Omega Ultima: A Ranger's Journey (Sponsored)

Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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Quick update

* - I continue to see vast improvment in recovery and endurance. As far a strength goes, I can't say that Ultima is helping me push more weight; however, it definitely is helping me push more reputations out. The burn that I get from certain exercises are pretty rough, but since I've been on Ultima, the burn doesn't occur until later in the motion. For example, when I was doing single leg press (deep) the other day, I was able to perform 4-6 more reputations per movement. That's a significant improvement.

* - I am nearing the end of my first jug. I can definitely say without hesitation that Ultima works well for me. If only for recovery/endurance, that's perfect for my type of lifestyle. No fillers, no bullshit - the way I like it.

* - A little side note that I will further discuss at the end of this log: My starting weight was 204.6lbs - I am at 207.2 right now. To be honest with you all, I've been eating under my allowance, so this is a shocker to me. My wife says that I've leaned out more, so we will see in the end once I get my BF checked, and take more pictures. Just thought I would share this information. I was not expecting to gain any weight. So my goal of a Recomp may just be a reality.

The next update will not be until Sunday. I am going to Walter Reed Army Medical Center to talk to some of the wounded soldiers there. I do this periodically; it's a mission for me. It's a privilege to be invited there to provide motivation to those who may need it. Most importantly, I can relate, and provide as much information as I can. I will be back Sunday morning, so I will update then.

Motivation for the day
Suffocation- Abomination Reborn

[ame=""]YouTube - SUFFOCATION - "Abomination Reborn"[/ame]


  • Established
Quick update

* - I continue to see vast improvment in recovery and endurance. As far a strength goes, I can't say that Ultima is helping me push more weight; however, it definitely is helping me push more reputations out. The burn that I get from certain exercises are pretty rough, but since I've been on Ultima, the burn doesn't occur until later in the motion. For example, when I was doing single leg press (deep) the other day, I was able to perform 4-6 more reputations per movement. That's a significant improvement.

* - I am nearing the end of my first jug. I can definitely say without hesitation that Ultima works well for me. If only for recovery/endurance, that's perfect for my type of lifestyle. No fillers, no bullshit - the way I like it.

* - A little side note that I will further discuss at the end of this log: My starting weight was 204.6lbs - I am at 207.2 right now. To be honest with you all, I've been eating under my allowance, so this is a shocker to me. My wife says that I've leaned out more, so we will see in the end once I get my BF checked, and take more pictures. Just thought I would share this information. I was not expecting to gain any weight. So my goal of a Recomp may just be a reality.

The next update will not be until Sunday. I am going to Walter Reed Army Medical Center to talk to some of the wounded soldiers there. I do this periodically; it's a mission for me. It's a privilege to be invited there to provide motivation to those who may need it. Most importantly, I can relate, and provide as much information as I can. I will be back Sunday morning, so I will update then.

Motivation for the day
Suffocation- Abomination Reborn
Another solid update, ya gotta love products that can help ya squeeze more reps out at the end of your set's.

That's very noble of you do to that ! Be sure to tell us how it went at the medical center when you return on Sunday !

Take care Iron :cool:


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I continue to see vast improvment in recovery and endurance. As far a strength goes, I can't say that Ultima is helping me push more weight; however, it definitely is helping me push more reputations out. The burn that I get from certain exercises are pretty rough, but since I've been on Ultima, the burn doesn't occur until later in the motion. For example, when I was doing single leg press (deep) the other day, I was able to perform 4-6 more reputations per movement. That's a significant improvement.
That is indeed a significant improvement..
Recovery is where it's at. Seems to be a solid product from your feedback..
The next update will not be until Sunday. I am going to Walter Reed Army Medical Center to talk to some of the wounded soldiers there. I do this periodically; it's a mission for me. It's a privilege to be invited there to provide motivation to those who may need it. Most importantly, I can relate, and provide as much information as I can.
Very cool {Fe}! :bandit:


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I'm really glad this log got back on track. Solid work and great detail. Also we share a common taste in music which in and of itself makes me appreciate the existence of this log. :D


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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That's awesome that you do that; I think volunteering really shapes us as a person. On Fridays I spend 3 hours in the hospital on the pediatric floor, and I love my time there.

