Tomahawk is Unleasing the Monster (log)



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Dude, are you just talking to yourself here? Is it too late to sub!? I've just been lurking... J/K!

Sick lifting, makes me feel weak sauce. Big time jealous, kill it!


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Man I wish I had the other video already. It would make this an epic sequel lol. Might get the other video before Ben leaves otherwise it will take a while.

I was under 236 today which is light for me. Already losing a little bit of the water weight if u ask me.

YouTube - 675 Deadlift
And if this wasnt enough of an ego boost I got a little story to tell :sgrin:


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Man I wish I had the other video already. It would make this an epic sequel lol. Might get the other video before Ben leaves otherwise it will take a while.

And if this wasnt enough of an ego boost I got a little story to tell :sgrin:
DAMN! Makes my back hurt!

Sounds like story time in the log...


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That **** is halarious bro... this dude kills it too:


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Man I wish I had the other video already. It would make this an epic sequel lol. Might get the other video before Ben leaves otherwise it will take a while.

I was under 236 today which is light for me. Already losing a little bit of the water weight if u ask me.

And if this wasnt enough of an ego boost I got a little story to tell :sgrin:
:| ...HOLY ****! That is just wow, very impressive! We should start callin ya the terminator:D


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DAMN! Makes my back hurt!

Sounds like story time in the log...
Its a short story nothing all that special either.

Damn impressive deadlift!
Thanks man always been something I love to do.

You're getting friggin' close to that goal of pulling 700. I haven't even hit 600 yet. :ntome:
I know man its crazy to think. Usually my deadlift goes down after my cycle is over so it will be interesting to see how much strength sticks. My workout partner wants 700 while he is gone for 8 weeks. He couldnt budge 675 today but got 645 pretty good last week. He will be running his 1st cycle.

That **** is halarious bro... this dude kills it too:
Haha I told u man.

Hello to u too. Nice of u to join lol.

:| ...HOLY ****! That is just wow, very impressive! We should start callin ya the terminator:D
Lol Idk about all that but thanks.


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When you're completely done with PCT you should make a video log of all your vids from start to finish - cuz not only is it more weight, but you can tell a difference in your body composition IMO anyway.... solid pull, this whole fukkin cycle is what its all about, kill it, and then go back and kill it some more. your pull day aint no b1tch... lol


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Ok so the story. I know I mentioned this chick before in passing. Her name is Kelley, She was at the bar b que/watch college football all day thing the weekend before. Chick with the nose ring that looked pretty good and pretty much had her perky boobs almost falling out the whole time.

So was doing my warm up sets and getting water after every set. See this chick with skin tight pants and shorts on top(had seen her before didnt realize this at the bar b que) plus her hair up. Was going through my warm ups and of course checking her out when possible she is hot.

Put 665 on the bar and slowly prepare myself for a jump of 20 pounds in a week as I listen to my Ipod on full blast. Thinking it is going to kick my ass. In the background I see her close by talking to some guys. Maybe I just saw what I want to see but I think she was peeking over before I lifted. So I finally go to try 665 and wow I pull that sh1t up like it is nothing(I cant wait to be able to post this video up later). As I am pulling it up I YELL "FUCCK! Should have gone for 675!" Atleast that is what I think came out lol. I know it was loud because a guy talked to me later and said he heard me and saw people almost fall off treadmills from turning to see what happened lol.

So of course after getting 665 I go to get water. As Im walking back Kelley waves for me to come over. She walks over and checks to see if Im the guy from the bar b que. We talk a little bit but Im halfway turned ready to go lift again. I got to say she looked damned sexy when we talked. Idk how to explain it but she just kind of moved a little and looked so damn cute doing it. Did the whole bye thing and I went on my way. Will most likely see her again in the future.

Then I went ahead and pulled 675 lol.


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OMG BYYYYEEEEE!!!!!!!!! lol

we just did the bye thing too... no homo lol


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OMG BYYYYEEEEE!!!!!!!!! lol

we just did the bye thing too... no homo lol
I hate...jk lol.

I honestly dont remember too much of what was said. Was pretty much just thinking about lifting or smashing but not talking.

Oh ya and this girl is supposed to be somewhat smart but she gives off a real dumb ditzy vibe not going to lie.


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That's f*cking gangster Tom. In PCT non the less I wanna see you pull that bitch and 700 next week!


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Ok so the story. I know I mentioned this chick before in passing. Her name is Kelley, She was at the bar b que/watch college football all day thing the weekend before. Chick with the nose ring that looked pretty good and pretty much had her perky boobs almost falling out the whole time.

