Boosting my testosterone to new heights with Triazole & Testforce!!



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Nice tat.

Good luck keeping it clean on Phera, lol. That stuff turns me and some other people into carb-craving fiends. I think the combo of lethargy/laziness and carb craving "feed" into each other on weekends. If you have plenty of hawthorne on board you should be fine with BP. I tried CoQ10 and it did not a damn thing for my BP (ubiquinol actually, the more active form of CoQ10). Not worth the money. I like to use high dose taurine since it acts as a diuretic and helps with BP a bit from that angle. Celery seed didn't do sh!t for me either. Good stuff though (Phera); maybe a tad harsh on the liver, but YMMV.
THanks bruther! Yeah I think it will be hard, but I'll try my best ;) It is a bulk after all so I might loose control at some point :lol: Yeah, the CoQ10 I have, also has 400mg Hawthorne in each cap so it is a win-win I guess. CoQ10 should be good for the heart so :)
NIce tip on the Taurine, how did you dose it btw? How much for BP control and backpumps?
aha when you said judge it I was like, O sh1t what did he get LOL, but that is a sick Tattoo, I'm very picky about what Tattoos I like, but I really like this one, looks freakin awesome!

Hahaha :toofunny:
Thanks bruther. Glad you like it :D Might get a little stretched though after I get to run that Creatine Nitrate and Plasmagen - pumps will get crazy I assume ;)



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Day 50

I decided to take the day off and rest one more day before my max week :) Went to the store and bought some food for this week instead.

I will hit the gym today though. Going to trash legs and shoulders and set some new PR's I hope :sgrin: Gotta make this last week count ;)



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You'll be smashing your old numbers guaranteed!!!


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Now that is the ultimate natty stack...Max Food and Max Weight!! Get er done CC


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You'll be smashing your old numbers guaranteed!!!
Now that is the ultimate natty stack...Max Food and Max Weight!! Get er done CC
Thanks for the support :) As promised I killed it in the gym. Just got home - my body is aching from the lifting, but in a good way :D



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Day 51

Finally I got a leg workout in, and I busted the hell out of it :thumbsup:
Got home from work around 4 and cooked some pasta. Downed that along with a protein shake and some extra Aminos and I was ready to hit the gym (an hour later).

As I said I chose to blast the legs and shoulders today since I've been slacking on those for the past 2 weeks, so I was kinda worried where my numbers would be at :sad3:

To my suprise it went REALLY well ;) Green = PR I only marked the ones that belongs to the "Big Three" Lifts. But the workout below is a good comparison to see my progress :)
(I don't post the warmup sets but I always do 2-3 warmup sets per exercise)

Box Squats: 285 x 6, 330 x 3, 375 x 2, 410 x 2, 420 x 2, 165 x 35

Deadlifts (Been a while since I did regular DL's): 310 x 6, 350 x 4, 395 x 2, 460 x 1, 175 x 30

Toe Raises: 200 x 10, 220 x 8, 240 x 6, 265 x 4, 110 x 35

DB Military Presses (individual weight): 65's x 8, 70's x 6, 80's x 4, 90's x ½ :sorry:, 40's x 27

Side Raises (Machine): 145 x 8, 165 x 6, 190 x 5, 210 x 3, 90 x 30

Cable Front Raises: 90 x 10, 100 x 8, 110 x 6, 120 x 4, 55 x 30

Numbers from the start for comparison (same workout but the first on this stack):

Box Squats: 285 x 8, 310x 6, 330 x 4, 350 x 2, 145 x 30

SLDL's: 265 x 8, 285 x 6, 310 x 4, 330 x 2, 130 x 30

Toe Raises: 155 x 8, 175 x 6, 200 x 4, 220 x 3, 90 x 30

DB Military Presses: 55 x 8, 60 x 6, 65 x 4, 70 x 3, 25 x 30

Side Raises (Machine): 110 x 8, 130 x 6, 150 x 4, 170 x 3, 65 x 30

Cable Front Raises: 65 x 8, 75 x 6, 85 x 4, 95 x 3, 35 x 30

So I've added 20lbs to my Deadlift and 35lbs to my Box Squat. Not bad at all I must say :bigeyes: This stack has definitely done a great job :thumbsup:
(And considering I did Squats and Deadlifts on the same day:biglaugh: )

Deadlift: 440 -> 460
Box Squat: 385 -> 420
Bench Press: ?

