KLEEN Cut's back on the supplements but not the progress!



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I bet those 600g were fn delicious!
I didn't count em, but I know enough to have an idea, and it's definitely north of 500. Enough for an off-cycle PR on bench tomorrow and then some heavy doubles on squat saturday.

But bfast was just a cup of black coffee & a tsp of coconut oil, so I had some serious fatburning going on this morning ;)


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I didn't count em, but I know enough to have an idea, and it's definitely north of 500. Enough for an off-cycle PR on bench tomorrow and then some heavy doubles on squat saturday. But bfast was just a cup of black coffee & a tsp of coconut oil, so I had some serious fatburning going on this morning ;)
I might have doubled my carbs in the last few hours. 6 beers later. And pizzA. And pop tarts and cheesecake. My abs are gone.


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Hey fuggers while your stuffin your faces with turkey ... I"m kickin azz lol enjoy happy thanksgiving :)
Turkey, Ham, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Sweet potato casserole, homemade cranberry sauce, dump cake, pie, ice cream, pistachio pudding, more turkey, more ham, more mashed potato, more... Oh and Vodka, next day was a Scotch day for my boys bday of course that is after we went and demolished chest arms and me some shoulders!!!
Dude. I hit my high day macros in one meal.
No counting was done on this day!
I am with you.... We didn't even get invited stateside!
You are always welcome both of you!!!!
The Predator programming has me set up to test my max on bench saturday....just eating and deloading. Might go tomorrow and put this 600g of carbs to good use :)
I bet those 600g were fn delicious!
I know mine were!!!!
I didn't count em, but I know enough to have an idea, and it's definitely north of 500. Enough for an off-cycle PR on bench tomorrow and then some heavy doubles on squat saturday.

But bfast was just a cup of black coffee & a tsp of coconut oil, so I had some serious fatburning going on this morning ;)
That is exactly how I rolled most of the weekend.
I might have doubled my carbs in the last few hours. 6 beers later. And pizzA. And pop tarts and cheesecake. My abs are gone.
Bye Bye! However they will be back in no time.
You know how to lay the pedal down, brother!
Beast has been craving a food smack down for a bit!!!
Fritos too.
MMMMMM Frito Pie sounds delish!!!!

Beers, pizza, cheesecake and pop tarts... no ice cream??? :(
I did!!!

Okay so Friday we demolished chest as we were having a bro day at the gym. His 39th birthday so we went in and rocked it that and he had done back the day before so had to get the other side of the body.

Highlights for him DB Chest Press 4th set 120x12 heaviest they had..., DB Incline Flies 100x10
Me DB Chest Press 4th set 105x12. DB Incline Flies 65x12 - these were power flies where you let your elbows bend more as to where I normally keep my arms really straight.

Okay now for today... Chest again!

I messed up the rest times, they were supposed to be 2 minutes for the first and 80 seconds for the 2&3rd exercises. I ended up doing 40 seconds because I am used to that being the case.
Phase 4 Workout 1 Chest and Side Delts
30 Degree DB incline - Tempo 3-0-1-0 5 sets last set 100x6 still have some strength sticking around from the overeating this weekend. LOL
60 Degree DB Incline - Tempo 3-0-1-0 & 3 sets of 10 with 65 failed on last set hit 8 reps on last set instead of 10, still doing the wrong rest periods.... Would have gon heavier if I had rested 80 seconds in between these for sure.
BB Incline Bench Press 3 sets of 8 I realized here that I had messed up the rest periods and rested the full 80 seconds. Still 155 was extremely heavy with the 4-0-1-0 tempo
Plyo Push-Ups - 3 sets to failure 15, 12, 9 + 6 from the knees - I varied hand position during the plyo reps by moving hands in and out throughout the sets.
45 Degree Incline DB Side Raises - 27.5x10 , 22.5x12, 22.5x12 last 2 reps of last set were partials
Seated DB Side Raise - 12.5 x 21, 12.5x21, 12.5x21>10>5>Low end pulses - Oh man by the end of these my shoulders were just so full of blood they ached and stung. It was AWESOME!!!!

By the way I weighed myself after this weekends food madness and as of Sunday morning my "dry weight" was 225.1 I am using the words dry weight very loosely as I was holding a ton of water. LOL I have not been 225 in years. I look better than the last time I was 225 though so that is good. LOL Still it is time to bring it back down a bit. I have a concert to go to tomorrow night and after that I will more than likely go through the 10 day carb depletion phase of CBL, lower my lifting frequency and pay more attention to leaning up when I start back eating carbs. I am going to allow for my body to get closer to normal weight before kicking right into that phase so I can see how much I lose and do the math on what I should be getting in via carbs...


