Primordial Performance Fat Loss Stack + Androhard (Sponsored) Log - OUFINNY Style



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Awesome workout, yeah those days in the gym are great. It's awesome when you feel like superman and can just keep going and going.

Looks like you hit up the IC release. I thought about it but hadn't pulled the trigger yet.


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Ok as you can tell today was ludicrous, I was so amped to kill weight it was unreal. I love all the natural herbal supps but let me tell you, once you go to the darkside (or half way there in my case), I can see why you will not want to go back. PP, AH is the bomb diggity and you all should be proud to have this one in your line up. I am going to try and calm down but there is really no point, I want to drive 100 back to the gym and do it all over again!
:439: Glad to see things are going good. Great workout.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Holy PR city Fin!!!!! Man you smoked that!!!! I actually reread the whole thing twice just to breath in the excitement! Makes me want to go back to the gym and crush all in my site!!!


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Holy PR city Fin!!!!! Man you smoked that!!!! I actually reread the whole thing twice just to breath in the excitement! Makes me want to go back to the gym and crush all in my site!!!
I knew you would grasp on to my intensity Major. I often wonder what would happen if you, Kleen, DW and I all were able to make it to the gym for a workout... people would run scared after 5 minutes!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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I knew you would grasp on to my intensity Major. I often wonder what would happen if you, Kleen, DW and I all were able to make it to the gym for a workout... people would run scared after 5 minutes!
man would THAT be a fun workout!!!!!! Especially is DW cooked some of that veal and grapefruit afterwords!!!!!


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man would THAT be a fun workout!!!!!! Especially is DW cooked some of that veal and grapefruit afterwords!!!!!
Yes that does sound like a lot of fun man. I will see about maybe getting a cardio session of some sort in this weekend. GF is being difficult, still not out of bed yet after 12 PM... must be nice. But hey its cool, I already got half the laundry done and cleaned up some so HER friend can come over later; don't you just love being in love.



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As you pointed out in your last workut Fin, hormones are addictive stuff. You're discerning enough, however, to make good calls in that area. Androhard's definitely a good one to start with, and if you feel like doing another cycle in the future of something "harder", you've got a good foundation to build off.


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As you pointed out in your last workut Fin, hormones are addictive stuff. You're discerning enough, however, to make good calls in that area. Androhard's definitely a good one to start with, and if you feel like doing another cycle in the future of something "harder", you've got a good foundation to build off.
My plan after AH is going to be to run my Sustain Alpha as a "PCT" even if it is not totally necessary; any shutdown is just not really something I want at this point. Hopefully that will not cause a problem since that will technically be added during the FLS but since I am not on all of it (CLA being AWOL still), I think that is a fair trade.

After this I will be rocking a long overdo stack: Pink Magic, Prime, Recompadrol and I-GH-1. There will surely be some AS-GT in there as well for workouts and the basic staples but that should get me to the holiday season. From there I don't know what I have in mind but doing PCT during December is not really on my list of fun activities. Plus, I want to run a modified version of the Ultimate Diet 2.0, mainly the bulk/maintenance version and see what Pink can do for me.

Stack Update:
AndroHard - Joints are dry, right knee was an achy SOB all weekend and had to be iced it was so bad on Saturday. Acne is still prevalent on chest/back/face but seems to be improving slightly. Strength and recovery are retarded, DOMS are non-existent no matter how hard I try to kill myself. I don't appear overly dry or leaner to be honest but my cals are at/above maintenance so that could be the culprit.

Green Tea - Taken as directed, what it is doing I cannot say for sure. It does seem to compliment any sleep aid/GH booster if I take it for sleep like Ghenerate.

Dermatherm - Right now I look to be holding a lot of water in the mid section, kind of annoying to be honest. I thought I would look a lot tighter there and in reality I don't... good thing there was no pool this weekend. Still taking 2 pumps per day, about half way gone. No matter what the outcome, there is no question it is a very good value being that it will last you 55-60 days at 2 per day.

Overall impression - AH has my attention right now and if I can keep off any fat GAIN I will consider this a success. Life has given me a crap load of lemons in the last 4 weeks and I am making the best of it and TRYING to keep cortisol levels down... unsuccessfully I might add. I can say this with certainty, if I had to run this down around 2000-2200 cals a day, I COULD NOT do it without a stim/thermo for appetite suppression (ECA/OEP come to mind). AH makes me ridiculously hungry, especially at night and it would prove to be a true test of ones will that I highly doubt I would survive with my GF around (and her sweet tooth). Also, I have ran Dermatherm Target in the past along with other topicals and I don't respond that great to them. I can see them being of great assistance ALONG with a basic thermo and a great diet but for me it may not be enough. That said, I will not pass judgment until the stack is completed. These are my thoughts so far!


