A Legend Returns...an epic Morry Log NPP/Masteron/TNE/Test/Tren Xtreme



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Been busy the last few weeks bro. Caught back up. Looking swollllllllllllll bro. Keep it up. Just got my 3 vials of NPP you inspired me to get ;)


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pinning 17 times a week- you sound alot like myself LAWLZ LAWLZ LAWLZ :O


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Some quick-burning carbs in the way of fruit wil help you power through those workouts. And you won't have to worry about adding bodyfat. The fruit will burn off quickly. I like bananas, apples, and peaches. Some blueberries or strawberries would be good to.
I agree, but I would choose the berries over the others, more anti-oxidants, better recovery, and slower glycemic index, IMO!


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Thx man, but I'm with you. It is hard to tell b/t us bc we hold fat in dif areas. Loki? Fock that!
OK... You Huge Ripped Mo-Fo, then Man up, choose a damn costume & flaunt that $hit like a you got a pair!

Hey, I got it, seriously, no joking... What about CONAN? The new movie was out, you are definitely as big as that dude... CONAN, you got that all the Way! I am great with wood, so I know we can make you a big Battle Axe or even a sword out of wood, all in the paint to make it look real!!! Hell any kind of Shirtless Warrior is all you and you know it!!!


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pinning 17 times a week- you sound alot like myself LAWLZ LAWLZ LAWLZ :O
Bishhhhhhh !!!! You're alive !! I thought you died after your last cycle. hahah. Glad to see your still going strong. :lol:


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pinning 17 times a week- you sound alot like myself LAWLZ LAWLZ LAWLZ :O
What... you only pinning 17 times a week, my Grand Mother pins at least 20, I mean she's 6'6" 275Lbs, 6% BF and runs a 40yd in 4.3sec. but hey who's keeping score!


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Bishhhhhhh !!!! You're alive !! I thought you died after your last cycle. hahah. Glad to see your still going strong. :lol:
dead?! hell no, im still lifting and doing cardio and dieting- just no anabolics been off em for 6 weeks, dont plan to go back on for about another 12 if bloods are okay

and even then it will be 8 weeks tops


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What... you only pinning 17 times a week, my Grand Mother pins at least 20, I mean she's 6'6" 275Lbs, 6% BF and runs a 40yd in 4.3sec. but hey who's keeping score!
Grandma sounds like my kind of woman!! :lol:


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Grandma sounds like my kind of woman!! :lol:
I Love that line... I use it as often as I can, got it or my derivative of it from "Dazed & Confused" when the coach would yell... "Break down" and they'd get down and he'd talk about how his grandma could do it faster than that, and then describe big, strong and fast his grandma was, LoL! I'll see if I can find it on YouTube!

Could only find the Trailer, but I Love that Movie!


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Some quick-burning carbs in the way of fruit wil help you power through those workouts. And you won't have to worry about adding bodyfat. The fruit will burn off quickly. I like bananas, apples, and peaches. Some blueberries or strawberries would be good to.
Good idea as always. I used to take bananas with me to work but they kept going bad. I need to go to the grocery store more or just take a yogurt with me.

Progress is looking solid bro...
Your a human pin cushion! How long is this cycle?
12 weeks of pure bliss!!!!

Been busy the last few weeks bro. Caught back up. Looking swollllllllllllll bro. Keep it up. Just got my 3 vials of NPP you inspired me to get ;)
Thanks brotha, hit that NPP up!!! You are going to love it. Remember you can be very strenuous on your body. NPP is great for the joints. I pulled 495 yesterday and I'm good today! Not perfect, but good :) Not too shabby after an injury just a few short months ago.

pinning 17 times a week- you sound alot like myself LAWLZ LAWLZ LAWLZ :O

Good you are still lurking around. I know you've been busy. Welcome back bish

OK... You Huge Ripped Mo-Fo, then Man up, choose a damn costume & flaunt that $hit like a you got a pair!

