys use tren. Just from our cycles, I react MUCH differently to the substance we have taken. Not saying tren is a great idea, just saying maybe it is a HORRIBLE idea for you and just kind of bad for me. Maybe....

not an advocate of that steroid- at all
You should not advocate steroids right now at all. You about killed yourself. Heal, recover, build muscle naturally. Then we get another dose of SWOLINGTON

schwell is right. it can be rough... it is the only roid that i "felt".
Hmmmmmm......all this tren talk

How funny how the beast mode took over once the test kicked in. I got that way just running Super-DMZ. I was just ready to bitch slap the tar out of people for getting on the elevator with me after smoking and not washing their hands, or use running children at walmart as make shift bowling balls and their inconsiderate parents as the pins. Me simply witnessing any pet peeve was of mine seemed like a personal attack on me. However I kept it all inside and used the weights to get it out. I must have looked like a d1ck and sounded like a leaky tire though with all the "psshhhh" noises I made at the smallest annoyances.
I'm right there with you. I never act on it either. I have too good of a feeling of well being. I don't want to get into a confrontation. I could see myself raging if I did, but I never let it get close to that.

I have definitely had a few times where on this cycle I just snapped. I mean it could have been a lot worse but it was over nothing. Only good thing was nothing was said that couldnt be forgiven. But seriously it is like a monster has been awoken!
Maybe there is some truth to roid rage, but it effects us all differently. Good to hear they were forgivable sins.....ha ha


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Day 18

weight 215 (+17) and the same as yesterday

Chest / Abs

Took T3, 50 mcg, I effed up and took caber a day early. I looked at the wrong week on my dosing chart. Whatever. Took 150 mg Xtreme. Pinned 300mg of test c

52-54 sets. That's focking stupid. I just keep adding sets. I will admit by the 48th or so I was focking tired. No cardio, just stretching. Went something like this

DB bench 65x10, 100x5, 105x5, 110x5, 115x3
DB Incline 55x10, 75x8, 65x10, 65x9, 65x8
Machine Crunches paddle in front, 80x15, 120x12, 120x11, 110x11, 110x11

Incline BB with a light band 90x10, 90x9, 90x8, 90x6
WODs (assisted) x10, x10, x9, x10
Kettle weight 24kg side obliques crunch x18, x18, x16, x16
Leg lifts with 25db between my quads x14, x16, x12, x14

Machine incline pyramid down from 210 to 165, x7, x7, x7, x6
Machine bench press 185x10x9x8x8
Ab pull down on a cable (whole stack, I think it is 195) x16, x15, x15, x14

Cable Flies wide 25x10, 22.5x10, 22.5x10, 20x10
Side oblique grapple with 25lb on a BB x10, x10, x9, x8
Cable Decline bench 20x12, 25x10, 22.5x10, 20x12

My joints still feel good. My lower back is less sore but still a bit of pain. I'll wait to DL heavy till at least next week. NPP is going good. I'm staying on track to increase to 150 EOD at the beginning of week 5. I actually have enough to do a slight front load that week like I am with masteron but I haven't decided if I'm going to do that yet. My strength, endurance and overall feeling is just focking great. No words really to describe it. I'm in the zone when I'm in the gym and when I'm at work all I can think about is getting to the gym. Ha ha. I'm loving it so far. Almost 3 weeks in. I'm leaning out as you can tell from the weight bc I'm getting stronger but not getting that much heavier that fast.

I will prob be taking the last day of the second split this week off. I have a friend coming into town and we are probably going down a lazy day river trip. I may go when I get back, but honestly, my body could probably use the rest.

The increase in aromasin and the T3 is really starting to make a difference as to whether I recomp or not. Hunger is under control as well. I expected it to continue bc the T3, but it has calmed considerably now that I have my muscles full. I know the T3 is legit. Very trusted source. I wasn't as winded at the gym today, but I didn't take my T3 or Aromasin till tonight bc I got out of the house without thinking about it. I don't know if the T3 is what made the difference or if it had more to do with me doing more volume and not crazy heavy weights (for me crazy heavy).

Next week starts the increase in all the dosages (week 4 front load test c, week 5 front load masteron, maybe npp too) and at the end of week four the cessation of Xtreme.

