KLEEN Cut's back on the supplements but not the progress!



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Glad to see your back to being healthy and uninjured. So Jelly of the stuff your can eat right now. hehe


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You're such an awesome inspiration! :)
Thanks puccah8808
You're on 5 days now so you have a couple rest days a week now. Brace yourself for phase 6 though. Just tell yourself the more you overreach the more you get to super compensate :)
Oh yes I will be turning it up for the OR phase I am actally going on a rest as needed thing right now so may be 2-4 or even 5 or 6 dys without rest it just really depends on how things are feeling. Just watching this trick shoulder of mine going up to 225 on the bench with the 4 second negatives got my attention so it may only be an extra day rest after that. We shall see I want to get it in as much as possible.
Glad to see your back to being healthy and uninjured. So Jelly of the stuff your can eat right now. hehe
Yeah the food is pretty awesome at this point. I am trying to fine tune it a bit more and lower fats but keep carbs high. I did pretty well today.

Protein 152, Carbs 281, and fats 68 for 2344 calories. Tomorrow I am doing yesterdays leg day then will go into Chest, Back and Delts on Friday. The we will see if I hit legs again Saturday or go for a rest day and hit legs Sunday.

Today was Medial Delts and Arms, I worked out with a buddy of mine so we did not do the supersets just when one after the other no rest. I was teaching him the ways of BPaktitude

Warmed up with some HS Shoulder press to get blood into the area 6 light weight sets working up to 60 lbs per side for 20 reps.

Seated DB Lateral Raises 8 reps x 5 sets tempo 4-0-2-1

Cable Lateral Raises 8 reps x 6 sets 4-0-2-1 talk about feeling the burn!!!!

Reverse Grip Chins - 6 reps x 3 sets tempo 6-0-1-0 Had to jump up on some of these...

Supinating DB Curls 8 reps x 5 sets tempo 4-0-1-2 - the 2 second flex at max supination was brutal I LOVED IT!!!!

JM Presses - subbed for skull crushers. - 4-0-1-1 8 reps x 5 sets really concentrated on contraction here!!!

Dip Machine 4-0-1-0 240x8 reps for 3 sets last set was a BPak strip Set AKA rep out with 240 then go to failure dropping 1 plate at a time until you were at the lowest resistance possible. This was about 15 drops no less than 3 reps each many over 3 reps... Triceps were TOAST!!!!!!!!

I was looking even HUGER love2liftkat Huger than Huger even!


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Way to go, Kleen! You've got me inspired to do some 4-0-1-0 stuff in the next workout.


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Get after it man it feels good and i am starting to be able to move a little more weight but mostly I am just growing from it. Nice to be growing on only 150 grams of protein a day...


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Get after it man it feels good and i am starting to be able to move a little more weight but mostly I am just growing from it. Nice to be growing on only 150 grams of protein a day...
I need to look into this 4-0-1-0 stuff!


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Absolutely Tagger if you have never worked with tempo lifting it is an absolute must especially on a growth phase!


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Absolutely Tagger if you have never worked with tempo lifting it is an absolute must especially on a growth phase!
Going to be growing soon!

Getting down on that DMZ soon!


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tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Dang I've got catching up to do. Got some cliff notes in here?


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Dang I've got catching up to do. Got some cliff notes in here?
Yes here is the run down tyga tyga currently running MI40 X2 in Phase 3 and growing like a weed. Arms have increased/ grown back by just over 1/2 inch, legs have grown quite a bit and my shoulders are back to looking 3 dimensional. As of right now I am 215 lbs again and about the same bodyfat as when i started at 200ish

I am having kidney performance issues stemming from some scar tissue in them fron an old kidney infection so had to stop creatine and lower protein to 150g a day. So I am now doing Carb Back Loading in order to replace my protein with carbs since they are the most protein sparing macro. Doing it via IIFYM which I know you are a big fan of. . Basically only supplementation lately has been a protein shake a day a multivitamin and Stimul8 since there is not creatine in it. So all gains have been workout and food based.
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Yes here is the run down tyga tyga currently running MI40 X2 in Phase 3 and growing like a weed. Arms have increased/ grown back by just over 1/2 inch, legs have grown quite a bit and my shoulders are back to looking 3 dimensional. As of right now I am 215 lbs again and about the same bodyfat as when i started at 200ish I am having kidney performance issues stemming from some scar tissue in them fron an old kidney infection so had to stop creatine and lower protein to 150g a day. So I am now doing Carb Back Loading in order to replace my protein with carbs since they are the most protein sparing macro. Doing it via IIFYM which I know you are a big fan of. . Basically only supplementation lately has been a protein shake a day a multivitamin and Stimul8 since there is not creatine in it. So all gains have been workout and food based.
Thanks kleen!

