A Legend Returns...an epic Morry Log NPP/Masteron/TNE/Test/Tren Xtreme



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I upped the Xtreme to 150mg and took it about 1.5 hours before workout. TG was right again. This made me a little insane in the gym.


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Beast Mode Morry! The results of this run are going to be Epic.


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plus 13 lbs ten days in, and your strength is rising again too- looking great in here bro. Im in PCT right now- healing my battered body- but hey its a long journey that never ends bodybuilding- keep killin it bro!


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I think i'd end up in Duluth, doing some work for Georgia United Credit Union.
I live in Lawrenceville, right next door to Duluth, as a matter of fact my last apt. was technically in Duluth, but it was right on the Duluth/Lawrenceville boarder! I work in Cumming/Alpharetta area, the reason I say both is the warehouse is in Alpharetta and the Nutrition store they own, well the one they own that I work at (they own 3) is in Cumming. Have any of y'all heard of Xtreme Nutrition?


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Dude that's just awesome, i can't imagine how great your feeling with that stuff. Makes me feel like a CHILD with my TestoPRO :D haha \

Anyways this log is kickass your results are going to be nuggin FUTS!
It is pretty sick. I've been this strong naturally though so I'm not overly impressed. It is just the time frame. It is happened so quick. We'll see if it levels out, but think of Masteron. DHT what? Aggression, lypolysis, and muscle hardening? It's going to get sick

You truely are the god of thunder good brother.

Good work keep it up !!!
You got it!

remember what i said... with NPP, it wants fuel! food! and everything you eat turns to muscle!!! **** is amazing! and thats prob where the back pumps are coming from. i get cramped up from nandro. EAT BRO, EAT! you will get huge on that ****. NPP for the ****ing win!
I am, I am! I'm just a little concerned. I think I'm eating too much, but fock it.

Beast Mode Morry! The results of this run are going to be Epic.
I can't weight either. This is my first run with any 19 Nors and I'm pretty floored with them so far. I am one of the ones that gets water retention from NPP though. I'm hoping when I add masteron I'll see this subside more. I'm not getting any sensitive nips or anything and I'm also not drying out my joints. So I'm very hesitant to modify my AI intake or switch over to Letro. I've thought about it but letro has so many bad sides when used long term....

plus 13 lbs ten days in, and your strength is rising again too- looking great in here bro. Im in PCT right now- healing my battered body- but hey its a long journey that never ends bodybuilding- keep killin it bro!
Yuh! Good luck on your PCT

I live in Lawrenceville, right next door to Duluth, as a matter of fact my last apt. was technically in Duluth, but it was right on the Duluth/Lawrenceville boarder! I work in Cumming/Alpharetta area, the reason I say both is the warehouse is in Alpharetta and the Nutrition store they own, well the one they own that I work at (they own 3) is in Cumming. Have any of y'all heard of Xtreme Nutrition?
That's right, you work in Cumming. I used to live in Lawrenceville. Close to The little Mexico portion.

I've only heard of Xtreme Nutrition, but honestly I buy all my stuff off the internet.


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Your progress so far has been amazing Morry. Your weight gain and strength increases have been incredible considering the short time you've been on. Keep killing it man!


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Day 12

weight 211 (+14)

Legs Arms

No pin today. Just aromasin, T3 at 25mcg, and Xtreme at 150mg. I'm taking all the Xtreme about 1.5 hours before workout. At 150mg it is causing my BP to rise and give me slight headaches. I'll only be running it a few weeks more anyhow. If the headaches don't subside in the next week or so, I'll lower the dosage back down. Bc of the timing, the headaches are barely noticeable while I workout. Just a little of a nag, but I feel crazy while I'm working out so I'll take it.
I wouldn't say I feel the T3 either. I have already been hungry as hell, so I'm not sure if it is contributing or not. Does anybody know of anything else to look for when feeling T3? I'm on a sh1tload of anabolics so it may be hard to tell.

I went up in weight on just about every lift. I did keep squats at volume bc I squated 365 earlier this week. CNS needed a rest and volume is great for lactic acid. My pumps are getting better. Not as good as I have seen in the past, but def better. Back pumps were there but not bad at all. I took taurine in the morning. Only 2 grams, but it def helped. When I was on Var I was having to take 8-9 grams a day!!! I hope not to get back to that but the toxicity level of taurine is pretty much unreachable.

