Getting Primed for the stage CEO Style with some other nice goodies



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We're all a bunch of nut cases!! The last time I moved I packed all my supps into a big suitcase and locked it up so nothing would get lost or misplaced. It was the first thing I put away into the new place.
I was very pensive about letting the movers handle mine as I was at work. I told my son "Watch them put it on the truck and watch them take it off" :suspect:


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We're all a bunch of nut cases!! The last time I moved I packed all my supps into a big suitcase and locked it up so nothing would get lost or misplaced. It was the first thing I put away into the new place.

LMAO That would be something I would also do!!!!!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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I actually moved them myself. Strapped them to the top of the Suburban... at nights in the hotels I brought them in before my kids' clothes...


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I actually moved them myself. Strapped them to the top of the Suburban... at nights in the hotels I brought them in before my kids' clothes...
I was considering that...


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Ok the Muscle Marinade has come in, I'll test it out tommorow night. I will run a separate log for this as it is sponsored.


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I wanted to further expand on TNA catching me off guard the way it did. I couldn't get the thought out of my head, "this was released years ago and we never heard about it again for a long time, how good could it be", "if it was that good there would have been more said about it." These thoughts coupled with the fact that traditionally I get next to nothing off Trim Terr. products had me not expecting too much.

So when the first couple pangs of agression showed up and I thought that was going to be about it untill it hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday. The most unbelievable agression i have felt in as long as I can remember. Quite a shock.. now to see if it keeps it up, I have to be carefull with the rage and my wife has been told to say "TNA" as a code word in case she see's me start to steam up... yah it was that bad...


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I wanted to further expand on TNA catching me off guard the way it did. I couldn't get the thought out of my head, "this was released years ago and we never heard about it again for a long time, how good could it be", "if it was that good there would have been more said about it." These thoughts coupled with the fact that traditionally I get next to nothing off Trim Terr. products had me not expecting too much.

So when the first couple pangs of agression showed up and I thought that was going to be about it untill it hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday. The most unbelievable agression i have felt in as long as I can remember. Quite a shock.. now to see if it keeps it up, I have to be carefull with the rage and my wife has been told to say "TNA" as a code word in case she see's me start to steam up... yah it was that bad...
DW I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I thought my gf was going to kill my a** the other weekend when TNA kicked in, I just could not believe I could fly off the handle like that. I get irritated and fired up easily but this was borderline rage I hadn't felt since puberty. I thinks its safe to say that TNA is the real deal... god forbid you take 9 a day! :yo:


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DW I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I thought my gf was going to kill my a** the other weekend when TNA kicked in, I just could not believe I could fly off the handle like that. I get irritated and fired up easily but this was borderline rage I hadn't felt since puberty. I thinks its safe to say that TNA is the real deal... god forbid you take 9 a day! :yo:
No!! 6 is plenty...


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Especially with you all staking it with Asteroid Stack, PRIME's Alpha Maleness, PowerFULL already increasing your testosterone via LH stimulation as well as the supersapponins providing more aggression and less female hormones, then you throw TNA on top of all that. Well I think you can call it the CaveMan stack because it will revert yo to that animalistic being of yesteryear!


AI Sports Nutrition
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Especially with you all staking it with Asteroid Stack, PRIME's Alpha Maleness, PowerFULL already increasing your testosterone via LH stimulation as well as the supersapponins providing more aggression and less female hormones, then you throw TNA on top of all that. Well I think you can call it the CaveMan stack because it will revert yo to that animalistic being of yesteryear!
LMAO great name!!!!!


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I try, I try.


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fill in the blank:



HGH releaser (powerfull, hghpro, hghp) + Prime megadosed +TNA + Stoked + glycobol/AP + anything else = [ame=""]YouTube- Falcon Punch SURPRISE[/ame]


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Especially with you all staking it with Asteroid Stack, PRIME's Alpha Maleness, PowerFULL already increasing your testosterone via LH stimulation as well as the supersapponins providing more aggression and less female hormones, then you throw TNA on top of all that. Well I think you can call it the CaveMan stack because it will revert yo to that animalistic being of yesteryear!
Love the name .. so fuggin accurate!!


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Great workout, maximum intensity at a torrid pace!!

First of all I will say that Muscle Marinade is a very good product, very strong though!!

