Silver is taking P-Plex to the XTreme (Xtreme Tren that is).



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Glad your cycle is working out so far. I actually bumped up the HB as a stand alone with the Cycle Assist and added in the CoQ-10 for good measure. Of course it didn't help much. I will be interested to see what my BP does.

As for that douche I have pretty much left it alone. I am not going to get in a pissing match. I know I have a ways to go, but I am happy with my progress and I plan to go from awful to just a tad discusting or something. :fest30:

yes. the hierarchy is :

a tad disgusting
could be better


you've obviously made some serious progress my brotha, keep your head up, keep doing what you're doing. eventually, you'll reach TG status, which i think all of us are trying to achieve. personally, i'll be happy with beast status :)


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Yea, if I were TG, I would probably use my powers for evil... so maybe it's alright if some of us don't make it that far.


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Yea, if I were TG, I would probably use my powers for evil... so maybe it's some of us don't make it that far.

You and me both. TG proved it can be done and taken to the extreme. I am not sure I have the heart of a God so I will stick with big or beastly.


Glad your cycle is working out so far. I actually bumped up the HB as a stand alone with the Cycle Assist and added in the CoQ-10 for good measure. Of course it didn't help much. I will be interested to see what my BP does.

As for that douche I have pretty much left it alone. I am not going to get in a pissing match. I know I have a ways to go, but I am happy with my progress and I plan to go from awful to just a tad discusting or something. :fest30:
Thanks man..
Get that BP back where it was and hit it strong in your PCT..
Your still going to Cabos, right?
Sounds like a bit of party time!:fest30:


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Thanks man..
Get that BP back where it was and hit it strong in your PCT..
Your still going to Cabos, right?
Sounds like a bit of party time!:fest30:
It should be coming down. I am still dosing milk thisle and Hawthorn Berry pretty regularly.

The insult that I received this morning has motivated me even further and now I am even more focused on losing this spare tire. I think I will start dosing my EC+Y starting tomorrow. With my back being sore I will not be doing much lower back work so I should be able to get lots more cardio in.

Hell yes I still going to Cabo starting March 5th. I haven't told the wife that it is supposedly Europe's spring break time. I can't wait!


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It should be coming down. I am still dosing milk thisle and Hawthorn Berry pretty regularly.

The insult that I received this morning has motivated me even further and now I am even more focused on losing this spare tire. I think I will start dosing my EC+Y starting tomorrow. With my back being sore I will not be doing much lower back work so I should be able to get lots more cardio in.

Hell yes I still going to Cabo starting March 5th. I haven't told the wife that it is supposedly Europe's spring break time. I can't wait!
I thought you weren't going to use any fat burners until PCT was over? I wouldn't


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Yeah, I'd take heed with the EC+Y until the BP gets settled down Silver.


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The douche that sent the "awful" commentary was me, I only now have taken the time and really read through the pages here. I mistakenly thought the photos on page 1 are actual ones. And could not help but feel that if that's how you look after your 3rd DS cycle within a year or 13 months, it's simply depressing. Awful was meant relative to what I expected, not in absolute terms.

I think Silver3 has the potential to look GREAT without ever doing DS stuff, but he at least before this cycle did not look even good given that he had done two DS cycles within the last 12 months. That lead to my silly remark.

And what he writes in this log about his BP issue (that he feared his heart explodes), man, that makes me wonder: can physical supremacy be worth such risks?

So, I crossed a line there with a commentary that in retrospect was premature. No intention to enter a pissig match on my side, as I also wrote Silver3 that he certainly is in better shape (strengthwise) than me.


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The douche that sent the "awful" commentary was me, I only now have taken the time and really read through the pages here. I mistakenly thought the photos on page 1 are actual ones. And could not help but feel that if that's how you look after your 3rd DS cycle within a year or 13 months, it's simply depressing. Awful was meant relative to what I expected, not in absolute terms.

I think Silver3 has the potential to look GREAT without ever doing DS stuff, but he at least before this cycle did not look even good given that he had done two DS cycles within the last 12 months. That lead to my silly remark.

And what he writes in this log about his BP issue (that he feared his heart explodes), man, that makes me wonder: can physical supremacy be worth such risks?

So, I crossed a line there with a commentary that in retrospect was premature. No intention to enter a pissig match on my side, as I also wrote Silver3 that he certainly is in better shape (strengthwise) than me.

