Silver is taking P-Plex to the XTreme (Xtreme Tren that is).



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I hear you Silver on the kids. I'm 50 with a 5 yr old daughter that has me on the verge of a stroke continually.


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Day 30

90mg of XTreme Tren (30mg at 6:30AM, 30mg around 11:30AM and 30mg this evening)

30MG of P-Plex Day (10mg at 6:30AM, 10mg around 11:30AM and 10mg this evening)

Supplements consisted of cycle support, fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, chasteberry and taurine. Also had Xtend intra workout and a protein shake post.


Last reading: 209lbs (+10lbs) Weight seems to be stuck between 208 - 210. I am not upset with that as I feel I have lost some fat along the way.


Strenght was through the roof. Man I hope I am able to maintain similar strength levels after the cycle is finished.


1) LIBIDO - Not craving sex like a lunitic, but no problems performing.
2) BP - Headed to the Dr. today so I should have a good reading this afternoon.
3) AGGRESSION - Still gotta give the aggression a 9 out of 10.
4) HAIR LOSS - Holy crap all my hair fell out (oh wait that was years ago).
5) GYNO SYMPTOMS - Absolutely no issues here.
6) TESTICULAR ATROPHY - I am definately shut down. They are not raisins, but they are not as low as they once were.
7) MISC. - Back is better today. Still have some soreness, but it is not preventing me from working hard.


Even though I felt bad last night and couldn't breathe I still walked for 35 minutes on the treadmill. It was a pretty slow pace, but I pushed through it knowing that the cycle was winding down.

The Workout
Today I hit chest/tris and the strength was off the chain.

I did a set of 225 x 10 on flat bench like it was no problem. Then hit a set of 295 x 4 followed by another set of 225 x 10. Also hit incline and decline bench. Followed that up with Flies, Skull Crushers/Close Grip bench. For tris I did V bar pull downs, Rope pull downs and cable kick backs.

I seriously felt like my triceps were going to rip out of my skin. I am going to miss that painful pump. There is no feeling like it.


Today is the last day of Xtreme Tren. Besides the high blood pressure and the fact that it is almost impossible to drink enough water this is one hell of a compound. I know they were at different times in my progression, but strengthwise this compound worked better for me than M-Drol or Epi. Recomp wise there has been no comparison either. I am so thrilled with what I have accomplished on this cycle. The work is only beginning though. I plan to up the cardio this week and throughout PCT to lean up. I will keep the calories high because I plan to keep the gains I have made.


While this may be goodbye to the Xtreme Tren you made great gains in LBM and lost some fat so this was definitely a success for you Silver. Now make sure to keep those gains through PCT and get ready to take it to the next level. Summer is right around the corner brutha!


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Oh yea big dog!
Get healthy and stay on that good track during the PCT.

and aren't those kids great for the blood pressure?


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Today is the last day of Xtreme Tren. Besides the high blood pressure and the fact that it is almost impossible to drink enough water this is one hell of a compound. I know they were at different times in my progression, but strengthwise this compound worked better for me than M-Drol or Epi. Recomp wise there has been no comparison either. I am so thrilled with what I have accomplished on this cycle. The work is only beginning though. I plan to up the cardio this week and throughout PCT to lean up. I will keep the calories high because I plan to keep the gains I have made.
that's exactly how i felt on this. man i can't wait... mdrol/tren and hdrol/tren will be the future of stacking IMO.


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that's exactly how i felt on this. man i can't wait... mdrol/tren and hdrol/tren will be the future of stacking IMO.
Quite a few companies are already utilizing estra-9 in their stacks. Mostly Epi and Phera from what I have seen.

I can't wait for this sauce though...


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Quite a few companies are already utilizing estra-9 in their stacks. Mostly Epi and Phera from what I have seen.

