Team Juggernaut ft. Booneman77 - 3 months to Mass!



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Didn't you have some finishers on upper body stuff last week? Maybe he is cycling through upper and lower body adding volume and or intensity in waves...

Guessing reps were around 8-12, and from what it looks like he was going from smallest to largest heads of the delts, pre-exhausting them before getting into what I imagine were relatively lighter Uprights and Shoulder press than usual due to the pre-exhaustion. I can see how all of that build up would / could be beneficial considering that the delts tend to grow really well with higher reps / volume than they do pure heavy loads.

I am with you on the strange layout though because I like to use muscles that tie in together, I would feel a little disconnect going from rear delt work directly to front without engaging the medials. However if you have a hard time engaging the medials pre-exhausting the front and rear delts before hand is going to force the focus on the medial delts. So it may not feel natural but I can see how it could be beneficial.
every day has had some form of intensity or finisher up until this week. this week its only the leg day and its nearly a circuit type workout ha.

and yes, you're totally right for me as well that lateral/medial is the hardest to target by far. I find that DB front raises are far more effective for fronts (for me) and uprights just never seem to do anything but trap work (which i do realize is also actually part of this plan and never on my designs since I am trap dominant with just about any upper body ex. anyway). Just me being picky and critical tho.

In all honesty, I think the est part about having a coach thus far has been having s reason/excuse/motivation to actually commit to something completely different, like it or hate it, and see. I may not "like" the exercises, but if in 3mo I find this setup produces results, you wont hear see me switching back ha.That was one of my biggest reasons to apply for this was just to "give up control" and see what I would not have done myself and how it works (or doesnt). So far, plenty of disagreements as well as plenty of areas where things have been exactly as I would have done them myself. I do really feel like this will be a great learning process even if it all goes to hell, and for that I'm always going to be excited and motivated.


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every day has had some form of intensity or finisher up until this week. this week its only the leg day and its nearly a circuit type workout ha.

and yes, you're totally right for me as well that lateral/medial is the hardest to target by far. I find that DB front raises are far more effective for fronts (for me) and uprights just never seem to do anything but trap work (which i do realize is also actually part of this plan and never on my designs since I am trap dominant with just about any upper body ex. anyway). Just me being picky and critical tho.

In all honesty, I think the est part about having a coach thus far has been having s reason/excuse/motivation to actually commit to something completely different, like it or hate it, and see. I may not "like" the exercises, but if in 3mo I find this setup produces results, you wont hear see me switching back ha.That was one of my biggest reasons to apply for this was just to "give up control" and see what I would not have done myself and how it works (or doesnt). So far, plenty of disagreements as well as plenty of areas where things have been exactly as I would have done them myself. I do really feel like this will be a great learning process even if it all goes to hell, and for that I'm always going to be excited and motivated.
Yeah, so far it is a bit different than what you are used to but you are making some gains, I am sure they will shape up in the way you want them to over the next 3 months.


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every day has had some form of intensity or finisher up until this week. this week its only the leg day and its nearly a circuit type workout ha.

and yes, you're totally right for me as well that lateral/medial is the hardest to target by far. I find that DB front raises are far more effective for fronts (for me) and uprights just never seem to do anything but trap work (which i do realize is also actually part of this plan and never on my designs since I am trap dominant with just about any upper body ex. anyway). Just me being picky and critical tho.

In all honesty, I think the est part about having a coach thus far has been having s reason/excuse/motivation to actually commit to something completely different, like it or hate it, and see. I may not "like" the exercises, but if in 3mo I find this setup produces results, you wont hear see me switching back ha.That was one of my biggest reasons to apply for this was just to "give up control" and see what I would not have done myself and how it works (or doesnt). So far, plenty of disagreements as well as plenty of areas where things have been exactly as I would have done them myself. I do really feel like this will be a great learning process even if it all goes to hell, and for that I'm always going to be excited and motivated.
Yeah, so far it is a bit different than what you are used to but you are making some gains, I am sure they will shape up in the way you want them to over the next 3 months.