I'm so nervous about the Bench Press. That has never been my strong side. I suck at it frankly :( But I wont think like that now. Gotta stay positive and trash that bench when it is time :sgrin:

I'll keep tomorrow off and rest up, I'll go from there to see if I'm ready to hit that Bench hard!

Oh I almost forgot! Weigh in today clocked in at: 206lbs!



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OK, as promised - here is a couple of pictures of my new tat. As I mentioned earlier I got the tribal on my left arm covered up with various motives.

No tribal anymore :thumbsup:
Im not big on tats...that thing is CREEPY, in a good way holmes!


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Im not big on tats...that thing is CREEPY, in a good way holmes!
Thanks bruther! It is yes :) But luckily it doesn't scare the sh!t out of me when I wake up and see it :lol:
Great numbers man, that's a solid increase all around.
Thanks!! As I see it, my testosterone must have increased - otherwise I wouldn't have been able to put up those numbers :sgrin:
Hell ya some damn good numbers CC.
Thank you my man! I'm still going to hit those 100lb dumbbells for military presses though - watch out ;)



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My legs are frikkin killing me today. One word: DOMS :head:


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Sick increases on your PR's! Also congrats on the weight gain!


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Sick increases on your PR's! Also congrats on the weight gain!
Thanks bruther :D
I can only imagine what this stack (Triazole/ActivateX/Testforce) + PP's TRS along with a low dose of Clomid would do for PCT. One should bounce back pretty quickly there.. Well I guess we are going to find out in the beginning of the next year ;)



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Thanks bruther :D
I can only imagine what this stack (Triazole/ActivateX/Testforce) + PP's TRS along with a low dose of Clomid would do for PCT. One should bounce back pretty quickly there.. Well I guess we are going to find out in the beginning of the next year ;)

Damn, that'd be one bad-ass pct. I'm already psyched about your next log lol


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Damn, that'd be one bad-ass pct. I'm already psyched about your next log lol
Yeah I figuered it will be :D Got everything lined up in my closet already :thumbsup:

I still haven't determined what to run next though. I recently got the news I will be going on another International Partner Meeting in the middle of January next year so that messes up my plans a little :(

I'll throw out my changed ideas now again :lol:

February - Mid March:
X-Tren: 90/90/90/90/90/90

Mid-March - Beginning of May

This leaves me with one month to cut up some more before summer starts :)

February - Beginning of April
EQ-Plex: 800/800/800/800/800/800/800/800
P-Plex: 0/0/0/0/30/30/30/30

April - Beginning of May

This also leaves me with one month to cut up before summer starts, but I don't think it is that great to start cutting right after an intensive bulk like that.. So I guess I'll postpone this cycle to my next winter bulk?!

Once again I need everybody's advice :sgrin:

I really want to do a recomp for summer again and the Tren/Havoc would have me in great shape before summer I think.. Or then I could do a Havoc/Bold..:think:



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Vote for X-Tren/Havoc stack. I agree that it wouldn't be fun to cut after that kind of bulk.. Or just try to keep it clean with P-Plex & EQ-Plex and don't cut, six-pack is overrated :D


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Vote for X-Tren/Havoc stack. I agree that it wouldn't be fun to cut after that kind of bulk.. Or just try to keep it clean with P-Plex & EQ-Plex and don't cut, six-pack is overrated :D
Yeah, thats what I was thinking too, Tren/Havoc FTW!.
But a Havoc/Bold stack sounds nice also since the EQ-Plex expires the 4/2011 and I have 8 bottles of the stuff :D

Or I could simply save it and run all the EQ-Plex starting 9/2011 (shouldn't loose that much potency during 5 weeks past expiration date) at a dose of 1600/day for 8 weeks :sgrin: Then kick in with P-Plex for the last 4 weeks.. That sounds sweet :yumyum:



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Damn bro u really do want to copy me again lol.

