KLEEN's Quest for PRIME! A transformation contest log.



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Yah I am getting the freak stares now too lol I live for those moments. Bring on the hate, makes me feel strong... mix in some amourous looks from the ladies. Oh had something kind of creepy happen though this girl, very young was trying to hit on me, turns out she's only 19 when I said "How old are you?" I told here I was hapily married of course and even if I wasn't 19 is too young...She was very attractive though... I have seen younger women try to get my attention b4 and know some have a thing for older guys. She said "I didn't know that guys your age could look that good", I was flattered but a little creeped...
Go Silver Fox...


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Well lets just say that today's workout was intense! Jumping directly to 40's for all the big moves was so much more taxing. It is work on the 3rd set for bench (finally), not anywhere near failing but all of the leg movements were noticeably harder with the 10 lb total increase. I was dripping sweat I got so winded that I totally skipped an exercise on accident and had to add the set on to the end. On the last rotation, when I would try to take a standing rest for a breath or two between some reps my legs would quiver and shake, but even with that I completed all 27 sets in under 24 minutes... I am sure that this is the most I have sweat during a workout in quite a while. Rotation 3 will be 45 and 25lbs, That will be Wednesday, I am almost dreading that workout... I think the jumps in weight will get smaller as we go.

Dumbbell Workout 1 20 reps / 3 giant sets Rotation 2

Dead Lifts 40
Flat Bench Press 40
Squat 40
Wide DB Bent over Rows (elbows out) 40
Romanian Dead Lift 40
DB Shrugs 40
Arnold press 22.5
Lunge Squats 22.5
DB Drag Curls 22.5


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Sweet brother! I have seen several that do these db only workouts. Right now for chest, I've been staying away from flat bench, bc of the shoulder, but now I can do close grips np. I truly believe db harnest wicked power lol. Good lifts brother!


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Well lets just say that today's workout was intense! Jumping directly to 40's for all the big moves was so much more taxing. It is work on the 3rd set for bench (finally), not anywhere near failing but all of the leg movements were noticeably harder with the 10 lb total increase. I was dripping sweat I got so winded that I totally skipped an exercise on accident and had to add the set on to the end. On the last rotation, when I would try to take a standing rest for a breath or two between some reps my legs would quiver and shake, but even with that I completed all 27 sets in under 24 minutes... I am sure that this is the most I have sweat during a workout in quite a while. Rotation 3 will be 45 and 25lbs, That will be Wednesday, I am almost dreading that workout... I think the jumps in weight will get smaller as we go.

Dumbbell Workout 1 20 reps / 3 giant sets Rotation 2

Dead Lifts 40
Flat Bench Press 40
Squat 40
Wide DB Bent over Rows (elbows out) 40
Romanian Dead Lift 40
DB Shrugs 40
Arnold press 22.5
Lunge Squats 22.5
DB Drag Curls 22.5
You do some sick a$$ circuits bro! Will keep this in mind if I do another cut. At my small build this would just get me cut up good but probably lose way to much mass. My last cut was successful but lost way too much muscle in the process.


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You do some sick a$$ circuits bro! Will keep this in mind if I do another cut. At my small build this would just get me cut up good but probably lose way to much mass. My last cut was successful but lost way too much muscle in the process.
Oh this one increases weight relatively quickly so you still end up growing. you figure the last scheduled workout is 65x20=1300x3 = 3900lbs volume for each major exercise. You have to remember muscle will grow at any rep range so long as the resistance is being increased. It is pretty common for people to gain LBM while leaning up using this workout. Just depends on what you are eating.


