A Legend Returns...an epic Morry Log NPP/Masteron/TNE/Test/Tren Xtreme



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You won't see much physical changes with masteron unless you're low bf.

hey morry what needle size are you using to pin in the calves? i'm about to start pinning test suspension there and destroy my calves. i really want to get them bigger


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You won't see much physical changes with masteron unless you're low bf.

hey morry what needle size are you using to pin in the calves? i'm about to start pinning test suspension there and destroy my calves. i really want to get them bigger
oh okay. so kinda like a pre contest type of thing? no rel gains


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You won't see much physical changes with masteron unless you're low bf.

hey morry what needle size are you using to pin in the calves? i'm about to start pinning test suspension there and destroy my calves. i really want to get them bigger
People see changes in that, per what I have consistently read/heard from those that run it, it adds and is synergistic with the other compounds you run (test included). I have read many logs that guys swear it made a huge difference in the outcome of their cycle and also kept down water bloat/retention from aromatizing compounds.


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You won't see much physical changes with masteron unless you're low bf.

hey morry what needle size are you using to pin in the calves? i'm about to start pinning test suspension there and destroy my calves. i really want to get them bigger
People see changes in that, per what I have consistently read/heard from those that run it, it adds and is synergistic with the other compounds you run (test included). I have read many logs that guys swear it made a huge difference in the outcome of their cycle and also kept down water bloat/retention from aromatizing compounds.
looks like we got a debate


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People see changes in that, per what I have consistently read/heard from those that run it, it adds and is synergistic with the other compounds you run (test included). I have read many logs that guys swear it made a huge difference in the outcome of their cycle and also kept down water bloat/retention from aromatizing compounds.
the word synergistic gets thrown around so much i dont even know what you mean by it. are you saying masteron can chemically interact with other steroid molecules making a magically stronger molecule to bind to the androgen receptor? i dont think that happens.

if you mean synergistic in that you're just piling on more steroids to get more results then yes. test and deca is always better than test solo. but that's not real synergy lol.

if you're using masteron for bloat/water retention you might as well use an AI for the costs you will incur

mast is good for many things. but don't expect any visual​ results if you're over 12% imo


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I've heard the tell of some pinning in the calves, delts, and pecs with a slin pin if you have low low BF, but IDK...seems a good way to make scar tissue from the pressure of the oil coming out....


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the word synergistic gets thrown around so much i dont even know what you mean by it. are you saying masteron can chemically interact with other steroid molecules making a magically stronger molecule to bind to the androgen receptor? i dont think that happens.

if you mean synergistic in that you're just piling on more steroids to get more results then yes. test and deca is always better than test solo. but that's not real synergy lol.

if you're using masteron for bloat/water retention you might as well use an AI for the costs you will incur

mast is good for many things. but don't expect any visual​ results if you're over 12% imo
Masteron and shbg. Google it.


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Masteron and shbg. Google it.
i was waiting for that. but again, if you're using masteron for this purpose, might as well use a low dose of winny instead. no inj and more economical.


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i was waiting for that. but again, if you're using masteron for this purpose, might as well use a low dose of winny instead. no inj and more economical.
I just say... Man up and eat clean, take creatine and your aminos and you too can look like the pros, steroids is cheating!


New member
Now that makes both logs worth it right there. WELCOME BACK and I'm focking thrilled you came over to the dark side. I'm glad I could help and you took the dive. Good sh1t, eh?

Thanks for the kind words and really thanks for popping back in. Post like that make the logs worth it. Don't get me wrong. I love the encouragement and def couldn't do without the knowledge of a lot of these guys, but the fact that a log I created help you mold your fitness decisions? That's rewarding. :)
The best sh!t. Making the move was easy once I took the time to do the research and see all the benefits if ran correctly. It was definitely a learning experience and all the research in the world doesn't get you ready for the beast lurking inside of you. I kept it simple for my first run and learned a lot about how my body reacts to the gear and know where to go from here. The next run in late November gets me amped just thinking about it.

