Best pre workout for getting that crucial last rep in?


Hey y’all. Looking for opinions on the best pre workout to allow that one last rep to go all the way through.

also, what ingredients usually contribute to this? (I already take creatine daily, so besides creatine)

I've tried almost everything on both sides of the counter..
If tried a TNE 75/ Tren Base 25..with 50mgs of Drol...
Got to blew everything before away..
Normally, I do tries for 30 after chest/shoulders...
After an hour of trying to fail them, I gave Up..!!
The Drol in the mix was kicker, wouldn't allow the muscles to Fail..
Sore AF the next 4 days..!!
Hey y’all. Looking for opinions on the best pre workout to allow that one last rep to go all the way through.

also, what ingredients usually contribute to this? (I already take creatine daily, so besides creatine)


It really depends on if you are looking for more energy or muscular endurance.

Pepti-Plex isn't a pre-workout but it has been great for helping people maintain strength throughout their workouts; that's been one of our common feedbacks associated with it.

Super Swole is a great pre-workout for increased pumps and improved muscular endurance:

You can read some reviews here:

VasoForce XT is a great pre-workout for increased pumps and improved muscular endurance:

VasoForce Rush is VasoForce XT + some clean energy feel good stims:

Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore - is fantastic if you need a lot of extra energy - 1 scoop is strong enough for most people and 2 scoops is pretty intense:

@BOSSMAN has posted some great review feedback on Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore as well as a few other people.

Pump Gel - I haven't tried this one personally yet except for a couple doses, but I'll be adding it in next week as I plan to increase cardio and feedback has been great for pumps and endurance. It has 75 mg. per ml/100 ml per bottle of Triacetyl Adenosine + Amentoflavone and feedback has been great.

Here's a link to a good log someone started on Pump Gel:

This stack currently has me breathing fire and not wanting to stop.

Kilo Labs Supreme Pre Training Matrix
Vicious Labs Daft Pump - 2/3 scoop (some ingredients overlap)

I only use it 2x a week since the Kilo Labs has DMHA and 400mg caffeine. You can still find this, but Daft Pump is discontinued.
Hey y’all. Looking for opinions on the best pre workout to allow that one last rep to go all the way through.

also, what ingredients usually contribute to this? (I already take creatine daily, so besides creatine)


Really going to kind of depend on what you mean by that, it could mean quite a bit different things.

What helps improve pushing through reps will depend on what your limiting factor is and will be quite different between different individuals and different things like if it is 4-6 reps versus 20+, if it is for individual sets or deeper into number of sets, style of training, during a workout versus from one workout to the next, etc.

Now even with that there will still be a ton of variance, so with more info even better recommendations can be given, that said...

For shorter duration/less reps I find Caffeine and Amentoflavone quite helpful.

For muscular endurance and/or repeatability things like Vaso6, Nitrates, and Citrulline.

For time to exhaustion something like Beta Alanine and PeakO2 work quite well.

That doesn't even get into things that help recover from workout to workout or things that have lots of other benefits people usually take them for instead (Rhodiola, Ash, and all sorts of other goodies).

Could make an insane list honestly. ;)
It really depends on if you are looking for more energy or muscular endurance.

Pepti-Plex isn't a pre-workout but it has been great for helping people maintain strength throughout their workouts; that's been one of our common feedbacks associated with it.

Super Swole is a great pre-workout for increased pumps and improved muscular endurance:

You can read some reviews here:

VasoForce XT is a great pre-workout for increased pumps and improved muscular endurance:

VasoForce Rush is VasoForce XT + some clean energy feel good stims:

Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore - is fantastic if you need a lot of extra energy - 1 scoop is strong enough for most people and 2 scoops is pretty intense:

@BOSSMAN has posted some great review feedback on Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore as well as a few other people.

Pump Gel - I haven't tried this one personally yet except for a couple doses, but I'll be adding it in next week as I plan to increase cardio and feedback has been great for pumps and endurance. It has 75 mg. per ml/100 ml per bottle of Triacetyl Adenosine + Amentoflavone and feedback has been great.

Here's a link to a good log someone started on Pump Gel:

I am currently LOVING the VASOFORCE XT
I like using a good stim pre workout and adding a little bit of none stim to it lol gives me extra beta alanine and all the goodies.
I like using a good stim pre workout and adding a little bit of none stim to it lol gives me extra beta alanine and all the goodies.
That use to be my go to. I’d do a scoop of stim and a scoop of non stim Then @Mikereyn513 made a great point. Maybe you grunt out 2 more reps but end up sleeping like Shiz. I’m paraphrasing but you know what I mean. I am currently using the SNS creatine HCI, citrulline malate, and VASOFORCE XT.

