Edwitt is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench



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Damn just got to the gym for back and tendon has been a bit sensitive today

Did my 15 min stretching and started with body weight pull ups :( didn't even attempt a 2nd one gonna listen to my body and abort the session bit pissed as I shot my 1 1/2cc suspension.. Gonna smoke my abs do some HITT cardio loosen shoulder with some speed ball, steam, ice heat and get missus to give me a deep tissue massage

My anniversary anyway so ill repay was some deep tissue of my own :)


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smart man eddy, listen to the body

mine keeps tewlling me to pump more juice into it- so i do, despite what anyone sais

have a good annerversery- if thats how you sepll it

wait wut?


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smart man eddy, listen to the body

mine keeps tewlling me to pump more juice into it- so i do, despite what anyone sais

have a good annerversery- if thats how you sepll it

wait wut?
I imagine that you have two Scwells on your shoulders. One with a halo, the other with horns. The horns Schwell (not horny, calm down with that caber) always sayin juice it. Then you do and the Devil beats the sh1t outta the angel. Hence, more juice. Yo devil goin be huge homie.

Seriously tho, i agree, sometimes trying to push harder just isn't the right idea bc it can lead to injury (or lack of healing of an injury). My shoulder has been bothering me on and off, so I have been rotating light to heavy days. I need to get some chains tho so I can lift heavier on the top end to prime my body to hold more weight.

I wish I had a power rack......


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160 x 25 x 2

135 x 12
225 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5
315 x 5 x 4

Hack Squats
495 x 25 x 5
495 x 50 Ouch

190 x 25
220 x 25
250 x 25 Ouch

Did 15 minutes of shoulder stretching and steam think ill be good to go tomorow for some pulling just keep form perfect and nice and slow

Anniversary was nice good old steak for me :)

Weight is on the rise again now that ive got my diet back in track 238lbs


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160 x 25 x 2

135 x 12
225 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5
315 x 5 x 4

Hack Squats
495 x 25 x 5
495 x 50 Ouch

190 x 25
220 x 25
250 x 25 Ouch

Did 15 minutes of shoulder stretching and steam think ill be good to go tomorow for some pulling just keep form perfect and nice and slow

Anniversary was nice good old steak for me :)

Weight is on the rise again now that ive got my diet back in track 238lbs
That is some serious leg work Ed, motivation for me as I am doing legs in a little more than an hour!


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That is some serious leg work Ed, motivation for me as I am doing legs in a little more than an hour!
Good to hear the annivesary was good.

That is freaking a crazy leg day. Looks like my widow maker day but you are a lot stronger and can do more reps. I can't hack squat bc no machine, but I bet it would help me out to raise my squat up.

Good job bro and keep killing that sh1t.

Ur my sage man.....and my parsley


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Good to hear the annivesary was good.

That is freaking a crazy leg day. Looks like my widow maker day but you are a lot stronger and can do more reps. I can't hack squat bc no machine, but I bet it would help me out to raise my squat up.

Good job bro and keep killing that sh1t.

Ur my sage man.....and my parsley
No homo, right? LOL!!!


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:scool:If you want to find THE stuff that works - do whatever it is as smart as you possibly can - **** just works like magic that way.

Damn just got to the gym for back and tendon has been a bit sensitive today

Did my 15 min stretching and started with body weight pull ups :( didn't even attempt a 2nd one gonna listen to my body and abort the session bit pissed as I shot my 1 1/2cc suspension.. Gonna smoke my abs do some HITT cardio loosen shoulder with some speed ball, steam, ice heat and get missus to give me a deep tissue massage

My anniversary anyway so ill repay was some deep tissue of my own :)
I pop in to check up on you evey now and then. your photos are looking good





160 x 25 x 2

135 x 12
225 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5
315 x 5 x 4

Hack Squats
495 x 25 x 5
495 x 50 Ouch

190 x 25
220 x 25
250 x 25 Ouch

Did 15 minutes of shoulder stretching and steam think ill be good to go tomorow for some pulling just keep form perfect and nice and slow

Anniversary was nice good old steak for me :)

Weight is on the rise again now that ive got my diet back in track 238lbs
I know recovery is better with AAS but HOLY ****


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Popped 4 Ibuprofen for back today to keep the inflamation at bay

Also kept reps high and TUT and didnt really go to much above body weight just multiple sets.. Overall a decent WO and pain definitely subsided from Monday's abandoned back session...

Cable Rows
250 x 15 x 5ish

Lat Pull downs
250 x 15 x 5

Stright arm lat pull downs

285 x 12 x 3

Behind the back BB shrugs
- Hold for 2-3 seconds
315 x 12 x 3

Farmer Walks x 3
120 shrug 10 times walk 30 second shrug 5 times walk back shrug to failure 15ish

Thursday - Bis/tris
Friday - Rest or chest play by ear

Working on putting together my new routine as this phase progresses, a little longer in the hypertrophy phase and we will then start conditioning the CNS.