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Well lets just say that today's workout was intense! Jumping directly to 40's for all the big moves was so much more taxing. It is work on the 3rd set for bench (finally), not anywhere near failing but all of the leg movements were noticeably harder with the 10 lb total increase. I was dripping sweat I got so winded that I totally skipped an exercise on accident and had to add the set on to the end. On the last rotation, when I would try to take a standing rest for a breath or two between some reps my legs would quiver and shake, but even with that I completed all 27 sets in under 24 minutes... I am sure that this is the most I have sweat during a workout in quite a while. Rotation 3 will be 45 and 25lbs, That will be Wednesday, I am almost dreading that workout... I think the jumps in weight will get smaller as we go.

Dumbbell Workout 1 20 reps / 3 giant sets Rotation 2

Dead Lifts 40
Flat Bench Press 40
Squat 40
Wide DB Bent over Rows (elbows out) 40
Romanian Dead Lift 40
DB Shrugs 40
Arnold press 22.5
Lunge Squats 22.5
DB Drag Curls 22.5
So all your workouts are circuit training , and you train ALL muscles every time you work out! Damn Kleen that's one mighty motivation and recovery you got oO...come around my next cut I'll humbly request some help setting some of this up , seems like a mighty way to drench yourself in sweat and build up endurance!! Keep it up bro , you are gonna kick ass this way!! (well you already are hahaha)


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So all your workouts are circuit training , and you train ALL muscles every time you work out! Damn Kleen that's one mighty motivation and recovery you got oO...come around my next cut I'll humbly request some help setting some of this up , seems like a mighty way to drench yourself in sweat and build up endurance!! Keep it up bro , you are gonna kick ass this way!! (well you already are hahaha)
Yah Chris has gotten me of full body's as well. I had to really change my approach and I couldn't help noticing all the progress he made with less weight. Now I have almost no joint problems at all and keep getting bigger.


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Is there a set program for these circuits you do? Ive been intereseted in trying them out but i dont really know where to start.


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So all your workouts are circuit training , and you train ALL muscles every time you work out! Damn Kleen that's one mighty motivation and recovery you got oO...come around my next cut I'll humbly request some help setting some of this up , seems like a mighty way to drench yourself in sweat and build up endurance!! Keep it up bro , you are gonna kick ass this way!! (well you already are hahaha)
Well not all of them but right now that is the case. Hoping I can do a little bit of heavier lifting here soon just on Fridays or Saturdays, Even then it wont be heavy like you may expect just heavy for only taking 30 second rest periods. So maybe like 80 lb DB on incline DB for 4-5 sets of 10 with only 30 seconds rest per set.

Yah Chris has gotten me of full body's as well. I had to really change my approach and I couldn't help noticing all the progress he made with less weight. Now I have almost no joint problems at all and keep getting bigger.
Yep it works for sure.
Is there a set program for these circuits you do? Ive been intereseted in trying them out but i dont really know where to start.
Take the 2 workouts I have listed earlier in the log, find out what your 10 rep max is on each exercise or you can estimate and round a bit like I did so I wouldn't have to change weights so much. Anyway you find or estimate your 10 rep max then the first week you do 30% of that for 20 reps each exercise no rest between sets or rotations. If you must rest never longer than 30 seconds. However the goal is the absolute minimum rest. Basically it will go like this. Week 1 30%, Week 2-3 are 40%, week 4-5 are 50%, and week 6 is 60% of that 10 rep max.
All over it man as ripped as you are going into this every lbs will beast so noticeable.


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Thanks man. Im gonna have to give this a shot soon. Ill give ya'll a heads up and log it.


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Cool, so I took my pics and stuff yesterday morning and then forgot to send them to Morry or to my gmail so I could post them up. I am definitely looking leaner in this set. Especially in my back. I dropped right at 1% bf and my abs are looking much better even through all of the fur. I had to laugh when I saw these pics because my hair is basically a blanket over my chest right now. Next week I will have man-scaped a bit and hopefully more cuts will show through.

I am starting to trim down more internally now, IE my waist is getting smaller due to visceral fat loss. However with this also comes the beginning of my loose skin sagging a bit before it starts to catch up with the weight loss. You can see a little bit of it at the bottom of my abs in the pics when I post them. I am also getting the veins in my lower abdomen going up into my obliques.


