Primordial Performance Fat Loss Stack + Androhard (Sponsored) Log - OUFINNY Style



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Awesome PR's man you are killing it! My boss gets gout too and his stems from the acid in beans. He can not have any type of beans anymore, no black, kidney or pinto... So sad too. Didn't you recently start enjoying black beans more often as part of your good carbs? Just something to consider. If it is gout you will need to figure out what your personal triggers are. You are really getting strong man.


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Lifts are getting really serious I see...


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Andro / derma would probably best for my goals I.e fat loss and I suspect would require minimal pct?

Doing a lot a reading at the moment and then worry about the required PCT later (but have to hand in advance of cycle though)

Did the SW sort out your issue you experienced at the beginning of the stack? When did your toe issue start, before or after?
Andro/Derma is a fine stack for Fat loss. You will experience mild suppression from the Dermacrine, so yes a PCT is necessary. However, OTC should be fine unless you use massive doses of the hormones. Something like Primordials TRS would be perfect. Alternately, I'm a huge fan of T-911, so throwing that into your PCT could be very effective as well.

I always have a SERM on hand, just in case, but I have endocrinological issues anyway. I recommend you have your PCT on hand before you start your cycle, but I wouldn't worry about having anything more than OTC.

Saw Palmetto is a good option for prostate health, but IMO Stinging Nettle is even better.


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Andro/Derma is a fine stack for Fat loss. You will experience mild suppression from the Dermacrine, so yes a PCT is necessary. However, OTC should be fine unless you use massive doses of the hormones. Something like Primordials TRS would be perfect. Alternately, I'm a huge fan of T-911, so throwing that into your PCT could be very effective as well.

I always have a SERM on hand, just in case, but I have endocrinological issues anyway. I recommend you have your PCT on hand before you start your cycle, but I wouldn't worry about having anything more than OTC.

Saw Palmetto is a good option for prostate health, but IMO Stinging Nettle is even better.
Thanks mate, I wasn't suggesting for a minute that I wouldn't do a PCT RATHER I wasn't going to worry about buying it just yet (more money to spend on the sale) :lol: but totally agree, i thought OTC PCT should be ok, would run cycle support beforehand and in fact I take life support by AI as a staple everyday already, just a matter of running cycle support for a couple of weeks prior... Might consider playing with dosage, perhaps a SERM on hand might be a good idea just in case I do

Good call on the stinging nettle and thanks for advice, will STOP hijacking fin's thread now

SORRY FIN!!!! :fing02:


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I don't mind at all, hijack away! This is meant for everyone to chill, learn and whatever else.


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Quick update, SORE AS FACK today. Also, AH is finished and I started with Erase at 3 per day per the guidance of NattyD. Already seeing some changes in vascularity, that was fast!


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Quick update, SORE AS FACK today. Also, AH is finished and I started with Erase at 3 per day per the guidance of NattyD. Already seeing some changes in vascularity, that was fast!
How many days did you get from the AH bottle in the end? U had just one bottle right?


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looks like about 5 weeks but remember finny was dosing at half recommended dose. I believe 1 bottle would last 3 weeks or so. I'd honestly just go with turinabol lv...1 bottle will last about 6 weeks at a good dose.


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looks like about 5 weeks but remember finny was dosing at half recommended dose. I believe 1 bottle would last 3 weeks or so. I'd honestly just go with turinabol lv...1 bottle will last about 6 weeks at a good dose.
Going to start reading now boss... Thanks :D


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looks like about 5 weeks but remember finny was dosing at half recommended dose. I believe 1 bottle would last 3 weeks or so. I'd honestly just go with turinabol lv...1 bottle will last about 6 weeks at a good dose.
Technically it was 60% of the dose and it was slated to go 6 weeks; obviously it did not. There was still some left in the bottle but I could not get it to come out for the life of me (it was not much though). H-drol is all good and well but not everyone is ready to go that route. Dermacrine in my opinion is the next logical step after Androhard or 1-T.


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So been taking the Erase now since late Friday, starting to feel very warm all of the time for some reason. Also am peeing a ton, maybe some of the water I was retaining will drain off... that would be nice! Feel fully recovered from Friday's destruction, should be good to go today for some more warrior destruction; hopefully strength will remain constant.


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Andro/Derma is a fine stack for Fat loss. You will experience mild suppression from the Dermacrine, so yes a PCT is necessary. However, OTC should be fine unless you use massive doses of the hormones. Something like Primordials TRS would be perfect. Alternately, I'm a huge fan of T-911, so throwing that into your PCT could be very effective as well.

I always have a SERM on hand, just in case, but I have endocrinological issues anyway. I recommend you have your PCT on hand before you start your cycle, but I wouldn't worry about having anything more than OTC.

