Boosting my testosterone to new heights with Triazole & Testforce!!



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Dude those pics you're postin are $$$!!!
Hehehe :saroll: Thanks brah, it resembles what is going through my mind every day nowadays :cheers:



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Day 31

I decided to do some abs today. Did a bunch of various exercises after I got home from work. I intended to do some cardio, but my calves has been killing me after that job i did on Monday :cool3: I'll just have to give them time until the DOMS subside, hopefully before leg day, and go for another job on the weekend I guess..

Today however I've got Triceps & Biceps on my workout schedule so they are in for a treat today :thumbsup: Maybe I'll try some heavier weight on those too.. That is if my joints let me.

I've experienced the same thing as Jasen lately, a little sore joints :eek13: Dunno if it is from the stack I got going or if it is from the heavy weights.. I've upped my fish oil intake to see if that helps a little.

Andrew did suggest Krill Oil early in the thread, but that was a little expensive during that time so I decided to stick with plain fish oil :) I will get that for my next cycle though when my economy lets me :saroll:



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I want to try the krill oil as well. . i hear its very nice. . that and emu oil.. .. haha but i always love me some 15g's of fish oil a day baby!! muahha


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I want to try the krill oil as well. . i hear its very nice. . that and emu oil.. .. haha but i always love me some 15g's of fish oil a day baby!! muahha
Fish Oil in the morning = bowel movements for me :dump: :lmao:


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Day 32

I noticed something was up with my shoulder today as I drove to work :think: Certain movements just caused a surge of sharp pain in my left shoulder so that was F'd up :boggled:

When I drove home my right knee started hurting :duh::slap: I dunno wtf was up but I didn't let it stop me from doing Biceps & Triceps. I figuered I should rest and give both my knee and shoulder time to heal a little but I said F that and went for the gym :cussing:

Close Grip Bench Press: 210 x 8, 220 x 6, 230 x 4, 240 x 2, 110 x 30

Weighted Dips: BW+90 x 8, BW+100 x 6, BW+110 x 4, BW+120 x 2, 155 x 30 (Gravity Machine)

Seated Tricep Extensions: 55 x 10, 65 x 7, 75 x 4, 85 x 2, 35 x 30

Alternating DB Curls (Per Arm): 60's x 8, 65's x 6, 70's x 4, 75's x 2, 35's x 30

Barbell Curls: 110 x 8, 120 x 6, 130 x 4, 145 x 2, 65 x 30

DB Preacher Curls (Per Arm): 30's x 8, 35's x 6, 40's x 4, 45's x 2, 15's x 30

I upped the weight on these exercises too just like I did in my previous workout. I guess my test is still on the rise considering my strength is steadily climbing, (and my mood declining) I get irritated and snap real easily nowadays :speechless: But I try to control it for the lifting sessions none the less.

It was a really strange day, as I mentioned, my shoulder and knee was hurting earlier in the day, but during the workout I didn't feel it and afterwards when I drove home from the gym the ache was gone both in my knee and shoulder :bigeyes:
I guess they were aching to do a little work even though shoulders and legs are scheduled for Saturday :nana:




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I agree nice pic, but I wish she was holding onto my wood :sgrin:

Figure out your costume yet? I went to a Halloween store(yes my town is that lame) today and the line to check out was LONG so I suggest hurrying up and getting a costume before it is too late.


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Nice workout!

And really nice pic :D
Thanks brah :wink1:
I agree nice pic, but I wish she was holding onto my wood :sgrin:

Figure out your costume yet? I went to a Halloween store(yes my town is that lame) today and the line to check out was LONG so I suggest hurrying up and getting a costume before it is too late.
I think I'll go with the leprechaun, I don't have a better idea atm :think:



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I've met myself half-way and bumped my D3 to 7500UI.
Nice! Let me know when you feel the difference :thumbsup:



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Ooooo Halloween. . its going to be something else this year. . haha most years i go as jimi hendrix or lenny kravitz but this year i'm going as a teacher and the girl i'm dating is going as a school girl :eek:p: oooo yaaa. .going to get my yard stick and spank her haha!!!


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Ooooo Halloween. . its going to be something else this year. . haha most years i go as jimi hendrix or lenny kravitz but this year i'm going as a teacher and the girl i'm dating is going as a school girl :eek:p: oooo yaaa. .going to get my yard stick and spank her haha!!!
Haha now that sounds like a good 1 :scratchchin:


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Ooooo Halloween. . its going to be something else this year. . haha most years i go as jimi hendrix or lenny kravitz but this year i'm going as a teacher and the girl i'm dating is going as a school girl :eek:p: oooo yaaa. .going to get my yard stick and spank her haha!!! be young again :heart:


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Ooooo Halloween. . its going to be something else this year. . haha most years i go as jimi hendrix or lenny kravitz but this year i'm going as a teacher and the girl i'm dating is going as a school girl :eek:p: oooo yaaa. .going to get my yard stick and spank her haha!!!
Haha now that sounds like a good 1 :scratchchin:
Sure does :D be young again :heart:
What you talking about brah? Your just 30 - you are still young :slap: :)



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Day 33

Took the day OFF. I had major DOMS in my arms from the blasting they took on Thursday! I also noticed my chest was a little sore from Tuesdays Military Bench. Feels great nevertheless :nana:

I'm going to hit legs and shoulders today. I jsut have to clear my mind and wake up form this morning drowsiness :boggled: Maybe a cup of coffee or a few scoops of Jack3d will take care of that :wink1:

In the meantime here is something to look at :wiggle:



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I started reading this log quite late but that's one damn good log.. BTW nice to find another finn here :)


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That kind of aggression is what I'm hoping for :laugh2:

I'm still thinking about running Phera before that cycle though, but I can't make up my mind..

December: Phera 30/30/30/30
January: PCT 4 weeks
February: OFF
March: OFF
April: EPI/Tren
May: EPI/Tren (2weeks) PCT (2weeks)
June:pCT 2 weeks

September/October: New Cycles to think of :)

How does that look? Would mean I'll have to have a sober New Years eve and christmas :happysad: But that doesn't bother me too much.

Would mean I am still on cycle/just ended my cycle for the fight in the summer depending on when it will be arranged ;)


everything looks good I kick msyelf for not grapping some phea before the ban so if you do log it I'lll be living through your log ;)

I bolded the only downside. :)


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I started reading this log quite late but that's one damn good log.. BTW nice to find another finn here :)
Thank you! And awesome to see another Finn here :welcome:
everything looks good I kick msyelf for not grapping some phea before the ban so if you do log it I'lll be living through your log ;)

I bolded the only downside. :)
Can't wait to blow up on Phera, I'm itching to start that cycle :aargh4:



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Day 34

I can start by telling my motivation was vanished, totally zip zero nada today :( I don't know what is wrong with me but weekends I just don't feel like lifting, maybe I should switch legs & shoulders for fridays instead :think:

Either way I did hit the gym, with motivation zero. I started warming up for squats and when I did my second warmup set with 130 it felt like a ton :duh: I was like "wtf, this is embarrassing. Even the kids in the gym could lift that with no problems" :speechless:

I decided not to let that stop me so I did shoot for at least the weights I did last week. Surprise surprise it didn't stop me, a little aggression boost from a buddy of mine that slapped me in the face before going heavy :cussing:

Box Squats: 300 x 8, 320 x 6, 340 x 4, 360 x 2, 155 x 30

SLDL's: 285 x 8, 310 x 6, 330 x 4, 350 x 2, 155 x 30

Toe Raises: 200 x 8, 220 x 6, 240 x 4, 260 x 2, 110 x 30

DB Military Presses: 130 x 8, 140 x 6, 155 x 4, (Failed on 180 x 2), 155 x 3, 65 x 30

Side Raises (Machine): 130 x 8, 155 x 6, 175 x 4, 200 x 2, 80 x 30

Cable Front Raises: 80 x 8, 90 x 6, 100 x 4, 110 x 2, 45 x 30

Upped the weight on a few exercises as usual to see where I'm at. Went really good except the DB military presses, those 80lb dumbbells weigh a ton :puppy_dog_eyes:

I forgot to mention earlier in my posts that I also checked my weight this weekend to see where that stands half way through this stack. I started at 200lbs (been stuck on that weight since my H-Drol/Fura cycle). Now my weight is at ~ 205lbs. 5lbs in 4weeks is not bad at all, let's hope it keeps rising that way and by the end of this cycle I'd me 210lbs :thumbsup:

This is really an awesome natty stack I must say!!



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Everything is lookin good and OMG that last pic is my fav lol


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Good lift brah. I love the box squats but sometimes i catch myself almost trying to sit on it for a super quick rest lol.


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Keep up the solid work CC. Set an excellent example :approve:
Thanks for stopping by :wave: I try my best :)
Everything is lookin good and OMG that last pic is my fav lol
Thanks brah, it caught my eye so I thought I'd share it with you all :D
Good lift brah. I love the box squats but sometimes i catch myself almost trying to sit on it for a super quick rest lol.
I know what you mean, tried it a few times but that sh!t gets heavy on your shoulders when you find yourself just sitting there realising you gotta stand up :p



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My workout partner was having trouble going low enough, i didn't think he trusted the box was under to catch him. So i told him to sit down on the box. After he sat down he wasn't strong enough to stand back up haha.