I can't wait for this sauce though...
epi/tren are both class I, meaning they would interact with the same receptors. a better stack would be hdrol/tren for leaning and recomp, or mdrol/tren for bulking. IMO.

from :

Class I = binds to androgen receptor
Class II = does not

Class I

Boldenone based - 1,4AD & Bold
Progestin based - (similar to trenbolone) - Trenadrol & Trenaplex
Dienolone based - (again similar to tren) - Mdien
Mepitiostane (Thioderon) based - Epistane & Clones (like Havoc & so on so forth)
Desoxymethyltestosterone/DMT (Madol) based phs - Pheraplex & clones
DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) based phs - M5AA

Class II

Masteron (Dromostanolone) based - Superdrol & Clones
Oral Turinabol (Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone) based - Halodrol & Clones
Dianabol (methandrostenolone) based - M1,4ADD, M1T, 1-T, Methyl XT
Winstrol (stanozolol) based - Winztrol, Orastan-A, Furaguno, etc
Furazabol (miotolan) based - Furazadrol etc
Progesterone based - Revolt, Propadrol, Max LMG
Clostebol based - Chlorodrol, Oxyguno

IMO epi/tren is a little bit of a waste - though obviously still better than a solo run, if there are some open receptors left. that's why i was pretty stoked to see you run hdrol/tren as part of your stack :)


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epi/tren are both class I, meaning they would interact with the same receptors. a better stack would be hdrol/tren for leaning, or mdrol/tren for bulking. IMO.
So because you not using the same receptors; your using both, it would be a great thing for bulking if i were to use this stack (mdrol-tren)for my next bulking cycle?


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So because you not using the same receptors; your using both, it would be a great thing for bulking if i were to use this stack (mdrol-tren)for my next bulking cycle?
IMO it would be. You'd have to really watch for gyno on a mdrol-tren run though.


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that's exactly how i felt on this. man i can't wait... mdrol/tren and hdrol/tren will be the future of stacking IMO.
I remember just a year or so ago when I was experimenting stacking these compounds together, everyone told me how dangerous and stupid it was!!! :fool2:

Maybe these companies were watching and learning from the God of Thunder!!!:hammer:


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H-drol/19 Nor combo sounds great to me. i would love it. i might be in on some 1-T before that run though.


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I remember just a year or so ago when I was experimenting stacking these compounds together, everyone told me how dangerous and stupid it was!!! :fool2:

Maybe these companies were watching and learning from the God of Thunder!!!:hammer:
probably true. gods are scrutinized more than us mortals :)


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Will post a detailed update later.

Last night I think my food didn't agree with me and I had a splitting headache. Needless to say I hurled my guts out. Shortly after that I was fine and no issues today. I don't think it was food poisoning because it was left overs from Sunday. I feel better today and I will be putting in work tonight. Today I am P-Plex only but will be dosing at 40mg for the final 5 days of this cycle. Wish me luck my brothers in arms!


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Will post a detailed update later.

Last night I think my food didn't agree with me and I had a splitting headache. Needless to say I hurled my guts out. Shortly after that I was fine and no issues today. I don't think it was food poisoning because it was left overs from Sunday. I feel better today and I will be putting in work tonight. Today I am P-Plex only but will be dosing at 40mg for the final 5 days of this cycle. Wish me luck my brothers in arms!
heck yes. great progress so far, hopefully the next 5 days will treat you golden.


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It's not luck Silver. It's hard work and have proved that to all of us. Now tear this shiz up!!


  • RockStar
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No rip Carib...just a props for Silver!


Oh definitely huge props for Silver. What he's accomplished is amazing and I'd bet that 99.9% of others couldn't/wouldn't be able to make the changes he's been able to make. It was the luck thing I meant for the rip :laugh:


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Go get you some big Silver!!! :head:

That 40 mg. of Phera will finish you up nice and strong. You'll likely put on a few more pounds of mass as well.


