KLEEN's Quest for PRIME! A transformation contest log.



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Good god, Kleen! I still can't get over your progress. Every week you look bigger and bigger, yet keep getting leaner...lol. That's the definition of pure recomp heaven right there! Nice work!


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Looking great man ... your back shreds up nicely. Great work.


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I have never seen Chris put on size like this, he's at another level... guys as much progress as he's made, if he decides to shred up more now you're going to see something completely freaky happen... all he has to do is put his foot on the gas for fat loss and we're all fugged ...Chis I know you I can't beat you if you bring out your best but I will be around to make sure you do :)


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So I take it you like these full-body giant sets. Seems like your body is responding exceptionally well to them.


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I have never seen Chris put on size like this, he's at another level... guys as much progress as he's made, if he decides to shred up more now you're going to see something completely freaky happen... all he has to do is put his foot on the gas for fat loss and we're all fugged ...Chis I know you I can't beat you if you bring out your best but I will be around to make sure you do :)
I agree man. If he really shreds up and dries out well, he is going to look phenomenal!


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Holy crap guys, this morning I killed it in the gym. I was originally going to stay at the same weight as last week because it was just so damn hard to complete. This was my plan from the finish of doing it last time all the way until I got to the gym today. Then as I walked through the door of the gym my gym persona took over and said keep that bitch ass mentality out of here go up and if you can't finish you try it again next time. So that is precisely what I did.

All Dumbell Giant Set 20 reps each exercise 3 rotations as little rest as possible.

Squat 47.5 x20, Incline Bench 47.5 x20, Front Squat 47.5 x20, Bent Over Row 47.5 x20, Romanian Dead lifts 47.5 x20, Standing Shoulder Press 25x20, Step Ups 25x20, Wide Shoulder Rows 25x20, Bench Dips 47.5x20 repeat twice.

This was easily one of the hardest workouts I have completed in a very long time. It is truly a grueling experience, the intensity is insane. The 3rd rotation is just a test of your metal. I was gasping so hard I could hear myself over my mp3 on full blast. Dripping sweat everywhere, just dying, it was just fugging wonderful! There is a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when you complete something as grueling as this.

Your back is focking impressive man! Looking massive in the most muscular pose too! My vote for physique this week is decided!
Thanks!!! Make sure you put it in the main thread.

Good god, Kleen! I still can't get over your progress. Every week you look bigger and bigger, yet keep getting leaner...lol. That's the definition of pure recomp heaven right there! Nice work!
Thanks! I have been busting my ass to get leaner with a little more size and it is working well.

Looking great man ... your back shreds up nicely. Great work.
Thanks, I don't really carry much fat on my legs or arms. Not sure how well you can see it in the picture with them being smaller but I have veins all across the inside of my arms and the inside of the back of my triceps. Legs have veins going across them but I need to trim them up. THe only place I am holding any fat to lose is my back, abs and the fat pockets under my chest. The fat under my chest won't go away until I am around 6% which sucks but it is what it is.

I have never seen Chris put on size like this, he's at another level... guys as much progress as he's made, if he decides to shred up more now you're going to see something completely freaky happen... all he has to do is put his foot on the gas for fat loss and we're all fugged ...Chis I know you I can't beat you if you bring out your best but I will be around to make sure you do :)
Thanks Doug, yeah I am feeling huge, the anabolic soup that is my blood right now is really kicking.

You are right, I am ripe to look obscene. I am changing gears completely now into full on cut mode. My workouts will be pretty much the same but macros will be changed and calories will be on point with no relaxation for the rest of this. I will also be doing cardio in the mornings which I have not been during this contest. Instead I opted to do it at lunch with a long walk. Now I will do both, cardio in the morning and then a walk at lunch on cardio days. The addition of about 2000 calories worth of energy expense should pull even more fat off of me.
So I take it you like these full-body giant sets. Seems like your body is responding exceptionally well to them.
Yes honestly I do. Even though the weights seem low the intensity is ridiculous and the fact I am consistently progressing in weight is making me grow even though not lifting "Heavy" however it is heavy for this workout. This is the farthest I have ever made it in this program. I am hoping to make it to 55 or 60 lb DBs before the end of the contest but we will see.


