MrMuscle logs Anabolic Effect, Anabolic XT, Pepti-Plex, Phosphatidic Acid XT, GlycoPhase, Pump Gel, Super Swole and Pump Addict


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The time is finally here for a new log!

A little on what ive been doing for the past year or so.
I did a successfull cut down to 82kg back in May. Not the leanest ive been but a good place to end up. I then decided to do something ive never done Ive been using the MacroFactor app to log and to plan my diet. It has a built in "coach" part where it can calculate your TDEE based on your weight and caloric intake. Then you can program it to keep you at maintenance, cut or bulk.
My shape now is not as lean as i prefer to be. But ive realized that my body thrives better at this bodyfat level than when I was leaner. I actually thought I felt awesome when i was super lean, but after living at a bit higher bodyfat percentage I found out just how much better that was.
Im still struggeling in my mind though cuz I dont look like I want to. But thats just 30 years of bodybuilding, you get a bit messed up.

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My stack that I will be running is really comprehensive. The old (young) me would run one supplement at a time to really gauge what is doing what. BUT im turning 45 in a week and @sns8778 put out way to many awesome supplements for me to be able to do that. So im gonna stack em!

CEL Anabolic Effect
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This is one of my all time favorite natural anabolics. Ive used it several times before and everytime with great results. I have a review on it from a couple of years back that really outlines how much i like it.

CEL Anabolic Effect Review -

SNS Anabolic XT
SNS Anabolic XT - Hardcore Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder -

One of the newest natural anabolics from SNS and one I have not tried before.

SNS Pepti-Plex
Pepti-Plex - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Powered by AI Discovered Natural Anabolic Peptides -

The hottest new supplement from SNS with a A.I. discovered Natural Anabolic Peptide. This seems to be a very uniqe supplement that can both aid in muscle growth but also help retain muscle as we age.

SNS Phosphatidic Acid XT
SNS Phosphatidic Acid XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now -

Back in the days I was one of those who was heavily invested in the lecitin granuels and felt great affect from them. Looking forward to getting the PA in a much more concentrated form.

SNS GlycoPhase
Announcing the New GlycoPhase - Ultra-Potent GDA for Lean Gains, Fat Loss, & Pumps! -

I love this GDA and have been a fan for a very long time. Not only is it great for nutrient partitioning, but its also one of the few one that doesnt upset my stomach at all. I have a review on it that shows how much i love it.

SNS GlycoPhase Mini Review -

XPG Pump-Gel
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A pump product that contains both TAA and Amentoflavone sounds like a banger, so I had to try that!

CEL Super Swole Caps
CEL Super Swole Caps - Stimulant Free Pre-Workout & Massive Pump Enhancer - Available Now -

I really loved the Super Swole powder version so I had to get my hands on this one. I am a sucker for a great pump.

MUCLE ADDICTION Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore
Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore - Fast Acting Intense Energy & Mind-Blowing Pumps -
This is a much stronger PWO then I usually prefer. Im a Focus XT guy through and through. But I wanted to try this together with Super Swole for my weekend worouts. Make them a bit more insane!

Structuring the supplements
So with so many supplements it can become quite a lot of pills to chug down. I prefer to take mine with 3 of my daily meals. So I will structure them like this:

05.00am - 1 Cap GlycoPhase
05.30am - Meal 1: 2 Caps PA XT, 2 Caps AE, 2 Caps AXT. 2 Caps PP
06.30am - Pre Workout: 2 Pumps of Pump Gel
07.00am - Workout
09.30am - 1 Cap GlycoPhase
10.00am - Meal 2
1.00pm - Meal 3: 2 Caps AE, 2 Caps AXT, 2 Caps PA XT
4.00pm - Meal 4
6.30pm - 2 Caps GlycoPhase, 2 Pumps of Pump Gel
7.00pm - Meal 5: 2 Caps AE. 2 Caps AXT, 2 Caps PP

Like i mentioned at the beginning, I use MacroFactor as my diet app. Ive told it I want to maintain 82kgs and it tells me the calories i should be eating based on my TDEE that it calculates. It has slowly been ramping my calories up sine May. But 2 weeks ago my weight suddenly spiked and now its working on getting it back to where I told it to keep it.

This weeks macros look like this:
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I train 6 days in a row and then take 1 day off, PPL style. After staying at maintenance for a while my energy got much better and I went from 5 days a week to 6 days a week and it felt great.

So my plan is to stay at maintenance through November. That way I can see what the supplements brings to the table without huge changes in the diet.
Then when December hits I want to change to a bulk and keep that going for 4 to 6 months.

For the first phase of this I expect performance and recovery to imrpove and I also think I will become a bit leaner just by adding this stack to the routine. I will be updating this log regularly, posting some workouts, provide weekly and monthly overview. For those who have seen my logs before, you know how detailed I am and how much I enjoy just looking at all the raw data.

I hope you will follow me along on this ride!​
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In for sure. Excited to hear your thoughts on pepti-plex as well as the whole stack in regards to recovery compared to your baseline before this stack.
In for sure. Excited to hear your thoughts on pepti-plex as well as the whole stack in regards to recovery compared to your baseline before this stack.
Thanks! Yeah recovery has become more and more important as one gets older. So im really excited to see how it effects it.
you are so disciplined and organized always lol

this should be a fun ride
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The time is finally here for a new log!