Regarding the recovery; would you say it is intra-set recovery or more of a decreased DOMS?


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some great info in here IL!


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Planning on doing a log?
Hmm, I might !

I wanna see how each of Steve's and Fin's logs carry out so I can know what to fully expect. When I pick some Ultima up it wont be until closer to the end of summer because I have a pretty nice supplement regiment lined up for my recomp and post-recomp this sping/summer :thumbsup:


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Hmm, I might !

I wanna see how each of Steve's and Fin's logs carry out so I can know what to fully expect. When I pick some Ultima up it wont be until closer to the end of summer because I have a pretty nice supplement regiment lined up for my recomp and post-recomp this sping/summer :thumbsup:
Well AK we will all be waiting on whatever you decide to log for sure!


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Agreed, and it can't be Skor pieces ;) (Did you find some?)
:( I was gonna do a bulk on Skor..


I didn't find any places around here that had them, send me some ! lol
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Quick update from the road:

It’s been very humbling the past day or so. Seeing and talking with our wounded soldiers takes me back to when I laid there, wondering if I would ever walk again. These guy's are true men; they DO NOT give up! I've made a lot of new friends in the past 48 hours. They all appreciated me flying in and speaking with them, not only with encouragement, but with a dead-set blunt perspective that will empower them to not give in. I know what it's like to be there, and I now know how important it is to have a support system in place to help with the transition into a new lifestyle. Please do me a favor and shake a hand or two when you see my bother's and sister's in public. Your support really means the world to them, and to me. Even if you do not agree with what our Military is doing, just know that we (they) are doing what they have been ordered to do for the safety of our future.

Sorry for the rant, but I am truly humbled today, as well as proud.

I did manage to workout out both days with some of the men and woman; however, it was free of Ultima. I could not risk taking it on the plane. I did take my Trinitine, however. Nothing to report that is mind-blowing at this point. I will continue this log for at least 4 more weeks to better determine the effects that Ultima and Trinitine produces together. No slacking, nor deviating from my routine. I want to be able to inform you all of the results without any distractions.

I appreciate the ones that actually take the time to read my updates. Several PM's and Reputation remarks has lead to believe that only a few really review what I take the time to write. When someone ask where I'm at, but has posted saying, "good update," just lets me know that they only act as if they're following. No worries, though. I do thank the ones that do indeed pay attention - after all, I do the same for you guys.

God bless you guys!



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Thats pretty legit wat you were doing man...i'd rep you again but i don't spread my rep around much :(

you seem to be really enjoying this though...and i appreciate the review you seem pretty straight forward about this not just 100/10 on everything go buy this now bros!!!111!! haha ;)


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Iron, can you be a little more specific to where you are? Rehab hospital? I have an idea on what’s going on, and if I am correct which I think I am, your doing a great thing. Our troops coming home need us more then ever, the sad thing is our political system has blinded allot of folks on what it is we are actually doing over there which is BS! They need folks to embrace them, and let them know they are not alone. It’s a tuff thing getting shipped off at 19 yrs old and coming back totally different, mentally and physically. Shake there hand for me! and tell them thank you..:thumbsup:

Edit: I missed your last update, and now see where you are at:) Awesome thing man...
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Iron, can you be a little more specific to where you are? Rehab hospital? I have an idea on what’s going on, and if I am correct which I think I am, your doing a great thing. Our troops coming home need us more then ever, the sad thing is our political system has blinded allot of folks on what it is we are actually doing over there which is BS! They need folks to embrace them, and let them know they are not alone. It’s a tuff thing getting shipped off at 19 yrs old and coming back totally different, mentally and physically. Shake there hand for me! and tell them thank you..:thumbsup:
Sure can... it was addressed it my update earlier.



