Pump Gel by XPG - Triacetyl Adenosine (TAA) - Pumps, Endurance, Vascularity - Available Now


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Pumps, Vascularity, & Muscle Definition Gel
Triacetyl Adenosine (TAA) Skin Gel

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Triacetyl Adenosine (TAA):
75 mg. per ml
7.5 Grams Per Bottle

Pump Gel is a topical Triacetyl Adenosine (TAA) product that contains 75 mg. per ml. (7.5 grams per bottle), plus Amentoflavone for improved synergistic results.

Pump Gel Highlights/Supports:
  • Pumps
  • Endurance
  • Vascularity
  • Muscle Fullness & Definition

What is Triacetyl Adenosine?
Adenosine is a naturally occurring compound used by the body for cellular energy. The Triacetyl form of adenosine is a form of adenosine that is thought to provide for better absorption & utilization in the body.

What is Triacetyl Adenosine commonly used for?
Triacetyl Adenosine is a naturally occurring compound that is commonly used to support enhanced cellular energy and to promote increases in pumps, vascularity, and enhanced muscle fullness and definition.

Amentoflavone is a popular ingredient that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and is commonly used to help enhance muscle pumps and vascularity, aid in fat loss during dieting, increase muscular strength and endurance, and improve erection quality.

Apply 1 to 2 pumps to desired areas once or twice daily.

Workout Days: Apply 1 to 2 pumps to desired areas 30 minutes prior to working out and an additional 1 to 2 pumps spaced out approximately 8 to 12 hours apart, if desired.

Non-Workout Days: Apply 1 to 2 pumps to desired areas once or twice daily, spaced out approximately 8 to 12 hours apart.

Use daily for best results.
Pump Gel is now available to retailers and is already available at DPS and Flexit, and other retailers should be ordering soon.

And the best part is that you can expect to see it available for an incredible price of around around 40.00 per bottle.
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Lots of anecdotal reports of endurance benefits with TAA and I’ve always liked that benefit with Amentoflavone too so really looking forward to trying this. Between this and the hopefully not too far off CEL endurance-type product I am super pumped (ha) to have some performance style products to try out this fall/winter. 👍
Lots of anecdotal reports of endurance benefits with TAA and I’ve always liked that benefit with Amentoflavone too so really looking forward to trying this. Between this and the hopefully not too far off CEL endurance-type product I am super pumped (ha) to have some performance style products to try out this fall/winter.

Not as pumped as you’re about to be!
This is one that has been requested a lot for XPG to do, so hopefully it will get a good amount of attention.

The pricing and value (grams per bottle) is great.
I'm really surprised that as many requests as XPG had for a TAA product that this thread hasn't gotten anymore activity than it has.
Yep that is my mistake completely misread. Appreciate the correction

No problem at all - that is actually something I thought about and was worried about with this product to begin with was people confusing the two ingredients; which is part of why TAA wasn't used in the actual product name.

Triacetyl Adenosine (TAA) is said to have very poor oral bioavailability, which is why a topical form would be preferable.

TTA, the fat loss ingredient, there would be no reason to do a topical version of.
Any muscle building properties to TAA or is it strictly for a pump/fullness with potential endurance benefits?
Any muscle building properties to TAA or is it strictly for a pump/fullness with potential endurance benefits?

Yes, Triacetyl Adenosine is considered to be an ergogenic compound in that it support muscle growth.

I think that anytime something increases muscular endurance and the ability to train harder, longer, and more intensely and help strength carry over later into workouts, it can be very beneficial for supporting muscle growth.

2 pumps or 4? What's a proper dose for TAA?

In the past, suggestions for TAA dosing has been all over the place.

I personally would do 2 ml twice per day.
Just wanted to provide feedback regard application of the gel. Goes on easy, not greasy. Nor does it leave a film. Lastly, it drys really quick. So far, so go! 👍🏻
Must have missed this thread originally. Will add this to the list. I remember trying the Patrick Arnold TAA product back in the day. Pumps were legit, but application was a pain. This sounds much more convenient
Must have missed this thread originally. Will add this to the list. I remember trying the Patrick Arnold TAA product back in the day. Pumps were legit, but application was a pain. This sounds much more convenient

Yeah, I remember that one and it was a great product but a pain to apply. I felt like I was wrapped in saran wrap haha.

