Southern Charm Turns Up the Heat - Superdrol Cycle



I phucking told you you were gonna own that sh!t.

Getting out of bed in the morning I'm not so sure how you will do though.


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i just started back doing squats too after having a non-fused lower vertebre after a 4 wheeling accident about a year and half ago. lookin big SC, keep it up dude


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got some nice looks today... when this cycle is over i will be a sad dude but oh well there will be others ;)
There will be others. I think everyone plans their next cycle when the cycle they are presently on comes to an end.


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I phucking told you you were gonna own that sh!t.

Getting out of bed in the morning I'm not so sure how you will do though.
yeah man i killed it

and i feel like a dead man today. got crappy sleep last night, have a pounding headache probably cuz i was outside grilling and mowing the yard in 100 degree heat and dehydrated...

wow i feel like crap today. backs tight (in a good way) and my legs DEFINITELY feel punished


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i just started back doing squats too after having a non-fused lower vertebre after a 4 wheeling accident about a year and half ago. lookin big SC, keep it up dude
man im sorry to hear about that... I just pulled some muscles pretty nasty, had a bruise and some knotting for weeks, but it made it to where I couldnt move for the longest time.. sitting hurt, laying down hurt, turning hurt.. But im 200% better today. I still gotta be careful with my back because there's always a voice saying to me "you can mess me up again" when I do even the simple things

thanks bro all of the people on this log are motivation


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There will be others. I think everyone plans their next cycle when the cycle they are presently on comes to an end.
You know I pretty much have it planned out, may change a thing here or there, but im in no rush to get to it, and while i was "feeling sad" lol, everything passes. just like the excitement about anything good, or the frustration of anything bad happening... it all passes

ive had a blast logging this and being on. loved the pumps, loved the weight being thrown around, loved the hard work to go with it. loved all the compliments on my log and the support, loved all the looks i got at the gym

10/10 experience for me here

thanks for subbing bro I know you're a busy man


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SC, how many weeks of epi are you running? Just started my mdrol cycle monday 20/20/20/20. But still may change it up and bridge to epi.......Sounds like you been killing it!!


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my cycle looked like this

15-30/30/30/30 sd
0/0/40/50-60/70/70 epi/estane

total of 6 weeks on cycle. I preloaded for a month and a half on support supps tho.. Can't be too careful, especially on stupid cycles like mine ;)


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my cycle looked like this

15-30/30/30/30 sd
0/0/40/50-60/70/70 epi/estane

total of 6 weeks on cycle. I preloaded for a month and a half on support supps tho.. Can't be too careful, especially on stupid cycles like mine ;)
Support supps?

WTF is that nonsense??? :shocked1:


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Support supps?

WTF is that nonsense??? :shocked1:
LOL.... you might think you're g2g but if i were you i'd at least get on some hawthorne berry for blood pressure.. thats just me


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hahaha i was sipping some unsweet tea and just spewed it out i dunno why this was so funny to me! hater! :rasp:
haha not hatin brother just keepin it real... 365 is big, no doubt, just not beast status... at least in my book. 405+ and we're talkin beast status when it comes to squats... in my opinion


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haha not hatin brother just keepin it real... 365 is big, no doubt, just not beast status... at least in my book. 405+ and we're talkin beastly when it comes to squats... in my opinion
good god man I'll get a video of me squatting 405 once...

"in for back failure"

jk man i dont like 1rm's

and yeah i know a lot of people in the gym who rep more than 365... ALL DAY lol

still a lot for me and i wasnt really thinkin u were hatin i was just having fun!


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good god man I'll get a video of me squatting 405 once...

"in for back failure"

jk man i dont like 1rm's

and yeah i know a lot of people in the gym who rep more than 365... ALL DAY lol

still a lot for me and i wasnt really thinkin u were hatin i was just having fun!
I'm not talking 1 rep maxes... I'm talking repping at 405... or more. I'm not a huge fan of one rep maxes either...

