Primordial Performance Fat Loss Stack + Androhard (Sponsored) Log - OUFINNY Style



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you find the Blue at Walgreens???? in what section??? man I need to look harder... I was going to find a blue Emu and squeeze him until the oil came out... your way sounds better, though mine sounds like more fun ;)
I think it was in the topical pain relief section, think BenGay or whatever else is in that area. I had to ask the pharmacist, try CVS if its not in Walgreens or Rite Aid. It does work and the immediacy of the relief is truly impressive.

Long overdo libido check:


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Wednesday Workout - Pwned the Warrior!

Man yesterday's workout was just a beast; I have to say I looked like a monster doing it and felt like what I saw in the mirror! Lots of weight being moved and crazy vascular throughout the workout as well.

1 rounded scoop AS-GT

Workout: from memory, forgot paper with numbers at home

Leg Extensions - 190x8, 270x8, 270x8 ds 220x8 ds 220x8 Burn central right here, veins popping in teardrop, baller!

Decline Bench - 165x8, 225x8 PR!, 225x8 ds 185x8 ds 155x8 Never put up 225 without a spotter for 8 reps let alone under 190 pounds. Repped 265 I think 3 times but I was 210 at the time and ended up hurting myself that day so it is not on the list of PRs.

Overhead DB Extensions - 70x8, 110x7 PR, 110x7 ds 75x8, ds 60x8 Another PR, tris were blasting out of my arms after these, arms looked 20% bigger than when I walked in. That is this gyms biggest DB... time to do these at the other one with 130s!

DB Rows - 70x8, 95x8, 95x8/6 Ok I must have form bad, low back was hurting on set two hence the reps dropping on the left arm. I need to watch some videos on form to make sure I don't hurt myself. The weight was not too much, it seemed my core was either not up for it or my form sucked so bad I was straining the crap out of my back.

HS Overhead Military Press - 70x8 (per side), 100x8, 100x8 ds 70x8 ds 40x8 Shoulder help up well though by the drop it was a bit tender on the right side so I did a little lighter weight to avoid any issues after heavy decline.

Seated cable bicep concentration curls - Forgot weight, bis were blasted at the end though!

This was the best workout I have had on AndroHard and the FLS to date. I was in the zone and looked the fullest/most jacked I have in a long time. I am hoping for the same intensity on Friday which is going to be a fasted workout...

Notes - still seeing what appears to be some water retention in the midsection but there are some obvious cuts coming through in the abs after I upped my water intake the last few days. If I dropped my cals by 300-500 more I am sure it would show through more but I am not taking a strong appetite suppressant and the AH is making eating more a necessity or I feel hungry all the time. I did not calculate cals but they have to be between 2800-3000 right now and carbs are staying around 150/day with Postal. On off days I am about 45 grams of carbs lower so there is some cycling going on with the weekends being the highest carb days.

F*** it, time for some more Libido checkage after that destruction!
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Army Guy

Army Guy

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man you killed those PRs my friend!!! Well done!! If the lower back is hurting, watch your angle. That can happen if you are jerking the weight up, or your torso is twisted slightly outward causing the shoulder to raise and lower as the reps are done... neither is a good thing.
But BEAST workout though!!! You are going to get ripped doing these!!!


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man you killed those PRs my friend!!! Well done!! If the lower back is hurting, watch your angle. That can happen if you are jerking the weight up, or your torso is twisted slightly outward causing the shoulder to raise and lower as the reps are done... neither is a good thing.
But BEAST workout though!!! You are going to get ripped doing these!!!
Thanks for your thoughts on form. I knew once I started the second set I was doing something wrong and I know for sure my shoulder was moving more than it needed to, most likely putting torsion on my lower back. Going to watch some vids and maybe do some light reps on Friday to get the form right before I go after it again. I know I can rep 100+ on it without an issue once I get form down, the back is strong enough. I still think my lack of core work lately (slacking I know) is part of the issue.


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Can AH cause back pumps? That could be a factor if so. Good workout either way. As far as form the best way I have found to minimize body english is put one knee and one arm posted on a bench then row with the opposite arm. YOu can concentrate all of your energy into the movement and none of it to supporting yourself. Keeping in contact with the bench at both points limits movement extra body automatically. For more lat activation remember to pull with your elbow not your hand. For more pulling power, just grip it and rip it!


