Prayer Request Thread


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B - God's blessing to you and your son.

I wanted to share a blessing with you. I just returned from a weekend long conference put on by Family Life Today, a Christian ministry group. It was excellent, centered on God on focused on what we, as men, are responsible for in marriage. There were about 1500 people in attendance. It is such a comfort to know that if we look for like minded people, who want to better their lives by following God's design - we can find them. I am really happy I went.
That is awesome!! It is completely imperitive to surround yourself with like minded people. The LORD wants us to encourage each other, to feed the spritual fire. It is also of equal importance to let what we have as men, leak into every single relationship we are a part of, especially with other men, who are struggling to form there character more in the likeness of their creator.


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Dont know how I missed this thread, but am subbed now, praying for each other is once of the greatest privileges there is!


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^^Ditto. But then again, I am never really in the general chat. :)

I am please to find so many brothers and sisters on here. I will continue to pray you all. Please pray for a 'material need' that is currently in my family, that his will be done regardless of the outcome this week. Thank you.


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Man sorry I just now seen this...I have been super busy as of late...Glad to hear you and your buddy turned out to both be ok, and still with us.

Waffle House sounds good right about now:wave2:
A little help, guys: As most of you know, my friend and I were involved in a pretty nasty rollover accident while Off-Roading this past weekend (Sunday).

I didn't get hurt or injured to an extent that it's even worth complaining about; however, my friend isn't so lucky. He has a broken collarbone and what we all thought was just a Grade 2 Concussion. Well, the Doctor's are performing an emergency surgery this morning. Apparently, he has some pressure built up in his head from blood-seepage from some form of the bruising inside his cranium. The Doctor's are confident that it will alleviate the problem without any repercussions, but I always err to the side of caution.
If you guys have a moment today, please say a prayer for Bradley Santos. He is a dear friend of mine. Thank you all.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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Man sorry I just now seen this...I have been super busy as of late...Glad to hear you and your buddy turned out to both be ok, and still with us.

Waffle House sounds good right about now:wave2:
Pecan Waffle with 2 cups of Egg Whites... mmmm, mmm, mmmm!


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^^Ditto. But then again, I am never really in the general chat. :)

I am please to find so many brothers and sisters on here. I will continue to pray you all. Please pray for a 'material need' that is currently in my family, that his will be done regardless of the outcome this week. Thank you.
I will be praying for your need brother, and what a wonderful attitude and submission is shown "his will be done regardless of the outcome". I pray that we all have this same attitude and in more abundance in our lives


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Wow, I missed all the stuff in the God vs science thread yesterday, just skimmed through some of it and I think we should pray for healing on all those who participated, seems like feelings were hurt and much antogonism. We as Christians need patience, perseverance, and mercy towards all, even to those who do antagonize us. I will pray for all those involved that God somehow makes something good out of the negativity from yesterday.


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We do need to pray for revival. We dont need to be doomsayers, etc., but we need to be realistic, our economy is in trouble, the new type of flu, though thankfully it seems that these are just attention getters as the flu is not as bad as first thought, and the economy is starting to show better signs. But are we paying attention, are we seeing that our fate is in Gods hands, and to turn even more towards Him? If revival is to happen, it has to start in the church and that is us. It doesnt just mean being more politically active, voicing our opinions more, it has to start spiritually, it has to start with prayer and Bible reading, it must be inside us and be brought out into righteous works.


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Wow, I missed all the stuff in the God vs science thread yesterday, just skimmed through some of it and I think we should pray for healing on all those who participated, seems like feelings were hurt and much antogonism. We as Christians need patience, perseverance, and mercy towards all, even to those who do antagonize us. I will pray for all those involved that God somehow makes something good out of the negativity from yesterday.
Amen. Me too. All's well that ends well.


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^^Ditto. But then again, I am never really in the general chat. :)

I am please to find so many brothers and sisters on here. I will continue to pray you all. Please pray for a 'material need' that is currently in my family, that his will be done regardless of the outcome this week. Thank you.
Done...God will see that you get what you need JZ HIS power is unlimited.....:wave2:


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Indeed, never belittle God, know that he is capable because nothing is impossible for God.