10 min cardio before and after the workout.

Squat, 135x15, 225x15, 225x15, 225x15. Last cycle I was up to 20 on each set so I'll be working back that direction, but 15 seemed like a place to start for higher volume squats. Did these in a circuit with curls, skull crushers and closed grip bench. That was circuit one. I did 3 more, hit cardio and called it a day.

My abs ache all the time now. I'm sure it is bc the belt is making my core do it's thing. I also feel my obliques being sore all the time too bc the grapple swing with the bar and the kettle's I've been using. I just wish I could see more of my abs bc I can feel them getting stronger. With all this bloat though, I can't really see them. FOCK.

Aggression is through the roof in the gym. Mainly bc the Xtreme and high dose thereof. I don't really feel the test, but I'm expecting that to change next week. The NPP is subtle as it doesn't really change my mood, but just give me a stupid amount of strength in my lifts. NPP and Xtreme were a good combo to go with. Vascularity is getting better as well. I have been looking and MENT recently to plan for my early next year cycle. It seems that with an AI used at a higher dose, like aromasin, and maybe a real low dose of letro, that this stuff at a very low dose could shred a mutherfuker down. I'm not sure tho. Just thinking out load....

Pin 100 mg NPP in the morning. Aromasin, caber, T3 at 50 mcgs, Xtreme all tomorrow



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Xtreme at 150mg. I'm taking all the Xtreme about 1.5 hours before workout. At 150mg it is causing my BP to rise and give me slight headaches. I'll only be running it a few weeks more anyhow. If the headaches don't subside in the next week or so, I'll lower the dosage back down. Bc of the timing, the headaches are barely noticeable while I workout. Just a little of a nag, but I feel crazy while I'm working out so I'll take it.

Aggression is through the roof in the gym. Mainly bc the Xtreme and high dose thereof. I don't really feel the test, but I'm expecting that to change next week. The NPP is subtle as it doesn't really change my mood, but just give me a stupid amount of strength in my lifts. NPP and Xtreme were a good combo to go with. Vascularity is getting better as well. I have been looking and MENT recently to plan for my early next year cycle. It seems that with an AI used at a higher dose, like aromasin, and maybe a real low dose of letro, that this stuff at a very low dose could shred a mutherfuker down. I'm not sure tho. Just thinking out load....

That Xtreme is some good shit, ain't it. brother? I knew you'd like the stuff. I do. Makes you feel downright invincible with the weights. Like there's no limit to what you can lift.

Don't decrease the dose. If your headaches and raised BP persist, take some Hawthorne Berries or Celery Seed Extract to counter the BP spikes and take some Aleve for the headaches. Though if you lower your BP with the HB and SCE, you won't have any headaches to contend with.

And you're right, the aggression you're enjoying is due to the Xtreme. The test will kick in soon. But the NPP didn't do anything to increase my rage and aggression. It just delivers true strength, which is fine. But I have to admit that I prefer the rage that is associated with Tren-Suspension........that shit makes me wanna kick down the walls!!

On the water retention, don't switch over to Letro. Like you mentioned, it's not for long term usage.
Instead increase your Aromasin if you need to. Slightly.....then access your situation.

About the MENT, I'm not totally sold on it due to the reading I've done on it.
Go with Tren-Ace next cycle instead. I KNOW you'll dig it!!!


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On the bright side at least he didn't call you Pikachu for wearing all yellow.
Ya know why you NEVER change clothes in front of a Poke Mon?

Because they'll Pikachu!!!


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That Xtreme is some good ****, ain't it. brother? I knew you'd like the stuff. I do. Makes you feel downright invincible with the weights. Like there's no limit to what you can lift.

Don't decrease the dose. If your headaches and raised BP persist, take some Hawthorne Berries or Celery Seed Extract to counter the BP spikes and take some Aleve for the headaches. Though if you lower your BP with the HB and SCE, you won't have any headaches to contend with.

And you're right, the aggression you're enjoying is due to the Xtreme. The test will kick in soon. But the NPP didn't do anything to increase my rage and aggression. It just delivers true strength, which is fine. But I have to admit that I prefer the rage that is associated with Tren-Suspension........that **** makes me wanna kick down the walls!!