Hey, I got it, seriously, no joking... What about CONAN? The new movie was out, you are definitely as big as that dude... CONAN, you got that all the Way! I am great with wood, so I know we can make you a big Battle Axe or even a sword out of wood, all in the paint to make it look real!!! Hell any kind of Shirtless Warrior is all you and you know it!!!
Alright, help me decide on Sunday. Conan or a Spartan. Regardless, I'll need to cover my quads.....they may have bruises....ha ha. They don't now, but they certainly are angry I keep putting massive amounts of gear and oil in there. I'm ok with it tho.

Bishhhhhhh !!!! You're alive !! I thought you died after your last cycle. hahah. Glad to see your still going strong. :lol:
Nah, he's still around and kicking....he'll even answer a text from time to time. Man's selling car's and making money.

dead?! hell no, im still lifting and doing cardio and dieting- just no anabolics been off em for 6 weeks, dont plan to go back on for about another 12 if bloods are okay

and even then it will be 8 weeks tops
You are going back injectable!!!?!?!?!?!

Injectables FTFW. Now you have two of my logs. Follow and chisel!!

Grandma sounds like my kind of woman!! :lol:
I'd hit it :hump:


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Day 53

weight 216 (+19)

Pinned 200 mg masteron, 500 mg test c. Took aromasin and letro. I got a sh1t ton of letro now. I'm going over to only letro at 5 mg for a few days to finish crushing the estrogen. Pinned 50mg Tren Suspension. I've been pinning this b/t 1.5-5 hours before workout. 2 hours seems to be a good spot, but bc of my days sometimes it is easier to just pin 4 or 5 hours before. It never hurt my workout tho, I just think 2 hours is a mental thing. What I'm getting at is the half like is longer than Test suspension. More on this in wrap up.

Chest / Abs

Flat Bench 135x10, 225x16x12x10x8
Reverse grip 135x5x10x12x12x10
Weight abs machine 120x20x12x12x12

Assisted WOD BWx15x15x15x15
Incline BB with 95 and a light bandx8x10x8x7>remove bandx5
Kettle Oblique 24kx16x16x16x16
Leg Lifts with 40lb db b/t quadsx12x12x14x12

Machine Bench 195x10x10x9x8
Machine Incline 165x5, 135x8x7x7
Cable ab pulldowns 195x30x30x30 (I couldn't catch my breath after this last set, focking 25-30 felt like eternity :) )

Cable Flies 60x12x10x10x10
Decline Cable Flies 40x10x10x10x10
Grapples BB+25x10x10x10x10

I felt like I could have put another circuit in there but I don't know why at this point I would. I drained the muscles of everything, but still had some Tren fuel in me I guess. Nevertheless, I stayed on the side of caution and called 52 sets enough. Took me just over 1.5 hours.

I'm going to smash estro the next few days with letro and then start to lower the dosage. I think last time .25ml or .5 ml EOD ended up being fine. I'll have to look at the old log to be sure. I'm saving the rest of my aromasin for PCT.

My right leg is stiff as FOCK from pinning. It is clearly bc I haven't rotated sites enough. i found a real nice spot, painless, no veins and used it 4 or 5 times and that wasn't a good idea. They body needed time to heal. I'm rotating as of now more regularly. The quads are big and if need be I will move to the glute, but I'm holding what I got for now.

I would log a few more things about pin volume and injection site but I'm about to pass out typing this. I need rest.



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Pinned 50mg Tren Suspension. I've been pinning this b/t 1.5-5 hours before workout. 2 hours seems to be a good spot, but bc of my days sometimes it is easier to just pin 4 or 5 hours before. It never hurt my workout tho, I just think 2 hours is a mental thing. What I'm getting at is the half like is longer than Test suspension. More on this in wrap up.

My right leg is stiff as FOCK from pinning. It is clearly bc I haven't rotated sites enough. i found a real nice spot, painless, no veins and used it 4 or 5 times and that wasn't a good idea. They body needed time to heal. I'm rotating as of now more regularly. The quads are big and if need be I will move to the glute, but I'm holding what I got for now.

I would log a few more things about pin volume and injection site but I'm about to pass out typing this. I need rest.

I was under the impression that tren-suspension and test-suspension had the same half-life? Explain please.

More rotateable injection sites: Triceps, traps, inner pecs.
These are some easy areas to reach if one pins one's self. Triceps are VERY easy to pin and they can hold quite a bit of oil.