Pump Gel goes on easy, dries quickly, and isn't sticky and you can't even tell its there.
Yeah, I remember that one and it was a great product but a pain to apply. I felt like I was wrapped in saran wrap haha.

Pump Gel goes on easy, dries quickly, and isn't sticky and you can't even tell its there.
Lol. That's a good description of it. Plus I always felt I was losing half the application to overspray. So far all the XPG products have been easy to apply, and absorb and dry quickly, so I have no doubt this will be the same
i noticed menthol as an ingredient, does it have a strong smell? i cant be smelling like bengay all day at work.lol
i noticed menthol as an ingredient, does it have a strong smell? i cant be smelling like bengay all day at work.lol

The product doesn't really have any smell at all.

When looking at an ingredient panel, the ingredients always are supposed to go from highest to lowest concentration if the brand is following label guidelines, which Xtreme Performance Gels does. Menthol is the second to last ingredient on the label; its there for carrier purposes.

I like the smell of menthol and I can't even smell it trying to.
Just an update on how things are going with pump gel . So I have been on pump gel for about a week . Let me tell you some of the greatest pumps I have ever experienced! It’s up there with PH like pumps (SuperDrol and halo) or equal to 8 caps of Xgels . I have never experienced all day pump feeling only when I was on PHs and this gives it to me . I take 2 pumps pre workout 30 mins prior . Then off days take 1 in the a.m. and 1 in p.m. This is one of my favorite supplements of all time ! Saying a lot since I have been in the game for 15 years or so .
Just an update on how things are going with pump gel . So I have been on pump gel for about a week . Let me tell you some of the greatest pumps I have ever experienced! It’s up there with PH like pumps (SuperDrol and halo) or equal to 8 caps of Xgels . I have never experienced all day pump feeling only when I was on PHs and this gives it to me . I take 2 pumps pre workout 30 mins prior . Then off days take 1 in the a.m. and 1 in p.m. This is one of my favorite supplements of all time ! Saying a lot since I have been in the game for 15 years or so .
thank you for the feedback.
Just an update on how things are going with pump gel . So I have been on pump gel for about a week . Let me tell you some of the greatest pumps I have ever experienced! It’s up there with PH like pumps (SuperDrol and halo) or equal to 8 caps of Xgels . I have never experienced all day pump feeling only when I was on PHs and this gives it to me . I take 2 pumps pre workout 30 mins prior . Then off days take 1 in the a.m. and 1 in p.m. This is one of my favorite supplements of all time ! Saying a lot since I have been in the game for 15 years or so .
how many days in before you achieved the perpetual pump?
as it turns out, you dont actually need a bunch of stinky essential oils added to a topical. i normally dont post about the small things, but i do everything i can to reduce inconvenience when it comes to topicals and there is also thankfully less goop to apply, it's less goopy being that it's more of a gel, and it's travel ready with a protective cap instead of the obnoxious rubber nipple that tears and leaks.

id never used pumpspray so this is novel for me. definitely and consistantly am noticing the increase in energy at 2ml twice a day. reminds me of coenzyme A sodium.also, there is some good sustain on the resulting pump, presumably from the amentoflavone. which isnt something i would be able to absorb orally. i ordered a second bottle.

on another topic, is there any available information on the quantity of 7-oxo-dhea in absolved? if i end up sticking with a 7-keto topical i just started, id probably want to switch if it's comparable
as it turns out, you dont actually need a bunch of stinky essential oils added to a topical. i normally dont post about the small things, but i do everything i can to reduce inconvenience when it comes to topicals and there is also thankfully less goop to apply, it's less goopy being that it's more of a gel, and it's travel ready with a protective cap instead of the obnoxious rubber nipple that tears and leaks.

id never used pumpspray so this is novel for me. definitely and consistantly am noticing the increase in energy at 2ml twice a day. reminds me of coenzyme A sodium.also, there is some good sustain on the resulting pump, presumably from the amentoflavone. which isnt something i would be able to absorb orally. i ordered a second bottle.

on another topic, is there any available information on the quantity of 7-oxo-dhea in absolved? if i end up sticking with a 7-keto topical i just started, id probably want to switch if it's comparable

I'm glad that you're liking Pump Gel.

