Silver is taking P-Plex to the XTreme (Xtreme Tren that is).



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I would take it easy the first two weeks of PCT... Lots of compound movements, plenty of protein, and just peel back the calories a little bit. Going too drastic is asking for muscle loss.


Way to kill it Silver! I'm really happy for you that you've hit all your goals for this cycle. Makes it all worth it and it's inspiring for the rest of us as well as motivational for you moving forward. :clap2:


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my concern with the DCP is it will murder your appetite, and maintaining 10 pounds over normal will be close to impossible.

for PCT, do your same workout, up the cardio a bit, cut calories by maybe 300-500. if tren treated you the way it treated me, you'd have to limit your calories by like 1k :)


Nice job on the PR!!
It will be interesting to see what your BP is as since you added the HB back in..
10 pounds of LBM gained.. that rocks.. good work..

Lemme also say this.. respectfully so..
I sorta get the vibe that you still feel you have to much fat on yourself. I think your a little to hard on yourself. You've come a long ways, and look great. I think you can go down to Cabo right now and your in better shape than most every dude your gonna see on the beach. Your a mean looking BFM and I dare anyone down there to say anything unpleasant to you. :buttkick:
I get that you have a goal of how you want to be. But lemme also tell you. I"ve hit peak shape at the age of over 35. It's not easy to do, and it's even harder to stay at peak shape for long periods of time. At 37 now, being in good shape is work enuff.
Silver you look in good. Enjoy it!


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Agreed. I'm telling you Silver, you get off this cycle and get on a serious diet and cardio program, and you might have that six pack goal accomplished by summertime. Get that every-day diet wired and it's literally around the corner. Keep kickin' ass brotha.


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Nice job on the PR!!
It will be interesting to see what your BP is as since you added the HB back in..
10 pounds of LBM gained.. that rocks.. good work..

Lemme also say this.. respectfully so..
I sorta get the vibe that you still feel you have to much fat on yourself. I think your a little to hard on yourself. You've come a long ways, and look great. I think you can go down to Cabo right now and your in better shape than most every dude your gonna see on the beach. Your a mean looking BFM and I dare anyone down there to say anything unpleasant to you. :buttkick:
I get that you have a goal of how you want to be. But lemme also tell you. I"ve hit peak shape at the age of over 35. It's not easy to do, and it's even harder to stay at peak shape for long periods of time. At 37 now, being in good shape is work enuff.

Silver you look in good. Enjoy it!
I appreciate the props and the perspective. I only have one little section that I am really unhappy with and it is that bottom belly roll. Everything else I can live with. I would be happy to be ultra lean so that it actually looked like my arms were built without flexing istead of just meaty.

I will definately wait until week 2-3 of the PCT before I start worrying about dropping weight as I feel pretty good with where I am now flaws and all.

I must have gained some noticeable size because people at work I rarely see are making comments. Of couse the are you on roids question comes up. I just tell then nope, creatine, BCAAs and protein shakes. :)

Although I would love to have abs I will not be disappointed in myself if I can just make things flatter and continue adding massive size everywhere else.


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That is the area that the majority of men have a problem with. Lower abs, obliques, and Lower back.

When you get down a few more BF%, to around maybe 12-13%, I would suggest something like Napalm to attack that stubborn fat more directly. I had great results with it, and it was the only time in my life (even when I have been sub 10% bf), that I lost my side fat (close to) completely.


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Don't get me started on "Love Handles"....Heck Silver,your metabolism just increased a bunch from the additional muscle mass just installed on your body. Keep rocking and you will be where you want to be in no time flat!!


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That is the area that the majority of men have a problem with. Lower abs, obliques, and Lower back.

When you get down a few more BF%, to around maybe 12-13%, I would suggest something like Napalm to attack that stubborn fat more directly. I had great results with it, and it was the only time in my life (even when I have been sub 10% bf), that I lost my side fat (close to) completely.
Napalm is OK, this spring Im gonna try adding clen and maybe some other goodies to it and see what I can accomplish.


