A Legend Returns...an epic Morry Log NPP/Masteron/TNE/Test/Tren Xtreme



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just got time to catch up bro- lookin great in the pics- recomp GALORE! packed on some serious LBM and are for sure leaning out! Cant say it enough- another great cycle and its just gunna get greater


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Morry - All I can say is JUST WOW! If ever just witnessing a run has made me want to jump to the dark side again this is the one. Your added size while leaning up is just fuggin sickening! Your last pics are so beast man! Makes me envious of what is happening with your body. Just friggin phenomenal man!

Al was telling me how big you looked and I was thinking to myself from the pics I saw last week you looked big but not quite how he explained it. I see why he thought you might be around 230 now. You look like a fuggin animal!
Chris and everyone else, seriously, I know y'all can probably understand what I mean when I say this, but his pictures don't really do him as much justice as seeing him in person, I mean in his pictures he looks good, he's lean, but looks a little on the thin side if you ask me, but in person, quite the contrary my friends, his shoulders and chest are very big, I mean he is a very broad guy, nothing thin or slender about him, I mean his waist maybe, but not the arms and shoulders, I would say his avatar is a better example of what I saw when I met him!


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whats npp and tne?

...its been a while but im subd man good luck. btw why cyp over E
Been too long. Glad to have you in here man!

I ordered up 6 grams was thinking of stacking w test e and finishing off w winny.
Very nice!

The Pics definitely show that you have been putting in the work. Keep it up!

Your leg is probably just irritated. Keep an eye on it, but I would not worry too much at this point.
I think you are right about the leg. Maybe it is the introduction of Masteron? NPP didn't bother me tho. Hmmm....doesn't hurt all that bad tho.

LOL best quote right here

I think I've hit 14cc's of gear in one week as the highest i've gone

some big numbers for me to beat right here :D
Ha ha. I thought the same focking thing. I never thought about when I was planning the cycle but it seems I'm putting a ton of oil in my everyday. 180 cc total, a little over 6 ounces over 12 weeks.....6 ounces of oil???

Stop playing with your nipples, you sadistic little bugger.:saevilw:

Go spank your monkey or something. lol

My nips are sort of starting to worry me tho for real.

Looking very big and full Morry. Yoouve literally blown up since your first pics and looking much more vascular too. Well done bro! :bigok:
Thanks man. I was in a hard cut and I can guarantee you I had very little glycogen stores when I started this. Thank you for the encouragement, it helps push me.

Morry - All I can say is JUST WOW! If ever just witnessing a run has made me want to jump to the dark side again this is the one. Your added size while leaning up is just fuggin sickening! Your last pics are so beast man! Makes me envious of what is happening with your body. Just friggin phenomenal man!

Al was telling me how big you looked and I was thinking to myself from the pics I saw last week you looked big but not quite how he explained it. I see why he thought you might be around 230 now. You look like a fuggin animal!
:firedevil: The dark side brother.....

Thanks man, I wish I was a bit leaner, but last cycle I got in a rush. I'm taking the fat loss slower this time instead of being down to sub 7 or so by week 10 or so. I hope to really make some strides in strength.

Dude, Al is focking the big one. Really, the man is focking huge.

just got time to catch up bro- lookin great in the pics- recomp GALORE! packed on some serious LBM and are for sure leaning out! Cant say it enough- another great cycle and its just gunna get greater
Glad to have you back man. Hope all is well.

Chris and everyone else, seriously, I know y'all can probably understand what I mean when I say this, but his pictures don't really do him as much justice as seeing him in person, I mean in his pictures he looks good, he's lean, but looks a little on the thin side if you ask me, but in person, quite the contrary my friends, his shoulders and chest are very big, I mean he is a very broad guy, nothing thin or slender about him, I mean his waist maybe, but not the arms and shoulders, I would say his avatar is a better example of what I saw when I met him!
That's probably true for most of us man. I mean when I saw you vs your pics I was def like WTF, who is this focking huge mofo? Same with Chris. His avitar already looks big, but that pic from the concert? He looks like the focking hulk.

Thanks for vouching for my size. We gotta hit the gym again. I need somebody to keep me on my toes!


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Day 31

weight 219 (+22) and same as yesterday

Back / Shoulders

Pinned 150 mg of NPP. Took aromasin and T3

Kept the workout short. I only had a little less than an hour bc I needed to workout in the middle of the day. Luckily, they just opened up a Body Plex downtown, not far from my work. It was a Golds. I may workout there a few times a month, but honestly the facility sucks. Not a ton of equipment and the idiots kept moving my weights. Whatever

DL 135x10, 225x10,315x5,315x6, 315x5
Military Press 30x10, 60x17,60x14,60x12,60x12
Face Pulls BB 45x10, 95x12x12x10x9

Lateral Raises 12lb DBsx10x10x10x10
Front Raises 12lb DBsx10x10x10x10
Reverse cross over flies 80x10x10x8x8

Only 24 sets, but it was a pretty decent workout overall.