Triacetyl Adenosine and Amentoflavone are both great for pumps, and I'm glad that you're noticing the energy difference with it. I think that is something that is overlooked with this is that it great for endurance and non-stimulant energy too.

As for not adding essential oils, those are definitely not needed, as you said.
Xtreme Performance Gels uses the Avant Labs carriers, which many regard as the gold standard for topical carriers and most don't have any smell to them at all; in the case of Ab-Solved, it has a bit of a pleasant pomegranate smell but that's from the punicic acid, which is an active ingredient.

As for the 7-Keto/7-OXO content of Ab-Solved, I need to check to see if I can disclose that. Ab-Solved is licensed from Avant and it is a modern version of the original Avant Labs Ab-Solved, so its one I'm not sure if I can disclose exact dosages on; no intention of hiding anything dosage wise, moreso it would be to make it harder for a competitor to try to copy.

But, with Ab-Solved being predominantly localized, it would be different in terms of dosage and effectiveness from comparing it to a topical systemic 7-Keto anyway. Although, that has actually been one of the thoughts with XPG has been considering offering a topical 7-Keto/7-OXO systemic if enough people are interested.
This stuff is truly excellent at 2 pumps 1 hour prior to workout

The endurance and stamina boost is through the roof!
This stuff is truly excellent at 2 pumps 1 hour prior to workout

The endurance and stamina boost is through the roof!

I'm glad that you like it.

I'm going to start it soon myself for the endurance and stamina benefits. I had been waiting until I switched my training up a little to focusing more on less rest between sets and adding a morning session for cardio and mobility training, and I'm looking forward to trying it for that.
I'm glad that you're liking Pump Gel.

Triacetyl Adenosine and Amentoflavone are both great for pumps, and I'm glad that you're noticing the energy difference with it. I think that is something that is overlooked with this is that it great for endurance and non-stimulant energy too.

As for not adding essential oils, those are definitely not needed, as you said.
Xtreme Performance Gels uses the Avant Labs carriers, which many regard as the gold standard for topical carriers and most don't have any smell to them at all; in the case of Ab-Solved, it has a bit of a pleasant pomegranate smell but that's from the punicic acid, which is an active ingredient.

As for the 7-Keto/7-OXO content of Ab-Solved, I need to check to see if I can disclose that. Ab-Solved is licensed from Avant and it is a modern version of the original Avant Labs Ab-Solved, so its one I'm not sure if I can disclose exact dosages on; no intention of hiding anything dosage wise, moreso it would be to make it harder for a competitor to try to copy.

But, with Ab-Solved being predominantly localized, it would be different in terms of dosage and effectiveness from comparing it to a topical systemic 7-Keto anyway. Although, that has actually been one of the thoughts with XPG has been considering offering a topical 7-Keto/7-OXO systemic if enough people are interested.
my currant brand is holding me over a barrel on the 7 keto dhea product. intense energy starts around day ten on it and didnt cause the irritability that microdoses of regular transdermal dhea gives me. they appear to be the only game in town for a 200mg dose of 7 keto dhea
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mpa is holding me over a barrel on the 7 keto dhea product. intense energy starts around day ten on it and didnt cause the irritability that microdoses of regular transdermal dhea gives me. they appear to be the only game in town for a 200mg dose of 7 keto dhea

FYI, Prototype Nutrition 7-spray 249mg 7 keto per application.

I'd bet interested to know about XPG.
FYI, (*******) 249mg 7 keto per application.