Yessir, I follow IIFYM to a T. Sustainable lifestyle and progression has not stalled. Sucks to hear about the kidney :/

You're on TRT though correct? Just no other hormones?

I'll have to go back and read some pages just to see convo and the pictures. Assuming this is bens program?


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Thanks kleen! Yessir, I follow IIFYM to a T. Sustainable lifestyle and progression has not stalled. Sucks to hear about the kidney :/ You're on TRT though correct? Just no other hormones? I'll have to go back and read some pages just to see convo and the pictures. Assuming this is bens program?
Definitely bpaks program. It's brutal. If Matt lets me go to a 6x a week program that's what I'll use.


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I need to look into this 4-0-1-0 stuff!
I haven't added it to a lot, but a couple exercises per workout. And that's all it takes to get muscles sore that haven't been in a while. Really wakes them up!!


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Thanks kleen!

Yessir, I follow IIFYM to a T. Sustainable lifestyle and progression has not stalled. Sucks to hear about the kidney :/

You're on TRT though correct? Just no other hormones?

I'll have to go back and read some pages just to see convo and the pictures. Assuming this is bens program?
Yes I am on TRT and doing what I can to avoid being taken off of it. Rather have my TRT than a supplement ANY day! I think the only pics in here so far are the ones in the beginning. I was trying to cut earlier but am now trying to figure out where my calories need to be with the CBL. As soon as I started it I just filled up and am now cutting back slowly to see where I need to be to see it shine as a recomp / cut. I was kind of over the way I looked but now I have grown enugh that having a little fat on me is not stressful because I am growing and looking larger. So I will keep toying with things while figuring out my money spot with this new approach.

Definitely bpaks program. It's brutal. If Matt lets me go to a 6x a week program that's what I'll use.
He will if you tell him you really want to do it I think. He is pretty good about working with you on that type of thing. He knows any solid program is going to make you grow and lean up so long as you are eating correctly which he has you doing.


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I haven't added it to a lot, but a couple exercises per workout. And that's all it takes to get muscles sore that haven't been in a while. Really wakes them up!!
No doubt it is good stuff indeed!


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I can't believe how quick you're adding lbs. Aren't you in a deficit?!


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Wow, I'd be a wreck on that low of protein. But I would do the same thing if my Kidneys were giving me big problems. Once the body adapts to the lower protein and higher carbs then everything should be good and it sounds like you are there except for tweaking to find the best ratio. Sounds like the workouts are treating you right!! Keep killing it Kleen!!


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Yeah I have started doing 30 second TUT and having some major soreness!


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Time Under Tension. so you it takes at least 30 seconds to complete your set. I know for B-Pak it is 40 seconds.
I will do 4 sets of 10 reps each taking at least 30 seconds.
Got that from Steve Holman from Ironman magazine.


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With NOS X you can extend TUT into minutes :) consider 3 drops with 30 second stretches in between and 4 second negatives ... it can take a while ..


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With NOS X you can extend TUT into minutes :) consider 3 drops with 30 second stretches in between and 4 second negatives ... it can take a while ..
and bring a lot of pain!!


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I can't believe how quick you're adding lbs. Aren't you in a deficit?!
Well when I first went to Carb back loading going off of the book it seemed I needed a lot more carbs and I went over into a surplus. Knowing this didn't seem correct I read more into it and found that the numbers in the chart was the absolute maximum glycogen load you could take into the muscle. Not the amount you were supposed to use. So I have gradually brought it back down and have been averaging maintenance between maintenance and about 200 calories under it. However I was very depleted for a while so I added a lot of weight almost instantly just from filling up with carbs and the water.
Wow, I'd be a wreck on that low of protein. But I would do the same thing if my Kidneys were giving me big problems. Once the body adapts to the lower protein and higher carbs then everything should be good and it sounds like you are there except for tweaking to find the best ratio. Sounds like the workouts are treating you right!! Keep killing it Kleen!!
I am finding that my friend was correct regarding the amount of protein needed and the ability for the body to recycle protein when it is broken down and re-assimilate it. My recovery has not dropped at all, DOMS has not increased. Everything is actually going quite well. We will see what happens as I go further into deficit though.