A lot of newcomers could learn a lesson or two from you and some of the more experienced members on here. A little knowledge goes a long way and I'm here to learn so let the knowledge flow like the juice into my quads. Just feels so right.


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Video that ish dont be scared! Nothing like rewatching yourself deadlift a weight that bends the hell out of a bar.
I may just do that....thinking of pinning a good amount of suspension that day too!!!

Awww... Want me to come hold your hand, or do you want me to come and do 5Lbs more than you just to piss you off???
Bring it. It won't piss me off. You know I'll be standing there clapping. You're a huge dude and cut up like a motherfocker. If I can lift 80% of what you can, I'm a happy man.

how do you like masterone morry?
also could i take both masterone and tbol at same time or best seperated (yes of course on test too)
Masteron is a great compound for a variety of reasons IMO. Now compared with VAR it doesn't slim you down the same way. It does however really start to show its magic as you get lower in body fat. Aesthetics is all it is at that point. As far as aggression goes, I wouldn't say one is more pronounced than the other. Both give you a little bit of extra push in the gym. Libido though? Hands down, masteron wins this one. Also the anti-aromatization of masteron is not debatable but honestly hasn't been as pronounced as I would have liked to see it.

As you get lower in BF though, your muscles make you look even lower. The dense and hard appearance of them is pretty hard to deny. Look at the pics. You don't really see masteron's magic till the last couple of weeks, but I've been on it since week 5 and it's a prop. It had been kicking for a while, I just wasn't lean enough to really show it. I still got the libido from it though and the extra push from aggression in the gym.

For the money? Yup it's expensive. Would I do it again? Absolutely. Next cycle is probably going to be the 50/50/50 test ace/tren ace/masteron prop with possibly some Var in there as well.

You won't see much physical changes with masteron unless you're low bf.

hey morry what needle size are you using to pin in the calves? i'm about to start pinning test suspension there and destroy my calves. i really want to get them bigger
29 gauge half inch. I never saw any localized growth from TNE and I pinned that stuff everywhere. Calf is a good spot tho IMO.

oh okay. so kinda like a pre contest type of thing? no rel gains
No, gains are there. Slow but there. If I had to guess, I'll keep more of what I got this cycle than last bc of the masteron. Dense muscle sticks.

People see changes in that, per what I have consistently read/heard from those that run it, it adds and is synergistic with the other compounds you run (test included). I have read many logs that guys swear it made a huge difference in the outcome of their cycle and also kept down water bloat/retention from aromatizing compounds.
I'd agree with this to the point that adding in a complimentary compound is always going to make each compound appear to work better. Quite honestly though, there is more effort there, more aggression, and frankly more hormones. Of course they will work better.

the word synergistic gets thrown around so much i dont even know what you mean by it. are you saying masteron can chemically interact with other steroid molecules making a magically stronger molecule to bind to the androgen receptor? i dont think that happens.

if you mean synergistic in that you're just piling on more steroids to get more results then yes. test and deca is always better than test solo. but that's not real synergy lol.

if you're using masteron for bloat/water retention you might as well use an AI for the costs you will incur

mast is good for many things. but don't expect any visual​ results if you're over 12% imo
I agree with this 100%.

The definition of synergy though is pure logistics and it really boils down to the individual IMO. Some guys get great gains off test alone, but others don't really react all that well to it. You toss in a few things tho and all of a sudden they blow up. More is not necessarily better, but if you have never looked up "AAS overdose" I think you should. More most certainly won't kill you, but the principle of diminishing return def has its say as well.

I've heard the tell of some pinning in the calves, delts, and pecs with a slin pin if you have low low BF, but IDK...seems a good way to make scar tissue from the pressure of the oil coming out....
I've never had a problem with this. I've pinned bi, tris, calves, delts, traps, and chest.

I don't think the pressure from a 29g needle is much different from a 25 g in respect to creating scar tissue, but I could be wrong.

Masteron and shbg. Google it.
Google SHBG and aromasin. There are plenty of compounds that interfere or compete with the evil SHBG, but I don't think that is grounds to say it is synergistic, but then again, I think we are arguing semantics again. Less SHBG the better. I think we are all comfortable saying that. How you do that though is a whole different discussion.

i was waiting for that. but again, if you're using masteron for this purpose, might as well use a low dose of winny instead. no inj and more economical.
Well said.