I'd bet interested to know about XPG.
interesting. "1500 sprays per bottle. Bottles should last through 30 days of use when applied once daily". looks like they want 15$ more, i have to apply 50 sprays a day instead of 8 squirts,, but there is 50mg more per serving
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mpa is holding me over a barrel on the 7 keto dhea product. intense energy starts around day ten on it and didnt cause the irritability that microdoses of regular transdermal dhea gives me. they appear to be the only game in town for a 200mg dose of 7 keto dhea

FYI, Prototype Nutrition 7-spray 249mg 7 keto per application.

I'd bet interested to know about XPG.

I'm not going to reveal the exact dosage of 7-Keto/7-OXO in Ab-Solved, but I will tell you that its the same or higher per ml than the product that you're comparing it to.

(This product is licensed from Avant Labs and if they don't want me to give out the exact dosages, I'm not giving out the exact dosages as that would be very unprofessional and also disrespectful of me).

The dosage was not given out for Ab-Solved for two reasons:
1) to make it harder for other companies to copy.
2) because dosing on localized products is different than systemic dosing and many don't realize that and it can confuse people.

Comparing dosages on localized versus systemic products is like that old saying goes about comparing apples to oranges.

Ab-Solved is not meant to be a stand alone 7-Keto DHEA product.

You would want, or at least I would think that you would want, a stand alone 7-Keto DHEA topical to be systemic.

Ab-Solved is primarily localized and that is completely different. With any localized carrier, there is some of it that is going to wind up systemic, but most of it is going to be localized for maximum results. Same as the original Avant Labs Ab-Solved.

Now, with the Ab-Solved part of the explanation out of the way, I'll discuss a more appropriate comparison.

For dosage comparison purposes, MPA Supps states that each pump of their product contains 25 mg. of 7-Keto, so for a person to get 200 mg. total per day, that would be 8 pumps per day.

XPG is going to be doing a stand alone 7-Keto/7-OXO in the near future. The original 7-OXO/7-Keto topical was Avant Labs FL7 and that was 50 mg. per ml, and to the best of my knowledge, that is what the dose will be on the upcoming XPG one.

That would be 50 mg. per ml x 100 ml per bottle, so you would be able to achieve your desired dose at 4 ml per day.


I am glad to discuss dosages and ingredients, but I'm going to ask nicely that other brands stop being mentioned in our product introduction threads.
I'm not going to reveal the exact dosage of 7-Keto/7-OXO in Ab-Solved, but I will tell you that its the same or higher per ml than the product that you're comparing it to.

(This product is licensed from Avant Labs and if they don't want me to give out the exact dosages, I'm not giving out the exact dosages as that would be very unprofessional and also disrespectful of me).

The dosage was not given out for Ab-Solved for two reasons:
1) to make it harder for other companies to copy.
2) because dosing on localized products is different than systemic dosing and many don't realize that and it can confuse people.

Comparing dosages on localized versus systemic products is like that old saying goes about comparing apples to oranges.

Ab-Solved is not meant to be a stand alone 7-Keto DHEA product.

You would want, or at least I would think that you would want, a stand alone 7-Keto DHEA topical to be systemic.

Ab-Solved is primarily localized and that is completely different. With any localized carrier, there is some of it that is going to wind up systemic, but most of it is going to be localized for maximum results. Same as the original Avant Labs Ab-Solved.

Now, with the Ab-Solved part of the explanation out of the way, I'll discuss a more appropriate comparison.

For dosage comparison purposes, MPA Supps states that each pump of their product contains 25 mg. of 7-Keto, so for a person to get 200 mg. total per day, that would be 8 pumps per day.

XPG is going to be doing a stand alone 7-Keto/7-OXO in the near future. The original 7-OXO/7-Keto topical was Avant Labs FL7 and that was 50 mg. per ml, and to the best of my knowledge, that is what the dose will be on the upcoming XPG one.

That would be 50 mg. per ml x 100 ml per bottle, so you would be able to achieve your desired dose at 4 ml per day.


I am glad to discuss dosages and ingredients, but I'm going to ask nicely that other brands stop being mentioned in our product introduction threads.

