Volcom's PRIME & T-911 Stack



Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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I levied a small claims course against him, claiming infringement of implicit contract and gross negligence; I won a decision of several thousand dollars. The money was great, but I would rather have beaten him to death. Just my opinion, though!


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I levied a small claims course against him, claiming infringement of implicit contract and gross negligence; I won a decision of several thousand dollars. The money was great, but I would rather have beaten him to death. Just my opinion, though!
:lol: If I were on that jury, you'd never get convicted.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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I found his face at the assessment hearing completely comical. Initially after Brick's [the dog] death, I told him: "You have run this scam previously, I am sure; however, there is one thing I am equally as sure about: you have never met anybody like me. You have two weeks to reimburse me in full before I lay shit-storm all over you."

Obviously, he said no in a prickish manner, to which I took even more offense, ha. I ended up securing quite a substantial body of evidence against them, including: statements from two veterinarians, which resoundingly stated the incubation period of the disease [parvovirus] made it chronologically impossible for Brick to have contracted it post-purchase; statements from two individuals whom purchased Brick's litter-mates, both indicting the breeders for: a) not contacting them about the disease, and b) forging the same documents which convinced me; approximately thirty Kijiji and Google ads spanning two years, all containing the same phone-number with all manner of dogs; as well as a statement from an individual who also purchased a sick dog whose vaccination papers were verified by the scam-artist Veterinarian.

The Veterinarian who falsely verified the vaccination sheets from this puppy mill had his license rescinded, and the puppy mill from which my dog came was eventually shut-down as well. While the operators are facing charges, the distributors [who sold me the dog] unfortunately are not. Stupid ****ing pricks - told them not to **** with me.


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Dood, i would never mess with you! That's some sweet action on your part. I'm sorry that guy messed you over in the first place though. I would have been just as irate


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I found his face at the assessment hearing completely comical. Initially after Brick's [the dog] death, I told him: "You have run this scam previously, I am sure; however, there is one thing I am equally as sure about: you have never met anybody like me. You have two weeks to reimburse me in full before I lay shit-storm all over you."

Obviously, he said no in a prickish manner, to which I took even more offense, ha. I ended up securing quite a substantial body of evidence against them, including: statements from two veterinarians, which resoundingly stated the incubation period of the disease [parvovirus] made it chronologically impossible for Brick to have contracted it post-purchase; statements from two individuals whom purchased Brick's litter-mates, both indicting the breeders for: a) not contacting them about the disease, and b) forging the same documents which convinced me; approximately thirty Kijiji and Google ads spanning two years, all containing the same phone-number with all manner of dogs; as well as a statement from an individual who also purchased a sick dog whose vaccination papers were verified by the scam-artist Veterinarian.

The Veterinarian who falsely verified the vaccination sheets from this puppy mill had his license rescinded, and the puppy mill from which my dog came was eventually shut-down as well. While the operators are facing charges, the distributors [who sold me the dog] unfortunately are not. Stupid ****ing pricks - told them not to **** with me.
That's one serious middle finger.


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He's three. Here is their website: www.enchantabull.ca

Scroll to the left, and click "Males". It gives his championships and pedigree.
I have a soft spot for English bulls ...well bulldogs period. So much character, and an individual nature I admire in a dog.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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I have a soft spot for English bulls ...well bulldogs period. So much character, and an individual nature I admire in a dog.
Yes, definitely; these are precisely the reasons I love them as well. I have an affinity for all dogs, but Bulldogs in particular. This dog, Kong, is a peculiarly agile bulldog as well: when I initially went to view him, he leaped about 30" off of a four-foot deck and was completely fine! This is not a trait most bulldogs display.


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Yes, definitely; these are precisely the reasons I love them as well. I have an affinity for all dogs, but Bulldogs in particular. This dog, Kong, is a peculiarly agile bulldog as well: when I initially went to view him, he leaped about 30" off of a four-foot deck and was completely fine! This is not a trait most bulldogs display.
No very athletic for a bulldog.. I am a bit jealous. I can't have dogs where I am living now. We'll likely be moving next spring .. you've got me thinking bulldog now.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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No very athletic for a bulldog.. I am a bit jealous. I can't have dogs where I am living now. We'll likely be moving next spring .. you've got me thinking bulldog now.
I thought you were in Ontario now, no?