On the water retention, don't switch over to Letro. Like you mentioned, it's not for long term usage.
Instead increase your Aromasin if you need to. Slightly.....then access your situation.

About the MENT, I'm not totally sold on it due to the reading I've done on it.
Go with Tren-Ace next cycle instead. I KNOW you'll dig it!!!
Roger that, I adjusted the Aromasin. If I remember right it will take a bit to notice, but I know it's doing its thing.

Tren Ace??? Perhaps.....not sure yet.

Tren suspension makes you feel like you are going to kick walls down. TG, it is probably bc you CAN kick walls down. The suspension just give the aggression to do so. Ha ha.

Ya know why you NEVER change clothes in front of a Poke Mon?

Because they'll Pikachu!!!
I'm not sure what to day.....

Lol.. Why was Tigger looking in the toliet??

He was searching for Pooh!!!


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Day 13

weight 214 (+17)

Back Shoulders

I'm floored at the weight. Not much more to say about it. Pics on Monday, so I guess that will allow you to make your own mind up. I've never put on this much weight this quickly. Never. I'm not sure what the eff. I'm eating like a horse, training like a gladiator, and sleeping as much as I can. My abs aren't coming through as much as I would like but there is nothing to complain about. My strength continues to increase on a daily basis. I'm not sure how much of a beating my body can withstand but I don't really see a reason to slow down as of right now.

Volume DLs
135x15, 225x 15, 225x15, 225x15. Military BB press, 145x6, 145x6, 145x5, Face Pull with a 24k kettlex10x10x8
My back pumps were about to kill me in the circuit but I pushed through it.
Hammer Rows, 260x12x10x9, close grip cable rows 160x12x10x9, Lateral and Front raises with 20DBsx5x5x5
My back muscles were screaming at this point
BB Shrugs 315x6x5x5, Wide grip pull ups BWx6x5x5, close grip pull upsx5x4x4
Half clean with a military press 95x5x5x5 (failure on the last one by military pressing it until failure, typically 3-4 reps), one armed bent over rows with 100DBx6x5x5

I was exhausted at the end of the workout. I still did 10 min cardio before and after I worked out. It wasn't a mental exhaustion, but more along the lines of my back muscles were just aching from such a great workout. I was only resting as I walked from one exercise to the next. I was drenched by the time I hit my second circuit. So at the end I looked over at the elliptical dreading the last ten minutes but is honestly went by fast, I think my back muscles were just happy my legs had to take the last ten minutes. Ha ha.

First side to pop up and it was sort of expected. I have been staying on the low side of aromasin. I am a little sensitive in my right nip. I upped the aromasin and will be keeping an eye on things. If it doesn't calm down after a week or so, I'll hit it with some letro. That will have to do the trick. Normally I think I should be freaking out, but honestly I'm not. I've been through this several times, I know how to control it just fine, and it proves that I have enough test in my system that a bit is being converted over to estrogen. It's a good sign if you ask me. From all the reading I've done, 19 Nors are notorious for shutting you down quickly meaning that if I'm at the end of week two and I'm getting sensitive nips, then I have achieved supra-physiological levels of test via my injections; also NPP converts at such a low rate into estro, I don't think that is it either. All very encouraging news.

Keeping T3 at 50mcg. Dosing Aromasin at 20mg ED right now. Caber is still .5 E3d. NPP is 100 EOD and Test C is 300mg twice a week. Tren Xtreme is 150mg about 1.5 hours before workout and not taking any on Sunday as it is an off day for me.

Tomorrow I'm just getting caught up on a few things, but as far as my cycle is concerned, I'm taking the day off for rest. My muscles need it. I've been hitting it 6 days a week for 2 weeks now with intense workouts. I'll prob incorporate a second rest day here in the next couple of weeks, but for now I think 1 is enough.



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Day 14

weight 217 (+20)

Rest day

Chest Abs tomorrow. Pics tomorrow.