A little on what ive been doing for the past year or so.
I did a successfull cut down to 82kg back in May. Not the leanest ive been but a good place to end up. I then decided to do something ive never done Ive been using the MacroFactor app to log and to plan my diet. It has a built in "coach" part where it can calculate your TDEE based on your weight and caloric intake. Then you can program it to keep you at maintenance, cut or bulk.
My shape now is not as lean as i prefer to be. But ive realized that my body thrives better at this bodyfat level than when I was leaner. I actually thought I felt awesome when i was super lean, but after living at a bit higher bodyfat percentage I found out just how much better that was.
Im still struggeling in my mind though cuz I dont look like I want to. But thats just 30 years of bodybuilding, you get a bit messed up.

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My stack that I will be running is really comprehensive. The old (young) me would run one supplement at a time to really gauge what is doing what. BUT im turning 45 in a week and @sns8778 put out way to many awesome supplements for me to be able to do that. So im gonna stack em!

CEL Anabolic Effect
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This is one of my all time favorite natural anabolics. Ive used it several times before and everytime with great results. I have a review on it from a couple of years back that really outlines how much i like it.

CEL Anabolic Effect Review -

SNS Anabolic XT
SNS Anabolic XT - Hardcore Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder -

One of the newest natural anabolics from SNS and one I have not tried before.

SNS Pepti-Plex
Pepti-Plex - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Powered by AI Discovered Natural Anabolic Peptides -

The hottest new supplement from SNS with a A.I. discovered Natural Anabolic Peptide. This seems to be a very uniqe supplement that can both aid in muscle growth but also help retain muscle as we age.

SNS Phosphatidic Acid XT
SNS Phosphatidic Acid XT - Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder - Available Now -

Back in the days I was one of those who was heavily invested in the lecitin granuels and felt great affect from them. Looking forward to getting the PA in a much more concentrated form.

SNS GlycoPhase
Announcing the New GlycoPhase - Ultra-Potent GDA for Lean Gains, Fat Loss, & Pumps! -

I love this GDA and have been a fan for a very long time. Not only is it great for nutrient partitioning, but its also one of the few one that doesnt upset my stomach at all. I have a review on it that shows how much i love it.

SNS GlycoPhase Mini Review -

XPG Pump-Gel
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A pump product that contains both TAA and Amentoflavone sounds like a banger, so I had to try that!

CEL Super Swole Caps
CEL Super Swole Caps - Stimulant Free Pre-Workout & Massive Pump Enhancer - Available Now -

I really loved the Super Swole powder version so I had to get my hands on this one. I am a sucker for a great pump.

MUCLE ADDICTION Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore
Pump Addict Ultra Hardcore - Fast Acting Intense Energy & Mind-Blowing Pumps -
This is a much stronger PWO then I usually prefer. Im a Focus XT guy through and through. But I wanted to try this together with Super Swole for my weekend worouts. Make them a bit more insane!

Structuring the supplements
So with so many supplements it can become quite a lot of pills to chug down. I prefer to take mine with 3 of my daily meals. So I will structure them like this:

05.00am - 1 Cap GlycoPhase
05.30am - Meal 1: 2 Caps PA XT, 2 Caps AE, 2 Caps AXT. 2 Caps PP
06.30am - Pre Workout: 2 Pumps of Pump Gel
07.00am - Workout
09.30am - 1 Cap GlycoPhase
10.00am - Meal 2
1.00pm - Meal 3: 2 Caps AE, 2 Caps AXT, 2 Caps PA XT
4.00pm - Meal 4
6.30pm - 2 Caps GlycoPhase, 2 Pumps of Pump Gel
7.00pm - Meal 5: 2 Caps AE. 2 Caps AXT, 2 Caps PP

Like i mentioned at the beginning, I use MacroFactor as my diet app. Ive told it I want to maintain 82kgs and it tells me the calories i should be eating based on my TDEE that it calculates. It has slowly been ramping my calories up sine May. But 2 weeks ago my weight suddenly spiked and now its working on getting it back to where I told it to keep it.

This weeks macros look like this:
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I train 6 days in a row and then take 1 day off, PPL style. After staying at maintenance for a while my energy got much better and I went from 5 days a week to 6 days a week and it felt great.

So my plan is to stay at maintenance through November. That way I can see what the supplements brings to the table without huge changes in the diet.
Then when December hits I want to change to a bulk and keep that going for 4 to 6 months.

For the first phase of this I expect performance and recovery to imrpove and I also think I will become a bit leaner just by adding this stack to the routine. I will be updating this log regularly, posting some workouts, provide weekly and monthly overview. For those who have seen my logs before, you know how detailed I am and how much I enjoy just looking at all the raw data.

I hope you will follow me along on this ride!​
In to see how this monster stack is going to treat you.
That's a monster stack you have, the pump addict is my favorite preWO of all time. (I'm 41 and have played with everything I could find in the past 21+ years lol)

I ran the anabolic effect, anabolic xt, and phosphatidic acid you have there and enjoyed all of them. Right now I'm just on the PA XT, plus + XPG products but I am looking forward to tracking your log! awesome company and great stack.