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My workout partner was having trouble going low enough, i didn't think he trusted the box was under to catch him. So i told him to sit down on the box. After he sat down he wasn't strong enough to stand back up haha.
:toofunny: Must have been fun watching him sit there linger for a while with that weight on his shoulders :laugh:



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Day 35

Nothing special to say, it was my regular off/cheat day so I had alot of good food, snacks, sweets, etc. :nana:

As far as effects on this stack I feel like summarizing it a bit:

Libido: Raging, I literally feel like a 16year old wanting to :hump: every woman in my sight)
Aggression: Awesome, I snap real easy but it can be controlled..
Vascularity: Great, I see veins popping up on my chest and shoulders even though I am bulking
Motivation: Usually high, somedays are just down. Gotta be due to work I guess.
Recovery: Good, even though I get DOMS now and then they usually subside within a couple of days.
Sleep: DEEP! I sleep like a baby every night, and I don't have to go pee 3times at night like I usually would :p

Anything else someone is wondering about just speak up and I'll report back :)

3 more weeks on this stack so lets make these count shall we?! :scratchchin:



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Yep, make the next 3 weeks counts. Sounds like you're in high gear, full swing bud!

Still thinking about cycling a little bit after you come off this stack? Also, sounds like this stack would make a sick otc PCT?


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Still lookin damn good in here CC. Feelin like a 16 yr old eh? LMFAO
:lmao: Thanks bruther, and indeed I do :laugh2:
Yep, make the next 3 weeks counts. Sounds like you're in high gear, full swing bud!

Still thinking about cycling a little bit after you come off this stack? Also, sounds like this stack would make a sick otc PCT?
Will do my man :thumbsup:

After this stack I will take December completely off everything except Liv52 & Cycle Assist. Will do the preload for my P-Plex cycle in January ;)

I really think this would make an effective OTC PCT! I was thinking about doing the TRS + Triazole & Activate along with a low dose of Clomid for my P-Plex PCT :)



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Day 36

When I got home from work I started doing cardio. I was so motivated for some shadow boxing I even forgot to eat my carb meal when I got home :p

20 minutes of stretching legs, shoulders, chest.

4 Rounds of 5 minutes shadow boxing with 2min rest between rounds.

3 Rounds of 5 minutes kickboxing (focusing on kicks) with 2 minutes rest between roudns.

20 minutes extra cardio consisting of X-Jumps, side twists, sprawling, etc.

I was really exhausted after that session and sweat was just pouring off me, but it felt real good afterwards. I bet my neighbours that live below me wasn't very happy with me making all that noice jumping and sprawling in my apartment :laugh:

I was really hungry afterwards and we had no food in the fridge so I had to go to the store and then cook :cussing: :lol: Anyways I downed 4 raw eggs in some orange juice before going to the store and of course my stomach got upset and started growling in the store. I almost had to run outta there to take a :dump: Luckily the security guards didn't stop me from running out of the place :D

Hitting Chest and Back later today :thumbsup:



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Lol, running with the ****s. I can relate.

I only drink raw eggs to gross out people these days, i really ought to get back into that though.


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I can relate.
Lol, running with the ****s. I can relate.

I only drink raw eggs to gross out people these days, i really ought to get back into that though.
I started drinking them again becuase I got tired of boiling them or scrambled. They fill you up so quickly when you have to chew them, but when drinking them - I can have as many as I like without getting too full :) Quick and easy!


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I started drinking them again becuase I got tired of boiling them or scrambled. They fill you up so quickly when you have to chew them, but when drinking them - I can have as many as I like without getting too full :) Quick and easy!
Speaking of drinking eggs Im about to add some egg whites to my protein shake :scratchchin:


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Buying Liquid whites in a carton wouldn't be bad to add to a shake. i don't know if i would seperate the yolks just to add to a shake.



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Speaking of drinking eggs Im about to add some egg whites to my protein shake :scratchchin:
Thats not a bad idea my man :thumbsup:
Buying Liquid whites in a carton wouldn't be bad to add to a shake. i don't know if i would seperate the yolks just to add to a shake.

Me neither, I'm too lazy for that :D


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Day 37

Had a bad workout day today. I woke up feeling I'm about to get the flu' :puppy_dog_eyes: I did have great motivation to hit the gym though and I was eager to hit the weights, but when I did - well, the numbers speak for themselves..

Military Bench: 210 x 7, 220 x 6, 230 x 3, 240 x 2, 110 x 30

Incline DB Presses: 130 x 8, 145 x 6, 155 x 4, 175 x 2, 65 x 32

Standing Cable Flyes: 90 x 8, 100 x 6, 110 x 4, 120 x 2, 55 x 30

Pull-ups: BW+10 x 8, BW+20 x 6, BW+35 x 4, BW+45 x 3, 120 x 33 (Pulldowns)

Bent Over Barbell Row: 190 x 8, 200 x 6, 210 x 4, 220 x 6, 100 x 32

Seated V-Row: 190 x 8, 200 x 6, 210 x 4, 220 x 6, 100 x 30

OK lifts I guess, but I really felt like pushing it harder but due to feeling like I had the flu' I just couldn't. Or maybe I'm just at my max numbers atm.. Who knows.

