Team Juggernaut ft. Booneman77 - 3 months to Mass!



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You read my mind :) have both joint support xt and cissus coming day after tomorrow! That stack really helped when my knee was bugging me about a year or so ago. Haven’t had any issues since either.
you’ll be in top shape in no time. Cissus kicks in quick!


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Good deal getting a little modification on the training. Hope this clears up as quickly as it sprung on you.


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You’re looking great, Boone! You still traveling a lot for work? I need a job like yours.
Thanks P! yes, every single week ha... I counted it up and I have 48 straight weeks booked where I will be in at least one other city (out of state too) than my house ha. Trying to get 4 more to make it a full year haha.


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Weighed in today just to check up since I was a bit skeptical of the saturday weight and as expected I was up to 185.5lb. Sent that to my coach to make the call but I would expect a "no change" for this week to see how things move after the initial shock of adding all those post workout carbs a few times.

Gonna hit the gym today and see how things go with the wrist.Looks like mostly presses and rows (back/chest) so I think I should be ok for most of the movements. Pain today has actually been almost none (havent twisted or done anything tho either) but its clicking and popping like crazy - doesnt hurt when it does this, jsut weird. Almost like cracking a knuckle... no pain, but a clear pop/crack. Still some pain if i press right on the tendon tho so I know theres still some issues.


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Thanks P! yes, every single week ha... I counted it up and I have 48 straight weeks booked where I will be in at least one other city (out of state too) than my house ha. Trying to get 4 more to make it a full year haha.
That’s crazy.. I’ll Be packing up and moving every couple of years and I know I’m going to get tired of that real fast! I can’t imagine different cities every week, even if you aren’t moving your home each time, that’s still hectic lol


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Thanks P! yes, every single week ha... I counted it up and I have 48 straight weeks booked where I will be in at least one other city (out of state too) than my house ha. Trying to get 4 more to make it a full year haha.
Haha, living the dream, Boone!


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That’s crazy.. I’ll Be packing up and moving every couple of years and I know I’m going to get tired of that real fast! I can’t imagine different cities every week, even if you aren’t moving your home each time, that’s still hectic lol
Not necessarily different cities each week but not Home that’s for sure ha. For example I’ve been in the same city in Wisconsin for about 12 of the last 18weeks so it’s kinda like a “temp home” haha


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Workout tonight wasn’t too bad on the wrist. A couple moves bugged it but I used versa grips and turned them slightly off center to change the area they pulled on my wrists to make some rows more manageable. Oddly, the upright rows I did were easier on my shoulders but I think this was from the extra wide grip and not going very high as that made my wrist flex in a painful way. I wrapped the wrist up with paper tape and that def helped as well (actually get better than the ace wrap I have been using at night and such). Prob will try that again on Thursday. Just walking on the schedule for tomorrow but I’m at my cottage building a house for the day so I’ll be getting more than a walk in ha


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Not necessarily different cities each week but not Home that’s for sure ha. For example I’ve been in the same city in Wisconsin for about 12 of the last 18weeks so it’s kinda like a “temp home” haha
Is that pretty difficult on your relationship? Being away for so long and such.


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Is that pretty difficult on your relationship? Being away for so long and such.
Nah, we did long distance when I was in atl and traveling and she was still in pitt. We’re just kinda used to it ha. Plus we’re both a little weird and like our alone time ha


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Not necessarily different cities each week but not Home that’s for sure ha. For example I’ve been in the same city in Wisconsin for about 12 of the last 18weeks so it’s kinda like a “temp home” haha
That's not too bad then! I was out of town WITH my girlfriend for work for the first time this summer for only 3 months and was seriously getting slightly depressed from not seeing any of my family or friends for a few weeks lol, I definitely have separation anxiety and I will be the first to admit it's pretty pathetic.


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That's not too bad then! I was out of town WITH my girlfriend for work for the first time this summer for only 3 months and was seriously getting slightly depressed from not seeing any of my family or friends for a few weeks lol, I definitely have separation anxiety and I will be the first to admit it's pretty pathetic.
You’re just an internet tough guy, Rascal! Jk ??


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That's not too bad then! I was out of town WITH my girlfriend for work for the first time this summer for only 3 months and was seriously getting slightly depressed from not seeing any of my family or friends for a few weeks lol, I definitely have separation anxiety and I will be the first to admit it's pretty pathetic.
Haha I’m the total opposite... I literally had no family or friends in Atlanta (not even close either all were in pitt or philly) where I live until my girl moved down in March. I kinda enjoyed all time me time haha.


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Today was an entire workout of noting but supersets. A couple for arms to start and then a quad focused leg blast. Woof was this a brutal one. Been a long time since I’ve been that exhausted between sets and at the end of a workout. Legs were just totally... kicked haha.