I'm just givin you some friendly motivation though :bigok: i'm biased bc squats are by far my best lift... you're beast status in some other lifts where u blow me out of the water... i'll go back and see what they are real quick then come edit my post and write them in

you're flat bench and incline DB flys are definitely beast status. as well as your tri exercises... you smoke me in all those areas... which i use for motivation

and by the way whats this "play nice" crap?? we're all men here (i hope) and can take some good natured "ribbing" for some motivation... i dont think anyone is going to get their tampon in a twist over anything that has been said


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I'm not talking 1 rep maxes... I'm talking repping at 405... or more. I'm not a huge fan of one rep maxes either...

I'm just givin you some friendly motivation though :bigok: i'm biased bc squats are by far my best lift... you're beast status in some other lifts where u blow me out of the water... i'll go back and see what they are real quick then come edit my post and write them in
ok bro LOL...

Yeah I see some kids in the gym doing 1rms with barbell curls, with deadlifts, with bench (with such horrid form)... and i just walk away quickly cuz i dont wanna be pegged as leaving the scene of an accident.. LOL


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Hey bro,

gotaa shoot to school, I wanna sit here and read all your guys logs but I dont have time :( :( :( fukin school!!!

Hows it goin man? still +20lbs? nearing 500lb bench WOT!


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last night was back..........

barbell rows

185 x 10
225 x 10
245 x 8 (yeah i tried for 10 lol)
255 x 8

t bar rows

135 x 12
180 x 12
225 x 10 *PR* mf!!!

Superset time

Iso Lat Rows, Lat pull downs, Tricep rope face pulls

270 x 12, 162 x 12, 180 x 12
290 x 12, 175 x 10, 200 x 10
320 x 10, 200 x 8, 240 x 10

Shrug Machine

4 plates x 12
6 plates x 10
8 plates x 10

Dumb bell rear flys

35 x 10 x 3 (rear delts)


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today my weight is still 19 lbs up, I feel lethargic as hell, and have been noticing decreased appetite. im pretty sure the methyls finally got to my liver, but oh well I knew the risks. Doubling my dose of NAC for now.. Also, am experiencing dull ache in right lower back (thought it was back pumps but it feels more like internal, like around my kidney or adrenal gland)... Would make sense considering this has been a 6 week methyl cycle i cant wait to hop on PCT and make a run towards recovery

as far as my strength I feel like a maniac still in the gym.. Im confident I will keep most of my gains, even through pct.. and so with that said

for pct i have both clomid and nolva available. I have read taking two is not necessary, i also hear there is a synergistic effect of taking both. Would it be overkill to run both? and if I do run both at what dosages?? These are pharm grade tabs here. Clomid 25s and nolva 20s

I also have TCF1 but dont plan on running that til about 3rd week of PCT once my natty test has kicked back in. Opinions? Feedback?


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Yeah i'd say your analysis is pretty spot on. For PCT go overkill it'll be a good thing.

For PCT I am thinking something like this: nolva 20/20/20/20 real simple
clomid do 150 the first 3 days, 100 the next 4 days, 75 for week 2, 50 for week 3 and 4. It's a frontload. Frontload clomid because it has a 5 day half-life. Jacking up natural test that high could cause some estro rebound... hence the nolva. Should work pretty good.
TCF1 starting week 3 of PCT sounds like a great idea.

I did so many crappy nolva only PCTs before i found clomid, I think if you use a combination this advanced your PCT will go real smooth. I'll cross my fingers for ya anyway.


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Yeah i'd say your analysis is pretty spot on. For PCT go overkill it'll be a good thing.

For PCT I am thinking something like this: nolva 20/20/20/20 real simple
clomid do 150 the first 3 days, 100 the next 4 days, 75 for week 2, 50 for week 3 and 4. It's a frontload. Frontload clomid because it has a 5 day half-life. Jacking up natural test that high could cause some estro rebound... hence the nolva. Should work pretty good.
TCF1 starting week 3 of PCT sounds like a great idea.