Way more cost effective. The creatine HCI and the citrulline have a lot of servings. I was paying 45 a tub for stim and non stim and getting 20 workouts out of the 2 tubs. 90 bucks for 20 work outs. What was I thinking
That use to be my go to. I’d do a scoop of stim and a scoop of non stim Then @Mikereyn513 made a great point. Maybe you grunt out 2 more reps but end up sleeping like Shiz. I’m paraphrasing but you know what I mean. I am currently using the SNS creatine HCI, citrulline malate, and VASOFORCE XT.

Way more cost effective. The creatine HCI and the citrulline have a lot of servings. I was paying 45 a tub for stim and non stim and getting 20 workouts out of the 2 tubs. 90 bucks for 20 work outs. What was I thinking
Seems like a lot more then I'm paying, but I do hunt out the supplements I find on sale or good deals for the ingredients. I normally don't focus on expensive namebrands.
And I sleep pretty good. For creatine I normally run the creapure but same thing I just find the cheapest actual creapure I can
Seems like a lot more then I'm paying, but I do hunt out the supplements I find on sale or good deals for the ingredients. I normally don't focus on expensive namebrands.
And I sleep pretty good. For creatine I normally run the creapure but same thing I just find the cheapest actual creapure I can

I’m trying to stay away from stims aside from coffee or a Celsius
Seems like a lot more then I'm paying, but I do hunt out the supplements I find on sale or good deals for the ingredients. I normally don't focus on expensive namebrands.
And I sleep pretty good. For creatine I normally run the creapure but same thing I just find the cheapest actual creapure I can

I'm not sure why you would consider products by us expensive name brands - when a large part of what we're known for is providing top quality products at great prices.

You normally post about products from more expensive name brands, but then called us an expensive name brand. You post a lot about Universal, which is a brand I respect as a quality brands, but they are far more expensive than us for generally a lot less comprehensive formulas.

For example, you can get 150 servings of Creatine HCI from us for less than 50 servings by many brands. At 2 servings, that's a 75 day supply for less than 34.99, so less than .50 cents per day.

And VasoForce XT you can find for in the low 30's for a month supply and each serving contains 1,000 mg. Agmatine, 600 mg. VASO6, 100 mg. S7, 50 mg. S7, and 50 mg. AstraGin.

^^^ You will not find that combination of active ingredients from anyone for even close to that price.

The combination he laid out is very similar to my own pre-workout regimen and it costs less than 2.00 per day and delivers a heck of a lot of great active ingredients.
I'm not sure why you would consider products by us expensive name brands - when a large part of what we're known for is providing top quality products at great prices.

You normally post about products from more expensive name brands, but then called us an expensive name brand. You post a lot about Universal, which is a brand I respect as a quality brands, but they are far more expensive than us for generally a lot less comprehensive formulas.

For example, you can get 150 servings of Creatine HCI from us for less than 50 servings by many brands. At 2 servings, that's a 75 day supply for less than 34.99, so less than .50 cents per day.

And VasoForce XT you can find for in the low 30's for a month supply and each serving contains 1,000 mg. Agmatine, 600 mg. VASO6, 100 mg. S7, 50 mg. S7, and 50 mg. AstraGin.

^^^ You will not find that combination of active ingredients from anyone for even close to that price.