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The pics

Progress Montage 5-20-12.jpg


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Damn!! Nice pics man! You look even BIGGER than last week!! and leaner Oo! Goes to show a good diet and hard training and dedication DOES yield this results!! Keep it up man! I say this weeks vote is yours again haha!


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Dude ... razor... the fur is making it hard to see the results.

Just bullsh!tting. Keep killing it man.


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My god Chris.... It's working... Whatever you doing is working well.

I think you might have taken this week. Gotta check TG,LTL and DW but I think you might have edged out scotty on physique.


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Damn!! Nice pics man! You look even BIGGER than last week!! and leaner Oo! Goes to show a good diet and hard training and dedication DOES yield this results!! Keep it up man! I say this weeks vote is yours again haha!
Thanks Brother!
Dude ... razor... the fur is making it hard to see the results.

Just bullsh!tting. Keep killing it man.
LMAO! Man I will be man-scaped after seeing these pics. That and ScottyDoc shaved and it looks good so I gotta trim up at least.

My god Chris.... It's working... Whatever you doing is working well.

I think you might have taken this week. Gotta check TG,LTL and DW but I think you might have edged out scotty on physique.
Thanks Matt, I am working hard at it.

By the way everyone make sure you go cast a vote for someone in each category in the main thread. Transformation, and Physique. Here I will make it easy for you.

Transformation - Kleen
Physique - Kleen

Just paste that in the voting thread and everything will be just fine... ;)


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Looking good there furby! :fing02: LOL

Back picture shows you've leaned up a good amount. Looking real dry and ripped man! All homo!


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Looking great Chris! Very very nice work this last week. Dropping a percent in a week is remarkable


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Late sub but awesome log sofar!


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Just got to a computer and saw the pics on something larger then a phone screen and I have to hand it to you. You dropped all wet weight and leaned out real nicely this week man. Amazing job bro. That is an incredible change in such short time!


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Looking good there furby! :fing02: LOL

Back picture shows you've leaned up a good amount. Looking real dry and ripped man! All homo!
I was just hoping you would say that Stud! Your pics look great too!

Looking great Chris! Very very nice work this last week. Dropping a percent in a week is remarkable
Thanks Rick, I am hoping to make even better progress this coming week.
Late sub but awesome log sofar!
Welcome Sir, and thanks!
Great log! Are you doing any cardio? If so, how often?
I have averaged 1 real cardio session per week, and 2 brisk walks at lunch per week. Not much cardio at all really. However I am going to have to increase it during the 2nd leg of the competition. So far I have been using my nutrition be responsible for the fat loss. Now I am going to do 3 45 minute full blown cardio sessions a week and between 2-3 brisk walks at lunch just to increase metabolism a little.

Just got to a computer and saw the pics on something larger then a phone screen and I have to hand it to you. You dropped all wet weight and leaned out real nicely this week man. Amazing job bro. That is an incredible change in such short time!
Thanks LTL, I put the work in this week with diet mostly, as I mentioned above the actual aggressive cut portion will be during the last 4 weeks. If you think I made some changes recently just wait. I may not do as much cardio as Al but hopefully can pick up close to his pace on fat loss. I am bringing the EPI-V back into play in the next couple days, I am also going to go to 36 mg daily on the EPIVAR, I have not had any pumps or other negative sides taking 36 and 18 so now bringing the off days up to 36mg as well.


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Well if this is just the warm-up man I cant wait to see when your running on full cylinders! We are all going to be some ripped mofos! I'm thinking we should all do a vaca/cruise or something and have all of us together as the grand finale. AM would be flipped to see the final shots being all of us standing next to each other! HAHA
It would make the epicness more epic!