With the Havoc/X-Tren I would want more Havoc or Epi. Run it the same length of time as the X-Tren and maybe dosed a little more(IMO).

Time after expiration wont kill the potency of it so dont run something just because of that. But the Bold/Phera sounds like fun. Although I would run the Phera at the 1st half of the cycle just like u would like a kickstart to an injectable. Get the explosive gains at the beginning and then use the 4 weeks to solidify them.

Btw that PCT looks legit. Should get anyone's test levels higher than precycle lol.


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Damn bro u really do want to copy me again lol.

With the Havoc/X-Tren I would want more Havoc or Epi. Run it the same length of time as the X-Tren and maybe dosed a little more(IMO).

Time after expiration wont kill the potency of it so dont run something just because of that. But the Bold/Phera sounds like fun. Although I would run the Phera at the 1st half of the cycle just like u would like a kickstart to an injectable. Get the explosive gains at the beginning and then use the 4 weeks to solidify them.

Btw that PCT looks legit. Should get anyone's test levels higher than precycle lol.
I hear ya on the Havoc/Tren cycle, but since it is my first time using any of the two compounds I wanna see how I react first. If it is all good I'll bump up the Havoc ;) (The Tren scares me a little so I wanna play it safe - wanna see how it treats me :lol:)
I think this will be my next cycle for sure. In the honor of copying you Tom :sgrin:

I will save the Bold for my winter stack 2011. Going to be an intense winter bulk next year :D


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I hear ya on the Havoc/Tren cycle, but since it is my first time using any of the two compounds I wanna see how I react first. If it is all good I'll bump up the Havoc ;) (The Tren scares me a little so I wanna play it safe - wanna see how it treats me :lol:)
I think this will be my next cycle for sure. In the honor of copying you Tom :sgrin:

I will save the Bold for my winter stack 2011. Going to be an intense winter bulk next year :D
Ok well the main thing I wanted u to take from my advice was to extend the Havoc. Tren staying at 90 is what I would suggest. It is good stuff u wont be disappointed.

Nice cant wait to see what u will do with it.

Im tempted to do the ole Superderdrol/Phera bridge with 4-AD as my test base :sgrin: It really depends on where Im at as far as weight and all.


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1600mg/d of Bold sounds pretty intense, I definitely will be following it :D If you want to get rid of a few bottles of it (maybe 2-3), throw some PM to me ;)


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Ok well the main thing I wanted u to take from my advice was to extend the Havoc. Tren staying at 90 is what I would suggest. It is good stuff u wont be disappointed.

Nice cant wait to see what u will do with it.

Im tempted to do the ole Superderdrol/Phera bridge with 4-AD as my test base :sgrin: It really depends on where Im at as far as weight and all.
Yeah, I'll have another bottle of Havoc on hand if needed :)
That bridge u got planned sounds sweet! And 4-AD as a test base sounds great, I got TD Dermacrine for my Phera/Bold run as a test base ;)

1600mg/d of Bold sounds pretty intense, I definitely will be following it :D If you want to get rid of a few bottles of it (maybe 2-3), throw some PM to me ;)
Yeah it does, but according to the information I've gathered from TripDog's Bold thread:

1600mg would = ~756-840mg active bold/week considering the approximate absorption rate of 45-50% and the conversion rate of ~15%. :thumbsup: (And that is a guestimate on the high end)

I think I'll keep my bottles :sgrin:



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oooo the planning of AAS/AS muhaha havfta LOVE IT!!! :firedevil:


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oooo the planning of AAS/AS muhaha havfta LOVE IT!!! :firedevil:
It is awesome, only wish I could start right away :sgrin:


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Day 52

Nothing special to report. Took the day off and have major DOMS in my legs. Walking like a frikkin duck here :sad3:


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Day 53

Well I still had DOMS in my legs, but my shoulders were feeling better.
So I decided to hit the weights. Wasn't feeling top notch but I was still eager to lift.

