AnabolicXtreme 3-AD: You have been Warned! - Hankie's Log

what should we do with Hank's 3-ad log??

  • continue to run my log right here in this beast of a log

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • start fresh with a new uncorrupted virgin log

    Votes: 15 60.0%

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Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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If he lies, we'll drag him into the street, and beat him furiously with random jagged objects..then toss him in a McDonalds dumpster. No pressure Hank :)
you think this will deter me from lying? bwaaahahaha.
i love the mcdonalds dumpster!!!


On my grind
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If he lies, we'll drag him into the street, and beat him furiously with random jagged objects..then toss him in a McDonalds dumpster. No pressure Hank :)

And on top of that take the rest of his 3-ad and split it between all of us! Muahahaha!! :rasp:


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On my grind
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You are officialy fired zombie!! :lol:


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Zombie, why do you hate us so? What did we ever do to you?

Mac: But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun!

Thorny: Yeah, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic.

Foster: ...Which... makes them not really shenanigans at all.

Mac: Evil shenanigans!

Captain O'Hagan: I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says, " Shenanigans."

Mac: Hey Farva what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy sh!t on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?

Farva: You mean Shenanigans?

All together: OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!


Never enough
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height: 5'10"
weight: 180lbs
hips: 34"
waist: 32"
shoulders: 51"
chest: 43"
quads: 23.5"
calf: 15"
arms: 16"
forearm: 12"
you know, I don't think i've seen you post your stats before. More or less thats about what i'm looking at as my 2008 goals tho, your measurements. Well, bigger calves, I can't shrink them that much ;)


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well, by the tiem he is done with 3-ad, he'll have bigger calves, easy! :D
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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Day 1:

dosed 2 pills of 3-ad around 9am w/fish oil and sesimin oil and a handfull of almonds.
dosed 2 pills of 3-ad around 4pm w/natty pb.

supps i'm taking while on this run include:
ON 100% whey
fish oil
sesimin oil
opti-men multi

so far not really feeling anything etrordinary yet.
but it is to be expected since i've only taken 3 doses of 3-ad so far since yesterday evening.

i did however have a great leg workout today.
no personal records but the workout felt great!
i felt strong and didn't really feel fatigued following my routine.
but remember i'm susecptable to the placebo effect and it could be in my head for now. lol.

per easy's request, here is a leg shot i took today right before my workout.
damn my chicken legs are white! if you happened to see that bright white flash around 5pm today it was my legs reflecting the camera flash into the atmosphere.



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Lol atleast your brutally honest about the placebo effect.

Arms are looking lean as fvck. Time to do some heavy squats my man, bring your legs right up.


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if you happened to see that bright white flash around 5pm today it was my legs reflecting the camera flash into the atmosphere.
That explains it. What kind of numbers do you put up on a normal leg day?
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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heavy squats are on the menu. well, as heavy as i can go while still getting a deep squat. :squat:

today's lift #s:

135 x 20
135 x 20
225 x 14
295 x 10
295 x 8

body weight x 30
holding 50lb dumbbells - 3 sets of 10

standing calf raise:
one leg at a time - body wieght + 45lb plate x 20 (5 sets) - ooooohhhh the burn!!!


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Hankie, any immediate effect on intensity? If not don't lie, i'm just currious....*cough- McDonalds dumpster*


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Hankie, any immediate effect on intensity? If not don't lie, i'm just currious....*cough- McDonalds dumpster*
that remind me of the mcdonalds supersized twins

nice workout hank. i wish my knees let me that much squats. i can take the weight but not that many reps


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Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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Hankie, any immediate effect on intensity? If not don't lie, i'm just currious....*cough- McDonalds dumpster*
not really sure.
if i had to pick an answer i'd say no real change in intensity so far.

although i'm a little nervous trying to answer this correctly.
even though the mcdonalds dumpster doesn't scare me the getting shanked with random sharp objects in the alley does. lol.
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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that remind me of the mcdonalds supersized twins

nice workout hank. i wish my knees let me that much squats. i can take the weight but not that many reps

hey, what happened to those beasty gals?
i saw them this morning but now they are gone from my log??
did they leave my log and go over to trips house?

i've been lucky my entire life w/my joints.
i think i've got superhuman ligaments!


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hey, what happened to those beasty gals?
i saw them this morning but now they are gone from my log??
did they leave my log and go over to trips house?
Jesus saves? He is still here after all :)


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Well this is good news that you got it and you've started.

Cant wait to get some real, honest feedback on what you feel, see or experience or dont experience.