  • RockStar
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I thought you were in Ontario now, no?
No I moved to Montreal for work. We moved into a Loft in old Montreal where they don't allow dogs. When we get to know the city better we'lll find a new place. I love it down here the architecture is really something and all the history and events but it's pretty expensive.


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Double Duty Day

Before Church


Behind The Neck Pull Ups
BW x 10 reps
BW + 25lbs x 9 reps (+ 1 rep)
BW + 25lbs x 7 reps
BW + 25lbs x 6 reps
BW + 25lbs x 5 reps
BW + 25lbs x 5 reps
BW x 7 reps
BW x 6 reps
BW x 5 reps

Close, Neutral Grip Lat Pull Downs
210lbs x 10 reps
230lbs x 8 reps
230lbs x 6 reps
230lbs x 5 reps

Behind The Neck Lat Pull Downs
190lbs x 10 reps
190lbs x 8 reps
190lbs x 7 reps
190lbs x 6 reps

Raw Grip Dead Lifts
225lbs x 10 reps
315lbs x 5 reps
375lbs x 2 reps [I lost my grip. I could have done at least one more rep, but I felt it slipping from my hands during my first rep]


After Church


Incline Press
225lbs x 10 reps [barely, I could tell I was plenty depleted from earlier and I knew pyramiding would have been futile]
225lbs x 8 reps
225lbs x 7 reps
225lbs x 6 reps
225lbs x 5 reps
225lbs x 5 reps
225lbs x 5 reps
225lbs x 5 reps

Flat Bench
225lbs x 10 reps
225lbs x 8 reps
225lbs x 8 reps
225lbs x 6 reps
225lbs x 5 reps
225lbs x 5 reps

Hammer Dips
180lbs x 10 reps
180lbs x 8 reps
180lbs x 6 reps
180lbs x 6 reps

Cable Flies
3 sets x 15 reps

I don't traditionally lift like this. In all honesty, I started my day with the intention of running a full body depletion, but it took an odd turn. I actually considered dropping my incline bench down to 185lbs (after my bouts with the 225lbs) and continuing my sets, but I opted not to.

I was really only lifting to deplete today and my initial intentions was to do my squats, deads, bench, military's approach, but my erectors are are not being team players right now :sick:

All & all, I feel dizzy & nauseous, and I had to spend 3 hours at the laundry mat with the fiancee in this psychotic heat, because she doesn't feel safe at this place by herself. I got plenty light headed on plenty of occasions, but I'm home, had a little bit of fruit and now I'm going to lay down and be lazy.

I took Dragonfly's approach to take 4 caps PRIME during my off days and 6 caps during my on days. I take my T-911 a la Irish Cannon's suggestions, 2 tabs everyday, 3 tabs on my on days, with a double helping pre-workout :afro:


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No very athletic for a bulldog.. I am a bit jealous. I can't have dogs where I am living now. We'll likely be moving next spring .. you've got me thinking bulldog now.
I have an old dog now. Black lab. He used to be muscular and energetic, but now he could be mistaken for a black pig. When I take him to Dog Parks, some of the patrons joking say that "Spencer" needs another dog to sit & play chess with. It's actually very funny, he has a gray muzzle like an old man with a beard and he does four things at dog park, a ritual verbatim as such.

#1. Sniff around, find a place to poop. #2. Pretend chest bump with some energetic dog and as the dog runs off to say, come chase me. Spencer stares at the dog running off. #3. Spend the rest of the time looking for places to pee. #4. Spencer finds a cool spot under the tree and lays down after he's worn out from walking around peeing.

The number one, 100% probability of ritualistic behavior, is he finds a spot to poop. Steps 2 thru 4 can vary, but he always poops first. If I sit next to someone by a bench, I'll say to them, "oh boy, see my dog, he's sniffing out a place to poop," and within 5 min, he poops and I go to clean it. No matter what, he poops first.