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I've always felt aromasin works its magic fairly quickly. IMO it's the easiest AI to nail down the exact dose you need as it's effects are sudden and short lived. The half life is only around 27 hours. Things like Adex and letro with their multiple day half lifes were always a bit harder for me to dial in the perfect dose. Hence part of the reason I only use aromasin now ;)


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up 20lbs!!!!??? wtf ? wtf is happening to you? wtf is going to happen to you? 20 pounds in 14 days? holy bat ****. wtf!!!!!????
I'll bet he's doing them there steroids.



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Holy Crap Morry, 20 lbs in 14 days that is just unreal. Can't wait to see the pics. Just unreal...


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Day 14

weight 217 (+20)

Rest day

Chest Abs tomorrow. Pics tomorrow.
Damn!! That's sick man! Those pic's will be awesome


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Good point with the aromasin. I'll keep it at 20 mg until my nips stop feeling so sensitive.

20 lbs is the cell tech orange juice creatine combo I've been using. Shhhhh.

Pics? Just going to show Im bloated and holding onto water. Ha ha.

Thx for the support guys. I've made my Sept dosing calendar. I may upload all of them at the end. It shows everything I'm taking , what dosage, and obviously the day. Shows my front load protocol too.


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Good point with the aromasin. I'll keep it at 20 mg until my nips stop feeling so sensitive.

20 lbs is the cell tech orange juice creatine combo I've been using. Shhhhh.

Pics? Just going to show Im bloated and holding onto water. Ha ha.

Thx for the support guys. I've made my Sept dosing calendar. I may upload all of them at the end. It shows everything I'm taking , what dosage, and obviously the day. Shows my front load protocol too.
Dude that's awesome, sharing the knowledge and experience!


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20lbs- fukc i wish i would have used npp on my last bulk.
hell i gained 8 lbs on it when i was cutting hardcore

beastmode bro- plain and simple


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20lbs- fukc i wish i would have used npp on my last bulk.
hell i gained 8 lbs on it when i was cutting hardcore

beastmode bro- plain and simple
Hey Schwell,
Did NPP cause you to bloat or retain water when you used it during your cut?
It didn't me. But I was running Winstrol with it.

Most people report that NPP doesn't bloat them like Deca does.


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Day 15

weight 209 (WTF?!?!- +12)

Chest Abs

Pinned 300mg Test c, 100mg NP, took aromasin 20mg, T3-50mcg, and Xtreme 150mg an hour before workout

I know I started hitting aromasin hard and I dried my diet out the past two day keeping complex carbs to a min. I wasn't expecting this change though. It just proves how much water I'm holding onto. I weighed myself twice. I know it is right. This is a crazy fluctuation and I can only attribute it to estrogen. I'm only on 600mg of test c a week and 100 mg NPP EOD. I have read of reports that NPP causes some people to hold onto water, but maybe it is the NPP, maybe it isn't. I'm going to be messing around with this on week 5 when I add masteron. I'm thinking I may keep NPP at 100mg or 150 mg EOD and not going to 200mg. All I can do at this point is keep complex carbs to a min, really watch my sodium intake and keep my aromasin at 20mg. I haven't read of anything negative coming out of dosing it this high and aromasin isn't hard on the lipids and actually has a positive effect on IFG-1. I think the last effect though is due to it's effect on negative feedback and increase in endogenous test, which in my case is irrelevant. My endogenous test is probably very, very low right now.

My workout was crazy. I moved some exercises from one circuit to another and increased intensity. Flat Bench was done with reverse grip bench and weighted ab curls.
BB 135x10, 225x11, 225x10, 225x9, 225x9
Reverse grip 135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10
Weight ab crunch, 120x12x10x11

Hit 3 more circuits and my chest was so fried I wasn't even able to do clap push ups without assistance. On flat bench I was going to failure, locking out, breathing a few times and getting at least one if not two more reps in. Enter test. Ha ha. It isn't going to do anything but get better from here. I wish I had enough Masteron to start right now, but I chose to use the short ester with a concentration at 100mg/ml. I'm not unhappy I did it bc the front load will happen quickly and I'm not sure how I'll react to masteron so even with a front load, I'll be able to cease it before I would an enthanate if I had crazy sides. If I do this in the future tho and my body is ok with masteron, I'll choose to use the same esters on everything. I avoided it this time due to pins and pin frequency (pinning 2-3 times a day would suck), but thinking back now, I shouldn't have been so worried about it. I should have spent the money from Xtreme on test prop, ha ha, fock it. Done now. Tren Ace/Test Ace/ Masteron Prop anybody???? I know, only two weeks in and I'm thinking about the next cycle. Sue me. Let's see how ripped up I can get with this one.

