Omega Ultima: A Ranger's Journey (Sponsored)

Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
For the love of God, I am sore!
It's a good sore, though. It's not localized, rather a whole body soreness. After the intense morning session, and the HIIT circuit session with weights later in the day, my body is screaming for a day off. Eh, I may just chill and wax my vehicles today. That should make the shoulders feel reeeeaaaal good. (Sarcasm) :D

Now let’s see if I can recover quickly from this - Big test!


  • Legend!
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For the love of God, I am sore!
It's a good sore, though. It's not localized, rather a whole body soreness. After the intense morning session, and the HIIT circuit session with weights later in the day, my body is screaming for a day off. Eh, I may just chill and wax my vehicles today. That should make the shoulders feel reeeeaaaal good. (Sarcasm) :D

Now let’s see if I can recover quickly from this - Big test!
Big test, indeed! If you end up taking a day off (highly recommended :D), you might consider taking a dose of Ultima nevertheless on that off day, in order to support the recovery process. Just a loud thought!


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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For the love of God, I am sore!
It's a good sore, though. It's not localized, rather a whole body soreness. After the intense morning session, and the HIIT circuit session with weights later in the day, my body is screaming for a day off. Eh, I may just chill and wax my vehicles today. That should make the shoulders feel reeeeaaaal good. (Sarcasm) :D

Now let’s see if I can recover quickly from this - Big test!
I prescribe a day at the spa ;) But seriously, good luck with getting rid of the soreness. It sounded like a pretty intense day for you. DOMS is a love-hate thing for me, the stiffness is no fun but I can really feel the muscles getting bigger afterwards.


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For the love of God, I am sore!
It's a good sore, though. It's not localized, rather a whole body soreness. After the intense morning session, and the HIIT circuit session with weights later in the day, my body is screaming for a day off. Eh, I may just chill and wax my vehicles today. That should make the shoulders feel reeeeaaaal good. (Sarcasm) :D

Now let’s see if I can recover quickly from this - Big test!
Man I really need to wax/clean/detail my car. Its rough trying to do that at school, I will probably have to do it next time I go home. O and it looks like someone took/broke off my car antenna :mad:


I love that great feeling of soreness sometimes. Everyone makes fun of me for enjoying it but o well :laugh:


  • Established
Make no mistake about it, I'm the machine behind the madness - Ultima is my fuel at this point. -- {Fe}
Quote of the year. Yessir! :box:
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Big test, indeed! If you end up taking a day off (highly recommended :D), you might consider taking a dose of Ultima nevertheless on that off day, in order to support the recovery process. Just a loud thought!
Already in the tank! :D I may do another half dose around 1600 today. That would make it a good 12 hours apart.
Man I really need to wax/clean/detail my car. Its rough trying to do that at school, I will probably have to do it next time I go home. O and it looks like someone took/broke off my car antenna :mad:


I love that great feeling of soreness sometimes. Everyone makes fun of me for enjoying it but o well :laugh:
I have OCD, man. I clean (detail) my Truck's once a week. I cannot stand a dirty home or car.
Quote of the year. Yessir! :box:
I know you can relate, Snag, you beastly man! :burnout:
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Sunday Update: Yesterday was a rest day; although, rest was far from actuality. I detailed my trucks, and my wife's vehicle, followed by yard work and some mid-afternoon delight(s). :D

Yeah, so I'm still a little sore toady, but no where near the level I was yesterday morning. I took an additional .5 scoops 12 hours after my initial dose. It was a great pick-me-up. I did notice after the second dose yesterday, I did feel more sharp mentally. It's hard to describe, but maybe a cerebral second-wind, with a little aggressiveness attached is a good description.

I'll update more later. I'm thinking of taking another additional .5 serving later today to note if it indeed had the affect that it did yesterday, or if it was just coincidental.

Motivation for the day:
The Doors - Riders on the Storm

[ame=""]YouTube - The Doors - Riders on the storm[/ame]


  • Legend!
  • Established
Sunday Update: Yesterday was a rest day; although, rest was far from actuality. I detailed my trucks, and my wife's vehicle, followed by yard work and some mid-afternoon delight(s). :D

Yeah, so I'm still a little sore toady, but no where near the level I was yesterday morning. I took an additional .5 scoops 12 hours after my initial dose. It was a great pick-me-up. I did notice after the second dose yesterday, I did feel more sharp mentally. It's hard to describe, but maybe a cerebral second-wind, with a little aggressiveness attached is a good description.

I'll update more later. I'm thinking of taking another additional .5 serving later today to note if it indeed had the affect that it did yesterday, or if it was just coincidental.

