KLEEN Cut's back on the supplements but not the progress!



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All I can say is just wow! Phase 3 workout 4 was just punishing. Started out pretty fun then got damn brutal by the end!!!

Tempo 4-0-1-0 & 40 seconds rest as usual

Incline DB Bench - 6 reps x 4 sets

Flat BB Bench - 8 reps x 4 sets - actually ended up doing 5 here was just going and then when writing weights down realized I went one over. No wonder I failed early on last 2 sets.

Incline DB Flies - 8 reps x 3 sets w/ NOS X set after last set - talk about brutal I was dripping sweat from my head by the end of this it just puts your body into a crazy stress reaction or something just instant sweat.

Super Set A - no rest between exercise 40 seconds between rotations
Seated DB Shoulder Press 12 reps x 3 sets
- talk about pushing by the end of this!!! The slow tempo is just a killer with these!
Bent Over DB Raises - 12 reps & drop 20% and do 8 reps x 3 sets - the drop sets here were ridiculous.

Chins with Orange Band - 8 reps x 4 sets failed at 5 on 3rd set moved to chin grip lat pull down for 4rth set.

Super Set B - no rest between exercise 40 seconds between rotations 6 rotations.
Bent Over Barbell Rows - 8 reps x 6 sets
- these were pretty rough after exhausting the rear delts right before doing it.
Dead Lifts - 8 reps x 6 set - holy crap this was truly brutal!!!!! I started at 225 on the dead lifts but had to go to 135 like the bent overs by the 4rth set... low back was thrashed from holding the static hold for the bent over rows then going into the dead lifts...


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Insanely brutal man!! Wow!!!!!


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That looks crazy, Kleen! Keep setting the pace and I'll try and keep up!


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Super freaking crazy strength! :)


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Oh boy me and my weekends off from logging I have some updated for sure!

Sunday was a leg day not just any leg day but a 30 set leg day!

Tempo as usual 4-0-1-0 and rest periods once again 40 seconds.

Lying Leg Curls with Body Extended - 8 reps + 10 partials after each set x 6 sets!
Man the hammies were bitching and burning already the low end partials are just ridiculous!

Super Set 1 - 4 rounds
Leg press feet low and together with knees together - 8 reps x 4 sets
- trying to force my knees together really had the adductors going as well as working the sweep of the thigh!
Leg Press Feet High and Wide - 8 reps x 4 sets - These sets were just ridiculous I failed at 7 on the last set. I was having a very hard time walking by this point.

Wide Stance Box Squats - 8 reps x 8 sets - I think I misjudged my strength was working with 225 and failed on set 7 had to drop to 135 and still failed at 7 on the 8th set! Total beast mode!

Super Set 2 - 4 rounds
DB Squats DB's @ hips and heels elevated - 15 reps x 4 sets
DB SLD's toes elevated - 21 reps x 4 sets -
Oh boy was I just completely thrashed by this point!!!!

On to this morning... First I woke up at 214lbs! I am getting that big thick McNasty look!

Chest and Medial Delts - rest & tempo varied

30 degrees Incline DB Bench - 3-0-1-0 tempo 2 minutes rest - 6 reps x 5 sets Oh man did it feel good to have an actual rest period!!!! Was loving this!

60 degrees Incline DB Press - 3-0-1-0 tempo 80 seconds rest 10 reps x 4 sets Had one hell of a time with these but muscled through it like a champ! Was looking pretty big by the end of these!

45 Degree Barbell Incline Bench w/ Inward intentions - 4-0-1-0 tempo - 80 seconds rest - Oh boy the inward intentions on these kicked my ass!

Plyo Push Ups Close Grip - 4-0-1-0 tempo - 40 seconds rest - 3 sets to failure with a 21 rep goal - 15-9-7 Ha didn't even hit the goal of 21 once but it was hard as hell!

Plyo Push Ups Wide Grip - 4-0-1-0 tempo - 40 seconds rest - 3 sets to failure with a 21 rep goal - 9-7-9 Pushing with everythign I had and slowing my descent as best i could but the 4 second negatives were only the first couple reps of each set.

45 degree incline DB Side Raises - 4-0-1-0 tempo 40 seconds rest - 12 reps x 4 sets - oh boy these toasted my delts! I had to do 2 partials the last 2 sets just to finish the sets

Seated 2 arm DB Side raises 4-0-1-0 tempo, 40 seconds rest - 21 reps x 4 sets - I was using 10s with this and was barely able to finish due to the strict form.