I didn't have time to hit cardio today. I was driving down to my parents house for the holiday, but stopped by the gym on the way down. I wish I would have had time bc family get together holidays aren't the best on my diet. Whatever though, time with the family is about relaxing, I didn't drink any alcohol though. My older brother saw me and def said I looked markedly bigger. Pics posted below.

Skin has been much more oily the past few days. I wash my face two time a day anyhow, I just notice it is still a little oily. No ache or anything and no other sides. My sensitive nip has about gone away. I can barely feel it. Aromosin is the sh1t. Even if I have to purchase more, I think I'll keep using it before I return to Letro. The extra reps I got today reminded me of my last cycle when I started feeling the test. I used prop last time first and I felt it much quicker, but this is def test I feel.

Pics below. I'm not all that concerned with shredding down although at 220 I was a little concerned to be honest. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. I think my chest is filling back out and my traps are focking swollen as sh1t. The abs will come. I read my entire cycle log from last time last night and I'm already so far ahead of where I was it isn't funny. I may not be lifting as much as I was on some lifts, but my circuits are longer and my frame is a lot bigger. On some lifts. I'm killing what I did last cycle. All in all at the end of week two, I'm happy with the results. Pick and poke away. What are the though lurking around?

HC, I hate you. Ha ha. Get your ass back here so we can hit the gym.



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Nice work Morry, you must have looked pretty huge but bloated with the full 20 lbs on you. You are looking good here in this set of pics for sure. I definitely see the size difference keep on killing it.


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Looking good bro...no homo! Cant wait to see final pics


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Nice work Morry, you must have looked pretty huge but bloated with the full 20 lbs on you. You are looking good here in this set of pics for sure. I definitely see the size difference keep on killing it.
20 was pretty crazy .

Thanks Kleen!


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Hey Schwell,
Did NPP cause you to bloat or retain water when you used it during your cut?
It didn't me. But I was running Winstrol with it.

Most people report that NPP doesn't bloat them like Deca does.
didnt bloat me at all- i was stacking it with 800mgs masteron though :O


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Nice shoulder vascularity going on there! Looking great man keep up the good work.


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You are getting that beast size back quick Morry! Looking swoll brotha!


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Nice shoulder vascularity going on there! Looking great man keep up the good work.
Thanks man. I have always had some veiney freaking shoulders. Wait till week 8 or 9, they will connect most likely....

You are getting that beast size back quick Morry! Looking swoll brotha!
Much appreciated Rick. I have so much work to do, but the encouragement keeps me going.


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Dude those will be sick, vascularity is so awesome it literally adds that "freak" like factor to a physique IMO. :D


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Day 16

weight 214 (+16)

Back / Shoulders

This weight going up and down is a little nuts. Diet was clean and back to primal. I wasn't having the feeling to eat everything in site for the first time today. If I can keep the appetite under control I'll keep to the exact diet I ate today. Macros were about perfect, sodium low, no complex carbs.

Took Aromasin 25mg, T3-50mcg, Xtreme 150mg, Caber .5 mg

DL 135x10, 225x10, 315x10, 405x3, 365x5 (That's the most I have lifted since the injury)
Military BB Press 90x10, 135x12x10x10
Face pulls, 25lbx12, 54lbx10,x12, x10

Hammer Rows 270x11x10x9
Close Grip Rows 160x11x10x9
Machine lateral raises 100x10x10x10

Shrugs BB 315x8x7x5
Wide Grip Pullups BWx10x7x5
Close grip Pullups BWx5x4x3

Half clean and military press 135x5,5x3
Bent over one armed rows 80x6x6x6

I didn't do cardio. I was drenched and I had the energy to do it, but with my diet being perfect, I don't see the reason to do it after those sets. Back day is 36-38 sets as it is. T3 is def making a difference in my metabolism. I was able to go from set to set, but I was breathing a lot heavier and a bit more worn out. I'd guess this is my metabolism being boosted. It has been a while since I was on T3, I remember it making me hungry as hell, but it seems the hunger was fine today. I'm curious how things will be the rest of the week.