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Kleen... You always make the weights cry and you know it! Kleen telling us he had a good day at the gym is like a baby crying because it is hungry... happens all day, every day!


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Kleen... You always make the weights cry and you know it! Kleen telling us he had a good day at the gym is like a baby crying because it is hungry... happens all day, every day!
Thanks Al, it doesn't feel like it sometimes. Lifting light is not as fun for me due to the perceived lesser challenge however that is far from the case with this workout.


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My workouts have been fuggin Insane strong, every time I increase it feels fuggin lighter and my third set is my best...

I have 3 weeks of insanity left in me ... how bout you figgers .. are you willing to go the distance all bloodied and battered are you that guy ... I fuggin am!!! Whatever it fuggin takes!!!


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My workouts have been fuggin Insane strong, every time I increase it feels fuggin lighter and my third set is my best...

I have 3 weeks of insanity left in me ... how bout you figgers .. are you willing to go the distance all bloodied and battered are you that guy ... I fuggin am!!! Whatever it fuggin takes!!!
I am pushing 210 grams protein, 30 fats, and 24 carbs and 12 of those are fiber so far for the day right now. Sounds like I am definitely in go mode myself. Yeah I am ready to go the distance 3 weeks is nothing.


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I am pushing 210 grams protein, 30 fats, and 24 carbs and 12 of those are fiber so far for the day right now. Sounds like I am definitely in go mode myself. Yeah I am ready to go the distance 3 weeks is nothing.
I am lucky I am on holiday this week, I am so beat up I can hardly keep my eyes open...


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Yeah you have really been killing it. I have been depending almost solely on nutrition for my fat loss most of this competition. I mean I have been doing my walking outside but not enough formal cardio sessions. I have been lucky if I got in one a week. However it is go time now, I got my happy ass up this morning and went and did some real cardio.

Hit up 45 minutes on treadmill 527 calories did 60 reps on the Ab Wheel in the sauna, not wheel of death mind you just from the knees was sets of 20, 10, 10, 10, & 10. I do hold myself in the extended position for a couple seconds each rep though.

I have started my "approach" and have completely revamped my macros and intake for the next 3 weeks. As you said things are about to get freaky. I know that this next couple weeks will show even more progress. Hopefully at almost double the pace.

I have my lunch date with the wife today and will find somewhere I can get some chicken breast and veggies. Maybe a cobb salad with picante sauce for dressing. MMMMMM!!!!!!!

Oh yeah just to be nice I am gonna let you all in on a change to my supplementation. I am now using 6 Shift a day, running the NYC stack for a stim and started using Abliderate today. Did I mention it is go time?


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Yeah you have really been killing it. I have been depending almost solely on nutrition for my fat loss most of this competition. I mean I have been doing my walking outside but not enough formal cardio sessions. I have been lucky if I got in one a week. However it is go time now, I got my happy ass up this morning and went and did some real cardio.

Hit up 45 minutes on treadmill 527 calories did 60 reps on the Ab Wheel in the sauna, not wheel of death mind you just from the knees was sets of 20, 10, 10, 10, & 10. I do hold myself in the extended position for a couple seconds each rep though.

I have started my "approach" and have completely revamped my macros and intake for the next 3 weeks. As you said things are about to get freaky. I know that this next couple weeks will show even more progress. Hopefully at almost double the pace.

I have my lunch date with the wife today and will find somewhere I can get some chicken breast and veggies. Maybe a cobb salad with picante sauce for dressing. MMMMMM!!!!!!!

Oh yeah just to be nice I am gonna let you all in on a change to my supplementation. I am now using 6 Shift a day, running the NYC stack for a stim and started using Abliderate today. Did I mention it is go time?
Now sh!ts got getting real.


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Now sh!ts got getting real.
No doubt, I have already made more progress this week regarding composition than I have in any week so far. Like I told you all last week, the changes I made then would not completely show up until this week. This week as I mentioned above I tightened the strings a little more and man has it really made the difference.

I want to go ahead and apologize to all of my competitors now. What is about to happen to my physique is really going to put a damper on your chances of winning. I am not saying that you can't win but I am saying start thinking of 2nd place as a Win... it will make things easier on all of you.