I won't do winny bc my joints already hurt and I can afford VAR if need be.

I just say... Man up and eat clean, take creatine and your aminos and you too can look like the pros, steroids is cheating!
Well said Al. You and I know both know that the intensity and work is there. The gear doesn't make that go away, but I agree enough time and work, perhaps you are on to something. Fock that tho.

The best sh!t. Making the move was easy once I took the time to do the research and see all the benefits if ran correctly. It was definitely a learning experience and all the research in the world doesn't get you ready for the beast lurking inside of you. I kept it simple for my first run and learned a lot about how my body reacts to the gear and know where to go from here. The next run in late November gets me amped just thinking about it.

A lot of newcomers could learn a lesson or two from you and some of the more experienced members on here. A little knowledge goes a long way and I'm here to learn so let the knowledge flow like the juice into my quads. Just feels so right.
Good to hear bro. Let us know how the run goes. What are you choosing for the second run?

We are all here to learn and I'm lucky enough I have some really smart brother meat heads follow my logs.

"Flow like juice into my quads"

Well said brother. Well said :)


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Day 61

weight 217 (+20)

Pinned 200 mg masteron. Pinned 50mg tren suspension. Took letro.

Chest Abs

Flat Bench 135x5, 225x3, 265x7, 255x5, 245x5, 235x5
Incline Hammer 1ppsx10, 2ppsx12x10x10x9
Weight Crunch 80x10, 120x10x8x9x10

Cable incline 100x10x10x10x10
WOD assisted BWx12x12x12x12
Kettle Oblique Crunch 24kx16x16x16x16
Leg Raises with 35lbDB b/t quadsx16x16x16x16

Moved to the one pulley pull down bc the double I can do the full stack, I had to find a quick clip and a chain to make this work, but when I did it worked like a charm
Ab pull down 130x10, 120x12x12x12
Machine Bench 205x17x15x14
Machine Incline 185x10x8x7

Cable Flies 60x12, 65x12x12x10
Decline Cable Flies 40x12x12x12x12
Side Grapple BB+25x10x10x10x10

Easy workout. I finished in about an hour and a half.



New member
The next run might look like this but still very open to any suggestions

1-12 Test C 500mg/wk
1-6 Test P 100mg/eod to kick start
8-14 Masteron 100mg/eod

Not 100% on the mast, depends on bf. Looking for something to help lean me out at the end and bridge to pct, any thoughts are welcome.


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thanks for the review on masterone, i think im gonna pass due to my current standings and goals but def gonna run it in future when im not broke as fck


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Still killing it I see Morry. Very impressed with your last pics man. Leaned out nice and looking huge!


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Bring it. It won't piss me off. You know I'll be standing there clapping. You're a huge dude and cut up like a motherfocker. If I can lift 80% of what you can, I'm a happy man.
Damn Dude, you can't fight back a little, just a little healthy banter back and forth, come on! Let's meet somewhere and I'll do Light Legs and yes, I'll do some Dead-Lifts with you (I'm using your Fugging Belt), but I will only push it so much being as calorie deprived as I am, hit me up txt or call, I'll do the same!

Well said Al. You and I know both know that the intensity and work is there. The gear doesn't make that go away, but I agree enough time and work, perhaps you are on to something. Fock that tho.
Totally being a Smart-A$$, my stand on Gear is... When done properly, it is just as safe as other supplements, and it is unfortunate that there are too many people out there who just jump right in and start taking stuff with no clue as to what they are doing and what it is doing to their bodies, what to take with it, how to know when they are taking too much, not enough or what to add with it to counteract this, that or the other, etc. It is definitely an educated man or woman's game, not for the novice, and actually I can say the exact same thing about prohormones, not enough education and research, just a whole lotta take this pill and get big quick $hit, which is not the way it is done, it is a tool like any other that must be used properly and carefully! I mean they don't just give driver's licenses away without taking a test to prove you know how to operate the vehicle, kind of the same principal, cars kill too, but they are necessary in a lot of cases to get from point A to point B.... "Ahhh... Ahaaaaah... Ahaaa..." (Eddie Murphy in "Coming to America" playing the old Man telling the joke)

"What do you know from Funny... Ya Bastard!"