One thing I will say is you are not chicken sh1t with your comments or try to hide. I did not call you out in the thread because I believe you are intitled to your opinion. Also, I can't disagree that I have a long way to go and I started cycles before I was lean enough. I also know I am probably not lean enough now nor have I hit my genetic potential. That being said negative reps and the sheer bluntness was what offended me. Learn, Teach, Lead is the motto of AM and I have tried to adhear to that. It has taken me a while to lean how to drop bad habits that I had from years of food abuse. I know what I need to do now and I feel like I will hit my goal of 10% body fat within 6 months.

As for sides while on cycle my only one that was really an issue was blood pressure which is a known side affect of Xtreme Tren. My comment about my heart exploding was said in jest and at no time did I have any adverse affects from the elevated blood pressure. In my opinion, 4 weeks of high blood pressure is not going to do irreversible damage, but I could be wrong. In my opinion Designers, Prohormones and Steroids should not be illegal after a person reaches 21+ and have a bad rap due to the misinformation from the media.

I honestly appreciate the negative feedback because it drives me to push myself where I never though possible. I believe it was Tim that pointed out something similar prior to my cycle, but rather than being blunt he offered potential recommendations. I know that I will hit my goal of 225lbs with 10% body fat. However, it probably won't be 100% natural.


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Yeah, I'd take heed with the EC+Y until the BP gets settled down Silver.
Thx for talking some sense into me. I will hold off for another week or so and ensure my BP gets to a normal range. Good looking out!


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The douche that sent the "awful" commentary was me, I only now have taken the time and really read through the pages here. I mistakenly thought the photos on page 1 are actual ones. And could not help but feel that if that's how you look after your 3rd DS cycle within a year or 13 months, it's simply depressing. Awful was meant relative to what I expected, not in absolute terms.

I think Silver3 has the potential to look GREAT without ever doing DS stuff, but he at least before this cycle did not look even good given that he had done two DS cycles within the last 12 months. That lead to my silly remark.

And what he writes in this log about his BP issue (that he feared his heart explodes), man, that makes me wonder: can physical supremacy be worth such risks?

So, I crossed a line there with a commentary that in retrospect was premature. No intention to enter a pissig match on my side, as I also wrote Silver3 that he certainly is in better shape (strengthwise) than me.

You really could have said what you said in a better way than PMing him and saying he looks awful. I really can't respect that in any manner - regardless of the explaination.

I'm not sure why people need to give their opinions on what someone else is doing unless they are 1. too young 2. going to hurt themselves 3. unknowledgeable about training... None of those apply here. Yes, he's taking a shortcut - but for the first time he's treating his body with respect...

This is whack.


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You really could have said what you said in a better way than PMing him and saying he looks awful. I really can't respect that in any manner - regardless of the explaination.

I'm not sure why people need to give their opinions on what someone else is doing unless they are 1. too young 2. going to hurt themselves 3. unknowledgeable about training... None of those apply here. Yes, he's taking a shortcut - but for the first time he's treating his body with respect...

This is whack.
Done and done.

Keep it up Silver. You are killing it.


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The douche that sent the "awful" commentary was me, I only now have taken the time and really read through the pages here. I mistakenly thought the photos on page 1 are actual ones. And could not help but feel that if that's how you look after your 3rd DS cycle within a year or 13 months, it's simply depressing. Awful was meant relative to what I expected, not in absolute terms.

I think Silver3 has the potential to look GREAT without ever doing DS stuff, but he at least before this cycle did not look even good given that he had done two DS cycles within the last 12 months. That lead to my silly remark.

And what he writes in this log about his BP issue (that he feared his heart explodes), man, that makes me wonder: can physical supremacy be worth such risks?

So, I crossed a line there with a commentary that in retrospect was premature. No intention to enter a pissig match on my side, as I also wrote Silver3 that he certainly is in better shape (strengthwise) than me.
It's probably best to just keep your comments to yourself next time, saying things like that is absolutely counterproductive to anyone goals, whether they are going down the right path (in your opinion) or not.

You pissed a lot of people off other than just Silver, who I must say has had remarkable composure.


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It's probably best to just keep your comments to yourself next time, saying things like that is absolutely counterproductive to anyone goals, whether they are going down the right path (in your opinion) or not.

You pissed a lot of people off other than just Silver, who I must say has had remarkable composure.
that about sums it up. read the motto "learn teach lead" if there's any confusion.


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Enough said...Like my mom always said:"If you can't say anything nice...don't say anything at all"


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Enough said...Like my mom always said:"If you can't say anything nice...don't say anything at all"
haha. Mammas know best.