Now for the tren talk. I've been researching, asking for information and really putting some thought in it. I think the only real option for me is to consider Tren Suspension. It would be used pre-workout and would be in the range of 25-50mg if I had to guess. I wouldn't incorporate it till week 5 or 6 if I did at all. I think keeping the NPP low and using suspension of tren will keep the problem of two 19 nors at a minimum. I'm also on dostinex already. I've read countless cycles where masteron and tren have a great synergy. I would only be using it for 6-7 weeks. If I get bad sides, I'll stop using it. That simple. I'm not looking to get stable blood levels of it. Just enough to make my lifts insane in the gym and really take advantage of the anabolic window after working out (IGF levels, food efficiacy increase all right before bed when GH does its thing....sounds nice). I know most guys say that stable blood levels is what makes the sides bearable, but I'm just not buying that notion of using an esterfied tren to achieve stable blood plasma levels and THEN the sides don't get so bad? I'm not sure. I've never used it and only one way to find out. I'm not even sure I'll get it yet. I'll know over the next week or so.I will not be using any tren that has any ester on it for a variety of reasons. The only "safe" (if I can call it that) bet I have so far is to use suspension and if it doesn't work out, well it doesn't work out. I can stop use quickly and be back to where I was pretty fast. That being said, I think a gram of test will help give me the feel good feeling I need to stay calm and really make good use of the tren suspension. The half life of tren suspension seems to be debated, but regardless, I won't really be in any social situations from the time I take it till about 15-18 hours later. I'm thinking I'll start with a low dose at 25 to assess my tolerance. My source is sort of a genius and the pins I'm not worried about. I'll slin pin it like it was pure cutting oil (like butter baby). Painless and ED pins are no problem for me. That will mean I'll be pinning 16 times per week my last 5 or 6 weeks but if I don't give a fock, who should. Now why add the tren in now? Well a few reasons. I want to know if I can use it next cycle. I am planning on getting a blend. I don't want to buy a ton of this blend if I can't stand to use tren. it would be a waste. Next, at a low dose I don't think it is overdoing it. I handled my first cycle perfectly and this one is going very very well. Finally, I'm curious mofos. The strength, fat loss and synergy with masteron is a mystical thing in my head right now. The only reason I'm even considering it is I have access to suspension. If it had an ester I wouldn't be thinking about bc I can't wait 3-4 days to turn back to my regular anablolically filled self. Ha ha. You are welcome to toss your ideas out there, let's see where it goes. I'm usually a hard head so talking me out of something isn't normally possible. I know BP will be an issue and aggression. I'll handle it.

I pin 100 mg NPP in the morning.



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I've heard great things about the synergy between mast and tren. As far as the sides go, regardless of how high or low you dose, the important thing to minimize sides is to pin it ED. I know pretty much zero about tren suspension though, and I don't know how often you would be pinning that when you obviously would wanna be pinning it pre workout. I dunno, I say focking go for it, LOL.


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I've heard great things about the synergy between mast and tren. As far as the sides go, regardless of how high or low you dose, the important thing to minimize sides is to pin it ED. I know pretty much zero about tren suspension though, and I don't know how often you would be pinning that when you obviously would wanna be pinning it pre workout. I dunno, I say focking go for it, LOL.
It would be ED about 1 to 1.5 hours pre workout. Maybe no.pin on Sunday or maybe pin on Sunday. Dunno yet.


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Some beast numbers on them DB flat bench presses Morry! Nice job pushing up them big 110s brother!


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schwell is right. it can be rough... it is the only roid that i "felt".
Tren is my favorite substance. Like you say, you can actually "feel" it. It plays with the mind/sanity a little bit, but I love the outrageous aggression and other-worldly strength!!

I'm a nice guy basically, so it doesn't turn me into a d!ck-head or anything.
I have a few brutal dreams while on it but my workouts take on a new dimension.


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Now for the tren talk. I've been researching, asking for information and really putting some thought in it. I think the only real option for me is to consider Tren Suspension. It would be used pre-workout and would be in the range of 25-50mg if I had to guess. I wouldn't incorporate it till week 5 or 6 if I did at all. I think keeping the NPP low and using suspension of tren will keep the problem of two 19 nors at a minimum. I'm also on dostinex already. I've read countless cycles where masteron and tren have a great synergy.

Personally, I wouldn't lower the NPP dosage just to incorporate a little tren-suspension for workouts.

I would rather opt to increase the NPP dosages for this run and give the tren-suspension (or even Tren-Ace) a go on your next cycle.