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eeesh man. that is a serious double duty day. im extremely jealous. ive been off pretty much all training for almost a month now. just cardio, shoulder rehab, and hip mobility stuff right now. the above workout is something i day dream about at work haha.

also, what dog park do you go to? ive been trying to take my dog for walks every now and then but its getting kind of boring doing the same old walks. i usually go to koons park and let her play around there for a little bit, but dogs arent even supposed to be there. so i need to find her something more.


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eeesh man. that is a serious double duty day. im extremely jealous. ive been off pretty much all training for almost a month now. just cardio, shoulder rehab, and hip mobility stuff right now. the above workout is something i day dream about at work haha.

also, what dog park do you go to? ive been trying to take my dog for walks every now and then but its getting kind of boring doing the same old walks. i usually go to koons park and let her play around there for a little bit, but dogs arent even supposed to be there. so i need to find her something more.
San Dimas Canyon Park's, Horse Thieves Ranch. Drive up San Dimas Canyon Road, when you approach the San Dimas Canyon Park, you can either turn right, to park for The Park or turn left, which leads up a hill. Make a left and go up the hill and you'll see a sign that says, Horse Thieves Ranch. Turn left into there, drive all the way down the street, which will lead to a dead end/circular road, where you park. From here, you should see a giant fence enclosure with a bunch of dogs running around. BIG DOGS play in the giant northern enclosure (about 75 by 150 yards) and little dogs, in the smaller, southern enclosure (about half the size of the northern enclosure).

The park supplies a pooper scooper, bags and trash can and there are also drinking fountains you push with your foot and the drinking fountains are located on the floor, which all the dogs can drink from, a literal, doggie drinking fountain. Most of the dog regulars know the drill and will wait by the fountain and stare you at until you come assist (if the owner is not nearby).

It's great to just let your dog run around and wrestle with other dogs, assuming your dog is social. It's especially interesting when they all get in a pack mentality and just start running circles around the entire park, all following some alpha dog. Once, there was a rescue race dog, the same dog as "Santa's Little Helper" from The Simpsons and when he ran in circles, he burned all the other dogs and he even jumped over some dogs, it was a trip.


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Shoot man, that was serious two-a-day you pulled today! Good grief man, talk about volume. :jaw:
Mostly Resolve/DragonFly inspired. I made reference to the both of you whilst I began my experimentation into hyper volumes.


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eeesh man. that is a serious double duty day. im extremely jealous. ive been off pretty much all training for almost a month now. just cardio, shoulder rehab, and hip mobility stuff right now. the above workout is something i day dream about at work haha.

also, what dog park do you go to? ive been trying to take my dog for walks every now and then but its getting kind of boring doing the same old walks. i usually go to koons park and let her play around there for a little bit, but dogs arent even supposed to be there. so i need to find her something more.
P.S. That Yoda outfit is effing hilarious, and the people at dog park are 99% mof the time super chill. The crowd there consists mostly of true to life animal lovers, not just dog owners, rarely do you come across douchey people who think their dog are actual children and get their panties in a bundle if they see dogs play fighting. I loved it when my dog used to wrestle with other dogs. 99% of the time their tails are wagging, they wrestle, bump chests and chase each other. Rarely do incidences occur where there is aggressive growling, but even then, for the most, these owners are lovers of their dogs and are knowledgeable about dogs and treat them like family members, and everybody watches out for everybody's dogs.

Oh, one more story of dog park. I was there one day with this super hyper active Boxer pup, and when it was time to go, the pup knew and would run around and away from his masters (two teenage kids, brother & sister). Once the dog was caught and leashed, the dog still didn't want to leave, so in true Ghandi, non-violence form, the boxer pup plopped on its side and had to be dragged, haha. Of course the owners wouldn't drag their pup by the neck from a leash for any amount of distance. They would stop, cox the pup to stand, and they'd make a few steps toward the exit, then the pup would plop back on its side and refuse to walk toward the exit, haha. It was hilarious.


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P.S. That Yoda outfit is effing hilarious, and the people at dog park are 99% mof the time super chill. The crowd there consists mostly of true to life animal lovers, not just dog owners, rarely do you come across douchey people who think their dog are actual children and get their panties in a bundle if they see dogs play fighting. I loved it when my dog used to wrestle with other dogs. 99% of the time their tails are wagging, they wrestle, bump chests and chase each other. Rarely do incidences occur where there is aggressive growling, but even then, for the most, these owners are lovers of their dogs and are knowledgeable about dogs and treat them like family members, and everybody watches out for everybody's dogs.