I was a little nervous for the bench press though, since I've only been concentrating on Military Bench this whole time :sgrin:

Military Bench Press: 200 x 6, 220 x 3, 240 x 2, 265 x 1, 110 x 35

Incline DB Presses: 65's x 8, 70's x 6, 75's x 4, 90's x 3, 35's x 27

Standing Cable Flyes: 100 x 10, 110 x 8, 120 x 6, 130 x 4, 65 x 36

Pull-Ups: BW+10 x 9, BW+20 x 7, BW+35 x 5, BW+45 x 3, (Pulldowns) 130 x 34

Bent Over BB Row: 190 x 8, 200 x 6, 210 x 4, 220 x 3, 100 x 26

Seated V-Row:190 x 8, 200 x 6, 210 x 4, 220 x 3, 100 x 28

Military Bench: 200lbx x 8, 210lbs x 6, 220lbs x 4, 230lbs x 2, 100lbs x 30

Incline DB Press: 60lbs x 8, 65lbs x 6, 70lbs x 4, 75lbs x 2, 35lbs x 30

Standing Cable Flyes: 80lbs x 8, 90lbs x 6, 100lbs x 4, 110lbs x 2, 45lbs x 30

Pull-Ups: BW x 8, BW+10lbs x 6, BW+20lbs x 4, BW+30lbs x 2, Pulldowns 110lbs x 30

Bent-Over Barbell Row: 155lbs x 8, 165lbs x 6, 175lbs x 4, 185lbs x 2, 85lbs x 30

Seated Row: 155lbs x 8, 175lbs x 6, 200lbs x 4, 220lbs x 2, 100lbs x 30

I decided to go with Military Press after the first warm-up round of regular flat bench presses. Felt awkward since I haven't done them i so long. But I'll focus on regular flat Bench Presses from now on and get that up to ~300 ;)

So my Military Bench has gone from 230 -> 265, that counts for a 35lb increase. Very pleased! I've never concentrated on Military bench this much before so that might contribute to the increase also.. Was mainly focused on getting my chest bigger and that I have accomplished :D

This stack during a heavy winter bulk diet has really pushed my limits :thumbsup:

I still have one more workout to accomplish before this stack ends on Sunday so I will hit Triceps & Biceps on Saturday as my last workout!

Final Review + before and after pictures will be up sometime next week :)

So here is the final Big Three numbers:
Deadlift: 440 -> 460
Box Squat: 385 -> 420
Bench Press: 230 -> 265



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Not bad! If you made 35lbs gains in box squats & bench press with NATURAL products, what will those numbers be after Havoc and X-Tren... :)


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Not bad! If you made 35lbs gains in box squats & bench press with NATURAL products, what will those numbers be after Havoc and X-Tren... :)
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing :D I'm itching to start that cycle :lol:


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Nice work!


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Day 54

Nothing much to report. Took the day OFF and rested up for next days arm blasting :D Hit the bunk early so I got enough sleep :)



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Day 55

Alright, last day working out on this stack. Always sad when a stack has come to the end :sad3: But motivation was top notch despite that :)

Hit the gym around mid day. Didn't wanna go right away in the morning, it usually takes me a few hours to fully wake up and feel bright :D

Close Grip Bench Press: 210 x 8, 220 x 6, 230 x 4, 240 x 2, 110 x 36

Weighted Dips: BW+90 x 8, BW+100 x 6, BW+110 x 4, BW+120 x 3, (Dip-Machine) 155 x 34

Tricep Cable Pushdowns: 65 x 10, 75 x 8, 90 x 6, 100 x 4, 45 x 39

Alternating Curls: (Individual weight, sets per arm) 55's x 8, 60's x 6, 65's x 4, 70's x 3, 35's x 32

Barbell Curls: 110 x 8, 120 x 6, 130 x 4, 145 x 3, 90 x 28

Preacher BB Curls: 65 x 10, 75 x 8, 90 x 6, 100 x 4, 45 x 32

Closegrip bench: 200 x 8, 210 x 6, 220 x 4, 230 x 2, 100 x 35

Weighted Dips: BW+80 x 8, BW+90 x 6, BW+100 x 4, BW+110 x 2, Seated Dips (Machine): 140 x 32