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I'm right there with you. I never act on it either. I have too good of a feeling of well being. I don't want to get into a confrontation. I could see myself raging if I did, but I never let it get close to that.

Maybe there is some truth to roid rage, but it effects us all differently. Good to hear they were forgivable sins.....ha ha
No doubt the aggression is real but what people do with it is the difference. Some people look for excuses to rage or be pricks. Same as women some of them look for a reason to be a bitch so they use their period as just that. These are people that typically do not hold themselves responsible for their own actions in most facets of their life. Typical the same people always looking for someone or thing to blame instead of beingf self aware. If you don't want to let rage overcome you then you won't. You have to give in to the rage, not just the initial reaction and snappish behavior that can sneak out, but full on give yourself over to the rage. It is a decision you make not a force that can not be contained. Now once you give yourself over to the rage who knows how animalist that rage will be. However bottom line is whether on anything or not when I give in to rage it is BAD! I highly doubt it would be any worse when I was on the Super-DMZ, just faster to get there. Being more aggressive does not mean you will allow the rage to take you over. If an intelligent person with a propensity for rage, you do not put yourself in a situation you know will escalate just like you knew better than confronting bitch boy at the bench about wanting to bite your banana.

Great workout man, you are just tearing this up. I think TG's suggestions regarding holding off in the tren and increasing the NPP are probably the most prudent. After all he IS TG.


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ok. you guys are always on. Women DO use their period as an excuse! ****ing bitches!
I agree in one way, but you still have to take into consideration that it is a learned behavior! Think about it, their Mom's did it, their older sister, or friends do it, etc. etc. Just like being more aggressive when on an anabolic, they are more emotional and bitchier than normal when on their period, but some can control it, some cannot, just like some men lose it and blame the steroids, again, I totally agree with Chris as in both Men & Women's cases it depends on the individual!


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i do slightly believe it depends on the individual. but i do think it is over played by women all the time.
Without a doubt... 1,000,000% agree!


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I heart this thread!


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i do slightly believe it depends on the individual. but i do think it is over played by women all the time.
Don't even start me on this... estrogen is the devil hormone and a woman on her period or right around it is a powder keg waiting to go off.

Morry, the cycle is already sick, why not up the test and NPP and hold off on the tren? You are so early into this you don't even know what the full effects are and you want to introduce tren suspsension (sick idea, I would just run test no ester as the extra test but it depends what you can get); I say hold off and raise those that are not giving you bad sides. You have a nasty stack already, no need to do much more unless you plan on competing sometime soon.


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Don't even start me on this... estrogen is the devil hormone and a woman on her period or right around it is a powder keg waiting to go off.

Morry, the cycle is already sick, why not up the test and NPP and hold off on the tren? You are so early into this you don't even know what the full effects are and you want to introduce tren suspsension (sick idea, I would just run test no ester as the extra test but it depends what you can get); I say hold off and raise those that are not giving you bad sides. You have a nasty stack already, no need to do much more unless you plan on competing sometime soon.
Really? estrogen the devil hormone? hmmm guess what- your wrong sir. If you have to little estrogen- less gains, can imbalance sex drive IN MEN, joints hurt, AND are at risk for guess what? Cardiovascular disease!

put it in perspective- estrogen WHEN IN PROPER AMOUNTS- is VITAL, however let it get too low or too high- thats when problems come out

also estrogen is NOT the only hormone wacked out on a female's period- you also got cramps etc that contribute to their bitchyness



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sluts are sluts

knuff said


schwell out


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Some beast numbers on them DB flat bench presses Morry! Nice job pushing up them big 110s brother!
Thanks Ripped . I got to get back to pushing the 130s.....

Tren is my favorite substance. Like you say, you can actually "feel" it. It plays with the mind/sanity a little bit, but I love the outrageous aggression and other-worldly strength!!

I'm a nice guy basically, so it doesn't turn me into a d!ck-head or anything.
I have a few brutal dreams while on it but my workouts take on a new dimension.
I wouldn't say I'm a "nice" guy, but def not a d1ck head. I can be, but I think we all can be.

Personally, I wouldn't lower the NPP dosage just to incorporate a little tren-suspension for workouts.