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Please keep me updated as to how the Letro treats you. I have some gyno in my right nip and my first cycle of 2012 with be Letro based. It is really starting to get to my head that it is there and I'm getting to where I cannot like my chest in the mirror due to it. ARG...FUGGING...ARG!!!

Great looking workout! Keep killing it!


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Please keep me updated as to how the Letro treats you. I have some gyno in my right nip and my first cycle of 2012 with be Letro based. It is really starting to get to my head that it is there and I'm getting to where I cannot like my chest in the mirror due to it. ARG...FUGGING...ARG!!!

Great looking workout! Keep killing it!
You don't have to wait until 2012 to run some Letro. You don't have to wait until you cycle to run some either. I would advise that you not wait but rather run some Letro stand-alone for 4 to 6 weeks @2.5mg daily or until the gyno reduces or disappears altogether.


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I was under the impression that tren-suspension and test-suspension had the same half-life? Explain please.

More rotateable injection sites: Triceps, traps, inner pecs.
These are some easy areas to reach if one pins one's self. Triceps are VERY easy to pin and they can hold quite a bit of oil.
I think earlier in this log I posted the study where they have thought that test suspension had a much longer half life than the original of 4-9 hours that guys guessed it at. Still tho.

Here is what I mean. Test suspension can be "felt" within 10-15 minutes of injecting. I am assuming that this means it is active in the system at this point bc there is no ester.
Tren suspension, however, cannot be "felt" so to speak. It can be noticed during a workout, but not really felt the same way. I mean I "feel" it working out, but it doesn't actually make your heart pound and feel all crazy like test suspension.
When I pinned test suspension much further out than a few hours it did make a difference in my workout. I wasn't as crazy and didn't have that fresh rush that you feel with test suspension. Tren suspension, however, I've tried at all kinds of hours and the one thing I can say, is def don't pin and then immediately workout. Give it some time or it will kick in half way through the workout and you will want to keep going at the end.

This is me assuming a few things. One, the fact that you "feel" test suspension so quickly is indicative of it's half life. It is also assuming the fact that because tren suspension can be "felt" during workouts hours after pinning, that it is equally as active and indicative of its half life.

Honestly it could be the nature of the hormones themselves rather than the half lives, but as this point from the best I can gather this is my best guess. There aren't any human studies on tren, let alone tren suspension and I don't have bloods to back this up. It's my best guess bro and quite frankly b/t the two of us, you are much more of an expert, so what are your thoughts?


Please keep me updated as to how the Letro treats you. I have some gyno in my right nip and my first cycle of 2012 with be Letro based. It is really starting to get to my head that it is there and I'm getting to where I cannot like my chest in the mirror due to it. ARG...FUGGING...ARG!!!

Great looking workout! Keep killing it!
The next week is going to be interesting. I'll keep you guys in the loop.

You don't have to wait until 2012 to run some Letro. You don't have to wait until you cycle to run some either. I would advise that you not wait but rather run some Letro stand-alone for 4 to 6 weeks @2.5mg daily or until the gyno reduces or disappears altogether.
Right on here. The only advantage to driving estro in the ground during a cycle is IF your libido is going to crash due to low estro (not everybody reports it does, but most do), being on good dose of test will help keep you c0ck and balls focking like no tomorrow. Throw some cialis in there, grab a camera and call yourself john holmes and sh1t.

Remember, if you do run letro for the 4-6 weeks, YOU MUST taper and then switch to a suicide AI like aromasin. You can use a different AI, but I've had the best luck with this. If you want a dosing protocol for the taper, send me a PM.

If libido isn't an issue, I'm with TG, do it off cycle, then no possibility for any hyper aromatization caused by supra physilogical levels of test which means you can use less letro for less time and fock up your lipids and IGF for less time.