I want the truth, the whole truth and nuttin but da truth. So keep it real no matter what.
the great thing is multiple reliable members are running this simultaneously so we will be able to weed out individual anomolies and see how this will effect folks on a wider spectrum.... at the same time dont take one persons response for naught if they are the only one to have something happen... it may very well be repeatable in your own physiology!

I for one am pumped to see what this will do with so many dedicated, disciplined members running this. We can be sure we will see this in a very unadulterated light and what this compound really has to offer especially if all the great guidlines are followed that were set forth by AX


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the great thing is multiple reliable members are running this simultaneously so we will be able to weed out individual anomolies and see how this will effect folks on a wider spectrum.... at the same time dont take one persons response for naught if they are the only one to have something happen... it may very well be repeatable in your own physiology!

I for one am pumped to see what this will do with so many dedicated, disciplined members running this. We can be sure we will see this in a very unadulterated light and what this compound really has to offer especially if all the great guidlines are followed that were set forth by AX
Again, poopy, I concur with what you wrote. Im already a big AX fan, thats no secret, Ive been choking down that stinky perfect cycle for years, so regardless, I will try the new 3-AD for myself. Im hoping from the spectrum of testers to get a really good idea of what to expect from 3-AD, and how best to incorporate it into my regimen of supplements. And ofcourse Im aware, and dont have to tell you, that everyone responds differently, but I really hope everyone is as accurate as they can be, even the little details can make a difference. I think we will all be able to get a good picture of what to expect from the new 3-AD based on the group of testers running it now. Im very excited to see what actually happens during the logs and the final reviews all the testers post up.
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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the great thing is multiple reliable members are running this simultaneously so we will be able to weed out individual anomolies and see how this will effect folks on a wider spectrum
if you are counting myself, 3clipse, t1, trip, mace, bb12, and sinner as reliable members then the bar must be set pretty low. lol.


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if you are counting myself, 3clipse, t1, trip, mace, bb12, and sinner as reliable members then the bar must be set pretty low. lol.
I think I stumbled over it when I walked in.
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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Day 2:

so far this cycle i've taken five 3-ad servings of 2 pills each.

i feel it's FAR too early to report feeling anything and i kinda feel silly saying this, but i feel it!!!

i know it's probably all in my head but i'm feeling it!!!

i believe this stuff is the real deal! i now think it's going to be a great run!

it's hard to describe how i feel exactly but i felt charged up for a few hrs after each dose today.
also had some mild lethargy mid-day before i took my second dose.
also felt a slight headache - high blood pressure type of feeling mid-day.
i'm going to get my bp checked this week as i am susecptable to increased bp at times.

my workout was good. nothing amazing but a solid workout.
worked back and bis.

but i did have that feeling where you can feel every muscle contract when you lift.
like an extreme focus and ability to force all the load on a few muscle fibers in the target muscle type feeling.

also not sure if i'm just a horny bastard or if 3ad is influencing this, but i really wanted to tear the clothes off this one girl at the gym today.
lucky for her there were other people in the gym at that time and the lights were on.


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thats amazing! i so can't wait till i get mine. Its hard to tell, cause i think you were one of the first to receive it, so we can't compare to other users' feedback yet. will be interesting when others are into their cycles, as well!


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Very nice hank! I can't wait to try mine man. Keep wrecking the weights son!!
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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thats amazing! i so can't wait till i get mine. Its hard to tell, cause i think you were one of the first to receive it, so we can't compare to other users' feedback yet. will be interesting when others are into their cycles, as well!
i's so hard to tell so far.
maybe i was just feeling weird today because i knew the easter bunny was around. who knows.

you and everyone else need to hurry up and get your supply.
why did i get mine so much earlier?? just because i live closest to the source?


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i's so hard to tell so far.
maybe i was just feeling weird today because i knew the easter bunny was around. who knows.

you and everyone else need to hurry up and get your supply.
why did i get mine so much earlier?? just because i live closest to the source?
Your the lead guinea pig :)


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i's so hard to tell so far.
maybe i was just feeling weird today because i knew the easter bunny was around. who knows.

you and everyone else need to hurry up and get your supply.
why did i get mine so much earlier?? just because i live closest to the source?
Hank.....tell us the truth. What did the easter bunny do to you? :lol: Party On bro!!!


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i's so hard to tell so far.
maybe i was just feeling weird today because i knew the easter bunny was around. who knows.

you and everyone else need to hurry up and get your supply.
why did i get mine so much earlier?? just because i live closest to the source?
yeah, prety much. thats how fed-ex works! :frustrate

mine should arrive today. :dance:


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Not to stir anything here, but are any of the various testers of 3-AD getting any pre/post bloodwork ?


