Getting Primed for the stage CEO Style with some other nice goodies



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Kleen, why would you put the Geranium in a TD for weightloss?
It has major thermo effects via speeding up the metabolism, it is a lot easier to put in a transdermal once than measuring it out for doses, and is a cheap addition to the mix that increases the kick big times in the transdermal rotation. Have been doing it for a couple time now and it works well with yohimbine and RK. It is definitely better than just the Y and RK together. I did that one too. It is one og the ingredients in OEP as well.

This is from the NP Nutracaps info page

After ephedra vanished, the market experienced a lull in effective fat-burners. Nothing seemed to offer the bodyfat-melting, energy-boosting kick that ephedra did. But science has finally caught up in the form of 1,3-dimethylamylamine.

A component of geranium oil, 1,3-dimethylamylamine is a sympathomimetic amine, meaning it mimics norepinephrine, which revs up the metabolic rate of muscle cells, increases fat mobilization and kicks up alertness in a big way. Plus, there is no unpleasant crash that was associated with old ephedra products. 1,3-dimethylamylamine is superior in every way!

For those who are not science savvy, norepinephrine and increasing its levels in the body is a major accomplishment for a natural dietary ingredient. By triggering a release of norepinephrine, your body suddenly starts to loosen its grips on stored fat and glucose, releasing it to be burned as energy. Sound good? You bet! But it gets even better. Remember that we said norepinephrine also jacks up your metabolism in the muscle cells…it does this by increasing blood flow to muscles, which can then feed off of the freed up fat and glucose. So not only can norepinephrine lead to a greater increase in fat loss, but it may also prolong and intensify your workouts by indirectly fueling your muscles to grow.


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This makes me look at Anadraulic Pump in an interesting light....hmmmm


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After ephedra vanished, the market experienced a lull in effective fat-burners. Nothing seemed to offer the bodyfat-melting, energy-boosting kick that ephedra did. But science has finally caught up in the form of 1,3-dimethylamylamine.

A component of geranium oil, 1,3-dimethylamylamine is a sympathomimetic amine, meaning it mimics norepinephrine, which revs up the metabolic rate of muscle cells, increases fat mobilization and kicks up alertness in a big way. Plus, there is no unpleasant crash that was associated with old ephedra products. 1,3-dimethylamylamine is superior in every way!
Well said. I loved Ephedrine and it did wonders for me and I couldn't find ANYTHING even remotely close to its effects after it being banned.

I REALLY enjoy using OEP for exactly what you said, 'no unpleasant crash'. I enjoy the product and will be using it religiously.

EDIT: You guys remember the Speed Stacks, Grape flavor with Ephedrine!?!? Good God those were flipppin AWESOME!


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I missed out on it as well..probably best though.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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was not a big fan myself, but was pi$$ed when they banned it


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At least it's still available at walmart
Yeah...and so is Cybergenics, Anotesten, Hot Stuff and the very first On Cycle by Fizogen (the one that really worked). :smirk:


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It is available. I don't know wtf that other stuff is but you can get ephedra at the pharmacy, have to sign for it like sudafed.


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Hey guys, Stimerex RX is the sh*t!!! They sell it at NP, had me dripping sweat from my pits. If you aren't under a governing sanction you could definitely give it a shot. I LOVED it! It wasn't as jittery or have as much of a crash because it is a mix of the Stimerex they made after it was banned and then the just re-added the ephedra back into it. So it had other good working ingredients. If you want to try an ephedrine based product that one s the best I found and is still around.


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Subbed... i'll be stopping by to keep my eye on your log.


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I really hated Ephedrine and Ephedra, I think it was pretty overated and I get better results with things like recreate and OEP. I think a lot of people really liked how strong the stimulation and appetite suppresion was, I couldn't even eat on the stuff sometimes.

Yesterday was a killer and I hammered the crap out of it. Started out with 15 minutes fasted HITT cardio then a short break and off to the gym. I am doing 190 for 15 reps of front squats which will have me stronger than when I was at 235 by the sixth workout!!
The intensity was high all the way through and I was very pumped so I flashed a double bicep in the mirror and what did I see, my peak had splt giving me waht looks like a double head. I seem to be getting bigger too.

Finished off with some very heavy ab work and 30 minutes of interval training on the cross trainer.

Skin is already a bit tighter and I have definitely removed some fat and possibly gained some muscle. Things should really take off this week!! Stay Tuned!!

Did 30 minutes high intensity fasted this morning..


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Hey DW, what's the drug testing protocol in these events? Do you get tested throughout the year, or at the time of the competition?


AI Sports Nutrition
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I really hated Ephedrine and Ephedra, I think it was pretty overated and I get better results with things like recreate and OEP. I think a lot of people really liked how strong the stimulation and appetite suppresion was, I couldn't even eat on the stuff sometimes.

