Volcom's PRIME & T-911 Stack



NutraPlanet Rep
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Roight, and if 'im like da supplement geeza, den dat means 'e is sold wif geezas as a addition to 'dem.
Aiii bruva! yous already nah wa gwan. peeps on in da house don't feel east side away...well not evun afta da while. fe da win!


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Haha, yes. Sorry Volcom: more complexity, less absurdity.


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There ya go. I've read more posts like this regarding DTH, then one's like mine.
I read all the great posts as well....that was why I tried it. It didn't prove out. Oh well....move on to other supplements. Hell, that's where the fun is anyway... the anticipation.


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Resolve/Dragonfly'ish'esque Style


Flat Bench
225lbs x 12 reps
275lbs x 10 reps [This was about avg when I "started" on flat, during my last PRIME cycle]
275lbs x 8 reps
275lbs x 6 reps [I normally would have stopped here at 315lbs for 4-5 reps]
275lbs x 5 reps [trying something new & pushing the limits]
275lbs x 5 reps

Incline Bench
185lbs x 10 reps
205lbs x 8 reps
225lbs x 7 reps
225lbs x 6 reps
225lbs x 5 reps

Hammer Dips
180lbs x 10 reps
230lbs x 8 reps
230lbs x 7 reps [Threw up real quick
230lbs x 6 reps
230lbs x 5 reps

Close Grip Bench
135lbs x 15 reps
155lbs x 8 reps
155lbs x 7 reps
155lbs x 7 reps

I felt like taking a more voluminous approach to my high intensity weight. My right spinae erector is giving me problems, so that discouraged my core/compound premise that I've been working with. When all else fails, we tend to reset to our default settings and for me, that's more traditional bodybuilding. As I contemplated a possible full-on transition back to my more traditional routine, I thought, "I've done the 3 sets, pyramid thing with PRIME before, but that's very been there done that and I'm much more curious about something new, rather then revisiting that same road (as successful as it was)."

Resolve's psychotic 7 set routine always makes me scratch my head in intrigue and Dragonfly has been averaging 5-6 working sets as well. Only Resolve doesn't pyramid to the same extent as DF (if my memory serves me correctly), so I was spontaneously inspired to do a bit of both.

I know that on the flat bench, 275lbs is a limit where adding just 20lbs more (dimes on each side), completely devastates my rep range, so I kept it at 275lbs, with the idea that I'll just keep going until I can't exceed 5 reps.

I knew that on the incline, I'm not as strong, but the 185 was too easy, so I pyramided until I found a weight that I felt drew the most out of me, without it being too heavy for a decent reps count, and again, I'd just keep going until I can't exceed 5 reps.

It's just a trial hybrid of high intensity and high volume, and it's no revolutionary idea, nor do I feel it's especially advantageous, I'm just looking for a new way to travel to the same State, but a different part of the City.



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I just finished it and loved it A bottle of DTH 120 tab, 5 tabs a day was my sweet spot.
Good to hear... I'll run a similar dosage, I have 2 bottles of the older version don't know how many tabs. It's a bit of a let down when not on Prime... looking for something to keep me going when not Priming.


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I'm still trying out my newly, Resolve & Dragonfly inspired routine; Uncharacteristically high number of sets for high intensity lifts, while maintaining some aspects of pyramiding.


Behind The Neck Pull Ups (Body weight)
x 10 reps
x 8 reps
x 7 reps
x 6 reps
x 6 reps
x 5 reps

Neutral Grip Pull Ups (BW)
x 8 reps
x 7 reps
x 6 reps
x 5 reps

Behind The Neck, Hammer Lat Pull Downs
180lbs x 10 reps
200lbs x 8 reps
200lbs x 6 reps
200lbs x 5 reps

Lat Pull Downs
190lbs x 10 reps
210lbs x 8 reps
230lbs x 6 reps
250lbs x 5 reps

My workout felt a bit underwhelming this morning, but I sort of expected it. Early morning, pre-work, workouts don't normally turn out well unless I'm on jet-fuel stims, which I'm not. I'm on SX by Anabolic Xtreme, but that's more of a low level, all day sustained stim, not the get you out of bed from 0-60 stims.

