Getting Primed for the stage CEO Style with some other nice goodies



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Strength was good last night I was up 5 lbs on almost every lift. Endurance wasn't a problem but it wasn't stellar either. This is just a sign that I am below my fighting weight or optimum wieght for peak performance. Accumulation is another reason I am not experiencing good endurance. I seem a little short of breath and tiring out more quickly.

I weighed in and expected to be somewhere around 202 and much to my surprise I was 204. Man this has been a strange cut, it did not bother me I could see the weight loss in the mirror. This morning when I got up I looked quite full and tight, even a bit bigger so I am thinking I'm not as decarbed as I thought. Today is a low carb day and the last time I weighed in it was also. The new diet is pretty high in Protein as well so that could be a factor. Another thing is it's pretty early for the new diet to have had that much of an effect. Late in the week it should yield some results.
Mr Aestheticz

Mr Aestheticz

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Strength was good last night I was up 5 lbs on almost every lift. Endurance wasn't a problem but it wasn't stellar either. This is just a sign that I am below my fighting weight or optimum wieght for peak performance. Accumulation is another reason I am not experiencing good endurance. I seem a little short of breath and tiring out more quickly.

I weighed in and expected to be somewhere around 202 and much to my surprise I was 204. Man this has been a strange cut, it did not bother me I could see the weight loss in the mirror. This morning when I got up I looked quite full and tight, even a bit bigger so I am thinking I'm not as decarbed as I thought. Today is a low carb day and the last time I weighed in it was also. The new diet is pretty high in Protein as well so that could be a factor. Another thing is it's pretty early for the new diet to have had that much of an effect. Late in the week it should yield some results.


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Thanks, I just want to show up and look like I mean business... one last time. Maybe more if this goes well...
I doubt this will be the last time. You've got lots of productive years ahead of you. You're still a youngster. :thumbsup:


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I doubt this will be the last time. You've got lots of productive years ahead of you. You're still a youngster. :thumbsup:
Yah it all depends on how things go, if I feel I've gone as far as I can, then that will be it from a competitive side. This comeback was instigated by an improved physique brought on my modern herbal supplementation. If I can continue to improve and it takes me to greater heights competitively then that's fine. I'm not interested in any lateral movement...
Army Guy

Army Guy

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can't say that I blame you on that one my friend


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Strength was good last night I was up 5 lbs on almost every lift. Endurance wasn't a problem but it wasn't stellar either. This is just a sign that I am below my fighting weight or optimum wieght for peak performance. Accumulation is another reason I am not experiencing good endurance. I seem a little short of breath and tiring out more quickly.

I weighed in and expected to be somewhere around 202 and much to my surprise I was 204. Man this has been a strange cut, it did not bother me I could see the weight loss in the mirror. This morning when I got up I looked quite full and tight, even a bit bigger so I am thinking I'm not as decarbed as I thought. Today is a low carb day and the last time I weighed in it was also. The new diet is pretty high in Protein as well so that could be a factor. Another thing is it's pretty early for the new diet to have had that much of an effect. Late in the week it should yield some results.
Nice on the lift increases!!!


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Yah they're going to be hard to come by from here on out, gonna become more about survival...:eek5:
Stick to your plan DW, you have everyone supporting you and one heck of a stack of great supps as well. Time to go through the motions and see what is lying under that last bit of fat!


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Stick to your plan DW, you have everyone supporting you and one heck of a stack of great supps as well. Time to go through the motions and see what is lying under that last bit of fat!
There's actually so little of it I can see what's underneath, that's what has got me pretty excited, the potential is very high. Just got to make it happen.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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There's actually so little of it I can see what's underneath, that's what has got me pretty excited, the potential is very high. Just got to make it happen.
keep up the good work Doug

I could be wrong I think a lot of competitors do not realize that a lot of that weight is water weight from the increased calories/carbs and internal organ fat. I think a lot of people just looking at the outward and say yeah that's where the fat is because isn't the internal fat around the organs some of the last places to really go when a person gets down to like 7-8 percent and under?