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So as much as I disliked Tuesday’s workout, yesterday’s was great. Rep ranges and layout was similar but exercises and just overall flow was far better. Had a decent pump considering the reps and really went hard on the last set. Triceps are a bit sore today but not as much biceps (which were brutally sore last week ha).

Off day today for travel and two workouts in my home town gym before another travel day Sunday to get back to PA for the next week and a half


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Weigh ins today were shocking. Weight was back down to 175.7lb. I also took all my measurements again just to see and most things were up (including my waist ha) so that’s good.

Workout last night was back and abs. Same rep ranges as the others this week. Nothing good or bad about this particular one.

Today was legs. A bit of a weird workout as i was excited to get in there, but my first few lifts were just off (not sure why)... once I got going tho all was ok though except for some cramping I experienced when fully contracting both my hams and quads (as well as a few foot cramps during calf work). Not sure why tho. Def not due to dehydration since I’m drinking like 2gal a day ha. Also today’s workout was all supersets except squats which was pretty intense.


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Yesterday I did chest first thing in the morning and then hit the road for the 12hr drive back for thanksgiving. Workout was great and this was actually the first morning workout since starting this plan. I wasn’t sure about the post workout nutrition since normally carbs are included so I asked but didn’t get a response until this morning so I just went without and had my normal meal plan (all carbs in the eve).

New training came out for this week and only 3 days (I’m super bummed). It’ll be easy with my schedule since I’ll be away from the gym sat/sun but would’ve been better next week when I’m not sure if I’ll have any gym access the entire week (guaranteed not mon-weds). Just sucks mentally because I’m actually on vacation this week and can go when I want but don’t have any scheduled now...

On the diet front, so far he hasn’t said he’s changing anything. Honestly I’m getting a bit frustrated as I’m feeding him every bit of info o can in regards to diet/training/feelings/digestion/etc etc and I’ve literally gotten 3 short response (all last night at 1-2am)... just saying “huh not sure if your body adjusted to the diet or you just didn’t eat” (in ref to weight), “eat your Post carbs and then go back to the normal” (in red to morning periworkout nutrition), and “your fluid retention has a big range” (in ref to my morning and evening weight being 10lb diff).

So far, into week 4 and I’m still on the exact same diet I was on day 1 as a “base”, and training seems to be following an already set/defined program that everyone else in build mode follows. Still waiting to see some form of customization or actual “coaching”


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Today (since I have a small thanksgiving tonight) will be one of my 3 training days for back/arms/abs.

Full thanksgiving on Thursday will be after legs and will have chest and shoulders the day after.
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Sounds like a poor coach in regards to communication. Which is one of the biggest factors in choosing a coach lol When I hired my bodybuilding coach we were in CONSTANT contact, either e-mail or text; didn’t matter. Also, when I worked with my PL coach, we talked every day. Granted, we lifted together as well but still.


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Wow, so he came right out first time something didn't look like he expected and tossed out the "Maybe you aren't doing your part" already???

I think you should respond letting him know that so far you are pretty unimpressed. That everything has seemed pretty cookie cutter so far. Also mention the fact you have made comments about his lack of nutritional updates and you not being happy with current progress yet still no update to diet is giving you a negative impression of the process. Also if this guy knows you are logging HIS PRODUCT but doesn't care enough to create a profile and follow along is well... I don't need to say anything else...


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Don't feel bad I'm trying to cut and weight has stayed the same for three weeks and I'm still on base diet. Only answer I get is let's see how it goes with training be changed up.


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Don't feel bad I'm trying to cut and weight has stayed the same for three weeks and I'm still on base diet. Only answer I get is let's see how it goes with training be changed up.
Wow 3 weeks in and no changes in weight or diet... while on a cut??? Are you leaner? Is your waist smaller? If not what the hell is going on over there.


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Waist was a bit thinner the after the first week but other than that no changes.


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Sounds like a poor coach in regards to communication. Which is one of the biggest factors in choosing a coach lol When I hired my bodybuilding coach we were in CONSTANT contact, either e-mail or text; didn’t matter. Also, when I worked with my PL coach, we talked every day. Granted, we lifted together as well but still.
Yeah I expected a lot as that’s what was advertised (tons of coach contact, team is always there as well, if I everywhere, etc). So far the complete opposite.