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Kleen, you're an effn beast!


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I puked reading your leg day :)


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Kleen, you're an effn beast!
Thanks I am trying to be like you!
Thick McNasty hell yeah!!
Yeah man! I was all I need to cut but right now I am doing just fine... Not cut but going with the flow on this program and bulking. I will clean things up a bit after when I lower volume and have time to lower cals more without hampering recovery from these grueling workouts!
I puked reading your leg day :)
I had to talk myself out of puking and I did dead lefts the day before too!


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They're all brutally punishing there is no coasting in this regime. Hey you get fuggin mega pumps though :) I am getting fuggin huge on this as well :) The last few years I would have had to use some anabolics to get these kind of results. It's so fantastic when your only real anabolic substance is food.


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Oh boy me and my weekends off from logging I have some updated for sure! Sunday was a leg day not just any leg day but a 30 set leg day! Tempo as usual 4-0-1-0 and rest periods once again 40 seconds. Lying Leg Curls with Body Extended - 8 reps + 10 partials after each set x 6 sets! Man the hammies were bitching and burning already the low end partials are just ridiculous! Super Set 1 - 4 rounds Leg press feet low and together with knees together - 8 reps x 4 sets - trying to force my knees together really had the adductors going as well as working the sweep of the thigh! Leg Press Feet High and Wide - 8 reps x 4 sets - These sets were just ridiculous I failed at 7 on the last set. I was having a very hard time walking by this point. Wide Stance Box Squats - 8 reps x 8 sets - I think I misjudged my strength was working with 225 and failed on set 7 had to drop to 135 and still failed at 7 on the 8th set! Total beast mode! Super Set 2 - 4 rounds DB Squats DB's @ hips and heels elevated - 15 reps x 4 sets DB SLD's toes elevated - 21 reps x 4 sets - Oh boy was I just completely thrashed by this point!!!! On to this morning... First I woke up at 214lbs! I am getting that big thick McNasty look! Chest and Medial Delts - rest & tempo varied 30 degrees Incline DB Bench - 3-0-1-0 tempo 2 minutes rest - 6 reps x 5 sets Oh man did it feel good to have an actual rest period!!!! Was loving this! 60 degrees Incline DB Press - 3-0-1-0 tempo 80 seconds rest 10 reps x 4 sets Had one hell of a time with these but muscled through it like a champ! Was looking pretty big by the end of these! 45 Degree Barbell Incline Bench w/ Inward intentions - 4-0-1-0 tempo - 80 seconds rest - Oh boy the inward intentions on these kicked my ass! Plyo Push Ups Close Grip - 4-0-1-0 tempo - 40 seconds rest - 3 sets to failure with a 21 rep goal - 15-9-7 Ha didn't even hit the goal of 21 once but it was hard as hell! Plyo Push Ups Wide Grip - 4-0-1-0 tempo - 40 seconds rest - 3 sets to failure with a 21 rep goal - 9-7-9 Pushing with everythign I had and slowing my descent as best i could but the 4 second negatives were only the first couple reps of each set. 45 degree incline DB Side Raises - 4-0-1-0 tempo 40 seconds rest - 12 reps x 4 sets - oh boy these toasted my delts! I had to do 2 partials the last 2 sets just to finish the sets Seated 2 arm DB Side raises 4-0-1-0 tempo, 40 seconds rest - 21 reps x 4 sets - I was using 10s with this and was barely able to finish due to the strict form.
My, my, my what a workout here. Do you go to work or to bed after a workout like this. Maybe a massage therapist...??? Beastly to say the least!


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They're all brutally punishing there is no coasting in this regime. Hey you get fuggin mega pumps though :) I am getting fuggin huge on this as well :) The last few years I would have had to use some anabolics to get these kind of results. It's so fantastic when your only real anabolic substance is food.
Yeah definitely growing from this!
X's 2...I get nauseous just reading your workouts
Yeah me too! Tomorrow will be my first NOS X set on back I expect it to be excruciating! So far the muscles involved have been small nothing small about the back muscles.
SMH at that session!!

Your a monster bro!
Trying! Thanks Brother!

