results from the FDA supplement tests for the Raid so far.



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Just to make it a point, I listen to them because they are one of the few Christian bands that can produce decent music that still has some kick to it :swordfight:

Well, according to them, they're Christians who happen to be in a band...not a Christian band.

But that doesn't help them out at all. lol


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Just to make it a point, I listen to them because they are one of the few Christian bands that can produce decent music that still has some kick to it :swordfight:
well my gay/emo music liking friend, if you like the christian aspect, check out DEVILDRIVER on youtube or wherever. Its the old singer of Coal Chamber, Dez Farrara(?) and I love 'em. Didn't even realize they were "christian" so to speak, but I guess so. Put in devildriver - the best 6 minutes on youtube.....

Anyway, I got thier D/cross logo tattooed onto the back of my arm....

But their pretty heavy, so have your mom come hold your hand so you don't get scared, LOL....J/K


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[ame=""]YouTube - DevilDriver - The Best 6 Minutes[/ame]


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I listen to Amon Amarth pretty exclusively in the gym. I need heavy angry metal.

Damn, we're getting off topic :)
Zero V

Zero V

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Bah, as much as I like some rock, I cant stand "screamer" music. No offense, they seem like a good band and all :D I just enjoy clearer music. Also I like symphony and country.

Back on topic. So Tuesday has come and past, have the FDA officially banned those substances they were given permission to?


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I'm not sure that Devil Driver is a Christian band. In his Coal Chamber days, the lead singer was decidedly anti-religious.

My sig in green is Coal Chamber. I heart them.


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As is usually the case, most bands that are labeled as "Christian" only have members that are Christian, and they don't consider the band to be Christian at all. (thats a lot of Christian in one sentence)

Michael W. Smith rox my sox. He's Christian all they way (and his band) lol j/k

And as far as gym music goes He Is Legend is my latest gym band, they are ****ing awesome.

*and I'm not bashing on Christianity I went to a Christian school from 6th-12th grade so I think I can pick a little bit. :)

Long story short: to each his own.


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I agree.We all want our supplements to be what they are supposed to be.Those that knowingly put bad or the wrong products in supplements should be punished.I just don't our supplements taken away from us by organizations that want to control this industry.


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I agree.We all want our supplements to be what they are supposed to be.Those that knowingly put bad or the wrong products in supplements should be punished.I just don't our supplements taken away from us by organizations that want to control this industry.
I completely concur...I think it should be obvious though that if the government was to move towards regulating the supplement industry, and thereby help to insure that what exactly is in a product is indicated on the label, then much of what is currently in demand, especially those that sometimes fall into the "grey area" would other words, you can't have it both ways.


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Our government is supposedly already regulating these industries.I;ve worked in the food industry and regulations are there,even though some do wrong ,most use GMP'S and other practices to ensure the safety of products also.If the feds become to involved, then codex and big pharma will take over,then we are screwed.Many supplements,roids and test included,can be very beneficial to our bodies,proven by science.If what's said on the bottle is in the bottle then,you can prepare yourself accordingly.


  • Established
deregulation and regulation is what we need.

-Legalize everything.

-Regulate everything.

-Tax Everything.

-Spend the money on education programs, that speak the truth.

(Take the money away from "real" criminals, and give it to the responsibility "formalized" criminals, ie politicians)


  • Established
Laws are made to address the least common demonator. There is always someone who can screw up a good thing. There is nothing ethical about misbranding drugs and selling them to anyone who knows how to navigate a shopping cart. Many companies arose just to make a killing on oral steriod sales. The least they could have done was be upfront with the consumer about what they were taking. Many were, some weren't.

Stick to companies you can trust.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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Stick to companies you can trust.
There's very few that I can say this about, with one facing the firing squad for a user's own idiocy and decision making (or lack thereof). I am of course speaking of RPN; my crowned go-to company.


New member
I really don't understand what this raid is all about they are not trying to hide anything its all labeled what in there and I was under the impression that designer steroids were not on the controlled substance list which is why you can buy mdrol with your supps but not anadrol I don't get it stupid if you ask me. Wouldn'T they have to get them banned FIRST and then bust companies that are selling them? I guess they can pretty much do whatever they want to and nobody has any rights anymore and laws can be taylor made to suit there need dbags.


New member
Okay guys without me having to read 200+ posts, can someone please describe what is going on? Does this effect all their products? Should I stop taking and tell my dad to stop taking SX*?