Saw Palmetto is a good option for prostate health, but IMO Stinging Nettle is even better.
AMEN regarding the Stinging Nettle. Something many people do not know about Saw Palmetto is that it is not site specific and can actually cause gyno. As a matter of fact all of the pills out there that you see for the ladies called Grow Bust and what not meant to make their breasts swell, yep main ingredient is... WAIT FOR IT... SAW PALMETTO. Yes you read that right! Saw palmetto is the main ingredient used for increasing the size of your breast tissue. Just something to keep in mind... Pick up some stinging nettle with pygeum at a health food store and by pass the saw palmetto. Stinging Nettle has specific affinity binding to the receptors in the prostate and NOT in breast tissue.

By the way got my PCT log up here


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so are you done with the stack or just part of it? sorry, bit confused :hmmm:
I finished the AH but still have a few weeks left of everything else. I think about 1/4 of the Derma and about 3 weeks of Green Tea. I never got the CLA nor have I heard if we are going to, at this point it is a bit late but no biggie.

Yesterday was my first workout on Erase and it went well. I could not believe how hard I had to work to move the same weights though... all I can say is I was winded for much of the second half of the workout just by the shear amount of effort to perform the lifts.

Leg Extensions - 190x8, 270x8, 270x8 ds 210x8 ds 180x6 Quads were on FIRE!

Incline Bench Press - 135x8, 195x8, 195x8 ds 165x7 ds 135x8 Tris were getting blasted on these, chest still remains strong which is very good news.

BW Dips - 12xBWx4 sets

Seated rows (straps on heavy sets) - 110x8, 150x8, 150x8 ds 120x8 ds 100x8 Back was smoked after these... oh little did I know it was only going to get worse in about a minute.

Push Press - 85x8, 115x8, 115x8 ds 85x8 ds 65x8 Been a while since I did these, holy mother of god these were BRUTAL! Sucking wind in between sets like it was nobody's business. Wow is all I can say.

Seated DB curls - 30x8, 40x6, 40x6 [pause 30 secs] 35x8 Just gassed after PP so I had to take a breather then did one more set and headed home.

All in all a great workout for the first one in PCT. I am going to keep my cals constant and most likely just do some carb cycling on my off days to see if that helps mitigate any fat gain and possibly facilitate some fat loss. I peed off a lot of water last night and was down below 190 again today after the morning download.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Yesterday was my first workout on Erase and it went well. I could not believe how hard I had to work to move the same weights though...
Interested in how you find the Erase . . .


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Interested in how you find the Erase . . .
So far I have noticed a small drop in water retention, crazy libido boost (as if I needed this!) and my GF noticed my back and shoulders were very full/dense even when I was in bed ready to sleep. It's always great when she says my back looks "unnaturally swollen" for laying down and ready to sleep.

In regards to what I have got out of this stack so far here is a brief list:
  • Added LBM
  • Increase in chest definition/size
  • Increase in delt definition/size
  • Definite increase in back size/definition
  • Legs becoming more vascular and better quad separation
  • Water retention in areas where Dermatherm Target applied
  • Increased appetite when taking AndroHard
  • No increase in fat gain with increased calories ;)
  • Near instant recovery after about 10 days on AH
  • Strength gains in lifts I had plateaued on... sweet!
  • Major alpha male feeling
  • Almost unmanageable aggression at times, had to really check myself before I flew off the handle a few times
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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So far I have noticed a small drop in water retention, crazy libido boost (as if I needed this!) and my GF noticed my back and shoulders were very full/dense even when I was in bed ready to sleep. It's always great when she says my back looks "unnaturally swollen" for laying down and ready to sleep.

In regards to what I have got out of this stack so far here is a brief list:
  • Added LBM
  • Increase in chest definition/size
  • Increase in delt definition/size
  • Definite increase in back size/definition
  • Legs becoming more vascular and better quad separation
  • Water retention in areas where Dermatherm Target applied
  • Increased appetite when taking AndroHard
  • No increase in fat gain with increased calories ;)
  • Near instant recovery after about 10 days on AH
  • Strength gains in lifts I had plateaued on... sweet!
  • Major alpha male feeling
  • Almost unmanageable aggression at times, had to really check myself before I flew off the handle a few times
Everything sounds POSITIVE and results look great (re DermaTherm Target, many topicals have this effect, and the water retention will go in a few days of ceasing use of the product)! :D


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Man I'm getting anxious to start cutting with this. Have to wait till it's time though. Looks like I will be doing and EPI run in October though...


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I will be joining you DW!!
Should be interesting, I will be starting with DC training. Don't know what I will do during PCT, I guess it will involve a deload of some sort.