Yeah I have started doing 30 second TUT and having some major soreness!
Definitely it is good stuff. GVT was one of the most beast like programs I did with the 4-0-2-0 tempos... I remember being so sore!

Time Under Tension. so you it takes at least 30 seconds to complete your set. I know for B-Pak it is 40 seconds.
I will do 4 sets of 10 reps each taking at least 30 seconds.
Got that from Steve Holman from Ironman magazine.
Some good stuff there. I like the X Reps programs also!!!!
With NOS X you can extend TUT into minutes :) consider 3 drops with 30 second stretches in between and 4 second negatives ... it can take a while ..
Yes about 4 minutes to be exact and man is it a love hate relationship with those sets!
and bring a lot of pain!!
No doubt not just DOMS but during the set the ache of an already full muscle being stretched even further by a weighted stretch that only allows blood into the muscle but keeps it from exiting the muscle is just ridiculous!!!!
Yah pain really kicks in about half way so you spend a couple minutes in agony ... sweet agony ...:)
Sweet Agony... I like it isn't that a Breaking Benjamin song?

Speaking of Sweet Agony! I cussed BPak out this morning. Legs was just on a whole different level!

4-0-1-0 tempo 40 second rest except for Front Squats

Front Squats -4-1-1-1 tempo - 6 reps x 6 sets 2 minutes rest
... I worked up to 205 and did 4 sets there the final set my back rolled forward a little on the 5th rep so I put the weight up. Man those pauses at the bottom were a bitch!

Leg Press Feet Low on platform for quad emphasis - 8 reps then 10 top end partials x 4 sets - Oh my this is where I started cussing BPak out!!! If he were in front of me I would have given him the two fisted, single finger salute Stone Cold Steve Austin Style!!!! I thought those partials were not going to be a problem. You are to lock the safety and just go down to the safety and back up for 10 reps. Oh man this tested my medal for sure. With 14 plates on there and the slow tempo these were just brutal!

Lunges Bent over at waist 1 & 1/2 rep style - 10 reps per side 3 sets - Well let me just say that BPak and I were not seeing eye to eye on this one either! I mean who comes up with this kind of sadistic crap... My knees were already buckling every few steps from the leg press. Now I have to stabilize myself through these torture device moves. WTF Mr. Pakulski! The 1 1/2's were simply brutal and i was gasping for air... if you are doing the math here that means that every rep on this one was actually 6-0-2-0 on wobbly and buckling legs! Ridiculous!

Stiff Leg Dead lifts - 21 reps x 3 sets - there were taxing as hell and hard to get through but for less abusive than the last two exercises.

By the end of this workout I was honestly completely spent. I felt like I was about to pass out or puke. Very happy I got through it and tortured myself. It was a "fun" challenge but ONLY once it was completed! As I sit here now my legs are dead.


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What program are you looking at for your bulk?
Haven't decided yet. Life has been, well lifey.

Hoping to get some breathing time soon.


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Well when I first went to Carb back loading going off of the book it seemed I needed a lot more carbs and I went over into a surplus. Knowing this didn't seem correct I read more into it and found that the numbers in the chart was the absolute maximum glycogen load you could take into the muscle. Not the amount you were supposed to use. So I have gradually brought it back down and have been averaging maintenance between maintenance and about 200 calories under it. However I was very depleted for a while so I added a lot of weight almost instantly just from filling up with carbs and the water.

I am finding that my friend was correct regarding the amount of protein needed and the ability for the body to recycle protein when it is broken down and re-assimilate it. My recovery has not dropped at all, DOMS has not increased. Everything is actually going quite well. We will see what happens as I go further into deficit though.

Definitely it is good stuff. GVT was one of the most beast like programs I did with the 4-0-2-0 tempos... I remember being so sore!

Some good stuff there. I like the X Reps programs also!!!!
Yes about 4 minutes to be exact and man is it a love hate relationship with those sets!

No doubt not just DOMS but during the set the ache of an already full muscle being stretched even further by a weighted stretch that only allows blood into the muscle but keeps it from exiting the muscle is just ridiculous!!!!

Sweet Agony... I like it isn't that a Breaking Benjamin song?

Speaking of Sweet Agony! I cussed BPak out this morning. Legs was just on a whole different level!

4-0-1-0 tempo 40 second rest except for Front Squats

Front Squats -4-1-1-1 tempo - 6 reps x 6 sets 2 minutes rest
... I worked up to 205 and did 4 sets there the final set my back rolled forward a little on the 5th rep so I put the weight up. Man those pauses at the bottom were a bitch!

