KLEEN Cut's back on the supplements but not the progress!



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Yeah she is pretty awesome and the nicest person you could want to know.

Awesome you are doing the Graduate program this time correct?
Yes I dung graduated :)


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Nice job Kleen!


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Hey buddy, how's the journey going?

Sorry I was on vacation.

I'll just leave this here for you all. ;)



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....After reading this, I think I have been carb backloading since halloween... ;)


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Hey buddy, how's the journey going? Sorry I was on vacation. I'll just leave this here for you all. ;) <img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=109325"/>
Well doesn't that look like an awful time.


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Nice job Kleen!
Thanks it was a lot of work!
Hey buddy, how's the journey going?

Sorry I was on vacation.

I'll just leave this here for you all. ;)

View attachment 109325
DICK! Nice to have you back!
....After reading this, I think I have been carb backloading since halloween... ;)
LMAO I got a feeling you didn't cat the first 3/4s of your waking days calories down to <700 calories though.

Today's lift was pretty ridiculous too I guess at this point that just kind of goes without saying. Today was Super Set Madness!

Superset 1
Reverse Grip Chin Ups w/ Biceps Focus - 10-0-1-2 Tempo - 3 reps x 3 sets
- Oh man this was excruciating! I flexed my biceps against the negative the whole time and it man it let me have it. Kind of the equivalent of a 212 pound 10 second negative on a biceps curl!!!! Well I guess that is exactly what it was...
Decline DB Bench 8 reps x 3 sets

Super Set 2
DB Incline Curls Alternating with DB held in flexed position instead of at bottom. - 8 reps x 4 sets
- HOLY HELL!!! My biceps were getting thrashed by this!
45 Degree DB Incline Bench w/ 5 partials at the end of each set - 8 reps x 4 sets - Chest was pretty toasty by now, massive contractions both here and on the Decline earlier!

Super Set 3
Alternating Concentration Curls 8 reps x 3 set
Cable Cross Overs Cables at highest position and bring arms down in front of thighs. 10 reps x 4 sets then a drop set of10 more reps
. I messed up here these were supposed to be 4 sets at 15 but I didn't notice it until the final set so I did the drop set to make up the reps however i definitely went heavier than I would have with the 15 and the contractions were insane.

Super Set 4
Seated Strict DB Overhead press with abs locked down - 15 reps x 4 sets
Oh wow I dropped the weight a few times to get the reps accomplished!
Seated DB Side Laterals with 5 partials at end of each set - 12 reps + 5 partials x 4 sets I dropped weight each set because i was getting my ass kicked by these!

I looked like a house when I was done. All of the carbs from last night I was looking pretty huge! One of my buddies came up and told me my new name was Monstro or Monster in Spanish!!! Oh yeah! Now I may have misspelled it but I was damn proud of the moniker for a bit!

Oh I am looking at dropping the carbs in my carb load after doing some research on it. I think I am going to drop to 300-350 his beginning recommendation was 2g per lb of LBM not body weight so that drops me to about 350. I want to lean up so it may be less.

Also I am contemplating switching this to a 4-5 day a week lift since I need a few down days for lower intake and also to allow some recovery of joints and tendons. I haven't decided yet but right now my elbows are still complaining a bit even with the strong supports and I have a tendon connecting my shoulder to my clavicle that needs a little more recovery time right now. Not an injury but I want to prevent one!


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Here is today's nutrition, I Kleen'd up the carb backload portion and lowered the carbs a bit this will be more in line with my goals instead of the 3300+ calories. I am full now but not too bad and will be good to go for sleep in a couple hours.

Nutrition 11-6-14.jpg


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I just want to say that the choc pb poptarts are the bomb.com.....only one they can sell in a 6 pack for the same price as the 8 normal and people still buy it. That good.

The new Red Velvet is dope too, but nothing beats the choc pb for me.


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I just want to say that the choc pb poptarts are the bomb.com.....only one they can sell in a 6 pack for the same price as the 8 normal and people still buy it. That good.

The new Red Velvet is dope too, but nothing beats the choc pb for me.
No doubt Hyde, my veins even came out just to see them... Hello Mr Vein nice to see you again!!!



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I just want to say that the choc pb poptarts are the bomb.com.....only one they can sell in a 6 pack for the same price as the 8 normal and people still buy it. That good. The new Red Velvet is dope too, but nothing beats the choc pb for me.
Chocolate peanutbutter mmmmmmm

Kleen, you lost? I see you got a road map out


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Thanks it was a lot of work!

DICK! Nice to have you back!

LMAO I got a feeling you didn't cat the first 3/4s of your waking days calories down to <700 calories though.

