KLEEN Cut's back on the supplements but not the progress!



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That's when I took them pre/intra and post workout. I continue to do so but not fasting now as it's not necessary to remain in fat burn. I like the CBL idea of continuing to remain in fat burn until late in the afternoon and then backloading the carbs.
Is your CBL generally after your workouts? Or just end of day? My workouts are just before bed, and I was wondering if I need to get a good carb up drink to take after workout before bed. I currently mix a big BCAA drink, about 25g, that I drink in the middle of workout and at the end. I'm then so full, I can't stomach food or protein shake just before bed. Maybe I should drink the BCAAS just before the workout so that after I can have room for the carb up/protein shake.


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Is your CBL generally after your workouts? Or just end of day? My workouts are just before bed, and I was wondering if I need to get a good carb up drink to take after workout before bed. I currently mix a big BCAA drink, about 25g, that I drink in the middle of workout and at the end. I'm then so full, I can't stomach food or protein shake just before bed. Maybe I should drink the BCAAS just before the workout so that after I can have room for the carb up/protein shake.
I start mine between 4 and 5 but I train around 11am and I got to bed early so 3 to 5 hours before bed should be a good rule of thumb I suppose. Almost all carbs are consumed them. May be some trace during the day.


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I start mine between 4 and 5 but I train around 11am and I got to bed early so 3 to 5 hours before bed should be a good rule of thumb I suppose. Almost all carbs are consumed them. May be some trace during the day.
Thanks for the info!


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Yes I was aware of the egg thing but if you mix in more fats and some extra egg whites 2 or 3 eggs is supposed to be fine. I hadn't realized things had changed in the second book.
Well I don't know what is in the second book but the lecture he did a while back introducing his new product was a product that caused a dramatic insulin release without the carbs for those who worked out in the morning. So my assumption is that he is now more focused on not limiting insulin to nothing during the day but having short lived spikes for increased anabolism while remaining low carb so the muscles still starve for glycogen throughout the day. However that is just my impression from the group call I was on with him.
BCAA's create a mighty insulin spike, but Distilled Water was telling me before that he's had his blood checked while fasted on a large dose of BCAAs and it still didn't lower his circulating ketones. It hadn't broken his overnight fast. So regardless of the insulin release, he was still burning strong.
Yeah I think the initial book the idea of limiting the spike was very important. Although he does not recommend BCAA's during the day. He recommends 10g of whey protein. So it has a slower release than BCAA and a lower insulin response. Either way A tiny rise in insulin is not going to throw the balance from more catabolic to anabolic when in a deep catabolic state. The muscles soak that stuff up so fast there is no need for insulin to continue to be released so the glucagon takes back over quickly and back to catabolizing fats for energy. It would take a pretty good amount of time out of the catabolic state for the ketones to clear and with bcaa or even 10g of whey it just wouldn't be long enough of a change to clear ketones before starting to make them again. Some people tend to over think it. Thinking they would ruin the effects of the diet if any insulin is created during the day.

Mostly though keep carbs low and that is the key with CBL. Not really being in a fasted state. Just keeping the insulin releases low and calories low keeps you in a fat burning state until the back load. With CBL as written you and I should be getting in about 700ish calories for the entire day leading up to the back load. I think this is where many people fail at it because they adjust it and eat high fat high protein all day then try to eat dirty carbs and go way over the calories they should be going for the day. He doesn't have you count calories but calories indeed do still matter. Nothing changes the calories in verses calories out rule. It can make things more efficient within that rule but does not void the rule out completely as some people seem to think.

That is kind of the difference between this and they Biorythm diet which is higher calories through out the day but the carbs at the end of the day are much cleaner IE low fat content. You still end up getting in 80+ fats a day just spaced out differently and on the Biorythm you can actually have some fruit in the am as well so long as it is under 30g he just wants starches left alone until the evening.

Yah this is what I have heard but it's nice to know someone you know had the bloods done to back it up. When we were on Intermittent fasting protocols we used to use BCAA's extensively for morning training. Seemed to work very well as you know how easy it is to stay lean using those methods.
Yes it definitely worked well for us.
I was taking BCAAS first thing in the morning after waking, to get the aminos in the blood and muscles after being without food all night. But I would get a hypoglycemic effect every morning and feel terrible. I finally figured out to drop the BCAAS and just use them around my workouts, and I feel much better!
No doubt, when blood sugar is at a stable level then you give an insulin spike it can drop blood sugar levels pretty low. If you are not producing ketones then this will put you in a bad way. You want to get your body pretty efficient at burning fat for energy by keeping fats in the diet and especially things like MCT's it might limit that.