Motivation for the day:
The Doors - Riders on the Storm
Nice! Another 0.5 serving may help set you up better for your next workout day. And may even contribute to some further mid-afternoon delight(s). :D

Irish Cannon

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Jim Morrison was a drunken buffoon. :p - But man was it good music! :D
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Yeah, ummmmmm, I need to leave the house. My wife and her girlfriends are in our fitness room doing that new, FlirtyGirl Fitness thing. Yeeeaaahhhh... :D

Seems like Omega left the log... :think:


  • RockStar
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Sunday Update: Yesterday was a rest day; although, rest was far from actuality. I detailed my trucks, and my wife's vehicle, followed by yard work and some mid-afternoon delight(s). :D

Yeah, so I'm still a little sore toady, but no where near the level I was yesterday morning. I took an additional .5 scoops 12 hours after my initial dose. It was a great pick-me-up. I did notice after the second dose yesterday, I did feel more sharp mentally. It's hard to describe, but maybe a cerebral second-wind, with a little aggressiveness attached is a good description.

I'll update more later. I'm thinking of taking another additional .5 serving later today to note if it indeed had the affect that it did yesterday, or if it was just coincidental.

Motivation for the day:
The Doors - Riders on the Storm

I'm OCD as well. :D I'm interested to see if the .5 serving later in the day adds any benefits for you.

BTW - Nice selection of music my friend. I have quite a doors collection of memorabilia myself. :D


  • Established
BTW - Nice selection of music my friend. I have quite a doors collection of memorabilia myself. :D
For sure. {Fe}'s taste in music is cool! :yeah:
And his avi's are okay too.. :D


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After your intense sessions at the pool and training afterwards, your bound for a rest day,! hell I need to detail my truck! when I have it mind, I get side tracked so easy, I think sits the words "Daddy can you come here:)" , maybe I need to get me this Ultima a little sooner:), Is this your pool that you use at 0315?, must be, I dont see anythign open with a pool at that hour, plus you have a fitness room in your house? Dam! the puzzle is going together :)


  • Legend!
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...Is this your pool that you use at 0315?, must be, I dont see anythign open with a pool at that hour, plus you have a fitness room in your house? Dam! the puzzle is going together :)
Now you know why parties at Iron's house are highly sought-after! :D
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Is this your pool that you use at 0315?, must be, I dont see anythign open with a pool at that hour, plus you have a fitness room in your house? Dam! the puzzle is going together :)
No. The Olympic sized pool on Post is always open to Officers. ;)
I do have a fitness room at my house, though. I use it time to time; however, it is set-up for my wife and clients that I take on. I prefer to leave the house to workout. My home is Zen for me, no there's need to let the aggressive beast of energy that I let out while working out roam free there.

Now you know why parties at Iron's house are highly sought-after! :D
This is true because of the awesome Jacuzzi and Tiki Bar that we have. :D
When you're in GA, the offer is always on the table for you, Ike.

Irish Cannon

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This is true because of the awesome Jacuzzi and Tiki Bar that we have. :D
When you're in GA, the offer is always on the table for you, Ike.
My old roommates parents have a Tiki Bar and Hut with lots of tables and chairs covered by a tin roof. We always used to hang out at their place on the weekends...Their neighborhood is real lax, and whenever we'd have a party out there, we raises a white flag in the yard and that meant, "Come out and party." So people from the neighborhood would flood over. It was pretty awesome...and when it rained! Woo! That was amazing. The roof made such a cool noise with the hard Florida rain. We'd lay out there and sleep for hours.


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How's the soreness big guy ??


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Did you recently become a ranger or did I just never know that about you?!
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
He's too busy looking up obscure Russian one-liners to put in my thread to be able to keep up with his own thread.. :~O
You watch your fingers when you type at me, comrad! :D

I'll update in a bit.


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WTF?! You did no such thing. I seriously had no idea. Are you current? Benning?
my old NCOIC had jump wings from 4 countries including spain, where they made him jump out of an air balloon. its funny seeing ex-rangers in another unit, because half the time, they have more awards than the 1SG :)
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Ft. Benning, indeed.
And yes, when I asked what Branch you were going into (Navy), I told you what/where I was at. Seriously, maybe October of last year.
WTF?! You did no such thing. I seriously had no idea. Are you current? Benning?
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Or atleast a fair bit, like us other addicts :) Iron Lungz has done and given alot to his country; I've always had great respect for people who served their country.
I've been out since December; I hope some at least remember that. ;)
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Update: I am taking a few days off of Ultima. I believe that I built a tolerance of sorts up. My first 30 day run is over, so I'll get that review up soon. I'll ask my wife to take some pictures to see if the recomp that I feel and see on the scale is visible.

I am also debating if I should cease all supplements coming up this Monday (After Easter). I have some very important blood work coming up, and I want to be clean of any form of capsule supplements. My factor levels are way down this month, so I'm worried something is having an affect on these levels. If I get below 25, i will have to have an infusion, and those things suck! Right now it's hovering around 33, so it has my attention. *Please note that I am not tying Ultima/Trinitine to my factor deficiency. But, I am trying to ensure that I am not causing problems for myself.*

I will make this decision in the next few days.