Wow, so he came right out first time something didn't look like he expected and tossed out the "Maybe you aren't doing your part" already???

I think you should respond letting him know that so far you are pretty unimpressed. That everything has seemed pretty cookie cutter so far. Also mention the fact you have made comments about his lack of nutritional updates and you not being happy with current progress yet still no update to diet is giving you a negative impression of the process. Also if this guy knows you are logging HIS PRODUCT but doesn't care enough to create a profile and follow along is well... I don't need to say anything else...
Yeah I think he was half joking about the not eating but still the next statement after I clearly stated that was not the case was just about my fluid retention which seemed a little underhanded to me.

I’ve been very blunt with him and plastering our pm with messages but get about 1:10 response to my messages.

Don't feel bad I'm trying to cut and weight has stayed the same for three weeks and I'm still on base diet. Only answer I get is let's see how it goes with training be changed up.
Yep I’m still on the base diet as well. I keep getting “let’s see how your body adjusts”

Honestly, I’m not all that worried about it because I’m not paying for it so it is what it is, but I’m not gonna sugar coat anything either and the pictures and weight will tell the rest of the story so everyone can make their own judgements and take my commentary as my opinion on the process.


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Good log so far, hopefully things start getting better!


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Yeah I expected a lot as that’s what was advertised (tons of coach contact, team is always there as well, if I everywhere, etc). So far the complete opposite.

Yeah I think he was half joking about the not eating but still the next statement after I clearly stated that was not the case was just about my fluid retention which seemed a little underhanded to me.

I’ve been very blunt with him and plastering our pm with messages but get about 1:10 response to my messages.

Yep I’m still on the base diet as well. I keep getting “let’s see how your body adjusts”

Honestly, I’m not all that worried about it because I’m not paying for it so it is what it is, but I’m not gonna sugar coat anything either and the pictures and weight will tell the rest of the story so everyone can make their own judgements and take my commentary as my opinion on the process.
Maybe it is just me but if I gave out some free 3 month programming to gain more interest in my business I would be giving them the gold standard... I mean you want to regardless but this is your attention grabber so you would want to show what you can really do. Being unresponsive or glib with answers seems a bit lackluster for something intended to bring you business.


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Maybe it is just me but if I gave out some free 3 month programming to gain more interest in my business I would be giving them the gold standard... I mean you want to regardless but this is your attention grabber so you would want to show what you can really do. Being unresponsive or glib with answers seems a bit lackluster for something intended to bring you business.
Totally agree. Although based on our first convo, I’m not all that sure he was away of the “giveaway” ha. He approached our talk like any other client talking about payment and such u til I mentioned that portion. Not sure that is/has played a part or not, but I agree, if you want to market something, you should put the effort there


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Totally agree. Although based on our first convo, I’m not all that sure he was away of the “giveaway” ha. He approached our talk like any other client talking about payment and such u til I mentioned that portion. Not sure that is/has played a part or not, but I agree, if you want to market something, you should put the effort there
Out of curiosity, how much does he charge a month or is that not something you are supposed to share?


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Out of curiosity, how much does he charge a month or is that not something you are supposed to share?
Nah it’s posted right on their main site: $125/mo


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Frustration for this week: on vacation all week but only 3 workouts. Hate hate hate this.


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Last two days were off days but I did some yoga Tuesday (Mom wanted to go- I can’t stand it) and had an hour and a half to kill so I just accidentally wandered into the gym yesterday and did a few rack pulls and some other quick back work and then hit the sauna. Only about 20min of workout time but good for a quick sweat and my brain ha.

I raised some questions and concerns yesterday about a few things, first why the program so far has had no deadlifts and was told (in an almost immediate response) “unless you’re going pro in power or bb, I’m just saving them/your back joints”... I responded with “well with only 3 months to make a dramatic transformation shouldn’t you use the best tools? And more than just a base diet for all of us?”... got no response to that.