I'm debating whether to hit letro hard for a day or so. If I get the dose high enough, the half life will carry me a few days and let me monitor the estrogen. It is def too high right now. I don't think it would be wise to lower the test dosage at this point. I'll see if I can't get control of the estrogen first and if need be, I'll cut down the test c.



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Day 32

weight 222 (+25) and up three from yesterday

Chest / Abs

Pinned 250 mg masteron. 500 mg test. Took aromasin and T3.

Flat bench 135x5, 225x3 (wu) 265x7, 225x12x10x10 (I almost dropped this on my but the gear reared its ugly head....ha ha)
Reverse grip bench 135x12x10x10x10
Weighted Crunches 200x8, 190x7, 180x8, 180x9

Incline BB with light band wide grip 95x10x10x8x10
WODs assisted x10x11x10x10
Kettle Ball Standing Oblique Crunch x16x16x16x16 (I did these slower than normal, in the second set I wished I hadn't)
Leg Raises with 25lb DB b/t quads x18x18x18x18

Machine cable bench 200x10x10x10x9
Machine incline 150x8x7x7x7
Ab pull downs full stackx22x18x16x17

Cable Flies 50x12x12x10x10
Grapple swing with 25lb and a barx10x10x10x10 (explosive, not sure that was smart tho bc it was hard on my lower back)
Cable decline 35x12x12x12x10

52 sets and honestly it was pretty easy. I didn't need to rest like I have had to the past two workout. If I had to guess that was the Xtreme working its way out of my system. Seems like everything is ok now as far as lethargy. That focking sucked there for a min.

Pain in the left quad is going away. Still a little stiff but not bad. I think it may just be the masteron. I don't know tho bc the NPP didn't bother me. I pinned left quad today for the test c as well.

Alright, I'v never ever second guessed my source for aromasin, but 20-25mg a day isn't making the sensitive nips go away. It is like it comes and goes from day to day. Some days painful, others not so much. I thought maybe the masteron was helping, but now that I have two really small lumps and the pain comes and goes, I'm resorting to Letro. I'll use letro for a few days and see if it makes it better. Clinical doses are as high as 30 mg (which I though would kill somebody) and down to .125mg ED. I've taken 2.5mg a day for a long period of time in the past to make the lumps shrink. So I went ahead and dosed 7.5mg today. That should last for at least 3 or 4 days and let me know if focking with the letro is worth it. Obviously I'll get the dose down as low as possible as soon as I can (maybe .5 E3d or something may be fine), but for now I need to get rid of those little lumps. I'll note if my joints get sore and expect libido to get focked with. This isn't a really good time either bc I have company this weekend, but I have some goodies up my sleeve. We'll see if I can balance this out. I'm curious to see how much this dose dries me out and how fast. Pics in just 3 days.

The bends and turns is what I love about a cycle journey. The trip is getting interesting and the weights hate to see me everyday. I'm loving this run and I'm glad I waited to do a run like this. If all of this would have hit me the first time, I might have given up. I stayed away from letro as long as I could, but it is time to get rid of this side.
I'm ordered more aromasin from a different source, so I'll see if I can use just that.

I also have tren suspension on the way.:firedevil:

I don't really "feel" the masteron, but my lift def can go a little further. I'm not sure if that is the increase in NPP or the increase in Test. I can't really tell that big of a difference with masteron yet. We'll see.

Looks like I'll be able to run tren suspension with msateron, test c and NPP for about 5 solid weeks. That is more than enough time to experiment with this. Fun, fun, fun in the sun.



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My nips are sort of starting to worry me tho for real.
I'm debating whether to hit letro hard for a day or so. If I get the dose high enough, the half life will carry me a few days and let me monitor the estrogen. It is def too high right now. I don't think it would be wise to lower the test dosage at this point. I'll see if I can't get control of the estrogen first and if need be, I'll cut down the test c.

DON'T cut down the test dosages!!! No way, Jose.
Go with the short-term Letro attack instead.........you know it works.
Estrogen CAN be controlled.


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Thanks for vouching for my size. We gotta hit the gym again. I need somebody to keep me on my toes!
Let's make plans to do some Heavy Legs at the Suwannee Body Plex, not this Sunday, but next, wanna give my back 1 more week to heal before I smash some heavy weights! Oh and I like the Suwannee one for legs because they actually have a real-deal Hack-Squat Sled, and it has been years since I used a real Hack Squat Sled!


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Morry, everything I have read on Masteron says it will make all other AAS work better and more synergistically. Some guys swear it gives them crazy libido and strength but I could see how the NPP could scratch out the libido on Masteron and just keep it level. As for strength gains it sounds like you are getting those so I am sure it is working. How is muscle hardness and vascularity?


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plus 25 lbs EPIC WIN!