My stack that I will be running is really comprehensive. The old (young) me would run one supplement at a time to really gauge what is doing what. BUT im turning 45 in a week and @sns8778 put out way to many awesome supplements for me to be able to do that. So im gonna stack em!

I ended up doing this same thing a few times this year, throwing quite a few new supps in at a time because to be honest they were all pretty exciting lol. But there are two that always stand out to me that I keep coming back to from Steve. the Phosphatidic Acid XT and the Alpha Gel are great products.

My stack that I will be running is really comprehensive. The old (young) me would run one supplement at a time to really gauge what is doing what. BUT im turning 45 in a week and @sns8778 put out way to many awesome supplements for me to be able to do that. So im gonna stack em!

I'm looking forward to seeing how you like the stack and the products themselves.

You are so detail oriented with your training, diet, and attention to detail in general that its always exciting to follow your logs and see how you do and how you like things.

I can totally relate to the part of your post that I quoted above - about how when younger you wanted to try everything by itself to see how it worked but as have gotten older, you're more likely to stack things because you just want results. I'm the same way, I used to go more for curiosity and want to see how things did by themselves, but now at 45 I just want the best results I can and after my accident and starting over, I feel more like its a race against the clock to try to get back in the shape I want to be in, so I'm running a very comprehensive stack myself.

This should be a super fun log to follow and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
In on this for sure!
you are so disciplined and organized always lol

this should be a fun ride
Thank you for following along. Hopefully it will get really good soon!

In to see how this monster stack is going to treat you.
Im looking forward to seeing it myself as well!

That's a monster stack you have, the pump addict is my favorite preWO of all time. (I'm 41 and have played with everything I could find in the past 21+ years lol)

I ran the anabolic effect, anabolic xt, and phosphatidic acid you have there and enjoyed all of them. Right now I'm just on the PA XT, plus + XPG products but I am looking forward to tracking your log! awesome company and great stack.

I ended up doing this same thing a few times this year, throwing quite a few new supps in at a time because to be honest they were all pretty exciting lol. But there are two that always stand out to me that I keep coming back to from Steve. the Phosphatidic Acid XT and the Alpha Gel are great products.
Pump Addict is definately a way stronger PWO then im used to, so im looking forward to seeing how it treats me. ALpha Gel is on my list of supplements I want to try as well!

This is similar to what I'm going to run soon. Excited to see your results!
Nice! Hope to see you put up a log as well.

I'm looking forward to seeing how you like the stack and the products themselves.

You are so detail oriented with your training, diet, and attention to detail in general that its always exciting to follow your logs and see how you do and how you like things.

I can totally relate to the part of your post that I quoted above - about how when younger you wanted to try everything by itself to see how it worked but as have gotten older, you're more likely to stack things because you just want results. I'm the same way, I used to go more for curiosity and want to see how things did by themselves, but now at 45 I just want the best results I can and after my accident and starting over, I feel more like its a race against the clock to try to get back in the shape I want to be in, so I'm running a very comprehensive stack myself.

This should be a super fun log to follow and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Thank you Steve and thank you for your friendship and support over the years, I value it very highly. I am super excited to get this log up and running and I think we will have a lot of fun in here.
Push 2
Tuesday, 17 October 2023 at 07:18

Elliptical Machine

Set 1: 10:00

Cuffed Cable Mid stack Lateral Raise
Set 1: 5 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 10 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 3: 5 kg × 20 [Failure]

Hammer Strength Incline Press
Set 1: 40 kg × 8 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 60 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 77,5 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 4: 60 kg × 16 [Failure]

Prime Shoulder Press
Set 1: 60 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 75 kg × 6 [Failure]
Set 3: 60 kg × 17 [Failure]

Standing Close Grip Press
Set 1: 60 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 77,5 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 3: 60 kg × 17 [Failure]

Chest Fly (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 15 kg × 15 [Failure]
Set 2: 10 kg × 20 [Failure]

Hammer Strength Mts Triceps Extension
Set 1: 20 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 30 kg × 11 [Failure]
Set 3: 20 kg × 22 [Failure]

Lateral Raise (Pad Machine)
Set 1: 44 kg × 11 [Failure]
Set 2: 32 kg × 21 [Failure]

Vertical Calf Press Integrated Partials
Set 1: 0 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 30 kg × 15 [Failure]
Set 3: 30 kg × 12 [Failure]

Crunch (Stability Ball)
Set 1: 7 kg x 15 reps [Failure]
Set 2: 7 kg x 12 reps [Failure]

Set 1: 10:00

Set 1: 15:00

Solid push session today. Tuesdays are my 6th day in a row if training as I take Wednesdays off. This is to get as much sleep as possible. When training on weekdays i have to get up at 05.00am so im giving myself a day to "sleep in" on wednesdays where I get up at 07.30am. Then on weekends I dont set an alarm and let my body wake up by itself.
Then on weekends I dont set an alarm and let my body wake up by itself.

