TrIpDoG's TribTest Extreme(mega dosed), Incarnate, and Ready 4 War

TripDog; said:
Holy sh*t today was one of my most hardcore days in a long time...
How so? What could have caused this?
tribtest 3/3/2
incarnate 3/3
r4w 3/2/1

Holy sh*t today was one of my most hardcore days in a long time. I was at the gym for 3 hours going 200 miles an hour. Was doing elliptical sprints between sets, and hit 55 mins of straight cardio..... NUTS!!!! I didnt do any max sets, I was just too wired to stand still. Y'all would have been proud of ol' boy Trip today. I may take tomorrow off not sure yet, will see in the morning.


~Trippin dawg
"pauses and sniffs the air...."smells very musky in alpha-male musk!!" Way to stoke the fires bro!! Keep burning down the house Tripinski! :smite: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:
Damn, I think he did! I've never tried R4W personally, but the ingredients suggest that 6 is EXTREME!
Keep on keeping on, Trip!
That's just how the Tripdog rollz!! He's a freakin' beast!!:twisted: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:
prob. 6 ready4war caps.

Trip u took 6 r4w's in one day?
Yea I love it, I'm definitely a sucker for a good stim product that isn't just crap caffeine. I took 3 about 1/2 hour before the gym, 2 after an hour at the gym, and 1 when I got home. There was a lot of coffee in there too. R4W is runnin through these veins chuck; I wish I invented it..;) Get Diesel is making some serious strides chuck, keep it fresh man!!!
damn trips your crazy! I have not gone past 4 caps and that gets me rollin with some seriously intense workouts.
Day 15

Tribtest 3/3/2
incarnate 3/3
r4w 3/2

Ok, todays workout was kinda dragging...I think i blew my load yesterday and didn't eat enough carbs to refuel. Regardless my sh*t workouts are still good. I sometimes forget that when you drain all your glycogen from rigorous lifting and cardio, you need to put that stuff back if you plan on a gangsta workout. So a big "my bad" on that one.

A few new zits on my back and face, but thats just indication that I am harnessing more its all good and welcomed.

Strength is actually very good, I hit my max today on seated military, and that was when I was on that 3-ad cycle, so retention of strength is in effect with the TribTest mega dose.

Thats bananas in my book,
Tribtest 3/3/2
incarnate 3/3
r4w 3/2

Ok, todays workout was kinda dragging...I think i blew my load yesterday

glad this didnt go in the direction I was fearing.

All and all are you getting any "increased" test effects or similar effects to your DTH run?
glad this didnt go in the direction I was fearing.

All and all are you getting any "increased" test effects or similar effects to your DTH run?
I'm starting to become a d*ck to people (like everyone I see) thats my sure fire way to tell my test is higher than normal. What do you mean fearing the direction?
sorry i just stumbled across the thread definatly subbed, pretty excited to see what the 10 months of ghrp-6 do for you is it the version that stims appetite or the version without?? also i supplemeented with ghrp-6 for 2-3 weeks and the results were short of amazing! 500mics daily tho 250 am 250 pm
Chuck what is the purpose of Pregnenolone in R4W? I would assume its not for the stim aspect but the testosterone boosting?

It is a prohormone so without looking into it to much this could be detrimental to PCT (depending on how you weigh the benefits I suppose).
day 16

tribtest 3/3/2
Incarnate 3/3
r4w 3/2

Today was a day off, so nothing updated in terms of workout shizzy. Saturday workouts are usually my best, so stay tuned.

Day 17

TribTest 3/3/2
Incarnate 3/3
r4w 3/2/1

Wow, boy was I wrong about saturday workouts. The weather in New Hamp is so fukcin on and off it makes me fukcing sick. When it's dark and like 35 degrees I get NO ambition to do anything let alone lift. Today was one of those waste of a day days. I hit the gym and lifts were pretty good, but just was not in the zone today. I can't wait to get back to Florida and get the fukc out of this sh*t state. I love New England, but there is a better way to live y'all.....whew!

I can definitely tell test is up cause I am getting rather brash with people. Almost like I can't control my comments, and stare down like everyone I see. I love being a d*ck though it's fun, but can be hard to settle down some times. I am just starting to notice this in the last 2 days. So it must like chuck said slowly build up in your system and then show the signs.

I can't imagine this feeling stacked with something like Diesel Test Hardcore or some sh*t. I'm getting this boost just from my own natty test levels without any test boosters (tribtest does have 2 forms of tribulus though) That stack must wreck frickin sh*t up (dth,tribtest).

I'm out,

Chuck what is the purpose of Pregnenolone in R4W? I would assume its not for the stim aspect but the testosterone boosting?

It is a prohormone so without looking into it to much this could be detrimental to PCT (depending on how you weigh the benefits I suppose).
I would read more on pregnenolone. it reduces cortisol and increases mental clarity
TribTest 3/3/2
Incarnate 3/3
r4w 3/2/1

Wow, boy was I wrong about saturday workouts. The weather in New Hamp is so fukcin on and off it makes me fukcing sick. When it's dark and like 35 degrees I get NO ambition to do anything let alone lift. Today was one of those waste of a day days. I hit the gym and lifts were pretty good, but just was not in the zone today. I can't wait to get back to Florida and get the fukc out of this sh*t state. I love New England, but there is a better way to live y'all.....whew!