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Good stuff Fin. Androhard is supposed to be the mainstay in this stack - sounds like it's living up to expectations.
Yeah if I had some money to throw around, DAMN YOU NP, I would probably get another bottle but alas I cannot. Hopefully it is not gone everywhere before I can get more, I would like to do the full dose with Dermacrine at least one time before they go the way of the birds. Sad you guys are moving away from the hormonals when you are so good at them. Seriously I would but two bottles of all of them if I could afford it right now being that I believe very strongly the LV delivery system is superior to anything I have yet tried besides very select sub-lingual tabs (T-911 being my favorite). Man just thinking about this makes me want to go punch the government... I mean seriously, if there was a singular "government" I could punch, I could make Iron Mike Tyson's punch look weak right now!



The BPS Rep
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Yeah if I had some money to throw around, DAMN YOU NP, I would probably get another bottle but alas I cannot. Hopefully it is not gone everywhere before I can get more, I would like to do the full dose with Dermacrine at least one time before they go the way of the birds. Sad you guys are moving away from the hormonals when you are so good at them. Seriously I would but two bottles of all of them if I could afford it right now being that I believe very strongly the LV delivery system is superior to anything I have yet tried besides very select sub-lingual tabs (T-911 being my favorite). Man just thinking about this makes me want to go punch the government... I mean seriously, if there was a singular "government" I could punch, I could make Iron Mike Tyson's punch look weak right now!

I don't believe we are entirely moving away from hormonal products. Don't quote me on that, as I'm not sure yet, but my understanding is that our current line-up is being replaced by other, but similar products.


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My plan after AH is going to be to run my Sustain Alpha as a "PCT" even if it is not totally necessary; any shutdown is just not really something I want at this point. Hopefully that will not cause a problem since that will technically be added during the FLS but since I am not on all of it (CLA being AWOL still), I think that is a fair trade.

After this I will be rocking a long overdo stack: Pink Magic, Prime, Recompadrol and I-GH-1. There will surely be some AS-GT in there as well for workouts and the basic staples but that should get me to the holiday season. From there I don't know what I have in mind but doing PCT during December is not really on my list of fun activities. Plus, I want to run a modified version of the Ultimate Diet 2.0, mainly the bulk/maintenance version and see what Pink can do for me.

Stack Update:
AndroHard - Joints are dry, right knee was an achy SOB all weekend and had to be iced it was so bad on Saturday. Acne is still prevalent on chest/back/face but seems to be improving slightly. Strength and recovery are retarded, DOMS are non-existent no matter how hard I try to kill myself. I don't appear overly dry or leaner to be honest but my cals are at/above maintenance so that could be the culprit.

Green Tea - Taken as directed, what it is doing I cannot say for sure. It does seem to compliment any sleep aid/GH booster if I take it for sleep like Ghenerate.

Dermatherm - Right now I look to be holding a lot of water in the mid section, kind of annoying to be honest. I thought I would look a lot tighter there and in reality I don't... good thing there was no pool this weekend. Still taking 2 pumps per day, about half way gone. No matter what the outcome, there is no question it is a very good value being that it will last you 55-60 days at 2 per day.

Overall impression - AH has my attention right now and if I can keep off any fat GAIN I will consider this a success. Life has given me a crap load of lemons in the last 4 weeks and I am making the best of it and TRYING to keep cortisol levels down... unsuccessfully I might add. I can say this with certainty, if I had to run this down around 2000-2200 cals a day, I COULD NOT do it without a stim/thermo for appetite suppression (ECA/OEP come to mind). AH makes me ridiculously hungry, especially at night and it would prove to be a true test of ones will that I highly doubt I would survive with my GF around (and her sweet tooth). Also, I have ran Dermatherm Target in the past along with other topicals and I don't respond that great to them. I can see them being of great assistance ALONG with a basic thermo and a great diet but for me it may not be enough. That said, I will not pass judgment until the stack is completed. These are my thoughts so far!

Nice mid-cycle review


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Good stuff Fin, and Resolve hopefully they don't all go away before I get a chance to run one of them...


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So I decided I am going to do a deload week; my body needs some time to recoup and my joints are none too pleased with me. Basic format will remain full body with 2 warm up sets at ~50%x10 reps then I will hit it with 5x3 sets at 75% to at least stimulate the muscles. If I start to fatigue on the last set, I will stop. Arms are going to be hit but not directly, my shoulders/elbows might kill me if they don't get a rest from the heavy. Dips will be my triceps work but they will be used only if no shoulder/elbow pain is evident.