Front squats 200 X 15 (PR) 200 X 14 they were a bit sloppy though

Db press 80 X 15, 80 X 8 short rest caused me to really break down on this

Lat pulldown wide 130 X 15 X 2 no problems here very good form nice contractions...

Bent over rows 135 X 15 X 2 very tight form I would jerk the last few reps just a bit but at no time did I lose my position.

Push press 110 X 15, 110, 14 3/4 this is significant because at 105 I failed at 12 on the second set so big improvement at the apex of my workout.

Decline Tri extension 100 X 15 X 2 really had to squeeze to get the second set. I am using a steeper incline than last time so I am pretty pleased with this effort.

O curls 95 X 15 X 2 I could have sworn there was no way I was going to get the second set but I did, last 5 reps were Jerked but again I maintained my position quite well

Calf raise 115 X 5 X 2, I have very good calves so there never a concern, good pump though.

Speaking of pump, not that I put a lot of stock in it, my arms were enourmous. Amusing ...


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Forgot to mention official weigh in had me at 216 so I actually lost half a pound but I definitely gained some lean mass, I would say over a pound, but I don't know for sure but you can see it in my arms and chest, heck all over my upper body.

I started back on OEP this morning and in keeping with the insanity I am upping my cardio to 6 hours a week. I am not going to take chances. I am hoping this will be the last increase. I will make some dietary adjustments in a couple weeks which will hopefully take me to 3 weeks out and ahead of schedule.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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great job DW, and love those decline tri's... intense push!!!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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that's why I'm hitting the very one today!!! you will notice that I call them DW's LOL


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that's why I'm hitting the very one today!!! you will notice that I call them DW's LOL
lol I didn't invent them, they were shown to me by my mentor years ago. I don't think he invented them either but your never know with that guy, he's been in the game close to 40 years so he could have and he's very imaginative when it comes to these things.


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lol I didn't invent them, they were shown to me by my mentor years ago. I don't think he invented them either but your never know with that guy, he's been in the game close to 40 years so he could have and he's very imaginative when it comes to these things.
I am envisioning this as a decline skull crusher movement, is that right DW? I really am looking for some better tricep exercises and I like this one. Let me know some more details if you don't mind.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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that's pretty much it. just on the decline bench. Then a variation french curl. I try to put the bar near where my spotters shins are, or knees if they are shorter LOL. It really takes a lot of the movement off the elbows and concentrates it on the outer head


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that's pretty much it. just on the decline bench. Then a variation french curl. I try to put the bar near where my spotters shins are, or knees if they are shorter LOL. It really takes a lot of the movement off the elbows and concentrates it on the outer head
My elbows could use a rest, they bark at me a lot when I do bar movements, hence why all my chest is DB work. The only annoying thing is there is no decline bench I know of that is free standing at my gym, only on a decline bench and I couldn't do it there. Damn lifetime fitness! :AR15firing:


AI Sports Nutrition
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Great workout, maximum intensity at a torrid pace!!

First of all I will say that Muscle Marinade is a very good product, very strong though!!

Front squats 200 X 15 (PR) 200 X 14 they were a bit sloppy though

Db press 80 X 15, 80 X 8 short rest caused me to really break down on this

Lat pulldown wide 130 X 15 X 2 no problems here very good form nice contractions...

Bent over rows 135 X 15 X 2 very tight form I would jerk the last few reps just a bit but at no time did I lose my position.

Push press 110 X 15, 110, 14 3/4 this is significant because at 105 I failed at 12 on the second set so big improvement at the apex of my workout.

Decline Tri extension 100 X 15 X 2 really had to squeeze to get the second set. I am using a steeper incline than last time so I am pretty pleased with this effort.

O curls 95 X 15 X 2 I could have sworn there was no way I was going to get the second set but I did, last 5 reps were Jerked but again I maintained my position quite well

Calf raise 115 X 5 X 2, I have very good calves so there never a concern, good pump though.

Speaking of pump, not that I put a lot of stock in it, my arms were enourmous. Amusing ...
Nice workout bro!!!!!


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I am envisioning this as a decline skull crusher movement, is that right DW? I really am looking for some better tricep exercises and I like this one. Let me know some more details if you don't mind.
With some important variations. First the bar (straight bar) does not come down to your forehead, it comes to the top of your head and you extend back straigtening your arms like an extension instead of straight up.