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Well if this is just the warm-up man I cant wait to see when your running on full cylinders! We are all going to be some ripped mofos! I'm thinking we should all do a vaca/cruise or something and have all of us together as the grand finale. AM would be flipped to see the final shots being all of us standing next to each other! HAHA
It would make the epicness more epic!
I would definitely not call it a warm up. Just a slightly different approach. I have always, or at least since I understood diet better believed that the most efficient way to create a caloric deficit is to not eat those calories when you want to be in a deficit. I know my cardio does not reflect a ton of work but the mental work of making my burn days a major deficit with out the cardio was just as bad if not worse. My burn day fasts on average have been between 20-22.5 hours long, only feeding for 2.5 to 4 hours out of the day and typically in the 1000-1400 calorie range. However yes I am bumping it up some now, which was part of my plan. If I start out with all guns firing I won't have much room for adjustments later to kick start more burn. Kind of where I am now is adding in the other peices to kick start the next part of the burn. During this last 4 weeks I will lift and progress with lifting which may very well add a little more muscle to me. However the rest of this 4 weeks will be me concentrating on just the cutting portion.


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LoL, Chris is right, he will look much better next week from just shaving alone, shaving definitely makes a huge difference in appearance on film!!!


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Love the full body workouts. I've been a split guy since I was in my 20's -- I'm 41 now -- thinking about the giving the fbw a try for a while.


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LoL, Chris is right, he will look much better next week from just shaving alone, shaving definitely makes a huge difference in appearance on film!!!
True but the difference I am hoping for is to come in a few lbs lighter, even less water and what not. I went ahead and trimmed and I definitely look better but it also shows me where I was still holding more water too. I know you think the hair was a big player in you getting it but I still think you just out cardio'd everyone, and kept your diet on point while doing it. Not to mention you weights are more like interval training at this point due to your pace.
Love the full body workouts. I've been a split guy since I was in my 20's -- I'm 41 now -- thinking about the giving the fbw a try for a while.
I love full body workouts. I used to be a major split guy. I like to go back to a split every once in a while not but my preference is the full body workout. That or a top to bottom push pull split like bi's, back width, back thickness, hamstrings then do shoulder, bench, squats, and triceps the next workout.


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Kleen you will do it man no doubt from any of us. We know how hard you work and nothing comes in your way!! Kill it bro


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Yah Al's pace is torrent and even has me doing more cardio... this short time frame we may be playing into his hands. Remember how fast his previous transformations were. Mine take at least 12 weeks. I have upped the pace to try and shorten it and if I don't quite make it, at least I will be closer. My main goal has already been reached though, I wanted to look like a freak again :)


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Yah Al's pace is torrent and even has me doing more cardio... this short time frame we may be playing into his hands. Remember how fast his previous transformations were. Mine take at least 12 weeks. I have upped the pace to try and shorten it and if I don't quite make it, at least I will be closer. My main goal has already been reached though, I wanted to look like a freak again :)
At any rate, you are all having some amazing transformations, and will all look amazing at the end of this....win or lose


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At any rate, you are all having some amazing transformations, and will all look amazing at the end of this....win or lose
Yah it's the Freak status that's important :) the freakier the better, a bit jealous about you're run though.... lucky fugger.. I won't go that route without a doctors help though, that coulld get very expensive but if I could find the right doctor....


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Oh boy just realized I am behind on my own log trying to keep up with others.

Tuesday - I did the DB Giant set workout 2, workout 2 is the one with the dead lifts and incline bench..
Was up to 40 and 22.5, I was dying getting through that beast but I made it. Leaving puddles of sweat and gasping for air is how I finished it.

Wednesday - 70 minutes Walking outside up and down the bayou levy.