Npp is teh shiznat


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Straight beast Morry!
Thanks man!!! I'm going to keep killing it.

DON'T cut down the test dosages!!! No way, Jose.
Go with the short-term Letro attack instead.........you know it works.
Estrogen CAN be controlled.
Roger that. Hitting letro hard!!!

Let's make plans to do some Heavy Legs at the Suwannee Body Plex, not this Sunday, but next, wanna give my back 1 more week to heal before I smash some heavy weights! Oh and I like the Suwannee one for legs because they actually have a real-deal Hack-Squat Sled, and it has been years since I used a real Hack Squat Sled!
I'm down. Let me know. I'll stay light on DL and legs early in the week. Let me know how your back is feeling.

Go get a belt and stop being hard headed. Ha ha. Lift heavy and heal at the same time. I know you won't but I gotta give you sh1t bro.

Morry, everything I have read on Masteron says it will make all other AAS work better and more synergistically. Some guys swear it gives them crazy libido and strength but I could see how the NPP could scratch out the libido on Masteron and just keep it level. As for strength gains it sounds like you are getting those so I am sure it is working. How is muscle hardness and vascularity?
I had great results from Anavar. I'm really excited to see how Masteron treats me. Thus far, I'm not missing Xtreme in the gym, but I haven't noticed a huge difference with Masteron. I think this next week things will be more discernable. Now the synergy b/t the masteron/tren that I'll be feeling here in a week or so???? I can't wait!!! Libido?? I'm on a gram of test a week my friend. Even if the NPP could do a thing, it would be no match for the test. Fortunetly, though, the shortened ester seems to offset the commonality of "deca d1ck". I haven't experienced anything of the sort. If anything I'm having to hide my massive erections like I'm in highschool. Being arrogant though, I'm more inclined to smile and just walk around to talk to hot chics. Ha ha ha. I'm actually a little worried bc my libido is already pretty good and the masteron hasn't fully kicked and the tren isn't even here. I may be focking all sorts of things. Given that things are moving along well with a new interest in my life, I'm not all that worried about me. Maybe her. :eek:p: :hump:

Muscle hardness and vascularity is pretty crazy. I'm really enjoing how vascular I am. I'm not all that much leaner, but the veins explode. I never really get major pumps though unless I'm on test suspension. I can just flex my arms forwards and my chest muscles fill full of blood and get pumps just from the flex. I'm loving what I'm on right now. I feel like an animal. I am one :)

i think libido and deca dick are slightly over rated. i personally believe it depends on how that person responds. I have ran NPP higher than my test dose for weeks and never had a problem with anything. Never. If estro is in check, 9 times out of 10, everything else works correctly. But obviously, some people do have problems with it. I think schwell broke his dick on it for a minute. But that guy would shoot straight test suspension into his jugular if he had the chance... And I think you make a good point about he synergenic effect of Masteron and other AAS.
You just got a really hot wife.....

plus 25 lbs EPIC WIN!
Npp is teh shiznat
NPP + hard work=Epic Win!!

But Yuh, thx bro.
Hey Morry,
Come check the new log Brother.
Consider yourselves invited to come and see what NTBM Transaderm can do for me with no specific changes to diet and only minor changes to training style.
On my way brotha.


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Day 34

weight 218 (+21) and down one from yesterday

Legs / Arms

4 circuits, 48 sets I think. Squats hit 405x5 and 365x6 there at the end.

Pinned 150 mg NPP. Took Letro 2.5mg. I don't remember taking T3. I'm starting to think the T3 isn't doing sh1t. I never really felt that much of a difference. I'm going to cease it usage and see what happens. I know you are supposed to taper it down, but if this crap is underdosed then who really cares. I've never doubted this source, but WTF is going on. First Aromasin, then I forget to take T3 and I go back and look at my notes and I never really noted a difference from it either. I'm not real happy about this company right now as I've been a loyal customer for 3 or 4 years, ordered well into the thousands in products and now I questioning the potency of the products. I won't be sending them any more customers their way. Fockers. <end rant>

Tommorow is going to be a rest day.



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Day 35

weight 220 (+23) and up two from yesterday

I ate rice last night. Actually I at Ahi tuna, rice, veggies and shrimp. I made fried rice from scratch. I'll eat the rest of it today. I'm sure this will push my weight up for a few days. I'm not all that worried about it tho. I wanted to note that my last cycle I leaned out way too fast. I was very, very lean by week 9 or so with 3 more weeks to grow and guess what, I didn't grow. I actually had to work harder to lift the same. I'm not focusing on leaning up this time as much. I'll end up lean, just not as fast. Scotty and I may go to a halloween party with him, he is obviously going as Thor, I'm debating going as the hulk. I need a stronger V to pull it off, but I think I can pull it off.

Today was a rest day. Lazy day watching footbal and relaxing.