*its not meant to be a stupid question be we know how people who cannot read labels and over-do things will ruin products that normally do not cause issues.
Zero V

Zero V

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deregulation and regulation is what we need.

-Legalize everything.

-Regulate everything.

-Tax Everything.

-Spend the money on education programs, that speak the truth.

(Take the money away from "real" criminals, and give it to the responsibility "formalized" criminals, ie politicians)
Perfecto in my opinion.

But many will disagree. Also watch out for the psychics on here who may watch you even while your in your underwear and know all.


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Okay guys without me having to read 200+ posts, can someone please describe what is going on? Does this effect all their products? Should I stop taking and tell my dad to stop taking SX*?

*its not meant to be a stupid question be we know how people who cannot read labels and over-do things will ruin products that normally do not cause issues.
Stop the SX till the problem is cleared up, and an informed decision can be made on what your dad is ingesting.


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I really don't understand what this raid is all about they are not trying to hide anything its all labeled what in there and I was under the impression that designer steroids were not on the controlled substance list which is why you can buy mdrol with your supps but not anadrol I don't get it stupid if you ask me. Wouldn'T they have to get them banned FIRST and then bust companies that are selling them? I guess they can pretty much do whatever they want to and nobody has any rights anymore and laws can be taylor made to suit there need dbags.
Well this industry has been skirting the current regulation, whilst spitting in the face of the FDA. This has not gone unnoticed. The current batch of "Dietary Supplements" is in blatant disregard to the DSHEA act... you can't find some SuperDrol in a ****ing dandelion.


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Well this industry has been skirting the current regulation, whilst spitting in the face of the FDA. This has not gone unnoticed. The current batch of "Dietary Supplements" is in blatant disregard to the DSHEA act... you can't find some SuperDrol in a ****ing dandelion.
If its grown in the right soil and extracted properly, i have heard the urban myths of the

SuperDandelion lol


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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I really don't understand what this raid is all about they are not trying to hide anything its all labeled what in there and I was under the impression that designer steroids were not on the controlled substance list which is why you can buy mdrol with your supps but not anadrol I don't get it stupid if you ask me. Wouldn'T they have to get them banned FIRST and then bust companies that are selling them? I guess they can pretty much do whatever they want to and nobody has any rights anymore and laws can be taylor made to suit there need dbags.
I made this post in another thread, but it fits here:

Pursuant to U.S.C., 21 §§ 331 (a) (c) (d) and (k) these companies were in clear and knowing violation of the law, however corrupt you may feel it to be. Subsequently and (again) knowingly, these companies were thus subjected to the penalties and seizures contained in U.S.C., 21 §§ 333 and 334.

A compound not on the "banned list" is still subject to regulations concerning the manufacture, sale, distribution and labeling of drugs, devices and dietary supplements pursuant to the provisions of the FD&CA.

None of this should be shocking and/or the cause of so much uproar: these companies, of whomever they may be comprised, knowingly produced, sold and distributed (pseudo)illegal substances fully cognizant of the possible penalties attendant thereto. All this jostling over the specific legalities (see: separate from the normative musings on the subject) is quite silly.

It was, is, and will continue to be in the future, illegal to manufacture, process, package, distribute and sell new drugs and/or drug-like compounds without approval.

We should all keep in mind that, at least technically, this is not an egregious abuse and/or showing of power by the Agency; in fact, it is completely legal and was not without [...four written explicit...] warnings to They were given ample time to cease sale of these products, and chose not to.


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deregulation and regulation is what we need.

-Legalize everything.

-Regulate everything.

-Tax Everything.

-Spend the money on education programs, that speak the truth.

(Take the money away from "real" criminals, and give it to the responsibility "formalized" criminals, ie politicians)
The most practical way to go.
However, with some corrupt people on all sides of these issues, it will probably not happen unless a majority of citizens stand up for it.


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The most practical way to go.
However, with some corrupt people on all sides of these issues, it will probably not happen unless a majority of citizens stand up for it.
Good luck even then... Marijuana has had a strong movement for well over a decade now, and nothing has budged. Funny thing is, that seemingly less harmful and the copious amounts of speeds, and hormonal people around here are ingesting today.