I was also thinking about doing some modifications to my workout routine. No major changes but I was thinking something along these lines:

6 Sets total (3 Sets / muscle group)
Every set: 2 warmup sets then 10reps, 8reps, 6reps, 4reps, 50% of the 10reps weight until failure

Instead of going down to 2 reps on every set I would go to 4. Don't get me wrong though, I really love the heavy 2 reps, but I think in the long run my joints won't love me :think:
This is the best training routine I've tried yet, it is the only one that has worked really well to put muscle mass and strength on me!

What do you guys think? I mean I can still do 2reps on the 3 major lifts though ;)



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hmm raw eggs for the win might have to look into doing this again.


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Hope all is well CC.
Thanks for checking in on me my man :)

I'm truly sorry for the lack of updates this week. I had to go on a business trip to Germany on Thursday and I arrived back home yesterday. Messed up my whole training routine and my eating schedule :(

Luckily I got all the supps I needed so dosing has been according to plan during the last days.

I've missed my arms, shoulders and leg workouts this week but I intend to hit the gym later today and fix that ;) I'll update thoroughly later today, just woke up exhausted after that business trip and I'm in need of some oatmeal and raw eggs :sgrin: BBL guys :thumbsup:



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Good to have you back.. What do you think, would Triazole be good part of PCT for mild cycle (for example 5 weeks of P-Mag at 75mg/d) if I decided to go with OTC supps? Would for example Triazole, Lean Xtreme and some natural test booster (maybe Activate Xtreme or PCS) be sufficient enough for that kind of relatively mild cycle?


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Good to have you back.. What do you think, would Triazole be good part of PCT for mild cycle (for example 5 weeks of P-Mag at 75mg/d) if I decided to go with OTC supps? Would for example Triazole, Lean Xtreme and some natural test booster (maybe Activate Xtreme or PCS) be sufficient enough for that kind of relatively mild cycle?
Thanks for checking in my Finnish friend :) I really think the Triazole/ActivateX/LeanX stack would suffice for a P-Mag cycle. I would either go 4 or 5 weeks, but max 5 weeks since you're ony going OTC..

I would choose one of these three OTC PCT's:

Reduce XT
PCT Assist

Sustain Alpha
Endo AMP

Activate Xtreme
Lean Xtreme

Or a combination of some of these supplements to achieve a more powerfull OTC PCT ;)



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Yeah.. I allready have some Novedex XT so I may use that to control estrogen but I've read much bad things about ATD. But I'll stock something up to ensure my muscle gains for next few years so I'll see what I decide to order :)


Don`t bother using Sustain Alpha for PCT,that won`t help at all trust need something like 3-4 grams of trans-resveratrol for it to effective.
One serving of Sustain Alpha has a whopping amount of 100mgs of it..


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Yeah.. I allready have some Novedex XT so I may use that to control estrogen but I've read much bad things about ATD. But I'll stock something up to ensure my muscle gains for next few years so I'll see what I decide to order :)
I hope It plays out well for you, and hope you'll log it. If you do hook me up with the link will you?! ;)
Don`t bother using Sustain Alpha for PCT,that won`t help at all trust need something like 3-4 grams of trans-resveratrol for it to effective.
One serving of Sustain Alpha has a whopping amount of 100mgs of it..
Kato pallojaakko - moro :)

The transdermal is a great libido booster! Rub that on your sack and you'll see ;)

But for estrogen control I would choose Triazole.



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I hope It plays out well for you, and hope you'll log it. If you do hook me up with the link will you?! ;)
Yeah I will :) But I've decided not to run any prohormones/designer steroids until the late 2012, I'll just stock up these supplements for the future.. But I'll run another Natadrol cycle (with Ghenerate and maybe ASGT) probably on March and I will log it :)


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It is so awesome I made a thread dedicated to it :lol:
Hahaha nice :sgrin:
Yeah I will :) But I've decided not to run any prohormones/designer steroids until the late 2012, I'll just stock up these supplements for the future.. But I'll run another Natadrol cycle (with Ghenerate and maybe ASGT) probably on March and I will log it :)
Have you thought about adding M1D and MMv3 to your Natadrol cycle? Would make a good extra "kick" to the cycle ;)


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Have you thought about adding M1D and MMv3 to your Natadrol cycle? Would make a good extra "kick" to the cycle ;)
Yeah, I actually have :D But I will stay away for "stronger" hormonal compounds for a while, it's like some kind of psychological limit :lol: Also I'm afraid that I'll lose my gains because I'll spend whole year in military service (starting next July).. M1D and MMv3 could be interesting stack though, and maybe I will add that stack to my "stock" because it isn't very expensive :)