The combination he laid out is very similar to my own pre-workout regimen and it costs less than 2.00 per day and delivers a heck of a lot of great active ingredients.
Just so you know, I think you mis read my statement. When I said I normally don't search out the more expensive name brands it was not referring to to the part where he said . " I am currently using the SNS creatine HCI, citrulline malate, and VASOFORCE XT. "
It was referring to the part where he said that he used to mix the stim with the none stim like I said I was doing. I was referring to whatever of those brands he was saying, because he said that was costing him 90 dollers for 20 days.
So I was talking about you as the expensive name brands. Apologies if that's how you read it but that's not what it was.
And for the record I do believe your products are better then of the other stuff out there. There's never anything on here but great stuff about your products. So I just want that to be clear that I do believe they are better. But sometimes I find decent pre workout products in stores on sale where I don't have to pay shipping and I'm on a slight budget right now, and some of these products do give me a great pump and a energy boost that pushes me through my workouts. I have every intention of checking out more of the sns and cel products as time goes on though and I'm sure I will enjoy them. I was just saying what I have been doing though. Also I just happen to have about 4-5 different pre workout products still leftover from when I was on a buying spree in the past that I'm just still working through lol. But please don't think in any way that I am hatibg on sns or any of the great companies that post on here because that is not the case in any way.
Honestly bro while I get some good pumps and some good extra reps out with quite a few supplements what really helps
Me get through workouts is 1 scoop or Half Scoop of Karbolyn. It’s a carb supplement. It’s legit as long as u don’t mind 100-200 calories
Where do you get this stuff at? I'm interested
looking for good deals is great but it’s also not guaranteed you will find the best quality. When training and eating a good diet it’s necessary to have to splurge a little and dip in pocket for quality stuff. Too be honest bro not to take anything away form supplement companies but I prefer to make my own pre workouts. I buy all individual ingredients and when u buy stand alone ingredients you usually get 80-100-125 servings per container. I usually keep on hand Citrulline (100 servings ), Agmatine ( 100 servings ) Beta Alanine ( 100 plus servings )Beet root extract, Karbolyn and Maltodextrin like 40-50 servings each and even more if you cut the dose in half. Plus you can get the proper dosage and add more if need be.
This is something I'm actually very interested in doing
And I do want quality but I have to prioritize sometimes. I spend alot of my extra money on good quality food. I get good creatine and good protein. Just for right now I'm budgeting my Pre-Workout. But I would really like to mix my own one of these times. I actually very much enjoy baking different healthy post workout snacks that are made with healthy stuff and protein powder. So making my own pre workout is right up my alley
I've finally ordered some smashed AMF to see what's up. I recon from what I've read it will actually be used half scoop at work to get buzzin through the day. This is what I used OG excelsior for because I found it too intense to be used legit as a pre but was great taken at about noon if I had to work until early evening. We will see though.
Where do you order your ingredients from ?

SNS has several single ingredient products. I forget what all they make, but I know they have creatine, beta alanine, betaine, and Citrulline malate. I’ve used bulk supplements dot com before, they seem pretty solid. Prices are good if you get bigger bags, but the small ones have iffy pricing sometimes. Karbolyn I think is only made by All American EFX. Some other brands were using it, but I think Jeff Golini had a patent on it. I don’t remember for sure, but I haven’t seen it around much lately. But to be fair, I also haven’t really looked.
The only thing that I'll say in regards to buying single ingredient supplements and bulk type powders on Amazon is to be very leery of 2 things:

1) If the price is too good to be true, it probably is. Amazon takes an average of about 25% if they do the fulfillment. I see products on there being sold as bulk powders that if you take the selling price and deduct the Amazon fee, some of them would be less than the raw materials themselves even cost - and that's without even cost averaging in testing.

2) Be very leery of brands that exist solely or almost exclusively on Amazon. NOW Foods has been doing a tremendous job of testing products by many of these companies and posting the results publicly. Most do not meet label claims, many don't even come close, and there have been some that don't even have the right ingredient in them at all.

I'm all for saving money - but if you can buy something top quality for 20 or buy who knows what for 15, did you really save 5.00 or didn't you just waste 15.00 to start with?
The only thing that I'll say in regards to buying single ingredient supplements and bulk type powders on Amazon is to be very leery of 2 things:

1) If the price is too good to be true, it probably is. Amazon takes an average of about 25% if they do the fulfillment. I see products on there being sold as bulk powders that if you take the selling price and deduct the Amazon fee, some of them would be less than the raw materials themselves even cost - and that's without even cost averaging in testing.

2) Be very leery of brands that exist solely or almost exclusively on Amazon. NOW Foods has been doing a tremendous job of testing products by many of these companies and posting the results publicly. Most do not meet label claims, many don't even come close, and there have been some that don't even have the right ingredient in them at all.

I'm all for saving money - but if you can buy something top quality for 20 or buy who knows what for 15, did you really save 5.00 or didn't you just waste 15.00 to start with?

Ya I’m not going to name names and it’s been too long anyways, but I won’t really buy anything on Amazon supplement wise at this point. I tried some bulk stuff a couple years ago of various things and it just didn’t seem to work as suspected.
Ya I’m not going to name names and it’s been too long anyways, but I won’t really buy anything on Amazon supplement wise at this point. I tried some bulk stuff a couple years ago of various things and it just didn’t seem to work as suspected.

I won't name names either - but I'll say that the last time I bought a bulk powder off of Amazon, it was supposed to be Ribose. I don't know wtf it was, but it wasn't Ribose, as Ribose has a very distinct taste to it and characteristics.