I was the first person in the gym today, 10min before they opened to kill some legs before our yearly turkey cup hockey game. 50min workout and then off for 3 straight hours of hockey... I’d say I earned my dinner today ;)

Happy thanksgiving everyone!


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I asked about deadlifts also in the beginning and just got " just wait and they will come later "


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I asked about deadlifts also in the beginning and just got " just wait and they will come later "
I can somewhat understand in your case because you’re in a deficit and that’s a brutal exercise on the body. But for someone trying to build max muscle and in a surplus it makes no sense. Especially considering the timeframe, you’d think you would use as many major moves as possible.


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What the? How do you stimulate growth without deadlifts?


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That’s weird, I have had deadlifts every week, some weeks two variations of them. I’m dealing with a herniated disc and mentioned that so just doing lighter weights/higher reps with them


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Even when I run my own cuts, I still deadlift and works out fine


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What the? How do you stimulate growth without deadlifts?
Haha this might be a little dramatic but along my line of thought.

That’s weird, I have had deadlifts every week, some weeks two variations of them. I’m dealing with a herniated disc and mentioned that so just doing lighter weights/higher reps with them
WTF?! That literally makes ZERO sense... of all the people that should NOT be doing deadlifts haha... now I’m really beginning to question this guy. That’s just irresponsible.

Even when I run my own cuts, I still deadlift and works out fine
Me too. But I could understand saying “they’re very rough on the body during a cut so we program them less” as that’s still true. I just think that a full body lift like that is one of the best for both muscle building/surplus as well as during a cut, just less weight or volume to minimize the potential for injury or excessive damage.


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I'm wondering since he only does nutrition. And the training part is in a way pimped out to others, if he knows what's programmed training wise.


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Haha this might be a little dramatic but along my line of thought.

WTF?! That literally makes ZERO sense... of all the people that should NOT be doing deadlifts haha... now I’m really beginning to question this guy. That’s just irresponsible. .
I can still do them, and I said I could in the initial questionnaire, I just stated I keep it light so would prefer no heavy deads. But yea, following that I had two weeks in a row with 2 different deadlift movements back to back, after sending in a message the first time that happened asking for only one variation.


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I can still do them, and I said I could in the initial questionnaire, I just stated I keep it light so would prefer no heavy deads. But yea, following that I had two weeks in a row with 2 different deadlift movements back to back, after sending in a message the first time that happened asking for only one variation.
Meanwhile I’m over here with a healthy back, in a surplus, trying to gain as much size as possible and begging for any deadlift haha


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Chest and shoulders yesterday for my last workout for about 5 days. Up at my camp now to hunt so I won’t be able to lift til at least Wednesday, maybe Thursday. Weight this morning was 179.5 so pretty much right back where I had been. I’m sure there will be some changes next week since I’ve been consistent here.


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New meal plan starting this week. Calories bumped up over 3100 and fats are a good bit more. Also some apples added in there as well.

Got a long message from my coach talking about how we’re going to continue to tinker to ensure reasonable growth but minimal fat gain. He even went so far as to say that the 12 week timeframe is not the end if the right look/progress hasn’t been achieved so we will see.


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Still waiting for my updated diet.


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Well that’s 2/3 with new meal plan, I’ll be on the lookout for mine to get updated


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Got my buck yesterday by 10am (10 point woo) so I spent the rest of the day running all through the woods and helping drag other guys deer. Was a hell of a cardio day ha.

Decided to come home a day early and hit the gym today so I could get two good workouts in for sure before going to Orlando thurs-sun with the gf. Picked back and bi today and will hit legs tomorrow. The other workouts are chest and shoulders and are mostly dumbbells and cables so I figure those are better in a pinch than trying to find a squat rack or good weights to work legs or back well enough.


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New meal plan starting this week. Calories bumped up over 3100 and fats are a good bit more. Also some apples added in there as well.