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Napalm is OK, this spring Im gonna try adding clen and maybe some other goodies to it and see what I can accomplish.
I tried napalm a while back, but was honestly too fat at the time to notice anything.

I definately have Clen on my todo list and also need to research more about T3. From what I have seen about T3 it should be done while on cycle to prevent muscle loss.

I jumped on the REDuction New Years eve deal and I had good luck with DCP in the past. I really want to keep what I have gained from this cycle as I feel a big majority has been lean which is grrrreeeeaaat!

The current plan is to wait until week 3 of the PCT before even considering the weight loss thing. I am starting to feel better and will start adding cardio back tomorrow or on Monday.


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I tried napalm a while back, but was honestly too fat at the time to notice anything.

I definately have Clen on my todo list and also need to research more about T3. From what I have seen about T3 it should be done while on cycle to prevent muscle loss.

I jumped on the REDuction New Years eve deal and I had good luck with DCP in the past. I really want to keep what I have gained from this cycle as I feel a big majority has been lean which is grrrreeeeaaat!

The current plan is to wait until week 3 of the PCT before even considering the weight loss thing. I am starting to feel better and will start adding cardio back tomorrow or on Monday.
DCP is good stuff man! You'll like it and you will definitely lean out on it if your diet is in check. The clen/napalm combo interests me because you won't suffer the potential nasty sides that clen can cause. I won't mess with clen any other way actually. Im glad your holding off on the fat burners! Definitely the right decision!


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Silver, I get the same way too man. Sometimes I feel like I just want to be done with my progress so I can just work on maintenence and maybe get back to fighting...

This stuff just doesn't happen overnight. You've already sped up the process so much faster with your knowledge of diet and supplements... Enjoy the last year or so - after this you'll be so yoked you wont be able to find shirts n sh*t.


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Silver, I get the same way too man. Sometimes I feel like I just want to be done with my progress so I can just work on maintenence and maybe get back to fighting...

This stuff just doesn't happen overnight. You've already sped up the process so much faster with your knowledge of diet and supplements... Enjoy the last year or so - after this you'll be so yoked you wont be able to find shirts n sh*t.
Dude..I would be doing back flips and spinning back fists if I looked like you (no homo). What am I saying I think I would still be trying to get bigger like you are.

It honestly feels like I have been working on this for ages. Really it was July of 2007 when I started making an attempt so it really hasn't been that long. Since I spent 15+ years adding fat 1.5+ trying to add muscle is nothing. I will say this last 10-15lbs of fat is the hardest part to come off.


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Dude..I would be doing back flips and spinning back fists if I looked like you (no homo). What am I saying I think I would still be trying to get bigger like you are.

It honestly feels like I have been working on this for ages. Really it was July of 2007 when I started making an attempt so it really hasn't been that long. Since I spent 15+ years adding fat 1.5+ trying to add muscle is nothing. I will say this last 10-15lbs of fat is the hardest part to come off.
You're paying your penance for all those nachos nagger.

I'll be paying mine when I have to make 170 pounds for a fight... believe you me.


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It honestly feels like I have been working on this for ages. Really it was July of 2007 when I started making an attempt so it really hasn't been that long. Since I spent 15+ years adding fat 1.5+ trying to add muscle is nothing. I will say this last 10-15lbs of fat is the hardest part to come off.
that's how it always is brotha. the last 10 pounds of fat is like the last 10 pounds of muscle your frame can take - just gotta work harder, step it up, and make it happen. the only limitations on what you can do is you.

just keep on trucking brotha.


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You're paying your penance for all those nachos nagger.

I'll be paying mine when I have to make 170 pounds for a fight... believe you me.
That takes an iron will. I remember watching TUF and those dudes had an unbelievible opportunity and couldn't take it because of the last few lbs on cut day.


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That takes an iron will. I remember watching TUF and those dudes had an unbelievible opportunity and couldn't take it because of the last few lbs on cut day.
Yeah you could could always try new stuff. I tell yah what would help, not alot but would help, Is green trea. Im not talking about regular but gunpowder greentea. If you can get a hold of that stuff. Its the strongest green tea out there. If you cut out coffee and replace this with it and drink it through out the day. It could maybe make those last few pounds easier. Thats only if you can get a hold of it. It isnt normally sold in a grocery store....... i can only find it in herbal stores.