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Go get you some big Silver!!! :head:

That 40 mg. of Phera will finish you up nice and strong. You'll likely put on a few more pounds of mass as well.
I agree with you on the 40mg and I am really hoping for another pound or 2. I have been a tad disappointed by the lack of serious weight gain the last 2+ weeks. I have pretty much been stagnant weight wise and want to end this cycle above 210. I have hit that weight 2 times, but then drop down. Regardless I an not going to be upset because the scale does not do justice to what I have accomplished. That being said 40mg should help things.

A quick workout note...I am sick of these back pumps. After deads I could barely unrack the 45s off the bar. I felt like a beotch. I had to use one of the balls to stretch out before I could do more back work.



A quick workout note...I am sick of these back pumps. After deads I could barely unrack the 45s off the bar. I felt like a beotch. I had to use one of the balls to stretch out before I could do more back work.

I got my first back pump ever on Monday at work and I do construction..
TL mentioned dosing the taurine like 30 min to 1 hr before workouts..
I've dosed 3 grams of taurine before work and been good to go... today I dosed another 3 grams before my workout after work..
Worked well for me...


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The mirror is the best scale Silver. That's the weight you can be proud of.


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The mirror is the best scale Silver. That's the weight you can be proud of.
I am hoping it is the wetness of the P-Plex, but man I feel bloated the last few days. The scale still shows the same weight so I am hoping it is just a little water retention.


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I am hoping it is the wetness of the P-Plex, but man I feel bloated the last few days. The scale still shows the same weight so I am hoping it is just a little water retention.
I felt like I was holding water and started drinking more water and ended up looking leaner. Try upping the water intake man.


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Your body is always trying to protect itself. If it senses that it is not getting much water it retains it. If it feels like it will be getting the water it flushes away the excess. Drink up Silver!!


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I got my first back pump ever on Monday at work and I do construction..
TL mentioned dosing the taurine like 30 min to 1 hr before workouts..
I've dosed 3 grams of taurine before work and been good to go... today I dosed another 3 grams before my workout after work..
Worked well for me...
You're welcome. :lol:


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Blood pressure was a tad better today, but still higher than I prefer. It was 153/93.

I have one other weird issue that started 2 days ago. My left knee keeps popping as I walk. It is not in pain and it doesn't feel like I tweaked it, but it is damn annoying to feel it pop as I take each step.


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Great log and progress. Will we see before and after pics of you?

On another note, my first run with Xtreme Tren was on a bridge cycle with H-Drol and it seemed to work well. I did that last year.


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Great log and progress. Will we see before and after pics of you?

On another note, my first run with Xtreme Tren was on a bridge cycle with H-Drol and it seemed to work well. I did that last year.
Before Pics are on the first page. I also posted a pic a few pages back for week 3. I will probably post some updated pics this weekend even though I feel bloated/fat right now. It is probably in my head since my weight is still the sameish.

I will also post pics after PCT. Thx for the props and checking back!


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Day 31 & 32

No Xtreme Tren

40MG of P-Plex Day (10mg at 6:30AM, 10mg around 11:30AM and 20mg pre-workout)

Supplements consisted of cycle support, fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, chasteberry and taurine. Also had Xtend intra workout and a protein shake post.


Last reading: 208lbs (+9lbs) Weight seems to be stuck between 208 - 210. I am not upset with that as I feel I have lost some fat along the way.


Strength is still en fuego baby. I feel like I can lift heavy and besides my back soreness revovery is great.


1) LIBIDO - Not craving sex like a lunitic, but no problems performing.
2) BP - 152/93 - Blood pressure was down some so I hope it continues to creep lower daily
3) AGGRESSION - I have made a concerted effort especially at home to calm the fuk down. I think the stressed mixed with the Tren/P-Plex had me snapping at little things. Not violent snapping, but I would yell more.
4) HAIR LOSS - Holy crap all my hair fell out (oh wait that was years ago).
5) GYNO SYMPTOMS - Absolutely no issues here.
6) TESTICULAR ATROPHY - I am definately shut down. They are not raisins, but they are not as low as they once were.
7) MISC. - Back is better today. Still have some soreness, but it is not preventing me from working hard.