Well-known member
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Quick update from the road:

It’s been very humbling the past day or so. Seeing and talking with our wounded soldiers takes me back to when I laid there, wondering if I would ever walk again. These guy's are true men; they DO NOT give up! I've made a lot of new friends in the past 48 hours. They all appreciated me flying in and speaking with them, not only with encouragement, but with a dead-set blunt perspective that will empower them to not give in. I know what it's like to be there, and I now know how important it is to have a support system in place to help with the transition into a new lifestyle. Please do me a favor and shake a hand or two when you see my bother's and sister's in public. Your support really means the world to them, and to me. Even if you do not agree with what our Military is doing, just know that we (they) are doing what they have been ordered to do for the safety of our future.

Sorry for the rant, but I am truly humbled today, as well as proud.

I did manage to workout out both days with some of the men and woman; however, it was free of Ultima. I could not risk taking it on the plane. I did take my Trinitine, however. Nothing to report that is mind-blowing at this point. I will continue this log for at least 4 more weeks to better determine the effects that Ultima and Trinitine produces together. No slacking, nor deviating from my routine. I want to be able to inform you all of the results without any distractions.

I appreciate the ones that actually take the time to read my updates. Several PM's and Reputation remarks has lead to believe that only a few really review what I take the time to write. When someone ask where I'm at, but has posted saying, "good update," just lets me know that they only act as if they're following. No worries, though. I do thank the ones that do indeed pay attention - after all, I do the same for you guys.

God bless you guys!

Much respect man!

BTW I read. :D

Irish Cannon

  • Legend!
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Quick update from the road:

It’s been very humbling the past day or so. Seeing and talking with our wounded soldiers takes me back to when I laid there, wondering if I would ever walk again. These guy's are true men; they DO NOT give up! I've made a lot of new friends in the past 48 hours. They all appreciated me flying in and speaking with them, not only with encouragement, but with a dead-set blunt perspective that will empower them to not give in. I know what it's like to be there, and I now know how important it is to have a support system in place to help with the transition into a new lifestyle. Please do me a favor and shake a hand or two when you see my bother's and sister's in public. Your support really means the world to them, and to me. Even if you do not agree with what our Military is doing, just know that we (they) are doing what they have been ordered to do for the safety of our future.

Sorry for the rant, but I am truly humbled today, as well as proud.

I did manage to workout out both days with some of the men and woman; however, it was free of Ultima. I could not risk taking it on the plane. I did take my Trinitine, however. Nothing to report that is mind-blowing at this point. I will continue this log for at least 4 more weeks to better determine the effects that Ultima and Trinitine produces together. No slacking, nor deviating from my routine. I want to be able to inform you all of the results without any distractions.

I appreciate the ones that actually take the time to read my updates. Several PM's and Reputation remarks has lead to believe that only a few really review what I take the time to write. When someone ask where I'm at, but has posted saying, "good update," just lets me know that they only act as if they're following. No worries, though. I do thank the ones that do indeed pay attention - after all, I do the same for you guys.

God bless you guys!

Good update. :p

That's awesome to see what you're doing. I don't know what it's like to be in their position, but I definitely know what it's like to be in the position to both receive and give encouragement. It's very important from both ends, and it's always nice when you know for sure that the person giving the encouragement truly wants to be there for everyone, rather than see it as a chore on a Saturday morning.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Ahhhh, I am now back home. The plane ride sucked monkey ass!
But, I'm back. :D
I was going to fly back Sunday; however, with the weather moving toward where I was, my wife and I jumped an earlier flight.


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Ahhhh, I am now back home. The plane ride sucked monkey ass!
But, I'm back. :D
I was going to fly back Sunday; however, with the weather moving toward where I was, my wife and I jumped an earlier flight.
Iron, you are the man. What you do for people like those at Walter Reed I can only hope to one day experience for myself.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Iron, you are the man. What you do for people like those at Walter Reed I can only hope to one day experience for myself.
Thanks, man. I am only doing what was done for me while I was there. I have the best Surgeons, MPT's, and now a new way to go - Stem Cells. I was accepted for some studies and treatments for the near future. I'm excited about it, really!