I'm definitely a post-work, workout type of guy, but no worries. I intend on hitting a second session later, delts & traps, so I may have a chance to make up for my underwhelming morning. Truth be told, I'm not so sure that my workout was so much generally lame in terms of numbers, as it was that I felt that I simply lacked intensity, but again, I'm certain that had everything to do with lifting in an early morning, zombie state.

The three most notable aspects I've noticed on this stack, was:

1. Increased Strength (self explanatory)

2. Increased Muscle Endurance/Stamina: I've noticed that toward the end of my workouts, though I may be suffering from a general sense of fatigue, I find that I can still push with an almost fresh intensity when the rubber meets the road and I begin the next set. I find that I can still push very heavy toward the end of my workouts lately.

3. Increased Recovery (self explanatory)

One side benefit I've enjoyed from running PRIME & T-911, is that on my PRIME "off" days, I'm still on SOMETHING. I've only been able to do a 5 ON, 1 OFF schedule with PRIME. I'm hoping to do a 7 days a week dosing schedule, but we'll see if certain things work out.

P.S. I'm not very sore from yesterday's chest devastation and I SHOULD be, if for no other reason then it was a new routine and my muscles should be shocked. I took those heavy sets two to three times deeper then I normally do.


NutraPlanet Rep
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You still like everything from the back I see


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Actually, those behind the neck pull ups are a bit of a Rocky Balboa effect. I think I recall seeing him doing behind the neck pull ups when I was young and I wanted to do them, too, but I've always been too heavy to be able to do regular pull ups, let alone Balboa Pull Ups. It wasn't until just recently, following my cut about 2-3 months ago, that I started to be able to effectively do pull ups. I tried a Balboa Pull Up one day, when I cut down to around 195lbs and what the hell, I was able to do them, so I've been making up for lost time.

I weigh 198lbs, clearly I can do lat pull downs well beyond my body weight, but pull ups are still the most challenging, so I really feel that they are especially effective.

Apart from that, I have always preferred behind the neck shrugs and behind the neck Military's.


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They just look so much more baddass!


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Did I ever tell you about the Crucifix Pulldowns, Volcom? The one where you lay flat on the lat tower, and pull down in front of you?


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Did I ever tell you about the Crucifix Pulldowns, Volcom? The one where you lay flat on the lat tower, and pull down in front of you?
I've heard you mention this before... You're laying back, while seated on the pulldown chair? Would the cable then be at a 45(ish) degree angle?


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Did I ever tell you about the Crucifix Pulldowns, Volcom? The one where you lay flat on the lat tower, and pull down in front of you?
I don't believe so, could you provide a more detailed description por favor? I'm all ears to all things lats.


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Im listening..


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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I've heard you mention this before... You're laying back, while seated on the pulldown chair? Would the cable then be at a 45(ish) degree angle?
I don't believe so, could you provide a more detailed description por favor? I'm all ears to all things lats.
Essentially, it is like a laying down lat pulldown. At the top of the eccentric motion, you look like you are being crucified; hence, Crucifix Lat Pulldowns.

This is the set up: take the leg holders, and set them at around middle position. Once you have that setup, grip the bar and pull the cable out, and rest your pelvis on the leg holders, and your feet straight back behind you. So, at the start of the lift, your hands are in the air, gripping the bar at the widest position, and your body is lying completely flat, with pelvis on the leg holders, and legs completely straight. (Picture a horizontal crucifixion.) On the concentric, I alternate between pulling behind the neck, and in front of the face, as it concentrates on different muscle groups.

I usually pair these with rope pulldowns, on a 3 set super-set: 15 reps each set, 4 second eccentric, 2 second concentric, 2 second pause.