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I made this post in another thread, but it fits here:

Pursuant to U.S.C., 21 §§ 331 (a) (c) (d) and (k) these companies were in clear and knowing violation of the law, however corrupt you may feel it to be. Subsequently and (again) knowingly, these companies were thus subjected to the penalties and seizures contained in U.S.C., 21 §§ 333 and 334.

A compound not on the "banned list" is still subject to regulations concerning the manufacture, sale, distribution and labeling of drugs, devices and dietary supplements pursuant to the provisions of the FD&CA.

None of this should be shocking and/or the cause of so much uproar: these companies, of whomever they may be comprised, knowingly produced, sold and distributed (pseudo)illegal substances fully cognizant of the possible penalties attendant thereto. All this jostling over the specific legalities (see: separate from the normative musings on the subject) is quite silly.

It was, is, and will continue to be in the future, illegal to manufacture, process, package, distribute and sell new drugs and/or drug-like compounds without approval.

We should all keep in mind that, at least technically, this is not an egregious abuse and/or showing of power by the Agency; in fact, it is completely legal and was not without [...four written explicit...] warnings to They were given ample time to cease sale of these products, and chose not to.
Do you think if the supplement companies just let the FDA come in and test their items on the front end and labeled them correctly that it may alleviate stuff like this somewhat?


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Good luck even then... Marijuana has had a strong movement for well over a decade now, and nothing has budged. Funny thing is, that seemingly less harmful and the copious amounts of speeds, and hormonal people around here are ingesting today.
Concur with you about marijuana.
I am somewhat of an idealist and support quite a few issues about freedom of choice online and off.
Quite a few people talk about things and never stand up. Even if the movement never succeeds or succeeds a hundred years from now, it would be hypocritical to have a problem with certain things and then not at least try to have a public voice about it.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Do you think if the supplement companies just let the FDA come in and test their items on the front end and labeled them correctly that it may alleviate stuff like this somewhat?
Oh, absolutely not. This prosecution is a contingent fact within the current structure of the law - that is, they could have and desired to prosecute in a number of ways, and it just so happens that the case against was the strongest contingent within these particular statutes. To assume that labeling is the only the only issue the agency had, and therefore would lower their ire in its correction is a mistake.


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Nah, don't be so cynical. Old farts have been fighting off the DHEA ban for years now. You take supps away that actually mean something to a large number of people and you'll get a response. With PH's, no one cares that a 100K zitty meatheads are peeved that their miracle supp with no scientific backing or safety record is being taken away. They don't have a leg to stand on in term of "safety" or any real, health related need to use the govt steps in to protect the stupid and the uninformed alike.


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Oh, absolutely not. This prosecution is a contingent fact within the current structure of the law - that is, they could have and desired to prosecute in a number of ways, and it just so happens that the case against was the strongest contingent within these particular statutes. To assume that labeling is the only the only issue the agency had, and therefore would lower their ire in its correction is a mistake.
So, how strict are their standards anyway?
And what would have to have done to stay off their hit list?
I know my personal legal rights but dealing with tjhe FDA and similar is beyond my limited scope.


  • Established
Okay guys without me having to read 200+ posts, can someone please describe what is going on? Does this effect all their products? Should I stop taking and tell my dad to stop taking SX*?

*its not meant to be a stupid question be we know how people who cannot read labels and over-do things will ruin products that normally do not cause issues.
Yeah i would stop taking it. Its a potent designer stimulant mixed with the other stuff on the label. The AminoSlim is actually the stimulant part. I saw this when it first came out, out of the nowhere crazy reviews and from what. The ingrediants on there are very subpar compared to other stimualants formulations. The best things now all use the Pea/hordenine combo or some variation of that. I mean come one, who the would think a combonation of four amino acids would do anything?


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Im now curious about hyperdrol x2 as well? It the most potent AI ive ever tried. And it came up on that list. What the latest news on that?
I think it might contain 6-bromo, with a small amount of some prohormone or steriod. Ive though this since i first tried it. I actually would use 1 pill before a workout, and thatd be enough for a boost in agression and streght and pumps.
Really, i was stupid, why would they have two different 6-bromo products?(aPCT)I mean really how much can a switch in the isomer ration make? They didnt even state what the isomer change is. I know the differnet isomer can have a big effects?But that much, to where i can say hyperdrol x2 is way different to any other AI's ive tried. Totally different effects for me, however, i need to try another 6-bromo product to make shure of this.