Some of the arm stuff I had to find the right position To hold or move to avoid my wrist but overall not too bad. I’ve been using paper tape and wrapping it up and that seems to help. Cissus and joint support xt started last night when I got them and I’ll run them both out or longer (min 30 days).

Strength has continued to increase and rather dramatically on some lifts. I really wish this program has more of the big 3 (they’re quite rare so far) as I’d love to see those go up as they’re the only lifts I’ve ever really measured my progression with. Obviously I tracked all but those are the talking point types. Might have to sneak in a few reps one day and not mention it haha.

Talked to my coach after weighing in Tuesday as an update since I didn’t trust the number and I was up to 185.5 so a pretty big jump. After some discussion we said it made sense to keep this week the same and see again since training volume and frequency was a bit lower but activity (not sitting at a desk all day) was gonna be higher and some walking/light cardio was in the plan. On top of that I’ll have access to the same scale this weekend so I don’t have that potential flaw to work around.


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That's a big jump. Seems the recovery with more calories and lower frequency is allowing for some strength increases. That is always a good thing. Probably also has to do with your CNS recovering better too and not just your muscle.


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That's a big jump. Seems the recovery with more calories and lower frequency is allowing for some strength increases. That is always a good thing. Probably also has to do with your CNS recovering better too and not just your muscle.
Definitely. Tho I do enjoy the marathon workouts when I have them ha. Yesterday was 90+min and today looks to be the same. 90 min of supersets is awesome.

The one thing that really slows me down right now is losing and unloading plates/db’s One handed ha. All that twisting and turning is the motion that hurts the wrist the worst so I just look like retard carrying and loading with my awkward left hand


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Definitely. Tho I do enjoy the marathon workouts when I have them ha. Yesterday was 90+min and today looks to be the same. 90 min of supersets is awesome.

The one thing that really slows me down right now is losing and unloading plates/db’s One handed ha. All that twisting and turning is the motion that hurts the wrist the worst so I just look like retard carrying and loading with my awkward left hand
Yeah that sucks, right now I am trying to do most loading with my left hand because my right forearm is still a bit tender. The pinch grip and moving the weight around applies pressure in just the right angle to annoy it. So I have been trying to do most of it with my left. Sometimes using my right just to guide. Not as bad as it is with you though as I am left handed so it isn't as awkward.


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Definitely. Tho I do enjoy the marathon workouts when I have them ha. Yesterday was 90+min and today looks to be the same. 90 min of supersets is awesome.

The one thing that really slows me down right now is losing and unloading plates/db’s One handed ha. All that twisting and turning is the motion that hurts the wrist the worst so I just look like retard carrying and loading with my awkward left hand
Haha. That's how I felt after my shoulder surgery


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Wrist held up pretty well today for some back and chest with a bit of shoulders. Taped it up again for some extra support. Definitely not nearly as long of a workout tho as yesterday, maybe 60min or so, all supersets again.

Got a last minute call to play some ice hockey tonight too which was a good time. Gonna play again in the morning too and count that as my “walking” cardio I was tabbed to do tomorrow. We will see what my weight looks like too


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Played a couple games of ice hockey fri night (11p) and day morn (8a)... thought these would bug my wrist and for sure wrist shots hurt but oddly after the games my wrist has since felt actually better through the day... stopped wrapping it except for the gym today and it seems to be feeling well. Cissus xt, joint support xt, some anti inflammatories and the right amount of luck seem to have helped a ton.

Workout today was great and I got to squat too which was nice. Put up 295 for sets of 8 which I think may have been a pr... not sure tho ha. Overall workout went great and wrist still held up. Enjoying xmas eve and day with the fam and then road tripping back to atl for my first few days at home in months! Can’t wait to lift at my normal gym for a few days.


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Off days the last two for xmas and then yesterday the road trip back home. Back and chest today went well and the wrist is feeling better daily.

Talked to coach last night and since weight was only up a little this week we’re keeping things steady again. He said the goal is to get me up to about 190-195lb and then start to recomp from there. I told him I didn’t want to gain much more fat so not to focus totally on the scale numbers and that I will be judging the pics to help make the calls.

Also tried out testing to see if anyone reads the in-app workout notes I’ve been filling out as I feel like I’ve been wasting my time ha:


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Off day yesterday after some arms and legs Thursday. There is a lot of direct arm work in these workouts (far more than I’ve ever done, especially biceps) which I’m meh about. Feels like a waste of time mostly. Granted I need triceps work but the amount of bis as well seems a lot for me as I really don’t need it from having naturally round/bulky biceps and small/flat triceps. Definitely one of the features I wish got customized rather than just a standard routine.