Yesterday was a killer and I hammered the crap out of it. Started out with 15 minutes fasted HITT cardio then a short break and off to the gym. I am doing 190 for 15 reps of front squats which will have me stronger than when I was at 235 by the sixth workout!!
The intensity was high all the way through and I was very pumped so I flashed a double bicep in the mirror and what did I see, my peak had splt giving me waht looks like a double head. I seem to be getting bigger too.

Finished off with some very heavy ab work and 30 minutes of interval training on the cross trainer.

Skin is already a bit tighter and I have definitely removed some fat and possibly gained some muscle. Things should really take off this week!! Stay Tuned!!

Did 30 minutes high intensity fasted this morning..
Nice workout DW. I agree on the Ephedrine and Ephedra that stuff had me so jittery could not even think of food.


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Hey DW, what's the drug testing protocol in these events? Do you get tested throughout the year, or at the time of the competition?
Potentially though the year but I don't hear of this. The top 3 usually get tested. Fame has a screening board where the obvious users get asked to leave but they have to be pretty conservative about that, as there can't be room for doubt. Bottom line is, is there is no way to get them all as it's too expensive to do propper testing. I just bring my best and hope that is enough. I don't like the users being at our contests but there is not much more they can do.


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Once you start thinking about the others you stop focusing on your plan. You will rock them DW...


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Once you start thinking about the others you stop focusing on your plan. You will rock them DW...
Yah I can match size with a lot of them, they tend to be very hard though. It's all about what I am doing your right, I don't pay them too much attention and there may be none in my class.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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well the nice thing about you DW is you bring 90% of the Class to your Class!!


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Will be a damn good showing either way!


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Gotta love that!!!!


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It was tough but got all my cardio sessions in. I did not sleep well the night before last and Monday has 2 intensive cardio sessions and one this morning. I am glad to say that my performance actually elevated! This has something to do with the supperior air quality at my new place. There was something in the air at the old place that I must have been alergic to. I could breath so much better, therefore I pushed that much harder!!

The move was frustrating and there is a lot of things that have to be seen to. My key didn't work in the front door, I got up this mornng and the cable was fugged up after ti worked fine last night, the element on the front burner does not work on the stove. I water preasure upstairs sucks. I could go on ...

I was getting a bit stressed, then I took a moment and thought, yah things have been going too smoothly lately this is just a test, God does that to help you improve your character. I thanked God for all the good things and asked for patience to accept his will. These things will work themselves out, I have to be the strong voice of reason and take the high road, calm the wife as I am sure she is stressed.


AI Sports Nutrition
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It was tough but got all my cardio sessions in. I did not sleep well the night before last and Monday has 2 intensive cardio sessions and one this morning. I am glad to say that my performance actually elevated! This has something to do with the supperior air quality at my new place. There was something in the air at the old place that I must have been alergic to. I could breath so much better, therefore I pushed that much harder!!

The move was frustrating and there is a lot of things that have to be seen to. My key didn't work in the front door, I got up this mornng and the cable was fugged up after ti worked fine last night, the element on the front burner does not work on the stove. I water preasure upstairs sucks. I could go on ...

I was getting a bit stressed, then I took a moment and thought, yah things have been going too smoothly lately this is just a test, God does that to help you improve your character. I thanked God for all the good things and asked for patience to accept his will. These things will work themselves out, I have to be the strong voice of reason and take the high road, calm the wife as I am sure she is stressed.
Very nice approach to the situation. Hang in bro.:)


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Very nice approach to the situation. Hang in bro.:)
Yes, just got off the phone with my wife. I had her write down everything we need to deal with now it's on paper and out of my head.


AI Sports Nutrition
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Yes, just got off the phone with my wife. I had her write down everything we need to deal with now it's on paper and out of my head.
Good deal. In the end it will alll be worth it.:)


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Yes, just got off the phone with my wife. I had her write down everything we need to deal with now it's on paper and out of my head.
You have to do that or it will drive you nuts... lists keep me sane DW and I am sure you are the same way. At least when you know what to do it is manageable. I hope for your sake you at least used movers.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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it's these challenges that make us true men DW. How we rise above them and how we treat others while navigating to greener pastures. Great job my Canadian brother


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Good deal. In the end it will alll be worth it.:)
You have to do that or it will drive you nuts... lists keep me sane DW and I am sure you are the same way. At least when you know what to do it is manageable. I hope for your sake you at least used movers.
it's these challenges that make us true men DW. How we rise above them and how we treat others while navigating to greener pastures. Great job my Canadian brother
Agreed accross the board, there was a time when I would have let stuff like this eat me up, kind of pointless to worry, write it down deal with it, trust God. That's all there is to it. The serenity prayer is the blueprint to a successful life.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Truer words were never spoken my brother


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Glad the move is over for the most part anyway. I am sure there will be some unpacking, and cosmetic stuff to do but it sounds like you are well on your way to settling in. Good to hear you are feeling better and can breathe easier that in and of itself must be awesome.


