KLEEN Cut's back on the supplements but not the progress!



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LOL Ain't I a stinkah! I am trying to save money too so I am probably not going to order it. I am really not super crazy about pumpkin. I like it but I know tons of people who love it. SO I didn't hit my macros yesterday, a little below, and i got most of my carbs from a nice tall Shiner Bock. I also had 2 servings f jolly ranchers... to my unhappy realization yesterday this diet does not have the carb up for yesterday like the growth one does.So I went over carbs by about 23g but who cares... LOL Made for an excellent workout this morning. Yesterday I was BBQ'ing just didn't eat enough plus I made brisket even though it was lean the fats add up so I got pretty close to my fats. Only thing I was under on was protein but I was still over 1g per lb of LBM so again not worried about it. We all know the target macros they are the same as last week. Here is what I hit, Protein 189 Carbs 134 Fats 88 calories with alcohal included about 2200 Not complaining here I wanted the beer and had it. I wish I had more protein but it didn't work out that way then again my needs were lower too since I didn't lift. Okay on to the awesomeness of todays lift! 4-0-1-0 tempo & 40 seconds rest same as usual 30 degree DB Incline Bench Press - 10 reps x4 sets 45 degree DB Incline Bench Press 10 reps x 4 sets failed on 3rd set and dropped weight for 4th. Super Set A 3 rotations Flat DB FLies - 8 reps x 3 rotations + NOS X - this NOS - X was excruciating! My pecs and my biceps were getting so crazy pumped it was unreal. The burn in my pecs was insane! Cable Cross Overs cables high to directly in front of thighs - 15 reps x 3 Super Set B 3 rotations Lying Cable Front Raises - Tempo 4-0-1-2 - 10 reps x 3 sets Cable Lateral Raises - 15 x 3 sets Barbell Preacher Curls - 10 reps x 6 sets - had to drop weight on last set due to failing at 8 on the 5th set. Man my biceps didn't even move when flexed after this they were just too full!!! I was looking huger when this was done. I mean big, shoulders were full, chest, triceps, biceps everything was full of blood!
Haha I enjoyed a few beers yesterday my self... And pizza. And a cheeseburger and ice cream. Shhh don't tell Matt!


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Awesome workout as always... But we gotta work on this "looking huger" thing! lol ;P


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Haha I enjoyed a few beers yesterday my self... And pizza. And a cheeseburger and ice cream. Shhh don't tell Matt!
I won't tell at least you can drop it before you send update pics this Friday.
Awesome workout as always... But we gotta work on this "looking huger" thing! lol ;P
love2liftkat - Well I am already huge so getting a pump I could only look "huger" right. ;)


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I won't tell at least you can drop it before you send update pics this Friday. love2liftkat - Well I am already huge so getting a pump I could only look "huger" right. ;)
Lol I'm sure I'll be alright. I don't think I held too much water. I can drink it out with a few gallons.


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I am having trouble keeping my fat below 120 if I want to get most of my protein by food. Only eat 1 serving of PB and some mixed nuts here and there. Don't want to compensate with adding a shake, because frankly I can only afford 2 scoops per day. How much protein do you get from shakes? Also can't seem to get over 300 grams of carbs without going way over target calories. Macros are a cat and mouse game!!


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Killer workouts Kleen!