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I am two workouts into the original Mi40 .... good call Chris, as I am really liking it thus far and both workouts have left me with some pretty serious DOMs. I bought Mi40x but figured I would take a run through the original first. Thanks man.


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Yeah Buddy!! Back in business!!
You know it!
I am two workouts into the original Mi40 .... good call Chris, as I am really liking it thus far and both workouts have left me with some pretty serious DOMs. I bought Mi40x but figured I would take a run through the original first. Thanks man.
Yes definitely they are both really good programs.

Not sure the bulking program is right for my goals at this point with my diet however planning on lowering frequency so we shall see. I enjoyed just moving the weight with my buddy so much this past weekend I may have to look into something with less negatives next. Although I think these workouts seem to have enough OOMPH that they will be effective by themselves with slightly less frequency. If not I have X-Reps and also the Shockwave Protocal I can delve into for a bit. Shockwave is the program designed to go well with CBL, apparently the second version of that will be out soon also.


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225 dang that's my evening weight right now! You ate pretty good indeed, Kleen!


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Yep he's back up and pushin on through....


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Lol I was about the same weight fri morning. :-(


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225 dang that's my evening weight right now! You ate pretty good indeed, Kleen!
Yeah remember a little while back I decided to just eat more while doing this workout because the size was coming on nicely. Well that was going well up until about 215 lbs morning weight then the extra 10 was from the Thanksgiving weekend madness. I know tons of it was water because I looked down at my feet on Saturday and they were full of water... LOL Like I normally have veins all over my feet and they were just covered up with bloat. They looked like Flinstone feet!!!
Yep he's back up and pushin on through....
Yes Sir I am full steam ahead right now. Will more than likely back down on Frequency a bit for the rest of this but we shall see may just cut carbs down low on some of my training days.


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Keep busting it, Kleen! And thanks for turning us on to MI40. I just finished my first week of the original program and it's feeling great!

Keep up the good work, my friend! You an inspiration!


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Thanks Eddie! Yeah I am hitting things up gonna go lift tonight was still in a recovery mode from the concert on Tuesday something about being up that late and going to work... It was easy when I was 35 and below but damn doing it now and it is hard to deal with but the concert was OFF THE CHAIN!!!!!!

We went to see In This Moment and 12 Foot Ninja, at the House of Blues!!!! Starset was there too I liked there stuff I knew 2 songs but I didn't know who it was. Over all it was a great show! I am going to hit some kind of lift up tonight either at the gym or home either way lifting is a must!!!!!!


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Thanks Eddie! Yeah I am hitting things up gonna go lift tonight was still in a recovery mode from the concert on Tuesday something about being up that late and going to work... It was easy when I was 35 and below but damn doing it now and it is hard to deal with but the concert was OFF THE CHAIN!!!!!!

We went to see In This Moment and 12 Foot Ninja, at the House of Blues!!!! Starset was there too I liked there stuff I knew 2 songs but I didn't know who it was. Over all it was a great show! I am going to hit some kind of lift up tonight either at the gym or home either way lifting is a must!!!!!!
Right on! Sounds like a great time! I totally identify with you on the under 35 thing. It stinks getting old!


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I'm not even 35 yet and I can't stay up late. Lol I love my sleep!!


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Good lord!!! All this talk about 35... Those of us over 50 must have one foot in the grave...lol


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Correct! Older than Joe Dirt...


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Good lord!!! All this talk about 35... Those of us over 50 must have one foot in the grave...lol
I'm not far off 50 now. But, I'm still giving the iron a little bit of hell. Only way I can keep up with my 16 & 14 year old boys!


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I am in bed at 8pm some nights but those days I have to get up around 330 am the next morning as I open gym at 6am and get here around 5:40.


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Red Velvet Trutein is a bit of a disappointment....but Lemon Meringue is freakin' fantastic!!! Really glad you recommended them :hump:


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Have you tried the chocolate mint? If you try it cut it with Vanilla Bean and it taste like Andes Mints!


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That sounds delicious. Also excited to try the PB Marshmallow Cookie.


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Yeah I only use the Red Velvet Cake as a protein pancake mix with some melted cream cheese and splenda spread on it. It is fine but not my favorite out of the line up. My first drink I really enjoyed but after 2-3 shakes I kind of got tired of it. Lemon though is the bomb!!!! I hear that the orange is also awesome!