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The examples of GOD's power is evident wherever you look. It is, however, up to you to see these examples for what they are, and not to overlook them, or dismiss them as coincedence. Whenever i hear someone say "What miracles has GOD performed lately?" I say "Your looking at one"


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I had to pop into this thread to subscribe, Its wonderful how God can bring all of his people together in such a small place. Me and my friends hold a prayer group once a week, im sure we can try and also in my spare time, to lift up some prayer requests for people....not just for the sake of it, but that the people here may receive the answers to their prayers, because we worship and pray to a living God! Our prayers here are not gonna go empty handed guys.

Some of my friends were out on the streets just last week, and prayed for a young boy aged around 5, he couldn't walk, he was walking with a cradle type of thing, but anwyay, they prayed for him, he got healed instantly, they took him for a walk, and he started to walk without his walking cradle thing. God really answers prayer.

Respect and much love to B for starting the greatest thread and thanks to all the brothers/sisters here for their prayers.


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I had to pop into this thread to subscribe, Its wonderful how God can bring all of his people together in such a small place. Me and my friends hold a prayer group once a week, im sure we can try and also in my spare time, to lift up some prayer requests for people....not just for the sake of it, but that the people here may receive the answers to their prayers, because we worship and pray to a living God! Our prayers here are not gonna go empty handed guys.

Some of my friends were out on the streets just last week, and prayed for a young boy aged around 5, he couldn't walk, he was walking with a cradle type of thing, but anwyay, they prayed for him, he got healed instantly, they took him for a walk, and he started to walk without his walking cradle thing. God really answers prayer.

Respect and much love to B for starting the greatest thread and thanks to all the brothers/sisters here for their prayers.
That's an exciting testimony! We join in prayer with you and your friends. May God intertwine these prayers and magnify our ability to glorify Him and assist one another in all of our dealings.

Thank you for joining this thread WF! Our unity is powerful.


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Thanks so much D for the kind words. We will unite with others here in prayer that we can get more answers for everyone. Its good to be here with family :)
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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Thanks so much D for the kind words. We will unite with others here in prayer that we can get more answers for everyone. Its good to be here with family :)
Indeed, Wiltered.

On a side, but related note: Just thought I would let everyone know that Bradley is at home recovering. He should be rehabilitated in time for his wedding. He will not be 100%, but in good enough shape to dip his lovely wife during the first dance. Overall, he is about at 30% functional-capacity, and is expected to reach 70-75% by his wedding if all goes well. So, let's keep those thoughts and prayers rolling for him. :D


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great thread, prayer is a powerful thing! I struggle everyday


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I think we all struggle every day, and that is a good thing in many ways, our struggles cause us to pray and then His answers cause us to give thanks. You are not alone brother, I am struggling along as well, and it is nice to know that we are being prayed for!


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Indeed, Wiltered.

On a side, but related note: Just thought I would let everyone know that Bradley is at home recovering. He should be rehabilitated in time for his wedding. He will not be 100%, but in good enough shape to dip his lovely wife during the first dance. Overall, he is about at 30% functional-capacity, and is expected to reach 70-75% by his wedding if all goes well. So, let's keep those thoughts and prayers rolling for him. :D
Thats great news. It seems as though prayers have been answered already. I will keep him in mine for sure.


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Thats great news. It seems as though prayers have been answered already. I will keep him in mine for sure.
Indeed. We do not just pray for healing, we should follow through and pray in appreciation once prayers are granted.


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hey guys,

I ran into an old friend/teammate tonight at the gym and found out he's been in chemo recovering from a brain tumor. It was a real shock, he is my age and was in seemingly great health. He also has a young son. He was in good spirits, but he is not out of the woods yet. I'd greatly appreciate it if you guys could keep him in your prayers.


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hey guys,

I ran into an old friend/teammate tonight at the gym and found out he's been in chemo recovering from a brain tumor. It was a real shock, he is my age and was in seemingly great health. He also has a young son. He was in good spirits, but he is not out of the woods yet. I'd greatly appreciate it if you guys could keep him in your prayers.
I will keep your friend, and his son, in my prayers.


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hey guys,

I ran into an old friend/teammate tonight at the gym and found out he's been in chemo recovering from a brain tumor. It was a real shock, he is my age and was in seemingly great health. He also has a young son. He was in good spirits, but he is not out of the woods yet. I'd greatly appreciate it if you guys could keep him in your prayers.

will be praying for healing, comfort, hope and perseverance through this time and that the Lord will be glorified and faith strengthened, may He have mercy and grace on that young man and his family.