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Lol I'm sure I'll be alright. I don't think I held too much water. I can drink it out with a few gallons.
Absolutely man and it probably won't hurt ya you are bulking for a show. Just don't make a habit of it. Hell i would probably just tell him. Hey I messed up this weekend lets adjust for a day or two and be done with it. Makes it easier for a coach to gauge what they are planning if they know when you do something off plan.
I am having trouble keeping my fat below 120 if I want to get most of my protein by food. Only eat 1 serving of PB and some mixed nuts here and there. Don't want to compensate with adding a shake, because frankly I can only afford 2 scoops per day. How much protein do you get from shakes? Also can't seem to get over 300 grams of carbs without going way over target calories. Macros are a cat and mouse game!!
I get in about 100g of protein via shakse typically. So basically 2 shakes and 2-3 whole meals. Perhaps you are not eating the right meats trying to keep your fats below 120 should be a cake walk even with the PB and mixed nuts. In all honestly with quality protein shakes it is often cheaper than purchasing the leaner cuts of meat. However lets talk about this here a little bit if you are willing to post up a day in the nutritional life of Dma378 and let's dissect it a bit. I can make some easy suggestions to change and you will hit your macros easily. As far as carbs over 300 sounds like it is the fats that put you over on calories but again post up a day of your eating here and I will go through and help you with it real quick. Post your meals and what you ate plus what your targets were and what you hit for the day and I bet we can get you into your macros easily without breaking the bank.
Killer workouts Kleen!
Thanks Big Red!


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Absolutely man and it probably won't hurt ya you are bulking for a show. Just don't make a habit of it. Hell i would probably just tell him. Hey I messed up this weekend lets adjust for a day or two and be done with it. Makes it easier for a coach to gauge what they are planning if they know when you do something off plan. I get in about 100g of protein via shakse typically. So basically 2 shakes and 2-3 whole meals. Perhaps you are not eating the right meats trying to keep your fats below 120 should be a cake walk even with the PB and mixed nuts. In all honestly with quality protein shakes it is often cheaper than purchasing the leaner cuts of meat. However lets talk about this here a little bit if you are willing to post up a day in the nutritional life of Dma378 and let's dissect it a bit. I can make some easy suggestions to change and you will hit your macros easily. As far as carbs over 300 sounds like it is the fats that put you over on calories but again post up a day of your eating here and I will go through and help you with it real quick. Post your meals and what you ate plus what your targets were and what you hit for the day and I bet we can get you into your macros easily without breaking the bank. Thanks Big Red!
Truth. I know he wants me leaner before prep starts. Maybe I'll talk to him about doing the mini cut he mentioned


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Yeah I would if he mentioned it he has a plan of action in mind.


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Ok so here was yesterday's.
3100 cals
225 p
80-100 f
300 c

2949 cals (intentionally low to make up for a couple blown days)
229 p
142 f
217 c

1 banana
1 cup cottage cheese
4 oz. 88% lean ground beef
1 serving PB

2 lean beef franks on wheat buns
1 cup grapes
1 serving pita chips
1 serving hummus

2 slices oven roasted turkey breast
1 slice pepper jack cheese
1/4 cup mixed nuts
4 oz chicken breast
2 scoops cellucor protein

Dinner (Swedish Meatballs):
1.5 servings whole grain spaghetti
8 oz. 88% lean ground beef
2/3 servings Cream of Mushroom soup
1 serving light sour cream
1 whole zucchini in 1/2 tbsp. olive oil


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Today Targets same as above

Accounting for dinner already planned out.

3079 cals
211 p
136 f
215 c

2 scrambled eggs
1/3 cup shredded cheese
4 oz ground turkey
1 cup grapes

1.5 cups Brown Rice
6 oz 88% lean ground beef
2 servings raw broccoli and carrots

2 scoops cellucor protein
1 serving PB
2.6 oz tuna in sunflower oil
1/4 cup mixed nuts
2 packs quaker oatmeal raisin, date, & walnut
1 banana

Dinner (breakfast for dinner...a household favorite):
3 scrambled eggs
1/3 cup shredded cheese
4 slices of bacon
1 whole grain English muffin

Today I can see where the fat is high. Bacon obviously throws it up there. It's dinner that I probably throw it all off. I prep rice and meats for the week for my lunches and breakfasts at work, but try to eat something the whole family can eat most nights. Although on a couple nights a week when no one cooks I will eat my chicken, brown rice and a sweet potato. Those days probably land better on the fat.


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Well the bacon could be cut out but why not enjoy it.
Your shredded cheese 2% or whole fat?
If browning the beef you could do as i mentioned before and drain it + run hot water over it, at 3/4 of the way done Then press down into strainer to wring extra water / fat out and add more seasoning to it and complete the cooking. It would be closer to 93/7-94/6.