XPG seems to have higher concentration amounts of actives when compared to competitors. Which means less applications which is more convenient.
I'm not going to reveal the exact dosage of 7-Keto/7-OXO in Ab-Solved, but I will tell you that its the same or higher per ml than the product that you're comparing it to.

(This product is licensed from Avant Labs and if they don't want me to give out the exact dosages, I'm not giving out the exact dosages as that would be very unprofessional and also disrespectful of me).

The dosage was not given out for Ab-Solved for two reasons:
1) to make it harder for other companies to copy.
2) because dosing on localized products is different than systemic dosing and many don't realize that and it can confuse people.

Comparing dosages on localized versus systemic products is like that old saying goes about comparing apples to oranges.

Ab-Solved is not meant to be a stand alone 7-Keto DHEA product.

You would want, or at least I would think that you would want, a stand alone 7-Keto DHEA topical to be systemic.

Ab-Solved is primarily localized and that is completely different. With any localized carrier, there is some of it that is going to wind up systemic, but most of it is going to be localized for maximum results. Same as the original Avant Labs Ab-Solved.

Now, with the Ab-Solved part of the explanation out of the way, I'll discuss a more appropriate comparison.

For dosage comparison purposes, MPA Supps states that each pump of their product contains 25 mg. of 7-Keto, so for a person to get 200 mg. total per day, that would be 8 pumps per day.

XPG is going to be doing a stand alone 7-Keto/7-OXO in the near future. The original 7-OXO/7-Keto topical was Avant Labs FL7 and that was 50 mg. per ml, and to the best of my knowledge, that is what the dose will be on the upcoming XPG one.

That would be 50 mg. per ml x 100 ml per bottle, so you would be able to achieve your desired dose at 4 ml per day.


I am glad to discuss dosages and ingredients, but I'm going to ask nicely that other brands stop being mentioned in our product introduction threads.

so yeah, 50mg/ml is pretty much how i envisioned an xpg version. wish i had known how xpg ab solved compared before i bought 5 bottles of my currant brand. localized or systemic? im applying to my ab chunkiness, as directed. havent seen a benefit specific to abdominal fat loss there at day 14, but the energy combined the knowledge of with my low-end dhea blood test result alone is warranting ongoing usage. if we're talking about something that is more effective at reaching the blood as opposed to sitting in an area where it would potentially stop cortisol formation, id have to say im more inclined toward getting more into my blood, so it sounds like id be doing ab solved until an 7 oxo release
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so yeah, 50mg/ml is pretty much how i envisioned an xpg version. wish i had known how xpg ab solved compared before i bought 5 bottles of my currant brand. localized or systemic? im applying to my ab chunkiness, as directed. havent seen a benefit specific to abdominal fat loss there at day 14, but the energy combined the knowledge of with my low-end dhea blood test result alone is warranting ongoing usage. if we're talking about something that is more effective at reaching the blood as opposed to sitting in an area where it would potentially stop cortisol formation, id have to say im more inclined toward getting more into my blood, so it sounds like id be doing ab solved until an 7 oxo release

I do not know what XPG's 7-OXO/7-Keto will be named yet, so for now I'll just refer to it as 7-OXO.

A 7-OXO with a systemic carrier would be meant to deliver the highest concentration of active ingredients to the bloodstream.

Ab-Solved is a localized carrier that is meant to deliver the active ingredients in a localized manner to target fat loss and is primarily used on the stomach and love handles.

So both would contain 7-OXO/7-Keto but would be very different in their desired purpose.

A small note - any systemic carrier may have slight localized benefits and any localized carrier may still have some systemic benefits.

But its also important when discussing Ab-Solved to emphasize that just as the localized carrier is part of the significance, so are the other ingredients in it when it comes to targeting abdominal and love handle fat loss, as it also contains Pomegranate Seed Oil (std. for Punicic Acid), Trans-Resveratrol, & Phosphatidylserine.