  • Established
Actually, those behind the neck pull ups are a bit of a Rocky Balboa effect. I think I recall seeing him doing behind the neck pull ups when I was young and I wanted to do them, too, but I've always been too heavy to be able to do regular pull ups, let alone Balboa Pull Ups. It wasn't until just recently, following my cut about 2-3 months ago, that I started to be able to effectively do pull ups. I tried a Balboa Pull Up one day, when I cut down to around 195lbs and what the hell, I was able to do them, so I've been making up for lost time.

I weigh 198lbs, clearly I can do lat pull downs well beyond my body weight, but pull ups are still the most challenging, so I really feel that they are especially effective.

Apart from that, I have always preferred behind the neck shrugs and behind the neck Military's.
You could try "clap" pullups as well. Explode up, clap hands in mid air and grab hold the bar immediatley after, let yourself down. I cant do them anymore at my gym now, as they do not have a straight pull up bar but some flimsy angled bar, which is harder to actually grab hold of. I think these gave me pretty much most of the lats I am rocking now. Plus they make regular pull ups so much easier down the road, by giving you alot more explosive strength at the bottom of the rep.


  • RockStar
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Curious as well...


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You could try "clap" pullups as well. Explode up, clap hands in mid air and grab hold the bar immediatley after, let yourself down. I cant do them anymore at my gym now, as they do not have a straight pull up bar but some flimsy angled bar, which is harder to actually grab hold of. I think these gave me pretty much most of the lats I am rocking now. Plus they make regular pull ups so much easier down the road, by giving you alot more explosive strength at the bottom of the rep.
Holy sh*t. Those sound intense!


  • Established
Holy sh*t. Those sound intense!
lol, yea they are. You overload the lats by using some body English at the bottom, which allows you to go higher, (so you can clap and have enough time to grab a hold of the bar on the way down). I think it really shocks them in a different way, and is the main reason I can do pullups all day long......and I aint no lightweight, lol.:lol:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1JqtbRPNps"]YouTube - 20 clapping pullups[/ame]


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Dood is ruckin fipped!!


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Essentially, it is like a laying down lat pulldown. At the top of the eccentric motion, you look like you are being crucified; hence, Crucifix Lat Pulldowns.

This is the set up: take the leg holders, and set them at around middle position. Once you have that setup, grip the bar and pull the cable out, and rest your pelvis on the leg holders, and your feet straight back behind you. So, at the start of the lift, your hands are in the air, gripping the bar at the widest position, and your body is lying completely flat, with pelvis on the leg holders, and legs completely straight. (Picture a horizontal crucifixion.) On the concentric, I alternate between pulling behind the neck, and in front of the face, as it concentrates on different muscle groups.

I usually pair these with rope pulldowns, on a 3 set super-set: 15 reps each set, 4 second eccentric, 2 second concentric, 2 second pause.
Ah, gotcha, thanks for the details. I always like trying news ways to stimulate the muscle. I "used" to do something to the same effect, but a different way.

Essentially, I'd lay down on a decline bench, usually the free decline bench. The one's where you'd find near the Db's. Take the EZ Bar and a very wide grip, where the hands are just at the end of the bar, behind the weights.

Lay back on the decline bench, the starting position would look like a wide grip bench press, but you'd bring the bar back and end with your arms stretched above your head (which requires crazy eccentric control)... lather, rinse, repeat.


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You could try "clap" pullups as well. Explode up, clap hands in mid air and grab hold the bar immediatley after, let yourself down. I cant do them anymore at my gym now, as they do not have a straight pull up bar but some flimsy angled bar, which is harder to actually grab hold of. I think these gave me pretty much most of the lats I am rocking now. Plus they make regular pull ups so much easier down the road, by giving you alot more explosive strength at the bottom of the rep.
I don't think I'm light enough to be able to do clap pull ups. I'm still hyped just to be able to do regular pull ups at the moment, but they looked pretty crazy.