Thursday - Impromptu Arm and body weight chest / back workout. 5 sets on Icaarian Arm curl machine that your elbows are resting on a pad that lifts your elbows up to a 45 degree angle. 4 sets of preacher curls, 5 sets of OH Triceps Extension Machine, 4 Sets of regular seated triceps machine, 4 rotations of assisted chins and assisted dips, done with negatives starting at 20 reps, not taking any rest during the rotations and was down to about 6 reps on each of them by the 4rth rotation. Went to smith machine and set bar about 3/5 feet from the grown and then supersets body weight inverted rows with diamond pushups. Again starting at 20 reps and then until failure on the following rotations.

Friday (today)- DB Giant Set Routine Workout 1 - the one that has the squats, flat bench and front squats.
Today was the first run through using 45lbs for the bigger moves and staying with 22.5 on the smaller ones. I was surprised how well I powered through this workout considering the 5 lb jump per DB. I was like a freight train with the accelerator stuck. By the last rotation everything was getting extremely hard to complete. I was exhausted and breathing so heavy I could hear myself over my headphones which were on max volume. When I finished it up there was sweat everywhere I had been. The entire area looked like someone was just splashing water on the ground. I had on long warm up pants today and they were so soaked that sweat was actually dripping of the bottom of the pants legs. Was just one of those amazing bad ass workouts that take everything you throw at them and leave you spent, wishing someone would be nice enough to carry those heavy 22.5 DB's that long 4 foot trek to the DB Rack. ;) When I finally finished the last set I sat down and laid back on the bench and just gasped for air. I was there on the bench for a good two minutes before even thinking of trying to stand back up. It was just awesome!!!


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Good stuff man! I had been wondering where the updates were :p!? Crazy bro! Strength is up and you are sweating out bullets...I can see the pics already haha Bigger and Leaner (And if those walks around the bay were with some nice sunlight , even more tanned lol). Good stuff bro!! Lets see you get all the votes for physique again this week!


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We shall see. My physique is playing games with my head. I am at a point where my loose skin kind of tightens and loosens on its own. One day my abs are looking on point, then the next day they are not anywhere near as visible. Hopefully on pic day it is one of the "On Point" days.


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We shall see. My physique is playing games with my head. I am at a point where my loose skin kind of tightens and loosens on its own. One day my abs are looking on point, then the next day they are not anywhere near as visible. Hopefully on pic day it is one of the "On Point" days.
Someone here in the forums told me that for lose skin , wrapping yourself up with saran wrap after applying preparation H works to tighten the skin buddy , it might help!


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Someone here in the forums told me that for lose skin , wrapping yourself up with saran wrap after applying preparation H works to tighten the skin buddy , it might help!
If ya rub it on your balls it helps make them less wrinkly and more tight and shiny! :lol:


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If ya rub it on your balls it helps make them less wrinkly and more tight and shiny! :lol:
Hm...interesting , as soon as I try it I'll see you get some before and after pics so you make sure I did properly lol

haha jk Doc I've been hanging out too much in the RecoverPro thread xD


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We shall see. My physique is playing games with my head. I am at a point where my loose skin kind of tightens and loosens on its own. One day my abs are looking on point, then the next day they are not anywhere near as visible. Hopefully on pic day it is one of the "On Point" days.
I hear ya here..


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We shall see. My physique is playing games with my head. I am at a point where my loose skin kind of tightens and loosens on its own. One day my abs are looking on point, then the next day they are not anywhere near as visible. Hopefully on pic day it is one of the "On Point" days.
Im happy to say that im having similar issues. Saw my abs for the first time ever. Lets me know diets on point.


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Well my top 4 abs were showing better today....then I ate 4 rolls a 16oz prime rib and a sweet potatoe at Texas Roadhouse. Now I've got stone belly again lol.


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Haha...I gotta say anybody with ABS probably goes through it. After carb heavy meals or too much sodium it doesn't take much to make the ABS blurry on me. Being closer to 40 now doesn't help either. I envy you young bastards with the super elastic skin!!