Also, I will probably be dropping my AS-GT dose down to a half scoop, no need for any more with a scoop of DominATP just to keep creatine levels constant.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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great review Fin!!!! Trying to think of a way to help the joints, but other than wrestling a Blue Emu naked in the pouring rain and then living in its skin as the oils slowly transfer over to your body while you simultaneously sacrifice a virgin gerbil to the heathen gods... I am stumped...


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great review Fin!!!! Trying to think of a way to help the joints, but other than wrestling a Blue Emu naked in the pouring rain and then living in its skin as the oils slowly transfer over to your body while you simultaneously sacrifice a virgin gerbil to the heathen gods... I am stumped...
Isn't mental health free in the Army, might want to look into that! ;)

J/K big guy. Yesterday was a nice change though I seriously think I am going to be out of AndroHard this week and that being the case, I may do one last blast this Wednesday on some big lifts that take it easy again on Friday. I need to do some serious bottle investigation before I make a final decision on that... ideally I would like to push it off until Friday.

Yesterday's workout went as expected, done in 25 minutes and I had no joint issues. Incline DB was harder than I expected but since I have not done it in a while I was not used to getting the weights up like I used to be. Oh well, got all my reps plus extras on almost all sets so no complaints. The acne is seeming to mitigate a little but it is still prevalent enough that I can't wait for it to finally go away even though that means bye bye AH :(.


The BPS Rep
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great review Fin!!!! Trying to think of a way to help the joints, but other than wrestling a Blue Emu naked in the pouring rain and then living in its skin as the oils slowly transfer over to your body while you simultaneously sacrifice a virgin gerbil to the heathen gods... I am stumped...
Around here, we call that Wednesday.


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Try some hyalauronic acid. I probably spelled that wrong but I am using some now and it seems to be helping a little it takes about a week but it helps create the lubrication in your joints as well as being used in about every cell structure in your body.


On my grind
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Great update fin!

You are very correct with the statement on Androhard, ive used the same compound and it had me starving!

Also these topicals definately are very different, they do work indeed, but seeing yourself hold water can be a bit disheartening at times, especially when lifes handing you lemons!

Just keep at it brother and the deload weak sounds like a good idea.


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I seriously think I am going to be out of AndroHard this week and that being the case, I may do one last blast this Wednesday on some big lifts that take it easy again on Friday. I need to do some serious bottle investigation before I make a final decision on that... ideally I would like to push it off until Friday.
I think I have about 5-7 days left on mine. It's definately getting light. One of my suggestions I was going to put in my review was ask PP if they could put AH in a clear bottle or have a bottle that had a clear window like strip that ran from top to bottom so you would know how much was left. But all of that is pointless now that they are doing away with hormonals.


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Wednesday deload workout

Had another deload day and it went as well as can be expected. I did do some BB bench and got reasonably aggressive with it, decline on Friday should go well if I may say so. The goal on Friday for that will be 245x6x2 sets; no spotter ;).

Unrelated to the stack update - In early August I believe, at a concert no less, I did something to my left big toe (namely in the joint). I thought it was gout at first but since it never mitigated after a short time that seemed to be somewhat unrealistic. I went to the doc yesterday and she has the same skepticism about it as I do though she did give me some drugs for the gout (handy to have around either way!). Four x-rays were taken though I don't have the results just yet; my fear is that I either have a fracture or stress fracture in the joint. It remains swollen on the side and has a red color to it... what does this mean exactly? I have not done any cardio during this run at all; cannot run or swim due to the toe joint not taking the strain. My fear is that if it is actually broken or there is a stress fracture, there will be some kind of "boot" or other restrictive apparatus I will have to deal with for some time. As soon as I know more I will let you all know. The reason it went this long without me dealing with it: combination of stubbornness, denial and laziness.

Just now got a call from the doctor - no injury to the joint so it is gout I guess. We shall see if the meds she gave me work and if not, I get to go to a podiatrist. I officially feel OLD saying that!


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Damn, sorry to hear about your bad luck....I'm sure things will get figurd out and you'll be back crushing it in no time!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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darn I was hoping to see a picture of you in a boot!!!!

J/K... ;)


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Damn, sorry to hear about your bad luck....I'm sure things will get figurd out and you'll be back crushing it in no time!
Any workout that involves legs and no calf work is done is a waste in my eyes. That and the fact I can't do any cardio just sucks; my endurance during workouts is actually starting to suffer so I want this dealt with as soon as possible.