Down to the last 3 days of the cycle and I am ready to get my hormones in check. The injectable cycles much be better as far as sides because I can't imagine being on these designers more than 5-6 weeks max.

The Workout
Had a brutal back workout. Not necessarily because of the heavy weight, but because these Roids had my lower back in knots. I struggled after dead lifts to unrack the 45lb plates. I stretched it out and continued still pushing myself with heavy weights.

Also had an awesome shoulder/bicep day. I took the advice of others and introduced barbell shoulder press. I started out with 135 on the smith machine and had no issues. Added a 25lb plate on each side and that was much tougher and I only managed 7 reps. Dropped back down to 135 to finish the last set of 10. Also hit dumbbell press moving up to my final set with 60lb dumbbells. I also tried the heavier lateral raises and I am sure people were trying to figure out what my problem was with all the cussing, spitting and such. Those felt good. Also did some heavy shrugs and a few other misc exercises before blasting biceps. My arms were butter afterwards.

I definately love the recovery that these compounds have provided me with. I straight up destroy my muscles during the workout and the next day I feel like I could lift again (except back). I am ready to finish this cycle and I am going strong my brothers.


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Last Day of the Cycle - Day 35

No Xtreme Tren

40MG of P-Plex Day (10mg at 6:30AM, 10mg around 11:30AM and 20mg pre-workout)

Supplements consisted of cycle support, fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, chasteberry and taurine.


Last reading: 207lbs (+8lbs) I am not really sure why I did not gain any scale weight after week 2-3. Regardless, I feel there was a significant recomp to go along with the added mass. I also feel it was pretty lean which is a definate plus.


This stack was excellent for strength and I would definately run Xtreme Tren again. However, I might stack it with H-Drol if I did.


1) LIBIDO - Never had any ED issues while on cycle and I am hoping for no issues during PCT.
2) BP - 152/93 - I will try to get my BP checked again soon and will keep an eye on it as I get further away from the Tren.
3) AGGRESSION - I have said enough about this. Agression was way worse than M-Drol or Epistane.
4) HAIR LOSS - Holy crap all my hair fell out (oh wait that was years ago).
5) GYNO SYMPTOMS - Absolutely no issues here.
6) TESTICULAR ATROPHY - I am definately shut down. They are not raisins, but they are not as low as they once were.
7) MISC. - Back pumps suck and I can't dose enough taurine to make my back stop aching. That is the number 1 reason I will be glad to finish this cycle.


Yesterday I think I strained my lower back doing squats. I thought at first it was just the dreaded back pumps so I continued my workout and even went heavier. Yesterday it was a struggle in the afternoon to bend over or tie my shoes. Today it is pretty stiff as well.

I feel like a whiny bitch with some of the crap that has happened to me during this cycle. However, I fought through every bit of the issues and didn't miss any workouts.

The Workout

Saturday was Leg day and I started off with Squats. As I mentioned during my set of 225 my back was really sore. I fought through that set and slapped on 315 for 5 reps before dropping back down to 225 for a final set of 10 reps. Afterwards I could barely bend down to rack the plates. I did a little stretching and finished up my leg workout (minus lunges and leg press).

I also got my second chest day in which I focus more on incline. I did 2 sets of 225lbs x 5. If I had a spotter I could have done more. I also hit flat bench and then incline dumbbell bench.

I finished up with 20 minutes on the elliptical. I will be bringing cardio back full force to make up for the calorie excess that I will be eating during PCT to keep my new mass.


Here were my pre-cycle goals:
1. I would like to gain aproximately 10lbs of fairly lean muscle mass and hopefully drop a 1-2% of bf%.

Unfortunately I did not hit the 10lbs of lean muscle mass but I do feel I dropped 1-2% of body fat.