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Glad the move is over for the most part anyway. I am sure there will be some unpacking, and cosmetic stuff to do but it sounds like you are well on your way to settling in. Good to hear you are feeling better and can breathe easier that in and of itself must be awesome.
My supps are all unpacked and organized, got the cabel all up and running so I could watch my new fav show "Spartucus Blood and Sand" ...those were my priorities...
Army Guy

Army Guy

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we have to have our priorities!!! Those are some great ones!!! The wife was pissed when we were unpacking our boxes and I went right to the supps box and carefully, with love and compassion, arranged all my supps before we even unloaded the dishes!!! That was a week ago and she still gives me crap!


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we have to have our priorities!!! Those are some great ones!!! The wife was pissed when we were unpacking our boxes and I went right to the supps box and carefully, with love and compassion, arranged all my supps before we even unloaded the dishes!!! That was a week ago and she still gives me crap!
lol. mine has learned to tollerate my strange behaviour, she just jokes about it now.


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I leave for my new state in about 4 days...packing up has been a headache, unpacking after finding a place will be worse...:dammit:


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I leave for my new state in about 4 days...packing up has been a headache, unpacking after finding a place will be worse...:dammit:
You just got there. Where are you headed to Big?


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One word agression!! Well after all my talk about taking things in stride last night I just blew up!! I couildn't find my gym card and that was just the last straw. Funny how that happens. The TNA has kicked in heavy there is no doubt.

On the up side after a apoligized to my wife, I went to the gym and simply crushed it!! I had been experiencing some back stiffness so I was a bit pensive about front squats but they had no adverse effect so I set a personal record of 195 X 15 for 2 sets.

The only reps I missed were the second set of incline db press and second of push press, this was day 5 of 15's so that is not unusual and I was setting a torid pace. I was looking big and swole. I looked over at my son who was doing curls and suddenly felt kind of small, his arms have gotten enourmous in just 2 months! Looks like about 20", he's carrying a lot of fat but there is just no denying the size.

I am looking quite a bit bigger than 2 weeks ago let me tell you. So it wasn't such a shock with I got on the scales and I'd gained a pound!! Still a bit shocking yah, to think I am in a pretty hefty calorie deficit and pushing to the max on cardio (4.5 hours a week) and high rep high intensity training and I gain weight. Also I am walking to and from work 1/2 hour each way and to and from the gym 1/2 hour each way. That's like 8 hours of walking a week. All I can conclude is I think we're on to something with TNA and Prime. 2 weeks and it looks like I've put on about 3 lbs of muscle!! Some of that is gained back from what I lost on my week off but I am bigger than I was before that. Wild, wild stuff.... TNA is strong lets face it, I have never gotten this off a Trib Terr. product... I know this is different (Tribulosan) and I was hoping for a response but never expected anything like this.


AI Sports Nutrition
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One word agression!! Well after all my talk about taking things in stride last night I just blew up!! I couildn't find my gym card and that was just the last straw. Funny how that happens. The TNA has kicked in heavy there is no doubt.

On the up side after a apoligized to my wife, I went to the gym and simply crushed it!! I had been experiencing some back stiffness so I was a bit pensive about front squats but they had no adverse effect so I set a personal record of 195 X 15 for 2 sets.

The only reps I missed were the second set of incline db press and second of push press, this was day 5 of 15's so that is not unusual and I was setting a torid pace. I was looking big and swole. I looked over at my son who was doing curls and suddenly felt kind of small, his arms have gotten enourmous in just 2 months! Looks like about 20", he's carrying a lot of fat but there is just no denying the size.

I am looking quite a bit bigger than 2 weeks ago let me tell you. So it wasn't such a shock with I got on the scales and I'd gained a pound!! Still a bit shocking yah, to think I am in a pretty hefty calorie deficit and pushing to the max on cardio (4.5 hours a week) and high rep high intensity training and I gain weight. Also I am walking to and from work 1/2 hour each way and to and from the gym 1/2 hour each way. That's like 8 hours of walking a week. All I can conclude is I think we're on to something with TNA and Prime. 2 weeks and it looks like I've put on about 3 lbs of muscle!! Some of that is gained back from what I lost on my week off but I am bigger than I was before that. Wild, wild stuff.... TNA is strong lets face it, I have never gotten this off a Trib Terr. product... I know this is different (Tribulosan) and I was hoping for a response but never expected anything like this.
Great job on the PR!!!


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Great job on the PR!!!
Makes me wonder what I could have done with a good back.... actually I don't think the back was efected at all. I think I went too low on wheel of death Sunday.


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we have to have our priorities!!! Those are some great ones!!! The wife was pissed when we were unpacking our boxes and I went right to the supps box and carefully, with love and compassion, arranged all my supps before we even unloaded the dishes!!! That was a week ago and she still gives me crap!
My supps are all unpacked and organized, got the cabel all up and running so I could watch my new fav show "Spartucus Blood and Sand" ...those were my priorities...
We're all a bunch of nut cases!! The last time I moved I packed all my supps into a big suitcase and locked it up so nothing would get lost or misplaced. It was the first thing I put away into the new place.

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