So was doing my warm up sets and getting water after every set. See this chick with skin tight pants and shorts on top(had seen her before didnt realize this at the bar b que) plus her hair up. Was going through my warm ups and of course checking her out when possible she is hot.

Put 665 on the bar and slowly prepare myself for a jump of 20 pounds in a week as I listen to my Ipod on full blast. Thinking it is going to kick my ass. In the background I see her close by talking to some guys. Maybe I just saw what I want to see but I think she was peeking over before I lifted. So I finally go to try 665 and wow I pull that sh1t up like it is nothing(I cant wait to be able to post this video up later). As I am pulling it up I YELL "FUCCK! Should have gone for 675!" Atleast that is what I think came out lol. I know it was loud because a guy talked to me later and said he heard me and saw people almost fall off treadmills from turning to see what happened lol.

So of course after getting 665 I go to get water. As Im walking back Kelley waves for me to come over. She walks over and checks to see if Im the guy from the bar b que. We talk a little bit but Im halfway turned ready to go lift again. I got to say she looked damned sexy when we talked. Idk how to explain it but she just kind of moved a little and looked so damn cute doing it. Did the whole bye thing and I went on my way. Will most likely see her again in the future.

Then I went ahead and pulled 675 lol.
Lol... That's awesome!!! I bet 675 isn't the only thing you end up pulling tonight :rofl: Seriously though, I hope you pull this chick - Kelley too!


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Oh ya and this girl is supposed to be somewhat smart but she gives off a real dumb ditsy vibe not going to lie.
Could be a nervous thing or just the way she is when talking to someone she is somewhat intimidated by.


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That's f*cking gangster Tom. In PCT non the less I wanna see you pull that bitch and 700 next week!
I will see what I can do man lol. But no thats it for maxing. Ben leaves this Thursday so no more videos for a while. Plus no real put in maxing if I cant "prove" it. And 700 would break me 675 was a bitch to get up.

Lol... That's awesome!!! I bet 675 isn't the only thing you end up pulling tonight :rofl: Seriously though, I hope you pull this chick - Kelley too!
Lol killing me man. I dont think I could hang out with Kelley too much unless I drank. Dumb and ditzy vibes only seem cute to me for so long.

Oh ya talked to Nicole a little bit today. Still wouldnt mind seeing her haha.

Could be a nervous thing or just the way she is when talking to someone she is somewhat intimidated by.
Touche lol


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Lol killing me man. I dont think I could hang out with Kelley too much unless I drank. Dumb and ditzy vibes only seem cute to me for so long.
If you don't want anything long-term then just F.F.F. Plenty of girls are fine with that.
Oh ya talked to Nicole a little bit today. Still wouldnt mind seeing her haha.
Oh boy... here we go again. :rolleyes:


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If you don't want anything long-term then just F.F.F. Plenty of girls are fine with that.

Oh boy... here we go again. :rolleyes:
Haha we shall see how that works out for me.

Dude do I need to post pics to show y? lol


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Debating what I want to do as far as a workout today. Ben already said he is done as far as lifting goes until he leaves. Mario didnt try contacting me about lifting yesterday. I guess I will just text Mario early because chest isnt much fun byself. Plus I dont trust many people to spot me on DBs. Im going to catch u TG... its just going to take a while lol.

PCT is going good so far. Found a nice way of taking clomid without crazy amounts of carbs. HCGenerate seems to be doing its job. Sustain Alpha on the balls after showers keeps them hanging well so glad I have crazy amounts of this stuff for my balls. Toco-8 mixes well into a drink I make. Thought about taking Erase because I kept feeling a weird feeling in my chest but it passed all in my head I guess.

In case anyone missed this from last night. Pulled 665 super easy so I went up to 675 which is 7 plates on each side a 30 pound increase from last week.



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Sounds like PCT is going smooth as a breeze :) Strength is still climbing or has it stabilized? Great vid my man, lifting hyuge weight there :thumbsup:



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Man I wish I had the other video already. It would make this an epic sequel lol. Might get the other video before Ben leaves otherwise it will take a while.

I was under 236 today which is light for me. Already losing a little bit of the water weight if u ask me.

YouTube - 675 Deadlift
And if this wasnt enough of an ego boost I got a little story to tell :sgrin:
You're getting friggin' close to that goal of pulling 700. I haven't even hit 600 yet. :ntome: go pull 600 lbs. immediately. The God of Thunder commands it!!:hammer:
I will see what I can do man lol. But no thats it for maxing. Ben leaves this Thursday so no more videos for a while. Plus no real put in maxing if I cant "prove" it. And 700 would break me 675 was a bitch to get up.
So.......young Jedi listened to old Yoda yesterday, did he not? Pulled that 675. did he not? The "force" was with you, was it not?