No pin today. I took letro 2.5 mg. I can tell I'm drying out and the nips are getting noticably less sore. Libido is still great too. I"ll keep the Letro here for a while. I have more potent aromasin on the way but I'll use the Letro until it gets here or the joints start to ache. The NPP, however, has made my shoulder pain go away, my back pain go away. I can lift heavy and it doesn't hurt like it has been.



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Day 35

weight 225 (+28), told you I ate rice. Ha ha. Look at that sh1t! End of Week 5 and up almost 30 focking pounds. I wish it was muscle. I'll prob look pretty bloated in the pics tomorrow. My strength is going through the roof though. The bigger the fat burning machine, the more fat can be burned. Let the weight creep up, I'll shred down that much faster.

Pinned 200 mg Masteron. Took Letro 2.5 mg

I played 18 holes of disc golf with Al. We killed that sh1t and it was a great day to get out and play a round. He bought some disc and I got to use the pink driver. Ha ha

I was going to rest, but when I got the my folks house, my older brother was there and we decided to hit the weights.

Chest Abs

Flat bench 275x9 (THAT PUTS MY THEO JUST UNDER 350!!!!), 275x8, 255x1, 225x1, 185x3 (my strength basically gave out.
Reverse grip 135x15x12 155x10x8
Draw Bridges x40x40x40x40

Incline 135x8, 145x7x8x19
Obliques with a 45lbx16x16x16x16
Lying leg lifts with 8lb medicine ball x22x22x22x22

Ab pull downs 210 (entire bowflex) x22x20x16x16
Clap Pushups (un assisted)x12x10x10x8
Incline Pushups x12x12x10x10

Cable flies incline position 100x12x12, 160x10x10
Oblique Cable Crunch 50x16x16x16x16
Decline Cable 100x12x12x10x10

Overall great workout. Sides are all about gone. No other issues.

I pin NPP tomorrow and I think 500mg of test c.


PS-Pics tommorw


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I appreciate that gentleman. 5 weeks down. 7 to go.

Tren suspension in T minus 1.5 to 1 week. Focking right bitches.....


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Squats hit 405x5 and 365x6 there at the end.

Flat bench 275x9 (THAT PUTS MY THEO JUST UNDER 350!!!!), 275x8, 255x1, 225x1, 185x3 (my strength basically gave out.

Always great to hear a good report. And this one's really good!!


Active member
30 pounds in 5 weeks and I'm not watching Super Size Me. LOL

Freaking AMAZING!!!!

This log plus talking with someone else on this site has almost sealed the deal that I need to quit with the OTC and just start "GEARING" UP!!!!

Fugging 30 pounds!!!!!!!


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That's a hell of a lot of weight you've gained Morry! Nice job bro! Keep killing it!


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30 pounds in 5 weeks and I'm not watching Super Size Me. LOL

Freaking AMAZING!!!!

This log plus talking with someone else on this site has almost sealed the deal that I need to quit with the OTC and just start "GEARING" UP!!!!

Fugging 30 pounds!!!!!!!
I agree.

Grats on the 30lbs Morry! Eager to see the pic's man great work, Didn't you say you were holding back on eating too?!? This is probably the best rebound from an injury log ever haha


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UP 30 pounds in 5 weeks... for the love of God!! ****ing amazing. and I don't think eating rice is such a bad idea (esp if its brown). This is unreal... and i should post a pic of my wife but you all would just jack off to it. LOL. wth, might do it anyway.
NPP is great as a natural anti-inflamatory. with that and CS, youre right, your back and shoulder are probably doing pretty well. I would say that the shoulder is due to the synovial fluid increase as well as your back. I don't think i will ever run another cycle without nandro involved.

ADMIN EDIT: do not offer sources openly on this board!
Man you aren't lying. NPP has been keeping all my joints feeling great. My back aches a bit from time to time but nothing like it did. I'm with you, NPP should def be a part of any cycle.

I'm pretty sure TG runs Deca at 150 a week just for this purpose.

BAD HC!!! Very BAD! :nono: :spank:


Always great to hear a good report. And this one's really good!!
Yes sir, wait till you see some DL numbers. I know they aren't close to yours, but off an injury I don't think they are too shabby.

30 pounds in 5 weeks and I'm not watching Super Size Me. LOL

Freaking AMAZING!!!!

This log plus talking with someone else on this site has almost sealed the deal that I need to quit with the OTC and just start "GEARING" UP!!!!

Fugging 30 pounds!!!!!!!
Close to 30 is pretty crazy, but some of that is water weight. Watch the Letro work it's magic (and the masteron).

Dude, stop putting that crap in your body. Ha ha. I'm kidding, but half way serious. TG, HC, Ed, Schwell, and some others and I have all talked about this over and over. Gear is much safer. Not legal, but much safer.

Have you watched "Bigger, Faster, Stronger" ? If you haven't, go for it. It will seal the deal. Gear isn't illegal bc it's harmful.