Regardless, I will get a 30 day review up very soon. :D


Well-known member
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I've been out since December; I hope some at least remember that. ;)
being "out" implies that you're done with your service, and made a break from the military. continuing to support the troops and taking personal time to go to walton reed medical center means that your support never stopped. a big difference IMO.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
being "out" implies that you're done with your service, and made a break from the military. continuing to support the troops and taking personal time to go to walton reed medical center means that your support never stopped. a big difference IMO.
Hahahaa! Man, I will never be totally out, that's the truth. Thanks, man. :D


The BPS Rep
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I am also debating if I should cease all supplements coming up this Monday (After Easter). I have some very important blood work coming up, and I want to be clean of any form of capsule supplements. My factor levels are way down this month, so I'm worried something is having an affect on these levels. If I get below 25, i will have to have an infusion, and those things suck! Right now it's hovering around 33, so it has my attention. *Please note that I am not tying Ultima/Trinitine to my factor deficiency. But, I am trying to ensure that I am not causing problems for myself.*

I will make this decision in the next few days.

Regardless, I will get a 30 day review up very soon. :D
Geez, man, the fact that you're still active and biking in the midst of regular medical attention is awesome. If your drs. are anything like mine have been, your activity level has been simultaneously a blessing and curse to them.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Geez, man, the fact that you're still active and biking in the midst of regular medical attention is awesome. If your drs. are anything like mine have been, your activity level has been simultaneously a blessing and curse to them.
They hate my level, but love it - as you stated. :D


  • Established
My first 30 day run is over, so I'll get that review up soon. I'll ask my wife to take some pictures to see if the recomp that I feel and see on the scale is visible.
Already? Man, that time went by quick.. :run:
If I get below 25, i will have to have an infusion, and those things suck!
eeeesh. :eek:
I'll take your word for that bro.


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Strong Marisa Miller avatar. Oh yeah good log too. :D
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
I will definitely be wrapping this up in the next day or so. Plus, there's not much interest as the traffic has slowed drastically. I will have the finale review up soon.

On a side note: Looks as if I am invited to go back to Walter Reed next month. All expenses paid. Apparently, I motivated quite a few people… *pat’s own back* It’s a good feeling to have, actually, especially right now. Anyway, just thought I would share this with you all.


  • Established
On a side note: Looks as if I am invited to go back to Walter Reed next month. All expenses paid. Apparently, I motivated quite a few people… *pat’s own back* It’s a good feeling to have, actually, especially right now. Anyway, just thought I would share this with you all.
Good stuff brother man! That's very cool.
If you carry yourself in there with the same positive & uplifting swagger you carry on this forum, then this of course doesn't surprise me! :D
I'll pat your back too.. :slap: (ooops, a little high there!) :lol:


The BPS Rep
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It's been a good read Iron - I haven't posted much, but I've been following.

I look forward to your review. Like you said, these logs go by quick - I started mine late and I'm already almost 2 weeks in.

Well done, earning yourself another Motivational Speaking Engagement!


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Waiting on review... good job Iron! I'm proud of you!


Well-known member
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I will definitely be wrapping this up in the next day or so. Plus, there's not much interest as the traffic has slowed drastically. I will have the finale review up soon.

On a side note: Looks as if I am invited to go back to Walter Reed next month. All expenses paid. Apparently, I motivated quite a few people… *pat’s own back* It’s a good feeling to have, actually, especially right now. Anyway, just thought I would share this with you all.
I have still been following....

Thats awesome though getting invited back...time for some more great experiences :thumbsup:

Irish Cannon

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On a side note: Looks as if I am invited to go back to Walter Reed next month. All expenses paid. Apparently, I motivated quite a few people… *pat’s own back* It’s a good feeling to have, actually, especially right now. Anyway, just thought I would share this with you all.
That's awesome to hear! Will that become a regular thing, then?
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
That's awesome to hear! Will that become a regular thing, then?
Indeed it will. The contract work that I told you about calls for me to be in the Middle East in August for 2 weeks, so I am making plans to visit a few of our Hospitals there as well. The guy's welcome me because I have been through the system, and am still trying to figure things out. But I manage to do it with the same training that they have - they just don't know it. Most of these guys are Rangers as well, so they know the path once I get them to that point. Also, Zen is very important when it comes to injuries like my own, and theirs, so I talk to them one on one about that if they want to learn more. I guessah muh edumucation is phayying off now! :D


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Zen is very important when it comes to injuries like my own, and theirs, so I talk to them one on one about that if they want to learn more.
I used to drink that stuff.. :drunk:
Nothing like some GHB Zen back in the day..


  • Established
Seriously? Too cool. I remember that stuff fondly.. :heart:
A few not-so-nice memories too, but that was due to Operator Error, not the Zen.. :lol:


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...Plus, there's not much interest as the traffic has slowed drastically....
I strongly doubt that this statement can withstand sufficient scrutiny! :D

On a side note: Looks as if I am invited to go back to Walter Reed next month. All expenses paid. Apparently, I motivated quite a few people… *pat’s own back* It’s a good feeling to have, actually, especially right now. Anyway, just thought I would share this with you all.
Keep on doing what you are doing. Serving as a motivational force and as an inspiration to some others is certainly priceless. :thumbsup:

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