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It honestly feels like I have been working on this for ages. Really it was July of 2007 when I started making an attempt so it really hasn't been that long. Since I spent 15+ years adding fat 1.5+ trying to add muscle is nothing. I will say this last 10-15lbs of fat is the hardest part to come off.
I hope I never get to the place where I feel that maintenance is all I want or need.
Let me put it this way.
The greatest joy of the adventure is not the destination. It is the journey.
This is where all the little glories of small victories won are the greatest delight to the warrior. It's not when we are finally sitting at the banquet table in Valhalla.
Even in Valhalla now, the Einjerhar (the chosen warriors of Odin who have died in battle on earth) do not sit at the banquet table all the time. No. They fight each other every day honing their skills for Ragnarok (the final battle between good and evil) and their wounds are magically healed at the end of every day. Then they feast in the Halls of Valhalla every night. And the cycle begins anew the next morning. This is "heaven" to me!!
The joy of the warrior is out on the battlefield. Where it's hard. Tiring. The toil and effort. This is where our "heaven" is!!!! :hail:

What I'm trying to say Silver, is have fun on the journey brother. The hard days in the gym, sweating your balls off. Looking in the mirror and still seeing the need for change. This is what you really want.
You don't want to have the "perfect" body where you see no need for further effort and struggle. At least I don't!!
I hope I never get to the place of complacency.
I want more strength, more mass, more cuts!!!
I shall have them.
The God of Thunder decrees it!!! :raincloud: :umbrella: :hammer:


  • RockStar
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^^^^^^well said TG!


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I know I always have these but: "He who has a why to Live can bear almost any How". When the WHY is gone...there is no reason


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Great stuff guys. This board is so wonderful due to people like all you guys. This wisdom that you openly share is like a self help clinic. I have received diet advice, workout advice, supplement advice, life advice and the list goes on. I seriously don't think I could have crossed over on this journey without my AM brothers. I was seriously at a cross roads when I joined this board long ago. Do I accept where I had come (down from 225 - 190 but not lean my any means) or do I commit myself to body building. You guys help make that decision for me when I received comments about how far I have come and with the right training, diet and supplements I am only hard work and a year or so away.

Now when I work out it is not just for me. I truly want to post big, honest numbers to prove myself for those that believed in me and inspired me on this journey.


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Day 27 (Combined update)

90mg of XTreme Tren (30mg at 6:30AM, 30mg around 11:30AM and 30mg this evening)

30MG of P-Plex Day 1 (10mg at 6:30AM, 10mg around 11:30AM and 10mg this evening)

Supplements consisted of cycle support, fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, chasteberry and taurine. Also had Xtend and a protein shake after workout.


Last reading: 210.5lbs (+11.5lbs) I know I shouldn't weigh myself as frequently, but today I felt bigger. In fact I was up 2.5lbs this morning compared to the last weigh in.


Strenght is great. Endurance is hampered by my sore back. It made heavy lifting pretty rough today


1) LIBIDO - Not craving sex like a lunitic, but no problems performing.
2) BP - 149/88 If I can get it checked this afternoon I will. I am dosing extra HB and CoQ-10 so it should be OK and I only have a week left..
3) AGGRESSION - Still gotta give the aggression a 9 out of 10.
4) HAIR LOSS - Holy crap all my hair fell out (oh wait that was years ago).
5) GYNO SYMPTOMS - Absolutely no issues here.
6) TESTICULAR ATROPHY - Maybe minor atrophy, but they are still hanging pretty low.
7) MISC. - Major lower back soreness. I am one of the lucky ones that gets the major back pumps and constant soreness when on cycle.


I am still loving the on feeling, but I am getting ready for the PCT. I have been pushing like a madman and have worked out at least 5 times a week the entire 4 weeks of the cycle.

The Workout
Today was legs day, but I my workout partner avoids legs like the plague. So I started working out with him on biceps. I really pushed it and had my arms bulging. It felt like my skin was going to split. Man that is such a great feeling.