Same but I seem to have an internal alarm clock that still gets me up before my actual alarm set time unfortunately.
Pull 2
Thursday, 19 October 2023 at 07:11

Elliptical Machine

Set 1: 10:00

Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral Front Pulldown
Set 1: 50 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 80 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 100 kg × 7 [Failure]
Set 4: 80 kg × 14 [Failure]

Prime Extreme Row (Wide Grip)
Set 1: 60 kg × 8 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 90 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 120 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 4: 100 kg × 20 [Failure]

L+K Single Arm Row
Set 1: 50 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 70 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 3: 55 kg × 17 [Failure]

Pull Up
Set 1: 8 reps [Failure]

Pull Up (Assisted)
Set 1: −25 kg × 17 [Failure]

Shrug (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 45 kg × 7 [Failure]
Set 2: 37,5 kg × 17 [Failure]

Lying Face Pulls
Set 1: 37,5 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 2: 25 kg × 20 [Failure]

Back Extension
Set 1: +20 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 2: 20 reps [Failure]

Hammer Strength Mts Biceps Curls
Set 1: 15 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 25 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 3: 15 kg × 20 [Failure]

Single Preacher Hammer Curl
Set 1: 10 kg × 13 [Failure]

Dc Lat Stretch
Set 1: +30 kg × 1 [Failure]

Set 1: 10:00

Set 1: 15:00

The pull days are my favorite days of the week, I just love training back! Had a good session today, I increased reps or weight on all exercises. Some even on both the top set AND the back off set which is not something that happens often!
Legs 2
Friday, 20 October 2023 at 07:09

Elliptical Machine

Set 1: 10:00

Hanging Leg Raise
Set 1: 20 reps [Failure]

Standing Calf Raise (Machine)
Set 1: 30 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 50 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 70 kg × 2 [Warm-up]
Set 4: 85 kg × 11 [Failure]
Set 5: 60 kg × 19 [Failure]

Hammer Strength Seated Leg Curl
Set 1: 40 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 61 kg × 8 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 75 kg × 2 [Warm-up]
Set 4: 84,5 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 5: 75 kg × 18 [Failure]

Hammer Strength Hip Adduction
Set 1: 75 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 105,5 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 3: 87 kg × 19 [Failure]

Watson Hack Squat
Set 1: 50 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 100 kg × 2 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 130 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 4: 105 kg × 18 [Failure]

Plate Loaded Glute Kickback
Set 1: 30 kg × 18 [Failure]

Hammer Strength Leg Extension
Set 1: 54 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 70,5 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 3: 54 kg × 18 [Failure]

Dc Seated Calf Raise
Set 1: 45 kg × 11 [Failure]

Side Plank
Set 1: 1:00
Set 2: 1:00

Set 1: 25 kg x 1:00
Set 2: 25 kg x 1:00

Set 1: 10:00

Set 1: 15:00

This is my more quad focused leg workout, where the other is more hamstring and glute focused. Im still slowly building up strength from several years of inflamed achilles. But im happy as long as im pain free and can actually train legs hard.
Push 1
Saturday, 21 October 2023 at 08:02

Elliptical Machine

Set 1: 10:00

Watson Lying Cable Y-Raise
Set 1: 10 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 15,5 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 21 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 4: 15,5 kg × 20 [Failure]

Flat ISO Lateral Hammer Press
Set 1: 20 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 40 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 57,5 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 4: 40 kg × 17 [Failure]

High Incline Dumbbell Press
Set 1: 15 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 25 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 3: 17,5 kg × 18 [Failure]

Triceps Dip
Set 1: +10 kg × 8 [Failure]

Triceps Dip (Assisted)
Set 1: 10 kg × 15 [Failure]

Incline Flyes Gymleco Integrated Partials
Set 1: 17,5 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 2: 12,5 kg × 12 [Failure]

Watson Seated Single Overhead Extensions
Set 1: 15 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 25 kg × 9 [Failure]
Set 3: 18,5 kg × 20 [Failure]

Lateral Raise (Machine)
Set 1: 50 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 2: 35 kg × 19 [Failure]

Calf Press Integrated Partials
Set 1: 10 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 20 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 30 kg × 9 [Failure]
Set 4: 20 kg × 12 [Failure]

Seated Cable Crunch
Set 1: 40 kg × 15 [Failure]
Set 2: 40 kg × 12 [Failure]

Set 1: 10:00

Set 1: 15:00

So I have to work today so I didnt get to sleep in like i prefer. But I got an extra hour in bed so thats at least something.

I increased my reps and/or weight on all lifts today! The most crazy one was my first pressing movment where i went up 2,5kg and matched my reps from a week ago. So thats a 4,5% weight increase while maintaining the same reps. Im a weak presser so im VERY happy with that.
Weekly Report 16.October - 22.October
Week 1 of Super Stack


(Everything tracked in MacroFactorå)

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Saturday my fiance took me out for a fancy birthday dinner.
It was 10 courses with the theme of Swedish forest and woods.
I dont know the exact calories but i guestimated around 1400.

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Slight defeceit this week as MacroFactor is trying to get me back to the weight ive sat as my maintenance weight.

Body Composition:
(Weight and body fat measured on a FitBit Aria Scale every morning)

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Weight is slowly dropping back to maintanance lever after a spike a couple of weeks ago.

Recovery and exertion:
(Measured with my Apple Watch that I wear all day and night)
(Recovery is based on HRV and RHR)

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Had un uptick in recovery this week which is always great!