My, my, my what a workout here. Do you go to work or to bed after a workout like this. Maybe a massage therapist...??? Beastly to say the least!
I felt like it. A massage therapist would be nice! I could use one for sure!
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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These workouts are just silly lol yousa beast bro


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I tried out one of your earlier workouts today. That was a blast! I hope you don't mind me borrowing, Kleen!! I haven't done negative work in a while and it was fun doing it again. I think I was pumped for about 4 hours afterwards. hey, quick question, how in the hell do you shave when you can't even lift your arm to your face?


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I tried out one of your earlier workouts today. That was a blast! I hope you don't mind me borrowing, Kleen!! I haven't done negative work in a while and it was fun doing it again. I think I was pumped for about 4 hours afterwards. hey, quick question, how in the hell do you shave when you can't even lift your arm to your face?
It's no shave November. :p


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Todays macros 2677 cals 183 protein overshot the protein, 268 carbs, and 97 fats - Still a good day only things I am paying attention to are minimum carb amounts and maximum protein which I overshot by forgetting to consider the protein in the carb sources. Srill a good day and one day of higher protein won't kill me. Will do better on the protein tomorrow. Really hard to keep at 150-170...


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These workouts are just silly lol yousa beast bro
Thanks I am love / hating them!!!
I tried out one of your earlier workouts today. That was a blast! I hope you don't mind me borrowing, Kleen!! I haven't done negative work in a while and it was fun doing it again. I think I was pumped for about 4 hours afterwards. hey, quick question, how in the hell do you shave when you can't even lift your arm to your face?
Haha I knew that would be a chore today so I stretched my shoulders big time before leaving the gym. LOL Only a trim tho...
It's no shave November. :p
Exactly but I had to shave my head and trim up the beard.


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Todays macros 2677 cals 183 protein overshot the protein, 268 carbs, and 97 fats - Still a good day only things I am paying attention to are minimum carb amounts and maximum protein which I overshot by forgetting to consider the protein in the carb sources. Srill a good day and one day of higher protein won't kill me. Will do better on the protein tomorrow. Really hard to keep at 150-170...

Im always over on my protein, under my fat, and spot on my carbs... do you think that is ok or should I really stay with the numbers I got?


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Im always over on my protein, under my fat, and spot on my carbs... do you think that is ok or should I really stay with the numbers I got?
Eat more beef or dark meat chicken. That will help you line it up better if that's the case, and chicken thighs and such are dirt cheap.


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Eat more beef or dark meat chicken. That will help you line it up better if that's the case, and chicken thighs and such are dirt cheap.
Sorry, like my numbers (according to the MI40 website) are 170 protein, 80 fat, 400 carbs.

But my diet today was like 220 protein, 30 fat, 405 carbs.

Just didn't know if I really should back the protein down and up the fats or will I be ok eating like that.

Sorry, re read your post.

Yah I'll switch up the beef and not do 90/10 all the time.


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Oh yeah just follow what he says if you are trying to follow that diet. Hyde gave some great solutions. Plus BPak wants you to start your day with 30ish grams of fat supplemnt EVCO and have some Heavy whipping cream in your coffee. That will help with the fats too.

My low protein is for my kidney health.


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Oh yeah just follow what he says if you are trying to follow that diet. Hyde gave some great solutions. Plus BPak wants you to start your day with 30ish grams of fat supplemnt EVCO and have some Heavy whipping cream in your coffee. That will help with the fats too.

My low protein is for my kidney health.
I mean if I can gain at a lower level of protein I'll do it. It's cheaper that ways anyways lol.

Plus if it can lead to kidney issues, maybe I should look at the longevity.


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Sorry, like my numbers (according to the MI40 website) are 170 protein, 80 fat, 400 carbs.

But my diet today was like 220 protein, 30 fat, 405 carbs.

Just didn't know if I really should back the protein down and up the fats or will I be ok eating like that.

Sorry, re read your post.

Yah I'll switch up the beef and not do 90/10 all the time.
I mean, if you get 80/20 you're effectively getting less protein/oz AND getting more fat. Even 85/15 would make a difference. Or you could simply eat less meat/day and throw some olive oil or MCT oil or liquid coconut oil onto things or in it. Regular solid coconut oil is great in coffee. Using nuts/nut butter is gonna skew the carbs and protein a tad, so it's a bit more math is all.