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Should be interesting, I will be starting with DC training. Don't know what I will do during PCT, I guess it will involve a deload of some sort.
I was offered to log Katanadrol but since I just finished AH, I had to decline; too much hormonal products at once is not the best situation not to mention I will have the cycle interrupted by a 4 day break for a wedding. Enjoy that Epi run guys, I see some serious beastly numbers coming out of you two with it.


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I was offered to log Katanadrol but since I just finished AH, I had to decline; too much hormonal products at once is not the best situation not to mention I will have the cycle interrupted by a 4 day break for a wedding. Enjoy that Epi run guys, I see some serious beastly numbers coming out of you two with it.
Once I push my deads to 405 X 5 then I will endeavour to get that up to over 500 on the DC run, can't remember how the rep scheme works with DC for deads, I think it's 3 sets of 6 or something. Reps for 500 without straps would be very satisfying...:006:


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Should be interesting, I will be starting with DC training. Don't know what I will do during PCT, I guess it will involve a deload of some sort.
Don, I can link you to an article for how to get the most out of your PS Cycle and PCT they recommend increasing volume not intensity on cycle then increasing intensity off cycle to keep the gains. Something more like a GVT or FST7 or some other high volume program would be better on cycle to limit injuries instead of chasing the weight. Then if you have used tempo as well to keep your weights down on cycle going heavier during PCT is not hard to do and can still be done safely for us older guys once we get a little creative. If trying to cut while building you may even want to look into Poliquin's Meltdown training. It is higher volume, slow reps speed and I have grown while using it to lean up each time I have used it. Then you could up intensity in PCT with some DC training when it needs to be higher.


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Don, I can link you to an article for how to get the most out of your PS Cycle and PCT they recommend increasing volume not intensity on cycle then increasing intensity off cycle to keep the gains. Something more like a GVT or FST7 or some other high volume program would be better on cycle to limit injuries instead of chasing the weight. Then if you have used tempo as well to keep your weights down on cycle going heavier during PCT is not hard to do and can still be done safely for us older guys once we get a little creative. If trying to cut while building you may even want to look into Poliquin's Meltdown training. It is higher volume, slow reps speed and I have grown while using it to lean up each time I have used it. Then you could up intensity in PCT with some DC training when it needs to be higher.
Yah link me up and I can get the General idea, I will be recomping a bit on this cycle but not going for anything extreem. I did want to take advantage of the stength gain properties of EPI but I can leave my ego at the door for better gains... by the way it's Doug lol Pembroke is Don...


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Yah link me up and I can get the General idea, I will be recomping a bit on this cycle but not going for anything extreem. I did want to take advantage of the stength gain properties of EPI but I can leave my ego at the door for better gains... by the way it's Doug lol Pembroke is Don...
Holy crap I did do that. How odd is that. I even looked at it funny as I hit submit but didn't know why it didn't look right. Okay DOUG, I will shoot you the link.

By the way that reminded me. We have this older attorney here that just in the past 4 months has recently decided my name is Garrett. Has known me and my name for 3.5 years and bam one day I become Garrett. His memory may have slipped but only once he has Garrett on lock for me now. LOL


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Army Guy

Army Guy

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Holy crap I did do that. How odd is that. I even looked at it funny as I hit submit but didn't know why it didn't look right. Okay DOUG, I will shoot you the link.

By the way that reminded me. We have this older attorney here that just in the past 4 months has recently decided my name is Garrett. Has known me and my name for 3.5 years and bam one day I become Garrett. His memory may have slipped but only once he has Garrett on lock for me now. LOL
nice post Garrett!!!! :006:


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Holy crap I did do that. How odd is that. I even looked at it funny as I hit submit but didn't know why it didn't look right. Okay DOUG, I will shoot you the link.

By the way that reminded me. We have this older attorney here that just in the past 4 months has recently decided my name is Garrett. Has known me and my name for 3.5 years and bam one day I become Garrett. His memory may have slipped but only once he has Garrett on lock for me now. LOL
I know about memory slippage, man I am losing words by the day. I won't forget your name, it's the same as my sons, if I do then I have


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Remember this term, "Gorilla Stance", think about the way a Gorilla stands with his back arched...
Today I am going to throw these in most likely, I do them frequently but I am not as strict on form as I probably should be. My mid/upper back could use some density along with my lats. Garrett and Don, welcome to my log ;).


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Today I am going to throw these in most likely, I do them frequently but I am not as strict on form as I probably should be. My mid/upper back could use some density along with my lats. Garrett and Don, welcome to my log ;).


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Today I am going to throw these in most likely, I do them frequently but I am not as strict on form as I probably should be. My mid/upper back could use some density along with my lats. Garrett and Don, welcome to my log ;).