I would rather opt to increase the NPP dosages for this run and give the tren-suspension (or even Tren-Ace) a go on your next cycle.
I wasn't going to decrease the NPP. I reread what I wrote and I see how you got that. I was saying I would keep the NPP low (anywhere from 450-600mg a week), basically not taking it to 200 or 250 EOD or frontloading the jump in dosage. I'm not decreasing the NPP. Doesn't make sense to do it at this point. I'm side free on it.

No doubt the aggression is real but what people do with it is the difference. Some people look for excuses to rage or be pricks. Same as women some of them look for a reason to be a bitch so they use their period as just that. These are people that typically do not hold themselves responsible for their own actions in most facets of their life. Typical the same people always looking for someone or thing to blame instead of beingf self aware. If you don't want to let rage overcome you then you won't. You have to give in to the rage, not just the initial reaction and snappish behavior that can sneak out, but full on give yourself over to the rage. It is a decision you make not a force that can not be contained. Now once you give yourself over to the rage who knows how animalist that rage will be. However bottom line is whether on anything or not when I give in to rage it is BAD! I highly doubt it would be any worse when I was on the Super-DMZ, just faster to get there. Being more aggressive does not mean you will allow the rage to take you over. If an intelligent person with a propensity for rage, you do not put yourself in a situation you know will escalate just like you knew better than confronting bitch boy at the bench about wanting to bite your banana.

Great workout man, you are just tearing this up. I think TG's suggestions regarding holding off in the tren and increasing the NPP are probably the most prudent. After all he IS TG.
Good point. I think we all make the conscious decision at some point. I know I will avoid a situation where a confrontation is likely bc I know myself well enough to know I won't make the best decisions. Once the rage is there though, I totally agree, the monster lives. Ha ha.

Tren suspension is what I'm after. I can start or stop the dose anytime I want and it will clear within a day or so. My next cycle will have tren in it. I'm thinking of using a tren ace/test ace/masteron prop blend. I may get TNE to use with it or just some extra test prop. I'm not sure how I'll react to tren though. Getting a blend wouldn't be a good idea unless I know if the sides are going to be too much on tren. Tren suspension seems like the perfect way to figure this out.

I think I introduced this idea the wrong way. I'm not definitely adding it. I am definitely experimenting with it for a few days at the least. There is no doubt about that. If I don't get the results or reactions I want, I'm going to cease using it. That simple. I'm not just saying this to you Kleen bc you and I both know how much I value your advice, TGs, and mostly everybody's advice. All I'm saying is it is suspension. What is the worse thing that can happen? Not much is known or documented about Tren Suspension. I spend a lot of time on my logs, this is a great opportunity to put a few things to the test. Not a whole lot to loose IMO.

Thank you guys for the input.

Couldn't agree more. NPP is da ****. up it. tren is da shiznit, save for next cycle. you can only grow so fast. but it Morry's world. we just play in it. :)
See above post. Tren is already a possibility for next cycle.

I agree in one way, but you still have to take into consideration that it is a learned behavior! Think about it, their Mom's did it, their older sister, or friends do it, etc. etc. Just like being more aggressive when on an anabolic, they are more emotional and bitchier than normal when on their period, but some can control it, some cannot, just like some men lose it and blame the steroids, again, I totally agree with Chris as in both Men & Women's cases it depends on the individual!
Oh geez......look, no offense to any women reading this, but focking Christ, we all know what can happen. And it is a two way street, not just reserved for females. Enough on that.

Without a doubt... 1,000,000% agree!

I heart this thread!
Me too brotha!

Don't even start me on this... estrogen is the devil hormone and a woman on her period or right around it is a powder keg waiting to go off.

Morry, the cycle is already sick, why not up the test and NPP and hold off on the tren? You are so early into this you don't even know what the full effects are and you want to introduce tren suspsension (sick idea, I would just run test no ester as the extra test but it depends what you can get); I say hold off and raise those that are not giving you bad sides. You have a nasty stack already, no need to do much more unless you plan on competing sometime soon.
Pushing myself to the limits has always been a goal of mine, but a physical goal. I never really push it with things I'm taking and I don't think this is pushing it too far. If I was pinning a long estered Tren I'd agree. It's crazy bc I am on a lot of stuff already. That being said, once again, it is suspension and will help me identify my tolerance for using it.

perfectly stated. so how about it Morry? LOL. and read my private message bish.
Tren Suspension is ON LIKE DONKEY KONG. Just waiting for it to get here.

No PM bish, but we caught up with each other.