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Day 54

weight 217 (+20)

pinned 150mg NPP and 250iuHCG. Took letro 5mg

Legs (Yup, just one body part today, I know, I know weird for me, but Al and I are going to FRY arms on sunday)

Ran a mile at a 6mph pace and 2 incline

Squats 225x25x25x25x30 (ouch)
Calf Raises 205x12x12x10x10

One Legged Hamstring Curl 80x12x10x6 55x4
One Legged Quad Extension 90x10x10x8x7

Hack Squat 4ppsx12x12x12x12
Hammer Calf Raises 3ppsx20x12x10x10

Leg Press wide stance 5ppsx15x12x12x12
Stiff legged DL 135x12x12x10x10

Somehow with the run this took me about 1 hour and 15 minutes. What the fock. I should have been done faster.

Back and shoulders tomorrow.



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Honestly it could be the nature of the hormones themselves rather than the half lives, but as this point from the best I can gather this is my best guess. There aren't any human studies on tren, let alone tren suspension and I don't have bloods to back this up. It's my best guess bro and quite frankly b/t the two of us, you are much more of an expert, so what are your thoughts?

I'm by no means an expert at these matters. But I do have minimum experience with both compounds at question. I've ran a fair amount of both test and tren suspensions. Love both of them, by the way.

My honest opinion is that is could very well be the nature and structure of the differing hormones that cause what seems like a different release-rate (the time you start to "feel" them). Even though I too "feel" test-suspension (TNE) kick in quicker than tren-suspension, I believe they remain in the system for about the same length of time (half-life talk).

I just found this on another board about how test-suspension seems to kick quick and then have an "after-kick" hours later:
i did see a graph study that show's suspension release is twice from from inject....i'll see if i can find it and explain better.....once is immediate release and the 2nd is later after it's peaked or something...... __________________

I'll get back to you when he posts that graph!!

And I too prefer to dose both of these farther out from my workouts than most users tend to do. I like to pin them 2 to 3 hours before hitting the weights instead of the commonly recommended 1 hour.


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possibly tests agression and rush is due to dht ( i am unsure how fast this conversion can take place)
trenbolones effect on the other hand could be related to high dopamine levels. just a theory but thats what it felt like to me, excessive dopamine. maybe this effect takes longer to take place, as it took me nine days before side effects appeared from tri-tren but then they were constant and caused very bad anxiety and paranoia etc...

tren is actually not very "androgenic", i think this myth comes from the agression (as mentioned, possibly dopamine) and maybe acne, which could be due to igf-1 levels. igf-1 may cause faster division and death of skin cells which then cause hyperkeratinization which leads to clogged pores and acne formation..
sorry for therambling, maybe some of it makes sense, all just my theories...


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Alright, help me decide on Sunday. Conan or a Spartan. Regardless, I'll need to cover my quads.....they may have bruises....ha ha. They don't now, but they certainly are angry I keep putting massive amounts of gear and oil in there. I'm ok with it tho.
Either way if there is bruising over the quad we can get some of that fake blood and make it look like you have a sword cut running over that area, make it look like you just got out of battle, I told you, my wife can do that kind of make-up stuff pretty damn well and I've done similar stuff like that too, inexpensive too!

I'd hit it :hump:
I'll Hook you guys up...

I gotta warn ya though, she's probably a little rougher than what you are used to, LoL!


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Either way if there is bruising over the quad we can get some of that fake blood and make it look like you have a sword cut running over that area, make it look like you just got out of battle, I told you, my wife can do that kind of make-up stuff pretty damn well and I've done similar stuff like that too, inexpensive too!

I'll Hook you guys up...

I gotta warn ya though, she's probably a little rougher than what you are used to, LoL!
You haven't seen the bight marks on my shoulders. Grandma ain't got sh1t on the woman I'm with....ha ha.

possibly tests agression and rush is due to dht ( i am unsure how fast this conversion can take place)
trenbolones effect on the other hand could be related to high dopamine levels. just a theory but thats what it felt like to me, excessive dopamine. maybe this effect takes longer to take place, as it took me nine days before side effects appeared from tri-tren but then they were constant and caused very bad anxiety and paranoia etc...

tren is actually not very "androgenic", i think this myth comes from the agression (as mentioned, possibly dopamine) and maybe acne, which could be due to igf-1 levels. igf-1 may cause faster division and death of skin cells which then cause hyperkeratinization which leads to clogged pores and acne formation..
sorry for therambling, maybe some of it makes sense, all just my theories...
Interesting. Dopamine fluctuations do take time as far as I know.

