XPG Pump Gel Experience

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Time to see what this is all about. No experience with TAA — been in a super stagnant training funk for the last year. New jobs, moving, depression, and more booze than typical. Hoping this log to serve as a rebounding motivational place for myself and a solid evaluation of Pump Gel.

5’11, 174lbs this morning. Only other sups are pre-workout, epicatechin, D3+K2.

Updates coming…

Dosing : ~ 1.5 pumps
(first pump out wasn’t all that, only wanted to do 1 pump for first day but oh well). I also skipped my preworkout epicatechin bc it gives me awesome pumps.

Application : Applied mainly to shoulders and a bit on the biceps. Wasn’t sure if putting on lats would make much of a difference. Smells minty and dried quickly

Workout :
LatPD: 85xFST-7
T-Bar Row: 90x12, 115x10, 140x10, 165x6, 165x6, 140x10
Pull-Ups: BWx10, BWx10, BWx9
*Standing DB OHP: 30x20, 35x15, 40x12
Lat Raise: 20xFST-7
Farmer Walks : 24kg x 3

First Impressions : Yesterday set me up for a less than optimal first impression. Under-ate, worked 12 hours, then moved some heavy furniture in whatever heat wave we’re experiencing. Hit gym with about 500 cal in system, felt a bit flat today & it was a quicker lift. Shoulders and traps looked extremely pumped without shirt on
Looking forward to hearing how you like it.

I'll be following along if you have any questions.
Going to do 1.5 first week or so

I want to clarify - are you saying 1.5 pumps total or 1.5 pumps twice per day?

The reason I'm asking is the suggested use is 1 to 2 pumps one to two times per day.
I want to clarify - are you saying 1.5 pumps total or 1.5 pumps twice per day?

The reason I'm asking is the suggested use is 1 to 2 pumps one to two times per day.

1.5 / day — all preworkout

I’ll be at the beach 15th-20th, still going to train but Be suboptimal hotel lifts. So my idea is just to let it build a little at 1.5/day and then when I return work up to 2 pumps 2x/day
1.5 / day — all preworkout

I’ll be at the beach 15th-20th, still going to train but Be suboptimal hotel lifts. So my idea is just to let it build a little at 1.5/day and then when I return work up to 2 pumps 2x/day

I hope you have a great time at the beach.

Dosing : ~ 1.5 pumps
applied to chest, front delts, triceps/arms

Application : Dried quickly again. Today noticed a cooling sensation at application spots. Sort of like icy hot kind of feeling

Workout :
Bench : 245x5, 245x5, 245x4, 135x25
Incline Smith BP: 185x10 x 4

Impressions : Still lifted off only ~ 500 cal but todays pump was awesome. Haven’t really noticed any of the endurance effects or anything but it’s obviously super early. I can say the pump effect is there immediately (not sure if TAA is supposed to build up like creatine & other things). But pumps have been great off day 1 & 2 impressions alone
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Action shots. Not going to keep uploading tool pics but my shoulders the last 2 days have been on a whole new level of pumped. Reminds me of being on 1-andro/4-andro kind of pumps tbh. If I remember I would like to take a before and after shot of the pump, meant to today but forgot

Dosing : ~ 1.5 pumps
applied to chest, front delts, triceps/arms

Application : Dried quickly again. Today noticed a cooling sensation at application spots. Sort of like icy hot kind of feeling

Workout :
Bench : 245x5, 245x5, 245x4, 135x25
Incline Smith BP: 185x10 x 4

Impressions : Still lifted off only ~ 500 cal but todays pump was awesome. Haven’t really noticed any of the endurance effects or anything but it’s obviously super early. I can say the pump effect is there immediately (not sure if TAA is supposed to build up like creatine & other things). But pumps have been great off day 1 & 2 impressions alone

I'm glad that you're enjoying it.

The pumps, as you've noticed, are evident pretty quickly.

The endurance benefits do build up with continued use. You should start to see them fairly quickly, but they do tend to build up and get better as you go.
Off day today. I did not dose yet today and may not as I’m not sure if I’ll make it home tonight. Day long fullness has been insanely noticeable this early, especially my shoulders

Still dosing 1.5/day. Hit a light, quick Push day yesterday. Felt good today was legs, and tomorrow will be Pull. Thursday will be traveling so prob no lifting. Push day had a great pump once again.

Today I woke first day feeling a bit flat. Kind of act like a child yesterday lol. After the lift felt pretty full. Legs had a huge pump and the MMC was superb. Didn’t take a pic bc leg pumps never look right in pics. But my quads were hugging the sleeves on my shorts. Felt good
But my quads were hugging the sleeves on my shorts. Felt good

That's always best the feeling when you feel like you might rip a piece of clothing cause of the pump!

Weight has jumped from 174-175 ish to 182-183. A bit surprised because I usually lose weight on vacations (super fast metabolism so I’m one of those lucky guys that if I’m not stuffing my face I get leaner). Didn’t drink much alcohol while I was gone too. Not sure if the Pump Gel adds some cellular water weight similar to creatine but weight has jumped nonetheless. Shoulders especially feel much much fuller. Muscle fullness (all day) has been awesome. Had a few people at work tell me I was looking bigger.