I will update tomorrow. The Ultima is calling my name! :D


  • RockStar
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Quick update from the road:

It’s been very humbling the past day or so. Seeing and talking with our wounded soldiers takes me back to when I laid there, wondering if I would ever walk again. These guy's are true men; they DO NOT give up! I've made a lot of new friends in the past 48 hours. They all appreciated me flying in and speaking with them, not only with encouragement, but with a dead-set blunt perspective that will empower them to not give in. I know what it's like to be there, and I now know how important it is to have a support system in place to help with the transition into a new lifestyle. Please do me a favor and shake a hand or two when you see my bother's and sister's in public. Your support really means the world to them, and to me. Even if you do not agree with what our Military is doing, just know that we (they) are doing what they have been ordered to do for the safety of our future.

Sorry for the rant, but I am truly humbled today, as well as proud.

I did manage to workout out both days with some of the men and woman; however, it was free of Ultima. I could not risk taking it on the plane. I did take my Trinitine, however. Nothing to report that is mind-blowing at this point. I will continue this log for at least 4 more weeks to better determine the effects that Ultima and Trinitine produces together. No slacking, nor deviating from my routine. I want to be able to inform you all of the results without any distractions.

I appreciate the ones that actually take the time to read my updates. Several PM's and Reputation remarks has lead to believe that only a few really review what I take the time to write. When someone ask where I'm at, but has posted saying, "good update," just lets me know that they only act as if they're following. No worries, though. I do thank the ones that do indeed pay attention - after all, I do the same for you guys.

God bless you guys!

Very nicely put, fin. It's good to have you back. :)

God bless this country - and all who fight to protect its honor and integrity!


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I hate plane trips...good thing you had a safe trip back


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I hate plane trips...good thing you had a safe trip back
I used to like to fly; until i did the hawaii trip from florida a few times. Now - not so much. :)


Well-known member
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Quick update from the road:

It’s been very humbling the past day or so. Seeing and talking with our wounded soldiers takes me back to when I laid there, wondering if I would ever walk again. These guy's are true men; they DO NOT give up! I've made a lot of new friends in the past 48 hours. They all appreciated me flying in and speaking with them, not only with encouragement, but with a dead-set blunt perspective that will empower them to not give in. I know what it's like to be there, and I now know how important it is to have a support system in place to help with the transition into a new lifestyle. Please do me a favor and shake a hand or two when you see my bother's and sister's in public. Your support really means the world to them, and to me. Even if you do not agree with what our Military is doing, just know that we (they) are doing what they have been ordered to do for the safety of our future.

Sorry for the rant, but I am truly humbled today, as well as proud.

I did manage to workout out both days with some of the men and woman; however, it was free of Ultima. I could not risk taking it on the plane. I did take my Trinitine, however. Nothing to report that is mind-blowing at this point. I will continue this log for at least 4 more weeks to better determine the effects that Ultima and Trinitine produces together. No slacking, nor deviating from my routine. I want to be able to inform you all of the results without any distractions.

I appreciate the ones that actually take the time to read my updates. Several PM's and Reputation remarks has lead to believe that only a few really review what I take the time to write. When someone ask where I'm at, but has posted saying, "good update," just lets me know that they only act as if they're following. No worries, though. I do thank the ones that do indeed pay attention - after all, I do the same for you guys.

God bless you guys!

i'm watching when i can :)

thanks for supporting the soldiers brotha. i can only say that your contributions and sacrifices for your country exceed mine, which gives me a moment to pause and reflect on the idiocies that i consider stressors. thanks for putting things in perspective, and thanks for your contributions.


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First of all - :box: I have some serious respect for you Iron. You have done so much for us and our country and I salute you man.:usa2:. I think I speak for all of us when I say We are eternally grateful!

On another note: Ultima looks very promising! 3lbs and leaning out?! And 4-6 more reps per set!? :scared:

You have me on the edge of my seat!:type:
Delta Force

Delta Force

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I'm in late... I dont know how i missed this?

Good luck Lungz!!


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Thanks, man. I am only doing what was done for me while I was there. I have the best Surgeons, MPT's, and now a new way to go - Stem Cells. I was accepted for some studies and treatments for the near future. I'm excited about it, really!

I will update tomorrow. The Ultima is calling my name! :D
Glad to hear there is light ahead of you Iron, I sent you a pm..


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On another note: Ultima looks very promising! 3lbs and leaning out?! And 4-6 more reps per set!? :scared:

You have me on the edge of my seat!:type:
Belive it or not, quite a few people on that ran un-sponsored logs reported the same thing.