Tri Tren? As in a blend of enathate, acetate, and suspension?

I'm by no means an expert at these matters. But I do have minimum experience with both compounds at question. I've ran a fair amount of both test and tren suspensions. Love both of them, by the way.

My honest opinion is that is could very well be the nature and structure of the differing hormones that cause what seems like a different release-rate (the time you start to "feel" them). Even though I too "feel" test-suspension (TNE) kick in quicker than tren-suspension, I believe they remain in the system for about the same length of time (half-life talk).

I just found this on another board about how test-suspension seems to kick quick and then have an "after-kick" hours later:
i did see a graph study that show's suspension release is twice from from inject....i'll see if i can find it and explain better.....once is immediate release and the 2nd is later after it's peaked or something...... __________________

I'll get back to you when he posts that graph!!

And I too prefer to dose both of these farther out from my workouts than most users tend to do. I like to pin them 2 to 3 hours before hitting the weights instead of the commonly recommended 1 hour.
I'm interested in the graph. You know b/t the two of us you have much more experience with these compounds. Great compounds regardless of half lives and it appears the two of us have acquired the best ways to utilize them for our animal workouts.

Excellent workouts Morry, I love all of the insight in here. If I were to ever be able to jump to the dark side between you and TG I could get my info right here. Oh yeah I started my HCGen last night. I thought I linked my log up in here. If I didn't here it is and I think things are gonna get ironed out nicely.

Thanks Chris. Can't wait to welcome you back to the dark side. We'll be here waiting on you.

Popped over and subbed. Can't wait for the results.


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Day 55

pinned 200 mg masteron. Took letro.

Today was rest. I was going to hit back and shoulders, but I just ran out of time.

I just had too much to do, but my body def could use the rest.



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Day 56

weight, 219 (+22)

Pinned 150mg NPP and 112.5 mg Tren Suspension. Took Letro. Took caber

Legs / Arms

Met Al at 8 and did 24 sets of arms. He helped me modify my routine a bit. That's what I love about working out with that guy. He knows his exercises and can always help me add variation. I'll be incorporating what I was taught into my future workouts.

Played 18 holes of Disc Golf

Met my brother and did 24 sets of Legs.
Squat 135x10, 225x25, 275x20, 325x15, 375x10

The rest of my I won't record but I was happy with the squats.

Then I ran 2 miles.

I'll record my weight when I'm home.

Chest Abs tomorrow. Need to get leaner! I'm switching up the timing and some macros this next week. Pics tomorrow.



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tri-tren as a blend of 50/50/50 enanthate/acetat/hexahydrobenzylcarbonate.
i shot that e3d which was probably stupid giving a peak of acetat which could have been avoided by shooting more frquently. anyhow i lasted 3 weeks and never again. i do like npp and winstrol :)

good luck with the rest of the cycle.


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tri-tren as a blend of 50/50/50 enanthate/acetat/hexahydrobenzylcarbonate.
i shot that e3d which was probably stupid giving a peak of acetat which could have been avoided by shooting more frquently. anyhow i lasted 3 weeks and never again. i do like npp and winstrol :)

good luck with the rest of the cycle.

Never again? Sides too bad?


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Day 57

weight 216 (+19)

Pinned 200 mg masteron. Pinned 250iu of HCG. Took letro. Pinned 50mg Tren suspension. I've been pinning the tren in my calf. It is an easy location to get to as I'm pinning while in my car. The muscle did get a little sore but now I don't notice it over the normal soreness of frying the calves. I aspirate and just pin as normal. Great location for suspension and is discreet when sitting in your car, pulling your shirt off and pushing a slin pin the delt isn't exactly a great idea....