If breakfast is a scramble type thing you could remove one or both yokes. or leave the yokes and cut out the cheese.

Pick either PB, or the Mixed nuts in your snack section or simply cut both of your PB servings to 1 tbls

have your tuna in water.

I see a lot of easily removed fats. With 3 servings total of nut between your mixed nuts, and B you could regain 30g by cutting out 2 of them if you wanted to make it easy.

On the meal above meal for yesterday with the cream of mushroom soup they make 98% fat free cream of mushroom / chicken and or celery soups that taste great.

In all honesty rinsing the ground beef and taking in half the fats you are from nut sources would be the easiest things to do without making the rest of your food bland. The difference between 88 and 93% lean is massive, and getting the nuts down by half will be easy as it would cut out 22g of fats. Between that and knocking of 2g of fat per oz of ground beef freeing up about 20g of fat there would not need to be too many more adjustments.

Since you want the freedom of the family dinner meal then you should restrict yourself more the earlier meals then patch any holes in the macros left after dinner with extra protein fats or carbs. That is really the best way to go about that leave a minor deficit going into dinner then correct it.


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hey chris, who are you getting your pt certs through?


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Well the bacon could be cut out but why not enjoy it.
Your shredded cheese 2% or whole fat?
If browning the beef you could do as i mentioned before and drain it + run hot water over it, at 3/4 of the way done Then press down into strainer to wring extra water / fat out and add more seasoning to it and complete the cooking. It would be closer to 93/7-94/6.

If breakfast is a scramble type thing you could remove one or both yokes. or leave the yokes and cut out the cheese.

Pick either PB, or the Mixed nuts in your snack section or simply cut both of your PB servings to 1 tbls

have your tuna in water.

I see a lot of easily removed fats. With 3 servings total of nut between your mixed nuts, and B you could regain 30g by cutting out 2 of them if you wanted to make it easy.

On the meal above meal for yesterday with the cream of mushroom soup they make 98% fat free cream of mushroom / chicken and or celery soups that taste great.

In all honesty rinsing the ground beef and taking in half the fats you are from nut sources would be the easiest things to do without making the rest of your food bland. The difference between 88 and 93% lean is massive, and getting the nuts down by half will be easy as it would cut out 22g of fats. Between that and knocking of 2g of fat per oz of ground beef freeing up about 20g of fat there would not need to be too many more adjustments.

Since you want the freedom of the family dinner meal then you should restrict yourself more the earlier meals then patch any holes in the macros left after dinner with extra protein fats or carbs. That is really the best way to go about that leave a minor deficit going into dinner then correct it.
That's an easy fix with the ground beef. I season it up pretty nice, so I wouldn't miss that at all. Agree that trimming some during the day will allow more wiggle room at night. I'm looking at tomorrow's plan and it lands real nice. Breakfast is leaner...greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and a banana. lunch and snacks are about the same. Dinner is tostadas and Spanish rice. Should come out to: 3002 cal, 232 p, 88 f, 325 c. Those are nice numbers. And that's with an avocado at dinner!! Thanks for taking the time brother.


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That's an easy fix with the ground beef. I season it up pretty nice, so I wouldn't miss that at all. Agree that trimming some during the day will allow more wiggle room at night. I'm looking at tomorrow's plan and it lands real nice. Breakfast is leaner...greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and a banana. lunch and snacks are about the same. Dinner is tostadas and Spanish rice. Should come out to: 3002 cal, 232 p, 88 f, 325 c. Those are nice numbers. And that's with an avocado at dinner!! Thanks for taking the time brother.
Unrelated, but something I feel I have to mention (teach a man to fish, and all): light sour cream?? Plain greek yogurt, my man. Way more protein, tastes the same. My gf and her family about crapped a brick the first time I made them try it on their baked potatoes they enjoyed it so much.