Had a really great week in the gym. Had increases in weight and/or reps on all workouts.
By the end of the week I was starting to feel more energized and better mood. Visually I also started filling out a bit and muscle bellies looked rounder and fuller.

I mentioned in the Pump Gel Thread that Im really starting to feel its effect on my drop off sets that are higher reps.
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Pepti-Plex might also have already started working on a nagging inflamation of mine. Bit early to say but it feels much bette than it has in months.
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Next week:
MactoFactor has a coach plan you can follow and I do a collab, which means I control my macros and it adjust calories based on my goal. My goal now is set as maintanance at 82kg. Since i had a weight spike a couple of weeks ago it works on getting my weight back down. This it does in weekly adjustments.

This is what this weeks adjustments looked like:

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Its my birthday today so im taking the family out for dinner so i will be exceeding the calories for today.
Im going to this local burger place that makes awesome tasting burgers. It will actually be my first burger in 2023 haha.​
Not to derail thread, but @TheMrMuscle assuming you are happy with macrofactor overall? Definitely can tell you are meticulous in your tracking so seems like a great app to complement/help.

Happy birthday by the way; awesome to hear recovery and workouts have improved.

Not that I need it but with hearing all this great feedback surely am going to try pump gel. Should pair well with superswole and I am loving the higher intensity drop sets/supersets in my workouts.
All the best beast, Happy Birthday!
Thank you!

Not to derail thread, but @TheMrMuscle assuming you are happy with macrofactor overall? Definitely can tell you are meticulous in your tracking so seems like a great app to complement/help.

Happy birthday by the way; awesome to hear recovery and workouts have improved.

Not that I need it but with hearing all this great feedback surely am going to try pump gel. Should pair well with superswole and I am loving the higher intensity drop sets/supersets in my workouts.
Thank you buddy.

Yeah MacroFactor is a great tool IF you are doing your job and tracking correctly. I like that it makes small adjustments each week as i thrive of that. The app it self is also really responsive and easy to use.

I can absolutely recommend Pump Gel. Ill be talking a bit about Super Swole as well but im only using that on weekends so I need som more time to get a correct assesment of it.
Push 2
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 at 07:03

Elliptical Machine

Set 1: 10:00

Cuffed Cable Mid stack Lateral Raise
Set 1: 5 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 10 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 3: 7 kg × 20 [Failure]

Hammer Strength Incline Press
Set 1: 40 kg × 8 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 60 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 77,5 kg × 9 [Failure]
Set 4: 60 kg × 17 [Failure]

Prime Shoulder Press
Set 1: 60 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 75 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 3: 60 kg × 18 [Failure]

Standing Close Grip Press
Set 1: 60 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 77,5 kg × 9 [Failure]
Set 3: 60 kg × 17 [Failure]

Chest Fly (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 17,5 kg × 11 [Failure]
Set 2: 12,5 kg × 19 [Failure]

Hammer Strength Mts Triceps Extension
Set 1: 30 kg × 13 [Failure]
Set 2: 22,5 kg × 21 [Failure]

Lateral Raise (Pad Machine)
Set 1: 44 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 2: 34,5 kg × 16 [Failure]

Vertical Calf Press Integrated Partials
Set 1: 0 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 20 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 40 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 4: 30 kg × 15 [Failure]

Crunch (Stability Ball)
Set 1: 7 kg x 15 reps [Failure]
Set 2: 7 kg x 15 reps [Failure]

Set 1: 10:00

Set 1: 15:00

Yesterday evening we celebrated my birthday. I hadnt planned on eating too much over my regular calories so I just went for a burger that had around 900 kcal. But then my daugher had bought me 3 different cinnamon buns (my favorites) so I had all of those and they were around 400 kcal per bun. When we came home my fiance had baked 4 different types of cookies for me, so i had one of each and those were around 200 kcal per cookie. So i ended up at 3000 kcal instead of my regular 600 kcal evening meal.

I slept like a baby, only woke up once because of thirst and drunk the whole 0,8l water cooler i have by my bed. Before falling right back asleep again. Thing is though that even though i felt like i slept great, my gizmos always go crazy when I eat a big meal before bed. Because of the body having to process all of the food my HRV drops and HR spikes. Which destroyes my recovery score.

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But this is something ive seen before and know that even though it looks like im dying, i feel fantastic. I had an awesome workout fueled by all the extra calories! I probably was a bit dehydrated when i woke up. But I always drink close to 1,5l of water before hitting the gym and another 1,5l during. So by the time the workout was over i was plenty hydrated.
That’s a lot of fluid right around the workout. I need to start doing that as I get dehydrated just due to not drinking enough in the morning time.
Pull 2
Thursday, 26 October 2023 at 07:00

Elliptical Machine

Set 1: 10:00

Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral Front Pulldown
Set 1: 50 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 80 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 100 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 4: 80 kg × 17 [Failure]

Prime Extreme Row (Wide Grip)
Set 1: 60 kg × 8 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 100 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 125 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 4: 105 kg × 17 [Failure]

L+K Single Arm Row
Set 1: 55 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 75 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 3: 55 kg × 20 [Failure]