Today's lift was pretty ridiculous too I guess at this point that just kind of goes without saying. Today was Super Set Madness!

Superset 1
Reverse Grip Chin Ups w/ Biceps Focus - 10-0-1-2 Tempo - 3 reps x 3 sets - Oh man this was excruciating! I flexed my biceps against the negative the whole time and it man it let me have it. Kind of the equivalent of a 212 pound 10 second negative on a biceps curl!!!! Well I guess that is exactly what it was...
Decline DB Bench 8 reps x 3 sets

Super Set 2
DB Incline Curls Alternating with DB held in flexed position instead of at bottom. - 8 reps x 4 sets - HOLY HELL!!! My biceps were getting thrashed by this!
45 Degree DB Incline Bench w/ 5 partials at the end of each set - 8 reps x 4 sets - Chest was pretty toasty by now, massive contractions both here and on the Decline earlier!

Super Set 3
Alternating Concentration Curls 8 reps x 3 set
Cable Cross Overs Cables at highest position and bring arms down in front of thighs. 10 reps x 4 sets then a drop set of10 more reps. I messed up here these were supposed to be 4 sets at 15 but I didn't notice it until the final set so I did the drop set to make up the reps however i definitely went heavier than I would have with the 15 and the contractions were insane.

Super Set 4
Seated Strict DB Overhead press with abs locked down - 15 reps x 4 sets Oh wow I dropped the weight a few times to get the reps accomplished!
Seated DB Side Laterals with 5 partials at end of each set - 12 reps + 5 partials x 4 sets I dropped weight each set because i was getting my ass kicked by these!

I looked like a house when I was done. All of the carbs from last night I was looking pretty huge! One of my buddies came up and told me my new name was Monstro or Monster in Spanish!!! Oh yeah! Now I may have misspelled it but I was damn proud of the moniker for a bit!

Oh I am looking at dropping the carbs in my carb load after doing some research on it. I think I am going to drop to 300-350 his beginning recommendation was 2g per lb of LBM not body weight so that drops me to about 350. I want to lean up so it may be less.

Also I am contemplating switching this to a 4-5 day a week lift since I need a few down days for lower intake and also to allow some recovery of joints and tendons. I haven't decided yet but right now my elbows are still complaining a bit even with the strong supports and I have a tendon connecting my shoulder to my clavicle that needs a little more recovery time right now. Not an injury but I want to prevent one!
Kleen, this workout looks like too much fun (but then, I love pain). I may have to borrow a little/lot of it for next month's workout. Man, my workout partner is gonna hate me. ROFL


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Kleen, this workout looks like too much fun (but then, I love pain). I may have to borrow a little/lot of it for next month's workout. Man, my workout partner is gonna hate me. ROFL
This thing was so brutal on my biceps! The second one where instead of resting the alternate hand on db curls you held it and flexed it at the top as you took the other one down and brought it back up. I found myself grunting and growling to hold a 15 lb DB at peak contraction by the last set. LMAO!


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This thing was so brutal on my biceps! The second one where instead of resting the alternate hand on db curls you held it and flexed it at the top as you took the other one down and brought it back up. I found myself grunting and growling to hold a 15 lb DB at peak contraction by the last set. LMAO!
I love those workouts! You're muscles are so shot you're struggling with little weights and everyone is looking at you thinking, "what's wrong with that guy? My grandma can lift that much."


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Yah some sugars are recommended. Rice pudding for high medium is a good idea. Looking for spikes. If you want to get a bit of volume in there you could go with some sweet potatoes which are actually medium to high depending on how long they're cooked. Guys the reason why Chris chose pop tarts is a) he probably likes them and b) I know Chris and he's looking at that carbs to fat ratio :) I might add those in myself when I don't want to use frozen yogurt.

Hey Chris are you reading that email Ben sent about how to gain mass by eating in spurts. I also believe that low cals should be done that way too. When leaning we need some high cal days and when trying to gain mass we need some low cal days. It goes both ways. Can't wait for that second email that likely has the science and the solution. :)


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I love those workouts! You're muscles are so shot you're struggling with little weights and everyone is looking at you thinking, "what's wrong with that guy? My grandma can lift that much."
Exactly!!!! However they are also looking and going dayum he is the most jacked guy in here right now. It isn't always that way but it was this morning!!!!
Yah some sugars are recommended. Rice pudding for high medium is a good idea. Looking for spikes. If you want to get a bit of volume in there you could go with some sweet potatoes which are actually medium to high depending on how long they're cooked. Guys the reason why Chris chose pop tarts is a) he probably likes them and b) I know Chris and he's looking at that carbs to fat ratio :) I might add those in myself when I don't want to use frozen yogurt.