I did so many crappy nolva only PCTs before i found clomid, I think if you use a combination this advanced your PCT will go real smooth. I'll cross my fingers for ya anyway.

brb seeing if I can bust a *** in 1 minute (you like that nothingman?)

Cool man.. I saw geekpoop said he tried running both and it was horrible, but I dont think he specified much. Ive talked to people on other boards as well as to the effects of running both and pretty much the consensus is "can't hurt" lol. Man I ran out of cycle support so I went out and bought all the ingredients and the price wasnt so bad, but the amount of pills i have to take daily is ungodly. I mean it just makes me wanna puke LOL

Ive already got the hcg, the arimidex, and t3 coming for my next round :D should be fun. But right now for the next 12 weeks my sole focus is to be keeping my gains and getting my body back to where I should be. I'll try the front loading thing on the clomid, it can't hurt much.. Although Ive heard about peoples emotions going unstable at certain points or even vision issues? Maybe it was something else lol

Anyway, Ive played this cycle by ear and just gone with how my body feels and right now its telling me, "hope you had fun big guy, now get me back to normal lol" great gains tho, gotta love being big already and having virgin receptors. When I go on a cut I seriously think the fats just gonna come off. This is the most LBM ive had my whole life if I can get my test levels high and ru na good stack I should be where I wanna be this time next year


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Hmm to each his own. I have PCTd with both and it was awesome. I have also PCTd with a combination of Clomid and the TRS and that was arguably better... although both of those PCTs were def. the best PCTs ever...

It's really hard for me to tell these days, so long as my PCT is based on Clomid, it's awesome. Maybe it's just me but clomid blows everything else out of the water.

Yes those sides exist on clomid but they're pretty rare. The more sensitive users get them. SC you don't strike me as a "sensitive user" lol doing like 30mg of SD stacked with 50mg of Epi you are beast status chances are you will respond well to an aggressive PCT IMO. If i'm wrong then don't sic your dog on me please ><

You def. have got the right attitude, keep holding big and steady throughout PCT and holdon to those gains for a while. When you start cutting it'll be very exciting, with the controlled environment between Test and maybe an oral and T3 you should be able to eliminate tons and tons of BF with very little LBM loss.

Basically you'll hit beast status after just 2 cycles ;). Hope you are excited bro. My 1st cycle, meh i don't count it, my 2nd was 3 weeks of Phera I bulked to 250 pounds, My 3rd was Epi pulse with Clen for cutting, I came out of that cycle with excellent stats. Get really big big big with the high bodyfat and then carefully cut all the fat off and you've got a great physique.
Most people on here don't bulk up enough in the first place, never develop enough of a base. You've already got a huge base to cut down to.


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Damn your post is like music to my ears. Beast status after two cycles... LOL.. I know someone at my gym who pulled me to the side and said "let me in on whatever you're taking, you are going OFF on all of your workouts. You on the juice??" LOL

I really wanna kick off my first inj cycle with a boom like I did this one, but at the same time im sure that more isn't always better. I think depending on how my body feels and what the bloodwork says may play a determining factor of what all will go in my cycle. I really wanna go as long as I can on the test, not necessarily for gains but in order to cut off as much fat as I can with diet on some AAS to really keep me anabolic. I know that most people after a point in a long cycle just dont see gains much anymore, but im not trying to bulk up. Ive already done that. Hell im 264 at a whopping 21% (im assuming ive lost a percent of bf lol)


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lol well you gain 20 pounds in a month and it's hard to keep a low profile in the gym! lol. No one has asked me anything but curling 80 pound dumbells today, I got some looks ;) haha.

I think the plan i outlined for you is actually pretty solid, use a straight 6 week Epi cycle embedded in the middle of the test cycle and run all that T3, with the highest doses during the Epi. Between 500 test and 40-50 Epi and T3, you are pretty damn well taken care of, just do your diet properly and cardio... it'll all come together.