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Thank you all for the prayers and support. I will keep these needs in mind for prayer as well.


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hey guys,

I ran into an old friend/teammate tonight at the gym and found out he's been in chemo recovering from a brain tumor. It was a real shock, he is my age and was in seemingly great health. He also has a young son. He was in good spirits, but he is not out of the woods yet. I'd greatly appreciate it if you guys could keep him in your prayers.
I saw a statistic today that neoplasms of the CNS were now the #1 cause of caner deaths in people under 35 years of age! I see little kids 9-10 years old walking around with cell phones, and I just cringe. :worried:

He is in our prayers brother. Keep encouraging him!


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Although I did not celebrate per se', I did feel a sense of relief when I opened the mail last Saturday and read the notice from my Atty informing me that my divorce became effective April 28, 2009.

Even knowing that I, as head of the household, failed God in this regard, it ws a nice feeling to know that this (inevitable) part of my life is behind me; for that I am thankful. I didn't/couldn't control her adulterous decisions, but I realize that I am accountbale nonetheless. For me, I am glad I didn't cheat on her - despite everything she put me and my sons through.

There is additional healing to go; most notably with my adult sons and teenage daughter. I pray for them regularly.


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Although I did not celebrate per se', I did feel a sense of relief when I opened the mail last Saturday and read the notice from my Atty informing me that my divorce became effective April 28, 2009.

Even knowing that I, as head of the household, failed God in this regard, it ws a nice feeling to know that this (inevitable) part of my life is behind me; for that I am thankful. I didn't/couldn't control her adulterous decisions, but I realize that I am accountbale nonetheless. For me, I am glad I didn't cheat on her - despite everything she put me and my sons through.

There is additional healing to go; most notably with my adult sons and teenage daughter. I pray for them regularly.
This is a terrible situation, that is becoming all to normal nowadays. Beau, i dont know you, but if i were to judge you on your faith alone, i would have to say, without reservation, that you did, and will continue to do the absolute best of your abilities to ensure the healing of your children, your ex-wife, and yourself through GOD. You did not fail GOD, dont ever think that. GOD made you, all of you, not just the good parts. GOD doesnt make junk.


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My 19 year old son is struggling. Too many details to post.
Update. My son is a typical 19yo who tends to be impulsive and obsessed with females. He has in the passed struggled with ADHD which of course at times leaves him depressed from the consequences of his poor and impulsive choices. That is just the baseline.

This boy was his childhood friend:

Barely two weeks later his aunt (step-dad's sister) is suspected to have died from overdose, yet the case is open as a suspicious death.

Just this morning his mother's uncle committed suicide. He was a struggling D&A addict as well.

A young man should not have to experience so much death so close to home at such a young age.

Keep on doing what you are doing guys...he needs all the prayer he can get.



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Update. My son is a typical 19yo who tends to be impulsive and obsessed with females. He has in the passed struggled with ADHD which of course at times leaves him depressed from the consequences of his poor and impulsive choices. That is just the baseline.

This boy was his childhood friend:

Barely two weeks later his aunt (step-dad's sister) is suspected to have died from overdose, yet the case is open as a suspicious death.

Just this morning his mother's uncle committed suicide. He was a struggling D&A addict as well.

A young man should not have to experience so much death so close to home at such a young age.

Keep on doing what you are doing guys...he needs all the prayer he can get.

I will certainly do that. I hope all works out for the best, and i feel for your loss.


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thanks for the support guys. I've really let my spiritual side fall to the wayside over the years; not completely abandoning it, but it has really taken a backseat in a way it never should have. It's a shame to know that such a good opportunity to partake in something like this has been here all along and I've been scrolling right over it every day. I will certainly be praying for your requests guys.

B5150, I will definitely be praying for your son. You probably already know this, but it can be a huge help just to be there and hear him out when he needs it. As someone not too far from his age, I can say that one of my big regrets is never having a relationship with my father where I could talk to him as a friend. I really could have used it at that age. He may appreciate it more than you'll ever know.


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That's an exciting testimony! We join in prayer with you and your friends. May God intertwine these prayers and magnify our ability to glorify Him and assist one another in all of our dealings.

Thank you for joining this thread WF! Our unity is powerful.
Indeed, Wiltered.