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Not to stir anything here, but are any of the various testers of 3-AD getting any pre/post bloodwork ?
The pre-message Hank posted on page 1 made it sound like it was the testers option to get blood work done.

Hank I may have missed this somewhere in page 1-12 lol but how long is the cycle going to last (including pc)? Also will you be logging pc?
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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yeah, blood work is optional.

i'm giong to get some bloodwork done following pct.
denver is running a health fair from april 15-20 that makes it really cheap to get bw done so i may as well take advantage!

yes, i'm planning on logging my pct as well.


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What are you running for post cycle therapy, Hank?
yeah, blood work is optional.

i'm giong to get some bloodwork done following pct.
denver is running a health fair from april 15-20 that makes it really cheap to get bw done so i may as well take advantage!

yes, i'm planning on logging my pct as well.
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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oh, yeah....forgot to answer this.

i got one bottle of 3-ad so my cycle will last 22.5 days at their recommended dose of 4 pills/day.

i believe mace is running 2 bottles for a 45 day run. lucky bastard!!!!
Last edited:


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i believe mace is running 2 bottles for a 45 day run.
Where does he get those wonderful toys? :rasp:

So yours is just a little over 3 weeks. Does the bottle recommend running for 4 to 6 weeks for maximum benefit?
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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What are you running for post cycle therapy, Hank?
not sure yet.
i do have a nice collection of pct products.
if it's mild like they are implying i'll probably just run 3 weeks of nolva.
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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Where does he get those wonderful toys? :rasp:

So yours is just a little over 3 weeks. Does the bottle recommend running for 4 to 6 weeks for maximum benefit?
it's not mace's typical toy.
usually he's playing with his sybian -

the bottle i got recommends nothing since it came in just a plain generic white bottle for me.

i assume 3 weeks should be a nice cycle since that is the run they gave almost all the testers.

also if it kicks in as quickly as i think it is, it should be a full 3 weeks!

but since it is unmethylated i won't be surprised to see people running this for months after it is released.


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the bottle i got recommends nothing since it came in just a plain generic white bottle for me.

i assume 3 weeks should be a nice cycle since that is the run they gave almost all the testers.

also if it kicks in as quickly as i think it is, it should be a full 3 weeks!

but since it is unmethylated i won't be surprised to see people running this for months after it is released.
Yeah I'd forgotten yall were given plain bottles with bright yellow pills inside. Nuprin. Little. Yellow. Different.

As for least he's not in the tongue chainsaw...


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Damn, Hank...12 pages already??? Amazing, bro!!

And feeling it the first day, eh? Like I said once before, we've got a tendency nowadays to produce products that you can feel working from early on. SDNG is one thing with the stims, but 3-AD? I guess this is some pretty good shiznit!! Can't wait till I get my mits on some!

Go hard, bro!!! :head:
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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Damn, Hank...12 pages already??? Amazing, bro!!
12 pages is impressive in such a short time period!!!

i owe thanks to some of the great content contributors of this thread:

silentbob - one crazy crazy mofo! and hank's #1 funny sidekick in this thread.
poop - no thread is complete without poop. however this thread is lucky enough to get a lot of poopy in it!
reaper - it's a love hate thing w/reaper. but without him this place would be a little boring! and he's actually helped keep the thread from de-railing.
crader - our token female that keeps us all in line
occfan - very, very funny contributor.
trip - my hijack thread creating mentor. i owe it all to trip
atomsmasher - funny dude who is actually able to smash atoms.
zombie - only zombie knows what's going on in zombie's head
boxeman - the ultimate multitasker. he's running like 4 other logs while posting in this one at the same time!
roadblock - helping enforce accurate and honest 3-ad feedback.
easy - we're only friends w/easy because he lives in florida with a bar in his gym.
mashedpotato - master of funny picture posting.
mace - aka 'hypedaddy' - guy we are all envious of because he gets 2 bottles of 3-ad
metroba - our idol after we found out he slept with the hot girl on the left in his avy.
sfear - we're about to lose him to tren and he may never come back. :twisted::twisted:
methodice - came here asking legitimate questions but now participates in all the sillyness.
trauma - back and better than ever after his exciting temp ban.
3clipse - good guy. hurry up and get your own 3-ad!
bb12 - same as 3clipse. let's get started damit!
tf - showed up only a few times so we could question his sexuality.
kevf - newer guy but seems to catch on quickly to the ridiculous nature of us.
nabisco - somehow we were able to pull him away from the boss is away thread for a few intermittent posts.

if i missed anyone i apologize.
there are a lot of crazy chararcters that make up this masterpiece of a log!!!

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