Pull Up
Set 1: 9 reps [Failure]

Pull Up (Assisted)
Set 1: −25 kg × 18 [Failure]

Shrug (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 45 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 2: 37,5 kg × 19 [Failure]

Lying Face Pulls
Set 1: 40 kg × 11 [Failure]
Set 2: 27,5 kg × 20 [Failure]

Back Extension
Set 1: +20 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 2: 20 reps [Failure]

Hammer Strength Mts Biceps Curls
Set 1: 15 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 25 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 3: 17,5 kg × 18 [Failure]

Single Preacher Hammer Curl
Set 1: 10 kg × 13 [Failure]

Dc Lat Stretch
Set 1: +35 kg × 1 [Failure]

Set 1: 10:00

Set 1: 15:00

Solid workout with a lot of progression. It feels like my body temperature is up a degree or two in the gym. Which is great because winter has come to north Sweden which means way below freezing temps outside. Im also looking and feeling a lot fuller, which is something ive been looking forward to.
I'm not ready for these low temps. I'm going to need to buy some thermogenics just to stay warm. 😭

Nice session though.
I'm not ready for these low temps. I'm going to need to buy some thermogenics just to stay warm. 😭

Nice session though.
Yeah ive asked my fiance a hundred times why she couldnt have lived in Hawaii or something. I had to move to another country anyway so id rather have it be a warmer one!
This thread hadn't popped up in my notifications - sorry I missed saying Happy Birthday. Late Happy Birthday, I hope you had a wonderful one.
Pull 2
Thursday, 26 October 2023 at 07:00

Elliptical Machine

Set 1: 10:00

Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral Front Pulldown
Set 1: 50 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 80 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 100 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 4: 80 kg × 17 [Failure]

Prime Extreme Row (Wide Grip)
Set 1: 60 kg × 8 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 100 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 125 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 4: 105 kg × 17 [Failure]

L+K Single Arm Row
Set 1: 55 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 75 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 3: 55 kg × 20 [Failure]

Pull Up
Set 1: 9 reps [Failure]

Pull Up (Assisted)
Set 1: −25 kg × 18 [Failure]

Shrug (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 45 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 2: 37,5 kg × 19 [Failure]

Lying Face Pulls
Set 1: 40 kg × 11 [Failure]
Set 2: 27,5 kg × 20 [Failure]

Back Extension
Set 1: +20 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 2: 20 reps [Failure]

Hammer Strength Mts Biceps Curls
Set 1: 15 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 25 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 3: 17,5 kg × 18 [Failure]

Single Preacher Hammer Curl
Set 1: 10 kg × 13 [Failure]

Dc Lat Stretch
Set 1: +35 kg × 1 [Failure]

Set 1: 10:00

Set 1: 15:00

Solid workout with a lot of progression. It feels like my body temperature is up a degree or two in the gym. Which is great because winter has come to north Sweden which means way below freezing temps outside. Im also looking and feeling a lot fuller, which is something ive been looking forward to.
That’s an awesome looking session! I have a love hate relationship with winter, I love it for a while then I’m like ok I’m over it.

curious to is the nagging inflation still at bay? That seems really interesting if it correlates to one of the products in your stack. So just curious how that is going.

happy late birthday by the way!
This thread hadn't popped up in my notifications - sorry I missed saying Happy Birthday. Late Happy Birthday, I hope you had a wonderful one.
Thank you brother, i had a really nice celebration with my family and lots of good food.

That’s an awesome looking session! I have a love hate relationship with winter, I love it for a while then I’m like ok I’m over it.

curious to is the nagging inflation still at bay? That seems really interesting if it correlates to one of the products in your stack. So just curious how that is going.

happy late birthday by the way!
Its been snowing all morning here now, so winter has definately come.

So ive been pain free for the better part of a week now. There is still some residue of it, but just being able to walk around without pain is such a relief. Also im guessing because on inflamation tendons and stuff were rubbing up against each other. So when i did adductor work on every rep there would be this crunching sound. Today i did legs and there were now crunch sound at all, so the inflamation might not me 100% gone but its severly reduced.

Thank you for the well wishes :)
Legs 2
Friday, 27 October 2023 at 07:02

Elliptical Machine

Set 1: 10:00

Hanging Leg Raise
Set 1: 20 reps [Failure]

Standing Calf Raise (Machine)
Set 1: 30 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 50 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 70 kg × 2 [Warm-up]
Set 4: 85 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 5: 65 kg × 16 [Failure]

Hammer Strength Seated Leg Curl
Set 1: 47 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 68 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 87 kg × 9 [Failure]
Set 4: 75 kg × 20 [Failure]

Hammer Strength Hip Adduction
Set 1: 82 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 108 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 3: 89 kg × 16 [Failure]

Watson Hack Squat
Set 1: 80 kg × 8 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 110 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 140 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 4: 110 kg × 21 [Failure]

Plate Loaded Glute Kickback
Set 1: 40 kg × 15 [Failure]

Hammer Strength Leg Extension
Set 1: 54 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 73 kg × 11 [Failure]
Set 3: 54 kg × 20 [Failure]

Dc Seated Calf Raise
Set 1: 50 kg × 8 [Failure]