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If it's any consolation, one of the juniors at work is dyslexic and my name is GRAY

Poor kid, I don't correct him though, you can call me anything you want as long as you show respect...


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If it's any consolation, one of the juniors at work is dyslexic and my name is GRAY

Poor kid, I don't correct him though, you can call me anything you want as long as you show respect...
I get called Mark all the time or Mat (in emails since people can't spell anymore, damn school system is going to crap), my name is MATT. I don't get mad though if I have to remind you more than once, I tend to find anything else to focus on until you correct yourself ;). Props to you for not getting upset with the guy though in his case he does not know any better.


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Sneak preview of the workout tonight - bench press PR of 225x8 (no spotter), did that again, racked up 235 and did 4 clean reps for yet ANOTHER PR! Erase and AS-GT really are coming together to make this one fun PCT.


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Congrats on the PR's!


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I didn't think there would be more of them but the Erase is really working well with the test boosting from AS GT. I am thinking that on Friday some serious destruction may go down on decline and bb rows ;).


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looks like about 5 weeks but remember finny was dosing at half recommended dose. I believe 1 bottle would last 3 weeks or so. I'd honestly just go with turinabol lv...1 bottle will last about 6 weeks at a good dose.
Have taken advantage of sale, done a lot of reading AND I've gone with 2 x turinabol LV muscle stacks (includes TRS) and 4 x derma LV bottles...

Should be enough for two full cycles, which I will probably run in the new year sometime (still confident to get down further first before running 1st cycle)

Twilight awaits...


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Sneak preview of the workout tonight - bench press PR of 225x8 (no spotter), did that again, racked up 235 and did 4 clean reps for yet ANOTHER PR! Erase and AS-GT really are coming together to make this one fun PCT.
Awesome work Fin, you're just continuing to kill it! :fing02:

How's the toe?


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Awesome work Fin, you're just continuing to kill it! :fing02:

How's the toe?
I am going to cut off my toe... or maybe the doctor can fix it. We'll see who wins this race.


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Wednesday workout - A continuous trip to PR land ;)

Ah what can I say but this is continuing to be a lot of fun and full of PRs. Here lies the tail of the iron...

PWO Supps:
1 scoop AS-GT (this never gets old!)

Leg Curls - 100x8, 135x8, 135x8 ds 110x8 ds 90x8

Bench Press - 155x8, 225x8, 225x8 PR, 235x4 Bigger PR! ds 185x8

Tricep push downs - 60x8, 80x8, 80x8 ds 60x8 ds 40x8 Tris were fried after these and bench...

T-bar rows w/ squat bar and v handle - 90x8, 160x6, 160x6 PR! ds 135x8 ds 90x8 Holy hell my lats were burning in a good way, love this exercise!

Front/Side laterals - 22.5/17.5x8, 30/22.5x8, 30/22.5x8 ds 22.5/17.5x8 Shoulders were blown up like balloons and the most defined/striated I have ever seen them... every muscle was visible, so cool!

Bicep concentration curls (cable machine) - 5 sets, don't remember the weights

Great workout, crazy pumps, mad PRs, what the heck else can you ask for?


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Nice workout bro! I absolutely love t-bars as well...They make the lats spread like bat wings.


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Hey Fin I got an infection one time in my toe it looked inflamed and hurt really bad Somehow I got the infection inside the toe and not on the outside. Regardless it really hurt and after some xrays and what not they finally figured out that it was an infection. Said it was kind of rare but happens. You may want to bring that up. A round of antibiotics got me squared away though.


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Hey Fin I got an infection one time in my toe it looked inflamed and hurt really bad Somehow I got the infection inside the toe and not on the outside. Regardless it really hurt and after some xrays and what not they finally figured out that it was an infection. Said it was kind of rare but happens. You may want to bring that up. A round of antibiotics got me squared away though.
Oh it gets better... So I got in to see the foot doc today, very good one I might add (always a crap shoot now a days). I have a bunion on my toe and nerve damage that will take a good amount of time to heal, in the order of 4-5 months. Also, there are two little bones on the bottom of the big toe, similar to your knee cap apparently, and one of mine is in about 6 pieces. He actually was pretty shocked I was not in constant pain from it but eventually if the bunion pain does not go away, I will have to have it surgically removed and the shattered bone as well. I told him I do squats, leg press and dead lift... he said it made no sense to him how I could do it with that one bone being so destroyed. Anyways, foot is taped up and I have a "prescription" to buy new, wider shoes to take some pressure off of the nerve.

No issues with continuing my workouts though as of yet, he said do my normal routine and let's see what the taping and meds do first before we touch on activity limitations. How many doctors do you see that make it a point to say giving you your quality of life back with minimal to no inconvenience is the primary goal? He had my FULL attention after that, great doctor to say the least.

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