Oh, one more story of dog park. I was there one day with this super hyper active Boxer pup, and when it was time to go, the pup knew and would run around and away from his masters (two teenage kids, brother & sister). Once the dog was caught and leashed, the dog still didn't want to leave, so in true Ghandi, non-violence form, the boxer pup plopped on its side and had to be dragged, haha. Of course the owners wouldn't drag their pup by the neck from a leash for any amount of distance. They would stop, cox the pup to stand, and they'd make a few steps toward the exit, then the pup would plop back on its side and refuse to walk toward the exit, haha. It was hilarious.
:sigh1: I am really missing having a dog...


The BPS Rep
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Mostly Resolve/DragonFly inspired. I made reference to the both of you whilst I began my experimentation into hyper volumes.
Did you? Now I'm gonna have to go back and find that. I'm definitely a big fan of two-a-days; if you've got the recovery modalities necessary, it can really be awesome.

The more I train too, the more I realize that I respond best to high frequency and high volume. Good to see others trying it too! :)


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My back is destroyed. My acromio traps are agonizing, which is good and my erectors are sore in a perfectly healthy manner.

Chest is in pain, but not as back as my back. All & all, this is a perfectly desired outcome from yesterdays shennanigans.

Irish Cannon

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Did you? Now I'm gonna have to go back and find that. I'm definitely a big fan of two-a-days; if you've got the recovery modalities necessary, it can really be awesome.

The more I train too, the more I realize that I respond best to high frequency and high volume. Good to see others trying it too! :)
I put on some serious mass using that approach a couple months back, just before I injured myself. I believe I was doing 4 full body splits/wk, although it was only something like four sets/muscle group, so the volume wasn't too high...or maybe it was six sets...I can't remember.


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Did you? Now I'm gonna have to go back and find that. I'm definitely a big fan of two-a-days; if you've got the recovery modalities necessary, it can really be awesome.

The more I train too, the more I realize that I respond best to high frequency and high volume. Good to see others trying it too! :)
If you like high volume and high frequency .. try month 3 of the Freak workout. Carefull though it almost killed me, too much volume/frequency for me. Frankly I am curious to see if someone else can see if this workout is sane or not. :paranoid:


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Off-handed isolation day.

Forearm Focused "bi's" Day.

Db Hammer Curls x 5 sets
Barbell Reverse Curls x 4 sets
Barbell Wrist Curls x 4 sets
Smith-Barbell Reverse Curls x 4 sets
Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls x 3 sets
Machine, Preacher Curl x 3 sets
Cable Curls x 3 sets

Triceps Extensions x 5 sets
Reverse Triceps Extensions x 5 sets
Machine, Tricep Extension x 3 sets

My PRIME has gone to the way side and I'm back on T-911 solo. I think I took too much Melatonin last night, because I couldn't wake up for jack this morning and I still feel asleep :sick:


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Odd Workout, but in a good way

Today was my first day completely off PRIME, so I bumped my T-911 dosage up. I initially wanted to do squats today, but I felt my erectors might not be fully recovered from my deads, so I did back instead. However, as I finished back, I opted to do some squats and it felt great.

My squats improved A LOT today, but not in the sense of me pushing any PR's or extended reps. It was the confidence in stability that seemed to groove today and I noticed that my ATG was very stable at the bottom. Furthermore, my stance became narrower. I used to avoid free weight squats, even before my slip disc, because I had a clicky left knee cap, that would sometimes have sharp, shooting pains if I squated. Therefore, I feared collapsing to my left in the middle of a squat if I were using free weight, so when I did squat (back in the day), I would always use the Smith.

When I first began free squatting (about a month ago), due to my left knee "condition" I found myself subconsciously taking a very wide stance, almost sumo'esque. My feet would point outward and my inner thighs would receive the blunt of the burn. I would do this inadvertently, but I reason it was a natural defense mechanism to my knee "issue." However, today, I found that my stance was narrower, my feet were pointed forward, rather then outward and my knees were bending forward, so it looked like I was deep squatting and not like I was sitting down to take a deuce.