Hey Chris are you reading that email Ben sent about how to gain mass by eating in spurts. I also believe that low cals should be done that way too. When leaning we need some high cal days and when trying to gain mass we need some low cal days. It goes both ways. Can't wait for that second email that likely has the science and the solution. :)
You are absolutely right about the pop tarts, I like them a lot. They are very carb dense, not overly filling, extremely convenient, plus they are a nice mix of starch and sugars. I made sure to get them in white not whole grain so they would process faster. The last thing you want is stuff still causing insulin to release after you have gone to bed messing up your GH release. I made sure to get in some faster processing starches like the white rice and what not. If I ate sweet potatoes in my back load I would make sure they were in the first part of it not the later part just because the digestion is not as fast. Like one of the first carbs to ingest after my insulin priming meal. DreamWeaver, Doug you and I need to have a chat so I can give you some of the finer details.

Yes i read the one he sent yesterday and it looks pretty good. I am already pretty familiar with the feast and famine type bursting protocols I have a feeling this is leading up to. However both of us have spoken to the ideas of intense dieting for short periods followed by intense over feeding. I am curious to see what protocol he is going to come out with. Remember when I brought up the old school ABCDE diet.

Okay so on to how I woke up because I imagine some of you are curious how this is treating me. For the second day in a row I woke up full and tight. Well as tight as a guy with my bodyfat is going to be right now. :) Obviously the refeeds are taking the food into the right places.

Here we go with todays session. I know I haven't mentioned it recently but BPak is a bit sadistic...

Triceps Cable Cross Extensions - 12 reps x 4 sets well I only got 11 on the last set. - WOW these are my new favorite triceps extension exercise!!!!!

Super Set 1
Neutral Grip Lat Pull downs (Upright) - 8 reps x 4
Neutral Grip lad Pull downs 45 degree backward lean - 12 reps x 4
talk about a beast of a combo!!!!

Overhand Triceps Cable extension - 12 reps x 4 sets NOS X set on last set. Man this was brutal but I loved it. Only thing was that I didn't notice originally that it was a part of the super set above so I ended up doing it separately.

Dead lifts - 7, 7, 14, 21 - Oh boy this was hard at the 4-0-1-0 tempo. 275x7, 275x7, 225x14, 185 x15 dropped to 135 to finish last 6 as I was TOAST!

Super Set 2
Machine Rows 4-0-1-2 tempo - 12 reps x 4 sets
- WHAT???? Who designs a program with dead lifts and THEN rows!?!?!?!?! BPak the sadistic fack! That's who!
Parallel Bar Dips - feet in front with a slight forward lean. - body weight 4 sets to failure! - Need a say more???


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ABout how long is it taking you to bang out these routines?

And deadlifts is a sure fire way to leave you sucking air, wanting a sammich and a nap.


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Yes I eat sweat potatoes in my 5pm meal and white rice in my later meal or just some frozen yogurt and protein. I know about the quicker release thing. The schedule I have went into that but still might be missing some info as well I haven't read the book :) I have been doing my research though.


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I'm getting sore just reading that workout!!


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I'm getting sore just reading that workout!!
Yah I remember that one well that back combo is nuggin futs.. The in between back workout has something similar with 1 and a quarters and 1 and a half

Those fuggin deads that's exactly what happened to me Chris with the exact same numbers....


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Kleen can you give me a quick description of what the numeric order in your tempo means? So 4-0-1-0 would be what?


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ABout how long is it taking you to bang out these routines?
And deadlifts is a sure fire way to leave you sucking air, wanting a sammich and a nap.
45-55 minutes depending on if I have to wait for a station. With supersets and 40 second rest periods it is go go go!

Yes I eat sweat potatoes in my 5pm meal and white rice in my later meal or just some frozen yogurt and protein. I know about the quicker release thing. The schedule I have went into that but still might be missing some info as well I haven't read the book :) I have been doing my research though.
Oh okay, are you on athlete.io also?

I'm getting sore just reading that workout!!
Yes it is a beast, I could literally feel the fibers burning and aching during the 45 degree lean back neutral grip lat pulls.

Yah I remember that one well that back combo is nuggin futs.. The in between back workout has something similar with 1 and a quarters and 1 and a half

Those fuggin deads that's exactly what happened to me Chris with the exact same numbers....
Nice it was pretty brutal to say the least!