That's when I took them pre/intra and post workout. I continue to do so but not fasting now as it's not necessary to remain in fat burn. I like the CBL idea of continuing to remain in fat burn until late in the afternoon and then backloading the carbs.
Is your CBL generally after your workouts? Or just end of day? My workouts are just before bed, and I was wondering if I need to get a good carb up drink to take after workout before bed. I currently mix a big BCAA drink, about 25g, that I drink in the middle of workout and at the end. I'm then so full, I can't stomach food or protein shake just before bed. Maybe I should drink the BCAAS just before the workout so that after I can have room for the carb up/protein shake.
As late as you train if your goals is hypertrophy I would start having your carbs before you train. You train at like 9PM right. You could have some carbs an hour or two before your workout then don't worry about BCAA or just put a few scoops in a couple ounces of water shake it up and shoot it you don't have to put it in a liter of water and fill yourself up. I take my aminos like medicine. No sipping put about 15-20g in 4-8 oz of water in a shaker shake it up and slam it!
However yeah I would recommend an isolate shake 75g or so with some 50 dextrose and 100g of some other type of carbs. If full an awesome dense carb would be Rice Syrup. Stuff is amaze balls! Put it in a tablespoon and eat a few and bam you are good to go.

I start mine between 4 and 5 but I train around 11am and I got to bed early so 3 to 5 hours before bed should be a good rule of thumb I suppose. Almost all carbs are consumed them. May be some trace during the day.
Yeah I workout fasted in the starting at 4:30 AM, have some aminos an hour after the workout, typically 2 scoops of Xtend and an extra 14g of glutamine. Then when I get to work I have two tbls of heavy whipping cream in my coffee. Sometimes a few hours later I will have a scoop or two of aminos and maybe another cup of coffee with heavy whipping cream. Typically about noon or 1:00 I will have 7-12 oz of meat, then a shake and some cream of rice hot cereal around 4:30 and begin my carb back load when I get home from work preferably finishing by 8:00PM I am normally in bed by 9:00 or a little after and asleep by 10:30. However my mornings vary as sometimes I will eat some eggs with chorizo, cheese and avacodo with pico around 9:30AM. Most of the time I portion my protein out over 2 meals and a snack because 150g is not a lot of protein to spread throughout the day and too many carb sources have protein in them also.

Okay guys and gals I have been feeling like spanked ass for the last few days. I am really hoping I can get in the gym tomorrow as this is taxing on me mentally at this point. On top of that I shouldn't be lifting this weekend because I am doing my 24 hour urine collection for my kidneys and a hard workout can throw off the results if I have damaged muscles and soreness during that time. I am not going to do anything that could mess up my test results so this may just end up being a deload. Obviously that will mess with the periodization of the program but this is my health so it trumps my hobby. More than likely if I can get to the gym tomorrow it will be a full body type workout then I will simply just start phase 4 over again next week since I only got a little bit of it in.


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Well I don't know what is in the second book but the lecture he did a while back introducing his new product was a product that caused a dramatic insulin release without the carbs for those who worked out in the morning. So my assumption is that he is now more focused on not limiting insulin to nothing during the day but having short lived spikes for increased anabolism while remaining low carb so the muscles still starve for glycogen throughout the day. However that is just my impression from the group call I was on with him.
Ah I might have heard something about that in the podcast with bpak. Might be where I got the bit about the eggs too.


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You're full of so much knowledge! It's just crazy! Rest up! I hope you get to feeling better quick!


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You're full of so much knowledge! It's just crazy! Rest up! I hope you get to feeling better quick!
I am full of something that is for sure! ;)

Thanks Kat!


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Like you recommended, Kleen, I'd def throw back some coconut oil/mct with bcaas if I was to train fasted. While not truly fasted, it keeps the burn going and really seems to eliminate the crash from bcaas only


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That's my personal experience. It was awful stupidly poor for my strength training compared to a well front-loaded training. Never again.


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Yeah when performance is the key like in your train Hyde then having some food before hand is a must, even if that means getting up a bit earlier to have a tablespoon of coconut oil and some aminos and falling back asleep. If I had my way I would train about between 3:00 & 5:00 PM and have about 35-40g of protein and coconut oil about 2:00 PM. Then start my back load 1 hour after completion of my workout.


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Yeah when performance is the key like in your train Hyde then having some food before hand is a must, even if that means getting up a bit earlier to have a tablespoon of coconut oil and some aminos and falling back asleep. If I had my way I would train about between 3:00 & 5:00 PM and have about 35-40g of protein and coconut oil about 2:00 PM. Then start my back load 1 hour after completion of my workout.
I often consider how I'd set my diet up if I was currently unemployed/had a flexible job worked from home.