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Lol, don't feel bad about gout man, I've had rheumatism in my right elbow, ankle and wrist for years. You don't have to be old to be messed up. :p
Yep I had gout at 21, No gout now... Doesn't have to be forever and meds are pretty good, you don't have a red meat/red wine fetish do you?

Only know that gout is more often than not related to diet issues and the resultant excess uric acid causing crystallization of the joints... At the time red wine and red meat were the cause

Read up on it mate, you can probably beat this long term without having to rely on the meds


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I am sure it is a combination of many things causing it. Not too much red wine at the moment, red meat well I eat plenty. I am going to try this stuff tonight, supposed to work right away and if not off to the good ol foot doc.


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I am sure it is a combination of many things causing it. Not too much red wine at the moment, red meat well I eat plenty. I am going to try this stuff tonight, supposed to work right away and if not off to the good ol foot doc.
Yeah never managed to drop the red meat myself, had 7 kidney stones three years ago, had to be removed through the "eye of the needle" so to speak... What did they blame those on red meat!!!

Oh well mate, chin up you're due some luck soon, and I truly believe good things happen to good people, and good people you are!


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Come on a journey with me... to PR City!

Here lies the story of a man on a quest to PR CITY!

This Friday trend is getting pretty darn addictive and fun at the same time. I woke up this morning with thoughts of moving some FREAKING WEIGHT, man was I right to think that. No more intro needed, let's get to the damn lift already!

PWO Supps:
AndroHard ;)
3 scoops Jack3d
20 grams Modern BCAA
Regular morning supps as well

Hack/Front Squat Machine - 450x8, 620x8 PR!, 620x8 ds 540x8 ds 500x8 Umm yeah I knew it was on like donkey kong after these...

Decline Bench Press - 165x10 Super EASY, 245x8 PR!, 255x8 PR ds 205x7 ds 185x6 So after my legs, there are two guys doing DBs on the decline rack, they are cool and let me work in. A little extra rest never hurts. Hit the first set like nothing, they see I am no *****. Wait, rack 245 and just lift it like its nothing, spotter doesn't even touch the bar. Next 255, again he doesn't touch it and stares in awe that some 190 pound guy is repping that 8 times. Man I felt like a BEAST at that point!

DB Tri Extensions - 70x8, 110x8, 110x7 ds 85x8 At this point the intensity was catching me, out of breath, geranium was kicking in something fierce, head between legs... deep breaths, no puking you *****!

Machine Military Press - 140x8, 200x8, 200x8 ds 150x7 ds 120x6 Still feeling nauseated BUT I pulled it together, big things were going to happen ;).

Bent over BB rows -155x8, 215x8 PR, 215x8 ds 185x8 ds 155x8 Holy crap these HURT! My back was on fire but there was no stopping the PR train. Before the big last drop set I got my composure, harnessed all the intensity from my AM bros and ripped it! :shocked:

Preacher curls - 70x8, 95x6, 95x6 ds 70x7 ds 35x10 Beyond gassed by this point, stomach did summer salts during these and I knew I was on borrowed time so I called it.

Guys this was so much intensity I could barely take it, never have I pushed so hard, wanted to throw up, then came back and kept destroying it. I literally said to myself a few time, Kleen and Army wouldn't quit, what makes you think you can!

Toe update - Got me some meds that worked wonders last night. It is much better but not perfect. The joint is still pretty inflammed, going to do 1 more round of the protocol today and that should help. I sort of put a lot of weight on it this morning when it was bent on the step and that did not help things. Going to take some Advil now, the meds later and it should be good to go next week so I can do calves again, finally!

Here is what I did to the gym today:


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Those hack machine numbers leave me speechless. :jaw:
I think you guys are getting a little mislead with that machine, it is hinged so it is not a pure vertical movement and the foot placement is on an angle. Yes those are pretty retarded BUT I believe many of you would be able to throw that weight up if you were on the same machine. I warm up with 450 if that gives you some perspective. That said, the compliment is much appreciated Resolve!


On my grind
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Hope whatever the problem is, it clears up brother!!

I was in a boot for 2 weeks after my 4 weeks in a cast while i was at boot for my broken foot. While i did feel a tad bit dumb, it was a lot better then crutching it around with a cast!

Good stuff on the workout too my man!


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Hope whatever the problem is, it clears up brother!!

I was in a boot for 2 weeks after my 4 weeks in a cast while i was at boot for my broken foot. While i did feel a tad bit dumb, it was a lot better then crutching it around with a cast!