Chest Abs

Flat Bench 135x5, 225x3, 295x7, 275x5x4x3
Reverse Grip 185x12x10x10x8
Weighted Crunch 120x14x12x12x10

Incline machine 195x12x10x10x8
WOD assistedx15x15x15x15
Oblique crunch Kettle 24kx16x16x16x16
Leg Raises with 40lbDBx12x12x12x12

Ab pull down 195x30x30x30
Decline 1ft Perfect Pushupsx15x15x15
Incline Pushupsx10x10x12

Incline Cable Flies 60x12x12x10x10
Decline Cable Flies 40x12x12x12x10
Grapple with Bar+15x10x10x10x10 (did these slow and more core just was on fire)

All in all, everything is going well. I've had to make shifts and changes, but as of today being up almost 19lbs, having a bench over 350, pulling almost 500 off the ground and squatting over 400 in sets, I really cannot complain. It has been a challenging 8 weeks and I have 4 more to go. I intend to get stronger and leaner. I'm on enough anabolics to do so IMO. My last cycle I peaked in strength right here. I did get a bit more lean, but my strength sort of just stopped. I'm going to do whatever I can to make sure that doesn't happen here. I do want to maintain being lean and be ripped up for the Halloween party, but that isn't a goal that I'm going to consider more important than pulling, squatting and pushing a bit more weight.

As of this week, I'm only going to post first week and the current weeks pics. I wish the lighting was the same....


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God damn brotha... Looking lean and fuggin mean!

Shoulders pop a bit better than recent pics i think and the traps/arms/chest all look fuller. Good job so far!


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Definitely adding on some nice size good work bro and thanks for the info!


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lol, what are you auditioning for a muscletech "before and after pic"?

...i really need to turn to dark side


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God damn brotha... Looking lean and fuggin mean!

Shoulders pop a bit better than recent pics i think and the traps/arms/chest all look fuller. Good job so far!
Agreed. And his vascularity is greatly improved.
Big ol' bulging veins look like a den of snakes squiggling around under his skin!!


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fckin blowing up man looking way bigger and leaner, Son, i am proud! haha i just got my post workout nutrition in order so hopefully ill be benefiting more from it, Going to try and eat as much as possible in that 1 hour "anabolic window" after training.


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You should see the Beast in person, he is a Monster, his pictures do him no justice, he looks much bigger and much leaner in person!


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You look like you ate your former self! Crazy good progress. Very interested to see how your strength continues to go up, found myself topping out at about week 10, but you want get any complaints out of me, it was an awesome first ride. Keep killin that ****.


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You look like you ate your former self! Crazy good progress. Very interested to see how your strength continues to go up, found myself topping out at about week 10, but you want get any complaints out of me, it was an awesome first ride. Keep killin that ****.
o loled so effin hard


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You look like you ate your former self! Crazy good progress. Very interested to see how your strength continues to go up, found myself topping out at about week 10, but you want get any complaints out of me, it was an awesome first ride. Keep killin that ****.
eff you man for being so funny... eff you.


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You are looking like a Big, Veiny B@st@rd. (That's what she said)

Great work Bro. Keep Killing That Sh!t


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God damn brotha... Looking lean and fuggin mean! Shoulders pop a bit better than recent pics i think and the traps/arms/chest all look fuller. Good job so far!
Thanks man! The leanness is starting to head this way....
Definitely adding on some nice size good work bro and thanks for the info!
Anytime bro!
lol, what are you auditioning for a muscletech "before and after pic"?...i really need to turn to dark side
Yup. Getting paid bro....getting paid. I did all that with Hydroxycut.....
Agreed. And his vascularity is greatly improved. Big ol' bulging veins look like a den of snakes squiggling around under his skin!!
TG, thanks for popping back in. Always a pleasure and thank you for the kind words
fckin blowing up man looking way bigger and leaner, Son, i am proud! haha i just got my post workout nutrition in order so hopefully ill be benefiting more from it, Going to try and eat as much as possible in that 1 hour "anabolic window" after training.
Hmmmm.....solid thinking as long as the nutrition is balanced in other time periods.
You should see the Beast in person, he is a Monster, his pictures do him no justice, he looks much bigger and much leaner in person!
I'm 5'9"!!!
You look like you ate your former self! Crazy good progress. Very interested to see how your strength continues to go up, found myself topping out at about week 10, but you want get any complaints out of me, it was an awesome first ride. Keep killin that ****.
You followed my last log? I agree, this is the first week I really felt more like my lean self. I find myself much more confident.
o loled so effin hard
eff you man for being so funny... eff you.
double :nutkick:
You are looking like a Big, Veiny B@st@rd. (That's what she said)Great work Bro. Keep Killing That Sh!t
She def said it! Thanks man and thanks for following!