For anyone that hasn't seen the full write up on the intro thread, here is a link to it:

Ab-Solved was one of the OG Avant Labs products from back in the good old days. XPG brought it back in an updated version that was designed by the owner of Avant himself and all XPG products use the Avant Labs carriers, which many consider to be the gold standard in topical carriers.
Just wanted to let people know that ive started a new log with this and a bunch other supplements:

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I typically workout after my shift and would have a hard time applying dose hour before workout... would protocol of applying two pumps in the AM and two pumps in the PM be worth it? Would I still get the benefits 8 hours later during my workout?
I typically workout after my shift and would have a hard time applying dose hour before workout... would protocol of applying two pumps in the AM and two pumps in the PM be worth it? Would I still get the benefits 8 hours later during my workout?

Yes. The way I plan to use it myself is 2 pumps in the morning and 2 pumps at night.

There are people that are going to use it as a pre-workout type supplement, but for best results it should be used daily anyway.

I train later in the evenings or at night but never really know the exact time, its just whenever I can make time to. I may use it before workouts if the timing falls where I can, but for the most part I'll just be doing AM and PM dosing.
Yes. The way I plan to use it myself is 2 pumps in the morning and 2 pumps at night.

There are people that are going to use it as a pre-workout type supplement, but for best results it should be used daily anyway.

I train later in the evenings or at night but never really know the exact time, its just whenever I can make time to. I may use it before workouts if the timing falls where I can, but for the most part I'll just be doing AM and PM dosing.
What benefits you get from it since it is a pump product
What benefits you get from it since it is a pump product

Pump Gel is great for both endurance and pumps.

The reason for naming it Pump Gel is that because of other products that contain Triacetyl Adenosine having used pump in the name, that's what people mostly associate it with. And it does deliver great results for that, but don't let the name fool you into thinking that's all its for because its also great for muscular endurance.
Pump Gel is great for both endurance and pumps.

The reason for naming it Pump Gel is that because of other products that contain Triacetyl Adenosine having used pump in the name, that's what people mostly associate it with. And it does deliver great results for that, but don't let the name fool you into thinking that's all its for because its also great for muscular endurance.
So to benefit the endurance it need to be use dayli
So to benefit the endurance it need to be use dayli

Yes and no haha.

You can certainly just use it on workout days in order to help with pumps and endurance if that's what you'd like to do.

But if you're looking to increase overall conditioning and endurance, this, like most endurance related supplements are best used daily for the best results.

So it depends on the person.

This is a subject that people often overlook or get wrong when it comes to supplements for endurance in general. Yes, certain things can help you increase your endurance for the given workout - and that's cool and it definitely has its place, but that's different than someone looking to build their overall conditioning and endurance.

For example, in my case, I was in a wheelchair for months and wasn't able to walk properly for almost a year, so I was very deconditioned in general. I'm working on getting back in shape and building muscle and losing fat, but I also want to get healthier and better conditioned and hopefully be able to do some of the things that I used to enjoy that I've been told I'll never be able to do again. In order to do some of those, its important that I focus on my overall conditioning and I want to help achieve better endurance in general, not just increase it on workout days. I hope that makes sense.
So to benefit the endurance it need to be use dayli

I would first start with just dosing 2 pumps preworkout man. If you don’t get the endurance your looking for from it then try daily dosing it.

* And if you somehow don’t get what you’re looking for out of it you could always trade it to me lol
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Pump Gel is great for both endurance and pumps.

The reason for naming it Pump Gel is that because of other products that contain Triacetyl Adenosine having used pump in the name, that's what people mostly associate it with. And it does deliver great results for that, but don't let the name fool you into thinking that's all its for because its also great for muscular endurance.
Im 7 days in with Pump Gel now, 2 pumps before working out in the am on my shoulders/arms and 2 pumps in the pm on my calves. I do a top set + drop off set style training where i do 6-12 on the top set, then 12- 25 reps on drop off set. Ive definately noticed that i have more muscle endurance for the drop off set. To the point where I have increased with 2-3 reps on that drop off set.
Black Friday Super Swole Special:

Only 97.99!

Saves 52.00 + a FREE Pump Gel


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