Silv3r dog. im just now reading all of your log and i say bro, way to finish the cycle up strong! You still going to lift extreme even on your off cycle right?!?


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haha. Mammas know best.

Silv3r dog. im just now reading all of your log and i say bro, way to finish the cycle up strong! You still going to lift extreme even on your off cycle right?!?
No doubt. I have been everyday this week and still lifting as heavy as possible. I want to get huge and cut so I am not going to stop now. I appreciate you checking.


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looks like your cycle ended well.

How's PCT treating you so far?

I wanna see some more pics up in here!


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looks like your cycle ended well.

How's PCT treating you so far?

I wanna see some more pics up in here!
The cycle ended well. I didn't gain as much weight as I hoped to. I was really hoping for +10-15. I am still eating pretty well and I am actually down to 204.5 but I feel I have quite a bit of weight to drop and I know I added some pretty good mass in the places that count.

As for the PCT it is going well. I am down to 20mg of Tamox and 4 caps of Post Cycle Support for the rest of this week and next. No issues with libido or ED so that is a great thing!

For all concerned, myself included, I had my blood pressure checked and it was down to 129/75. That is a significan change from the last time I had it checked out. I have one more day's worth of hawthorn berry that I will dose and will continue to keep an eye on it, but I think I am in the clear.


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The douche that sent the "awful" commentary was me, I only now have taken the time and really read through the pages here. I mistakenly thought the photos on page 1 are actual ones. And could not help but feel that if that's how you look after your 3rd DS cycle within a year or 13 months, it's simply depressing. Awful was meant relative to what I expected, not in absolute terms.

I think Silver3 has the potential to look GREAT without ever doing DS stuff, but he at least before this cycle did not look even good given that he had done two DS cycles within the last 12 months. That lead to my silly remark.

And what he writes in this log about his BP issue (that he feared his heart explodes), man, that makes me wonder: can physical supremacy be worth such risks?

So, I crossed a line there with a commentary that in retrospect was premature. No intention to enter a pissig match on my side, as I also wrote Silver3 that he certainly is in better shape (strengthwise) than me.
:irked:it is one thing to tell someone that they should consider going natty for a while because you don't think they're ready for AAS, it's another thing to bash someone.

Silver is one of the guys on here that has come a long way and is continueing his path towards one has the right to tell someone that all the hard work they have put in has equated to awful.


For all concerned, myself included, I had my blood pressure checked and it was down to 129/75. That is a significan change from the last time I had it checked out. I have one more day's worth of hawthorn berry that I will dose and will continue to keep an eye on it, but I think I am in the clear.
That's great news! Glad to hear it...


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Great work Silver3CSRT8! Keep going, you may hit your 10+ lb muscle gain by the end of PCT. You're already doing everything you need to do :thumbsup:


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OK guys I finally took some updated pics. I personally see some improvement from the beginning of the cycle and know I still have a very long way to go. I think I have my muscle mass to a point now where I can cut and look pretty solid where as before I felt like if I cut I would just look like a skinny guy. That was my reasoning for starting with these desingers prior to getting my body fat low enough. I know it is the opposite of what is recommended, but I wanted to look big even though I knew I still had/have too much bodyfat. Now I feel like if I can cut 10+lbs off I will have a very solid muscular base that will have me looking like a bodybuilder (my definition is someone that lifts weights regularly) rather than just a skinny guy.

That being said here we go:
PCT Week 1 Pics

For comparison here are my awful Pre-Cycle Pics:



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Great job bud!


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Holy sh*t! Those legs man!! :woohoo:

Back double-bi looks awesome too.

Front double-bi you have a little definition around the sides of your abdominal region. I really think cutting some fat NOW will keep that motovation burning.


  • RockStar
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Oh yeah...all the pieces are coming together Silver. Keep the diet in check and pound that iron bubba...this is lookin' good.


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A little leaner and denser looking, particularly in the arms and delts, nice my friend.


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Holy sh*t! Those legs man!! :whohoo:

Back double-bi looks awesome too.

Front double-bi you have a little definition around the sides of your abdominal region. I really think cutting some fat NOW will keep that motovation burning.
For the first time since I was probably 17 I can envision myself with a flat gut. It has been a long time since I wasn't embarrassed to take my shirt off. Now even though I still have some belly fat I am not ashamed of myself anymore.

I am pretty happy with the definition I am getting in my legs. I know they still have a ways to go, but my pants legs are starting to get tighter in some of my jeans and slacks.