Kleen can you give me a quick description of what the numeric order in your tempo means? So 4-0-1-0 would be what?
Yes the 4 is 4 seconds on the negative or lengthening phase like lowering the weight in the dead lift you lower it in 4 seconds.
0 means no pause before the concentric contraction. IE no rest
1 means explosive but under control lifting of the weight or concentric contraction IE shortening of the working muscles like the press portion of a bench press.
0 on the next would mean no pause at peak contraction. However when you see me add a higher number like the 4-0-1-2 on the machine rows that means I had to hold the peak contraction for 2 seconds before starting the negative portion again.

So first number eccentric, 2nd rest position, 3rd concentric contraction speed, 4rth is flex / hold at peak contraction.

On the 4rth one that means say in a bench press you would go all the way up to ALMOST lockout and hold and squeeze the hell out of the pecs. Don't lock out and relieve the tension.

When there is an X in the 3rd spot that means as explosive / fast as possible.


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Awesome thank you. Have been trying to mimic some holds and squeezes I see in your routine. But was unsure of the exact meaning. Whoa, 4 second negative deadlifts!!! Love it


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Awesome thank you. Have been trying to mimic some holds and squeezes I see in your routine. But was unsure of the exact meaning. Whoa, 4 second negative deadlifts!!! Love it
Yeah that is why only 275 on them. I can pull or could pull 475x4 before. Not sure what I can pull now but when healthy some day I plan to train to pull 600.


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Yeah that is why only 275 on them. I can pull or could pull 475x4 before. Not sure what I can pull now but when healthy some day I plan to train to pull 600.
Well I'm sure with that tempo some good muscle fibers are being stimulated for growth and strength. I will try this myself on deads. I want 405 in a month. I'm at 385 right now. Maybe a couple lighter sessions of that tempo will give me a boost.


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Yes I think it would just a few then do 1 or two sessions normal to get the explosiveness back into your CNS and I bet you hit it no problem. Just make sure you go back down in the same path you went up. In other words hold the same form just in reverse and not just do a heavy stiff leg negative to put it back down.


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Yes I think it would just a few then do 1 or two sessions normal to get the explosiveness back into your CNS and I bet you hit it no problem. Just make sure you go back down in the same path you went up. In other words hold the same form just in reverse and not just do a heavy stiff leg negative to put it back down.
Thanks man


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Brutal workout! I love supersetting Pulldowns at different angles! Gonna have to try them at that tempo too!!! Nice road map too!


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[/QUOTE]Oh okay, are you on athlete.io also?[/QUOTE]

Not sure I was going on something that might be third party. It broke it down based on when you train. The late meals are always protein and dessert and they recommend ice cream.


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Brutal workout! I love supersetting Pulldowns at different angles! Gonna have to try them at that tempo too!!! Nice road map too!
I could scream ... as a matter of fact I sometimes do :)


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Slow negatives on deadlifts are where men are made. It's the only way to roll!!


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Slow negatives on deadlifts are where men are made. It's the only way to roll!!
Well said I am going to think of what you said when I am doing them... thanks for the positive imagery there.


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CONQU3R DemiGod Edition earned 5 stars! Check it out and compare the ratings to other favorites! BOOM!!!!


Check the profile too! Awesomeness!

Oh and it goes on sale at Nutraplanet tonight at an amazing price!!!!


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Okay Guys and Gals,

Today was a leg day I ended up taking Saturday off to spend time with the wife so I went in today to hit legs.

Okay so here is how things went down.

Tempo 4-0-1-0 on everything and 40 second rest periods.

Lying Leg Curls w/ Body extended 12 reps x 4 sets

One Leg Leg Press w/ downward intention - 21 reps x 3 sets - man this was getting brutal toward the end of the last 2 sets!

2 leg Leg Press feet wide with inward intention to stimulate adductors - 15 reps x 3 - I overshot on the weight and only got 12 on my last set

Hack Squats 8 reps x 2 sets + NOS X set on last work set!!!! OH DAMN these were brutal! I had to push myself up out of the stretches between the drops with my arms...

Step Ups on leg at a time 15 reps no rest between legs and 3 sets - man talk about being spent the 4 second negatives on this even at body weight I really had to push to finish the final set of 15 on both legs.

Hobble back to the sauna and sweat for 15 minutes! :)

Nutrition today = Protein 153, Fat 88, and carbs 266 for 2468 cals

So I am contemplating stopping pretty much all supplements but protein and perhaps some multivitamins. Just something the doctor suggested at least until I go back for my next kidney tests. No need to have this hobby cause me health issues. When I know I can make progress with proper nutrition.


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I think it's good to take supp breaks once in a while....sometimes we get caught up in so many things it starts to spiral and you're taking more powder and pills than you have time to swallow. The KISS principle has its place, especially when you're trying to control as many variables as possible.