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keep up the good work Doug

I could be wrong I think a lot of competitors do not realize that a lot of that weight is water weight from the increased calories/carbs and internal organ fat. I think a lot of people just looking at the outward and say yeah that's where the fat is because isn't the internal fat around the organs some of the last places to really go when a person gets down to like 7-8 percent and under?
Another thing I try not to let throw me, is when you're decarbed muscle gets a little looser and may make you look like you're holding more fat that you actually are. That's not so much the case with me recently though as I am below 7% now. I can see basically how thin my skin is and I look quite firm even decarbed. I have only the one trouble spot right around the belly button which is a bit strange as it usually goes before the love handles and chest fat. Kind of threw me as things happened differently this time than ever before. The trouble spot is greatly diminished, as a matter of fact, I could proabably hide it with very good posing and posture. I still have 3 weeks to get rid of it and I have a trick up my sleeve. :biglaugh:


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I was so tired last night, the weather was terrible but I had no choice.. off the gym through the wet snow. I got there soaking wet and feeling very weary...

I kicked azz anyway though!! Where the fug did this come from!! Yah I was very exhausted through some of it but the warrior spirit would not be denied. As soon as I feel cold steel in my hand, something else just takes over. I hammered my shoulders and arms. I was pumped and vascular, my reps were clean and intense.

Rear delt raise 30 X 8 drop 25 X 8 3-1-2 tempo ss
L-lateral raise 30 X 8 drop 25 X 8 3-1-2 tempo ss
Front Raise 25 X 8 drop 20 X 8 3-1-2 tempo
3 rounds of this, by the third I was missing reps on the drops for the first 2 exercises which is how this routine is designed to work, as long as get at least 5 reps on the drop this rule applies to all exercises in this routine. If I can get all 8 for 3 sets on the drop that indicates an increase. I do increase after the first week anyway though.

Incline Rope extension 150 X 8 drop 120 X 8 3-1-2 tempo ss
Incline alt db curls 35 X 8 drop 30 X 8 3-1-2 tempo ss
Xface tri ext. 30 X 8 drop 25 X 8 3-1-2 tempo ss
Prone db curl 35 X 8 drop 30 X 8 3-1-2 tempo
3 rounds same rules... man what a pump!!

I went home and got straight into the shower and went to bed (after my shake of course) I slept for 7 hours all tolled. Best sleep I've had in a while.


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Good stuff Doug! Sounds like confidence is peaking that is great!


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Good stuff Doug! Sounds like confidence is peaking that is great!
Now that I am back on track, yah confidence is up. There is still some uncertainty but things should go smoothly from here. Conditioning continues to be the key. I will likely forgo carb up this week to let this diet so it's job, a lot of that depends how things go in the next couple days. Things are changing quickly and I have to be flexible.


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If you are confident in how the load works for you ride the conditioning train on in the next few weeks and you should be good to go.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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I had the same type of lift this morning Doug. It seems that the weather (snow here as well) was just keeping me down... that and it was 0530 when I got there!! LOL but I had an epic lift!! When in doubt give credit to God and the Pink!!!


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Now that I am back on track, yah confidence is up. There is still some uncertainty but things should go smoothly from here. Conditioning continues to be the key. I will likely forgo carb up this week to let this diet so it's job, a lot of that depends how things go in the next couple days. Things are changing quickly and I have to be flexible.
DW your doing a hell of a job. Your almost there.:)


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If you are confident in how the load works for you ride the conditioning train on in the next few weeks and you should be good to go.
Yah that's what I have been thinking...


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I had the same type of lift this morning Doug. It seems that the weather (snow here as well) was just keeping me down... that and it was 0530 when I got there!! LOL but I had an epic lift!! When in doubt give credit to God and the Pink!!!
Yah and sometimes when you don't feel well your expectations aren't as high so you suprise yourself, the pink was definitely kicking though.

DW your doing a hell of a job. Your almost there.:)
Yah starting to feel like a Marathon lol


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The top spot on the podium is waiting....Make it Happen!!


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The top spot on the podium is waiting....Make it Happen!!
Doing all I can, I have to say I like my chances at a regional show. My main concern is coming in a cut above so I can win a trip to Vegas!!

I continue to see positive changes on a daily basis, so I know am definitely on the right track. Is it enough only time will tell. I should be able to drop another 5 lbs before I start to carb up 2 weeks from this Monday night. I might even be able to shed more with the supps I'm taking.

AM fasted cardio today, and legs coming tonight followed by some moderate cardio. 30 minute sessions for the cardio. I am doing 4 hours a week right now and coupled with all the walking that appears to be just right.