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Today's 2nd Workout


Behind The Neck Military Press
135lbs x 10 reps
155lbs x 8 reps
155lbs x 6 reps
155lbs x 6 reps
155lbs x 5 reps

Hammer Shoulder Press
180lbs x 10 reps
230lbs x 10 reps
230lbs x 7 reps
230lbs x 7 reps
230lbs x 5 reps

Db Lateral Raises
40lbs Db's x 10 reps
40lbs Db's x 9 reps
40lbs Db's x 8 reps

Bent Over Db Lateral Raises
40lbs Db's x 10 reps
45lbs Db's x 8 reps
50lbs Db's x 8 reps
55lbs Db's x 6 reps

Upright Rows
95lbs x 10 reps
115lbs x 7 reps
115lbs x 6 reps
115lbs x 6 reps
115lbs x 5 reps

I kind of feel like crap. I probably shouldn't have done a double-workout on my third consistent day. It's not that working out three days in a row is anything extraordinary, its not uncommon for me to do five, six days in a row, but it's the fact I'm doing it on PRIME, and PRIME allows me to exert more then what I am normally able to, both in weights used and total volume. Therefore, I assume my body needs more rest then usual.

I didn't get this feeling on T-911, but I was also doing an every other day workout schedule, so recovery was never an issue.

Either way, it's all good. I sort of like the feeling that I've thrashed myself, I just need to ensure that I take a rest day tomorrow. I get OCD about working out when I'm making some form of progression somewhere in my workout with each session (via supplements), so I need to take a break tomorrow. :whiner:

All in all, I'm enjoying myself.


NutraPlanet Rep
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Prime is giving you THAT much endurance and recovery?



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Wow, just wow.


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Prime is giving you THAT much endurance and recovery?

The endurance portion can also be effected by a placebo effect of enthusiasm, but not solely placebo. I could still be enthused, but too gassed to perform ya know, but in reality, I am closing out my workouts really strong and I wouldn't know how to fake that.

I've noted improved recovery, but I don't think I've really made that much of a hoopla about the recovery portion... have I?


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The endurance portion can also be effected by a placebo effect of enthusiasm, but not solely placebo. I could still be enthused, but too gassed to perform ya know, but in reality, I am closing out my workouts really strong and I wouldn't know how to fake that.
That's what she said, OH!



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I don't think I'm light enough to be able to do clap pull ups. I'm still hyped just to be able to do regular pull ups at the moment, but they looked pretty crazy.
I hear ya. The biggest thing is learning the rhythm and momentum.The body "sway" will substitute for what strength you don't have. First time I tried them I could only do like 2-3. Couple months later I was doing 20 reps like nothin'.


  • RockStar
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You have to watch how you use the extra endurance on Prime... that ****e will catch up to you in a hurry.


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Actually, those behind the neck pull ups are a bit of a Rocky Balboa effect. I think I recall seeing him doing behind the neck pull ups when I was young and I wanted to do them, too, but I've always been too heavy to be able to do regular pull ups, let alone Balboa Pull Ups. It wasn't until just recently, following my cut about 2-3 months ago, that I started to be able to effectively do pull ups. I tried a Balboa Pull Up one day, when I cut down to around 195lbs and what the hell, I was able to do them, so I've been making up for lost time.

I weigh 198lbs, clearly I can do lat pull downs well beyond my body weight, but pull ups are still the most challenging, so I really feel that they are especially effective.