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Thanks for the advice on wht i should do with my next cycle unreal


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lol well you gain 20 pounds in a month and it's hard to keep a low profile in the gym! lol. No one has asked me anything but curling 80 pound dumbells today, I got some looks ;) haha.

I think the plan i outlined for you is actually pretty solid, use a straight 6 week Epi cycle embedded in the middle of the test cycle and run all that T3, with the highest doses during the Epi. Between 500 test and 40-50 Epi and T3, you are pretty damn well taken care of, just do your diet properly and cardio... it'll all come together.
Man I just got back from a 2.5 mile walk with my dog... Damn pitbulls gotta walk so much lol

And it sounds good bro.. I dont really care what people assume, theyd have to beat me bloody and they STILL would have no admission on my part lol ;)

Lift heavy and take a multi ;)


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Yea my gains have been so ridiculous that its hard to deny with a straight face, 55lb in 18 months and at same bf. My strength gains are even more ridiculous

I just laugh now when people ask and say "good genes mate" :)


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Oh and my other favorite is "muscle memory is a beautiful thing"


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Oh and my other favorite is "muscle memory is a beautiful thing"
yah the old .... "you like this? shoulda seen me 5 years ago" lol


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SC your cycle has been running really smooth bro. Numbers look great. I'll bet you could cut to like a shredded 220. Sounds light for you but goddamn that'd be a solid 220.
I like the sound of unreals pct plan. I personally like using both, although not at the high frontload doses on the clomid. But I base that on 1) I haven't done super, and 2) considering the cycle you did and your bodyweight , you should handle it just fine. I know I don't need to say it too but make sure you hydrate like crazy!


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SC your cycle has been running really smooth bro. Numbers look great. I'll bet you could cut to like a shredded 220. Sounds light for you but goddamn that'd be a solid 220.
I like the sound of unreals pct plan. I personally like using both, although not at the high frontload doses on the clomid. But I base that on 1) I haven't done super, and 2) considering the cycle you did and your bodyweight , you should handle it just fine. I know I don't need to say it too but make sure you hydrate like crazy!

Thank you brother..I always enjoy getting Unreal's input. I actually cut my Epi a couple days short and am starting PCT today. Took my clomid and nolva, support supps with my breakfast. Should I have broken up the dose throughout the day??

And yeah my plan is to hit between 230 or so, if I could really cut down to 220 and a very low bf it'd be the best shape Ive ever been in and I'd be content. It might also mean I can do a slow clean bulk without so much fat gain and have an easier time cutting to 230 at a similar bodyfat %. Time will tell though, right now I am mending my body and it'll be at LEAST 12 weeks before I touch another cycle ;)

Ive always been a big water drinker. I love the stuff. Just can't get any better than water.

just benched 375 x 7

Think the dude who was spotting me thought it was gonna be a 1RM :)
Yeah 375 x 7 is pretty damn impressive. Im sure it made him feel a little insecure afterwards LOL.


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no... no need to splits dose


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man I am feeling like a new man today. 2nd day of PCT, my abdomen discomfort is gone and my appetite is BACK!! I had a great workout last night and today

Yesterday (CHEST)

I had to work and didnt make it in time to use the big side of the gym, so I had to work out on the 24 hour side. Still killed it though

Iso Hammer Strength Chest Press
180 x 15 for warm up
270 x 12
320 x 10
360 x 8
380 x 6


BW x 12
+35 x 12
+45 x 12

Incline Chest Fly

45s x 12
55s x 10
65s x 10

Flat DB Chest Press

75 x 12
85 x 12
90 x 10
100 x 8

Tricep Pushdowns (flat bar)

200 x 15
240 x 12
265 x 10
290 x 10

Decided to do shoulders tomorrow or the next day.. Would have been too much, my chest and tris were fried after last night