Got a long message from my coach talking about how we’re going to continue to tinker to ensure reasonable growth but minimal fat gain. He even went so far as to say that the 12 week timeframe is not the end if the right look/progress hasn’t been achieved so we will see.
Oh, I am sure he did say that... If he don't get you there in 12 weeks all you have to do is sign up for $125 a month to keep this train moving! Unless he implied it would still be free I am pretty sure that is what he meant....


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Oh, I am sure he did say that... If he don't get you there in 12 weeks all you have to do is sign up for $125 a month to keep this train moving! Unless he implied it would still be free I am pretty sure that is what he meant....
I think so as well, but if it comes to that I will for sure be referencing that comment and using it as leverage since that’s bs. I’m a consultant so I get the “always leave them wanting” but that’s just insanely unprofessional if that’s a blatant statement.


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So super late to this party! I did a quick skim through but in to follow now!


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I think so as well, but if it comes to that I will for sure be referencing that comment and using it as leverage since that’s bs. I’m a consultant so I get the “always leave them wanting” but that’s just insanely unprofessional if that’s a blatant statement.


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Leg day yesterday was one of the best workouts I’ve had since starting this program. Some higher rep sets mixed with moderate reps had my legs really beat. I was also just really feeling it so I pushed everything to the max and that had me basically staggering out of the gym. Just an overall good day both mentally and physically that aligned with a workout that I very much enjoyed.

Off day today and not sure how the next few will go as I’m going to Orlando to see Harry Potter world. We will see if there’s somewhere I might get an early or late workout in (might just be a hotel one) and diet will be the best I can manage.


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Went to see Harry world like 4 years was Chaos! Lol


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Leg day yesterday was one of the best workouts I’ve had since starting this program. Some higher rep sets mixed with moderate reps had my legs really beat. I was also just really feeling it so I pushed everything to the max and that had me basically staggering out of the gym. Just an overall good day both mentally and physically that aligned with a workout that I very much enjoyed.

Off day today and not sure how the next few will go as I’m going to Orlando to see Harry Potter world. We will see if there’s somewhere I might get an early or late workout in (might just be a hotel one) and diet will be the best I can manage.
Nice, and changing the mentality to the bro split mentality will help you get the most out of those workouts. Just have to push yourself to death in that workout so you can't think about working the body part for several days because it needs to recover. Seems more and more things are being put into the programs which is nice. Let's see how this rolls out.

As to the bolded, hey man you are bulking. Just get your minimum protein reqs and don't worry too much about the rest. Calories will probably be high unless you just forget or don't have a chance to eat...


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Nice, and changing the mentality to the bro split mentality will help you get the most out of those workouts. Just have to push yourself to death in that workout so you can't think about working the body part for several days because it needs to recover. Seems more and more things are being put into the programs which is nice. Let's see how this rolls out.

As to the bolded, hey man you are bulking. Just get your minimum protein reqs and don't worry too much about the rest. Calories will probably be high unless you just forget or don't have a chance to eat...
Yeah I’m not worried much about getting enough cals, moreso the quality. I’m trying to do all I can to follow the diet as close as laid outto truly give it a fair analysis as well as my coach an opportunity to tweak as necessary.

I talked to him about it and in order of importance we said cals, then macros, then quality.


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Oconns28 clear pm’s


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Yeah I’m not worried much about getting enough cals, moreso the quality. I’m trying to do all I can to follow the diet as close as laid outto truly give it a fair analysis as well as my coach an opportunity to tweak as necessary.

I talked to him about it and in order of importance we said cals, then macros, then quality.
Yep, just what I would say, well basically did I guess. Cals are King in a bulk. However I agree it sucks when you find yourself like crap I am going to have a 32 oz soda and a sausage on a stick just to get some calories in... Now a funnel cake, that is another story all together. ;)

I have to admit when traveling in many places I use it as an excuse to get steak... I had steak 3 times in 3 days up in Austin... Just different places and cooks. We make a point to check for Chilis on route many times and I get the sirloin, no butter on top... No chilis steaks for me in Austin though. I was downtown and expenses were being reimbursed... :)


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Hotel gym has zero weights or even bands... not sure I’m on a get any chance to workout until Monday :(

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