Pleased I was. And more pleased I shall be when you pull 700.

Scream, I will!!:scared:


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haha nice vid tom, see you almost forgot to use that alternate grip.. lol. **note to SC, see how tom is doing this buddy? CHALK & alternate grips!


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haha nice vid tom, see you almost forgot to use that alternate grip.. lol. **note to SC, see how tom is doing this buddy? CHALK & alternate grips!
ya man that is damn impressive grip.. you boys never felt like the mixed grip puts a straign on elbow and wrist on the underhand side?


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ya man that is damn impressive grip.. you boys never felt like the mixed grip puts a straign on elbow and wrist on the underhand side?
This is happened to me before... Then I realiazed I was setting up to wide, and it stopped happening


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ya man that is damn impressive grip.. you boys never felt like the mixed grip puts a straign on elbow and wrist on the underhand side?
Nope never had that problem.


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Damn 675 and a hot chick story, sounded like a good day at the gym. You're officially too beast to be a civilian. A word of advice, you might want to see a chiropractor to get an alignment sometime in the future. When you start pulling uber-human weight, you want to make sure your vertebrae are perfectly aligned.

I can't even imagine how 7 plates look in real life. Video doesn't do it enough justice.


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Watched your lifts last night man, crazy.


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Tom is just a straight up beast, animal............. FUKK man


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Sounds like PCT is going smooth as a breeze :) Strength is still climbing or has it stabilized? Great vid my man, lifting hyuge weight there :thumbsup:

So far so good. Man last week I got 645 and I made a 30 pound jump..what do u think? lol

Thanks man the most I had done before this cycle was just over 600 I think.

Very nice bro.
Thanks man good to see u around. go pull 600 lbs. immediately. The God of Thunder commands it!!:hammer:

So.......young Jedi listened to old Yoda yesterday, did he not? Pulled that 675. did he not? The "force" was with you, was it not?

Pleased I was. And more pleased I shall be when you pull 700.

Scream, I will!!:scared:
Yes listen to him Resolve that is what I did. Man is a motivational master!

Thanks again TG good talking to u yesterday. 700 is still a ways away and honestly probably wont be till my next cycle. I make stagnant gains naturally especially when I plan on dropping a few pounds. Plus the only person who can keep up with me on deadlifts is leaving.

haha nice vid tom, see you almost forgot to use that alternate grip.. lol. **note to SC, see how tom is doing this buddy? CHALK & alternate grips!
Haha def didnt forget just wanted to make sure I was lined up right. I saw a video of a guy doing 675 double overhand though.

Thanks man.

man what a great pull my friend!!!
Got to do something with this strength.

ya man that is damn impressive grip.. you boys never felt like the mixed grip puts a straign on elbow and wrist on the underhand side?
No but u will notice I have been twisting the bar.

Damn 675 and a hot chick story, sounded like a good day at the gym. You're officially too beast to be a civilian. A word of advice, you might want to see a chiropractor to get an alignment sometime in the future. When you start pulling uber-human weight, you want to make sure your vertebrae are perfectly aligned.

I can't even imagine how 7 plates look in real life. Video doesn't do it enough justice.
Ya it really was. Enough to boost the ole ego just a little. I used to go to the chiropractor about monthly and need to start that back up.

Sh1t is scary to look at no lie. In the video of 665 Ben does a close up of the weights passing them by so u can really see how much is on the bar... looks bad ass. But it made the video too long so he will have to upload it to his computer and then email it.

Watched your lifts last night man, crazy.
Thanks man. Keep working on urs.

Tom is just a straight up beast, animal............. FUKK man
Haha Im just good at deadlifting.


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No but u will notice I have been twisting the bar.
i watched again and noticed that.. may have to copy your technique.. and your clomid concoction :)


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and your weight belt..


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i watched again and noticed that.. may have to copy your technique.. and your clomid concoction :)
Man I wish yall could go ahead and see the 665 video. It is like movie epic. I cant wait to watch it again.

Dude the drink taste good. A little fiber plus like 2 grams of carbs from the other powder.

and your weight belt..
Oh it isnt my weight belt. It is my workout partner Ben's belt which he is taking with him when he leaves Thursday. I need to get my own def like that belt.

I was only 236 on the scale yesterday with everything on. Most I weighted on cycle was 240.0


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oh well though i'm not training for strength for a while. next year maybe i'll get into that


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Man I wish yall could go ahead and see the 665 video. It is like movie epic. I cant wait to watch it again.