Leg Press Feet Low on platform for quad emphasis - 8 reps then 10 top end partials x 4 sets - Oh my this is where I started cussing BPak out!!! If he were in front of me I would have given him the two fisted, single finger salute Stone Cold Steve Austin Style!!!! I thought those partials were not going to be a problem. You are to lock the safety and just go down to the safety and back up for 10 reps. Oh man this tested my medal for sure. With 14 plates on there and the slow tempo these were just brutal!

Lunges Bent over at waist 1 & 1/2 rep style - 10 reps per side 3 sets - Well let me just say that BPak and I were not seeing eye to eye on this one either! I mean who comes up with this kind of sadistic crap... My knees were already buckling every few steps from the leg press. Now I have to stabilize myself through these torture device moves. WTF Mr. Pakulski! The 1 1/2's were simply brutal and i was gasping for air... if you are doing the math here that means that every rep on this one was actually 6-0-2-0 on wobbly and buckling legs! Ridiculous!

Stiff Leg Dead lifts - 21 reps x 3 sets - there were taxing as hell and hard to get through but for less abusive than the last two exercises.

By the end of this workout I was honestly completely spent. I felt like I was about to pass out or puke. Very happy I got through it and tortured myself. It was a "fun" challenge but ONLY once it was completed! As I sit here now my legs are dead.
lol I hate 21 rep deads!! wtf!! is all you can say. I know there comin again and I hate them!! Gonna have to get real angry lol fugger!!!


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I'm so glad somebody else here is doing this, it's like he understands my pain lol


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lol I hate 21 rep deads!! wtf!! is all you can say. I know there comin again and I hate them!! Gonna have to get real angry lol fugger!!!
I'm so glad somebody else here is doing this, it's like he understands my pain lol
Yeah no doubt but for me the worst was te 10 partials after the each work set on leg press by the 2nd work set I was like WTF!!!


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Yeah no doubt but for me the worst was te 10 partials after the each work set on leg press by the 2nd work set I was like WTF!!!
Yah how can partials hurt worse than the actual motion is all I could think :( like that with all the finishing partials.


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I bet your legs were looking HUGER after that workout too! Hahaha


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I bet your legs were looking HUGER after that workout too! Hahaha
I thought you would like that. They will look HUGER once I get some carbs in there tonight.


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I thought you would like that. They will look HUGER once I get some carbs in there tonight.
Lol I did! I busted out laughing!


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Killer leg workout.. literally! legs would be dead


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Murdering it in here. No surprise.


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Oh yeah they are still feeling the exhaustion. Carb back load tonight will give them what they crave!

Thanks and nope not really as the song goes. "This is how we do!"
Read an article on carb supercompensation geared more towards show prep. Very interesting info to say the least. Basic idea is that if you're low low carb for some time going into a show the maximum amount of glycogen retention that your body is capable of is greatly reduced then if carbs are not eliminated leading into show time.

Kinda like if your stomach shrinks your can't eat as much. And I like to eat :)


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Very interesting Montego1, have a link? I definitely could see a possibility for spill over if the body had basically forgotten how to process carbs. One of the reasons I like the SkipLoading method if you have a massive carb up once a week and then learn your flushing rate to get back to bone dry while still holding glycogen. No surprised or suddenly being flat on contest day.


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KLEEN Cut's back on the supplements but not the progress!

Hey everybody, I am starting a new phase in my journey in fitness. I have recently found out that my kidneys are not functioning as they should due to getting a severe infection in my kidneys leaving some scarring when I was younger. Typically as people age function drops and mine has begun to but the scarring already had me at a lower level of kidney function so it is time to be careful. I am not sick but I am doing this to keep from getting sick. A part of this new phase is that I will be taking minimal supplements. Basically I am limiting myself from anything that could cause harm to my kidneys. Unfortunately this is a pretty broad range of supplements... Protein will not go over 170g per day but the goal for most of the time will be no more than 150g per day. No creatine based supplements. I will find out as things progress what I can do or use or I may simply opt to cut supps out completely and focus on only nutrition and training.

I am also working on getting my Certified Personal Trainer cert through N.A.S.M. and Sports Nutrition Coach certification through Precision Nutrition so I will be putting things I learn in these certifications into play here as well. I am constantly trying new nutrition strategies to see how they work with my body so there will be a lot of info and or experimentation with nutrition and also various types of training as I focus on broadening my horizons even more than my almost 30 years of lifting has already.