I can definitely tell test is up cause I am getting rather brash with people. Almost like I can't control my comments, and stare down like everyone I see. I love being a d*ck though it's fun, but can be hard to settle down some times. I am just starting to notice this in the last 2 days. So it must like chuck said slowly build up in your system and then show the signs.

I can't imagine this feeling stacked with something like Diesel Test Hardcore or some sh*t. I'm getting this boost just from my own natty test levels without any test boosters (tribtest does have 2 forms of tribulus though) That stack must wreck frickin sh*t up (dth,tribtest).

I'm out,

I understand what you're saying Tripster about being rash with people and not hardly being able to control your comments to them and sh*t. But I only release like that on people that really deserve it anyway. I'm just telling them what they really need to hear to improve and be a better human-being. Or at least, this is my take on it! :think: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:
Weather is crazy all over man!

TribTest 3/3/2
Incarnate 3/3
r4w 3/2/1

Wow, boy was I wrong about saturday workouts. The weather in New Hamp is so fukcin on and off it makes me fukcing sick. When it's dark and like 35 degrees I get NO ambition to do anything let alone lift. Today was one of those waste of a day days. I hit the gym and lifts were pretty good, but just was not in the zone today. I can't wait to get back to Florida and get the fukc out of this sh*t state. I love New England, but there is a better way to live y'all.....whew!

I can definitely tell test is up cause I am getting rather brash with people. Almost like I can't control my comments, and stare down like everyone I see. I love being a d*ck though it's fun, but can be hard to settle down some times. I am just starting to notice this in the last 2 days. So it must like chuck said slowly build up in your system and then show the signs.

I can't imagine this feeling stacked with something like Diesel Test Hardcore or some sh*t. I'm getting this boost just from my own natty test levels without any test boosters (tribtest does have 2 forms of tribulus though) That stack must wreck frickin sh*t up (dth,tribtest).

I'm out,


Yeah Trips the weather is crazy all in good old Wisconsin you have no idea what to expect right now. Take Saturday here for was a real sh*tty day to start off with as it was cold and raining, but then by mid afternoon it was gorgeous as the sun was beaming down and around 55-60 Degrees. It screwed my fishing for Saturday, but no matter...Sunday was all good and a perfect day to be out on a lake....:woohoo:

BTW...through reading your log've got me amped to try out Trib Test :thumbsup:

Bananas Bud! :cheers: :toofunny:
lol dude - imagine being outside in the rain and cold for a charity volleyball tournament... where I was essentially Saturday... Durham, NH. God was I ever ****ing miserable. Weather is extremely ****ing shitty for May :aargh:

Yeah trip's coming back down here to Florida, actually not 2 far from where I live, but Im going back to Chicago in a home town......2 damn hot here in the south......with 2 many bugs......but love the beach being so close.
Yeah Trips the weather is crazy all in good old Wisconsin you have no idea what to expect right now. Take Saturday here for was a real sh*tty day to start off with as it was cold and raining, but then by mid afternoon it was gorgeous as the sun was beaming down and around 55-60 Degrees. It screwed my fishing for Saturday, but no matter...Sunday was all good and a perfect day to be out on a lake....:woohoo:

BTW...through reading your log've got me amped to try out Trib Test :thumbsup:

Bananas Bud! :cheers: :toofunny:

Its been 85-88 here everyday for like 3 weeks.......should be over 92 degrees everyday from about May 20th to Oct 1st.
dude, you guys don't know weird weather til you live in STL for a year. it could be 80 degrees one day, then snowing and in the 20s the next, NO JOKE! sh1t, this morning i woke up to a, get this, FVCKING EARTHQUAKE!! not a big one, only like 2.6 on the Richter Scale or whatever but c'mon, STL.... EARTHQUAKES????? its like, the 6th one in a month!!!!!!! wtf. pretty wild stuff to hear the earth rumbling over the hills then get to your house and shake the walls and sh1t!
dude, you guys don't know weird weather til you live in STL for a year. it could be 80 degrees one day, then snowing and in the 20s the next, NO JOKE! sh1t, this morning i woke up to a, get this, FVCKING EARTHQUAKE!! not a big one, only like 2.6 on the Richter Scale or whatever but c'mon, STL.... EARTHQUAKES????? its like, the 6th one in a month!!!!!!! wtf. pretty wild stuff to hear the earth rumbling over the hills then get to your house and shake the walls and sh1t!
what is stl?
Yeah trip's coming back down here to Florida, actually not 2 far from where I live, but Im going back to Chicago in a home town......2 damn hot here in the south......with 2 many bugs......but love the beach being so close.

you guys in florida can laugh at the rest of us all yr while we suffer the elements.

......but then hurricane season comes.....and payback is a b!tch!
you guys in florida can laugh at the rest of us all yr while we suffer the elements.