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I mean, if you get 80/20 you're effectively getting less protein/oz AND getting more fat. Even 85/15 would make a difference. Or you could simply eat less meat/day and throw some olive oil or MCT oil or liquid coconut oil onto things or in it. Regular solid coconut oil is great in coffee. Using nuts/nut butter is gonna skew the carbs and protein a tad, so it's a bit more math is all.
Right on. Totally makes sense. I'll make the change next week seeing that I already made 5lbs of beef and 5lbs of chicken for the week lmao.


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Eat butter. Fat problem solved


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I mean if I can gain at a lower level of protein I'll do it. It's cheaper that ways anyways lol.

Plus if it can lead to kidney issues, maybe I should look at the longevity.
My kidney issues stem from scar tissue from having severe strep infect my kidneys when I was younger. A healthy kidney can deal with higher protein levels so long as well hydrated. However lower protein is not going to hurt you I can attest to that as of late.

I mean, if you get 80/20 you're effectively getting less protein/oz AND getting more fat. Even 85/15 would make a difference. Or you could simply eat less meat/day and throw some olive oil or MCT oil or liquid coconut oil onto things or in it. Regular solid coconut oil is great in coffee. Using nuts/nut butter is gonna skew the carbs and protein a tad, so it's a bit more math is all.
BOOM Hyde you are hitting on all cylinders as of late great advice in here brother!
Right on. Totally makes sense. I'll make the change next week seeing that I already made 5lbs of beef and 5lbs of chicken for the week lmao.

Eat butter. Fat problem solved
This too! Not margerine but butter better if grass fed butter for more omega 3's.
You gotta take that word seriously coming from a man with an avi like yours! :)

You can definitely increase fat in a lot of ways. To be perfectly honest for the most part so long as protein is sufficient and micronutrients are being met the actual macro break down of the diet is not anywhere near as important as people with the "magic key to nutrition" would have you believe. Being in the right area on macros should be the focus not strict adherence to a set of macros. Hit you caloric goal with quality food and use some nutrient timing based on science and you will be fine. If the goal is sheer mass eat protein, carbs and fat all day. If you want to burn a little extra fat leave carbs out of the first meal or two, but the mathematics don't change on the calories in verses calories out. Just some things that assist in hormonal reactions and balances that tip things in your favor when working towards goals.


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Yeah definitely growing from this! Yeah me too! Tomorrow will be my first NOS X set on back I expect it to be excruciating! So far the muscles involved have been small nothing small about the back muscles. Trying! Thanks Brother! I felt like it. A massage therapist would be nice! I could use one for sure!
On back?! Wow! I'm sure that was insane!!!


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Well I didn't get to sleep last night until after 1:00 even after some sleepy time tea so I just slept through the alarm. As a result I wont be doing any carb up today other than about 100g at the end of the day. Oh and may do some sort of conditioning work around the house tonight instead. I have a big 285/75r18 radial at the house with a rope tied to it I can toss it around for some fun... Not a tractor tire but still a lot of rubber and for throws / pulling with a rope it is just fine.


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Well I didn't get to sleep last night until after 1:00 even after some sleepy time tea so I just slept through the alarm. As a result I wont be doing any carb up today other than about 100g at the end of the day. Oh and may do some sort of conditioning work around the house tonight instead. I have a big 285/75r18 radial at the house with a rope tied to it I can toss it around for some fun... Not a tractor tire but still a lot of rubber and for throws / pulling with a rope it is just fine.
that's a lot of wheel. Got rim in it too, gotta make it tough!


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Yeah that would do it but no steel... Could easily tie some sand bags into it but for the workout I have planned it would be too heavy this is more throwing and tire slams. Wouldn't want to throw it with a wheel in it.


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Yeah that would do it but no steel... Could easily tie some sand bags into it but for the workout I have planned it would be too heavy this is more throwing and tire slams. Wouldn't want to throw it with a wheel in it.
What'd you pull that baby off? That was the rear tire size my FRC vette had...


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What'd you pull that baby off? That was the rear tire size my FRC vette had...
It came off a truck from what the guy at the tire shop said. i asked if he had any big tires and he was like yeah just had a truck with some big wide meaty tires change them out so he gave one too me. Gotta love discount tire. That is some TALL RUBBER for a vette, about what 21 centimeters or 8 inches of side wall YIKES! Was it sitting up high or were they just 285mm wide?