For legs I really wasn't able to go as heavy as I wanted on squats due to the soreness in my back. It really affected my power and explosion. I fought through the pain though because a warrior will not tap out. :)

I also finished up the workout with 15 minutes on the elliptical. I should be able to start bringing cardio back which should help lean me out more.


What more can I say about this cycle except it has been outstanding for me. I ran M-Drol for 3 weeks and although it was a good cycle I don't feel like the mass I put on was anywhere near this combo. Epistane was no where close to this combo in terms of strenght, weight gain or recomp capabilities for me.


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SIlver bro just another idea since you have xtend. What i do with xtend is everytime i drink water i mix a scoop of xtend. I go through bottles and bottles of water so everytime i open one up i mix a scoop of xtend. Plus xtend products taste fantastic!!! i have sour apple. But one thing they dont mention on taking prohormones is that you need to keep a high level of bcaa. I would have about 20-30 g daily. Then again thats also if you have enough powder. I know its been a feww days on this cycle but i just thought of it. sorry....


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SIlver bro just another idea since you have xtend. What i do with xtend is everytime i drink water i mix a scoop of xtend. I go through bottles and bottles of water so everytime i open one up i mix a scoop of xtend. Plus xtend products taste fantastic!!! i have sour apple. But one thing they dont mention on taking prohormones is that you need to keep a high level of bcaa. I would have about 20-30 g daily. Then again thats also if you have enough powder. I know its been a feww days on this cycle but i just thought of it. sorry....
Thats a pretty expensive solution. Most traditional whey products have all the BCAAs you'll need for non-workout applications. I'd just keep the Xtend for intra / post workout...


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Thats a pretty expensive solution. Most traditional whey products have all the BCAAs you'll need for non-workout applications. I'd just keep the Xtend for intra / post workout...
i dont know man its not that bad. i have the huge tube ou can buy. im not putting much of a dent in it. and its lasting me quite a while. and ive used it on two 6 week cycles. with high dose of bcaa's. Its up to you silver if you think its expensive then dont do it. I can afford it and i dont make alot. :D. plus i noticed a bit of a difference running a ph with high level bcaa. I seemed to keep my pump alot alot alot longer.


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i dont know man its not that bad. i have the huge tube ou can buy. im not putting much of a dent in it. and its lasting me quite a while. and ive used it on two 6 week cycles. with high dose of bcaa's. Its up to you silver if you think its expensive then dont do it. I can afford it and i dont make alot. :D. plus i noticed a bit of a difference running a ph with high level bcaa. I seemed to keep my pump alot alot alot longer.
I'm not poor... :lol:

I'm just not sure there is a need to have quick digesting BCAA's all day when you're already getting them from your whey.


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I'm not poor... :lol:

I'm just not sure there is a need to have quick digesting BCAA's all day when you're already getting them from your whey.
Lol i didnt meen it that way brother. I mainly got the idea off of an old proh hormone that isnt sold anymore and it tell you on the product to take 20-30 g of bcaa's daily. I thought it wouldnt hurt to try and actually noticed some significant results. But i agree if you already get it in your whey, than sweet! Of coarse go with the whey instead. I just figure it wont hurt with me. I just figure while im drinking my water why not get a constant flow of bcaa's. Even if there is a little bit not being used. at least i know im getting plenty of it. Plus its not as filling as drinking a protein shake. i can actually drink this stuff with my meal and not get too full.


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Lol i didnt meen it that way brother. I mainly got the idea off of an old proh hormone that isnt sold anymore and it tell you on the product to take 20-30 g of bcaa's daily. I thought it wouldnt hurt to try and actually noticed some significant results. But i agree if you already get it in your whey, than sweet! Of coarse go with the whey instead. I just figure it wont hurt with me. I just figure while im drinking my water why not get a constant flow of bcaa's. Even if there is a little bit not being used. at least i know im getting plenty of it. Plus its not as filling as drinking a protein shake. i can actually drink this stuff with my meal and not get too full.
Hey - if you dig it, do it... You're right - not going to hurt.