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No doubt, I have already made more progress this week regarding composition than I have in any week so far. Like I told you all last week, the changes I made then would not completely show up until this week. This week as I mentioned above I tightened the strings a little more and man has it really made the difference.

I want to go ahead and apologize to all of my competitors now. What is about to happen to my physique is really going to put a damper on your chances of winning. I am not saying that you can't win but I am saying start thinking of 2nd place as a Win... it will make things easier on all of you.
I will be confirming this during our workout tomorrow morning. Gentlemen, from what I see, you are all going to lose.


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Oh my word it's getting serious in here now!!


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Oh my word it's getting serious in here now!!
You are not kidding...I would need another 6 weeks to catch up to everybody in this competition...


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So hooked up with Matt this morning for a lift. It was really great and a lot of fun. We hit up an HST style full body workout, for the most part 3 work sets of 15 on each exercise and we did one or two extra on high rep leg press. Then we went and took some pictures. I would be lying if I were to say that these were not very pleasing.

Lifts for the day-

DB Chest Press 65x15, 80x15, 90x19, 90x10 - I thought that the first time at 90 was last set so I was going for 20 then had to try and do another set after pushing that. LOL Not too bad for not pushing any real weight recently.

Hammer Strength Rows 2px15, 3px15 one set each of the 3 different grips

Shoulder Press Machine for warm up.
Standing Shoulder Press
- 145x15, 145x11
Front Raise 25x12, 30 Sec Rest, Lateral raise 12, 30 Second Rest, Front Raise x12, 30 SR, Lateral Raise x12, 30 SR, Front Raise x8, 30 SR, Lateral Raise x8.

Leg Press 3p x15, 4p x15, 5p x15, 5p x20, 5p x20 that is plates per side

DB Lying Triceps Ext - 40x15, 40x12, 40x9

DB Supinating Curl 40x15, 40x12, 40x6

Dips - BWx30


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So hooked up with Matt this morning for a lift. It was really great and a lot of fun. We hit up an HST style full body workout, for the most part 3 work sets of 15 on each exercise and we did one or two extra on high rep leg press. Then we went and took some pictures. I would be lying if I were to say that these were not very pleasing.

Lifts for the day-

DB Chest Press 65x15, 80x15, 90x19, 90x10 - I thought that the first time at 90 was last set so I was going for 20 then had to try and do another set after pushing that. LOL Not too bad for not pushing any real weight recently.

Hammer Strength Rows 2px15, 3px15 one set each of the 3 different grips

Shoulder Press Machine for warm up.
Standing Shoulder Press - 145x15, 145x11
Front Raise 25x12, 30 Sec Rest, Lateral raise 12, 30 Second Rest, Front Raise x12, 30 SR, Lateral Raise x12, 30 SR, Front Raise x8, 30 SR, Lateral Raise x8.

Leg Press 3p x15, 4p x15, 5p x15, 5p x20, 5p x20 that is plates per side

DB Lying Triceps Ext - 40x15, 40x12, 40x9

DB Supinating Curl 40x15, 40x12, 40x6

Dips - BWx30
Thats some volume there Kleen!


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Yeah it felt really good. I should be nice and sore tomorrow.

Oh here is a preview of what we will see Monday.



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Very nice job bro! You and Scotty have made huge improvements while I was down!! Looking forward to pics bro!


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I'd be so embarrassed sitting next to you two it just wouldn't be funny! Awesome lifts brother and glad yall got to meet up!!

So hooked up with Matt this morning for a lift. It was really great and a lot of fun. We hit up an HST style full body workout, for the most part 3 work sets of 15 on each exercise and we did one or two extra on high rep leg press. Then we went and took some pictures. I would be lying if I were to say that these were not very pleasing.

Lifts for the day-

DB Chest Press 65x15, 80x15, 90x19, 90x10 - I thought that the first time at 90 was last set so I was going for 20 then had to try and do another set after pushing that. LOL Not too bad for not pushing any real weight recently.