I am going to crush the gym tomorrow!!!! I can not wait to get in there and tear ish up!

Ha I don't feel old in the gym boys, just old trying to wake up at 3:50 AM after being out until 1:00 and drinking... Then apparently old the next morning too...


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cellucor makes decent red velvet protein.
Might have to investigate further. I get stuck buying whatever Costco is carrying at the moment. It's usually either Cellucor Cinnamon Roll or MusclePharm Chocolate Peanut Butter. Both good choices though.


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My fave is definitely PES Select Snickerdoodle. I LOOOVE that stuff!


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Might have to investigate further. I get stuck buying whatever Costco is carrying at the moment. It's usually either Cellucor Cinnamon Roll or MusclePharm Chocolate Peanut Butter. Both good choices though.
I haven't had cinnamon. I've been hooked on muscle egg lately. Stuffs amazing. Makes 12 ounces of whites way easier to eat. Haven't touched whey in a while...but I love cinnamon.


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cellucor makes decent red velvet protein.
I think the RVC Trutein is good the flavor is just not for me to drink. Plus it has 4-5g less protein per scoop which is not something I expected. I prefer fruity shakes or something with nut butters though.
My fave is definitely PES Select Snickerdoodle. I LOOOVE that stuff!
May have to try this some time.
I haven't had cinnamon. I've been hooked on muscle egg lately. Stuffs amazing. Makes 12 ounces of whites way easier to eat. Haven't touched whey in a while...but I love cinnamon.
Yeah but remember you have to rotate proteins or you can develop allergies. Switch it up every once in a while. I have been thinking about getting some of that myself though.

Good news boys and girls I am back down to 212 Thanksgiving damage undone... Was going to go on a keto for several days but not so sure now that I am back where I wanted to be at the end of the keto... Going to the gym here shortly and doing it up!!!!


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I think the RVC Trutein is good the flavor is just not for me to drink. Plus it has 4-5g less protein per scoop which is not something I expected. I prefer fruity shakes or something with nut butters though. May have to try this some time. Yeah but remember you have to rotate proteins or you can develop allergies. Switch it up every once in a while. I have been thinking about getting some of that myself though. Good news boys and girls I am back down to 212 Thanksgiving damage undone... Was going to go on a keto for several days but not so sure now that I am back where I wanted to be at the end of the keto... Going to the gym here shortly and doing it up!!!!
Yeah it hasn't been that long with the whites. I'll switch back after I finish the 4 gallons I have


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How much was that I don't even have room for 4 gallons anywhere...


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How much was that I don't even have room for 4 gallons anywhere...
Spendy. I think like 120 bucks. I've got two thawed in my fridge one in my freezer and I left another at my dads house. Mint brownie is amazing. Can't wait to try pumpkin spice.


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I think the RVC Trutein is good the flavor is just not for me to drink. Plus it has 4-5g less protein per scoop which is not something I expected. I'm into fruity booty shakes or something with nuts though.


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Had a great workout today, did chest shoulders and back.

HS High Rows 3 sets - last set 170 per side x 10 +5 X Reps
HS Seated Row Wide Grip - 105 per side 12 +7 X Reps
Straight Arm Cable Pull Downs - 90x9 +5 partials

HS Decline last set 3 sets 180 per side x 8 +5 X Reps
One arm upper pec cable flies, arm across chest to really hit clavicle section - 70x12 3 sets last set +8 X Reps

DB Upright Rows 3 sets - last set 50 x 11 +5 X Reps
DB Side Raise 27.5 x12 +8 X Reps
Bent Over Smith Machine Wide Grip Rear Delt rows - 3 sets 65x failure
Rear Delt Fly Machine 2 sets 80x20, 80x13 + 6 X Reps

My upper body was toast and swole as hell by the end of this workout and it was really fun. Nice to do something a little different. As much as I was enjoying the MI40 I have been doing eccentric based training since I got back in the gym and just wanted to do something different. Something that I could do less frequency with. So I gasve the X Reps a shot since I bought the books a while back. Felt very effective. X Reps are basically Partials in the power range of the exercise where the muscle is strongest once you reach failure to the point you cant do a full rep any longer.


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Had a great workout today, did chest shoulders and back.