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Can AH cause back pumps? That could be a factor if so. Good workout either way. As far as form the best way I have found to minimize body english is put one knee and one arm posted on a bench then row with the opposite arm. YOu can concentrate all of your energy into the movement and none of it to supporting yourself. Keeping in contact with the bench at both points limits movement extra body automatically. For more lat activation remember to pull with your elbow not your hand. For more pulling power, just grip it and rip it!
Im deep into week 3 of AndroHard, dosing the same as this stack (3mL x2 a day) and have had no experience of any pumps at all.


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Im deep into week 3 of AndroHard, dosing the same as this stack (3mL x2 a day) and have had no experience of any pumps at all.
It is not back pumps, more like the feeling you get from bad form on a deadlift or SLDL. I appreciate all the form suggestions guys, I am sure I will get it worked out. Once you go heavy, all the little mistakes you make in form show their ugly head REAL fast and I found that out.


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It is not back pumps, more like the feeling you get from bad form on a deadlift or SLDL. I appreciate all the form suggestions guys, I am sure I will get it worked out. Once you go heavy, all the little mistakes you make in form show their ugly head REAL fast and I found that out.
I actually decided last night that I am going to take a couple steps back on the weight I am squatting. I have exploded in weight I am squatting, but I am starting to think it is slightly ego based, as I had lower back pain afterwards, which to me tells me I am moving up to fast and form is taking a hit. I am not saying this is your situation, but saying I can definitely relate.


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I actually decided last night that I am going to take a couple steps back on the weight I am squatting. I have exploded in weight I am squatting, but I am starting to think it is slightly ego based, as I had lower back pain afterwards, which to me tells me I am moving up to fast and form is taking a hit. I am not saying this is your situation, but saying I can definitely relate.
Combination of both for each of us I am sure... the Alpha mentality I have right now is pretty out of hand and in the gym it is downright scary sometimes :), sometimes you got to check the ego, not an easy thing to do.


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Nice work on the PR's my friend!


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Friday workout - fueled by rage, hatred and so much negativity

Well last night my friends went out of their way to trash my girlfriend to the point of tears mercilessly and without remorse (less one half ass apology that came through this morning). It is amazing how you can be so kind one day and then at the bat of an eye, be a complete piece of s**t. That said, my level of intensity today was at a level I never thought possible for me at 6:30 AM! I say that to say this, throughout my workout I had the urge to hurl many times due to that nauseating feeling of betrayal that kept nagging in my gut. Being the warrior I am, like so many of you I respect and admire here, I persevered even if it meant me being sick (luckily I swallowed it back down).

2 scoops AS-GT
3 grams beta-alanine
All morning supps prior as well

SLDLs - 135x8, 225x8, 245x8 PR ds 205x8 ds 185x8 At this point the pain this caused was therapeutic... I did feel crazy strong on these though and was very proud of myself for taking the last work set and first drop over 200 for the first time.

DB Bench Press - 70x8, 100x6, 100x6 ds 70x6 Stopped here, was about to lose my AS-GT but took 30 secs to get it together and used the rage to my advantage from here on out.

Tricep rope pushdowns - 50x8, 70x8, 70x8 ds 50x8 ds 40x8 A pleasant burn from these ;)

Cable lats (free motion machine) - 90x8, 160x8, 160x8 ds 120x8 ds 100x8 These were much harder than I thought on the last three sets, wow the lats were smoked.

DB Shrugs - 60x8, 90x8, 100x8 ds 75x8 ds 60x8 First time doing these in forever, enjoyed the challenge of something new.

Standing ez-bar curls - 65x8(inside grip) ss 65x8 (outside grip), 65x8 IG, 65x8 OG, 65x8 IG

I was exhausted by the end for so many reasons, the pace being pushed did nothing to help either ;). Guys I don't really like to air my dirty laundry here but days like today I am happy to have a place like this where I am pretty sure I will have some support coming my way; lord knows my GF and I could use a little right now. It boggles then mind when people averaging about 30 can act like a bunch of 13 year olds unwilling to admit a mistake... I question what this world is coming to on days like yesterday. End rant/


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ya, sometimes people can be stupid....And lord knows the older some people get, the harder it is to admit their mistakes.