Apart from that, I have always preferred behind the neck shrugs and behind the neck Military's.
I find the same and doing heavier lat pulldowns never made my pullups any better. By the way, that workout looks INTENSE :eek: :D

I don't think I'm light enough to be able to do clap pull ups. I'm still hyped just to be able to do regular pull ups at the moment, but they looked pretty crazy.
One step at a time ;)


Behind The Neck Military Press
135lbs x 10 reps
155lbs x 8 reps
155lbs x 6 reps
155lbs x 6 reps
155lbs x 5 reps

Hammer Shoulder Press
180lbs x 10 reps
230lbs x 10 reps
230lbs x 7 reps
230lbs x 7 reps
230lbs x 5 reps

Db Lateral Raises
40lbs Db's x 10 reps
40lbs Db's x 9 reps
40lbs Db's x 8 reps

Bent Over Db Lateral Raises
40lbs Db's x 10 reps
45lbs Db's x 8 reps
50lbs Db's x 8 reps
55lbs Db's x 6 reps

Upright Rows
95lbs x 10 reps
115lbs x 7 reps
115lbs x 6 reps
115lbs x 6 reps
115lbs x 5 reps

I kind of feel like crap. I probably shouldn't have done a double-workout on my third consistent day. It's not that working out three days in a row is anything extraordinary, its not uncommon for me to do five, six days in a row, but it's the fact I'm doing it on PRIME, and PRIME allows me to exert more then what I am normally able to, both in weights used and total volume. Therefore, I assume my body needs more rest then usual.

I didn't get this feeling on T-911, but I was also doing an every other day workout schedule, so recovery was never an issue.
I was assuming that too and now I think my assumption was wrong :lol:

Don't be too impressed, I'm fudging my numbers... DAMN! this was suppose to be a PM!


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You have to watch how you use the extra endurance on Prime... that ****e will catch up to you in a hurry.
Yes. I was recalling your post in your own log regarding this, and this was something I experienced during my last run. Today is a rest day for sure.


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DOMS in the chest is minimal and no DOMS in my lats or delts, too bad...


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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DOMS in the chest is minimal and no DOMS in my lats or delts, too bad...
You can try 50 rep supersets with a 20 rep weight, no breaks in between. Worked for me last night.



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135lbs x 12 reps
185lbs x 8 reps
185lbs x 6 reps
185lbs x 5 reps

Dead Lifts
185lbs x 10 reps
235lbs x 8 reps
285lbs x 6 reps
335lbs x 5 reps

135lbs x 15 reps
185lbs x 8 reps
185lbs x 6 reps
185lbs x 5 reps
185lbs x 4 reps

On to more important things UFC 100!!!!!! YEEEESSSS!!!!! My boy won.


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UFC 100 Spoiler Chat. Don't read if you don't want the results!

UFC 100 Spoiler Chat. Don't read if you don't want the results!

Akiyama: I expected a lot more out of him, and although I was cheering for him 100%, I thought his opponent was robbed of a victory. Maybe Akiyama successfully landed more strikes, TD's, it was hard to tell, but for sure, his opponent was pushing the fight and seemed like the dominant fighter.

GSP vs Alves: Wow, if Alves was GSP's deadliest opponent, then GSP is without apology, the Fedor of the UFC welter weight. He is too far head & shoulders above his competition. His TD's were successfully executed at will and he left the fight utterly unscathed. However, crazy respects to Thiago for all those times he powered his way back up to his feet and for his tenacity to be beat 5 rounds straight, but never losing heart. Mad respects to Thiago for his heart.

Henderson vs Bisping: What can you say?

Brock vs Mir: My fight of the night. Although I was rooting 100% for Brock, I have to say that Mir showed a respectable amount of class in defeat. I thought for sure he was going to say something douchey, but instead, I was taken aback by the class and humility he showed in defeat.

Brock, well, I understood where that hate & rage for Mir came from, but of course I would have preferred that he handled himself with some more class, but man, Brock's sheer disdain for Mir was not at all pre fight dramatics, he genuinely hates that man. Luckily for me, I was rooting for Brock and I don't like Mir, so I didn't feel so bad. I was thrilled when Brock won and I hope he continues to improve.

I've never seen such devastation from 6 inch range punches. That man is a beast.


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Well I just went through your entire log to find out when was the last time you did deads. 50lb increase according to my research

:clap2: Sam !

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