BTW, Iron, I have no idea how you guys do what you do. But I sure and glad that some of you have the resolve to really love this country as much as you do. Really amazing.


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On another note: Ultima looks very promising! 3lbs and leaning out?! And 4-6 more reps per set!? :scared:

You have me on the edge of my seat!:type:
This seems to be the norm or rather most commonly reported. There is some thermogenesis affect to the product. Not sure of the direct mechanism but I think Shawn and Dana have some idea.


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BTW, Iron, I have no idea how you guys do what you do. But I sure and glad that some of you have the resolve to really love this country as much as you do. Really amazing.
its a hard thing no doubt. i could never be career enlisted, though i have many friends who are.


New member
I do know why there is significant fat loss seen with this product and the delivery, dose, timing and form are all key. I am not revealing just yet, I will wait a bit on that one.


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I do know why there is significant fat loss seen with this product and the delivery, dose, timing and form are all key. I am not revealing just yet, I will wait a bit on that one.
:( but I would like to know now! :p I look forward to more in depth responses about all the complexities of Ultima in the future(even if I may not fully grasp what is being said).


The BPS Rep
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I do know why there is significant fat loss seen with this product and the delivery, dose, timing and form are all key. I am not revealing just yet, I will wait a bit on that one.
Aww, c'mon man - if there's a way that I can best be implementing Ultima for recomp purposes, I'd definitely like to be following that protocol - would make for better log progress too, no doubt! :D


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I do know why there is significant fat loss seen with this product and the delivery, dose, timing and form are all key. I am not revealing just yet, I will wait a bit on that one.
Aww, c'mon man - if there's a way that I can best be implementing Ultima for recomp purposes, I'd definitely like to be following that protocol - would make for better log progress too, no doubt! :D
Agree with the APE^^ I would like to know also..


New member
Agree with the APE^^ I would like to know also..
I mean the way we've implemented it in our product already...the things around it, the way its delivered (sublingual), the timing pre/peri workout or even spread dosing (1/4 scoop 4 times a day)'s all there...another product that had a cap of the one ingredient would be far lacking...

Again, I will reveal more soon...

It is working for nearly every single person using it, so no worries.


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Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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There's some strong interest on my part to know what the MoA is. I've noticed almost a thermogenic feeling for several hours following my daily dose. My workouts are filled with more sweat, which I'm already absolutely drenched to begin with, but more. Weird.

I continue to see mark improvements in my endurance. It takes longer to fatigue, and I generally have to push myself harder to get the burn that I had a month ago. Even in the pool, my athletic performance is up.


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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Interesting note on the thermogenic effect; I have noticed zilch in this department. For example, last week during my crazy legs workout when I had also taken Slim Xtreme, I wasnt sweating much at all despite training very intensely.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Interesting note on the thermogenic effect; I have noticed zilch in this department. For example, last week during my crazy legs workout when I had also taken Slim Xtreme, I wasnt sweating much at all despite training very intensely.
This goes back to the, "things work differently," saying.


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There's some strong interest on my part to know what the MoA is. I've noticed almost a thermogenic feeling for several hours following my daily dose. My workouts are filled with more sweat, which I'm already absolutely drenched to begin with, but more. Weird.
Very true. I was surprised when I noticed this as well. Shawn and Dana I'm sure know what it is and I know there will be an extensive write up when the final variant is released. I however have no idea.


The BPS Rep
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I mean the way we've implemented it in our product already...the things around it, the way its delivered (sublingual), the timing pre/peri workout or even spread dosing (1/4 scoop 4 times a day)'s all there...another product that had a cap of the one ingredient would be far lacking...

Again, I will reveal more soon...

It is working for nearly every single person using it, so no worries.
I like the 1/4scoop 4x/day concept - I will have to give that a try at some point.

Who or what is that? :scared:
It's me, because of my avatar :D Sort of an inside joke between LG and myself.


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It's me, because of my avatar :D Sort of an inside joke between LG and myself.
I knew he referred to you/your avatar, but I did not know it was a joke you shared with him. The name might just stick, even if you changed your avatar! :D


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