On my grind
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Squats and deadlifts are definately a couple of touchy exercises!

Keep beastin it up in the gym though brother!


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ya, sometimes people can be stupid....And lord knows the older some people get, the harder it is to admit their mistakes.
Squats and deadlifts are definately a couple of touchy exercises!

Keep beastin it up in the gym though brother!
Appreciate the comments guys. Right now all I have are my GF and my never-failing, always loving friend the IRON!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Fin those guys just were out of line. You will know the true friends in the next day or so. Those willing to be humble and admit wrong will be the truest as they come and talk. For those that don't, well you can be a better man then they and just not kick the crap out of them, though they deserve it. Keep your girl and the true friends close and cherished my brother!
Great lift there too! You nailed those PRs!!!
Now, tonight go and take that amazing woman out for a nice dinner and then a walk or movie. Just the two of you, and then things will be much better!

oh and in case Resolve forgets to say it... grape tomatoes are addictive!!!


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Fin those guys just were out of line. You will know the true friends in the next day or so. Those willing to be humble and admit wrong will be the truest as they come and talk. For those that don't, well you can be a better man then they and just not kick the crap out of them, though they deserve it. Keep your girl and the true friends close and cherished my brother!
Great lift there too! You nailed those PRs!!!
Now, tonight go and take that amazing woman out for a nice dinner and then a walk or movie. Just the two of you, and then things will be much better!

oh and in case Resolve forgets to say it... grape tomatoes are addictive!!!
All of what you said is true and you advice is very much appreciated. As for grape tomatoes, we have a first name basis kind of love. :bigok:


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It's funny how some people just never seem to mature. I'm sure things will turn-around for you and your girl shortly.


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Oh it's go time... if they don't apologize profusely then it's time for a beat down!! Moral of the story "Don't write checks with you mouth, you ass can't cash"... Time for a little old school justice!! That's just how I see it and putting myself in your shoes. One thing for me is, I am my wifes protector in every way. She is handicapped but not visibly so and she parked in the handicapped zone and had her sticker. When I came out this azzhole was giving her a hard time. I lost it, it didn't come to blows but he apologized, I guess I made a stronger point. If you're in love then your woman's welfare is your responsibility and it's your duty to defend her honor...


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Friends come and go mate, true friends will become apparent and you'll know soon enough for the GF, support and reassure her and you'll both get through this

And as for the lift, great focus and good job mate

Hope you guys have a great weekend!


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Looking good in here, some big numbers bro keep up the strong work. Anytime I have had back issues with deadlifts and squats I've done single arm single leg supermans (opposite leg and arm raise), and a nice dynamic warmup with scorpions and plenty of hip work, makes my back feel like a million bucks, good luck with the rest of the cycle, I've got some androhard in my fridge waiting to be unleashed.


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Some friends, geeze. At least you were able to channel that rage into your workout.

Time to put on the stunnah shades and go after an apology! COME AT ME BROS!


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if that happened to me....shiiit. would made em feel like d!cks.


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if that happened to me....shiiit. would made em feel like d!cks.

Go Arnold on them or something.




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Monday workouts, stack updates, life updates

Oh what a glorious weekend it has been... yeah I wish. I did do pretty well in our fantasy draft last night though. Can't complain when you have Brees, Dallas Clarke (I am a huge Colts fan), Ryan Grant, Steve Smith and Eli Manning as my back up. Things are shaping up on that front, and I did get LT as well... can't believe no one picked him up in the 5th round.

On to the lift...

PWO Supps:
~1.5 scoops AS-GT

Hack/Front Squat machine - 360x10, 590x8 PR, 590x8 ds 500x8 ds 450x8 Legs are feeling diesel right now and getting vascular, thank you AndroHard!

Pull Ups - BWx8x4 sets

Incline BP - 135x8, 195x8 PR!, 195x8 ds 165x6 ds 135x7 That is a PR by 20 pounds and I had no spotter. I felt FREAKING strong on one of my weakest lifts.