I pin 100mg NPP in the morning.

Test is def kicking. Oily skin, not bad, just a little more than normal. I'm just wiping my face when I wash my hands, that seems to do the trick. I got another comment on how big I am getting at work. Ha ha. They think this is big, I'm only at the beginning of week 3. Still have 9.5 to go. I'm prob going to frontload the masteron on week 5. Front load the test c on week 4 (right now I'm at 600 a week, I'll be increasing it to 1 gram and front load will be 2grams the week before the increase) and keep NPP at 100mg EOD till week 5, then up to 150 till the end. I'm hoping the masteron will let me lower my aromasin dosage. If it doesn't I'll need to acquire more. Right nip a little sensitive, but not bad, left is all good. I'll keep the aromasin does high for now.
I was exhausted after a lot of these sets but I quickly regained my energy and was able to move on. I remember this being the test from last cycle. The strength has got to be the NPP. I mean 405x3 at the beginning of week 3? WTF? I'm not complaining and I'll prob keep the squats lights tomorrow. My back doesn't hurt or ache a bit. DL later this week will be volume as well. If all goes as planned, I'll go heavy squats on Sat. Headaches have went away and BP is back in line. Not normal, but not overly high.



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Damn man, HUGE props to you for the knowledge your posting. That's gotta feel awesome knowing that you know what is kicking in and what is causing what. Sick DL's man especially only being 3 weeks in!! I've definitely got a lot to learn from here :)


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Damn man, HUGE props to you for the knowledge your posting. That's gotta feel awesome knowing that you know what is kicking in and what is causing what. Sick DL's man especially only being 3 weeks in!! I've definitely got a lot to learn from here :)
Thx bro! But id call it educated guesses. :lol:


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The mast should allow you to lower aromasin dosage bro. Good gains so far... I'm disgustingly hyped to run NPP after how you, schwell, and hc are talking about it... and I have some on the way from a friend of mine on here.


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The mast should allow you to lower aromasin dosage bro. Good gains so far... I'm disgustingly hyped to run NPP after how you, schwell, and hc are talking about it... and I have some on the way from a friend of mine on here.
man that must be a good friend wink-wink


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I'll keep NPP at 100mg EOD till week 5, then up to 150 till the end.

The strength has got to be the NPP. I mean 405x3 at the beginning of week 3? WTF? I'm not complaining and I'll prob keep the squats lights tomorrow. My back doesn't hurt or ache a bit. Morry
Too bad you're not going to increase that NPP way up high when you go to 1 full gram of Test per week. I'd love to see the outrageous strength increases!!

200mg of NPP EOD with the full gram of Cyp and then the addition of the Masteron = INSANITY!!:smileeek:


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That NPP is some awesome stuff. Morry just needs to learn to tame the beast with it. When he does, it will work beyond his dreams. :)
He was just worried that it was the NPP that was causing his weight explosion and bloat. I tried to convince him that it wasn't. I rather think it's just estro conversion from the Test and maybe he was letting diet slightly slip to get big fast. NPP only converts to Estro at a mere 20% compared to Test.

He will need more Aromasin when he ups that Cyp dosage. Better safe than sorry.


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thunder god definitely knows what he is talking about . I was concerned that the NPP was causing a lot of bloat and considering it is my first time using it a substance like that (19 nor), I'm using caution. I've used a DHT derivative before but never anything like nandrolone .
I understand on paper why it seems to be more anabolic because the strength you get from it is nothing like the androgenic strength im use to . The strength feels more like test but to a different extent .
4 now I'm keeping the dosage at 100 and I'll up it to 150 at week 5 . that doesnt mean that I won't increase it more . I have access to more but I'm not going to get it right now . I need to know more about how my body reacts with nandrolone .
I don't think the estrogen will be a problem when I increase the test because of the masteron. every body reacts a little bit differently. I'm just trying to feel my way through this .


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The mast should allow you to lower aromasin dosage bro. Good gains so far... I'm disgustingly hyped to run NPP after how you, schwell, and hc are talking about it... and I have some on the way from a friend of mine on here.
Thanks brotha, glad to see you still following. NPP is great. Powerful yet subtle.