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Unrelated, but something I feel I have to mention (teach a man to fish, and all): light sour cream?? Plain greek yogurt, my man. Way more protein, tastes the same. My gf and her family about crapped a brick the first time I made them try it on their baked potatoes they enjoyed it so much.
Valid point. But my wife's Swedish Meatballs don't allow for modifications!! I was scoffed at for getting whole grain spaghetti. LOL


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Valid point. But my wife's Swedish Meatballs don't allow for modifications!! I was scoffed at for getting whole grain spaghetti. LOL
Never come between a woman and her Swedish meatball recipes....you did the right thing.


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Valid point. But my wife's Swedish Meatballs don't allow for modifications!! I was scoffed at for getting whole grain spaghetti. LOL
This keeps reminding me of the old SNL episode of "Shweaty Balls"! Haha


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Okay first Nice recommendation Hyde and agreed that is good stuff!

Second it is the time for Shweatty Balls isn't it LOL!

Okay so macros right back on track!

260p, 111c, 97f & 2357 cals
261p, 111c, 95f & 2343 cals



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You are killing it with hitting your macros!! Nice job:)


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Well I did not go to the gym this morning. I had an appointment with my nephrologist (kidney specialist) I wasn't sure if she would be running blood work or having me pee in a cup today to check for protein. So I didn't want to create a lot of protein breakdown as it skews the results of the tests... The good news was she didn't see anything extremely alarming with all of my old blood work but said she did not get information she needed from the radiologist who did my ultrasound.

Now for the part that effects this log the most. I am no longer to use Creatine supplements which sucks because I love my CONQU3R! I also have to lower my protein intake a decent amount which means my current low car diet is not going to work with the Doctors orders. So now I have to come up with a new plan of actions. She said the normal suggested range is .8-1.2g per kg of body weight. That the her general maximum recommendation is about 1.7g per kg or in my case from my weigh in today about 100kg so 170g of protein. She told me I am a body builder so perhaps I can get away with as much as 200g so my range is going to be 170-200p so now I have to back fill my macros a bit. Here comes the fun. Since protein will be low, I need to use carbs to spare protein more to the point keep or gain muscle mass.

I am contemplating my new macros now. I am thinking something like this possibly
Protein 185g 740cals = 31%
Carbs 250g 1000 cals = 42
Fats 69g 621 cals = 27%
2360 cals

There is also the chance I say screw it and go with Carb Backoading. I just read the book and am very intrigued by it and I know the science behind it works well. I may simply follow the exact layout as it is low protein as well.


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Whatever you go with, I'm sure you will nail it bro. Merely a hiccup in the path. How does all this affect the addition of the DermaTren?


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Whatever you go with, I'm sure you will nail it bro. Merely a hiccup in the path. How does all this affect the addition of the DermaTren?
As of right now it does not. DermaTr3n and DermaTr3st are not considered toxic however I am going to wait until after my blood work to add them in. Right now I am recovering very well and seeing some nice muscle memory response so I am prety happy with my results. I am definitely not going to take anything that could skew my results for this upcoming tests. If the changes fix the problems then excellent or show they seem to be stable then I will add in the Tr3ST and TR3N.


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At least you can use the new version of Conqu3r when it hits this month!

More carbs, less protein? Shouldn't be the least bit inconvenient at least. As for backloading....even using a bastardized version where I'd always have all my carbs in one meal at night (training or not) I easily got leaner in the weeks I played with it. It can be a little rough in the daytime transitioning to only meats and veggies, but come night you're never going to be hungry and you can play with a lot of crap like waffles/syrup, kids cereal, etc. So you don't really feel like you can't eat certain things, just have to wait for the right time.

It was very difficult to backload 200g carbs after my leg workouts though. Just didn't have an appetite to put all of that down after all the squatting.