But it kind of goes with the show, in way the people are resonbile for taking what they take. Whos suprised that AX did something like this? I mean they did release superdrol, without telling people to take PCT. Its an extreme company for people who want xtreme results. Xtremely unsafe because theyre underground, they have to hide the fact, that theyre selling xtreme stuff.


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Also to note, this is just some speculation, i think ALRI's new products comatose and poison, respectively, might contain designer drugs.(i would have no clue as to what)(if you read the labels, know your science, and read the product descriptions you might hypothesize this)

ALRI has done this in the past with their hyperdrive, and jungle warefare products.

Also there is a connection between ALRI and Anabolic Xtreme, which now are separate companies, but used to be partners, i think. They actually have similar product lines, and i guess put out very hardcore supplements, or drugs you might say.


  • Established
Perfecto in my opinion.

But many will disagree. Also watch out for the psychics on here who may watch you even while your in your underwear and know all.
You mean the moderators?:ninja: or the government


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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So, how strict are their standards anyway?
And what would have to have done to stay off their hit list?
I know my personal legal rights but dealing with tjhe FDA and similar is beyond my limited scope.
It depends what you mean by standards. Standards for labeling?


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It depends what you mean by standards. Standards for labeling?
Approval standards for what they deem new drugs and drug like substances?
As in could a company actually get a designer supp FDA approved?


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Approval standards for what they deem new drugs and drug like substances?
As in could a company actually get a designer supp FDA approved?
The FDA process to get a new drug approved is lengthy and expensive: to the tune of years and multiple-million dollars.


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He's referring to another thread and can't seem to let it go.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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He's referring to another thread and can't seem to let it go.
Yes, he seems pretty distraught about it! Who knew professional mercenaries/revolutionaries were so sensitive?



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Any new updates worth mentioning?


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It amazes me that our society thinks anything anabolic is bad.If they went after the drug trade as hard maybe,there would not be so many in prisons,crime would go down and there would be less families busted up from drug addictions.
Interesting read in the last issue of M&F. Basically, you can go get a pro estrogen hormone with no problem and there are no neg ramifications of it. It is looked upon as on the road to good health. Testosterone though is looked upon as evil and those evil test boosters and ph are looked upon likewise. Nice double standard, good article to read.


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Interesting read in the last issue of M&F. Basically, you can go get a pro estrogen hormone with no problem and there are no neg ramifications of it. It is looked upon as on the road to good health. Testosterone though is looked upon as evil and those evil test boosters and ph are looked upon likewise. Nice double standard, good article to read.
Hmmm.... I am unaware of OTC estrogen. You can get a test booster at your local walmart, and they are not scrutinized in the least. The only reason someone like enzyte got sued is because of their **** lengthening advertising. Natural hormone boosters are not on the radar, PH/DS are. There is a big difference between taking SuperDrol and some damn damania leaf.


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Think they are referring to birth control. Although they aren't OTC but all you need to get a RX is a request.


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Think they are referring to birth control. Although they aren't OTC but all you need to get a RX is a request.
Right, but I still fail to see the double standard here. Besides getting fukkin huooooge... what other purpose does test serve the average person? If you have a reason for test, you can get it... but vanity isn't one of those reasons.


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No it isn't a legal reason but I think that's where the argument comes in to play. You're able to pretty much do anything to your body without any other reason other than you want to look or feel different; except for steroids.


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No it isn't a legal reason but I think that's where the argument comes in to play. You're able to pretty much do anything to your body without any other reason other than you want to look or feel different; except for steroids.
Yeah, I would need to read the article... you cannot compare birth control vs. steroids out and out, I am guessing there is more to the story.

Time to go get a tattoo on my face! :D


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lol, I think the basis of the argument on those who use it, is it's hormonal by nature. Why one and not the other. That's my guess...


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Are there more deaths/injuries/suicides relating to drug use
-drunk driving
-hardcore street drugs

Than AAS/DS? I dont really get it? If the government can make billions off of a substance no matter how detrimental it is i think they will continue to allow it.


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Are there more deaths/injuries/suicides relating to drug use
-drunk driving
-hardcore street drugs

Than AAS/DS? I dont really get it? If the government can make billions off of a substance no matter how detrimental it is i think they will continue to allow it.
Unfortunately this is a strawman argument... your comparative argument means nothing in todays political environment. The only reason alchohol is legal is because society demanded it, whereas joe down the street could give a **** less if steroids are legal.

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