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Hey bro I pm'd you another question, so Holla back at me when u get a chance...


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That is freaking a crazy leg day. Looks like my widow maker day but you are a lot stronger and can do more reps. I can't hack squat bc no machine, but I bet it would help me out to raise my squat up.
Yea... Was pissed about Back day and decided to punish the legs definitely gonna stick with that theme and get my squats up to scratch

I pop in to check up on you evey now and then. your photos are looking good

Thanks man glad to see you back

Hey bro I pm'd you another question, so Holla back at me when u get a chance...



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edwitt- i have one word to say



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edwitt- i have one word to say


love this icon and I keep finding reasons to use it in your log Ed.

How is the back after the NSAID left your system and you slept on it all night?


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Hit Bis/tris today

I dont really take measurements but thought I'd measure up and see if I'm making any progress + 5/8" still way out of whack with the rest of my body but progress none the less. Tendon still tender so prob gonna take another rest day tomorrow


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Was supposed to be chest today but im gonnna give it an extra day

Also its going to be a light session with no flat bench pressing, Im gonna do a combination of incline, lock outs and some cables..

Will be interesting starting out on incline as i never do this and am normally spent by time i get to incline but less stress on that tendon than flat bench.... Im after this light and easy session i will be back on track and get back to the plan

Ill go hit some abs later


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Hey Edwitt, did that chest/stomach growth happen before or after you started cycling? J/W, I remember your old pics you were hairless.


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Hey Edwitt, did that chest/stomach growth happen before or after you started cycling? J/W, I remember your old pics you were hairless.
Is the question did chest/stomach hair start growing after cycling

LOL... If so yes good memory i was always hairless chest and stomach, I really only just noticed myself not that long ago and i think its actually since ive been on the HGH its funny you should mention this as literally just started shaving that crap off


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Is the question did chest/stomach hair start growing after cycling

LOL... If so yes good memory i was always hairless chest and stomach, I really only just noticed myself not that long ago and i think its actually since ive been on the HGH its funny you should mention this as literally just started shaving that crap off
Nice... I wonder what role HGH plays in body hair vs. no body hair. Hmm. Obviously it's good for cell proliferation but I wonder the exact mechanism


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I always let my hair grow back for winter.....its free insulation, LOL....

Shaving then Nair seems to work fantastic for a few days, BTW....

Prolly oughta add a no homo......for some reason.....:D


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Feel like a million dollars

Chest was an epic incline marathon will post later but best of all no tendon pain with incline


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Eddy you lucky man i have always had body hair. And when on test i shave my chest etc and 5 days later i have to shave again....LASER HAIR REMOVAL!


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Well I been resting up all week and thinking and preparing for this

Popped 100mg Viagra 30mg Adderall scoop N2TKS and off i went with my PW in hand :)

Decided inclines as they do not seem to tweak the tendon like flat-bench and boy what a great WO

This was all a bit new to me as inclines have always come after a grueling flat-bench so wasnt sure where i was gonna be just knew i wanted volume and volume i got with zero pain

Under advisement from Chris i adopted 450 flat-bench lockouts to prime CNS and i substituted overhead presses with what you will see in his you tube video below, once again the was new to me and i had no idea what i was going to be able to do... All i can say is that recovery is absolutely amazing on this cycle if i take 4 mins rest im almost as fresh as the second i walked in the gym :)


135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 6
315 x 6
325 x 6
335 x 6 felt heavy didn't hurt
335 x 6
335 x 6 nailed it
315 x 9 F
275 x 12 easy could have kept going
275 x 12

Lock outs flat bench - This is purely CNS exercise un racking holding and re racking the bar

450 x 5 seconds x 2
450 x 21 seconds F

Replacement for overhead presses, bench is set at one notch back and they were performed exactly as in the video below

225 x 12
275 x 12
315 x 12
355 x 11
335 x 15
335 x 22
345 x 15

345 is my working weight for now

Didn't want to leave so i did some hammer strength presses TUT 3 sets

That's all she wrote

Crappy out of focus stupid camera phone cant really see the definition or vascularity




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Those presses like you have in the video are nasty man. I sub those in for overhead presses every once in a while. Its a weird feeling like a huge shock on your body as soon as you force the load up. But you cant argue the fact they work! I dont know if i would trust chains like that guy with that sort of weight! Your doing some insane work in here man keep it up.


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OMG 30mg adderal AND n2kts lol YEAH!

epic workout here eddy!

and no cant see vascularity but even with the blurry photos i can tell- ur jacked duide period



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Damn edwitt, don't know how I havn't been following this all along. Looking epic as always.
I know, right? I'd love to say I'm surprised, but it's Ed and he's a focking moster.