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Morry what's your site rotation lookin like?

after EOD pinning in my delts i think im starting to get some scar tissue lol.... which sucks ass as they are my favorite place to pin.


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amazing transformation, fullness and vascularity are looking great!


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Damn Dude, you can't fight back a little, just a little healthy banter back and forth, come on! Let's meet somewhere and I'll do Light Legs and yes, I'll do some Dead-Lifts with you (I'm using your Fugging Belt), but I will only push it so much being as calorie deprived as I am, hit me up txt or call, I'll do the same!

Totally being a Smart-A$$, my stand on Gear is... When done properly, it is just as safe as other supplements, and it is unfortunate that there are too many people out there who just jump right in and start taking stuff with no clue as to what they are doing and what it is doing to their bodies, what to take with it, how to know when they are taking too much, not enough or what to add with it to counteract this, that or the other, etc. It is definitely an educated man or woman's game, not for the novice, and actually I can say the exact same thing about prohormones, not enough education and research, just a whole lotta take this pill and get big quick $hit, which is not the way it is done, it is a tool like any other that must be used properly and carefully! I mean they don't just give driver's licenses away without taking a test to prove you know how to operate the vehicle, kind of the same principal, cars kill too, but they are necessary in a lot of cases to get from point A to point B.... "Ahhh... Ahaaaaah... Ahaaa..." (Eddie Murphy in "Coming to America" playing the old Man telling the joke)

"What do you know from Funny... Ya Bastard!"
I will fight you for Morry just for being absent. You outweigh me by more than that if you don't come in deadlifting at least 15 lbs more then you outweigh me by, then you should go home kicking rocks. Just saying...

Morry you look great, huge and ripped. No need to lean up for Halloween you are their brother! I would love to see you leaner just to see the beast uncovered. However you are plenty lean right now and to stand next to you you must look fugging HUGE!


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Morry what's your site rotation lookin like?

after EOD pinning in my delts i think im starting to get some scar tissue lol.... which sucks ass as they are my favorite place to pin.
Triceps are awesome to pin, CM. Very easy spot to reach and it can hold a lot of oil. I put 3 ML in mine with no problems at all.


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just wondering how you fockers insert your DVD's? i got a really big DVD player and i dont think i can insert the DVD in Deltoid by myself how yall do it? do i have to take yoga or something? i can see the buttox and all others but how youll do the deltoid with the other hand, or do you not do it in deltoid?


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The next run might look like this but still very open to any suggestions

1-12 Test C 500mg/wk
1-6 Test P 100mg/eod to kick start
8-14 Masteron 100mg/eod

Not 100% on the mast, depends on bf. Looking for something to help lean me out at the end and bridge to pct, any thoughts are welcome.
Looks good man. Don't forget HCG and other supports.

What about VAR in the beginning as a kick start? Depending on your goals that could be a great addition.

Still killing it I see Morry. Very impressed with your last pics man. Leaned out nice and looking huge!
Always a pleasure to see you poking your head back in here. Thanks brotha. Let's see what else I can pull off.

Damn Dude, you can't fight back a little, just a little healthy banter back and forth, come on! Let's meet somewhere and I'll do Light Legs and yes, I'll do some Dead-Lifts with you (I'm using your Fugging Belt), but I will only push it so much being as calorie deprived as I am, hit me up txt or call, I'll do the same!
Sorry we missed each other this weekend bro. We are on for the halloween party tho.

Morry what's your site rotation lookin like?

after EOD pinning in my delts i think im starting to get some scar tissue lol.... which sucks ass as they are my favorite place to pin.
I have stuck with my quads bro. They are such large muscles and can hold a lot of oil. With some patience you can find good spots anytime. They are sore pretty commonly, but I don't mind. I have pinned the delts before tho, just prefer the quads.

amazing transformation, fullness and vascularity are looking great!
Thanks for following the kind words. We still got more work to do!!!