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I often consider how I'd set my diet up if I was currently unemployed/had a flexible job worked from home.
I pretty much just laid mine out right there. Hormonally optimum time for training right there and no better time to take advantage of a back load then finishing u about dinner time. :)

I can tell you I would not be stressing over getting in 6 meals a day or really any more than 4. No need or actual benefit to that other than someone on a crazy bulk who needs thousands of calories in a day.


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Yah I am getting ok either way I think with the high fat serving am then bcaa's performance is still pretty good. The third phase wants carbs before workout for performance reasons but that was before CBL. Good discussion, I feel good about my diet.


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Yes you are doing well and perhaps during the third phase you could bump in 50g of some sort of carbs just to go along with it without it being detrimental to the load since workout specific but if your muscles are nice and full of glycogen and you are not fasting you are probably okay either way.

So I spoke with an adviser who told me to relax today and rest up since I haven't been feeling well and just rock out Phase 4 next week. I decided to take the advice since last night was the first bit of good sleep I have had in days. Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be nice enough for me to take a bike ride somewhere after I get my CT scan. If not I may hang my heavy bag back up and have some fun with it in 3 minute rounds.


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Yes you are doing well and perhaps during the third phase you could bump in 50g of some sort of carbs just to go along with it without it being detrimental to the load since workout specific but if your muscles are nice and full of glycogen and you are not fasting you are probably okay either way.

So I spoke with an adviser who told me to relax today and rest up since I haven't been feeling well and just rock out Phase 4 next week. I decided to take the advice since last night was the first bit of good sleep I have had in days. Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be nice enough for me to take a bike ride somewhere after I get my CT scan. If not I may hang my heavy bag back up and have some fun with it in 3 minute rounds.
Think I am ok yes the fat and protein in the am seem to have me performing pretty well. I will keep that in mind though should performance becomes an issue.

You have some good folks helping you out. You don't have to second guess anything when you have those kinds of people to advise you.

Oh I got the 21 at 185 on the forth set of deads today. All perfect reps. I about busted a lung but It got it done.


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Yes you are doing well and perhaps during the third phase you could bump in 50g of some sort of carbs just to go along with it without it being detrimental to the load since workout specific but if your muscles are nice and full of glycogen and you are not fasting you are probably okay either way.

So I spoke with an adviser who told me to relax today and rest up since I haven't been feeling well and just rock out Phase 4 next week. I decided to take the advice since last night was the first bit of good sleep I have had in days. Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be nice enough for me to take a bike ride somewhere after I get my CT scan. If not I may hang my heavy bag back up and have some fun with it in 3 minute rounds.
Think I am ok yes the fat and protein in the am seem to have me performing pretty well. I will keep that in mind though should performance becomes an issue.

You have some good folks helping you out. You don't have to second guess anything when you have those kinds of people to advise you.

Oh I got the 21 at 185 on the forth set of deads today. All perfect reps. I about busted a lung but It got it done.


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Awesome Doug, 21 with 185 and a 4 second negative is downright impressive!


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Awesome Doug, 21 with 185 and a 4 second negative is downright impressive!
Thanks Chris it felt awesome. It was perfect and there was doubt but I was so far along that I had to continue.


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I know that feeling! I am really impressed with your joints and whatnot ability to recover as well. The 6 days a week was kicking my arse but I had just come back from a layoff. I am dying to be back in right now but don't want to mess that test up. If it goes well I will feel much more confident in not only my health but perhaps even having a little extra protein in my diet.


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Glad you rested!! Definitely a smart move in your part! Once these test are out of the way and your feeling better, you'll be back to kicking butt and putting us all to shame! ;)


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I know that feeling! I am really impressed with your joints and whatnot ability to recover as well. The 6 days a week was kicking my arse but I had just come back from a layoff. I am dying to be back in right now but don't want to mess that test up. If it goes well I will feel much more confident in not only my health but perhaps even having a little extra protein in my diet.
This has been tough first week started off really well, I was really prepared but like I said my ability to do the motions had increased and so had my strength so I was having some recovery problems and after day 1 of week 2 I was just in survivor mode, 2, 3 and 4 were brutal but I have extreme mental strength. Yesterday was just kickass though. I am glad I hung in there cuz this made it all worth it. Legs today and only 5 days training next week :) I have had enough with frequency but that's how it should be. This program was designed to kick my ass and that's what it's doing. It's just nice to kick a little of my own once in a while :)


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About my joints, they are actually getting better with this program, I think due to the slow negatives and lighter weight.