Had a solid back/chest/shoulder workout today. All lifts continue to go up slowly but surely. Weight today was 186.9 so only up a bit but I definitely look and feel very soft compared to last week. Noted this for my coach today as well.

Planning to workout tomorrow and Monday and then off Tuesday for travel to butthole nowhere New York. No clue what chance I’ll have to lift while there tues-fri. It’s a VERY tiny town so prospects are probably pretty bad. Hoping the hotel at least has some db’s or a cable machine.


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Any response to your workout notes.


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Legs and some arms yesterday followed by a massage (maybe the best I’ve ever had... a really cool “stand on your back” type). Didn’t do anything crazy for NYE except enjoy a few Oreos and a couple glasses of whiskey.

Got this and next weeks workouts and shuffled things around a bit to fit my week. Pulled in back/bis to today because there FINALLY were deadlifts! Of course when I got there today and started I realized how smoked my legs were from the day before so numbers were below avg but man did it feel good to pull some big weight.

Just talked to coach a few min ago and we agreed I’m getting way too soft and it’s time to change gears. Starting this weekend we’re changing to more of a recomp to try to maintain size but drop some fat. Hopefully this goes as planned as otherwise all I’ve done is get big and fat ha.

Travel day tomorrow and then hopefully some workouts weds/thurs depending on what’s available in the tiny town I’m in (painted post, ny haha)


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Also, left another comment in the notes to see. Looks like those are totally ignored. As well coach keeps asking me how far I stray from the diet.... as if I haven’t tracked every food for over a year in the linked mfp... kind of annoyed when he asked that as it seems like he’s assuming I’m not following the plan as the results aren’t what is “desired”.


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Also, left another comment in the notes to see. Looks like those are totally ignored. As well coach keeps asking me how far I stray from the diet.... as if I haven’t tracked every food for over a year in the linked mfp... kind of annoyed when he asked that as it seems like he’s assuming I’m not following the plan as the results aren’t what is “desired”.
I get asked the same thing


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Honestly doesnt seem like the reports are too happy with the programs so far.


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Not at all. I wonder if it occurred to him to adjust macros. Hopefully not an I do well on this type of diet if you don’t then you must not be following instructions guys.


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Following the Facebook page it does seem the local team members that meet face to face get a much more personalized plan and just from what I have experienced being online it seems to be a simple cookie cutter plan


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Honestly doesnt seem like the reports are too happy with the programs so far.
I'm a bit of a mixed bag... there are certainly aspects that are straight awful, others that are ok, and things I actually like or at least learned from. Certainly not an overwhelmingly positive experience though thus far.

Not at all. I wonder if it occurred to him to adjust macros. Hopefully not an I do well on this type of diet if you don’t then you must not be following instructions guys.
Yeah that does seem to be a major issue is that everything is just "here's MY tpe of diet plan... follow that and be like me"... we all know thats not realistic.

Following the Facebook page it does seem the local team members that meet face to face get a much more personalized plan and just from what I have experienced being online it seems to be a simple cookie cutter plan
Agreed. It definitely seems the locals/pro's get a different type/level of coaching. Much more what i would expect ALL coachees to get, since we all "pay" the same.


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I'm a bit of a mixed bag... there are certainly aspects that are straight awful, others that are ok, and things I actually like or at least learned from. Certainly not an overwhelmingly positive experience though thus far.

Yeah that does seem to be a major issue is that everything is just "here's MY tpe of diet plan... follow that and be like me"... we all know thats not realistic.

Agreed. It definitely seems the locals/pro's get a different type/level of coaching. Much more what i would expect ALL coachees to get, since we all "pay" the same.
Right, now during a prep that isn't always the case with seasoned prep coaches. Some of them charge much more during prep and definitely get special treatment. However, even in that situation, if you are going to offer a secondary service for the general public it should at least be a good service.


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Managed to find the local YMCA here and got in a solid chest/tri workout. Their gym as the most packed place I've ever seen with maybe a total of like 200sqft of space but tons of machines (including like 10 each treadmills/elipt/steppers/etc) and free weights. You literally could not avoid hitting other people or machine with barbells or any free weights as it was so cluttered, but still, cant compain about not having all the equipment. Whatever works!... definitely plunged a barbell into some girl's behind tho (maybe a bit on purpose ha) while benching... didn't even break my stride tho ;)

I also think their weights were a bit light as i was doing almost everything 10+lb more than even my best sets where I had missed a rep or two previously . No way strength increased that much in a few days ha.