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Day 58

weight 216 (+19)

pinned 150mg NPP. Pinned 50mg tren suspension. Took letro

Back and Shoulders

I had to make this a short day
DL 135x10, 225x20, 315x15x10x5
Military 95x12, 145x15x13x11x10
Kettle Face Pulls 35lbx10, 28kgx12x12x12x12
Hammer Row 270x14x12x10x8
Close Grip Cable 120x10x10x10x10
Reverse Cross over flies 40x12x12x12x12

The deadlifts gave me a back pump that was unbearable. I tried to foam roll it out and almost threw up. I was pretty sick through the next set, but I pushed through it. It was about 3 hours before I felt ok. This was pretty crazy. I did take 4 grams of taurine too but it didn't end up helping.

Tomorrow is rest.

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Day 59weight 216 (+19)pinned 150mg NPP. Pinned 50mg tren suspension. Took letroBack and ShouldersI had to make this a short dayDL 135x10, 225x20, 315x15x10x5Military 95x12, 145x15x13x11x10Kettle Face Pulls 35lbx10, 28kgx12x12x12x12Hammer Row 270x14x12x10x8Close Grip Cable 120x10x10x10x10Reverse Cross over flies 40x12x12x12x12The deadlifts gave me a back pump that was unbearable. I tried to foam roll it out and almost threw up. I was pretty sick through the next set, but I pushed through it. It was about 3 hours before I felt ok. This was pretty crazy. I did take 4 grams of taurine too but it didn't end up helping. Tomorrow is rest.Morry
Sorry to hear about your back Bro. Hopefully your rest day will get rid of that demon!!!


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Day 59weight 216 (+19)pinned 150mg NPP. Pinned 50mg tren suspension. Took letroBack and ShouldersI had to make this a short dayDL 135x10, 225x20, 315x15x10x5Military 95x12, 145x15x13x11x10Kettle Face Pulls 35lbx10, 28kgx12x12x12x12Hammer Row 270x14x12x10x8Close Grip Cable 120x10x10x10x10Reverse Cross over flies 40x12x12x12x12The deadlifts gave me a back pump that was unbearable. I tried to foam roll it out and almost threw up. I was pretty sick through the next set, but I pushed through it. It was about 3 hours before I felt ok. This was pretty crazy. I did take 4 grams of taurine too but it didn't end up helping. Tomorrow is rest.Morry
i love those pumps personally, it sucks and i walk retarded but i still love those fockers


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The deadlifts gave me a back pump that was unbearable. I tried to foam roll it out and almost threw up. I was pretty sick through the next set, but I pushed through it. It was about 3 hours before I felt ok. This was pretty crazy.
I've been there.......too many times to tell. Intensity was the culprit here. High intensity, that is. I've worked out so hard that I got sick instantly and turned whiter than a sheet and couldn't stop sweating even though I was starting to chill. WEIRD...........but I love it!!

You won't know what you're made of if you never push your efforts beyond your mentally conceived limitations.


New member
Yeah good memory. I got in about half way through your last log and it gave me that final push to join the dark side(also known as the best side). Didn't think you could top the last log but you proved me wrong. Love the knowledge that has been floating around and definitely here til the end.


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Sorry to hear about your back Bro. Hopefully your rest day will get rid of that demon!!!
You were quite right. The rest day did it well. I murdered my back that day. In a good way tho!

i love those pumps personally, it sucks and i walk retarded but i still love those fockers
Normally I do as well, but man these were not manageable. I couldn't walk let alone walk retarded. I finally got over to a foam roller and started pushing the blood out and I literally threw up in my mouth. It was the craziest sh1t!

I've been there.......too many times to tell. Intensity was the culprit here. High intensity, that is. I've worked out so hard that I got sick instantly and turned whiter than a sheet and couldn't stop sweating even though I was starting to chill. WEIRD...........but I love it!!

You won't know what you're made of if you never push your efforts beyond your mentally conceived limitations.
BINGO!! I was walking past the mirror to do reverse cross over flies and I noticed I wasn't red in the face like I normally am when I workout heavy. We all know that color. The dark red, slightly purple color from deading like a mutherfocker. I was actually pretty pale. I made myself finish that circuit in the name of war, but my body was begging for mercy. It received none.