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Day 17

weight 215 (+17)

Legs Arms

Squats 135x10, 225x22, 225x15, 225x13x 225x13
curls 40x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x9, 80x8
skull crushers 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10
close grip bench 80x12, 80x12, 80x10, 80x9

Cable curls, 80x12, 110x10, 120x8
Calf raises 165x12, 165x12, 165x12
Tricep pull downs 100x12, 100x10, 100x10
Tricep extensions 100x8, 100x8, 100x6
Lunges 80x10, 80x10, 80x10

Hammer Pull ups BW+25x6, BW+25x5, BW+25x5
Smith extended squats with medium bands 50x10, 100x10, 100x9 (I'm only counting the plates)
Quad Curls 140x10, 140x9, 140x8

Leg Press 6ppsx15, 6ppsx15, 6ppsx15
Dips BWx22, BWx20, BWx19
Hammer Curls DB 35x7, 30x8, 30x8

This was a great volume workout. It did take longer to get through all 48-50 sets. I listed the sets from one set to another then the next exercise, but the way I train, I do one set of each, then go the second set of each for the groups I listed. I was drenched and my muscles were screaming at me when I got finished.
I did foam roll bit I nixed the cardio again. I don't see the reason to do it at this point. I'm lifting heavy and hard for 2 hours or a little less. Cardio is in there. Time to build the monster again. Ha ha.

Took aromasin, 150mg xtreme. Pinned 100 mg NPP.

Nip is a little sensitive on the right side but not getting any worse. If it stays like that, I'm fine with it. It only feels sensitive, no aesthetic change. Skin still a bit oily. Vascularity is focking crazy. I'm leaning out a bit too. The scale is going up as well so I'm back to a recomp. I think by the end of week 4 I should have shed enough fat and gained enough muscle to really tell a difference when I start the masteron. NPP is focking great. Low dose for me right now. I didn't bloat on test last time I took it. At the end of my cycle I was using 50-112 mg of TNE a day (depending on whether the workout was volume or heavy, but typically 3 heavy, 3 light, so about 450mg of TNE) plus 500 mg of Test E. Just under a gram with no bloat. Look at the pics, they are in my last log, I'm dry as a focking bone. It could have been the letro tho and I'm doing everything I can to stay away from it this time. Maybe the cypionate is reacting differently that the enthanate, but who knows. Could be the Xtreme too. That's the only draw back to taking a few different compounds. Either way, bloating is under control and workouts are crazy.

I'm beating my body to death. My shoulder ache. My lower back is sore (not bad sore, good sore). My abs scream when I stand up, my obliques hurt when I reach over sideways at my desk to pick something up. My quads and hams are fried and remind me they exist any time I decide to get out of a chair. All in all, what I'm saying is, Morry's back and this is going to get stupid fun here in the next 4 weeks or so. Thank you all for following thus far and I'm certain I can make this promise, I'm not disappointing anybody. Stay on this crazy train and I'll carve this bitch the fock out.

Def alpha male kicking in, eh? Not just my post, but in the Gym. Guys that have been to the dark side know what I'm talking about. Everybody in the gym annoys you, they are doing "stupid" exercises and making faces when they are lifting peanuts. On the bright side, I have noticed this really hot Hispanic chic staring at me several time during a couple of my sets. I can't tell if she is there with her brother or bf tho....they never make any sort of contact with one another. I wonder if she'd be down to fock in the shower there.....only one way to find out. LIBIDO CHECK. HA HA HA.



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estrogen wont be an issue with masteron- the stack of test/npp/masteron was insane for my last recomp


  • RockStar
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Nice deads, and LOVE those high rep squats putting that back to the test for sure. Keep on killing it Morry!

On a side note **** CHocolate! Your avi is looking fugging HUGE!!!!!!!


Well-known member
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Nice deads, and LOVE those high rep squats putting that back to the test for sure. Keep on killing it Morry!

On a side note **** CHocolate! Your avi is looking fugging HUGE!!!!!!!
:lol: Thx brotha.
Widow makers....much respect.


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What's going on in this mother ! ?
Ah sh1t, 50 just rolled up in this bitch.

Welcome my friend. Stop working so much. You still liking the new job? Smaller town, right?

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