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I check out a lot of these cycle runs. On some I see people post about getting sick or tweaking something and then they are not able to get the most out of their cycle. I seems like am starting to come down with a resp infection or something and it is pissing me off. I have been laying around in a coma like state. I hope I am all better by tomorrow because I am going to finish this cycle strong.



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I check out a lot of these cycle runs. On some I see people post about getting sick or tweaking something and then they are not able to get the most out of their cycle. I seems like am starting to come down with a resp infection or something and it is pissing me off. I have been laying around in a coma like state. I hope I am all better by tomorrow because I am going to finish this cycle strong.

Cycles murder your immune system. You may actually have caught something - so take it easy on yourself man.


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Dude, crank that vitamin C up! Anti-Oxidants are your friend!


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two animal packs daily!!!!! vit b and c crank it up!!!


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Day 28

90mg of XTreme Tren (30mg at 6:30AM, 30mg around 11:30AM and 30mg this evening)

30MG of P-Plex Day (10mg at 6:30AM, 10mg around 11:30AM and 10mg this evening)

Supplements consisted of cycle support, fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, chasteberry and taurine.

Last reading: 209lbs (+10lbs)


Off day, plus under the weather.


1) LIBIDO - Not craving sex like a lunitic, but no problems performing.
2) BP - Headed to the Dr. today so I should have a good reading this afternoon.
3) AGGRESSION - Still gotta give the aggression a 9 out of 10.
4) HAIR LOSS - Holy crap all my hair fell out (oh wait that was years ago).
5) GYNO SYMPTOMS - Absolutely no issues here.
6) TESTICULAR ATROPHY - Maybe minor atrophy, but they are still hanging pretty low.
7) MISC. - Major lower back soreness. I am one of the lucky ones that gets the major back pumps and constant soreness when on cycle.


I came down with a sinus infection or something so I felt like a$$ Sunday and just laid around the house.

The Workout
Off day and did not feel like going in for cardio since I can't breathe.


The cycle is winding down. Today was supposed to be the last day of Xtreme Tren. I have decided to empty the bottle and continue it Monday and Tuesday along with P-Plex. Back pumps are the only real negatives of this cycle and I can deal with those.


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Day 28

90mg of XTreme Tren (30mg at 6:30AM, 30mg around 11:30AM and 30mg this evening)

30MG of P-Plex Day (10mg at 6:30AM, 10mg around 11:30AM and 10mg this evening)

Supplements consisted of cycle support, fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, chasteberry and taurine.

Last reading: 209lbs (+10lbs)


Off day, plus under the weather.


1) LIBIDO - Not craving sex like a lunitic, but no problems performing.
2) BP - 159/99 WOW I am glad I am finishing up this Tren before my heart explodes. I am going to up my dosage of CoQ-10 and HB for this last week.
3) AGGRESSION - Still gotta give the aggression a 9 out of 10.
4) HAIR LOSS - Holy crap all my hair fell out (oh wait that was years ago).
5) GYNO SYMPTOMS - Absolutely no issues here.
6) TESTICULAR ATROPHY - Maybe minor atrophy, but they are still hanging pretty low.
7) MISC. - Major lower back soreness. I am one of the lucky ones that gets the major back pumps and constant soreness when on cycle.


Today is a normal workout day, but I am going to move it to Tuesday. I am going to try to hit the treadmill at the house. Hopefully

The Workout
Off day and did not feel like going in for cardio since I can't breathe.


I am pretty suprised that the extra Hawthorn Berry and CoQ-10 hasn't helped my soaring blood pressue some. I know that 159/99 is high, but is it dangerously high?


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Jesus Silver... you are gonna want to dose the hell out of HB for a while. Get that BP down homie... I know you only have two days left, but yikes.


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^^^^^X10 bubba!! Get that shiz under control now.


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2) BP - 159/99 WOW I am glad I am finishing up this Tren before my heart explodes. I am going to up my dosage of CoQ-10 and HB for this last week.
:lol: You're funny dude.