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Day 59

weight unrecorded

pinned masteron. took letro

Day of rest.

My back is happy with me now. ha ha



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Yeah good memory. I got in about half way through your last log and it gave me that final push to join the dark side(also known as the best side). Didn't think you could top the last log but you proved me wrong. Love the knowledge that has been floating around and definitely here til the end.
Now that makes both logs worth it right there. WELCOME BACK and I'm focking thrilled you came over to the dark side. I'm glad I could help and you took the dive. Good sh1t, eh?

Thanks for the kind words and really thanks for popping back in. Post like that make the logs worth it. Don't get me wrong. I love the encouragement and def couldn't do without the knowledge of a lot of these guys, but the fact that a log I created help you mold your fitness decisions? That's rewarding. :)


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Day 60

weight 218 (+21) and up 2 from 2 days ago

Pinned 150 mg NPP, 250 iu HCG, took letro and caber. Pinned 50 mg tren suspension. I'm still pinning it in the calves bc it is easy for my situation and I'm loving it. No real pain or discomfort and damn easy.

Legs Arms

Squats 135x10, 225x25, 235x25, 245x25, 255x25
21s EZ 40x10, 60x7x7x6x6
Sitting Hammer Dips 1ppsx12, 2ppsx12x12x12x12

Standing calf raises 205x12x12x10x9
Cable Bicep Curls (thx Al) 60x12x12x12x13
One arm cable tricep pulldown 50x12x12x11x9

Smith Squat 1pps+medium bands, wide and extended out front stance x20x20x20x20
Hammer Pull ups BWx12x12x12x12
Dips BWx20x20x20x20

Hack Squat Wide stance 5ppsx6x6x6
Sitting calf raises 3ppsx12x12x11
Tricep pull down cable 130x12x12x12
Cable Curls 140x12x12x12

A little over 2 blissful hours of slaughtering these muscle groups. I happily limped out of the gym. Pumps were great, energy was good and I felt like I was going to pass out most the workout. I did up my cals earlier in the day bc I had planned on just doing a long, intense workout tonight. I didn't expect to get some of the reps I did, but fock it. I'm on a sh1t ton of AAS with a heart of determination and muscles that are longing to become granite. They will get there. I'll make sure of that.

Weight is steady. Acne is a little up, but nothing crazy. Work sucks but my mood seems to be pretty stable. No over aggression and a sense of calm when I need it is always there.
I have zero trouble sleeping and I've been on tren for 3 weeks or so. I don't even get up all that often to go to the bathroom, although I do from time to time. Remember though, my schedule is focking crazy. I wake up around 6, get to work around 830-9, leave there around 530-6, get to the gym around 7, workout till 9 or 930, get home 930-10, eat, log and do it all over. I'm exhausted most the time so when it is time for bed I'm ready for it. When I pin the double dose on the weekends, I do get a few more of the sides, but at 50mg ED, I'm good. Tren also is great for slimming down. Var did a hell of a job last time, but pair Tren with my circuits and I'm shredding down fast.

Libido is still rocking.

Hair is still completely in tact and no other hair has grown in other places. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones without any sort of sides from DHT type hormones besides the bit of acne I've gotten. That is easy enough to control tho.

Chest and abs tomorrow. I'll probably take sat off bc I'm planning on maxing out on DL on sunday. If I do, I'll attempt 515. :) Maybe I'll get a video.



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I'll probably take sat off bc I'm planning on maxing out on DL on sunday. If I do, I'll attempt 515. :) Maybe I'll get a video.

Video that ish dont be scared! Nothing like rewatching yourself deadlift a weight that bends the hell out of a bar.


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I'll probably take sat off bc I'm planning on maxing out on DL on sunday. If I do, I'll attempt 515. :) Maybe I'll get a video.

Awww... Want me to come hold your hand, or do you want me to come and do 5Lbs more than you just to piss you off???


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how do you like masterone morry?
also could i take both masterone and tbol at same time or best seperated (yes of course on test too)

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