Really? estrogen the devil hormone? hmmm guess what- your wrong sir. If you have to little estrogen- less gains, can imbalance sex drive IN MEN, joints hurt, AND are at risk for guess what? Cardiovascular disease!

put it in perspective- estrogen WHEN IN PROPER AMOUNTS- is VITAL, however let it get too low or too high- thats when problems come out

also estrogen is NOT the only hormone wacked out on a female's period- you also got cramps etc that contribute to their bitchyness


sluts are sluts

knuff said


schwell out
Seriously again? Whatever man.


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Day 19

weight 215 (+17) and same as yesterday

Legs Arms

I chose to do legs and arms again to give the back a rest.

Box Squats 135x10, 135x22, 185x15, 185x12, 185x10
EX curls 80x10x10x9x8
Skull Crushers 80x10x10x10x9
Close Grip Bench 80x12x12x11x11

Cable Curls 140x8x7x7x6
Leg Extensions 205x12x12x10x10
Tricep Pull downs 110x11x10x10x8
Tricep Extensions 110x8x8x6x5
Calf Raises 205x12x12x12x10

Hammer Curl Db 40x6x6x5x5
Dips BW+45x14x12x12x9
Lunges BW+80x10x10x10

Hammer Pullups BWx10x10x8
Leg Press 5ppsx20x16x15x15
Leg Curls 140x12x12x8

Workout went by pretty fast. The pumps I had going in my arms for curls was ridiculous. Not as good as I've had, but any more and it would have been painful. I switched some sets around so I could do heavier dips, I'm not sure if I'll keep it in this order or now. The dips felt good, so I probably will. Other than that, nothing new to record.

Pinned 100 mg NPP. Took Exemstane. Took 150mg Extreme.

Nip is still a little sensitive but it isn't getting any worse. Left isn't sensitive at all. No mass or anything behind it either, just sensitive. No other sides.

I'll be taking tomorrow and Sunday off. One extra day of rest this week. It's been 3 weeks of slaughter on my body, time to have an extra day of rest. Next week is going to be delightfully brutal. :)



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Day 20

weight 215 (+17) same as yesterday

Lazy day. Went kayaking all day and got tons of sun. Did some cliff jumping and some rope swinging too. It was a much needed day of relaxation, sun and good times with old friends.

I didn't really watch my diet all that much and had ChicFilA on the way home. Prob going to up my weight bc the sodium. All well. Work hard,play harder.



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Day 21

weight 218 (+20) up 3 from yesterday

Weight is prob up bc the diet yesterday. I expect it to be back down by the end of workout tomorrow. We shall see.

Rest day.

Going to my nephews birthday party here in a min.

About to pin 100 mg NPP.

Already took Aromasin, T3.

No Xtreme today or yesterday.

Tomorrow begins the front load of test c to account for the increase in dosage. 1.5 grams tomorrow. I will upload my calendar at the end of my cycle. It is a little messy bc I changed some things around, but it does lay out exactly what I'm taking every day. I'll add the tren suspension on there when it comes in.

Will most likely start at a low 25mg Pre-workout. I won't go higher than 50mg I imagine.

Tomorrow is Chest Abs.



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Late but sub'd. Had to catch up on the posts and this is the most informative, epic log I have ever seen. Also nice to see some Georgia guys. Kill it Morry!


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Thanks Ripped . I got to get back to pushing the 130s.....

I wouldn't say I'm a "nice" guy, but def not a d1ck head. I can be, but I think we all can be.

I wasn't going to decrease the NPP. I reread what I wrote and I see how you got that. I was saying I would keep the NPP low (anywhere from 450-600mg a week), basically not taking it to 200 or 250 EOD or frontloading the jump in dosage. I'm not decreasing the NPP. Doesn't make sense to do it at this point. I'm side free on it.

Good point. I think we all make the conscious decision at some point. I know I will avoid a situation where a confrontation is likely bc I know myself well enough to know I won't make the best decisions. Once the rage is there though, I totally agree, the monster lives. Ha ha.

Tren suspension is what I'm after. I can start or stop the dose anytime I want and it will clear within a day or so. My next cycle will have tren in it. I'm thinking of using a tren ace/test ace/masteron prop blend. I may get TNE to use with it or just some extra test prop. I'm not sure how I'll react to tren though. Getting a blend wouldn't be a good idea unless I know if the sides are going to be too much on tren. Tren suspension seems like the perfect way to figure this out.