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I do exactly the same positioning but while on the flat bench. I just have to hold my arms farther back. IE my elbows are going back and up at a 30 degree angle so when fuly extended the bar is way out back. If I can see the bar during the movement I have relaxed and let the bar come to far forward. Kills the rear head. You can do it that way Ouf since you don't have a free standing decline bench. The key is to get that angle so your third head is being works just by keeping the upper arm static, then it really gets hit hard when you contract it through the range of motion.


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I do exactly the same positioning but while on the flat bench. I just have to hold my arms farther back. IE my elbows are going back and up at a 30 degree angle so when fuly extended the bar is way out back. If I can see the bar during the movement I have relaxed and let the bar come to far forward. Kills the rear head. You can do it that way Ouf since you don't have a free standing decline bench. The key is to get that angle so your third head is being works just by keeping the upper arm static, then it really gets hit hard when you contract it through the range of motion.
Yah and hold the contraction, ouch!! feels good...
Army Guy

Army Guy

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just did them... killer!!! love the movement. outer head feels great!!


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Wild weekend...

Got a new sound system for the TV on Friday night. 30 minutes of HIT in the am on Saturday. Down to the Hardware to get a new BBQ, put it together, got the sound system working. Then proceeded to cut up a whole beef tenderloin and cook it for my guests, I was not able to have any of it... lol Everybody was raving about it too. I had one bite to see what they were talking about. I had some chicken soaking in Chipolte all day so I didn't suffer. All in all a major succes for my first Q at the new house.

Up at 5:30 am after not getting to bed till around midnight, 30 minutes cardio fasted. Have breakfast get ready for the gym. Walked to the gym (takes about 30 minutes now). Complete the HST (first day 10 reps). Good thing I had muscle marinade cuz even with the extra spark I found it challenging. Next up was heavy ab training and topped it off with 30 minutes on the cross trainer!! Walked home and had my shake, then died!!

Good sleep last night 30 minute intensive cardio fasted this morning. I will need another good sleep tonight. I still have 30 minutes hit after I walk home tonight after work. Oh yah, work is now a 30 minute intensive walk away. lol

I weighed in and the scale is finally starting to make some sense, it's not the same time of day as I regularly weigh in so it's unofficial but I was only 214. I was going to add more cardio untill I saw that. Then I calculated that the walk to work is 20 minutes every day, then to the gym and extra 20 minutes. That's 8 X 20 160 minutes. Don't think any increase will be necessary seeing that I always walk very briskly.

Where to I think I am, well if I stick to my plan and go down another 9 lbs in the next 6 weeks then the last 3 weeks should not be too crazy... I have 2 adjustments I can make before that if necessary. 1. add more cardio and 2. cut carbs, which will consist of reduced carbs with my evening meal and switch from oats to gratefruit in the AM. I will continue the cycle with my mid day meal of 1 day 1 cup of black beans the other no starchy carbs.


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out of that whole wild weekend...i think the most depressing part is that ur guests ate all your steak.

Wish i lived in a place where i could walk everywhere i needed to go. But alas this is not so. Walking is a great way to burn calories while maintaining muscle and increasing recovery.


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out of that whole wild weekend...i think the most depressing part is that ur guests ate all your steak.

Wish i lived in a place where i could walk everywhere i needed to go. But alas this is not so. Walking is a great way to burn calories while maintaining muscle and increasing recovery.
Actually there was quite a bit left... A tenderloin that size makes a lot of steaks!!


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hey I want some too!!!
I went to Costco and picked up a whole Tenderloin for 57 bucks!! I don't know about where you guys are but here that is a kick ass price!!


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The meat at Costco is USDA it is the best at a great price.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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ahhh I would take a grass fed Hereford from my uncle... makes USDA Prime look like McDonald patties!! LOL


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The meat at Costco is USDA it is the best at a great price.
Yah in Canada it might be grain fed Alberta beef, not sure, it sure tastes like it.


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Good stuff DW glad to see you saw the progress you wanted. I was wandering when I saw how much cardio you said you were going up to and all the walking you said you were doing last week why you would need so much. Glad to see you didn't need it.


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Good stuff DW glad to see you saw the progress you wanted. I was wandering when I saw how much cardio you said you were going up to and all the walking you said you were doing last week why you would need so much. Glad to see you didn't need it.
Yah means that I have another Ace in the whole for when i need it. If I do that is. Who know's 4.5 hours might do it, hope so...


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Not to be a shameless self promoter, but where did all of you guys go? Been no visits to my log in forever, some pics you might want to see in there... just saying.

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