On a side, but related note: Just thought I would let everyone know that Bradley is at home recovering. He should be rehabilitated in time for his wedding. He will not be 100%, but in good enough shape to dip his lovely wife during the first dance. Overall, he is about at 30% functional-capacity, and is expected to reach 70-75% by his wedding if all goes well. So, let's keep those thoughts and prayers rolling for him. :D
Thats great news. It seems as though prayers have been answered already. I will keep him in mine for sure.
Indeed. We do not just pray for healing, we should follow through and pray in appreciation once prayers are granted.
hey guys,

I ran into an old friend/teammate tonight at the gym and found out he's been in chemo recovering from a brain tumor. It was a real shock, he is my age and was in seemingly great health. He also has a young son. He was in good spirits, but he is not out of the woods yet. I'd greatly appreciate it if you guys could keep him in your prayers.
I am here for all of you and will pray for you all..D you the man Ded you too. nice to hear your friend is doing well Iron...


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Update. My son is a typical 19yo who tends to be impulsive and obsessed with females. He has in the passed struggled with ADHD which of course at times leaves him depressed from the consequences of his poor and impulsive choices. ...
Sounds like a normal 19yo. :)

But seriously, he will be in our prayers my friend. These temptations and failed trials are good for a young man in the long run, they produce endurance when he is older! I speak from experience B, you know that. All the death surrounding him will be made positive because the gain is inversely proportional to his pain. He will be blessed in direct measure of what he has endured and overcome, so don't let these transient circumstances discourage you or foster doubt. Be a strong example for him and he shall follow your lead. Failure is not even an option!

He will not fail when it counts. Your son will be strong and ready when it counts most. Amen.


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Sounds like a normal 19yo. :)

But seriously, he will be in our prayers my friend. These temptations and failed trials are good for a young man in the long run, they produce endurance when he is older! I speak from experience B, you know that. All the death surrounding him will be made positive because the gain is inversely proportional to his pain. He will be blessed in direct measure of what he has endured and overcome, so don't let these transient circumstances discourage you or foster doubt. Be a strong example for him and he shall follow your lead. Failure is not even an option!

He will not fail when it counts. Your son will be strong and ready when it counts most. Amen.


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PRAY, AND MORE PRAYER, that is what we must do, God bless with love, Andrew!


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I am here for all of you and will pray for you all..D you the man Ded you too. nice to hear your friend is doing well Iron...
Can you feel the strength of all these prayers coming together and gaining momentum? I can visualize powerful spirits dispatching at the speed of light! They are empowered to relay our earnest petitions to God, and His grace returning predictably perfect solutions to our deepest needs out of His profound love. It's beyond comprehension, yet supernaturally strengthening at the same time. These prayers are being heard and answered no doubt guys.

God bless this board, this thread, those who need support here, their families, and all the men who care enough to get involved and are not ashamed to admit they pray! ;)


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Can you feel the strength of all these prayers coming together and gaining momentum? I can visualize powerful spirits dispatching at the speed of light! They are empowered to relay our earnest petitions to God, and His grace returning predictably perfect solutions to our deepest needs out of His profound love. It's beyond comprehension, yet supernaturally strengthening at the same time. These prayers are being heard and answered no doubt guys.

God bless this board, this thread, those who need support here, their families, and all the men who care enough to get involved and are not ashamed to admit they pray! ;)
Yes sir i do feel like dancing a
Amen my brotha, much love indeed! We are victorious tonight, I can feel it.
Yes God is victorious through all of us...:wave2:
Zero V

Zero V

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I am stopping into a local construction union tomorrow to turn in a job, and if I am lucky an interview. I am also calling a few other places looking for some construction jobs. Good pay, even though it may be long work and hard work. At any rate, I wanted to have a prayer or two sent up about it lol. Thanks in advance


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I am stopping into a local construction union tomorrow to turn in a job, and if I am lucky an interview. I am also calling a few other places looking for some construction jobs. Good pay, even though it may be long work and hard work. At any rate, I wanted to have a prayer or two sent up about it lol. Thanks in advance
Done bro...hope you get it I love working construction and I just love to work hard in general...