I think I introduced this idea the wrong way. I'm not definitely adding it. I am definitely experimenting with it for a few days at the least. There is no doubt about that. If I don't get the results or reactions I want, I'm going to cease using it. That simple. I'm not just saying this to you Kleen bc you and I both know how much I value your advice, TGs, and mostly everybody's advice. All I'm saying is it is suspension. What is the worse thing that can happen? Not much is known or documented about Tren Suspension. I spend a lot of time on my logs, this is a great opportunity to put a few things to the test. Not a whole lot to loose IMO.

Thank you guys for the input.

See above post. Tren is already a possibility for next cycle.

Oh geez......look, no offense to any women reading this, but focking Christ, we all know what can happen. And it is a two way street, not just reserved for females. Enough on that.


Me too brotha!

Pushing myself to the limits has always been a goal of mine, but a physical goal. I never really push it with things I'm taking and I don't think this is pushing it too far. If I was pinning a long estered Tren I'd agree. It's crazy bc I am on a lot of stuff already. That being said, once again, it is suspension and will help me identify my tolerance for using it.

Tren Suspension is ON LIKE DONKEY KONG. Just waiting for it to get here.

No PM bish, but we caught up with each other.


Seriously again? Whatever man.

you know i gotz mad love for you morray loving the log 20lbs is serious

how is the NPP doing with your injury- it increases collagen synthesis of somewhere around 200% (may be 240% cant remember exact number) also raises immune system functioning, which could help the body heal



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Day 21

weight 218 (+20) up 3 from yesterday

Weight is prob up bc the diet yesterday. I expect it to be back down by the end of workout tomorrow. We shall see.

Rest day.

Going to my nephews birthday party here in a min.

About to pin 100 mg NPP.

Already took Aromasin, T3.

No Xtreme today or yesterday.

Tomorrow begins the front load of test c to account for the increase in dosage. 1.5 grams tomorrow. I will upload my calendar at the end of my cycle. It is a little messy bc I changed some things around, but it does lay out exactly what I'm taking every day. I'll add the tren suspension on there when it comes in.

Will most likely start at a low 25mg Pre-workout. I won't go higher than 50mg I imagine.

Tomorrow is Chest Abs.

Hell yeahhhh man, weight gain is sick. Makes me want to start my first basic cycle no joke. THE MOTIVATION IS FULL RETARD IN THIS THREAD! LOVIN IT


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I wasn't going to decrease the NPP. I reread what I wrote and I see how you got that. I was saying I would keep the NPP low (anywhere from 450-600mg a week), basically not taking it to 200 or 250 EOD or frontloading the jump in dosage. I'm not decreasing the NPP. Doesn't make sense to do it at this point. I'm side free on it.

Tren suspension is what I'm after. I can start or stop the dose anytime I want and it will clear within a day or so. My next cycle will have tren in it. I'm thinking of using a tren ace/test ace/masteron prop blend. I may get TNE to use with it or just some extra test prop. I'm not sure how I'll react to tren though. Getting a blend wouldn't be a good idea unless I know if the sides are going to be too much on tren. Tren suspension seems like the perfect way to figure this out.

I think I introduced this idea the wrong way. I'm not definitely adding it. I am definitely experimenting with it for a few days at the least. There is no doubt about that. If I don't get the results or reactions I want, I'm going to cease using it. That simple. I'm not just saying this to you Kleen bc you and I both know how much I value your advice, TGs, and mostly everybody's advice. All I'm saying is it is suspension. What is the worse thing that can happen? Not much is known or documented about Tren Suspension. I spend a lot of time on my logs, this is a great opportunity to put a few things to the test. Not a whole lot to loose IMO.
You're doing a wise thing in testing out your tren legs with some suspension. This way you'll know for sure how you're going to respond once you get on a true tren cycle.
Makes sense to not throw caution to the wind and order a bunch of Cut Blends when you don't realize how you'll react to tren's mental influences......and physical ones too.

So listen carefully, herr morry. When you test-drive that tren-suspension make sure you run some of them high-dose so you will fully experience what tren brings to the banquet table.

Go for 1.5 cc's for a few workouts and then tackle a nice strong 2 cc dose and let us know how the beast responds!!

Here Comes Da BOOM!!!