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I think they were 70. But FRC's are 18's out back and 17's up front. All vette's have staggered sizes like that actually.


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I am using eggs cooked in coconut oil and fish oil am second meal I will add an once of almonds and some fish oil again.


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These workouts are just silly lol yousa beast bro
The first time I did this I was just surviving through a lot of it. It was pushing me so hard I had a hard time pushing back. It gets better ... never any easier but better.
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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I am using eggs cooked in coconut oil and fish oil am second meal I will add an once of almonds and some fish oil again.
All my fats come from avocados and ground beef and occasional creamer in my coffee in the AM


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Hey Chris... didn't think you would mind me posting.. mi40x for about $50

"http://www.mi40x.com/fb1million/ <--- 50% off!!
Those discounts disappear shortly so get it on it NOW!"

Think i will pick it up


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I think they were 70. But FRC's are 18's out back and 17's up front. All vette's have staggered sizes like that actually.
I am using eggs cooked in coconut oil and fish oil am second meal I will add an once of almonds and some fish oil again.
Sounds good in his initial book he warns agains a lot of eggs in the AM due to the insulin response however his newer stuff including his new supplement is made to create an insulin spike in the AM sans carbs so the eggs may be a great idea.

The first time I did this I was just surviving through a lot of it. It was pushing me so hard I had a hard time pushing back. It gets better ... never any easier but better.
Yeah it is brutal but fun!

All my fats come from avocados and ground beef and occasional creamer in my coffee in the AM
That sounds like a nice way to get fats in. I use Heavy Whipping Cream for my coffee in the AM now. Man so much better than other creamer and actually has some good benefits.
Hey Chris... didn't think you would mind me posting.. mi40x for about $50

"http://www.mi40x.com/fb1million/ <--- 50% off!!
Those discounts disappear shortly so get it on it NOW!"

Think i will pick it up
Definitely worth pickiing it up at that price!!!!

I did not lift this morning I am coming down with a nose & throat infection and was up all night with it. I may go tonight if I feel better but no way I was going after 3-4 hours of broken sleep. It was swelling so as I would exhale through my nose it would do like a reverse snore and the vibration actually hurt bad enough to keep waking me up. No fever as of yet but feeling run down big time... Wish me luck guys.


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Sounds good in his initial book he warns agains a lot of eggs in the AM due to the insulin response however his newer stuff including his new supplement is made to create an insulin spike in the AM sans carbs so the eggs may be a great idea.
Yes I was aware of the egg thing but if you mix in more fats and some extra egg whites 2 or 3 eggs is supposed to be fine. I hadn't realized things had changed in the second book.


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BCAA's create a mighty insulin spike, but Distilled Water was telling me before that he's had his blood checked while fasted on a large dose of BCAAs and it still didn't lower his circulating ketones. It hadn't broken his overnight fast. So regardless of the insulin release, he was still burning strong.


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BCAA's create a mighty insulin spike, but Distilled Water was telling me before that he's had his blood checked while fasted on a large dose of BCAAs and it still didn't lower his circulating ketones. It hadn't broken his overnight fast. So regardless of the insulin release, he was still burning strong.
Yah this is what I have heard but it's nice to know someone you know had the bloods done to back it up. When we were on Intermittent fasting protocols we used to use BCAA's extensively for morning training. Seemed to work very well as you know how easy it is to stay lean using those methods.


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Yah this is what I have heard but it's nice to know someone you know had the bloods done to back it up. When we were on Intermittent fasting protocols we used to use BCAA's extensively for morning training. Seemed to work very well as you know how easy it is to stay lean using those methods.
I was taking BCAAS first thing in the morning after waking, to get the aminos in the blood and muscles after being without food all night. But I would get a hypoglycemic effect every morning and feel terrible. I finally figured out to drop the BCAAS and just use them around my workouts, and I feel much better!


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I was taking BCAAS first thing in the morning after waking, to get the aminos in the blood and muscles after being without food all night. But I would get a hypoglycemic effect every morning and feel terrible. I finally figured out to drop the BCAAS and just use them around my workouts, and I feel much better!
That's when I took them pre/intra and post workout. I continue to do so but not fasting now as it's not necessary to remain in fat burn. I like the CBL idea of continuing to remain in fat burn until late in the afternoon and then backloading the carbs.

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