In here I will talk about training, diet,and whatever the heck I feel like discussing. We will have fun, you can create conversation in here not just directed at one particular thing. Their may even be some educational articles or studies posted in here. Just going to be a fun thing to do and be a part of is the plan.

Side note this log was originally an Olympus Labs log and I have no negative feelings toward them. Infact as a supplement company goes they have been top notch in in everything they do during the time I was repping for them. However I can no longer use the supplements which are compensation for reps so it was only logical that I stop repping not just for them but any supplement company.

Rather than ask everyone following this log to move to another log I simply renamed it and replaced the original text in the introduction with this. I will end up having it moved to either the training or nutrition section.
Thanks for following Kleen!


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KLEEN Cut's back on the supplements but not the progress!

I am also working on getting my Certified Personal Trainer cert through N.A.S.M. and Sports Nutrition Coach certification through Precision Nutrition so I will be putting things I learn in these certifications into play here as well. I am constantly trying new nutrition strategies to see how they work with my body so there will be a lot of info and or experimentation with nutrition and also various types of training as I focus on broadening my horizons even more than my almost 30 years of lifting has already.
Always learn from you Chris..


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Always learn from you Chris..
Thanks Simon, it is only going to get better and I am now on a mission to prove that this can be done with out reliance on large amounts of supplements. In short time I plan to reveal an improved physique performance capability and better health markers across the board. I have no other assistance so I must do the basics correctly and show not only you but myself that they are all I need.


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You're an inspiration to us all bro. I learn more in a few minutes a day following your log than almost anywhere else. Look forward to continuing along.


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Your an amazing man brother and overcomer! Your going to show everyone there's more than one way to skin a cat!


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Thanks DMA378 much appreciated brother.


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Your an amazing man brother and overcomer! Your going to show everyone there's more than one way to skin a cat!
Thanks Brother much appreciated!


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Final macros for the day...

Protein 158
Carbs 238
Fats 78
Total Calories 2286
Calories burned during training approximately 600 calories


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No one hits it like you, Kleen! It's just a new chapter in the book of life for you. Keep your focus on that wonderful family and let the Big Man take care of the rest. You've already shown you're not a quitter and your priorities are straight. So, keep fighting the good fight. I think you've made I hard choice, but the right choice for both you and your family. You and yours are in my prayers and I'll keep following you on your journey. I know I speak for more than just myself when I say you have and will continue to be an inspiration to many on AM. Thanks!


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Hey, besides. Just think of all the $$$ your going to save...


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No one hits it like you, Kleen! It's just a new chapter in the book of life for you. Keep your focus on that wonderful family and let the Big Man take care of the rest. You've already shown you're not a quitter and your priorities are straight. So, keep fighting the good fight. I think you've made I hard choice, but the right choice for both you and your family. You and yours are in my prayers and I'll keep following you on your journey. I know I speak for more than just myself when I say you have and will continue to be an inspiration to many on AM. Thanks!
Thanks Brother! I am sure I am going to do well and probably even feel better. Once the obsessing over building the perfect supplement plan is over then the focus on the basics should prove to be more than enough.

Hey, besides. Just think of all the $$$ your going to save...
No doubt even with being a rep there is a lot of expense in running supplements. I hope to recoup a lot of that.

I had a rough night sleeping last night, my shoulder kept annoying me. I would end up lying on it and it would ache and wake me up. Seems I just found the right spot to sleep hit the much needed REM sleep when the alarm went off this morning. I decided to turn it off take a day to let the shoulder recover a bit and then hit it since it would be used heavily in the next workout which is chest, back and shoulders.... So the plan is to work out both Sat and Sun instead of today and Saturday. No big deal and still gets me 5 days in this week.

On nutrition calories will be a bit lower today and instead of a large back load tonight I will have a small one since I will not have cut into my glycogen stores by much. Also a little about this low protein situation, I am amazed at my recovery right now while having so little protein. After that beast of a workout one would expect me to be relatively sore today but when I flex my quads I can tell I worked them hard but not actually sore. Same with arms and shoulders from the other day. I am simply quite impressed with this scenario and become more and more comfortable in the thought that having my protein this low is not going to make me skip a beat.


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whatever you decide is usually wise, you have to look out for your health and you were built to overcome so overcome you will and I will have your back as long as you breath and help ans support you any way I can :) Olympus loses the most stand up guy around though ...

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