Oh yeah...all the pieces are coming together Silver. Keep the diet in check and pound that iron bubba...this is lookin' good.
Keeping diet in check is the hardest part, but I have definately improved from where I started. I will start cutting back more in a few weeks to really work on lowering my body fat %.

A little leaner and denser looking, particularly in the arms and delts, nice my friend.
This means a lot coming from you because looking at your pics and how critical you are of yourself I respect your opinion.


Hey great job on the Cycle. Just got done reading all of your logs. This is perfect for my upcoming cycle which is very similar to yours. In 2 weeks i will be starting CEL P-Plex & AMS Dienedrone. I will be bridging them but opposite of the way you did yours. I will start P-Plex first. My Bridge will look something like this.

Week 1: P-Plex 30mg
Week 2: P-Plex 30mg
Week 3: P-Plex 30mg, Dienedrone 50mg
Week 4: P-Plex 30mg, Dienedrone 100mg
Week 5: Dienedrone 100mg
Week 6: Dienedrone 100mg

I just wanted to end the cycle on a dryer note. I'm just waiting for all my support supps. to come in. I have taken a lot from your logs to help tweak my cycle, so thanks for that.

I will be keeping a log as well when i start in 2 weeks if people are interested. Just wanted to get the Cycle Support going a couple weeks before i pop the first P-Plex. :)


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Hey great job on the Cycle. Just got done reading all of your logs. This is perfect for my upcoming cycle which is very similar to yours. In 2 weeks i will be starting CEL P-Plex & AMS Dienedrone. I will be bridging them but opposite of the way you did yours. I will start P-Plex first. My Bridge will look something like this.

Week 1: P-Plex 30mg
Week 2: P-Plex 30mg
Week 3: P-Plex 30mg, Dienedrone 50mg
Week 4: P-Plex 30mg, Dienedrone 100mg
Week 5: Dienedrone 100mg
Week 6: Dienedrone 100mg

I just wanted to end the cycle on a dryer note. I'm just waiting for all my support supps. to come in. I have taken a lot from your logs to help tweak my cycle, so thanks for that.

I will be keeping a log as well when i start in 2 weeks if people are interested. Just wanted to get the Cycle Support going a couple weeks before i pop the first P-Plex. :)
Feel free to post a link to your log in this thread and I will sub and contribute. The reason I started tren first is because research I did showed p-plex taking 2 weeks to really kick in. To me, p-plex is not that wet of a compound. I was really worried about bloating up like the doughboy, but to me the opposite occurred.

I will have to research Dienedrone, because I am not familiar with that compound.



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Feel free to post a link to your log in this thread and I will sub and contribute. The reason I started tren first is because research I did showed p-plex taking 2 weeks to really kick in. To me, p-plex is not that wet of a compound. I was really worried about bloating up like the doughboy, but to me the opposite occurred.

I will have to research Dienedrone, because I am not familiar with that compound.

Diendrone is AMS's estra 4 (trn) compound.


If you look at your front double bi shots... you can see your traps have progressed well and your front delt.. your arms look bigger also..
Bro, I think you said you want to cut 10lbs.. dude you not carring that much fat... your only fat is at the waist.. and I sure as hell don't see 10 lbs of fat to cut, and it you did cut that much you'd be frickin ripped..
I think your past thinking in body fat in lbs.. it's time to think in "few percentage points", bro..
BTW~ lats filled in more too.. you got that V shape up from your waist going on in that double bi pic


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Good job with this, Silver! I just read the first and last page, and I'm gonna go ahead and read the whole thread from the start in the next few days. I'm getting ready to run T-Roid & P-Plex in about a month, so this should def. help me plan. Cheers, bro!


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Nice log.
Thx for joining in.

Good job with this, Silver! I just read the first and last page, and I'm gonna go ahead and read the whole thread from the start in the next few days. I'm getting ready to run T-Roid & P-Plex in about a month, so this should def. help me plan. Cheers, bro!
From your Avi it looks like you have a very solid base and will blow the fuk up on this combo. If you run a log be sure to send me a link in case I miss it.

If you look at your front double bi shots... you can see your traps have progressed well and your front delt.. your arms look bigger also..
Bro, I think you said you want to cut 10lbs.. dude you not carring that much fat... your only fat is at the waist.. and I sure as hell don't see 10 lbs of fat to cut, and it you did cut that much you'd be frickin ripped..
I think your past thinking in body fat in lbs.. it's time to think in "few percentage points", bro..
BTW~ lats filled in more too.. you got that V shape up from your waist going on in that double bi pic
I think the stack I ran along with the added muscle has put my body in a state where it wants to cut the fat. I am going down in weight even though I am eating around or above my previous maintenance. However, I still feel like the added muscle during the run is remaining which I am happy about.