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I would go with the carb backloading method and just make up the protein with carbs. Backloaded the carbs will do you more good than harm and you still get a decent fat burning effect. MCT's and higher fats A.M. work wonders and increased anabolism of the high glycemic carbs in the evening will probably increase your metabolism. Just ease the carbs up to you find that magic spot. You know more about it than me though. My method is just something I threw together using my current macros. I did drop the protein to 250 though and replaced the excess with carbs.


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At least you can use the new version of Conqu3r when it hits this month!

More carbs, less protein? Shouldn't be the least bit inconvenient at least. As for backloading....even using a bastardized version where I'd always have all my carbs in one meal at night (training or not) I easily got leaner in the weeks I played with it. It can be a little rough in the daytime transitioning to only meats and veggies, but come night you're never going to be hungry and you can play with a lot of crap like waffles/syrup, kids cereal, etc. So you don't really feel like you can't eat certain things, just have to wait for the right time.

It was very difficult to backload 200g carbs after my leg workouts though. Just didn't have an appetite to put all of that down after all the squatting.
You know what for some reason I looked at Creatinol-O-Phosphate and associated it with creatine! You just made me a happy man after you mentioned this i went and found a study showing that COP displayed no toxic side effects and did not break down into creatine or creatinine. I need to read more though because it is processed in the kidneys initially in the kidneys which could me more work for them...

Agreed, and i have been doing the Biorythm diet with this set up anyway so holing off on carbs all day is not going to be a problem for me. I have been doing it for a while now. I am more than likely going to return back to IF style eating so I give my kidneys plenty of down time from processing extra things so they can do some repairing of sorts. It goes really well with CBL anyway.

I would go with the carb backloading method and just make up the protein with carbs. Backloaded the carbs will do you more good than harm and you still get a decent fat burning effect. MCT's and higher fats A.M. work wonders and increased anabolism of the high glycemic carbs in the evening will probably increase your metabolism. Just ease the carbs up to you find that magic spot. You know more about it than me though. My method is just something I threw together using my current macros. I did drop the protein to 250 though and replaced the excess with carbs.
Definitely going with it already made up my mind. However after speaking iwht one of my good friends who is also a registered dietitian and nutrition expert for a Kidney Disease Clinic she told me I needed to go with the lower of the top end choices my Dr gave me if I want to see improvement. She also informed me that as a body builder we have the most efficient protein uptake of any categorie of individuals in the world. She is also a former female body builder and physique competitor. So she knows what she is talking about. So she told me to trust her and bring my protein down to 150g a day and I would not lose ANY muscle mass and would still be able to grow at that level so long as I was eating in a surplus. She currently takes in less than 75g a day, maintains her body weight at 131 lbs for 5'2 and all at a bodyfat percentage that she could walk on stage at any point and time of the year without any prep. I am not exaggerating she is easily 6-7% if not lower and that is for a girl. Let me put it this way she has glute striations year round... She is also doing Intermittent Fasting and only has 2 meals a day, only takes a mutli-vitamin as far as supplements go. So I am going to trust her.

This is her and she is actually walking around leaner than this now all the time... She quit competing since it was so expensive and caused her stress but she has a little more muscle and less fat now believe it or not and walks around like that daily.

Okay this morning was a beast! My leg workout damn near crushed me. Here are the details...

Tempo 4-0-1-0 Rest 60 seconds!

Back Squats 8 reps x 5 sets - Holy crap I pushed the weight up a bit here with the 4 second negatives... Last 3 sets were 275 x8, 8 and 7 with that tempo and a quick pause at the bottom to make sure I was pushing with my quads it was INTENSE!

Heels Elevated DB Squats DB's out toward front - Tempo 6-0-1-0 - 12 reps x 5 sets - I missed 12 reps and only got 10 on the second set due to over estimating the weight I could use with that tempo. Dropped a bit and hit target reps on last 2

DB Alternating Walking Squats (Stepping Through not bringing feet together then takin next step)10 reps per leg x 4 sets - Tempo for walking lunges... just brutal!

Calves 3 sets to failure with 10 seconds rest between them. OUCH!