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I am stopping into a local construction union tomorrow to turn in a job, and if I am lucky an interview. I am also calling a few other places looking for some construction jobs. Good pay, even though it may be long work and hard work. At any rate, I wanted to have a prayer or two sent up about it lol. Thanks in advance
Yes sir, prayers in progress V.
Zero V

Zero V

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Done bro...hope you get it I love working construction and I just love to work hard in general...
I agree, But I do enjoy being able to problem solve. As long as I can advance to not being mindless about it lol.

Yes sir, prayers in progress V.
Thanks mate, thanks every one. I neeed this lol. Not a want, this my Lord is a need :) And I trust God, even though right now....well this thread is about great things happening. I cant wait to be writing a praise report about starting next monday :wave2:


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I agree, But I do enjoy being able to problem solve. As long as I can advance to not being mindless about it lol.

Thanks mate, thanks every one. I neeed this lol. Not a want, this my Lord is a need :) And I trust God, even though right now....well this thread is about great things happening. I cant wait to be writing a praise report about starting next monday :wave2:
there is something to be said for a hard days work my friend. If you work as hard as you lift, i bet you get that job!!!!
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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I am stopping into a local construction union tomorrow to turn in a job, and if I am lucky an interview. I am also calling a few other places looking for some construction jobs. Good pay, even though it may be long work and hard work. At any rate, I wanted to have a prayer or two sent up about it lol. Thanks in advance
There's this super cool guy that I know who is a hard-working carpenter himself. I think they've written some books about him, and maybe even made a few movies about his life. Long-haired fellow; personally, I would recommend something a bit more short, but it works well for him I suppose. ;)

Good luck, man!


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praying for you V, it will all be ok, the Lord is a problem solver and a need filler, He is always the right way to turn to


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great thread, prayer is a powerful thing! I struggle everyday
So do I and that is why I'm here :)

Awesome thread, through prayer and faith we build strength. I got to remind myself of that whenever life’s burdens start feeling toooo heavy.

Faith is built through hardships and trials. If I fall today, how can I stand tomorrow ? For life’s challenges are neverending. How do I overcome them ? By having faith in my shepherd, by FOLLOWING and OBEYING Him. If you are struggling with life be sure it isn’t because the Lord has turned His back on you but because you have turned your back on Him.

”Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.”

“The Lord doesn’t let the righteous go hungry but he thwarts the craving of the wicked.”

Sometimes following the Lord seems hard because His ways are obscure to us. However, we must bear in mind that God ALWAYS keeps His Word to those who follow. Follow God and you will be blessed. You don’t need not to know His plan. That is not a measure of faith.


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Faith is built through hardships and trials. If I fall today, how can I stand tomorrow ? For life’s challenges are neverending. How do I overcome them ? By having faith in my shepherd, by FOLLOWING and OBEYING Him. If you are struggling with life be sure it isn’t because the Lord has turned His back on you but because you have turned your back on Him.

”Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.”

“The Lord doesn’t let the righteous go hungry but he thwarts the craving of the wicked.”

Sometimes following the Lord seems hard because His ways are obscure to us. However, we must bear in mind that God ALWAYS keeps His Word to those who follow. Follow God and you will be blessed. You don’t need not to know His plan. That is not a measure of faith.
Awesome! :thumbsup:


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dragonfly, how true, there are a couple of verses I just recently read that speak to this (NT Romans 5:3-5, and the OT was in Isaiah), trials are bad for the flesh, but good for the spirit, through them our faith is strengthened, and God's goodness towards us is shown. Still, it is never easy to go through and it is nice to have people here, as well as locally, to help support us through prayer and bringing us into remembrance of Bible teachings, thank God that He puts mercy and compassion for each other in our hearts and the knowledge that as good as it is, ours is not even a shadow of His care for us.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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I just wanted everyone to know that I will be away from the computer for a few days in order to get an Emergency Surgery on my (R) reconstructed leg. One of my plates shifted and caused a screw to break off while pushing off the wall swimming this morning.
I will be back in a few days, hopefully.
A prayer or two might help out as well.


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I just wanted everyone to know that I will be away from the computer for a few days in order to get an Emergency Surgery on my (R) reconstructed leg. One of my plates shifted and caused a screw to break off while pushing off the wall swimming this morning.
I will be back in a few days, hopefully.
A prayer or two might help out as well.
You will be fine bro, I know God will allow this surgery to be cake, its hard not to be active, so injuries are always at stake, just be careful bro.

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