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About my joints, they are actually getting better with this program, I think due to the slow negatives and lighter weight.
In the few days I've been doing this program, I've noticed the same thing. Joint pain is minimal for the amount of work done. Kind of makes me feel 35 instead of 46...


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In the few days I've been doing this program, I've noticed the same thing. Joint pain is minimal for the amount of work done. Kind of makes me feel 35 instead of 46...
I feel 25 a lot of the time :)


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tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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I feel 24 a lot of the time ;)
Man.. I had a mini breakdown lol I realized I'm 26 yr old and not 21 anymore lol

It was nuts.


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Man.. I had a mini breakdown lol I realized I'm 26 yr old and not 21 anymore lol

It was nuts.
Dang, Tyga! I am having a breakdown right now! I just realized I have a stepdaughter just a couple years younger than you!


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Dang, Tyga! I am having a breakdown right now! I just realized I have a stepdaughter just a couple years younger than you!
Dang! We're going to have to pass out the tissues in here!


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And I was feeling bad cause I'm pushing 40.....


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So what you're saying is......she's my age :naughty:
Lol. Yep! And she's cute as heck. But also married to a great guy and has her own little tribe of youngsters.


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Lol. Yep! And she's cute as heck. But also married to a great guy and has her own little tribe of youngsters.
Haha that's excellent; I'm quite happy with my lady as well - she's so supportive of me (probably more than I am her at times, truthfully), and she's my best friend.


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You guys are a hoot! The only thing this program gets is my elbows, I think it is the negatives on the back movements which often end up being negatives on the arms more than the back. Kind of the philosophy of why Meadows does not do negatives for back instead he does static holds... I have one last day of no gym in the AM been peeing in a bottle all day... My back is complaining because I have not done much in the last several days. However this little break has given me a thirst to hit the weights! I go to the lab tomorrow and turn this in and get bloods drawn then can get back in the gym and kill it. The days off should have treated my body well...


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You guys are a hoot! The only thing this program gets is my elbows, I think it is the negatives on the back movements which often end up being negatives on the arms more than the back. Kind of the philosophy of why Meadows does not do negatives for back instead he does static holds... I have one last day of no gym in the AM been peeing in a bottle all day... My back is complaining because I have not done much in the last several days. However this little break has given me a thirst to hit the weights! I go to the lab tomorrow and turn this in and get bloods drawn then can get back in the gym and kill it. The days off should have treated my body well...
Alright! The weights are already trembling with fear! I hope the tests come back great, but you probably won't find out right away...


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Thanks eddieaz! Yeah I hear them a quaking but I think it is excitement because I know they miss me too! The strength and warmth of my bare hands enveloping their cold supple steel... Wait I think things just got weird...

Yeah I won't hear anything until I go back to my kidney doc on Dec. 2nd. Ready to hit the gym in the AM!!!!!


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My first go around my back got sore as I was having trouble holding form with all the fuggin volume.


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Thanks eddieaz! Yeah I hear them a quaking but I think it is excitement because I know they miss me too! The strength and warmth of my bare hands enveloping their cold supple steel... Wait I think things just got weird...
Lol! We all love the steel, Bro! That only sounds weird to nooks or outsiders! Give it hell tomorrow!


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My first go around my back got sore as I was having trouble holding form with all the fuggin volume.
Absolutely have no doubt!
Lol! We all love the steel, Bro! That only sounds weird to nooks or outsiders! Give it hell tomorrow!
True true.

Did a couple workouts very limited thought just kind of re-entry since this week is going to be a bit off with all the time away. Have an early TG dinner tonight at the boys Nana's then going to go to Austin tomorrow and have Thanksgiving there. Thinking of trying to get to the gym before we leave but that is probably unrealistic. Friday i am sure I will get one in but probably at a small gym in the recreation center of my friends subdivision. Closest gym from his house otherwise is 30 minutes away. They have some nice machines in the rec gym but it is on machine per body part type of thing so will probably do a full body or two while up there.

If I make it tomorrow I will do one body part then maybe rock a few others out while up there. Maybe super set 2 body parts per day in a GVT fashion. :)


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Hey fuggers while your stuffin your faces with turkey ... I"m kickin azz lol enjoy happy thanksgiving :)


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The Predator programming has me set up to test my max on bench saturday....just eating and deloading. Might go tomorrow and put this 600g of carbs to good use :)
I bet those 600g were fn delicious!

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