Super Set
Lying Leg Curls Body Extended - 6 reps x 5 sets
Lying Leg Curls Body Flexed - 10 reps x 5 sets with 5 partials at the end of every set!
_ Oh boy I did calves out of turn because the Lying Leg Curl Machie was inuse. BIG Mistake! You want to find out how involved the calves are in the flexing of the knee joint try wearing them out before you do some leg curls... Completely destroyed them and made me fail and have to drop weight quickly on these too!!!!


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Cool you can just add more carbs and keep you fat the same.


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What is the carb backloading book you are referring to? or is this part of the MI40x2.0 program?


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Cool you can just add more carbs and keep you fat the same.
What my macros will look like is similar to this

First half of Day
80p, 35f, & <30g carbs 635 - 751 calories

Carb Loading Phase of day -
70p, Fat not measured, just whatever is in the food I load with, & carbs >400 1880 cals minimum not including fats
. I am not going to bastardize this at all and the protein intake I am using is going to be right within the specs he has in the tables in the back of the book.

This would be best if I actually trained in the afternoon however I am using lower carbs than actually recommended by a pretty good margin so that will offset that a bit. I may however see if doing a 5x5 routine of the basics before I get to carbing up would be enough to get the GLUT 4 translocating. It wouldn't go with this training program but I can adjust things if need be to maximize benefit once this program is over and I move to something a little different.

BPak said learning the way to lift correctly and using some of the principles is more important than following the exact program which I agree. The instructional videos have changed the way I train forever but they will work well in any program I do in the future other than powerlifting / strength type training. In those cases efficiency of movement is the goal instead of making things harder on the muscle. So completely different strategies that should not be mixed..


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What is the carb backloading book you are referring to? or is this part of the MI40x2.0 program?
No it is by John Keifer it is called Carb Backloading 1.0 and is completely backed by science and pretty much anyone who has used it correctly.


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What my macros will look like is similar to this

First half of Day
80p, 35f, & <30g carbs 635 - 751 calories

Carb Loading Phase of day -
70p, Fat not measured, just whatever is in the food I load with, & carbs >400 1880 cals minimum not including fats
. I am not going to bastardize this at all and the protein intake I am using is going to be right within the specs he has in the tables in the back of the book.

This would be best if I actually trained in the afternoon however I am using lower carbs than actually recommended by a pretty good margin so that will offset that a bit. I may however see if doing a 5x5 routine of the basics before I get to carbing up would be enough to get the GLUT 4 translocating. It wouldn't go with this training program but I can adjust things if need be to maximize benefit once this program is over and I move to something a little different.

BPak said learning the way to lift correctly and using some of the principles is more important than following the exact program which I agree. The instructional videos have changed the way I train forever but they will work well in any program I do in the future other than powerlifting / strength type training. In those cases efficiency of movement is the goal instead of making things harder on the muscle. So completely different strategies that should not be mixed..
While that is true about the lifting principles being more important, there is still great merit in following the program. The phases are well thought out and he has put a lot of thought into how to combine exercises. It is excellently periodized and the overreaching super compensation phase is unbelievable.

I am also using these principles on how to lift in all my routines moving forward. Oh and that lower volume routine he gives out for n between is really fuggin intense.


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Nice! Yeah I plan to complete this program as written before modifying anything unless it is to add in a day of rest here and there if joint / tendon recovery is lagging. Especially since NSAIDS are now out of the question...


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Sounds like your vast amount of knowledge has been put to good use! Well thought/laid out plan Chris! Oh, and your nutritionist friend...that's just amazing!!!!


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Nice! Yeah I plan to complete this program as written before modifying anything unless it is to add in a day of rest here and there if joint / tendon recovery is lagging. Especially since NSAIDS are now out of the question...
Cool yah the hard thing for me to work with is planning the workouts to not overtrain certain ranges of motion. Different body types can work on the same plane and you don't want to overload the range. He's already thought that all out so for now I have to stick to it pretty close. I will figure more and more out as I go. I am staring 3 other people on it including myself for a second run on Monday.