This morning... LEGS


135 x 12 warm up
185 x 12
225 x 10
275 x 8
315 x 8
365 x 6


135 x 12 warm up
185 x 12
225 x 10
275 x 8

Leg Extensions/Ham Curl Supersets

210x 12, 130 x 10
230 x10, 150 x 10
270 x8, 170 x 8

Calf Press

360 x 20
450 x 15
470 x 12

Calf raise machine

135 x 8
160 x 8

Best indicator my appetite was back is that I had this insatiable craving for my favorite breakfast place.. It's an all you can eat diner, they take your order as many times as you want. So today I had a very large cheat meal to celebrate that my appetite is back to normal and I am no longer lethargic.

10 eggs, 1 biscuit and gravy, 2 orders home fries, 4 sausage patties, 4 pieces of bacon, 2 pancakes


I hit about 1500 calories with that meal. I feel bad, but like I said I had to celebrate my appetite being back!!!



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Best indicator my appetite was back is that I had this insatiable craving for my favorite breakfast place.. It's an all you can eat diner, they take your order as many times as you want. So today I had a very large cheat meal to celebrate that my appetite is back to normal and I am no longer lethargic.

10 eggs, 1 biscuit and gravy, 2 orders home fries, 4 sausage patties, 4 pieces of bacon, 2 pancakes


I hit about 1500 calories with that meal. I feel bad, but like I said I had to celebrate my appetite being back!!!

lucky f ucker! im jealous


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lucky f ucker! im jealous
hey man I'm just happy im not feeling like I got trampled by a herd of cattle right now! if you're ever in my neck of the woods its goin down at the breakfast place haha.. They should have one of these in every city, they bank!


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hey man I'm just happy im not feeling like I got trampled by a herd of cattle right now! if you're ever in my neck of the woods its goin down at the breakfast place haha.. They should have one of these in every city, they bank!

Many more customer like u and they won't be around in ur kneck of the woods either


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Many more customer like u and they won't be around in ur kneck of the woods either
haha - i usually stay away from all you can eat places but an all you can eat breakfast place.... that might be too good to resist.


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Thats probably true... LOL .... My whole party ate like that today. Me, my girl and my lil homie. But its straight cuz they have a regular menu too. Half of the people there dont do the all you can eat I guess theyre afraid of a lil food


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Glad to hear the PCT is going well but you got a while to go on it. Like i've said i usually keep doing good up to 5 days after coming off orals, and then the PCT gets tough to maintain weight and strength.

But nolva/clomid is an awesome combo.


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Oh I know im 2 days in... 26 to go big dawg! I'm just saying I feel better already, like the lethargy is gone, and the appetite is back. That's significant to me. I was miserable not being able to eat. I am at 263 right now. 18 lbs up. So I'm guessing if I still bust ass and keep the cals up I can hit 15 lbs post PCT (crosses fingers).

MMM this potroast is delicious. 60 grams of protein and some green veggies (i used carrots and broccoli and onions instead of carrots and potatoes)


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haha - i usually stay away from all you can eat places but an all you can eat breakfast place.... that might be too good to resist.
The only 2 places I go to that are all you can eat are this breakfast place and Souper salad if I want some serious salad lol. I normally slam a protein shake right afterwards cuz they basically have turkey and ham and eggs to put on your salad and that does it for protein lol

I could have breakfast for two meals in a row. I love breakfast LOL


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Unreal thanks for the reps.. Me too... Me too


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Oh I know im 2 days in... 26 to go big dawg! I'm just saying I feel better already, like the lethargy is gone, and the appetite is back. That's significant to me. I was miserable not being able to eat. I am at 263 right now. 18 lbs up. So I'm guessing if I still bust ass and keep the cals up I can hit 15 lbs post PCT (crosses fingers).

MMM this potroast is delicious. 60 grams of protein and some green veggies (i used carrots and broccoli and onions instead of carrots and potatoes)
That pot roast sounds like something I might have to try out. Fam usually uses potatoes so makes it harder for me.

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