This was back when NOW Foods was out of theirs and I had wanted some for a specific purpose at the time (autoimmune related, not fitness related). I broke my own rule and wasn't even mad at the brand, just at myself for even clicking buy. The price was too good, and I had thought maybe they were just overstocked and blowing it out. Nope, wasn't Ribose at all.
I won't name names either - but I'll say that the last time I bought a bulk powder off of Amazon, it was supposed to be Ribose. I don't know wtf it was, but it wasn't Ribose, as Ribose has a very distinct taste to it and characteristics.

This was back when NOW Foods was out of theirs and I had wanted some for a specific purpose at the time (autoimmune related, not fitness related). I broke my own rule and wasn't even mad at the brand, just at myself for even clicking buy. The price was too good, and I had thought maybe they were just overstocked and blowing it out. Nope, wasn't Ribose at all.

I can’t remember what exactly mine were either. I remember grabbing some HMB from someone and not liking it and I want to say maybe some form of carnitine that almost didn’t seem like carnitine either.

It was a few years ago so I bit hard to remember, but really soured me.
When I was referring to amazon I meant order wise not buying amazon products per se , I’d never ever buy amazon brand name never fkn ever lol. which is why I gave some specific companies I also did state above that it’s necessary to dip in ya pocket a bit more for quality.. It’s a lot easier for me to order from amazon and select items from Bulk supplements , allmaxx , Now foods, life extension products with 5 clicks instead of signing on 5 different pages and searching 5 different pages. And some people are tight on cash and can’t afford top name products and they may have to cut corners and go a cheaper route and use product from EVL which is more cost efffctive and I have used there stuff also

I know what you meant - but I think that you may have not understood what I meant; which is fine because I was being vague because I didn't want to come off as being negative towards any certain brand.

I'm all about saving money - but simple fact is that there are products on Amazon that are being sold by brands that the prices are lower than legitimate products would cost to make. My point was that if I think I'm saving 5.00 by buying from a company like that and the product doesn't meet label claims, I'm not saving 5.00, I wasted my money to begin with.

I wasn't talking about buying Amazon branded products though. I was saying that people need to be careful when buying from brands on Amazon that exist solely or almost exclusively on Amazon; as in brands that you don't see anywhere else or hardly anywhere else outside of Amazon.

I wasn't saying it as an insult to brands for selling on Amazon.

For example, I like NOW Foods and Life Extension both and both brands are known for having great quality standards.

I was referring to a huge issue going on in the industry that a lot on here know about, but you may not be familiar with. But I'll be glad to explain it for anyone not familiar.

There have been many issues of sellers on Amazon selling counterfeit supplements.

There are also a lot of brands and products sold on Amazon that do not meet label claims, many of which don't even try to meet label claims and don't contain hardly any or any at all of the active ingredients and some of which have been shown to have dangerously high levels of heavy metals.

I commend NOW Foods because they have been doing a lot of public awareness to help with these issues.

Here is a link to NOW discovering counterfeits being sold of some of their own items on Amazon:

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Here are links to several sets of test results where NOW Foods has tested many brands products where the brands exist solely or almost exclusively on Amazon. What this means is that they may either sell just on Amazon or on Amazon and their own website, but you won't find their items in other retailers.

Phosphatidylserine Test Results:

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Bromelain Test Results:

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CoQ10 & Quercetin Test Results:

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Alpha Lipoic Acid Test Results:

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CoQ10 & SAMe Test Results:

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Curcumin Test Results:

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Glutathione Test Results:

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If you look at those results, you'll see the problem that I was speaking of.
The only thing that I'll say in regards to buying single ingredient supplements and bulk type powders on Amazon is to be very leery of 2 things:

1) If the price is too good to be true, it probably is. Amazon takes an average of about 25% if they do the fulfillment. I see products on there being sold as bulk powders that if you take the selling price and deduct the Amazon fee, some of them would be less than the raw materials themselves even cost - and that's without even cost averaging in testing.

2) Be very leery of brands that exist solely or almost exclusively on Amazon. NOW Foods has been doing a tremendous job of testing products by many of these companies and posting the results publicly. Most do not meet label claims, many don't even come close, and there have been some that don't even have the right ingredient in them at all.

I'm all for saving money - but if you can buy something top quality for 20 or buy who knows what for 15, did you really save 5.00 or didn't you just waste 15.00 to start with?

I'll take this a step further: Anyone buying ANYTHING on amazon should ask themselves: "Why am I willingly giving money to a platform that is FULLY AWARE that brands are DEFRAUDING customers? Why are they continuing to allow these brands to sell?" At minimum that is complacency in defrauding customers.

To me that is a GIANT: We at amazon don't give a flying **** about you the customer!

It might not be in my lifetime but NOTHING lasts forever and I will dance in my grave if need be when that company falls. **** them to the moon and back.