Side Plank
Set 1: 1:00
Set 2: 1:00

Set 1: 30 kg x 1:00
Set 2: 30 kg x 1:00

Set 1: 10:00

Set 1: 15:00

Really happy with todays workout. The warm up on hack squat felt really light so i went up 10kg on my working set and proceeded to increase the reps by 2 from last weeks workout. So +10kg and +2reps, also completely pain free!
Push 1
Saturday, 28 October 2023 at 09:03

Elliptical Machine

Set 1: 10:00

Lying Cable Y-Raise
Set 1: 5 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 10 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 15 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 4: 10 kg × 22 [Failure]

Flat ISO Lateral Hammer Press
Set 1: 20 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 40 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 60 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 4: 40 kg × 17 [Failure]

High Incline Dumbbell Press
Set 1: 15 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 25 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 3: 17,5 kg × 18 [Failure]

Triceps Dip
Set 1: +10 kg × 9 [Failure]

Triceps Dip (Assisted)
Set 1: 10 kg × 16 [Failure]

Incline Flyes Gymleco Integrated Partials
Set 1: 20 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 2: 12,5 kg × 12 [Failure]

Watson Seated Single Overhead Extensions
Set 1: 15 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 25 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 3: 19,5 kg × 20 [Failure]

Lateral Raise (Machine)
Set 1: 50 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 2: 35 kg × 22 [Failure]

Calf Press Integrated Partials
Set 1: 10 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 20 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 40 kg × 6 [Failure]
Set 4: 30 kg × 9 [Failure]

Seated Cable Crunch
Set 1: 40 kg × 15 [Failure]
Set 2: 40 kg × 12 [Failure]

Set 1: 10:00

Set 1: 15:00

Pull 1
Sunday, 29 October 2023 at 09:00

Elliptical Machine

Set 1: 10:00

Prime Lat Pulldown
Set 1: 50 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 75 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 90 kg × 11 [Failure]
Set 4: 70 kg × 17 [Failure]

ISO Lateral Low Row
Set 1: 50 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 70 kg × 4 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 90 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 4: 70 kg × 15 [Failure]

Bent Over Row (Barbell)
Set 1: 40 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 65 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 3: 45 kg × 18 [Failure]

Shrug (Machine)
Set 1: 130 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 2: 130 kg × 12 [Failure]

Hammer Strength High Row
Set 1: 80 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 105 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 3: 85 kg × 18 [Failure]

Seated Cable Reverse Fly
Set 1: 10 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 2: 5 kg × 19 [Failure]

Hammer Preacher Curl (Close Grip)
Set 1: 15 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 30 kg × 11 [Failure]
Set 3: 22,5 kg × 18 [Failure]

DC 1-Arm Reverse Curl
Set 1: 23 kg × 8 [Failure]

Dc Lat Stretch (Weighted)
Set 1: +35 kg × 1 [Failure]

Set 1: 10:00

Set 1: 15:00

Weekend workout are something I always look forward too. Mainly because I dont go to work afterwards so there is no stress or time restraint, I can take my time and really enjoy it. Well, now I look forward to them even more because on the weekends i use the pre workout combo of Pump Addict and Super Swole, and its amazing!

Ive been lifting for over 30 years so I was around when the Craze and Jack3d pwos hit the scene. I quickly realized they werent for me and that I wasnt that much of a stim guy. Ive found that Focus-XT plus a solid pump formula works best for me. I also dont like to get to heavily stimmed when going to work afterwards.

Well on weekends I dont work anymore so I wanted to try something a bit harder, Pump Addict was my first thought. Combining it with Super Swole caps was a given. Ive been taking that stack for 5 workouts now and its amazing.

First 2 workouts I did 1/2 serving of Pump Addict plus 1 whole serving of Super Swole. It gave me a really nice smooth energy and focus with a crazy pump. For the last 3 i upped my Pump Addict serving to 11g which is roughly 1,5 scoops of a 2 scoop serving still combining it with a full serving of Super Swole.

To me this amount is nothing but fantastic. The focus is so unreal I found myself zoning out already when in the elliptical when warming up. I started tjinking about the workout and what exercises I was planning and what weights and then all of a sudden 10 minutes had gone by.

While training I felt amazing both energy, focus and sense of well being. Im a guy who always listens to podcasts or audiobooks when training as i feel music gets to noisy. But when using this pre workout blend I have been cranking up the music and finding myself lip sync the lyrics while taking my pauses between sets.

I will try 2 scoops someday if im feeling extra tired or run down. But so far 1,5 scoops are perfect for me. I will only run in on weekends as I for some reason dont want that kinda euphoric feeling at the gym when I have to work for 9-10 hours afterwards. I cant eplain the reasoning behind it, because the pwo gives zero crash. But somehow I dont want to go from feeling so amazing, to how i feel when im stuck at work.

**** that makes is sound like I have the worst job ever. I dont, let me make that clear. I just dont think being in a euphoric state will promote my ability to enjoy or perform my job. If that makes any sense to anyone but me.
Weekend workout are something I always look forward too. Mainly because I dont go to work afterwards so there is no stress or time restraint, I can take my time and really enjoy it.