Hammer Strength Rows 2px15, 3px15 one set each of the 3 different grips

Shoulder Press Machine for warm up.
Standing Shoulder Press
- 145x15, 145x11
Front Raise 25x12, 30 Sec Rest, Lateral raise 12, 30 Second Rest, Front Raise x12, 30 SR, Lateral Raise x12, 30 SR, Front Raise x8, 30 SR, Lateral Raise x8.

Leg Press 3p x15, 4p x15, 5p x15, 5p x20, 5p x20 that is plates per side

DB Lying Triceps Ext - 40x15, 40x12, 40x9

DB Supinating Curl 40x15, 40x12, 40x6

Dips - BWx30
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Very nice job bro! You and Scotty have made huge improvements while I was down!! Looking forward to pics bro!
Thanks, I am taking some more tomorrow morning just to see if they look any better. I may be a little more dry tomorrow, who knows.
I'd be so embarrassed sitting next to you two it just wouldn't be funny! Awesome lifts brother and glad yall got to meet up!!
No need to be embarressed Bro, we are all where we are in our journey. The fact you are moving forward is what counts.

Damn you son
LOL, I think my new pics came out well, just not sure what ones will make it to Morry just yet.
Looking good, Chris!

Thanks Rosie, has been fun taking this challenge. I am definitely getting some great results. I can not complain at all.


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Had a great little workout this morning. I did a nice upper body pump session today. I took a few pics but the lighting was bad and they were all faded and looked horrible so I used the ones from Saturday. The ones from Saturday were so bright they were kind of washed out so I had to mess with them a little to remove the glare but other than that I think they came out really well.

6-9-12 FDB and MM.jpg

6-9-12 RDB and Quads.jpg


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Had a great little workout this morning. I did a nice upper body pump session today. I took a few pics but the lighting was bad and they were all faded and looked horrible so I used the ones from Saturday. The ones from Saturday were so bright they were kind of washed out so I had to mess with them a little to remove the glare but other than that I think they came out really well.

View attachment 59392

View attachment 59393
They just make you look a little white you can see that you've leaned out...


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Thanks Doug, I was kind of looking back at where I started and I have come a very long way. Starting at 207 and much softer, here we are 6 weeks in and I am 211.5 and much leaner. My abs were only a hint before we got started on this and not the only thing that is keeping them from looking completely ripped is my loose skin tightening up. Another couple lbs of fat loss and even the loose skin will hang so thin it won't be much of a factor. I can see the the fat pockets under my chest are starting to go down a bit which means I am getting even closer to my goal!


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I find when you lose fat while you gain loose skin is much less of an issue, which only makes sense really... like when I was on EPI-V last summer and my pics turned out so good and then when I got leaner without anabolics loose skin became a problem again. Another reason to peak on cycle...


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Looking Damn Good Chris, I dunno, I think you might have me, Morry is coming by after work and taking my picts this evening, I'm sure he will post them ASAP like he always does!


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Looking Damn Good Chris, I dunno, I think you might have me, Morry is coming by after work and taking my picts this evening, I'm sure he will post them ASAP like he always does!
Maybe in size but you still might have the edge in leaness .. once Chris is all the way down though he will be hard to beat, and that looks like where he's going... I would keep flogging the ripped card if I were you though.


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I find when you lose fat while you gain loose skin is much less of an issue, which only makes sense really... like when I was on EPI-V last summer and my pics turned out so good and then when I got leaner without anabolics loose skin became a problem again. Another reason to peak on cycle...
Oh I agree but I don't think the anabolics are going to help the loose skin at the bottom of my abs and lower back. I of course am leaning back a little in these pics to stretch the skin out a little so you don't see it but it is actually starting to get the little fold of skin when I flex if I don't do that. That means I am that much closer. I mean my upper abs are completely visible, and even have the 6 pack line of the 3rd row but everything below that is skin and the tiniest bit of fat.

Looking Damn Good Chris, I dunno, I think you might have me, Morry is coming by after work and taking my picts this evening, I'm sure he will post them ASAP like he always does!
Your abdomen is tighter than mine for sure, not sure if that is a little bit of my skin or just you being leaner than I am which is very likely or a combination of both but those last pics of your core were really impressive.