That's a hell of a lot of weight you've gained Morry! Nice job bro! Keep killing it!
I know bro, I'm surprised at the weight myself. I know nothing but how to kill it and with guys like you around showing me up, I have no other choice! Looking mighty lean and mean Ripped.

Oops. i didn't post a source but I guess I still broke the rules. Good catch admin! sorry about that.
BAD again!!! That's it. Post the pic of you wife. I'm going to jerk off to it all the time. At my desk. In the bathroom. Riding in the car. Doing dead lifts.....


On a serious note guys, his wife is very beautiful. He's a lucky dude, but then again I think he just got propositioned to be in a foreign porno. :eek:p:

I agree.

Grats on the 30lbs Morry! Eager to see the pic's man great work, Didn't you say you were holding back on eating too?!? This is probably the best rebound from an injury log ever haha
You didn't say no homo.....

I'm not really holding back on the eating. Maybe for one of you guys, but my diet usually is very strict. On this cycle tho, the caloric requirements make my last cycle look like I was eating baby food the whole time. I'm def eating more than last cycle and more carbs for sure which I hate, but hey, can't argue with the strength I'm getting, right?


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Day 36

weight 217 (+20) and down 8 from yesterday? Hmmm....I weighed myself twice. I was pissing all day today and my diet was prob too clean and not enough. I was pretty busy at work and only had a banana, yogurt with whey and a milk.

Back / Shoulders

I had a good friend stumble across a preworkout for me and donate it to the cause of making me turn into the Hulk. This def gave me a kick start in the gym. Plus I wasn't tired and the weights felt much lighter. I went heavy on almost everything. Masteron maybe????

DL 135x10, 225x5, 315x3, 405x1, 465x1, 515 fail, 485x1, 315x4

Military 95x10, 145x7x7x6x6
Kettle Face Pulls 54lbsx14x14x14x12

Hammer Rows wide grip 320x12x8, 270x8x8
Close Grip Cable Rows 165x12x8x8x6
Reverse crossover cable flies (or whatever the fock they are called, back delts...)50x12x10x8, 40x10

DB Shrug 200x12x10, 190x8, 180x8
Lat Pull down 135x15x12x10x10
Close Grip Pull down 135x8x6x6x5

Half Clean and Military press 135x5, 95x5x5x5(military pressed to failure on last set)
Bent over hammer style rows 70x8x7x7x7
Delt Machine 100x10x12x12x12

Easy workout. I had a few comments from some guys at the gym. One was a smaller older guy waiting on the DL bar. He waited patiently and then said something nice about the **** ton of weight I pulled. Still nothing to write home about, but not a bad lift. I really wanted that 515. I think if I'd skipped the 465, I would have gotten it. I'll have to wait a week or two to give that one another go. I'm pretty sure that is a PR BTW. My theo has been higher than 485, but I rarely maxed out that high. The weight felt light so I did it.
The body builder dude told me my vascularity was a ton different than when he first saw me. I explained the injury and how low in BF I used to be and he said that he could tell I used to be pretty built, but I was looking focking good. He has to know I'm on gear.....and I don't give a fock bc he is too!!!

My shoulder felt tweaked on my last couple sets of cleans and presses. I don't think it is injured, just sore as hell. Medium to heavy bench followed by heavy (heavy for me at least) DL, that's enough to do it.

HC is right and I know I said this earlier but NPP is the sh1t for joints. It really takes a good 3-4 weeks to start feeling that effect of it but it is well worth the wait.

I did take T3 today even tho I don't think I could tell a difference. Just for my own sanity, I'll taper it here in a few weeks, but the more I thought about it, I have a sh1t ton of it. I might as well use it, ya know?

I haven't mentioned HCG this whole cycle. That is bc I had some serious hang ups getting it. I was supposed to have it a while ago, but through the fault of no one but the gods themselves, I was able to get my hands on it this weekend. I'll use the protocol with a big dose, one smaller doses of 250ius twice a week thereafter. So tonight I'll pin 1000 ius of it and then 250ius on friday. If I remember right it is recommended not to pin the stuff on days you pin test. I don't remember why. If anybody can chime in and clear that up, def do so.

200 mg Masteron tomorrow. Continuing Letro. Nips are better. No joint pain. Bloat is going away. Pics below.


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So check it out! This is a paste from day 36 of my last log

Day 36

weight 211 (+5) but 4 down from yesterday. I've been light the last two cardio days. Not sure if that means anything, just an observation

Ran outside in the freaking cold for 2 miles. I got a back pump running. I've had this happen before, but not recently. I took taurine at lunch too. This is the main reason I didn't run 4 miles today, only 2.
I ran in my Vibrams and my toes went numb for the first mile but they warmed up as I did and the numbness went away completely. Easy run, probably could have ran further but it is a 2 mile loop and 4 miles wasn't sounding like anything I wanted to do today. I was running slow so if I had to guess it was a 5 or 5.5 pace.
Taurine will be here either tomorrow or Friday and I'm going to eat it like skittles for a couple days. Overdosing on Taurine might be fun if it gets rid of my back pump.
Go ahead....look it up.....