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Late but sub'd. Had to catch up on the posts and this is the most informative, epic log I have ever seen. Also nice to see some Georgia guys. Kill it Morry!
Welcome man! Come aboard and enjoy the focking ride. Thank you for the kind words, we have some really good guys in here contributing, I'm a lucky mofo.

you know i gotz mad love for you morray loving the log 20lbs is serious

how is the NPP doing with your injury- it increases collagen synthesis of somewhere around 200% (may be 240% cant remember exact number) also raises immune system functioning, which could help the body heal

Thanks man. I was just a little confused at the rage up there. No worries tho.

The NPP is treating me great. My back is still tight, but I can tell the NPP is really helping. My recovery is better, I'm strong as fock and I'm not getting any sides off it. NPP is the cat's meow. Recovery seems on point for being on cycle, but honestly I'm beating my body harder than I have since the end of last cycle. I was able to pick it up early this cycle. I'm loving the cycle man. Stick around for the ride.

Hell yeahhhh man, weight gain is sick. Makes me want to start my first basic cycle no joke. THE MOTIVATION IS FULL RETARD IN THIS THREAD! LOVIN IT
Test prop/ Test e/ TNE/ Var was my first. Basicaly just test and Var. Nothing else I don't think....

You're doing a wise thing in testing out your tren legs with some suspension. This way you'll know for sure how you're going to respond once you get on a true tren cycle.
Makes sense to not throw caution to the wind and order a bunch of Cut Blends when you don't realize how you'll react to tren's mental influences......and physical ones too.

So listen carefully, herr morry. When you test-drive that tren-suspension make sure you run some of them high-dose so you will fully experience what tren brings to the banquet table.

Go for 1.5 cc's for a few workouts and then tackle a nice strong 2 cc dose and let us know how the beast responds!!

And Great Minds do what? :lol:

You saying try it at 150mg a couple of days to put it to the test? I'm not sure the concentration I'm getting. It will probably be 50mg. How are the pins compared to TNE? About the same as fair as pain afterwards? I mean TNE is just about painless. Tren suspension the same?


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Day 22

weight 218 (+20) but same as yesterday

Chest / Abs

Guess I didn't shed the weight. We'll see how tomorrow goes

Pinned 1.5 gram Test cyp. Took 150 mg Xtreme. Took 25mg Aromasin. Took Caber. Took 50mg T3.

Workout was freaking awesome. 52 sets with 4 drops sets counted as 1 set a piece.

I did hit up Flat BB Bench 275x5, 255x5 back to back. I could have gotten more, but this was already a pretty good jump. I'll move up to 295 next week.

Tomorrow is 100mg NPP and everything else as normal.

I may not make it to the gym tomorrow. I'm going to a baseball game with some friends. If the weather permits. I may just make up the day Sat and Sun, but I haven't decided. It will depend on how sore my body is. I'm not planning DL heavy tomorrow bc my back is still recovering from last week. I may DL heavy late this week. We'll see how my back is feeling.

Pics Below. I'm doing the best I can with these. They changed the color of the lighting where I had been taking pics, so this week I was a little further off then what I normally am, I'm doing my best. Focking sh1t. ha ha


Well-known member
Day 22

weight 218 (+20) but same as yesterday

Chest / Abs

Guess I didn't shed the weight. We'll see how tomorrow goes

Pinned 1.5 gram Test cyp. Took 150 mg Xtreme. Took 25mg Aromasin. Took Caber. Took 50mg T3.

Workout was freaking awesome. 52 sets with 4 drops sets counted as 1 set a piece.

I did hit up Flat BB Bench 275x5, 255x5 back to back. I could have gotten more, but this was already a pretty good jump. I'll move up to 295 next week.

Tomorrow is 100mg NPP and everything else as normal.

I may not make it to the gym tomorrow. I'm going to a baseball game with some friends. If the weather permits. I may just make up the day Sat and Sun, but I haven't decided. It will depend on how sore my body is. I'm not planning DL heavy tomorrow bc my back is still recovering from last week. I may DL heavy late this week. We'll see how my back is feeling.

Pics Below. I'm doing the best I can with these. They changed the color of the lighting where I had been taking pics, so this week I was a little further off then what I normally am, I'm doing my best. Focking sh1t. ha ha
Looking great man, awesome vascularity you got going on there!

Keep it up killin it errday!