Maybe in size but you still might have the edge in leaness .. once Chris is all the way down though he will be hard to beat, and that looks like where he's going... I would keep flogging the ripped card if I were you though.
Agreed I think he still has me on the leanness. If he doesn't then it is a trick of loose skin but I think he is leaner. We will see when his pics are in but I have a feeling Al may be getting the Tranny this time.


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Oh I agree but I don't think the anabolics are going to help the loose skin at the bottom of my abs and lower back. I of course am leaning back a little in these pics to stretch the skin out a little so you don't see it but it is actually starting to get the little fold of skin when I flex if I don't do that. That means I am that much closer. I mean my upper abs are completely visible, and even have the 6 pack line of the 3rd row but everything below that is skin and the tiniest bit of fat.
Yah I know all those litle tricks too :)


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Very nice job man! Your a ripped beast bro and these pics are very impressive!


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Chris, these newest set of pics look very impressive! I think you are right on the edge now of having that prefect balance of being completely ripped with phenomenal size.

Another week or two of shredding will be crazy. You seem to be at that point in leanness where every minor change comes through as a major difference in appearance.


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Chris, these newest set of pics look very impressive! I think you are right on the edge now of having that prefect balance of being completely ripped with phenomenal size.
That's what I was getting at... he still has to do it though... :) So do I and I still have further to go even though I know I caught up some...2 weeks I am not countng any chickens. For Chris it's very doable though.


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Very nice job man! Your a ripped beast bro and these pics are very impressive!
Thanks, I was really imp[ressed with how they came out too. My abs have really just popped on top.
Bro you are a tank.... Nice work!!
Thanks Matt, I am feeling good to, I have done all of this without going heavy yet. I hope to be nice and healed up everywhere in the next few weeks so I can add in a heavier workout every other workout.
Chris, these newest set of pics look very impressive! I think you are right on the edge now of having that prefect balance of being completely ripped with phenomenal size.

Another week or two of shredding will be crazy. You seem to be at that point in leanness where every minor change comes through as a major difference in appearance.
Thanks Rick, I am definitely making some changes and they are minor but noticeable for sure. On top of that my base weight is still rising slowly while I get leaner. Recomp / Lean Bulk at its best. Just cleaning up my diet more got me a good deal further along and this last 13 days will be fun with high protein, low carb and small carb refeeds. I am expecting good things and if I get the fat off the bottom of my chest my physique will change so much just from that alone that I will have made a shocking transformation.

That's what I was getting at... he still has to do it though... :) So do I and I still have further to go even though I know I caught up some...2 weeks I am not countng any chickens. For Chris it's very doable though.
Yeah I am doing the damn thing. Not going cardio crazy still but increasing it. Today I brought my speed rope so I can stop and alternate between skipping rope for 100 rotations and doing 30 push ups every couple minutes. I haven't skipped in a while so this could be slightly embarrassing until I get my timing back. I also have extra time for lunch since I worked through yesterday so it is likely I will be out there for about 90 minutes. That will be more than enough to really burn some fat.

You are definitely right about the differences being more noticeable much faster now. I already look better than I did in those pics. I noticed today that the fat under my chest is starting to go down, my lower abs were more visible and all of my abs are easier to see when just standing completely relaxed. They pop and contort from side to side with every step I take. I saw that walking up toward my mirror and was like "HEY THAT IS FUGGIN COOL!!!!!"


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Thanks, I was really imp[ressed with how they came out too. My abs have really just popped on top.

Thanks Matt, I am feeling good to, I have done all of this without going heavy yet. I hope to be nice and healed up everywhere in the next few weeks so I can add in a heavier workout every other workout.

Thanks Rick, I am definitely making some changes and they are minor but noticeable for sure. On top of that my base weight is still rising slowly while I get leaner. Recomp / Lean Bulk at its best. Just cleaning up my diet more got me a good deal further along and this last 13 days will be fun with high protein, low carb and small carb refeeds. I am expecting good things and if I get the fat off the bottom of my chest my physique will change so much just from that alone that I will have made a shocking transformation.

Yeah I am doing the damn thing. Not going cardio crazy still but increasing it. Today I brought my speed rope so I can stop and alternate between skipping rope for 100 rotations and doing 30 push ups every couple minutes. I haven't skipped in a while so this could be slightly embarrassing until I get my timing back. I also have extra time for lunch since I worked through yesterday so it is likely I will be out there for about 90 minutes. That will be more than enough to really burn some fat.