I slept a bit better the last 2 nights so I have a bit of a spring back in my step, which is bonus at this point.


AI Sports Nutrition
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Doing all I can, I have to say I like my chances at a regional show. My main concern is coming in a cut above so I can win a trip to Vegas!!

I continue to see positive changes on a daily basis, so I know am definitely on the right track. Is it enough only time will tell. I should be able to drop another 5 lbs before I start to carb up 2 weeks from this Monday night. I might even be able to shed more with the supps I'm taking.

AM fasted cardio today, and legs coming tonight followed by some moderate cardio. 30 minute sessions for the cardio. I am doing 4 hours a week right now and coupled with all the walking that appears to be just right.

I slept a bit better the last 2 nights so I have a bit of a spring back in my step, which is bonus at this point.
That is all any of us can do. And I think your doing that very well!!!!


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High carb day?
No such thing anymore :sleepy: I have higher carb days but I am between 150 to 200 a good percentage of that is fibrous. The only starches are on higher days 1.5 cups of black beans at lunch and every day I have either 1.5 cups of rice or 10 oz yam.. that's it. The rest comes from vegtables and my morning grapefruit and some trace carbs in my protein drinks.

Oh and I sometimes eat a couple oranges on my higher days...


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Sounds about right to me. DW keeping on the cut train! I am going to keep bringing the ol waistline down myself. Then work for some more clean LBM afterwards. Hopefully will see some recomping overall when said and done.


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Sounds about right to me. DW keeping on the cut train! I am going to keep bringing the ol waistline down myself. Then work for some more clean LBM afterwards. Hopefully will see some recomping overall when said and done.
Yah the Fish Veal diet is starting to do it's job. I look leaner than this morning... It is really freaky the changes are so quick.


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Is that fish / veal diet something you have references on? Something I can look up?


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Is that fish / veal diet something you have references on? Something I can look up?
No just some old school dieting that my mentor handed down. The basics is nothing but fresh fish and milk fed veal because the purity of the food sources. I just know it works very well. Have to watch what fish you eat, I was using really high grade fresh tuna one time but it did not agree with me at that quantlty. I am using Salmon, Rainbow Trout (very good!!) and Tilapia.

The veal is leg only and Milk fed is very high quality.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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I am SOOOOO coming to your place for a BBQ!!!


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I am SOOOOO coming to your place for a BBQ!!!
Yah the stuff BBQ's up real nice and nothing takes on spice the way veal does. A little Mesquite and some pepper medely and it's pretty damn tasty. Gets a bit much eating it every day but it's only for 3 weeks. Almost 1 week down now.

Oh if you come over for a BBQ I will go to Costco and pick up a whole Tenderloin... cut it about 2 inches thick, will give me about a dozen really nice 12- 16 oz steaks now that's BBQing..
Army Guy

Army Guy

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I can't imagine how much that is costing you!!! I will be there in an hour for the BBQ!!! LOL


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All this talk of meat is killing me!!!!! I want veal ASAP! Instead I have some NutraPro going down the hatch in ten minutes, so I have no complaints :D
Army Guy

Army Guy

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ummm I just ate a juicy steak...


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I can't imagine how much that is costing you!!! I will be there in an hour for the BBQ!!! LOL
10 bucks a day for the veal, I didn't figure it out for the fish but is probably around the same or less. The Rainbow trout though ... it's really worth it. Costco has good prices so I am saving a lot as well. So 3 weeks 20 a day for meat.. 420, not all that bad really. The fact that it's being consumed by one person... yah that's a bit steep...
Army Guy

Army Guy

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ahhhh make that TWO people!!!
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Another thing I try not to let throw me, is when you're decarbed muscle gets a little looser and may make you look like you're holding more fat that you actually are. That's not so much the case with me recently though as I am below 7% now. I can see basically how thin my skin is and I look quite firm even decarbed. I have only the one trouble spot right around the belly button which is a bit strange as it usually goes before the love handles and chest fat. Kind of threw me as things happened differently this time than ever before. The trouble spot is greatly diminished, as a matter of fact, I could proabably hide it with very good posing and posture. I still have 3 weeks to get rid of it and I have a trick up my sleeve. :biglaugh:
yeah that and the chest area is the last places to go for myself. I think it is common, the chest and lower abdomen, for men, for the last places to lose

do you use a natural diuretic the night before?(stuff with like dandelion)

asparagus is also a natural diuretic.