2. My current max on bench is 315lbs and I would like to hit 350lbs by the end of the cycle.

I will try to test our 345 tomorrow to see how I did here. I can say that I successfully hit 335lbs which is a 20lb increase from my previous max. Also, my previous max was while on PRIME several months ago.

3. My max squat (Smith machine was the only option available) was 450 x 3. I have recently joined a gym with a real squat rack and will try to max out prior to the cycle to get a baseline. Regardless I think a 50lb increase would be great.

My back was so sore towards the end of the cycle that I really couldn't max out. I was able to hit 365 for a set of 5 a few weeks back which is a 50lb increase from my previous attempt so I will say this one was accomplished.

4. My current bicep measurement is around 16.75" and I would like to hit 17" by the end of the cycle.

I accomplished this goal and can now say I have 17" guns and that feels pretty damn good. Now if I can lean up to expose more definition they will look much larger.

5. I really want to see how XTreme Tren (dry non-methl) stacks with P-Plex (wetter methyl compound)

I don't think P-Plex is as wet as some people led on. I did not feel extremely bloated or like I was retaining water. Xtreme Tren was a great compound for strength, Re-Comp and made me extremely agressive.

I know I still have a long way to go with PCT and my plan is to keep gaining strength while continuing to lean up. Thanks everyone for checking in on this log and providing great input.


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I wanted to put my PCT plan out to see what everyone thinks. I am running Tamoxifen, AI Post Cycle Support and ALRI Restore.

I am thinking about the following layout.
Tamox - 20mg/20mg/10mg/10mg and will probably start day1 at 40mg, day 2 at 30mg and finish week 1 at 20mg.
AI PCS - 4 caps/4 caps/3 caps/2 caps/2 caps
ALRI Restore - 0/0/3 caps/3 caps/3 caps/3 caps

Since ALRI has AI properties and cortisol control I wanted to wait until week 3 to intoduce it into my PCT. Does this look good?


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Looks good to me homie.


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I wanted to put my PCT plan out to see what everyone thinks. I am running Tamoxifen, AI Post Cycle Support and ALRI Restore.

I am thinking about the following layout.
Tamox - 20mg/20mg/10mg/10mg and will probably start day1 at 40mg, day 2 at 30mg and finish week 1 at 20mg.
AI PCS - 4 caps/4 caps/3 caps/2 caps/2 caps
ALRI Restore - 0/0/3 caps/3 caps/3 caps/3 caps

Since ALRI has AI properties and cortisol control I wanted to wait until week 3 to intoduce it into my PCT. Does this look good?
I think you might want to use some form of natty test-booster from the very beginning of PCT to kickstart your own production. Just my opinion and the way I do it. I'm actually gonna start a test-booster during the last week of my cycles from now on, to give the testes a head start!
Everything else looks good.
You put together and accomplished a great cycle Silver.
Congrats!!! :35:


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I think you might want to use some form of natty test-booster from the very beginning of PCT to kickstart your own production. Just my opinion and the way I do it. I'm actually gonna start a test-booster during the last week of my cycles from now on, to give the testes a head start!
Everything else looks good.
You put together and accomplished a great cycle Silver.
Congrats!!! :35:
Isn't Annabolic Innovations Post Cycle Support considered a natty test booster?


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I wanted to put my PCT plan out to see what everyone thinks. I am running Tamoxifen, AI Post Cycle Support and ALRI Restore.

I am thinking about the following layout.
Tamox - 20mg/20mg/10mg/10mg and will probably start day1 at 40mg, day 2 at 30mg and finish week 1 at 20mg.
AI PCS - 4 caps/4 caps/3 caps/2 caps/2 caps
ALRI Restore - 0/0/3 caps/3 caps/3 caps/3 caps

Since ALRI has AI properties and cortisol control I wanted to wait until week 3 to intoduce it into my PCT. Does this look good?
That looks great to me big daddy. This will get the job done. Good luck! Nice log.


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push through PCT brotha. nice log - will you be updating through PCT or no?