You are definitely right about the differences being more noticeable much faster now. I already look better than I did in those pics. I noticed today that the fat under my chest is starting to go down, my lower abs were more visible and all of my abs are easier to see when just standing completely relaxed. They pop and contort from side to side with every step I take. I saw that walking up toward my mirror and was like "HEY THAT IS FUGGIN COOL!!!!!"
Yah I am at that state as well.. changes are coming very fast but I'm killing myself lol


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Yeah I honestly have to admit the amount of work you, Al and LTL are putting in regarding the cardio and what not is impressive. To me it is just less catabolic to eat less for my deficits. However I am probably going to need to do more this last 2 weeks.


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Yeah I honestly have to admit the amount of work you, Al and LTL are putting in regarding the cardio and what not is impressive. To me it is just less catabolic to eat less for my deficits. However I am probably going to need to do more this last 2 weeks.
Yah you know that's how I usually roll but I have lost only 1 lb since the start, the anabolics are really doing their job.. if I wasn't so far behind I would have been able to do it slower. I have to say though I am very fuggin big and lean right now.


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No doubt, and I agree I am sure that with the anabolics in the mix I could easily add in more cardio without going catabolic. We will see because this last two weeks is game time. It is funny that I wasn't really looking to get much bigger but I love how the size looks on me. I want to bring my legs, & arms up and maybe a little more front delt, then I can think about competing again.

Then again I found myself looking at contests in the fall the other day. LOL


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No doubt, and I agree I am sure that with the anabolics in the mix I could easily add in more cardio without going catabolic. We will see because this last two weeks is game time. It is funny that I wasn't really looking to get much bigger but I love how the size looks on me. I want to bring my legs, & arms up and maybe a little more front delt, then I can think about competing again.

Then again I found myself looking at contests in the fall the other day. LOL
Yah I have to say I see you evolving into another level size wise and I know I have said to myself I don't need to get that big and I also know that if I did I would probably be pleased about it. I am satisfied with the way things are now don't get me wrong, it's just that I know myself and the power I feel when I am big is so hard to deny...


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went through your entire log, it's impressive. I wanted to ask. Do you do IF from 9pm until 1pm following your cardio session or do you go longer before starting your feeding window. Also, do you take BCAA's throughout the morning until you begin feeding or just water until fast is broken. Awesome results!


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Yah I have to say I see you evolving into another level size wise and I know I have said to myself I don't need to get that big and I also know that if I did I would probably be pleased about it. I am satisfied with the way things are now don't get me wrong, it's just that I know myself and the power I feel when I am big is so hard to deny...
Absolutely, I worry about losing aesthetics getting bigger but that has not happened at all. I think my tiny joints make for a relatively aesthetic structure regardless but I don't want to look blocky. Of course my over all goal is like 205 and 5-6% I may very well find out what that looks like on me.

went through your entire log, it's impressive. I wanted to ask. Do you do IF from 9pm until 1pm following your cardio session or do you go longer before starting your feeding window. Also, do you take BCAA's throughout the morning until you begin feeding or just water until fast is broken. Awesome results!
I am probably one of the more relaxed when it comes to IF.
On Build Days - I have 2 scoops Xtend pre workout, then 2 scoops of Humapro post workout then if I remember I have 12 grams of Recover Pro aminos around 10:30. I break my fast around 1:00PM then Eat until 8 or 9:00PM.

On Burn Days - I wake up and go do my cardio or wait and do it at lunch. I typically break my fast somewhere between 3:00 and 4:30, any later than 4:30 and normally I will wait for dinner or just have a quick protein shake to hold me over.

I think people get overzealous with the use of aminos, on a burn day there is not any need to break the fast with insulin inducing aminos. Nowhere on the Lean Gains site does he recommend aminos during the fasting period of a burn or rest day. Only post lift if you are training fasted.