Actually I heard Dorian Yates say the night before the show to drink alcohol and that will help a bit. (and relaxes a bit) Have not tried this myself

No just some old school dieting that my mentor handed down. The basics is nothing but fresh fish and milk fed veal because the purity of the food sources. I just know it works very well. Have to watch what fish you eat, I was using really high grade fresh tuna one time but it did not agree with me at that quantlty. I am using Salmon, Rainbow Trout (very good!!) and Tilapia.

The veal is leg only and Milk fed is very high quality.
do you get Rainbow trout in bulk?

I used to like tilapia , lately though the wal marts for 12 $ at least ours krogers and wal mart has been tasting like dirt. i think because it is farm raised.


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Wow that is all you eat, no carbs either, or is that the only meat sources?


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yeah that and the chest area is the last places to go for myself. I think it is common, the chest and lower abdomen, for men, for the last places to lose

do you use a natural diuretic the night before?(stuff with like dandelion)

asparagus is also a natural diuretic.

Actually I heard Dorian Yates say the night before the show to drink alcohol and that will help a bit. (and relaxes a bit) Have not tried this myself

do you get Rainbow trout in bulk?

I used to like tilapia , lately though the wal marts for 12 $ at least ours krogers and wal mart has been tasting like dirt. i think because it is farm raised.
Using Skiploading it is not recommended to use diuretics, I will have a natural one on hand just in case though. Alcohols out for me I'm 19 years sober.

Yah the trout comes in 2 20 oz fillets per pak so I guess that could be considered bulk...

Wow that is all you eat, no carbs either, or is that the only meat sources?
No I have some carbs... I'll run down my diet it's pretty simple

7am to 8am I medium grapefruit, 6 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, I scoop Myofusion in water..

Noon on lower carb days, large salad (fields greens), 2 bell peppers (this is my candy), 10-12 oz cooked milk fed veal 2-3 cups brocolli
Higher carb days I substitute bell peppers for 1.5 cups of black beans and sometimes I eat a couple oranges

4:30 pm 10-12 oz fresh fish... 1 10 oz yam or 1.5 cups of parboiled rice, 2-3 cups brocolli, large salad, romaine cherry tomatoes, oil and vineagar...

Wd's I scoop peptopro pre, 2 scoops after
Nwd's 2 scoops of Myfusion around 8pm

Comes to about 2400 cals on higher carb days and 2000 on lower.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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simple yet very efficient DW!!! There is a lot of flavor built into that one as well!


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Wow!! Wow!!

It didn't give me any warning, it just came in one giant onslaught. Let me tell the whole story... Leg day, like any other leg day...

I am doing a ss of Leg Press and Leg extension with a single drop slow reps, man is this fuggin painful. I am feeling pretty good and I usually boost the weight so I go to 550 which is 50 more lbs than last week, I crushed it!! So what the hek I'll make it an even 600 I tack on a 25 plate on each side. I crush that!! WTF!! where the fug did this come from!! Ok then 50 fuggin more!! I am up 150 lbs from last week!! I had to grind it out a bit at the end but all reps were performed with maximum range of motion. I felt powerfull through every rep!! Now think I am ss Leg extensions with 2 drops and in excrutiating pain while doing so. I still had to keep pushing the weight up!!

This is unprecedented, I have never experience a jump like this before. I am just finishing week 4 of PM so I guess it had a late kick for the strength gains for me and it came all at once. I was thinking my depleted calorie intake was not allowing me the strength gaim, oh yah and I'm in the final stage of a cut!! This is just crazy...

Calves were up 20 lbs, as were hamstrings, which is not the ridiculous but it's the way I felt while doing them, I felt so much stronger...These were all stellar reps done with incredible force...
Army Guy

Army Guy

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that's an incredible leg day! If it were anyone other than you I would be thinking that, "hey he must have changed his diet," or something along those lines, but that is just impressive Doug!! Actually very envious of you with your gym work. I had to postpone my leg day for tomorrow :(


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The power of Pink Magic never ceases to amaze me DW... I was holding out for you to have your Eureka moment with it, and now it has came! Awesome you are still crushing it on low cals, just watch yourself, can't have you getting hurt this late in the game now that you have so little fat around your joints. Keep crushing it and looking forward to some early updates next week to see if you are down around 5%.

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