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Day 3 of my PCT and all is going well so far. I have dropped down to 206.5 which is about 2lbs lower than my last day on cycle. My back is still very sore and I might have to get it checked out if it doesn't improve by next week. I am still hitting the gym hard core and have brough cardio back into the rotation.

A funny item from this AM:

I woke up and checked email to find I had a new PM. I received the following from one of our great AM member:

Good to have you around, but I sincerely believe you look, well, awful.

That had me a little pissed first thing in the AM, but what can you do? I just thought I would share.


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dude, i hate to hear that. I've never beat a guy down for improving his appearance, lifestyle, and/or self esteem.
Keep doin what your doin. Go Silver!


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Day 3 of my PCT and all is going well so far. I have dropped down to 206.5 which is about 2lbs lower than my last day on cycle. My back is still very sore and I might have to get it checked out if it doesn't improve by next week. I am still hitting the gym hard core and have brough cardio back into the rotation.

A funny item from this AM:

I woke up and checked email to find I had a new PM. I received the following from one of our great AM member:

Good to have you around, but I sincerely believe you look, well, awful.

That had me a little pissed first thing in the AM, but what can you do? I just thought I would share.
Glad to hear PCT is going well, rest that back bro! Who the fukc sent you that PM??!!! Negs are in that bitches future:censored:


Don't sweat that sh!t Silver...
We can't be everything to everybud, or please everyone...
At the end of the day how you feel about your progress is what matters...
some d!ckheads give themselves way to much credit for thier opinions mattering to others.. most times it's their poor opinion of themselves that causes them to try to tear others down, that's how they build them selves up.. hell kids do that crap with my kid in school... sad we have adults that never grew up...
BTW~ since your log was of great help to me with my first cycle.. I'll throw this your way.. I'm doing 3100mgs ED of hathorn berry between my cycle support and pills for my BP.. I was 116/64 before cycle and I was 122/72 on day 14 of my Tren.. I figure I'm dosing a good 1000mgs more than you did, and your BP shot up.. I'll keep track of my BP for the cycle and bounce you the info.. might help dial you in for your next run...


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Day 3 of my PCT and all is going well so far. I have dropped down to 206.5 which is about 2lbs lower than my last day on cycle. My back is still very sore and I might have to get it checked out if it doesn't improve by next week. I am still hitting the gym hard core and have brough cardio back into the rotation.

A funny item from this AM:

I woke up and checked email to find I had a new PM. I received the following from one of our great AM member:

Good to have you around, but I sincerely believe you look, well, awful.

That had me a little pissed first thing in the AM, but what can you do? I just thought I would share.
That's pretty wack bro. You've come a hell of a long way. What a tool. PM coming your way.


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I don't understand what motivates AHs like that....Silver you are on your way up and will be passing that skeet stain on his way down.


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Don't sweat that sh!t Silver...
We can't be everything to everybud, or please everyone...
At the end of the day how you feel about your progress is what matters...
some d!ckheads give themselves way to much credit for thier opinions mattering to others.. most times it's their poor opinion of themselves that causes them to try to tear others down, that's how they build them selves up.. hell kids do that crap with my kid in school... sad we have adults that never grew up...
BTW~ since your log was of great help to me with my first cycle.. I'll throw this your way.. I'm doing 3100mgs ED of hathorn berry between my cycle support and pills for my BP.. I was 116/64 before cycle and I was 122/72 on day 14 of my Tren.. I figure I'm dosing a good 1000mgs more than you did, and your BP shot up.. I'll keep track of my BP for the cycle and bounce you the info.. might help dial you in for your next run...

Glad your cycle is working out so far. I actually bumped up the HB as a stand alone with the Cycle Assist and added in the CoQ-10 for good measure. Of course it didn't help much. I will be interested to see what my BP does.

As for that douche I have pretty much left it alone. I am not going to get in a pissing match. I know I have a ways to go, but I am happy with my progress and I plan to go from awful to just a tad discusting or something. :fest30:

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