HS High Rows 3 sets - last set 170 per side x 10 +5 X Reps
HS Seated Row Wide Grip - 105 per side 12 +7 X Reps
Straight Arm Cable Pull Downs - 90x9 +5 partials

HS Decline last set 3 sets 180 per side x 8 +5 X Reps
One arm upper pec cable flies, arm across chest to really hit clavicle section - 70x12 3 sets last set +8 X Reps

DB Upright Rows 3 sets - last set 50 x 11 +5 X Reps
DB Side Raise 27.5 x12 +8 X Reps
Bent Over Smith Machine Wide Grip Rear Delt rows - 3 sets 65x failure
Rear Delt Fly Machine 2 sets 80x20, 80x13 + 6 X Reps

My upper body was toast and swole as hell by the end of this workout and it was really fun. Nice to do something a little different. As much as I was enjoying the MI40 I have been doing eccentric based training since I got back in the gym and just wanted to do something different. Something that I could do less frequency with. So I gasve the X Reps a shot since I bought the books a while back. Felt very effective. X Reps are basically Partials in the power range of the exercise where the muscle is strongest once you reach failure to the point you cant do a full rep any longer.
This work out looks like a nice change. Have to look into these x reps. Sounds like fun:)


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Had a great workout today, did chest shoulders and back.

HS High Rows 3 sets - last set 170 per side x 10 +5 X Reps
HS Seated Row Wide Grip - 105 per side 12 +7 X Reps
Straight Arm Cable Pull Downs - 90x9 +5 partials

HS Decline last set 3 sets 180 per side x 8 +5 X Reps
One arm upper pec cable flies, arm across chest to really hit clavicle section - 70x12 3 sets last set +8 X Reps

DB Upright Rows 3 sets - last set 50 x 11 +5 X Reps
DB Side Raise 27.5 x12 +8 X Reps
Bent Over Smith Machine Wide Grip Rear Delt rows - 3 sets 65x failure
Rear Delt Fly Machine 2 sets 80x20, 80x13 + 6 X Reps

My upper body was toast and swole as hell by the end of this workout and it was really fun. Nice to do something a little different. As much as I was enjoying the MI40 I have been doing eccentric based training since I got back in the gym and just wanted to do something different. Something that I could do less frequency with. So I gasve the X Reps a shot since I bought the books a while back. Felt very effective. X Reps are basically Partials in the power range of the exercise where the muscle is strongest once you reach failure to the point you cant do a full rep any longer.
Pump pump pump!


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My fave is definitely PES Select Snickerdoodle. I LOOOVE that stuff!
Bought a tub when we brought it to Orbit in the 5lb tubs for 49.99 - profile is excellent, very lean & no bs. But it's entirely too sweet to drink, & mixes TERRIBLY. Seriously, this stuff is made for cooking.

It makes a terrific greek yogurt fluff or a pudding/glaze for pancakes or oats, or for making pancakes - bet it would be insane with cream cheese as well.


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I like X reps, still use them at the end of calf raises.


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Bought a tub when we brought it to Orbit in the 5lb tubs for 49.99 - profile is excellent, very lean & no bs. But it's entirely too sweet to drink, & mixes TERRIBLY. Seriously, this stuff is made for cooking.

It makes a terrific greek yogurt fluff or a pudding/glaze for pancakes or oats, or for making pancakes - bet it would be insane with cream cheese as well.
Actually, now that you say that. I don't think I have just made a shake with it. It's the bomb in a bowl of oatmeal and in pancakes, etc. Maybe I'll make a shake out of it tonight. ..


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Actually, now that you say that. I don't think I have just made a shake with it. It's the bomb in a bowl of oatmeal and in pancakes, etc. Maybe I'll make a shake out of it tonight. ..
I warned you....


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I warned you....
Lol! Thanks for the warning! I've been craving See's candy lately anyway. Maybe that'll put a dent in my sweet tooth!


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Pes Select is the same protein source that Trutein uses for the the casien and whey isolate in it. WHole Milk Protein Isolate right? I know Trutein also has a little High Grade WPC and then of course the Egg. However Trutein mixes extremely easily. Maybe PES doesn't use the isolate version and just the Whole Milk Protein. I tried that from True utrition and it didn't mix to well and I did not enjoy it at all.

Did a lil cardio today and going on a date tonight with the wife. Plan to do some lifting tomorrow. So many different programs to possibly use. The Size Surge Workout, the Ultimate Mass Workout 2, Update to X-Reps... I bought four of the programs from Iron Magazine when they were on sale for like 30 for 4 of them. Eachof them look great figuring out which one to use is the hard part. Then I have several of my own programs I have written and done well with...

I may just do what i like to do and add in characteristics of many into my own made up programs... :) Either way tomorrow is another lift day and I enjoyed adding in the X Reps so I think I will do that again for sure.

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