I felt great. My numbers didn't move up or down, but my form & stability finally hit a good groove.

On a bad note, my back workout was rather lame & weak.


Behind The Neck Pull Ups
BW x 10 reps
BW + 25lbs x 7 reps (-2 reps :sick:)
BW + 25lbs x 6 reps
BW + 25lbs x 5 reps
BW + 25lbs x 4 reps :sick:
BW x 7 reps
BW x 5 reps
BW x 5 reps

Behind The Neck, Hammer Lat Pull Downs
180lbs x 10 reps
180lbs x 8 reps
230lbs x 6 reps
230lbs x 5 reps
230lbs x 5 reps

Close, Neutral Grip Pull Ups
BW x 7 reps
BW x 5 reps
BW x 5 reps
BW x 5 reps

Wide Parallel Bars, Pull Ups
BW x 7 reps
BW + 25lbs x 4 reps :sick:
BW x 5 reps


Barbell Squats (HTC; hams to calves)
135lbs x 10 reps
155lbs x 10 reps
185lbs x 8 reps
185lbs x 5 reps
185lbs x 5 reps

Smith-Barbell Squats (CTF; cornhole to floor)
135lbs x 10 reps
135lbs x 8 reps
135lbs x 5 reps

The most exciting part of this workout was finally hitting a groove of form and stability with my squats.


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Today was my first day completely off PRIME, so I bumped my T-911 dosage up. I initially wanted to do squats today, but I felt my erectors might not be fully recovered from my deads, so I did back instead. However, as I finished back, I opted to do some squats and it felt great.

My squats improved A LOT today, but not in the sense of me pushing any PR's or extended reps. It was the confidence in stability that seemed to groove today and I noticed that my ATG was very stable at the bottom. Furthermore, my stance became narrower. I used to avoid free weight squats, even before my slip disc, because I had a clicky left knee cap, that would sometimes have sharp, shooting pains if I squated. Therefore, I feared collapsing to my left in the middle of a squat if I were using free weight, so when I did squat (back in the day), I would always use the Smith.

When I first began free squatting (about a month ago), due to my left knee "condition" I found myself subconsciously taking a very wide stance, almost sumo'esque. My feet would point outward and my inner thighs would receive the blunt of the burn. I would do this inadvertently, but I reason it was a natural defense mechanism to my knee "issue." However, today, I found that my stance was narrower, my feet were pointed forward, rather then outward and my knees were bending forward, so it looked like I was deep squatting and not like I was sitting down to take a deuce.

I felt great. My numbers didn't move up or down, but my form & stability finally hit a good groove.

On a bad note, my back workout was rather lame & weak.


Behind The Neck Pull Ups
BW x 10 reps
BW + 25lbs x 7 reps (-2 reps :sick:)
BW + 25lbs x 6 reps
BW + 25lbs x 5 reps
BW + 25lbs x 4 reps :sick:
BW x 7 reps
BW x 5 reps
BW x 5 reps

Behind The Neck, Hammer Lat Pull Downs
180lbs x 10 reps
180lbs x 8 reps
230lbs x 6 reps
230lbs x 5 reps
230lbs x 5 reps

Close, Neutral Grip Pull Ups
BW x 7 reps
BW x 5 reps
BW x 5 reps
BW x 5 reps

Wide Parallel Bars, Pull Ups
BW x 7 reps
BW + 25lbs x 4 reps :sick:
BW x 5 reps


Barbell Squats (HTC; hams to calves)
135lbs x 10 reps
155lbs x 10 reps
185lbs x 8 reps
185lbs x 5 reps
185lbs x 5 reps

Smith-Barbell Squats (CTF; cornhole to floor)
135lbs x 10 reps
135lbs x 8 reps
135lbs x 5 reps

The most exciting part of this workout was finally hitting a groove of form and stability with my squats.
haha, I am no longer telling people I do ATG squats...Now its CTF squats:laugh2:


  • RockStar
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Today was my first day completely off PRIME, so I bumped my T-911 dosage up. I initially wanted to do squats today, but I felt my erectors might not be fully recovered from my deads, so I did back instead. However, as I finished back, I opted to do some squats and it felt great.