I will fight you for Morry just for being absent. You outweigh me by more than that if you don't come in deadlifting at least 15 lbs more then you outweigh me by, then you should go home kicking rocks. Just saying...

Morry you look great, huge and ripped. No need to lean up for Halloween you are their brother! I would love to see you leaner just to see the beast uncovered. However you are plenty lean right now and to stand next to you you must look fugging HUGE!
Thanks Kleen. I really appreciate that. I'm going to attempt to lean up, but honestly I'm getting much better results getting a bit more cals and lifting like crazy. The days I go low on cals, my workouts are bearable, but not where they need to be.

I'm not sure at Al sub caloric state that he could out dead me, but at the same time, he is focking HUGE so you never know.

Triceps are awesome to pin, CM. Very easy spot to reach and it can hold a lot of oil. I put 3 ML in mine with no problems at all.
Agreed. I've pinned them a few time. Never over a CC, but never any problems.

just wondering how you fockers insert your DVD's? i got a really big DVD player and i dont think i can insert the DVD in Deltoid by myself how yall do it? do i have to take yoga or something? i can see the buttox and all others but how youll do the deltoid with the other hand, or do you not do it in deltoid?
Delts are easy pins man. So are quads. Just get comfortable and pin that sh1t. You won't be sorry.


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Day 62

Pinned 150 NPP. Took letro.

Today was rest. Tomorrow is max out day on DL.



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Day 63

weight 219 (+21)

Pinned 200mg Masteron. Pinned 150mg of tren suspension (yup, you read that right, 150!!!). Took letro.

Back and Shoulders

I won't list everything here but it was 48 sets or so.

Def hit 525 on Dead. Videos below. I also put one of Delt raises on there too bc my brother said you could actually see the veins coming out from my spine. Looks freaky. Tomorrow is Chest and Abs.

525 Deadlift

Delts causing crazy veins


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Fock yeah then how does this look for first time dvd movie- goal is blu ray not quiet high definition

test p 100 eod 1-4w
test e 500 ew 1-10w
hcg 500iu ew 1-10w
tbol 60mg 1-4w (or should i do 40mg 1-6w)
var 50mg 6-12w (or should i do 75mg 8-12)
exem 12mg 1-12

nolva 40/40/20/20
torem 60/60/60/60
exem 12/25/25/12/12

supporting supps given
help on how to watch this movie?


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Fock yeah then how does this look for first time dvd movie- goal is blu ray not quiet high definition

test p 100 eod 1-4w
test e 500 ew 1-10w
hcg 500iu ew 1-10w
tbol 60mg 1-4w (or should i do 40mg 1-6w)
var 50mg 6-12w (or should i do 75mg 8-12)
exem 12mg 1-12

nolva 40/40/20/20
torem 60/60/60/60
exem 12/25/25/12/12

supporting supps given
help on how to watch this movie?
Ref use var at the higher dose. 75 is good. DOL 100 if u can.


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YouTube videos not working for u guys?


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YouTube videos not working for u guys?
I think what happened was I had the page up for a while before I posted so I didnt see u post it yet. Is it a BB thing to go so wide gripped on DL? A bodybuilder I know does that too. Good lift man looked easy for you.


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Ref use var at the higher dose. 75 is good. DOL 100 if u can.
wow tbol at 100 how long?, im thinking of dropping it instead. so var at 75 for 4 weeks good? or longer?


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I think what happened was I had the page up for a while before I posted so I didnt see u post it yet. Is it a BB thing to go so wide gripped on DL? A bodybuilder I know does that too. Good lift man looked easy for you.
Dunno. Ha ha. I just know what feels right for me. Maybe I'm lifting a bit wrong.

Lift felt good tho. Should've done 550 but maybe ill give that a try in a few weeks.


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Amazing vids man. DL is Beast and the Delts and Back look impressive as fock


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That was an easy-peezy pull for you there, Herr Morry. You've got at least 35 to 50 more lbs in you.