Dips - BWx12x4 sets

DB Military Press - 45x8, 65x8, 65x8 ds 50x6 ds 35x6 Shoulders were toast after this and incline but I looked strong doing them, totally in control.

Seated bicep curls - 30x8, 40x8, 40x8 ds 30x8 ds 20x6 Right after military my arms were on FIRE! Totally smoked after all of this and very happy with how things are going.

Sides - Started to get some back/chest acne from the AH lately though my GF knows her stuff and has got it almost all gone. That said, definitely jacking my test up through the roof. No more prostate issues by the way, the saw palmetto works like a charm taking the regular dose now for about 4 weeks, now I know why you are supposed to start support supps 2 weeks prior.

Friend situation - 2 of 3 still suck at life, 1 who stayed out of it is being cool though I question what he had to say on the matter. My other buddy pissed me off but after the tongue lashing from me and my GF, he realized he was a douche bag and did some massive groveling. Time will tell about some of the others, I am still not happy and my GF is very hurt by all of this. Not the reception you should get after moving from a new city if you ask me.


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You have my utmost respect brother for not only keeping ur cool and not pounding there faces in, but tearing up the iron even though you wanted to puke.

Me an my girl are having issues it seems, which is a long story, but channeling the anger and hurt on the iron is amazing, along with having a place like this to come to and get out how you feel.

Keep poundin it brother and like everyone else here has said, your true friends will show there faces and you and your girl will be fine. :)
Army Guy

Army Guy

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hey Fin glad to see that you had a great lift and I curse you for that great pick you had in your fantasy draft!!!! CURSE YOU!!!!


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hey Fin glad to see that you had a great lift and I curse you for that great pick you had in your fantasy draft!!!! CURSE YOU!!!!
Ah ha, I mean who leaves LT and picks Joseph Addai in front of him. I love the Colts and all but come on... My GF about tackled me when she found out we had Brees, she is a die hard Saints fan. Going to college football, I am happy to see my Buckeyes are #2!


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I haven't even looked at the college situation, I just noticed that ND will have an off year likely as Claussen went to the Panthers, I'm afraid to look...
Army Guy

Army Guy

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lol yeah I hear you both on those!!! I love CF!!!! I watched the BYU Washington game on Saturday with my 3 oldest sons! Was a great game and we all had a blast!!! 2 of my boys want more than anything to be on a college field playing in their future!!! I hope they do! Daddy needs a retirement check from a rich son!!! ;)


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lol yeah I hear you both on those!!! I love CF!!!! I watched the BYU Washington game on Saturday with my 3 oldest sons! Was a great game and we all had a blast!!! 2 of my boys want more than anything to be on a college field playing in their future!!! I hope they do! Daddy needs a retirement check from a rich son!!! ;)
My son worked hard and for years only to have his dreams smashed by a back injury.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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ouch, that sucks my friend! It is hard in just about any sport to stay healthy... trust me I have tried...


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ouch, that sucks my friend! It is hard in just about any sport to stay healthy... trust me I have tried...
10 years being and undersized O-lineman just took a toll I guess. He was able to do it cuz he was stronger than everyone else but the biggest he ever got was 270.


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hey cmon guys Chargers are my team
and LT is one of the greatest RB to ever play but gotta admit he does suck now


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he's not good anymore guys. it would take alot for him to overtake shonn greene this year. he had his amazing couple of years but he just fell way too fast. I enjoyed watching him bring my team the championship a number of years but he just isn't the same. admit it bros.

for the record, I'm that guy who picked addai ahead of LT. I think all of fantasy land did. in every money league I'm in this year LT didn't even get drafted.


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he's not good anymore guys. it would take alot for him to overtake shonn greene this year. he had his amazing couple of years but he just fell way too fast. I enjoyed watching him bring my team the championship a number of years but he just isn't the same. admit it bros.

for the record, I'm that guy who picked addai ahead of LT. I think all of fantasy land did. in every money league I'm in this year LT didn't even get drafted.
yeah thats what im saying
he sucks NOW but he used to be good back in the day


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We shall see boys... it's going to be an interesting year either way!


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Wednesday Workout - Pwned the Warrior!