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Haha...I gotta say anybody with ABS probably goes through it. After carb heavy meals or too much sodium it doesn't take much to make the ABS blurry on me. Being closer to 40 now doesn't help either. I envy you young bastards with the super elastic skin!!
Yea your ripped for a geezer... :)


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Well my top 4 abs were showing better today....then I ate 4 rolls a 16oz prime rib and a sweet potatoe at Texas Roadhouse. Now I've got stone belly again lol.
I can relate to that lol.


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Oh boy just realized I am behind on my own log trying to keep up with others.

Tuesday - I did the DB Giant set workout 2, workout 2 is the one with the dead lifts and incline bench..
Was up to 40 and 22.5, I was dying getting through that beast but I made it. Leaving puddles of sweat and gasping for air is how I finished it.

Wednesday - 70 minutes Walking outside up and down the bayou levy.

Thursday - Impromptu Arm and body weight chest / back workout. 5 sets on Icaarian Arm curl machine that your elbows are resting on a pad that lifts your elbows up to a 45 degree angle. 4 sets of preacher curls, 5 sets of OH Triceps Extension Machine, 4 Sets of regular seated triceps machine, 4 rotations of assisted chins and assisted dips, done with negatives starting at 20 reps, not taking any rest during the rotations and was down to about 6 reps on each of them by the 4rth rotation. Went to smith machine and set bar about 3/5 feet from the grown and then supersets body weight inverted rows with diamond pushups. Again starting at 20 reps and then until failure on the following rotations.

Friday (today)- DB Giant Set Routine Workout 1 - the one that has the squats, flat bench and front squats.
Today was the first run through using 45lbs for the bigger moves and staying with 22.5 on the smaller ones. I was surprised how well I powered through this workout considering the 5 lb jump per DB. I was like a freight train with the accelerator stuck. By the last rotation everything was getting extremely hard to complete. I was exhausted and breathing so heavy I could hear myself over my headphones which were on max volume. When I finished it up there was sweat everywhere I had been. The entire area looked like someone was just splashing water on the ground. I had on long warm up pants today and they were so soaked that sweat was actually dripping of the bottom of the pants legs. Was just one of those amazing bad ass workouts that take everything you throw at them and leave you spent, wishing someone would be nice enough to carry those heavy 22.5 DB's that long 4 foot trek to the DB Rack. ;) When I finally finished the last set I sat down and laid back on the bench and just gasped for air. I was there on the bench for a good two minutes before even thinking of trying to stand back up. It was just awesome!!!
Awesome man -- way to push yourself. I just started the full body workouts -- loving it, but man I'm having problems maintaining my 30 second rest times with these full bodies. I can't imagine full body giants. May have to give them a shot.


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We shall see. My physique is playing games with my head. I am at a point where my loose skin kind of tightens and loosens on its own. One day my abs are looking on point, then the next day they are not anywhere near as visible. Hopefully on pic day it is one of the "On Point" days.

I hated this back when I was competing. I would always start second guessing myself when this would occur -- was very detrimental a couple times when it caused me to change my course a few weeks out fromm show date. That's why I started using a prep guy -- someone with a level head making the decision.


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Someone here in the forums told me that for lose skin , wrapping yourself up with saran wrap after applying preparation H works to tighten the skin buddy , it might help!
That's an old school technique. The problem is the results are very temporary -- goes back to normal after a few hours. In case you're wondering, yes I have tried it.


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Haha...I gotta say anybody with ABS probably goes through it. After carb heavy meals or too much sodium it doesn't take much to make the ABS blurry on me. Being closer to 40 now doesn't help either. I envy you young bastards with the super elastic skin!!
I can totally relate, wait until you guys see my picts this week, gonna show everyone what a week of NO CARDIO and eating like $hit can do to my physique!!!


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I can totally relate, wait until you guys see my picts this week, gonna show everyone what a week of NO CARDIO and eating like $hit can do to my physique!!!
Haha....I feel ya Al!! It doesn't take much, but conversely the opposite is also true that it doesn't take much to reverse it and make those ABS start popping again!

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