My squats improved A LOT today, but not in the sense of me pushing any PR's or extended reps. It was the confidence in stability that seemed to groove today and I noticed that my ATG was very stable at the bottom. Furthermore, my stance became narrower. I used to avoid free weight squats, even before my slip disc, because I had a clicky left knee cap, that would sometimes have sharp, shooting pains if I squated. Therefore, I feared collapsing to my left in the middle of a squat if I were using free weight, so when I did squat (back in the day), I would always use the Smith.

When I first began free squatting (about a month ago), due to my left knee "condition" I found myself subconsciously taking a very wide stance, almost sumo'esque. My feet would point outward and my inner thighs would receive the blunt of the burn. I would do this inadvertently, but I reason it was a natural defense mechanism to my knee "issue." However, today, I found that my stance was narrower, my feet were pointed forward, rather then outward and my knees were bending forward, so it looked like I was deep squatting and not like I was sitting down to take a deuce.

I felt great. My numbers didn't move up or down, but my form & stability finally hit a good groove.

On a bad note, my back workout was rather lame & weak.


Behind The Neck Pull Ups
BW x 10 reps
BW + 25lbs x 7 reps (-2 reps :sick:)
BW + 25lbs x 6 reps
BW + 25lbs x 5 reps
BW + 25lbs x 4 reps :sick:
BW x 7 reps
BW x 5 reps
BW x 5 reps

Behind The Neck, Hammer Lat Pull Downs
180lbs x 10 reps
180lbs x 8 reps
230lbs x 6 reps
230lbs x 5 reps
230lbs x 5 reps

Close, Neutral Grip Pull Ups
BW x 7 reps
BW x 5 reps
BW x 5 reps
BW x 5 reps

Wide Parallel Bars, Pull Ups
BW x 7 reps
BW + 25lbs x 4 reps :sick:
BW x 5 reps


Barbell Squats (HTC; hams to calves)
135lbs x 10 reps
155lbs x 10 reps
185lbs x 8 reps
185lbs x 5 reps
185lbs x 5 reps

Smith-Barbell Squats (CTF; cornhole to floor)
135lbs x 10 reps
135lbs x 8 reps
135lbs x 5 reps

The most exciting part of this workout was finally hitting a groove of form and stability with my squats.
The super wide stance allows you to engage your quads much earlier in the movment. There is not much stress on narrow stance till you get much lower. The thing about wide stance is you can perform shorter movement and still get paralell. Really a matter of preference the wide stance does go easier on the knees and it's easier to stay back on your heels. You probably know all this though :paranoid:


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^ true. Ive messed both my knees up from heavy, ATG squats, using POOR form, and lots of excessive bouncing due to me being younger, in highschool, and not knowing what I know now. I took off for a while, then started squatting wide stance. If you have the hip flexibility, its all gravy,.... although I do know some ppl who have a hard time with ATG squats narrow or wide, due to flexibility. And you get alot more ham/glute activation from wide stance. Throw in some knee to knee hacks for the teardrop and BOOYAH!!!!

-BTW Keep rockin' it Volcom.


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Lookn good brothuh Sam!! :head:

So what gains did you make overall from the Prime?


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Lookn good brothuh Sam!! :head:

So what gains did you make overall from the Prime?
Huge bump in strength. My strength has already declined a bit since I've been off.

The T-911 did show signs off inadvertent size, but I didn't really experience any strength boost while on it (still on it for the record). The PRIME promoted an acutely notable strength boost and a seemingly notable strength decline once I came off of it. Today's workout is a good example of my current situation.


Flat Bench
225lbs x 10 reps
275lbs x 8 reps (-2 reps :sick:)
275lbs x 5 reps (significant strength decline, I had to drop the weight).
225lbs x 8 reps
225lbs x 6 reps
225lbs x 5 reps

Incline Bench
185lbs x 10 reps
205lbs x 8 reps
225lbs x 5 reps (this was not my day for bench)

Weighted Dips
BW x 10 reps
BW + 45lbs x 8 reps
BW + 70lbs x 7 reps
BW + 70lbs x 5 reps
BW + 45lbs x 6 reps

That was it for today, whether it was lack of rest from the culmination of this weeks iron work, lack of proper dietary demands or lack of PRIME, I was sickly weaker, both in terms of absolute strength and endurance :sick:

A couple rest days from any "major" lifting may prove a more integral standing of my current conditions.