Pinned 1ml test e this morning, right quad. My quad is stiff as fock. Not sure why bc I was pinning 2ml in that mofo and 3ml over 2 days and it wasn't as sore as it is today. Nothing went wrong with the pin. I'm thinking I might have stared at my leg the wrong way while holding my breath and crossing my fingers left over right which is where I made my mistake should have been right over left so I'm sore now. It loosened a great deal during my run.

Pin HCG tomorrow.

Everything else is the same. Rockin out with my kock out

+5??? Really??? Jesus. No wonder. I compare the pics myself every week and look at lifts and training days to compare. I want to see the difference in the amount of gear and my workouts. This cycle I chose to do more circuit work and cut out the cardio. I was doing it at the beginning, but I stopped. No reason unless I'm sore and I need the extra blood flow.
As of today, my lifts are equal on bench on and much higher in both squat and DL. I started this cycle 14 lbs lighter than my first (my first page says 212lb but I think I averaged it bc it went up and down and the average was 206 if I remember right), so call it 8 pounds lighter this time. Either way I was much lighter when I started this cycle. I've been eating more this time by far and my diet honestly isn't as clean. I work a lot more this cycle and I'm rarely home like I was the first cycle. I'm not sure if anybody noticed, but I rarely update during the day bc I'm at work. I used to be able to but at this job I don't think it is a good idea.

I got crazy lean by week 9 on my last cycle. By week 10 I was 1lb lighter than when I started the cycle. Here are the stats from week 8


This will be the first pic.
weight : 206
BF: 13%
Pure Fat: 26.78lbs
LBM 179.22

End of week 8 today
This is the second pic
weight :206
BF: 7%
Pure Fat: 14.42
LBM: 191.58

12.36 lbs gained of pure muscle
12.36 lbs lost of pure fat

So you can see from week 8 to week 10 I lost at least one more pound of fat and prob put on a little muscle. My lifts didn't go up from here. From week 8-12 all I did was lean out a little bit. I mean it was the lean where you started seeing veins in my obliques and abs, but as far as mass of fat, not a whole lot of it was lost.

From my rough calculations I've already gained 5 more pounds of muscle in the first 5 weeks of this cycle than 8 weeks of the last. I still have 3 weeks to go for this one. Funny enough, my LBM right now is within a few pounds of where it was in week 8 last cycle. So I'm 217 pounds right now, I was 206 on my last cycle with the same LBM. I would need to loose 11 lbs of fat to get as lean as I was last cycle without sacrificing and muscle.

I don't really care about loosing 11 lbs of fat right this second. I have 3 weeks just to equal it out to last cycle, but I'm already stronger. Masteron has barely begun to show some magic and tren suspension isn't here yet.....I have some aces up my sleeve, but honestly it is time to clean the diet back up, start a full on recomp, maybe shed 5-9lbs of fat, but gain another 2-3lbs of muscle in the process. How do I do that???? I'll figure it out I'm sure.

Just thought it would be a neat aside to compare the two cycles and my overall progress.

If you start comparing things like muscle development and memory from one to another and it really isn't a comparison. I have a much larger, more fine tuned fat burning machine than I did last time. Let's see what I can do with it.



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Man you aren't lying. NPP has been keeping all my joints feeling great. My back aches a bit from time to time but nothing like it did. I'm with you, NPP should def be a part of any cycle.

I'm pretty sure TG runs Deca at 150 a week just for this purpose.

BAD HC!!! Very BAD! :nono: :spank:

Yes sir, wait till you see some DL numbers. I know they aren't close to yours, but off an injury I don't think they are too shabby.
Yeah, I run Deca @150 to 200mg weekly just for the joint-support alone. And it works!! Big time.
Been dosing it like that since February. And I'm McLuvin' it!!

My Deadlift numbers aren't what they used to be from years ago but still they're not too shabby.

Last Saturday I pulled 495 X 10. And it felt soooooo good.


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Yeah, I run Deca @150 to 200mg weekly just for the joint-support alone. And it works!! Big time.
Been dosing it like that since February. And I'm McLuvin' it!!

My Deadlift numbers aren't what they used to be from years ago but still they're not too shabby.

Last Saturday I pulled 495 X 10. And it felt soooooo good.
That's focking crazy weight. Thanks. I feel like a child now. ha ha


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Yeah, I run Deca @150 to 200mg weekly just for the joint-support alone. And it works!! Big time.
Been dosing it like that since February. And I'm McLuvin' it!!

My Deadlift numbers aren't what they used to be from years ago but still they're not too shabby.

Last Saturday I pulled 495 X 10. And it felt soooooo good.
That is just crazy TG. I think I would get bored to be honest lol. Making me think I need to step it up though.