......but then hurricane season comes.....and payback is a b!tch!

Honestly hank, i'd take that chance every year to have what florida has to offer year-round. We had one bad year in 2004 with hurricanes in recent times, other than that smooth sailing. I like the fact that i can leave on a cruise at anytime with only a 30 minute drive from here. :D You can't beat the weather here, it's freakin' unreal.:afro:
Days 18,19

TribTest 3/3/2
Incarnate 3/3
R4w 2/2

Both were days off from training, actually I did a mild home workout yesterday. ANyway tomorrow is game time and I can't fukcin wait. Everyday I wake up and know it's a gym day there is a certain hop in my step that I can't explain. I live to train and make it like a full time job in every aspect. Just something I always loved sence I can remember.

Recovery is great, and been eating my bodyweight lately.

Keep it gangsta,

TribTest 3/3/2
Incarnate 3/3
R4w 2/2

Both were days off from training, actually I did a mild home workout yesterday. ANyway tomorrow is game time and I can't fukcin wait. Everyday I wake up and know it's a gym day there is a certain hop in my step that I can't explain. I live to train and make it like a full time job in every aspect. Just something I always loved sence I can remember.

Recovery is great, and been eating my bodyweight lately.

Keep it gangsta,


How are you goin' to "Keep it gangsta" when you don't even have GTA4? :rolleyes:;)
Trip, how's the Incarnate helping your bicep situation out?
And yes I will, "keep it gangsta!" :D
It's kinda an on-going injury that never really heals.... effin sucks.
Are you going to get it checked out? The last thing you need is to rupture that bad boy. 8-10 months of recovery puts a damper in overall progress.
I hope it heals up, though. Hmmmm, maybe some good ol' peptides can help. :D
It's kinda an on-going injury that never really heals.... effin sucks.
Are you going to get it checked out? The last thing you need is to rupture that bad boy. 8-10 months of recovery puts a damper in overall progress.
I hope it heals up, though. Hmmmm, maybe some good ol' peptides can help. :D
I hurt it once before helping fukcin trauma move out of his 3rd floor appartment back in healed after like 5 months. Thats the point of the peptides to help aid the recovery, and add a little extra buff to this here.
Everyday I wake up and know it's a gym day there is a certain hop in my step that I can't explain. I live to train and make it like a full time job in every aspect.
When I quit abusing drugs and alcohol about 7 years ago I became the same way. This is one sport that I can apply all the old energy...."to productive" :D

Mouth For War

I'm screaming revenge again
I've been wrong for far too long
Been constantly so frustrated
I've moved mountains with less
When I channel my hate to productive
I don't find it hard to impress

Bones in traction
Hands break to hone raw energy
Bold and disastrous
My ears can't hear what you say to me

Hold your mouth for the war
Use it for what it's for
Speak the truth about me

I feel a conquering will down inside me
The strength of many to crush
Who might stop me
My strength is in number
And my soul lies in every one
The releasing of anger can better any medicine under the sun

There comes a time within everyone to close your eyes to what's real
No comprehension to fail
I vacuum the wind for my sail
Can't be the rest
Let others waste my time
Owning success is the bottom line.
Like a knife into flesh
After life is to death
Pulling and punching the rest of duration
NO ONE can piss on this determination
When I quit abusing drugs and alcohol about 7 years ago I became the same way. This is one sport that I can apply all the old energy...."to productive" :D
I hear you, its a productive madness that makes everything else work. I can't ever see myself not being a gym rat. I used to be wild but don't drink or drug anymore, well if you dont consider gear drugs that is..:)
When I quit abusing drugs and alcohol about 7 years ago I became the same way. This is one sport that I can apply all the old energy...."to productive" :D

It's awesome to hear stories like this B. Congrats and stay strong brother! :)

P.S. pantera ROCKS!!!!! :head::head:
It's kinda an on-going injury that never really heals.... effin sucks.
Are you wearing the neoprene elbow support like I advised you? It really helps. I wear one on my right arm for all workouts. Like you said, it's an on-going thing that keeps on going. That's the same thing you and I do also. We keep on going!! :aargh: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:
Day 20

tribtest 3/3/2
incarnate 3/3
r4w 3/2

Tore it apart at the gym for 2 1/2 hours today (did like everything possible) Rage is getting enhanced fo-sho, and I fukcin went off on some random ock at the gym today for no real reason.

Skin is rather greasy and I have to wash the face like 5 times a day. Some mild chest acne poppin up.

So it seems around day 17-18 things started to make themselves known (noticeable aggression increase).

Staying very lean even with a calorie increase at night


Kill or be killed,
lmao guy prob shat heamself! Rock on Tripster!
New Hampshire. That's what.

People ask me the same thing and I say the same damn thing.

Believe me, you'd understand if you lived here.
Yup-yup brings out the insanity in a mofo. :aargh:
I hope it heals up, though. Hmmmm, maybe some good ol' peptides can help. :D
I now have 110mg of ghrp-6 to start soon, and run for a good portion of this year. :D Love it