Honestly, if I were you I'd just flush the Tren. 2 more days probably wont make a discernable difference either way... but you're ushering yourself into a danger zone there BP wise. Doesn't seem the supports are kicking it down quite enough.

At the minimum, double your supports - and continue them after you're off... and take some extra fishie caps.


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159/99 is pretty darned high brotha. 150/90 and i'd say you were vaguely safe.

2 more days though, probably won't matter much - you should be done and have your BP returning to normal real quick.


Wow.. If I remember you were like 127/77 at the start of your cycle..
Your log is helping me out bro...
You know I just started my 2nd week of Tren Xtreme... I've been taking 2000mgs of HB a day between my cycle support and pills.. I'll up it to 3000mgs tonite and keep it there..
Is that about a 1000 more than you've been running for this cycle??
My starting BP was 116/64 so it will be interesting to see how it goes for me..
I'll try to find some celery seed to add in for BP control also..

BTW~ are you taking taurine and how much a day?


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Dose Taurine about 30 minutes before your workout man... between 3 and 6 grams. Start with 3 and see how that works for you...


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Dose Taurine about 30 minutes before your workout man... between 3 and 6 grams. Start with 3 and see how that works for you...
That is what I need to hear. I know that back pumps fear reps but now some additional help to keep them at bay will be used.
I was taking a sh*t ton of Taurine before and it wasn't doing a blasted thing. We'll see soon.


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One thing I forgot to mention that could have been a contributing factor to the high blood pressure:

I had my 2 boys (5 and 7) at the Dr. appt with me. The little one was driving me crazy touching the doctor's computer and trying to touch everything within reach. I know that had my stress level high which I am sure contributed to the higher number.

That being said today is the last day on Xtreme Tren and today is my last chest/tris day on that compound. So you know I am going to do it right. I declare the weights my enemy and they will tap out!


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Good for you Silver. I hear ya on the kids, but it probably didn't just jump 10 points. Finish strong, then work on getting that BP down. Do some serious walking in the next week... Slow Steady Cardio will help.


I have two boys as well and they are 18 months apart. I remember well the days when they were younger and the level of stress they could add to the simplest tasks. Thank goodness they are getting older now and are much easier to deal with. I think it must be true what they say about boys being easier to deal with as they get older. And soon the older one will be joining me in the gym as well which will be extremely cool IMO.


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I have two boys as well and they are 18 months apart. I remember well the days when they were younger and the level of stress they could add to the simplest tasks. Thank goodness they are getting older now and are much easier to deal with. I think it must be true what they say about boys being easier to deal with as they get older. And soon the older one will be joining me in the gym as well which will be extremely cool IMO.

Start em young! They'll be monsters by the time they are my age!


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man, i can't wait for my son to join me at the gym. he's 4 right now, so i got about 11 more years to go. gonna make a beast out of him :)


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man, i can't wait for my son to join me at the gym. he's 4 right now, so i got about 11 more years to go. gonna make a beast out of him :)
He could probably start at about 13 or 14 no problem. I know I first went to the gym with my dad at 12. My dad wasn't into bodybuilding, just general health, but it always stayed in the back of my mind, even when I stopped going that the gym was the place to get healthy.


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He could probably start at about 13 or 14 no problem. I know I first went to the gym with my dad at 12. My dad wasn't into bodybuilding, just general health, but it always stayed in the back of my mind, even when I stopped going that the gym was the place to get healthy.
at 13-14 i'll be having him do the basics - push ups, pull ups, dips maybe - somewhere along the lines of total body with light weights - don't want his growth plates to close prematurely from heavy weights. my goal for now is to bulk him up as high as he can get and still be healthy - not above 14% body fat, etc. his biological had 2 failed knee operations. i figure the stronger his knees are at a younger age, the safer he'll be in the long run.


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That is what I need to hear. I know that back pumps fear reps but now some additional help to keep them at bay will be used.
I was taking a sh*t ton of Taurine before and it wasn't doing a blasted thing. We'll see soon.
If it doesn't work - amp it up a gram until it does. Its not something you can overdose on - so eat up.

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