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Super short session for shoulders only tonight. Actually went after dinner as I ahd a work meeting/dinner at 6. ended up at the gym about 8:15 and was out in 35min flat. simple session that really just wasn't difficult as the reps were low on mostly isolation type moves. I love a good shoulder workout but this one was a total bust. Short, easy, and just not what I would call effective.


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Bummer, shoulders are fun!!!! Nothing as cool as a massive shoulder pump to fill out your physique!


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Interesting post from coach on fb. Seems maybe more people than just us feel we don’t get the answers we think we should.

My problem is I’ve been pretty thorough and still get short answers and what I consider minimal effort... might talk to him about this.


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Interesting post from coach on fb. Seems maybe more people than just us feel we don’t get the answers we think we should.

My problem is I’ve been pretty thorough and still get short answers and what I consider minimal effort... might talk to him about this.
Maybe you could include that in your feedback and let him know he's giving short answers when you are asking questions lol


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Interesting post from coach on fb. Seems maybe more people than just us feel we don’t get the answers we think we should.

My problem is I’ve been pretty thorough and still get short answers and what I consider minimal effort... might talk to him about this.
I just saw that, lol. Or people stop giving feedback because we are tired of getting a dumb answer such as just give it time followed by a emoji


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I would respond to this directly in the group asking why your messages are ignored and your training is not changed or why the 3 of you are all doing the same personalized workouts with different goals... No way I would let this guy post a condescending post like this when the plans and interaction you all have had with him has been pretty pathetic.

I would even mention the "I have been leaving notes in the workout notes asking for someone to contact me if they actually read it and not one coach has responded... No way I would have anyone chastising me when they are not doing their part.

Just WOW, this guy has a lot of balls for someone who lives on gear...
Juicedeez utz

Juicedeez utz

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MrKleen73 officially “going in” haha but I agree, don’t get this much to be fair. Bring back the PHAT!!


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We shall see what kind of response this gets...


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No response from Carl. Just one other guy from the group offering to answer any questions or talk.

Very short leg workout today only 4 leg exercises then two calves. Still hurt though ha.

Should be getting a new diet tomorrow based on what I was told last weekend. Weight was up again today (189.6lb) and softness is evident.


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No response from Carl. Just one other guy from the group offering to answer any questions or talk.

Very short leg workout today only 4 leg exercises then two calves. Still hurt though ha.

Should be getting a new diet tomorrow based on what I was told last weekend. Weight was up again today (189.6lb) and softness is evident.
We may have had the same leg day lol.


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Here’s the response:

Last two images are staring and ending bodyweight.

Some of this I’m ok with but I replied on a few of the points i felt we’re still false or misrepresented.. 14lb gained yes, muscle tho vs fat? Training updated for injuries and such? Not a chance. Diet literally has been changed twice (base-current-plus 300c post workout)... not sure where this will go from here but it needed to be discussed.

Also some idiot (see: nuthugger) had to stick their nose in and make some asinine comment about “dealing with us”:


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Got almost an immediate response to my follow up(s). Honestly this is a better final result as it sounds like we’re fine to continue until the goals are met silentsavage0523 nicksox15



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Oh, so this is a test run with doing this. No wonder you all are free. I thought this was more a running advertisement, but if a test and learning process for them and they are willing to extend then I would also expect that you will see much more interaction if you choose to extend the process. I imagine that was a bit of a wake up call to him and he HAD to address it semi-publicly within the group which must have been humbling.

Maybe you stick around and see if he changes his interaction a bit. Maybe with more attention he can get you happy. Sounds like he is adjusting to the new volume of clientel and just found out that he is relying too much on the automated stuff...

This is part of what makes me nervous about doing my own thing on a bigger scale than a few at a time. I want to make sure I am also giving people what they need.


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It would have been nice to have been told we were test subjects. I was under the impression that they have been doing online coaching for a while.


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Oh, so this is a test run with doing this. No wonder you all are free. I thought this was more a running advertisement, but if a test and learning process for them and they are willing to extend then I would also expect that you will see much more interaction if you choose to extend the process. I imagine that was a bit of a wake up call to him and he HAD to address it semi-publicly within the group which must have been humbling.

Maybe you stick around and see if he changes his interaction a bit. Maybe with more attention he can get you happy. Sounds like he is adjusting to the new volume of clientel and just found out that he is relying too much on the automated stuff...

This is part of what makes me nervous about doing my own thing on a bigger scale than a few at a time. I want to make sure I am also giving people what they need.
Yeah he and I talked via pm a bit after and he told me we are his first online and app only clients so definitely learning from his side as well.

Should have a recomp plan coming (hopefully tonight). I plan to stick with him for awhile longer to see how things change and improve.


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It would have been nice to have been told we were test subjects. I was under the impression that they have been doing online coaching for a while.
As was I. That was what we were led to believe for sure.

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