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Huge bump in strength. My strength has already declined a bit since I've been off.

The T-911 did show signs off inadvertent size, but I didn't really experience any strength boost while on it (still on it for the record). The PRIME promoted an acutely notable strength boost and a seemingly notable strength decline once I came off of it. Today's workout is a good example of my current situation.


Flat Bench
225lbs x 10 reps
275lbs x 8 reps (-2 reps :sick:)
275lbs x 5 reps (significant strength decline, I had to drop the weight).
225lbs x 8 reps
225lbs x 6 reps
225lbs x 5 reps

Incline Bench
185lbs x 10 reps
205lbs x 8 reps
225lbs x 5 reps (this was not my day for bench)

Weighted Dips
BW x 10 reps
BW + 45lbs x 8 reps
BW + 70lbs x 7 reps
BW + 70lbs x 5 reps
BW + 45lbs x 6 reps

That was it for today, whether it was lack of rest from the culmination of this weeks iron work, lack of proper dietary demands or lack of PRIME, I was sickly weaker, both in terms of absolute strength and endurance :sick:

A couple rest days from any "major" lifting may prove a more integral standing of my current conditions.
Interesting .... with you the strength gains kick in early and leave almost as soon as you stop dosing with me they come slower but stay longer after I am off.

Irish Cannon

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This is the reason I'm not in too much of a rush to try PRIME. I don't care too much if I get strength that won't stick when I'm off. I guess the point is to increase strength to put your muscles under a heavier load, ergo, increase LBM in the process.

For those that have tried it, will the LBM stick better than the strength gains?


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This is the reason I'm not in too much of a rush to try PRIME. I don't care too much if I get strength that won't stick when I'm off. I guess the point is to increase strength to put your muscles under a heavier load, ergo, increase LBM in the process.

For those that have tried it, will the LBM stick better than the strength gains?
The body recomp is the best part the gains are all natural. I have managed to remain the same weight while getting considerably leaner. The mass isn't going anywhere. Not all the strength gains leave, you stop getting stronger but most of the strength is going to stay. It's not like you go back to the same as when you started you are bigger and stronger and that's not going to change after discontinued use. I don't think it's strength you lose but the lack of focus and aggression absent when Prime is not present can cause some lack in performance. This is a much better explanation.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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I have never really noticed a strength drop-off per se; really, I just stop increasing strength as rapidly as before.


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I've always kept my strength but interestingly enough, the side-effect I hated th most was the decrease in appetite from not supplementing Prime due to the terminalia chebula content. I take Prime = I'm not hungry


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I can't really say for certain what element caused my recent lack of performance, which is why I left the verdict open, pending a few days necessary rest. I did mention I'd pushed all week on major lifts and in excessive volume that I have never done previously. Therefore, lack of appropriate rest in whole and in particular to that specific muscle group could be a viable factor. I know how long I need to rest to properly recuperate my usual 3 set pyramid, 4-5 exercises routine, but not my recent up to 10 sets, 3-4 exercises routine.


  • RockStar
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I have never really noticed a strength drop-off per se; really, I just stop increasing strength as rapidly as before.
I am often in a calorie deficit so my performance may drop off a pit in between Prime runs. As a matter of fact it's Prime that allows me to perform at an above average level during recomp. Then there is a residual effect with me that lasts about 2 weeks. Also I plan my peak of my routine at the end of my run so it's really harder to discern if there is any real lack of performance. I know there is no way I attack the weights with the same intensity but I know that and I plan for it.


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i had a similar effect when i came off drive for the first time. i had started dosing pretty high, being that i weighed 187-190 but i was dosing at 8 per day, and i used that protocol for a couple weeks before i ran out.

it was awesome. PRs every workout, could go for hours. then once i stopped, it was like mullet said. not so much a strength loss, but everything seemed mediocre from there. PRs decreased significantly, no more super volume days, took a little longer in between sets, etc etc.

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