Great workout and good pics.

My energy ran a little low today, but I still got through it. You put me to shame....again....


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that incline is nasty man damn thats nice work there.looking swole as well


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Those presses like you have in the video are nasty man. I sub those in for overhead presses every once in a while. Its a weird feeling like a huge shock on your body as soon as you force the load up. But you cant argue the fact they work! I dont know if i would trust chains like that guy with that sort of weight! Your doing some insane work in here man keep it up.

Those chains hold pretty damn well but i did set the safety pins on the rack in place just below, those chains are from a boating marine supply store or mine are and they are damn strong

OMG 30mg adderal AND n2kts lol YEAH!

Yup that and 100mg of Viagra definitely does the job :)

Damn edwitt, don't know how I havn't been following this all along. Looking epic as always.
Thanks man and good to have you along you are one of the few that have followed right from day 1

Great workout and good pics.
Hate my camera phone ill take some proper ones soon,

Thanks anyway

that incline is nasty man damn thats nice work there.looking swole as well

Wasn't sure where i would be at considering flat bench always comes first in my routine, i had hoped for slightly heavier but i was very happy with the volume and even happier with no pain


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Those chains hold pretty damn well but i did set the safety pins on the rack in place just below, those chains are from a boating marine supply store or mine are and they are damn strong

Yup that and 100mg of Viagra definitely does the job :)

Thanks man and good to have you along you are one of the few that have followed right from day 1

Hate my camera phone ill take some proper ones soon,

Thanks anyway


Wasn't sure where i would be at considering flat bench always comes first in my routine, i had hoped for slightly heavier but i was very happy with the volume and even happier with no pain
Did you notice any increased soreness from switching routine-pehaps indicating growth due to confusion?


NutraPlanet Rep
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Looking good in here as always Eddy. going to have to give those lockouts a go.

Love viagra pre workout. and Post workout....:hump:


Numbers on incline are beastly. I find it weird that you do not get pain during incline and only during flat bench. Incline seems to be out of the question for most people who are having shoulder issues.

Also was that an extended release adderal or just the regular pills? I have taken that much adderal to study for long periods of time, but never to lift with! should give it a try..


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Numbers on incline are beastly. I find it weird that you do not get pain during incline and only during flat bench. Incline seems to be out of the question for most people who are having shoulder issues.

Also was that an extended release adderal or just the regular pills? I have taken that much adderal to study for long periods of time, but never to lift with! should give it a try..
Flat bench is one of the biggest problem causers for shoulders. It always tweaks mine all to hell. I love some incline though and i never have problem with that.


NutraPlanet Rep
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Flat bench is one of the biggest problem causers for shoulders. It always tweaks mine all to hell. I love some incline though and i never have problem with that.
Form is probably off


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Looking good in here as always Eddy. going to have to give those lockouts a go.

Love viagra pre workout. and Post workout....:hump:
The overhead lock-outs were fun my gym is full of good looking chicks and skinny marathon run type dudes, firstly im amazed they have a pwoer rack.. I managed to persuade the owner to buy the chains infact i offered to pay and they have become quite popular with 3-4 guys that actually lift any weight.....

I had more than a few people turning their heads in bewilderment as was wrapping those chains around the top of the rack and then grunting like a maniac on my yummy pre WO concoction and slamming 345lbs up and down into those chains like an utter madman :usa2:

Numbers on incline are beastly. I find it weird that you do not get pain during incline and only during flat bench. Incline seems to be out of the question for most people who are having shoulder issues.

Also was that an extended release adderal or just the regular pills? I have taken that much adderal to study for long periods of time, but never to lift with! should give it a try..
Time release Adderall would defeat the purpose

See below

Flat bench is one of the biggest problem causers for shoulders. It always tweaks mine all to hell. I love some incline though and i never have problem with that.
Yes and see below

Form is probably off
Yes bad form on flat-bench #1 reason for injury however my current issue is not related its just that the bottom push from the chest is aggravating it at heavy weight and on incline there the pressure is less on that tendon

My pain is coming from a strain of the left tendon connecting the shoulder to the bicep and i did this on a back day over Xmas pulling, probably some bad form on some very heavy lat pull-downs and the exercise that cause the most pain and one that i am not doing right now is the DB Incline curl

Bench-Press Technique

"Shoulders Forward. Don’t let your shoulders roll forward. It’s bad posture, bad technique & a guaranteed way to get shoulder injuries. Keep your chest up, shoulder-blades back & down and upper-back tight, plant those feet and drive up with them keeping the glutes taught creating a natutal arch in the back, use a wide foot stance to increase stability on the bench. Feet flat on the floor, weight on the heels, lower leg perpendicular to the floor. This prevents extreme arching of your lower back,bar should go down and then back up almost like in an arc should touch chest below the nipple this is important at so in short at lock out bar if come straight down would be above nipple but should come down just below nipple and back up do not bounce the bar of chest"

