Boosting my testosterone to new heights with Triazole & Testforce!!



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Amazing review! Definitely interested in trying this down the road!


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A natty 6lbs is awesome!! Nicely done CC..


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Final Review of Stacking:
Triazole, Activate Xtreme, Lean Xtreme, Testforce, Ghenerate, P-Slin

First of all I’d like to show you how I ran this stack:
Triazole: 3 caps / day for 8 weeks
Activate Xtreme: 4caps / day for the last 4 weeks
Lean Xtreme: 1cap / day for the last 4 weeks (leftovers)
Testforce: 6g / day the first two weeks - then 3g / day for 6weeks
GHenerate: 12sparys / day for 8 weeks (6/6 split on workout days, 12 pre bed on non workout days)
P-Slin: 1cap / day for 8 weeks 15-20minutes before the days biggest carb meal

As I mentioned earlier this is by far the most powerful natty stack I’ve ever experienced.:yup: The rise in strength has been insane to say the least. I am very happy with the results I have got. As you all know I’ve been on a winter bulk during this stack and I usually don’t watch what I eat that much when bulking so I typically gain some fat. But during the time on this stack the fat gain has been minimal so this is very positive.:yeah:

Strength 10/10
This has shot up very nicely during these past 8 weeks. My 1RM and 2RM one the big three has seen some definite improvements.:shock: The gains in strength have come slow and steady over the course of time. I don’t but I think these strength gains will be very easily kept after wards considering my test levels will start to return to baseline. :nervous:

Libido 10/10
I’ve seen some nice improvements in this area also. Literally been horny 24/7 once this stack kicked in around week 2. Not to mention when I added the Activate Xtreme! It has been a hard two months in the gym not staring at all the babes doing squats.:hump:

Vascularity 8/10
Even though I’ve been bulking I’ve seen some nice improvements in vascularity. This is something new for me. My veins usually go into hiding during bulking, but not this time.:arms: They show nicely on my arms, chest and shoulders still. I haven’t used any pre workout supps regularly during this stack either so. Just from time to time when I’ve been feeling exhausted due to work.:squint:

Motivation 8/10
Has been better then average I’d say. There have been times when I just didn’t have the urge to lift.:worried: Work has been stressful some days also which most likely have affected motivation.:yuck: Not to mention the time I have been forced to skip the gym and let my tattoo heal, which I thought would mess up this stack completely but apparently not that much..:thumbsup:

Recovery 9/10
Between sets; wonderful!:bigeyes: During rest days; awesome! I have experienced DOMS from time to time, but not as much as usually. In the beginning I did not experience them that much, but when the weights started climbing these became apparent.:fing02: Overall I’ve been feeling very recovered when hitting the gym every other day.

Sleep 8/10
I have slept great during this time.:sleeping: I stopped taking my ZMA supplement before starting this stack because it contained some Zinc and I didn’t want to overdo that part. Also noticed I’ve been sleeping deeper during non workout days, probably because of the whole 12 sprays before bad those evenings. During workout days sleep has been ok but not great. Considering I work out in the noon and I always drink plenty of water during my workouts to stay well hydrated so I tend to wake up at night a lot taking a piss. That’s a small downside but the supplements didn’t contribute to that, just my water intake.

Pump 9/10
On workout days I always ate a high carb pasta meal before working out. Dosed the P-Slin when I got home from work before cooking some dark pasta. Usually hit the gym an hour after my meal. Pumps have been great I must say, I am used to pre workout supps giving me the great pump in the gym, but I definitely felt the effects of P-Slin and a carb rich meal before working out.:eek: There was times I dosed the P-Slin too early before my carb meals and that just make me feel queasy. I think it effected my insuline, because I got all shaky and very hungry!:speechless:

Aggression 10/10
I noticed an increase in this around half way through the stack. I snapped a lot easier and I felt aggressive in the gym.:head: Irritation when seeing all those quacks chatting on the phone and occupying machines made me angry. Good thing though considering the weights suffered and not the other poor bastards. Elevated test FTW!:AR15firing:

I don’t have anything bad to say about this stack. No sides besides the aggression already mentioned but that is a minor thing in my book. :) So let’s move on to the numbers:

Weight during this time went from 200 – 206 so that is a nice 6lbs increase. Very happy about that, I would say this has been more of a lean bulk than a heavy bulk.:wiggle:

The three big lifts have changed as follows:
-Box Squats: 385 – 420 resulting in a 35lb increase
-Deadlifts: 440 – 460 resulting in a 20lb increase
-Military Bench Press: 230 – 265 resulting in a 35lb increase

Arms :
Shoulder Width :
Chest :
Stomach :
Legs :
Calves :

Last but not least I would like to say I highly recommend this stack to anyone!:yes(1): As I mentioned earlier I was gonna go hormonal during my winter bulk, but I didn’t get my SERM in time so I decided to run this instead, and let me tell you all: I don’t regret it the least!!:sasmokin:

Before & After Pictures:
Great review my friend!! You never cease to amaze me mang!! Muhaha!! Say yes to NATTY STACKS BABY!!! They do work and this is somehting that will stick with you muhaha!! HARD EARNED!!! :deal: looks like something to put on the list of things to try muhhaha :wave2:


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Thats an amazing detailed review buddy! very nice!
Amazing review! Definitely interested in trying this down the road!
A natty 6lbs is awesome!! Nicely done CC..
Awesome! Your lifts were already pretty high and you just got stronger!

Great work.
Great review my friend!! You never cease to amaze me mang!! Muhaha!! Say yes to NATTY STACKS BABY!!! They do work and this is somehting that will stick with you muhaha!! HARD EARNED!!! :deal: looks like something to put on the list of things to try muhhaha :wave2:
Thanks everyone :) I am still sorry about the pictures, my camera is fcuked up but I will try to get a memorycard reader from my buddy so I can get the pictures from the memory stick in my camera. Meanwhile the measurements have been updated ;)



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like always man--AWESOME LOG AND REVIEW!!!


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Whats up next my man? Be sure to get me on the new log kid!


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Me as well CC...looks like a monster cycle!


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Great review and log as always CC. Def invite me to the next log even though I already know what is going to help :laugh:


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Pictures update finally :)
Log is complete. Time to move on to the next one ;)