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Interval Cardio at lunch - I took my jump rope with me walked out about a mile and a half and jumped a total of 500 rotations in about 7 sets of skipping. In between those I did 85 push ups, 80 1 arm bodyweight rows (holding onto a beam and leaning back with body weight) as a circuit upper body stuff was done 20 reps per) then walked back. Whole thing from the time I started walking until I got back was 76 minutes of activity I was completely drenched too.

While I was doing my push ups I noticed how much skin I had hanging down off my abs. I keep telling you all about it and how it smooths out my abs quite a bit, but you can't ever really see it because I pose to hide it. Anyway I figured what the hell I would take a picture with me bent over a little to show you what I was talking about so you all didn't think I was crazy. LOL The pic does not display it as well as I could see it but the skin is hanging a good inch off of my abs and belly button, all the skin under it is just hanging and sagging right now. It will get a little tighter but this is just a testament to not only how much I have lost recently but how quickly it is coming off. Don't worry this is not new to me, and I am not stressing but it is just part of life, if you let yourself get to big and stay that way for too long you will find out too. LOL Anyway just wanted to share that minor insecurity with you all, or at least let you see why it is one.

Loose Skin cropped.jpg

This is also a public service anouncement for tattoo placement. Don't put tattoos in places where your skin is going to sag a lot later in life. At least it looks good when standing. ;)


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Nice Interval/lunch training sounds like you crushed some serious cals there. Hopefully I can get back to the gym tomorrow...Im actually starting to feel gross. All this traveling back and forth for this job testing has killed my nutriton and training protocols.


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I bet, that is part of why I like to keep my nutrition relatively loose and reactive. Give me 1 high protein meal a day and I am pretty much good to go. I can fast all day or part of the day. I can be fine only having a protein shake and a hand full of almonds, or the occasional 1500-2000 calorie meal with 200 grams of carbs. However the job is more important, and can change your life much less give you a lot more time and opportunity for lifting.


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No doubt, and I agree I am sure that with the anabolics in the mix I could easily add in more cardio without going catabolic. We will see because this last two weeks is game time. It is funny that I wasn't really looking to get much bigger but I love how the size looks on me. I want to bring my legs, & arms up and maybe a little more front delt, then I can think about competing again.

Then again I found myself looking at contests in the fall the other day. LOL
Contests in the fall!!! Can't wait to see this man. You will tear it up!

Also believe me the reason I do the extra cardio daily is because I love to eat!!! I would rather eat more cardio more then eat less cardio less!


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I love to eat too but I only love to eat the things I love to eat. When dieting down I am pretty limited on the stuff I love to eat so not eating too much through out the day is not a sacrifice if anything it frees me to be a little more creative with that meal. I am still doing all of this without counting my calories. I just can't make myself do it any more. I mean if I were doing a contest prep sure I can see that especially once you are deep into the single digits. However getting into them can easily be done without counting if you have a good idea of what your portions are already from years of counting them. I more or less keep track of my protein and carbs to an extent. Right now I keep the fat levels moderate to low moderate but I am not counting them just estimating. Same with protein and carbs. I keep an estimated tally of grams of each for the day and count them up when I want to see if I am still on point. Burn days I don't count really other than making sure I get 200 grams protein, fat and carbs can be pretty much non existent that day and I don't care.

As far as a competition in the fall I am not 100% sure I will do one. I still have a lot of work to do in my opinion. I need to get my arms closer to 18 flexed. Right now they are just barely over 17. I also need to bring up my legs some more before I get on the stage again. My plan was to compete again when I was 40 that is next year so I would do better to grow a little more this next 9-12 months then start a prep. I could probably do that show in Oct and then grow some more from Oct - April then get ready for another show but I think I will more than likely hold off until next year. Who knows though, we will see what I look like at the end of this. I am SO MUCH BIGGER than I was last time I was this lean if I am not too far out and have time for a late summer show that will be more doable in the grand scheme of things. I will just have to see how things hold up once I am leaner, if I hold on to most of my size then I may be good to go.

I am in the middle of breaking my fast. Had an oz of Emerald Cocoa Almonds, 3 scoops of whey isolate 90g, and half a grapefruit.
approximately 26 carbs, 96 protein, and 18 fat. Tonight I will have another 100+ protein probably 15-30 grams fat and trace carbs. May have a second half of a grapefruit also.

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