And your back looked awesome in that second video. Nice stuff, mang!!


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damn nice vids man..
good job on the lift! but what im more impressed with is the defenition of ur back in the second vid! i can see lines in ur spine erectors and its a vid lol, imagine in real life how u look from the back. ur bro was right bout the veins poping out haha.

ive been following for a while but just not posting much. im putting a log up soon, hope u can follow it.
my cycle (starting in a week)
1-14 test 600mg
1-14 eq 500mg
1-6/8 tren ace 75-100mg eod
1-4/5 SD 20-30mg

ghrp6 200mcg 3x day


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Morry you sir are a beast and ripped like a son of a bitch from the back. Most people seem to have a little more fat on their back. Just awesome! Always impressing more and more brother!


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wow tbol at 100 how long?, im thinking of dropping it instead. so var at 75 for 4 weeks good? or longer?
No, I was typing on my phone.

I don't have any experience with Turnibol. Perhaps somebody else can chime in.

I was saying use VAR at 100mg a day. That sh1t rocks!!!


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Amazing vids man. DL is Beast and the Delts and Back look impressive as fock
That means a lot coming from a ripped up dude like you man. Thanks Rick.

That was an easy-peezy pull for you there, Herr Morry. You've got at least 35 to 50 more lbs in you.

And your back looked awesome in that second video. Nice stuff, mang!!
I think you might be right......550 in a couple weeks :)

I didn't know my back looked like that while doing that exercise. My brother saw me do the first set and was like, dude, I gotta grab the camera. I said wtf not? I'm already posting a DL video. These are actually my first videos of any of my workouts. Thanks for the push guys, now I have some videos to go along with this log.

damn nice vids man..
good job on the lift! but what im more impressed with is the defenition of ur back in the second vid! i can see lines in ur spine erectors and its a vid lol, imagine in real life how u look from the back. ur bro was right bout the veins poping out haha.

ive been following for a while but just not posting much. im putting a log up soon, hope u can follow it.
my cycle (starting in a week)
1-14 test 600mg
1-14 eq 500mg
1-6/8 tren ace 75-100mg eod
1-4/5 SD 20-30mg

ghrp6 200mcg 3x day
Much appreciate man and thanks a ton for following.

So superdrol and tren at the beginning? That's a wiked looking stack and if you log it, you better send me a link. That is going to be focking awesome!!!

Morry you sir are a beast and ripped like a son of a bitch from the back. Most people seem to have a little more fat on their back. Just awesome! Always impressing more and more brother!
With guys like you around here, I damn near kill myself to keep up!!! You've been a great encouragement along the way and I really appreciate it. I do what I can with my training but my final push comes from inspiration and encouragement from fellow meat heads like you, TG, Al, HC, and a few of the others that I stay in pretty close contact with.



New member
Looks good man. Don't forget HCG and other supports.

What about VAR in the beginning as a kick start? Depending on your goals that could be a great addition.

Supports are a given. As for VAR I would love to throw it into the mix but unfortunately price plays a big factor and my cash flow isn't that nice right now. Hoping the prop would be some what of a god kick starter, thoughts?

Videos are sick. Strong dead lift for sure. Just put myself out of commission on any lower back or squats for atleast two weeks from a dead lift injury today.Form is usually great but I went for a wider stance and half way through my 3rd rep back went out and I collapsed. Never felt pain like that before and now it's time to take it easy. We live and learn. Great progress keep going hard!


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No, I was typing on my phone.

I don't have any experience with Turnibol. Perhaps somebody else can chime in.

I was saying use VAR at 100mg a day. That sh1t rocks!!!
var 100 for 7 weeks? (thats the most i can afford)
can i expect solid muscle gains?