Agreed! There's something about just working out and then not feeling rushed to get on with the next thing like how it is during the week.
Legs 1
Monday, 30 October 2023 at 07:06

Elliptical Machine

Set 1: 10:00

Seated Calf Raise (Plate Loaded)
Set 1: 20 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 40 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 50 kg × 8 [Failure]
Set 4: 40 kg × 13 [Failure]

Hammer Strength Lying Leg Curl
Set 1: 25 kg × 10 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 39 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 3: 48,5 kg × 2 [Warm-up]
Set 4: 58 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 5: 46 kg × 20 [Failure]

Glute Press (Dynavec)
Set 1: 60 kg × 12 [Failure]
Set 2: 40 kg × 20 [Failure]

Belt Squat
Set 1: 50 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 90 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 3: 60 kg × 20 [Failure]

Romanian Deadlift (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 kg × 10 [Failure]
Set 2: 17,5 kg × 20 [Failure]

Leg Extensions Legendary
Set 1: 35 kg × 15 [Failure]
Set 2: 25 kg × 20 [Failure]

Dc Standing Calf Raise
Set 1: 30 kg × 5 [Warm-up]
Set 2: 65 kg × 9 [Failure]

Side Plank
Set 1: 1:00
Set 2: 1:00

Set 1: 30 kg x 1:00
Set 2: 30 kg x 1:00

Set 1: 10:00

Set 1: 15:00

Monday workouts are always a bit tougher than other workouts, but I got into a good flow today as well. A completely pain free leg workout is something i couldnt dream of a month ago. So this is just a blessing! Also, progress was done!
Weekly Report 23.October - 29.October
Week 2 of Super Stack


(Everything tracked in MacroFactorå)

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As mentioned Monday was my birthday so I went all out on that day!
And it was awesome.

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No watch or gadget can measure output 100% correctly. But I do belive this to be close to accurate.
Slight defeceit as MacroFactor is trying to drop me down 1kg or so.

Body Composition:
(Weight and body fat measured on a FitBit Aria Scale every morning)

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Average weight increased a bit this week, but I blame my borthday pig out!

Recovery and exertion:
(Measured with my Apple Watch that I wear all day and night)
(Recovery is based on HRV and RHR)

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My Apple Watch always thinks im dying the day after ive had lots of extra food.
In reality i feel great, but I guess it puts extra strain on my body.

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Very interesting that my weekends has the highest strain. When those are the days i only work out and walk the dogs. Rest of the time i relax. Im thinking it has a connection with the fact that i use Muscle Addiction Pump Addict as my pre workout on those days. I will have to look over the data, but I think it pushes my heart rate up during training.

Really good week again!
I really got the most out of my birthday feast and made progress on all workouts!

I am definately feeling the effects of AE and AXT more now in the sense of that "alpha" feeling where the mood and confident is so much better. I also look fuller and bigger in the gym which we all love.

I am Norwegian and live in Sweden and this Finnish guy came up to me while training and said "God damn you are looking big you Norwegian viking". So something is happening!

Next week:
So MacroFactor gave me an increase in kcal this week, if you remember last week it dropped some.
30 kcal is of course nothing, you can get that from getting a bit more fat on the chicken. But I like to think that everything i eat is 100% the same each day. So 30 kcal gave me 10 more grams of Cream of Rice!

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Looking good. Macro up and downs of calories is always a little bit for me every week too. You track way more than me though haha
@TheMrMuscle awesome work, glad you are exceling/progressing in your lifts. More exicted to try anabolic effect this upcoming year in January, been intrigued with the ingredients in it. With your results in a short amount of time of looking/feeling fuller as well as feeling alpha, might be purchasing a 6 month run right from get-go. Furthermore its looking like pepti plex is working its magic of helping reduce nagging injuries and is kicking into full gear.

Not too far into pepti- plex on my end but just told @sns8778 with my mobility training my lower back has progressed immensly(work accident, bad sciatica, points in time where i couldnt even get up off the floor pain), I have not felt this good in years even back in my college days(best shape I have ever been in prior).

Keep up all the hard work; your dedication and attention to detail on your entire regimen helps motivate me to stay on track myself.
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@TheMrMuscle awesome work, glad you are exceling/progressing in your lifts. More exicted to try anabolic effect this upcoming year in January, been intrigued with the ingredients in it. With your results in a short amount of time of looking/feeling fuller as well as feeling alpha, might be purchasing a 6 month run right from get-go. Furthermore its looking like pepti plex is working its magic of helping reduce nagging injuries and is kicking into full gear.

Not too far into pepti- plex on my end but just told @sns8778 with my mobility training my lower back has progressed immensly(work accident, bad sciatica, points in time where i couldnt even get up off the floor pain), I have not felt this good in years even back in my college days(best shape I have ever been in prior).

Keep up all the hard work; your dedication and attention to detail on your entire regimen helps motivate me to stay on track myself.
Hey man! Im glad i can help motivate you, that feels so good to hear. You are going to love AE, its one of my all time favorite products and im so glad im finally running it again.

Pepti-Plex seems to be a wonder of a supplement. Health and longevity is something one take for granted in our younger years. But now when mortality becomes a bigger and bigger part of our daily life, actually finding a supplement that has so many positiv effects is a god send.