Dude the drink taste good. A little fiber plus like 2 grams of carbs from the other powder.

Oh it isnt my weight belt. It is my workout partner Ben's belt which he is taking with him when he leaves Thursday. I need to get my own def like that belt.

I was only 236 on the scale yesterday with everything on. Most I weighted on cycle was 240.0
You need a full on INZER power belt bro. Go to and take a look around at their belts. Tried & true and only meant for people who lift big.


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tom i'm jealous of that deadlift
oh well though i'm not training for strength for a while. next year maybe i'll get into that
Man Im built to deadlift plain and simple. It would be a crime for me not to deadlift.

You need a full on INZER power belt bro. Go to and take a look around at their belts. Tried & true and only meant for people who lift big.
Will def check them out. Ben has a APT belt I really like using.

x2 i got one!
Nice thats an endorsement if u ask me.

So I went and worked chest by myself today lame. Didnt really get much food in other than a protein shake and some almonds. Then used an exaggered scoop of ASGT with 1 gram ALCAR and later a scoop of Jack3d.

Weighed myself today before I lifted 231! later on I was 232 but damn that is a 4-5 pound drop in weight in a day. I know I didnt have much in me but still I dont fluctuate like that usually.

I will post my workout later just wanted to throw that out there.

Oh and it looks like Lindsey might be GONE not just a short trip but moved. So maybe it was for the best we didnt hang out anymore. I know I was getting attached to her which would have only been harder to have her leave.

Looks like instead of working out with Mario I will be lifting alone from now on. Mario's work schedule changed and now he will be going into lift before he goes to work lifting at 6am. Idk about yall but I cant lift worth crap that early.

This weekend going to another bar b que watch college football thing. Kelley and other girls should be there. Hopefully my sister goes out the night before and doesnt show up. She didnt come last time and I got introduced as "Pam's baby brother" less. Plenty of hulk comments though.

Also this weekend there is a UFC fight. Heather "promised" she will be at this one but who actually believes anything girls say? It should be interesting to see if anyone can tell a difference in my size. Losing that extra bit of water weight but vascularity seems to be in tact interested to see how BRIDGE feels and treats me.


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Man it sure is fun in purgatory lol.

So my workout from today.

Incline DB press 110*12, 125*7, 140*5

Incline DB flyes 30*10, 40*10, 50*10, 60*10 Strict form

Dips BW*15, 15, 15, 15, 15

Standing DB flyes 10*12, 15*12, 20*12

Flat Hammer strength press 140 total 5 sets of 12 with really short breaks(for the pump)

Went straight to Standing DB flyes again 15*8 dropset to 10*8

Start was for strength but then went for the pump and I got one. It is going to be interesting to see how much of this strength I can keep without a workout partner. I dont like trusting random smucks to spot me right.

A guy I talk to regular who wanted to start lifting together before I started lifting with Mario asked if I wanted to lift with him tomorrow. He is def all about the look but had a decent squat number. Then he decided to cut so he went from 220 now down to under 200 and he is weak sause. Swear I wont be able to find anyone to lift with at this fitness center.

Oh saw this "natural" bodybuilder today. Hadnt seen him in a while bc he has been overseas and DAMN. He is a big dude. Almost forgot how jacked he was.

Thinking about posting a blacked out pic of one of my old workout partners who is a BB.


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Trapped in the Purgatory!!

now thats what the f*** im talking about.. id be your workout partner if i lived near you dog.. i could hang!

put it up!
Haha thanks man music is comforting here.

Middle of Georgia man. Hell if I had a workout partner worth a damn Id pay for a gym membership although I might have to soon. Did u see that bar for deadlifts? Wont be able to put small plates on for small weight changes. It will have to be a 45 or a 25.

I need someone to push me on chest and shoulders thats def what Ben did. We were fairly even on squats and deadlifts with me being ahead a little.

Alright I will later. He wasnt this big when I lifted with him but he was still big and the workouts were brutal.


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These are some pics of Kevin recently. To say the least he has gotten bigger. Working out with him was great I def saw a lot of growth. The work outs were insane Idk how I survived lol.




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He's in great shape to say the least :)



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Man, reading this log makes me want to throw in the towel! I hurt my back/hammy DL'ing 455! Now you're putting up pics of beastly natural athletes. Damnit Tom!

BRB, gonna mainline 60mg SD...


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Damn, your friend looks effing legit. That's way beyond what I'll ever achieve, kudos to folks who actually get there.

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