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Day 37

215 (+18) and down two from yesterday

Pinned 200 mg Masteron. Took letro, T3 and Caber.

I did pin 1000ius of HCG last night to get the boys back up and now it will be 250iu twice a week.

Legs / Arms

Box Squats 135x10, 225x15x15x15x15
Ez Curl 80x12x12x12x11
Skull Crushers 80x15x15x15x12
Close Grip 80x12x12x11x9

Dips BW+45x16, BW+90x10, BW+115x6, BW+90x6
Hammer Pull ups BWx20x16x14x12
Traveling lunges 70x10x10x10x10

Cable Tricep Pull downs 120x10x10x10x8
Cable Tricep Extensions 120x8x10x8x8
Calf Raises 185x12x12x12x12
Cable Curls 160x6, 150x8x8x7
Smith Squats wide and our front stance 1pps+medium bandsx12x12x12x12

Hammer Squats explosive 3ppsx20x25x25
Stupid progressive curl thing machine (weights go on different pegs each set for different isolation??)70x8x7x8
Quad Extensions 205x14x15x14

Pretty easy workout. I was winded b/t some of the sets but I still managed to finish 55 or so sets in under two hours. I did feel a tendon feel funny in my left arm. I felt it yesterday on rows, but I didn't pay much attention to it. My back days will have to have more fluid pulls than power tugs. I'm hoping the NPP keeps this at bay bc I'm not in the position to slow down now!

Diet has been perfect. Letro is doing it's thing for the estro. Vascularity is still great.

No sides at all from the Masteron, just recovering very, very quickly even after heavy sets. I may be winded, but as soon as I catch my breath, the next set feels like I'm almost fresh. The recovery is great. Doing Dips with a couple plates felt good. Been a while since I could do these, but I also moved some circuits around to put heavy sets in the beginning of the circuit.

I may take tomorrow off if my arm is still bothering me. Then again, i may just hit chest light and say fock it. :)

I pin 150mg NPP in the morning.



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no comment- the progress/pics/gains/strength say it all- well done friend


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Eh one comment- i observed some HUGE differences between deca and npp

my first cycle was stupid

but first 12 weeks

deca was run at 500mgs for 10 weeks

now then- even after i dropped the dbol deca KEPT bloating me.MY face looked like a pumpkin- srs.

still gained- still had joints lubed- my dick wouldn't work- serious- even though my test was higher(test being higher to offset deca dick is actually bro science- to a degree, it affects prolactin- no amount of test will lower prolactin)

now then

didn't bloat me (provided i ran 800 mgs masteron with it), packed about 10lbs on me when i was eating 2200 calories a day- doing cardio- every day- and lifting- 6 times a week- didn't brake me dick,

same drug- but in my experience- npp does work a bit differently than traditional deca

now of course it's all academic- i was using masteron with npp- masteron is anti-e
when i was runing deca i did use letro though because me tits got tingly


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I believe schwell is right. esters do, for what ever reason, cause the body to respond differently it seems. and i also agree with him saying the test deca ratio is bro science. it depends on the user!
Totally agree. There's a huge difference between "in vivo" and "in vida".
What looks good on paper "under the glass", sometimes just doesn't pan out in real life experience.
And I agree about the Test/Deca ratio........it's bro-science that doesn't apply to everyone. Some guys will have issues with Deca no matter how much Test they decide to run. Prolactin can be controlled though.......some good ol' Caber goes a long way!


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I say go all out the last part of the cycle...pool season is over!

Crazy progress for sure bro, keep it up!


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I say go all out the last part of the cycle...pool season is over!

Crazy progress for sure bro, keep it up!
I will bro. I'm just not packing on fat to do so. Stay tuned. I won't disappoint.


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I got a really funny feeling that I'll be pinning trenbolone tomorrow....


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I got a really funny feeling that I'll be pinning trenbolone tomorrow....
Good luck with the tren. Don't be afraid to dose it on the high-side. I did up to 900mgs a week and lived to tell about it. I don't recommend that ridiculous dose to anyone, but it goes to show that it can be done. If you're like a lot of guys I know, you'll be a tren junkie before this is over! You'll love it.


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Sorry it has been a bit work has been crab. Awesome work nice pull on the deads too! You are so much bigger right now it is insane.


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I got a really funny feeling that I'll be pinning trenbolone tomorrow....
Good luck with the tren. Don't be afraid to dose it on the high-side. I did up to 900mgs a week and lived to tell about it. I don't recommend that ridiculous dose to anyone, but it goes to show that it can be done. If you're like a lot of guys I know, you'll be a tren junkie before this is over! You'll love it.
Another ecstatic tren-junkie reporting in to watch the fireworks.

Guter Gott, I love that stuff!!


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Thx Detroit! I think ill stay away from 900mg a week, ha ha. Ur nuts.
I will hit it up at 100-125 mg for one day. I'll be logging it right here.

Kleen, no worries brother. Glad to see you here still and thank u for the kind words.