Good stuff on the workout too my man!
It is on the road to healing, like I said, one more round of this meds for acute gout pain today and all should be well. The only reason it bothered me today is because I was not paying attention and put all my weight on my toe... live and learn.


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Monster workout mate, way to go!!!!

Errr... So would you recommend androhard then? Obviously with sale on (although I need to workout shipping and customs) I'm mighty tempted to pick up "some bottles" of PP's product line BUT what to choose?

1-Tren/AndroHard/Formestane stack LOL


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Monster workout mate, way to go!!!!

Errr... So would you recommend androhard then? Obviously with sale on (although I need to workout shipping and customs) I'm mighty tempted to pick up "some bottles" of PP's product line BUT what to choose?

1-Tren/AndroHard/Formestane stack LOL
Ok, that would be sick but I would probably lean more towards this: Dermacrine, AndroHard and Sustain Alpha or Formestane. It just depends on your goals but I would go with the LV version of everything, it is truly amazing how effective the delivery system is. For me a stack of Turinabol and Andro would be sick or Dermacrine and Andro; decisions, decisions.


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Ok, that would be sick but I would probably lean more towards this: Dermacrine, AndroHard and Sustain Alpha or Formestane. It just depends on your goals but I would go with the LV version of everything, it is truly amazing how effective the delivery system is. For me a stack of Turinabol and Andro would be sick or Dermacrine and Andro; decisions, decisions.
Andro / derma would probably best for my goals I.e fat loss and I suspect would require minimal pct?

Doing a lot a reading at the moment and then worry about the required PCT later (but have to hand in advance of cycle though)

Did the SW sort out your issue you experienced at the beginning of the stack? When did your toe issue start, before or after?


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Ok, that would be sick but I would probably lean more towards this: Dermacrine, AndroHard and Sustain Alpha or Formestane. It just depends on your goals but I would go with the LV version of everything, it is truly amazing how effective the delivery system is. For me a stack of Turinabol and Andro would be sick or Dermacrine and Andro; decisions, decisions.
Fat loss, so I guess really it's gotta be Andro/Derma LV for me too, will probably buy now if it makes sense financially and then worry about PCT nearer the time ( but obviously have in advance of running it)

Andro / derma would probably best for my goals I.e fat loss and I suspect would require minimal pct?

Doing a lot a reading at the moment and then worry about the required PCT later (but have to hand in advance of cycle though)

Did the SP sort out your issue you experienced at the beginning of the stack? When did your toe issue start, before or after?


NutraPlanet Rep
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Monster workout mate, way to go!!!!

Errr... So would you recommend androhard then? Obviously with sale on (although I need to workout shipping and customs) I'm mighty tempted to pick up "some bottles" of PP's product line BUT what to choose?

1-Tren/AndroHard/Formestane stack LOL
tren is banned in the US, primordial is not selling this currently. not to be confused with 1-t..different compounds.

anyway, bump to my question fin


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Damn phone!! I thought it lost the first part of my reply :lol:


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tren is banned in the US, primordial is not selling this currently. not to be confused with 1-t..different compounds.

anyway, bump to my question fin
My bad bro!!! Really should concentrate when posting! Yes what you said..


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Andro / derma would probably best for my goals I.e fat loss and I suspect would require minimal pct?

Doing a lot a reading at the moment and then worry about the required PCT later (but have to hand in advance of cycle though)

Did the SW sort out your issue you experienced at the beginning of the stack? When did your toe issue start, before or after?
Lots of questions so let me get to them one at a time. I had some MINOR prostate issue that was due to the AndroHard and how I reacted to it. My suggestion to you if you stack it with anything else hormonal, get some AI Cycle Support to run with it and start it 7-10 days early. You will have no issues of any kind with it and it will allow you to lengthen the cycle to 6 weeks without any risk. Saw Palmetto did work as expected and would most likely be enough but with Dermacrine I would not take a chance, just get Cycle Support of something very similar.

PCT will have to be something like Sustain Alpha and maybe a DAA supplement or test booster you have had success with in the past. Formadrol is a great option in place of SA if you want to go that route but if you run both at a full dose for 6 weeks, the TRS is probably going to be necessary. This will get expensive but I consider it a cheap price to pay for your HPTA system to work properly; frankly, I like my balls in their current place and not the size of marbles!

My toe is an issue that is entirely unrelated to the stack I am on, been that way for a while now off and on. None of what I am running now will irritate gouty arthritis (which is what I have).

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