I have also noticed an increase in my lats which has made me happy. The V shape is something that would be sweet to have. I still look in the mirror and feel I have around 10lbs minimum of fat around the midsection and love handles. I am planning to get a fitness assessment from my gym so that I can get a decent body fat reading. I have no clue where I am at body fat % wise. Currently I am telling myself around 19% because it sounds better than 20+%.

The scale this morning said 203 which is down further than where I was last week. I am just using the scale as a reference point, but the mirror says I am way more muscular than I was 6 weeks ago.


Feel free to post a link to your log in this thread and I will sub and contribute. The reason I started tren first is because research I did showed p-plex taking 2 weeks to really kick in. To me, p-plex is not that wet of a compound. I was really worried about bloating up like the doughboy, but to me the opposite occurred.

I will have to research Dienedrone, because I am not familiar with that compound.

Cool i would appreciate any input since you have already ran these compounds. Yeah Dienedrone is just another Tren clone by AMS. I have read good things about it so figured i'd give it a try.

I am still on the fence on whether to start the Tren first or the P-Plex first. When you say it wasn't that wet and you did not blow up makes me want to rethink it. And the Phera taking 2 weeks to kick in doesn't make me happy either.


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I am still on the fence on whether to start the Tren first or the P-Plex first. When you say it wasn't that wet and you did not blow up makes me want to rethink it. And the Phera taking 2 weeks to kick in doesn't make me happy either.
Do you absolutely have to bridge them? Why not just take them both straight up for 6 weeks? That's what I plan to do.

Maybe I'm just old school... :D


Do you absolutely have to bridge them? Why not just take them both straight up for 6 weeks? That's what I plan to do.

Maybe I'm just old school... :D
I don't have to bridge them i guess, sounds tempting. :) I just thought the less stress i can put on my liver the better and a little less sides hopefully. But i hear mixed things on whether to start P-Plex first or Tren. I mean does it really matter? But i just thought finishing with a drier compound would be better.


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I don't have to bridge them, sounds tempting. :) I just thought the less stress i can put on my liver the better. But i hear mixed things on whether to start P-Plex first or Tren. I mean does it really matter? But i just thought finishing with a drier compound would be better.
i would definitely finish with tren if you were going to bridge. i would never finish with a bloating compound.


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6 weeks of Phera is a bit long isn't it? 6 weeks of H-drol/Tren sounds possible.


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Do you absolutely have to bridge them? Why not just take them both straight up for 6 weeks? That's what I plan to do.

Maybe I'm just old school... :D
You're gonna run phera for 6 weeks straight?


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I was planning to. Why, is that a bad idea?
You don't often see people running it longer than 4 weeks.

You know your body best. If you haven't ran it before, I wouldn't suggest it. What made you think 6 weeks was doable?


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You don't often see people running it longer than 4 weeks.

You know your body best. If you haven't ran it before, I wouldn't suggest it. What made you think 6 weeks was doable?
You know what? I'm a dumbass. I just wrote it down wrong. TG and I had discussed this cycle and he recommended 4 weeks of phera. I don't know why I wrote it down as 6 weeks.

Thanks for pulling my head out of my ass.


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So I guess what I meant was T-Roid (Same as Xtreme Tren) for 6 weeks straight & P-Plex for weeks 1-4.


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GMG can confirm that Tren kicks in like a freight train after about 3 days. From multiple logs I read on P-Plex you don't start feeling on until midway through week 2. I did not get much bloat from P-Plex at all and I was definately eating carbs throughout the cycle. I don't think you can go wrong either way.

Also, the reason I "bridged" is because I wanted to do a 5 week cycle and I also wanted to make sure that the first compound treated me OK before adding the second. That is why I delayed the P-Plex for a week. I don't think you could go wrong either way. Finally, 4-5 weeks of is plenty. You will be ready to come off the cycle by the end of it. The strength increases alone I feel beat the crap out of your CNS because of the massive amount of weight you are able to move.


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Yea, tren kicks pretty fast. My aggression has been up really high too. I about tore my girlfriend a new one (not in a good way) earlier today.


Well i guess i'll stick with my plan and run P-Plex first and then end with Tren on a bridge. Then we can compare both ways since you ran it opposite of me.

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