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Sounds like your vast amount of knowledge has been put to good use! Well thought/laid out plan Chris! Oh, and your nutritionist friend...that's just amazing!!!!
Yeah she is pretty awesome and the nicest person you could want to know.
Cool yah the hard thing for me to work with is planning the workouts to not overtrain certain ranges of motion. Different body types can work on the same plane and you don't want to overload the range. He's already thought that all out so for now I have to stick to it pretty close. I will figure more and more out as I go. I am staring 3 other people on it including myself for a second run on Monday.
Awesome you are doing the Graduate program this time correct?


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Looked like a killer leg day. I don't think I'd get 275 for 8 on the 4010 count.


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Great session and she looks amazing!


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Nice leg session and looks like your new nutrition plan is coming together.


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Looked like a killer leg day. I don't think I'd get 275 for 8 on the 4010 count.
Yeah it was a serious fight to get it. Heck by the second set of 275 I was tempted to say okay I am counting the 135x8 warm up as a work set but I pushed through.
Great session and she looks amazing!
Thanks and yeah she does. Kind of hard to believe what can be done and maintained on so little.
Nice leg session and looks like your new nutrition plan is coming together.
Yes Sir it it and thank you very much! Now to figure out what is for dinner... I am going to have to go by the store for some carb dense action!


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Amazing workout man! That dietition looks incredible! It's always good to get advice from people like her whom know where your coming from.


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Amazing workout man! That dietition looks incredible! It's always good to get advice from people like her whom know where your coming from.
No doubt the fact she works in a Kidney Clinic as the dietitian and follows a kidney safe diet makes me feel better about lowering my protein.


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No doubt the fact she works in a Kidney Clinic as the dietitian and follows a kidney safe diet makes me feel better about lowering my protein.
Yeah, I mean what are the odds of that? Most people in the medical field giving nutrition advice look as bad or worse than the General population. Then you come along as a body builder hearing the unbearable lower your protein words, but is then backed up by a bodybuilder showing it will work out just fine! Pretty cool how that all worked in your favor.


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Oh yeah I agree! Okay so here goes my first true night on CBL!

It was both enjoyable and rough... First I forgot to consider the extra proteins in the carbs I was eating... So I ended up over the 150 and hit the 184 which was basically the initial plan. On this I am not supposed to count calories or fat intake during the Carb Load only the carbs however MFP counts everything so here is how everything broke down.

The key with this particular diet is that everything should be high glycemic so it clears the insulin by the time you go to sleep or close to that way you get the big GH spike about 2 hours after you go to sleep. So you will see junk in here and lots of it because that is precisely what he suggest having... The pies are natural not processed and packaged but cooked in the kroger bakery. Candy not so much... Pop Tarts not so much but it got the job done. :)

CBL Day 1.jpg

Has anyone else noticed that the overall calories always go over by some margin. This shows 3410 but when you add the macros it is actually 3361...


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Great work on day one!! Looks pretty dang successful to me!...I have also noticed that on mfp! I always wondered what extra calories they were counting! Lol


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Oh yeah I agree! Okay so here goes my first true night on CBL! It was both enjoyable and rough... First I forgot to consider the extra proteins in the carbs I was eating... So I ended up over the 150 and hit the 184 which was basically the initial plan. On this I am not supposed to count calories or fat intake during the Carb Load only the carbs however MFP counts everything so here is how everything broke down. The key with this particular diet is that everything should be high glycemic so it clears the insulin by the time you go to sleep or close to that way you get the big GH spike about 2 hours after you go to sleep. So you will see junk in here and lots of it because that is precisely what he suggest having... The pies are natural not processed and packaged but cooked in the kroger bakery. Candy not so much... Pop Tarts not so much but it got the job done. :) <img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=109307"/> Has anyone else noticed that the overall calories always go over by some margin. This shows 3410 but when you add the macros it is actually 3361...
I've always noticed that on mfp. I think some of it is the labels and stuff that got scanned in round up or something in calories per macro.

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