Skullcrushers: 55 x 8, 65 x 6, 75 x 4, 85 x 2, 35 x 30

DB Hammer Curls (Per Arm): 55 x 8, 60 x 6, 65 x 4, 70 x 3, 30 x 30

Barbell Curls: 100 x 8, 110 x 6, 120 x 4, 130 x 3, 55 x 30

DB Concentration Curls (Per Arm): 30 x 8, 35 x 6, 40 x 4, 45 x 3, 20 x 31

Alot of progress on the arm workout has been made too :thumbsup: I can't believe it when I look back at the numbers from when I started this stack :bigeyes: This is by far the most powerful natty stack I've ever been on! This is like hormonal gains imo :sgrin: One last word; unbelievable :)

I'm gonna work on my final review this week and hopefully have it up asap! Stay tuned :sgrin:



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Day 56

Last day! And I just rested :D Had some serious DOMS in my biceps :sgrin:



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Nice gains all around CC. Amazing what has been accomplished with natural supplements these days. I also need to get my CNS going a bit before I workout. Plus I like to have a few meals in me as well.


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Nice gains all around CC. Amazing what has been accomplished with natural supplements these days. I also need to get my CNS going a bit before I workout. Plus I like to have a few meals in me as well.
Thanks my man! Yeah, it is truly amazing.
Well I am a stim junkie so my CNS usually needs a kick, but I've noticed a meal of complex carbs does the trick also. It is just good for me staying away from the stims for a while :lol:



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Well yesterday was my first day off this stack and I hit the weights.
Everything went as good as usual and I hope nothing declines from here.

I will change my program a bit though. Instead of doing sets of 8, 6, 4 and 2 reps I will try to focus on doing 10, 8, 6 and 4 reps. I think those constant 2's are killing my joints.. Gotta switch up once in a while :)



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Keep Killing it brother

you always do awesome logs!

and dont worry about it i will surely send you and invite


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Change is always good CC....The low reps and heavy weight do always take a toll on the joints.


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Alot of progress on the arm workout has been made too :thumbsup: I can't believe it when I look back at the numbers from when I started this stack :bigeyes: This is by far the most powerful natty stack I've ever been on! This is like hormonal gains imo :sgrin: One last word; unbelievable :)

I'm gonna work on my final review this week and hopefully have it up asap! Stay tuned :sgrin:


Looking forward to seeing the final review.


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Can't wait for the final review...


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Ya thats some nice strength gains!

Can't wait for final review, good job CC!


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BOOOOOO YAAAAA CC. . .. SNS REP OF THA YEAR. . . muhahah!!! :AR15firing: :fing02:


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Keep Killing it brother

you always do awesome logs!

and dont worry about it i will surely send you and invite
Thanks bruther :)

Looking forward to seeing the final review.
Can't wait for the final review...
Ya thats some nice strength gains!

Can't wait for final review, good job CC!
BOOOOOO YAAAAA CC. . .. SNS REP OF THA YEAR. . . muhahah!!! :AR15firing: :fing02:
Thanks everyone! Will have it up by the end of the week ;)



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good job CC


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Wait, the end of this week or was it meant to be the end of last week?
I will have it up today when I get home from work. Sorry - it has been a hectic weekend, personal
issues and stuff :(



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Final Review of Stacking:
Triazole, Activate Xtreme, Lean Xtreme, Testforce, Ghenerate, P-Slin

First of all I’d like to show you how I ran this stack:
Triazole: 3 caps / day for 8 weeks
Activate Xtreme: 4caps / day for the last 4 weeks
Lean Xtreme: 1cap / day for the last 4 weeks (leftovers)
Testforce: 6g / day the first two weeks - then 3g / day for 6weeks
GHenerate: 12sparys / day for 8 weeks (6/6 split on workout days, 12 pre bed on non workout days)
P-Slin: 1cap / day for 8 weeks 15-20minutes before the days biggest carb meal

As I mentioned earlier this is by far the most powerful natty stack I’ve ever experienced.:yup: The rise in strength has been insane to say the least. I am very happy with the results I have got. As you all know I’ve been on a winter bulk during this stack and I usually don’t watch what I eat that much when bulking so I typically gain some fat. But during the time on this stack the fat gain has been minimal so this is very positive.:yeah:

Strength 10/10
This has shot up very nicely during these past 8 weeks. My 1RM and 2RM one the big three has seen some definite improvements.:shock: The gains in strength have come slow and steady over the course of time. I don’t but I think these strength gains will be very easily kept after wards considering my test levels will start to return to baseline. :nervous:

Libido 10/10
I’ve seen some nice improvements in this area also. Literally been horny 24/7 once this stack kicked in around week 2. Not to mention when I added the Activate Xtreme! It has been a hard two months in the gym not staring at all the babes doing squats.:hump:

Vascularity 8/10
Even though I’ve been bulking I’ve seen some nice improvements in vascularity. This is something new for me. My veins usually go into hiding during bulking, but not this time.:arms: They show nicely on my arms, chest and shoulders still. I haven’t used any pre workout supps regularly during this stack either so. Just from time to time when I’ve been feeling exhausted due to work.:squint:

Motivation 8/10
Has been better then average I’d say. There have been times when I just didn’t have the urge to lift.:worried: Work has been stressful some days also which most likely have affected motivation.:yuck: Not to mention the time I have been forced to skip the gym and let my tattoo heal, which I thought would mess up this stack completely but apparently not that much..:thumbsup:

Recovery 9/10
Between sets; wonderful!:bigeyes: During rest days; awesome! I have experienced DOMS from time to time, but not as much as usually. In the beginning I did not experience them that much, but when the weights started climbing these became apparent.:fing02: Overall I’ve been feeling very recovered when hitting the gym every other day.

Sleep 8/10
I have slept great during this time.:sleeping: I stopped taking my ZMA supplement before starting this stack because it contained some Zinc and I didn’t want to overdo that part. Also noticed I’ve been sleeping deeper during non workout days, probably because of the whole 12 sprays before bad those evenings. During workout days sleep has been ok but not great. Considering I work out in the noon and I always drink plenty of water during my workouts to stay well hydrated so I tend to wake up at night a lot taking a piss. That’s a small downside but the supplements didn’t contribute to that, just my water intake.

Pump 9/10
On workout days I always ate a high carb pasta meal before working out. Dosed the P-Slin when I got home from work before cooking some dark pasta. Usually hit the gym an hour after my meal. Pumps have been great I must say, I am used to pre workout supps giving me the great pump in the gym, but I definitely felt the effects of P-Slin and a carb rich meal before working out.:eek: There was times I dosed the P-Slin too early before my carb meals and that just make me feel queasy. I think it effected my insuline, because I got all shaky and very hungry!:speechless:

Aggression 10/10
I noticed an increase in this around half way through the stack. I snapped a lot easier and I felt aggressive in the gym.:head: Irritation when seeing all those quacks chatting on the phone and occupying machines made me angry. Good thing though considering the weights suffered and not the other poor bastards. Elevated test FTW!:AR15firing:

I don’t have anything bad to say about this stack. No sides besides the aggression already mentioned but that is a minor thing in my book. :) So let’s move on to the numbers:

Weight during this time went from 200 – 206 so that is a nice 6lbs increase. Very happy about that, I would say this has been more of a lean bulk than a heavy bulk.:wiggle:

The three big lifts have changed as follows:
-Box Squats: 385 – 420 resulting in a 35lb increase
-Deadlifts: 440 – 460 resulting in a 20lb increase
-Military Bench Press: 230 – 265 resulting in a 35lb increase

Arms : 41 -42cm
Shoulder Width : 132 - 133cm +1
Chest : 116 - 116,5cm +0,5
Stomach : 85 - 86,5cm +1,5
Legs : 61,5 - 62cm +0,5
Calves : 38 - 39cm +1

Last but not least I would like to say I highly recommend this stack to anyone!:yes(1): As I mentioned earlier I was gonna go hormonal during my winter bulk, but I didn’t get my SERM in time so I decided to run this instead, and let me tell you all: I don’t regret it the least!!:sasmokin:

Before & After Pictures:
Can't see that much - other than more fat around my mid section cuz of bulking :lol: And the tattoo of course :laugh:

