Silver is taking P-Plex to the XTreme (Xtreme Tren that is).



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You guys would have been proud of me. I skipped lunch at my favorite mexican food place today and went to work out at lunch. My lower back is still sore from a few weeks ago so I skipped deadlifts. I think I need to get my back checked out next week if it continues.
Living in San Diego, giving up tacos and burritos has been one of the biggest challenges to my diet.


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Living in San Diego, giving up tacos and burritos has been one of the biggest challenges to my diet.
Two of my favorite foods right there. Nothing like gorging on some big burritos.
Good will power for skipping that tasty lunch treat Silver. You have some restraint for sure.

G, I don't know how you can manage being in your area. I'd be wearing a taco hat if I were there. Viva la Tacos!


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Two of my favorite foods right there. Nothing like gorging on some big burritos.
Good will power for skipping that tasty lunch treat Silver. You have some restraint for sure.

G, I don't know how you can manage being in your area. I'd be wearing a taco hat if I were there. Viva la Tacos!
Trust me, I have had enough mexican food to last a lifetime. I still love it, but it's not like anyone is re-inventing the burrito... I know what I am missing out on and I can deal with it. In n' Out, on the other hand... I can't get enough of that.


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You guys would have been proud of me. I skipped lunch at my favorite mexican food place today and went to work out at lunch. My lower back is still sore from a few weeks ago so I skipped deadlifts. I think I need to get my back checked out next week if it continues.
How confident in your deadlift form are you? Might ask someone at the gym to critique you?


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Living in San Diego, giving up tacos and burritos has been one of the biggest challenges to my diet.
I've been making some super healthy burritos at home... Love it.


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How confident in your deadlift form are you? Might ask someone at the gym to critique you?
My deadlift form is probably not the greatest. Due to bad posture I have a tough time keeping my back flat. That is part of the reason I don't go much over 225 on deadlifts.

As for the mexican food thing...It is definately my week point. I am also married to a mexican senorita that can cook up lots of tastey dishes. So today instead of having tortillas and chip/salsa I had a chipotle burrito bowl. Still pretty good flavor, but much less calories and fats.


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My deadlift form is probably not the greatest. Due to bad posture I have a tough time keeping my back flat. That is part of the reason I don't go much over 225 on deadlifts.

As for the mexican food thing...It is definately my week point. I am also married to a mexican senorita that can cook up lots of tastey dishes. So today instead of having tortillas and chip/salsa I had a chipotle burrito bowl. Still pretty good flavor, but much less calories and fats.
if you use a whole wheat tortilla, good chicken breast that is cut up, avocados, salsa fresca (I try for salsa fresca since I can make it myself, and it has a lot less salt than taco sauce), black beans and fresh veggies... a burrito can be a very healthy meal.


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if you use a whole wheat tortilla, good chicken breast that is cut up, avocados, salsa fresca (I try for salsa fresca since I can make it myself, and it has a lot less salt than taco sauce), black beans and fresh veggies... a burrito can be a very healthy meal.
I've been using ground turkey / lettuce / salsa / fresh cheese... So damn good.


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I've been using ground turkey / lettuce / salsa / fresh cheese... So damn good.
Turkey burritos are the bomb. I like fish burritos too. mmm... mahi mahi....


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How confident in your deadlift form are you? Might ask someone at the gym to critique you?
Thats a great point. Especially if you are a taller guy.
It wouldn't hurt to have somebody get a look at your form that you trust of course Silver. Deads are a tough movement to master and even after doing them for a long time I still have to find that groove where you feel good, better, best.
I've always tried to go heels to ass and then visualize driving my feet through the floor. Head up and keep your back flat and lift with those legs.

And the worst thing is is that there really isn't anything a doc could do for your back if it is just sore or whatever from lifting. Relax, reload and hit it again.

Keep it up Silver. I'm loving it.

and you guys are killing me with this mexican food side track.


Trust me, I have had enough mexican food to last a lifetime. I still love it, but it's not like anyone is re-inventing the burrito... I know what I am missing out on and I can deal with it. In n' Out, on the other hand... I can't get enough of that.
The In n' Out burger? Or the In' n' Out muffin your stuffin?
Or BOTH! :lmao:


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in that pic back there. it looks like your whole body grewquite a bit, but where is your neck?


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Repite: burrito, burrito, burrito

Sorry I just had to do that haha


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in that pic back there. it looks like your whole body grewquite a bit, but where is your neck?
I am not sure if that is a compliment or a diss. :)

I do have a big neck and my coworkers joke with me saying they have a bet on how much longer I will have a neck.

grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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great job silver! sorry i was not around as much as i wanted to be! stupid life, always getting in the way!


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Well guys, I was selected to run LG's new Methyl Masterdrol. I am super stoked about the opportunity. I know a few of the guys put in a good word for me and I will give it my all. Thanks for the recommendations!!!

My back is still pretty tender. I am not one (anymore) to let soreness hold me back so I tried to do some squats again. It was probably not the smartest move as my back is more sore today than it was. I will be laying off the squats for a few weeks and only doing lunges, leg press, leg extension, lying leg curls, and calf raises. It really sucks because I have never really had a sports injury before.


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Is it just sore or are you getting any spasms? Stretching will help if it's just sore..


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It is just sore. No spasms. It hurts to bend over and put on my shoes or any real bending. When I am up moving it is fine.


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It is just sore. No spasms. It hurts to bend over and put on my shoes or any real bending. When I am up moving it is fine.
It sounds like you are just sore from use. And the stretching is the key. That and rest that area. You know what you have to do so don't be too thick headed and try to push through. Hit some big leg presses and hacks in the mean time.

And nice job with the contest winning. Good for you!


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Well guys, I was selected to run LG's new Methyl Masterdrol. I am super stoked about the opportunity. I know a few of the guys put in a good word for me and I will give it my all. Thanks for the recommendations!!!

My back is still pretty tender. I am not one (anymore) to let soreness hold me back so I tried to do some squats again. It was probably not the smartest move as my back is more sore today than it was. I will be laying off the squats for a few weeks and only doing lunges, leg press, leg extension, lying leg curls, and calf raises. It really sucks because I have never really had a sports injury before.
Your already running another cycle? You haven't even finished PCT from your last one dude.


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I will be finished my PCT + a few weeks off before I start the Methyl Masterdrol. I know it is not the best protocol, but I also know GMG and thundergod have run a quick MMV2 cycle during the period between cycles since it is not very hormonal or liver toxic. After that cycle I will be taking a long break to give my body enough rest.


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I will be finished my PCT + a few weeks off before I start the Methyl Masterdrol. I know it is not the best protocol, but I also know GMG and thundergod have run a quick MMV2 cycle during the period between cycles since it is not very hormonal or liver toxic. After that cycle I will be taking a long break to give my body enough rest.
I got the answer to my question right here that I asked in my log. Should have read ahead before asking. Whatever.

Sounds cool to me. How quick are you thinking? A run and then some well deserved time off. Maybe even sneak in a burrito!


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Normally I'd be cool with this. You're kind of forgetting that a week and a half ago you had the blood pressure of an 800 pound skitzophrenic - that's before you consider that your hormone levels will be nowhere near normal. You're cutting a 12 week off period to 5. I know it doesn't sound like a "big deal" to you, but there's a reason that is recommended... Its not like people throw a bunch of unbearable rules your way.

Anyway, that's the last time I'll bring that up. Good luck with the run.


It is just sore. No spasms. It hurts to bend over and put on my shoes or any real bending. When I am up moving it is fine.
Bro.. I have a old back prob from squats from HS... we used to have a district and state power lifiting meets.. my HS had a great progam, I was taught to lift right and had great form.. babd form can hurt you wioth light weight... heavy weight can hurt you with good form.. at 155lbs I had comp legal 375lb squat.. the catch was when the weight was to much stress for my frame..
my sacrum bone shifted and lig and cratlidge gave, yada yada.. I'm not much of a medical guy.. point is.. it just might not be muscle that is sore dude..
Down by your tail bone, well you have a lot of ligs and tendon and bone structure down there.. that whole pevlic- sacrum-tail bone set up is held in by cartlidge and ligs.. it took me months to be able to tie my shoes without discomfort.. you've been dealing with it for a while, long enuff I'd think a muscle pull would be showing lots of improvement..
you might have to take it to the doc if it doesn't improve..
Keep a eye on it, and make sure it's feeling tip top before you push it..


Normally I'd be cool with this. You're kind of forgetting that a week and a half ago you had the blood pressure of an 800 pound skitzophrenic - that's before you consider that your hormone levels will be nowhere near normal. You're cutting a 12 week off period to 5. I know it doesn't sound like a "big deal" to you, but there's a reason that is recommended... Its not like people throw a bunch of unbearable rules your way.

Anyway, that's the last time I'll bring that up. Good luck with the run.
TL having Silvers back, with class and respect...
words of wisdom bro..


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TL having Silvers back, with class and respect...
words of wisdom bro..
I totally agree with TL and his logic and he is looking out for me. I have insurance so I plan to get a blood/liver test in the coming weeks to ensure that all is well. I will check with everyone on what tests I should get and what to look out for.


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man, I had missed your updated pics...was just skimming the log and came across them a few pages back.

DAMN!!! you've come a long way buddy and there's def a bit of progress in this cycle. Keep up the great work silver!


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Wow that was a journey my man... I just got through reading every page!!! I am about to start my Xtreme Tren / Mass Tabs cycle. I hope i experience some rage like you :)


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For me, llike alot of other people in your thread Silver. We dont know what to run first!


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I think GMG can confirm my experience that with Tren you will feel on and have some definate strengh gain within the first week. Mass Tabs is a SD clone right? It should kick in pretty quickly as well. Either way you do it you are in for a hell of a ride and should gain 15lbs of solid mass. I hope with that stack you have you support supplements in hand and your PCT (SERM) nailed down.

If you have those in check best of luck with the cycle!


New member
Your truly an inspiration though! GREAT log.... Yeah i might run the Tren first instead of Mass Tabs. Yes though got Clomid, Nolva, Cycle Assist or Cycle Support. Chasteberry p5p Cabergoline, Letro YADA YADA the whole nine yards you know!


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I will log here shortly if you want to SUB'd sometime, if you arent too busy planning your new cycle run


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I will log here shortly if you want to SUB'd sometime, if you arent too busy planning your new cycle run
Feel free to dropt a link in this thread and I will sub for sure. My thoughts for your cycle would be a bridge type with Xtreme Tren first in a 90mg/90mg/90mg/90mg scenario and adding the Mass Tabs the last 3 weeks. It should work either way, but 4 weeks of Superdrol would be rough and continuing the cycle after the SD would be difficult for me.


New member
Feel free to dropt a link in this thread and I will sub for sure. My thoughts for your cycle would be a bridge type with Xtreme Tren first in a 90mg/90mg/90mg/90mg scenario and adding the Mass Tabs the last 3 weeks. It should work either way, but 4 weeks of Superdrol would be rough and continuing the cycle after the SD would be difficult for me.
i definitely agree... i ran a cycle of m1t and 4 weeks was potent in itself.

Looks like itll be tren
90 mg ED
90 mg ED
90 mg ED; MASS tabs
90 mg ED; MASS tabs
Mass tabs
Mass tabs

Looks to be about 6 there. Im hoping i rock it out like you!

What are your plans coming up here in the future... More Mass? Spring/Summer Cut



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i definitely agree... i ran a cycle of m1t and 4 weeks was potent in itself.

Looks like itll be tren
90 mg ED
90 mg ED
90 mg ED; MASS tabs
90 mg ED; MASS tabs
Mass tabs
Mass tabs

Looks to be about 6 there. Im hoping i rock it out like you!

What are your plans coming up here in the future... More Mass? Spring/Summer Cut

That looks good, but from my experience 6 weeks might be a little long. I was ready to end the cycle by the end of the 5th week. I would think about adding the Mass Tabs week 3 and making it a 5 week cycle. If you can go for 6 you are a better man than me. :)


New member
That looks good, but from my experience 6 weeks might be a little long. I was ready to end the cycle by the end of the 5th week. I would think about adding the Mass Tabs week 3 and making it a 5 week cycle. If you can go for 6 you are a better man than me. :)
AHA do not say better. we are merely all the same and in here for much of the same reasons my friend!


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I will be finished my PCT + a few weeks off before I start the Methyl Masterdrol. I know it is not the best protocol, but I also know GMG and thundergod have run a quick MMV2 cycle during the period between cycles since it is not very hormonal or liver toxic. After that cycle I will be taking a long break to give my body enough rest.
Goddamn I am a bad influence. Be safe dude. If I were you, I would push it back as far as the LG reps would let me.

It's a mild PH, but hormonal none the less... and does have a pronounced effect on the body.

Please don't jump off the bridge just because I did.


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i definitely agree... i ran a cycle of m1t and 4 weeks was potent in itself.

Looks like itll be tren
90 mg ED
90 mg ED
90 mg ED; MASS tabs
90 mg ED; MASS tabs
Mass tabs
Mass tabs

Looks to be about 6 there. Im hoping i rock it out like you!

What are your plans coming up here in the future... More Mass? Spring/Summer Cut

SDis623, how much do you weigh?

If you want to extend your cycle to 6 weeks consider reducing the daily amount some, or at least reduce your SD clone to 3 weeks. Watch your BP closely as well as your mood.

Rock it out and get great gains! :)


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I will be finished my PCT + a few weeks off before I start the Methyl Masterdrol. I know it is not the best protocol, but I also know GMG and thundergod have run a quick MMV2 cycle during the period between cycles since it is not very hormonal or liver toxic. After that cycle I will be taking a long break to give my body enough rest.
I agree with the others silver, even with MMv2 being so very mild, and like GMG stated it is a PH. Your success has blown many away, including myself!:thumbsup:, but many times with great sucees we seem to get blinded by many things, supplements in its self only contribute to 20% at best, (considering what you are takign in) everything else is up to you, thats why being 100% prior is a must. You know your body best, and you can only make that call. Im just putting down, do not go off of what other people do, I see some folks go to the overkill extent on this sight, and some new folks think that that is the norm , when in fact it is not. they stated its going to be a few weeks so this is a plus, just make sure your good to go:), your not doing this for anyone but yourself bro:) as I said before Keep up the good work buddy!:thumbsup:


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I have been by the book with every run that I have done since I found this site (Epistane and the cycle I just finished up). I have had all the supports in place, SERMs, AIs & Test Boosters for the PCT, etc. I am no longer having the BP issues that were there the last couple weeks of the cycle and I am having no lingering issues from the last run. I never had an issue with ED on cycle or during PCT and all functions look good.

That being said I know there is a risk involved and I would not take this chance with a harsh PH. I am not rolling from PCT to Super or anything extremely heavy. I also know that others have run long 12-15 week test cycles and recovered fine after. As a result I plan to take this opportunity weighing the pros and cons.

I truly appreciate the feedback and everyone looking out for my best interest. This is a special board where people genuinely care about other's well being rather than just getting huge!!!!!!!!!


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SDis623, how much do you weigh?

If you want to extend your cycle to 6 weeks consider reducing the daily amount some, or at least reduce your SD clone to 3 weeks. Watch your BP closely as well as your mood.

Rock it out and get great gains! :)
I am 227 as of today Surfer


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I am 227 as of today Surfer
Well, you're about 50 lbs heavier than me, so perhaps your suggested dosing is appropriate. I'm interested in your results so I can compare.

This is the last week of my cycle (Saturday is last day) and it is similar to yours, except at a lower dose. I purposefully kept the dose low to reduce or eliminate sides and so far so good, but the tradeoff is slower gains which I'm ok with.


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i will post in my LOG coming here Monday Silver. thats when i start sounds crazy but 5k/cals with this go around!


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i will post in my LOG coming here Monday Silver. thats when i start sounds crazy but 5k/cals with this go around!
Looking forward to where this one takes you. You should make major progress.


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Thanks!! SILVER3 did you go with the MMV2?
I will be going with the new Methyl Masterdrol whenever LG has the new version ready (2+ weeks).

FYI, I had my bodyfat tested. I was a little disappointed that it read 19%, but I have come a long way and it still shows I have a long a$$ way to go.

I hope I didn't piss anyone off with my previous post about not taking the advice of folks that say I should wait. I know people used to run hard core cycles, PCT for a few weeks and jump back on. I am being more careful than that especially with the compound choice.


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I will be going with the new Methyl Masterdrol whenever LG has the new version ready (2+ weeks).

FYI, I had my bodyfat tested. I was a little disappointed that it read 19%, but I have come a long way and it still shows I have a long a$$ way to go.

I hope I didn't piss anyone off with my previous post about not taking the advice of folks that say I should wait. I know people used to run hard core cycles, PCT for a few weeks and jump back on. I am being more careful than that especially with the compound choice.
PCT is different for everyone brotha. we err on the side of caution, which is a good thing IMO. i should say, that even though you will be running a mild compound, consider a strong PCT, as this one may not have 100% done he trick. good luck with your LG run.


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i am currently doing a tren/eq cycle but i have a quick question about the prolactin, what can i take to keep that in check while on cycle?? thanks

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