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You saying try it at 150mg a couple of days to put it to the test? I'm not sure the concentration I'm getting. It will probably be 50mg. How are the pins compared to TNE? About the same as fair as pain afterwards? I mean TNE is just about painless. Tren suspension the same?
Don't run it for too many consecutive days at 150mg........I was suggesting maybe 3 or 4 times per week at that dosage......not ED dosing protocol.

The Tren-Suspension registers the same as TNE on the pain factor meter.........a 1or 2 out of a possible 10.
Almost painless.
But that is where the comparison ends. Tren is WAY more potent!!

You know that I'm a total androgen junkie. I love gear that turns a quiet Dr. Jekyll into a mean ol' Mr. Hyde.

Lots of guys complain about the mental trip that Tren can effect.........I fukkin' LOVE it!!:firedevil:


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Looking good Morry, I think you may have leaned up from last pics which is impressive considering you are heavier again. Hard to tell with the new lighting it could be more flattering to you but either way the weight coming back up and looking as lean or leaner is fuggin awesome! zI like how you act as if 275 isn;t much on bench for reps, so nonchalant. Eh I think I will bust out 295 next week... BEAST!


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Looking great Morry! No homo, but seriously good progress :thumbsup:


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Don't run it for too many consecutive days at 150mg........I was suggesting maybe 3 or 4 times per week at that dosage......not ED dosing protocol.

The Tren-Suspension registers the same as TNE on the pain factor meter.........a 1or 2 out of a possible 10.
Almost painless.
But that is where the comparison ends. Tren is WAY more potent!!

You know that I'm a total androgen junkie. I love gear that turns a quiet Dr. Jekyll into a mean ol' Mr. Hyde.

Lots of guys complain about the mental trip that Tren can effect.........I fukkin' LOVE it!!:firedevil:
What Mental Trip? That's called "THE NORM"


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Don't run it for too many consecutive days at 150mg........I was suggesting maybe 3 or 4 times per week at that dosage......not ED dosing protocol.

You know that I'm a total androgen junkie. I love gear that turns a quiet Dr. Jekyll into a mean ol' Mr. Hyde. Lots of guys complain about the mental trip that Tren can effect.........I fukkin' LOVE it!!:firedevil:
Last time I ran Tren I injected 400mgs of Tren E on Sunday, then 100mgs Tren Suspension five days a week. I got winded just thinking about tying my shoe, but strength was awesome... I hear you about the androgen high, but be careful of the E2 and especially DHT. You need E2 to a certain level, but when you're on a gram or two of gear, no one knows what the proper level of E2 should be. I would err on the side of caution and keep it normal, at around 35. But it was the DHT that closed my prostrate. Everyone is worried about gyno but ignore the prostrate. The androgens cause the bad sides, just make sure you guys keep the E2 and DHT in check as you cycle.


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Last time I ran Tren I injected 400mgs of Tren E on Sunday, then 100mgs Tren Suspension five days a week. I got winded just thinking about tying my shoe, but strength was awesome... I hear you about the androgen high, but be careful of the E2 and especially DHT. You need E2 to a certain level, but when you're on a gram or two of gear, no one knows what the proper level of E2 should be. I would err on the side of caution and keep it normal, at around 35. But it was the DHT that closed my prostrate. Everyone is worried about gyno but ignore the prostrate. The androgens cause the bad sides, just make sure you guys keep the E2 and DHT in check as you cycle.
I keep E2 in the normal range. I never advocate crushing estrogen......there's simply too many benefits of keeping estro in the normal ranges. First of all, you'll grow more if you allow some estrogen to remain and circulate.
I use very low doses of Arimidex.....and by low I mean .5 mg E3D. Just a little over a mg per week.......very low.

As far as DHT it concerned, let her roll!!! I don't have any prostate issues. And I have naturally high DHT anyway. I went bald in my early 20's and my body hair is like a friggin' sasquatch. lol


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Don't run it for too many consecutive days at 150mg........I was suggesting maybe 3 or 4 times per week at that dosage......not ED dosing protocol.

The Tren-Suspension registers the same as TNE on the pain factor meter.........a 1or 2 out of a possible 10.
Almost painless.
But that is where the comparison ends. Tren is WAY more potent!!

You know that I'm a total androgen junkie. I love gear that turns a quiet Dr. Jekyll into a mean ol' Mr. Hyde.

Lots of guys complain about the mental trip that Tren can effect.........I fukkin' LOVE it!!:firedevil:
Roger that TG

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