TG, yeah bro!!!


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Day 38

weight 215 (+18) and same as yesterday

Pinned 200mg masteron, 500mg test c. Took letro

Rest. My shoulder are pretty shot from heavy dead-lifting. Taking the night off from training to rest up.

Estro is under control, but I'm still waiting for the sides to go away completely.



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Day 39

weight 214 (+17) and down one from yesterday

Too letro. Tren suspension was used today. I pinned about 50-55mg a little over an hour and a half before my workout. The endurance was there, but I didn't get a crazy rush like I did the first time I pinned test suspension. That being said, I'm already 1 gram of test c, 800 mg of masteron, 450 mg NPP. 2.245 grams of AAS in a week (depending on which prop is getting 3 times that week or 4). I think I'll try to pin this around lunch time bc I felt like I really started feeling well into my workout and after. I did pin in the quad. Is it possible bc there is already so much oil in there that it slowed the absorbtion of the Tren suspension? Only one way to find out. I'll pin in the delt next time.
I'll also save enough to dose it at 100mg a few of the days. I'll prob do that next time I max out on DL. Not sure if that is next week or the following. It will depend on how my body feels

Chest / Abs

Flat Bench 135x4, 225x3, 295x4, 275x3, 275x3, 225x9, 225x7
Incline Hammer 1ppsx10, 2ppsx15x12x10x9
Sitting, weighted ab crunch, 180x12x12x13x12

Incline BB with light band 95x15x15x12x19
WOD assistedx12x12x12x12
Kettle Ball Side oblique crunch 24kx16x16x16x16
Hanging leg raises with a 30lb db b/t quads x16x16x16x16

Cable ab pull down, 190x25x25x25x25
Clap Pushupsx10x10x10x10
Incline push ups x12x12x12x12

Cable flies 50x12x12x12x12 (held to failure)
Obliques grapples 25lb weight and barx12x12x12x12 (these last two set about killed me, I like it:) )
Decline Cable 40x12x12x10x10

All in all, very good workout. I didn't overly feel the tren. I think I'll know over the next few workouts. I didn't get crazy aggressive but I def was able to go past failure by 1-2 reps every single exercise. I think I went up in weight or reps on everything but bench. I feel like I should have just hit cardio and rested bc my body feels battered, but fock it I wanted to hit the weights today. As far as tren suspension for me.....jury is still out. I haven't taken it on a day where my muscles are fresh and CNS is recovered and I think I need to give it more than 1.5 hours, maybe try 4 or 5 when I pin the tren suspension
My face was a more red than what it usually in IMO. Sweating was the same. I always drench my wifebeater. I workout in circuits. I took my BP and I was in normal rage. Close to being over, but def not over.

I wasn't out of breath or slowed down. If anything I lifting heavier, longer and faster. Placebo? Maybe. I'm really interested how this turns out for me.

If I wasn't on NPP, I'd be aching all the time. This stuff is great and if I ever decide to cruise in the future, having this stuff laying around is focking great. I need to be careful with my shoulders for a bit. They ache really deep down. Maybe hammer strength for bench for at least 1 or two workouts? We'll see.

I've been watching my diet much more carefully. We should see a difference next week in the pics. I think I'm leaner already, but I'll let you guys decide on monday. Letro def dried me back out, no just get rid of the little lumps. The one on the left side is almost gone. Once they are gone, I'll switch to Aromasin and lower the dosage until the balance is perfect.

I'm planning on working out tomorrow but I may be working late. Either way I'll be hitting the weight both sat and sun.

Nothing else to log right now. I didn't go crazy on Tren. My estro sides are subsiding and I'm in a great mood most of the time. I couldn't ask for more.



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Bro tell me about it... I got that crazzzzy ass rush too the first time i pinned TNE.. Caught me by surprise! Gotta love some Test base :D


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Sick session man!


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Tren suspension was used today. I pinned about 50-55mg a little over an hour and a half before my workout. The endurance was there, but I didn't get a crazy rush like I did the first time I pinned test suspension.

I didn't overly feel the tren. I think I'll know over the next few workouts. I didn't get crazy aggressive but I def was able to go past failure by 1-2 reps every single exercise. As far as tren suspension for me.....jury is still out. I'm planning on working out tomorrow but I may be working late. Either way I'll be hitting the weight both sat and sun.

I didn't go crazy on Tren.
Herr Morry,
I'd be lying if I said that my very first pin of tren-suspension turned me into the Incredible Hulk or something. Even though it has no ester attached, it still took around my 3rd pin to really feel the stuff kicking ass and taking names. And you're taking a very small dose too so that has to be taken into account. I pin 112 to 150mg when I stick it. And I always take it at least 2 hours before crushing the iron.

Give it time........it will come.

The only compounds that I have felt immediately are Oral Trenbolone (methyl-trienolone) and Milberone (Cheque Drops). They kick QUICK!!


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