Also you want to locate the weakest part of your bench and work on that for example if your having trouble in the top portion of the lift you can set pins in power-rack and work on pressing that portion of the lift if its the bottom portion that is your weak-spot chains will help build that area along with bands and various thickness of boards and im only really touching on the basics.. Ill try to find a site with a more comprehensive analysis of proper bench technique and tricks and tools to safely increase your bench, i can really recommend following Kabuzki's video log here at AM for increasing your big 3 lits

Chris feel free to critique my less than perfect description


If you have access to an ultrasound machine, I would get on that as soon as possible. It is almost a guarantee when we get patients at the physical therapy clinic, with the type of pain you are describing, that we will be treating them with an ultrasound. Seems to be a pretty effective treatment. Also after every workout or PT session, the patient would almost always end with ice and electrical stimulation, might not be a bad idea for you to help speed up your recovery process.


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If you have access to an ultrasound machine, I would get on that as soon as possible. It is almost a guarantee when we get patients at the physical therapy clinic, with the type of pain you are describing, that we will be treating them with an ultrasound. Seems to be a pretty effective treatment. Also after every workout or PT session, the patient would almost always end with ice and electrical stimulation, might not be a bad idea for you to help speed up your recovery process.
Love the ultrasound man! I hit the chiropractor for an adjustment and the ultrasound then the massage therapist after twice a week! Ive noticed a huge difference overall since i started doing this. Can become a bit pricey though....


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Flat bench is one of the biggest problem causers for shoulders. It always tweaks mine all to hell. I love some incline though and i never have problem with that.
Thats because the bench is supporting you in the correct position for incline whereas with the FB it is up to you to make sure your form is correct. Post a vid of your flat bench form and grip.

YouTube - Dave Tate's Six-Week Bench Press Cure


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Back Attack

Gonna shred my lats today


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Thats because the bench is supporting you in the correct position for incline whereas with the FB it is up to you to make sure your form is correct. Post a vid of your flat bench form and grip.

YouTube - Dave Tate's Six-Week Bench Press Cure
Good video....more ppl need to watch it.

The part about having language and what not is pretty dumb. I have a sailors mouth. Really bad, but I'm adult enough to know that if I'm trying to teach to a lot of people, you gotta watch your tongue. A lot of idiots will disregard all of his very, very good advice bc he is dropping the eff bomb like he is in highschool.
Don't get me wrong, I do it too. I really do, but on an instructional video, I wouldn't for the simple fact I would want ppl to watch it.

Still good advice.


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Pre Exhaust
Pull ups
15 x 4

Seated lat Pull downs - wide grip

Slow TUT 45sec breaks
235 x 12
250 x 12
265 x 12
265 x 14 F

Standing straight arm wide-grip pull downs
150 x 22
Stack x 16
Stack+25lb pinned x 11

Face pulls

3 sets weight unknown 12-15 reps

Farmer Walks x 3 sets

120 shrug 10 times walk 30 second shrug 5 times walk back shrug to failure 15ish

Behind the back BB shrugs 3 sets of 12 ish

One set of pull ups with 45lbs hanging and not my Johnson

8 reps final one with 5 sec hang-time

and yes this definitely worth a watch re bench technique



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Feel like im back on track got my WO's down where im working around that tendon and hopefully giving it the rest it needs to fully recovery

Chest this week will be somewhat similar still working out the details but it will be incline no flat-bench

Tomorrow - bis/tris
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - Chest/shoulders


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Good video....more ppl need to watch it.

The part about having language and what not is pretty dumb. I have a sailors mouth. Really bad, but I'm adult enough to know that if I'm trying to teach to a lot of people, you gotta watch your tongue. A lot of idiots will disregard all of his very, very good advice bc he is dropping the eff bomb like he is in highschool.
Don't get me wrong, I do it too. I really do, but on an instructional video, I wouldn't for the simple fact I would want ppl to watch it.

Still good advice.
heh yea thats Dave Tate though....it's who he is and he is doing it for free, so i think he wants people to take it for what its worth. If he was selling it , it's be a diff story.

Ed your transformation is awesome btw you are getting beastly.


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Great job, Ed! Keep up the good work!


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Well im pissed broke my damn phone!!!!!!!!!!!

Made for a pretty good WO though, ill try and recap after getiing on the blower with Sprint see how much they gonna rip me off for


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lol wtf is the blower

is it a word for house phone


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Damn bro I just saw your pics. Lookin beast

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