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Day 64

weight 216 (+18)

Pinned 150 mg NPP. Pinned 50mg Tren suspension. Took Letro. Took Caber

Chest Abs

Flat Bench 135x5, 225x3, 315x4, 275x6x5, 225x10
Reverse Grip 225x7x7x7, 185x8
Weighted crunch 100x30, 110x25, 120x23, 130x20

Hammer Incline 2ppsx12x10x12x10
WOD assistedx12x12x12x12
WOD on feetx12x12x12x12
Kettle Obliques crunch 28kx12x12x12x12

Crunch machine lying down 10x25, BWx25, 5x25
Clap Pushups x12x10x10
Incline Pushupsx10x10x12

Cable Flies 70x8, 60x12x10x10
Grapples (I found the name, Barbell swings) BB+10x12, BB+20x12x12x12
Cable Decline 40x12x12x12x12

Pics below. No sides to speak of. Everything is going well. I'm a bit lethargic throughout the day, but that is about it. Nothing some coffee can't clear up. The little bit of acne is about gone. No crazy aggression. I can still sleep decently well. I do wake up to pee at least once, but sometime 2 or 3 times, but that isn't that far from being normal.

Pics Below. Week one day 1. Week 10 day 1.


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Supports are a given. As for VAR I would love to throw it into the mix but unfortunately price plays a big factor and my cash flow isn't that nice right now. Hoping the prop would be some what of a god kick starter, thoughts?

Videos are sick. Strong dead lift for sure. Just put myself out of commission on any lower back or squats for atleast two weeks from a dead lift injury today.Form is usually great but I went for a wider stance and half way through my 3rd rep back went out and I collapsed. Never felt pain like that before and now it's time to take it easy. We live and learn. Great progress keep going hard!
Gotcha. That makes sense. It is going to being a sick cycle for you man. Prop is a great kick start. That's what I used the first time to avoid using a methy oral. I loved it.

The videos did turn out alright, I can't believe my bro cut off the last part of the deadlift. I hopped up off the floor I felt so good after it. Normally, this isn't the case. I guess I got lucky that day.

Rest that back and wear a belt until it get better. NPP is pretty cheap and if you can get some it will def help that back heal. It is great sh1t for joints. My back had some sore muscles today, but felt awesome. NPP is the sh1t for that.

var 100 for 7 weeks? (thats the most i can afford)
can i expect solid muscle gains?
I did it for 8, but I did 80mg for the first 6 and then 100 for the last two. I wish I'd ran it at 100. Var is the real deal. Thins you out and puts on muscle that isn't hard to keep. You won't be disappointed.


Active member
Your still photos do not do you justice! The Vids show how much work you have actually done. FUGGING JEALOUSY HAS SET IN!!!


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Your still photos do not do you justice! The Vids show how much work you have actually done. FUGGING JEALOUSY HAS SET IN!!!
Yeah it is pretty hilarious. In for photos and vid! NO HOMO come on man!


Well-known member
Just finished catching up I haven't been on in awhile.... The pics look great man! Alot leaner and alot fuller! Vascularity is awesome too! The pics really don't do you justice like the vids do tho. Keep up the great work!


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Dude, I mean I know I see you in person and all, but that vid of your back was AWESOME Bro (Did Christmas come early this year, I see Christmas Trees)! You gotta make sure you are all pumped up for Halloween, have you decided exactly what you are going to be, I mean I know you said a warrior or gladiator of some type, have you decided on a prop... you gotta have something with a little weight to it to keep your upper body pumped all night long? Ya know, if I had known I was gonna meet you months ago when I decided on THOR, I would have just talked you into us both going as Spartans from 300, a pair of ripped Spartans would have been BAD-A$$ bro, hey... there is always next year!


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You have really leaned out well man. You can see some nice vascularity in your arms and starting to see some nice outlines around the midsection. Doing absolutely incredible brother. Keep up the great work!


New member
I'll definitely check into the NPP. If the price is right and I feel comfortable with that many compounds I might give it a whirl. Trying not to mix too many compounds into my cycles cause I want to leave room for growth without having to put insane amounts of gear in my body. It's a marathon for me not a sprint.


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Your still photos do not do you justice! The Vids show how much work you have actually done. FUGGING JEALOUSY HAS SET IN!!!
I agree with you Meister, you should see him in person, very impressive! He always makes me out to be so big... well I guess you could say I'm a stretched out version of him at best, LoL!

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