Yesterday's workout was a blast even if it was ridiculously hard to complete with the weights I outlined. This will also be my last day with heavy DB rows; I am obviously doing something wrong and need to get my form better with lighter weights before I hurt myself [though I am pretty sure it is something else, see below]. T-bar rows it is for now! On to the madness... and yes, there is a PR in there!

PWO Supps:
1 scoop AS-GT
20 sprays NO Infuse for joint lubrication

Leg Extensions - 190x8, 280x8 PR, 280x8 ds 220x6 ds 200x6 Holy CRAP my legs were blasted after these... walking funny for the next five minutes, nice ;).

Cable chest press - damn tweens were on the decline, used this as a de-load to activate the chest, will kill it on Friday.

Overhead DB Extensions - 70x8, 110x8, 110x6.75 ds 75x7 ds 60x8 Tris were toast at this point... or so I thought.

DB Rows - 70x8 all is well here, 100x8 slight discomfort in low back, 100x8 ok back gave me the finger and yes I think these are BACK PUMPS, not just back pain. It was just as Kleen described them, new exercise is in order until after AH is gone.

Machine overhead press - 140x8, 200x8, 210x8 ds 160x6 ds 120x6 Shoulders/tris totally wrecked after the 210, arms were on fire for the next 10 minutes. :hammer:

Hercules curls - 9x8, 11x8, 11x8 ds 9x8 ds 8x8 (plates on cable machine)

My goose was cooked after these and my arms were pissed at me. The heavy sets are taking a toll on the drops so the weight is not going up on those exercises. I may do some form of a deload workout next week then crush my last week while on AH... this is not set in stone but my CNS is starting to get really pissed at me and giving out easier than it should. 5+ weeks of the warrior straight is hardcore, a break is probably in order. :banghead:
Army Guy

Army Guy

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lol nice post Fin! and yes the body does need to recover from Kleen's warrior workout!!! I have run it about 3 times... works great though!
Nice lifting to my friend


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Insanity at 6:30 AM

HOLY CRAP!!!! MUST LIFT MORE :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: This morning it all clicked and leaving was seriously a hard decision; I fell in love with the iron all over again. :dance:

I went off script somewhat today and switched up my pwo regimin; when you gots some "new" old favorites you gots to give it a go. Here lies my tale of insanity; still want to get down and do push ups I am so jack3d.

PWO Supps:
3 mL AndroHard
3 scoops White Blue Raz Jack3d
20 grams Modern BCAA (this is some tasty stuff!) WBR flavor for those that care
2 I-GH-1

Lying Leg Curls - 100x8, 135x8, 140x8 ds 120x8 ds 100x5 Umm yeah these smoked my hammies and felt oh so good to start out. SLDL platform was occupado, had to make do.

Decline Bench Press ;) - 165x8 (so easy), 235x8 PRRRRR!!!!, 235x7 ds 205x6 ds 185x5 :dance: So amped for this, could have easily gone to 245 if I had a spotter; chest was blowing up after these.

Close Grip Bench Press - 135x6, 155x7, 155x7 ds 135x6 ds 115x8 Tris and chest thoroughly worked by this point, a pleasant and desirable burn achieved.

BB Bent Over Rows - 135x8, 195x8 PR, 205x8 BIGGER PR! ds 185x8 ds 155x8 Uber back smokage going on, felt amazing and made that bar my beotch!

Cable concentration curls - 40x8, 50x8 too easy, 70x8!!!! ds 50x8 ds 40x12 I was unstoppable at this point but my bis were toasted. I should have hit 70x8 first but I had no idea that I embraced my inner LG Army spirit until AFTER the madness began!

DB Shrugs - 70x8, 105x8 PR!, 105x8 ds 85x8 ds 70x8 Traps smoked!

:party: Yes, it was a party that did not want to stop at this point but THE MAN made me stop :banghead:!

Ok as you can tell today was ludicrous, I was so amped to kill weight it was unreal. I love all the natural herbal supps but let me tell you, once you go to the darkside (or half way there in my case), I can see why you will not want to go back. PP, AH is the bomb diggity and you all should be proud to have this one in your line up. I am going to try and calm down but there is really no point, I want to drive 100 back to the gym and do it all over again!


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Celebratory eye candy!


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