Today did 2 pumps pre-wo for first time. Had an awesome pump and chest lift. Still feel weak by my usual standards but hit 245x5 followed by 265x2. Feeling awesome in the gym, can’t say I’ve felt any of the endurance effects yet at this point but do feel a little something. Like a pick me up feeling that I kind of notice all day. Not a never ending workout endurance I get from things like epicatechin. But a more prolonged, consistent energy for hours.

Staying at 2 pumps over weekend. Monday going to jump to 2 pumps pre, 1 pump later and in a week or two will jump to 2 & 2.

Also going to order some PeptiStrong and maybe Phosphaditic Acid to add into this. Have used PA in past, but all 3 are things I realllllly want to try so I think I’m going to do it all at once even though it’s not the best way to experience/log things. But still should have another week ish of Pump Gel solo for those interested in that specifically.
I'm glad that you're enjoying Pump Gel. I definitely think it would make a great stack with Pepti-Plex and Phosphatidic Acid XT.
Warm-up :
Machine Press: 40x15, 50x15, 70x15, 80x (warm-ups)
OHP: 135x5, 145x3, 145x3(+2 push press), 145x4, 145x4
Power URR: 95x10, 105x8, 105x10, 115x8
DB SK: 30x10, 40x8, 40x8, 40x6
*HC: 30x10, 40x7, 40x6, 40x4
Machine LR: 40x20, 50x15, 70x12
*TriPD: 40x15, 50x10, 70x5
Cable Curl: 100x10, 130x10

Todays workout was awesome. Weight is at 182. Felt a little weak on OHP but also shoulder is a little messed up from some wrestling over the weekend. Pumps are still next level and really feeling good in the gym. Fullness outside of gym has been cool too. Doing 2 pumps / day all pre-wo right now. Think tomorrow I’ll do 2 and 1 and see about that. Idk if it’s an effect of TAA or just from the endurance / extra output but hunger has also been increased.
At about 5-6 weeks currently. Still just doing 2-2.5 pumps pre workout. Weight is up to 185lbs and strength gains and fullness have been pretty awesome. Smoked 255x5 on bench Monday, had more in the tank as well. Seems like accessory lifts are all up 10lbs or some. Making a lot of progression strength wise.

Just PeptiPlex and SNS PA in the mail today. Will prob start Monday with a new log with remaining Pump Gel. Final review will be Saturday.

Last Push workout of the log tomorrow so will update then as well. Overall really like this stuff
At about 5-6 weeks currently. Still just doing 2-2.5 pumps pre workout. Weight is up to 185lbs and strength gains and fullness have been pretty awesome. Smoked 255x5 on bench Monday, had more in the tank as well. Seems like accessory lifts are all up 10lbs or some. Making a lot of progression strength wise.

Just PeptiPlex and SNS PA in the mail today. Will prob start Monday with a new log with remaining Pump Gel. Final review will be Saturday.

Last Push workout of the log tomorrow so will update then as well. Overall really like this stuff

I'm glad that you're enjoying Pump Gel.

That should be a great stack - Pepti-Plex and Phosphatidic Acid XT. Those are part of the stack I'm running right now myself and I'm loving it.
I'm glad that you're enjoying Pump Gel.

That should be a great stack - Pepti-Plex and Phosphatidic Acid XT. Those are part of the stack I'm running right now myself and I'm loving it.

I just got some liquid Glycerol as well from Gorilla Mind. Hoping for crazy pumps + fullness
I just got some liquid Glycerol as well from Gorilla Mind. Hoping for crazy pumps + fullness

If you really, really like pumps then I would love to hear your feedback on Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore (if you like stims) or Super Swole capsules (if you prefer stim free).
Damn. I love the powder, lot of reviews said the liquid was better. Guess I’ll have to see
The first gen crystal sand like gycerol in the protein sized tub felt best to me and was like 25$, but could be just getting used to it. Curious to see if you notice any difference. Invalid Link Removed

So firstly my #’s, in 2 1/2 months using 1.5 pumps first 2 weeks, then 2-2.5 pumps

Bodyweight +11lbs
Bench 245x5 — 260x5
Accessory lifts nearly all +10’d

The pumps were obviously top tier, make you look like a different person. But I feel the all day fullness is probably what I enjoyed most. In the past things like glycerol might give me a great pump, but the fullness will fade off thru out the day. I felt with Pump Gel I kept this same kind of fullness throughout the entirety of the day which gave me a few compliments and even some of my juicy co-workers asking if I hopped on cycle. Strength gains were similar to creatine level gains which I also was not expecting.

All in all, very good experience especially considering I only used about half dose the entire run.

I’m going to continue the Pump Gel @ 2-2.5 pumps as I log PA-XT + PeptiPlex — will post link to that log in here once it’s up for those interested in following.