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Nice training session! Sounds like a plan on stopping the supplements for awhile.


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Legs cramped up just reading that!! Lol...Agree, nothing wrong with taking a break from supps! You really shouldn't have any problem hitting your macros with real food!


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I think most supps have very little net worth. I know you stick to the basics like I do. Breaks are always good.


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I think it's good to take supp breaks once in a while....sometimes we get caught up in so many things it starts to spiral and you're taking more powder and pills than you have time to swallow. The KISS principle has its place, especially when you're trying to control as many variables as possible.
Yeah KISS is good plus the times I made the most gains I couldn't afford supps anyway. That or was on a PH cycle...
Nice training session! Sounds like a plan on stopping the supplements for awhile.
Thanks Big Red!
I think most supps have very little net worth. I know you stick to the basics like I do. Breaks are always good.
Absolutely I mean they aid in things but they are after all supplements not requirements.

Unfortunately unless I get an amazing report on my next kidney check showing they are performing regularly I was actually referring to stopping supplements completely. My doctor recommended nothing but a multi-vitamin if I felt I needed it and maybe some protein powder and that was it. Which means I will more than likely stop repping and that will save me some time for other things.

Okay onto some interesting stuff. I weighed myself this morning and I am up over 214, waist is not any bigger although I did have a decent amount of calories this weekend they were all at the right time. I had carbs on a night I didn't lift to. So I imagine when things settle I will be about 210-212 obviously not losing weight but not getting fat either. Just BIGGER! Muscle memory is doing it's thing right now along with this program! I was pretty depleted when only getting in 110-130g of carbs a day so I assume a lot of this is glycogen refilling the muscle.

Okay lets get into todays madness the splits changed up this week. Lost of super sets here and of course you know the tempos...

Super Set 1 - had 40 seconds rest between each on this one...
Barbell Bench 6 reps x 6 sets -
worked up to 225 on last 4 sets but only got 4 on last set
Barbell Bent Over Rows 6 reps x 6 sets - Same as above!

Super Set 2 no rest between exercises on this one just 40 seconds rest after - 4 rotations
DB Incline Press - 8 reps + 5 partials per set
- barely made last set and could barely even move the partials!!!
Cable Rows elevated on DB - 8 reps + 5 partials per set - was working hard my ass off to get these done!

Super Set 3 - 4 rotations
Standing DB Shoulder Press - 8 reps -

Two Handed Bent Over DB Rows - 8 reps Shoulders were looking massive by the time I was done with this superset!!!!

Was supposed to do 7 sets of 7 on dead lifts but ran out of time so I am doing them tonight in my garage right before I start my back load. Will workout better for the back load anyway... :)


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Use food instead of supps, you have all you need to do really well without them. Clean up and rely on your diet and I think you are going to be pleased with the results.

I started back today man I am stoked about the workout I just had mutha fugger!! The better I get at these techniques the more pain I am able to inflict. Felt this one in my nuts!!!


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Use food instead of supps, you have all you need to do really well without them. Clean up and rely on your diet and I think you are going to be pleased with the results.

I started back today man I am stoked about the workout I just had mutha fugger!! The better I get at these techniques the more pain I am able to inflict. Felt this one in my nuts!!!
Agreed on the supps and awesome you started the new program. Hard to believe I am in phase 3 already... seems to be flying by.
We all should take supp breaks once in a while!


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I am a tad nervous about phase 6 especially ... just hope it flies by ...


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Don't you owe me one of those conquer tubs :)


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it is on sale now it says out of stock but it is not. They just haven'nt received the next shipment. Order way!


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Today is more than likely going to be a rest day. I am feeling sluggish and my shoulder is not feeling up to being pushed. I will drop calories a bit today somewhere around 2000-2200 more than likely. Tomorrow I am lifting with a buddy we will do the shoulder and arm workout originally scheduled for Wednesday. I may end up doing some legs tonight if I get the whim but otherwise I will do them Thursday then do Chest Back and Delts on Friday. Take a day off and do legs again Sunday.


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You're such an awesome inspiration! :)


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Today is more than likely going to be a rest day. I am feeling sluggish and my shoulder is not feeling up to being pushed. I will drop calories a bit today somewhere around 2000-2200 more than likely. Tomorrow I am lifting with a buddy we will do the shoulder and arm workout originally scheduled for Wednesday. I may end up doing some legs tonight if I get the whim but otherwise I will do them Thursday then do Chest Back and Delts on Friday. Take a day off and do legs again Sunday.
You're on 5 days now so you have a couple rest days a week now. Brace yourself for phase 6 though. Just tell yourself the more you overreach the more you get to super compensate :)

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